THE CASE FOR IKE'S ADMINSTRATION See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State i1Iaii4r MOSTLY FAIR, NO RAIN VOL. LXIV, No. 168 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1954 SIX PAGES 'Britain Also Oposes Red China in UN' United Kingdom Stands With U.S. LONDON (0 - Prime Minister }. Churchill said Monday Britain stands with the United States in opposing admission of Communist China into the United Nations un- der present conditions. Simultaneously the Prime Minis- ter hinted that President Eisen- hower favors in principle his plan for an informal meeting between them and Soviet Premier Georgi N. Malenkov. Report to Commons Reporting to the House of Com- mons on his Washington talks with the President, Churchill emphasiz- ed that Britain still wants the Chi- nese Reds to prove good faith be- fore taking China's U.N. seat. "The foreign secretary (Anthony Eden) and I were astonished on our homeward voyage to read in the press and other reports which were sent to us of the storm sud- denly raised in the United States by Sen. Knowland (Republican ma- jority leader) about the possibility of Communist China being admit- ted to the United Nations against American wishes, and still more astonished that these reports ' seemed to be in some way or other linked with our visit, as if we had come over for such a purpose," Churchill emphasized that the subject "played no noticeable part" in his Washington discus- sions and was "not an immediate issue." 'Not the Moment' "Although the British govern- ment still believes that the Central People's (Communist) government should represent China in the Unit- ed Nations," he told the packed House, "they do not consider that this is the moment for the matter to be reconsidered." The Prime Minister said time would be needed to judge China's k good faith and cooperation even if the Reds and other powers reached agreeints. on Korea and Indo- china, such agreements, he observ- ed, would depend on good faith. At the close of his 50-minute speech, former Prime Minister Clement Attlee, leader of the Labor party, asked Churchill whether the idea of a Big Three conference had been raised in Washington. "Yes, sir," Churchill answered, "it certainly was discussed in gen- eral terms between me and the President and in our circle there, and all its difficulties were sur- veyed. "Broadly speaking, I think the question is more one of timing than anything else." The Prime Minister did not ela- borate, but members of Parlia- ment got the strong impression from Churchill's careful phrasing that the President favored a Big Three meeting at the right time. Brake Speaks At Courthouse Judge Cites Importance of Local Government at County Ceremony By DIANE AuWERTER Daily Managing Editor Circuit Judge James R. Breakey yesterday told an assembled group of federal, state and local officials that "We cannot expect or demand good government in our state or national capitals unless we implement that principle of free government in our administra- tion of our local affairs." Speaking at the laying of the cornerstone for the $2,700,000 Wash- tenaw County courthouse, the judge continued, "We shall have no better state and national government than we as a nation insist upon having in our local communities." The brief cornerstone ceremony was held at 2:30 p.m. at the "right of the N. Main-E. Huron DULLES ISITS PARIS I 'SURPRISE 0' E' M.r.. Eden, Chou Fly Back. To Geneva GENEVA (A - Britain's Foreign Secretary Eden and Red China's Premier Chou En-lai flew back to Geneva Monday to throw into high gear once again the East-West negotiations for peace in Indo- china. Western efforts were stepped up to give full power to French Pre- mier Pierre Mendes-France under the eight-day deadline he has set for a settlement or resignation of his government. The conference received a new stimulus Monday afternoon with the announcement from Washing- ton that U. S. Secretary of State Dulles has decided on a hurry-up to Paris Monday night to confer with Mendes-France on the Indo- china negotiations. Eden to Paris Eden will go to Paris with the French Premier for talks with Dul- les, who apparently acceded to re- peated urgings by Mendes-France that he lend his fullest support to the fateful peace conference. Dulles took off for Paris Mon- day evening. There. was no hint. here, or in Washington that Dulles would come on to Geneva to join in the Indo- china discussions. He has said pre- viously he would not consider re- turning to Geneva unless he found evidence of Communist' good faith. Mendes-France has said that he will step out of office if the Indo- china War has not ended by July 20. Mendes - France scheduled an appointment with Chou En - lai Tuesday morning before returning to Paris to see Dulles. Cool Eves OMAHA (P)-E. F. Stapo- wich, head of the Omaha Weather Bureau, kept cool in his "weather-wise" house when the mercury climbed to 107 in Omaha Sunday equaling the all-time July 11 record. Stapowich designed his home which he calls "Weathering Heights," to withstand 'weath- er extremes. It has wide over- hanging eaves to keep out the sun and sits at an angle to catch the prevailing winds from the southeast. street entrance. Culminationof Struggle The building of the courthouse represents the culmination of a struggle which began nearly 16 years ago. Plans for the new court- house, which is being built on the site of the old building, have been laid since 1938. Now nearly half completed, the new courthouse went through a series of snags over location of the building, legal complications, and financing procedures. Throughout the long period, local agitation for the building continued, but it did not get the final go-ahead until November, 1952 ,when voters ap- proved the bonding issue and tax increase. Once these difficulties were iron- ed out, however, construction pro- ceeded smoothly, starting with the ground-breaking last October. The. latest holdup came this spring dur- ing a carpenter's walkout, which put construction about six-weeks behind schedule. Monument to Future The cornerstone ceremony be- gan this afternoon with music by the Chelsea high school band, fol- lowed by talks by local Congres- sional Rep. George Meader, the cornerstone ceremony and the fea- tured address by Judge Breakey. Terming the building "a monu- ment to local self-government," Judge Breakey continued, "but this new building which occasions our presence today is not just a monu- ment of County government .. . it is a lasting symbol of the abid- ing strength of local self govern- ment for the future." "Good government is not a com- modity sold or furnished by the officials to the people, it must first exist in the minds and hearts of the people themselves." He cited nations which have wished to be free but neither could implement and effectuate their freedom nor defend and protect it, maintaining that "The people's faith in their government begins at the local level." William Kelley, East Ann Arbor supervisor, introduced the speak- ers and Henry F. Hicks, Ypsilanti Township Supervisor and chair- man of the Board of Supervisors, officially laid the cornerstone. Into the cornerstone, for poster- ity, went copies of area newspapers with stories on the ceremony, mic- rofilmed contents of the corner- stone of the old building, catalogs from the University of Michigan State Normal College, and other signs of the times, such as road maps and proof ballots of the Aug. 3 primary election. PROF. JOHN A. HAWGOOD ... from Birmingham Hawgood Views British Politics Speculateson Coming Elections By BAERT BRAND Two $64 dollar questions in Brit- ish politics are: "Who will win the next British general election? and, When will Sir Winston Churchill give way to his successor?" These questions were raised by John A. Hawgood, Chairman of the Department of History and Head of the Department of Gov- ernment at the University of Bir- mingham, England yesterday in a ham, England yesterday in a speech before a group of students andfaculty entitled: "British Poli- tical Parties and Personalities." Prof. Hawgood believes t h a t should the Labor Party unseat the Conservatives in the next general election, which must come by 1956, no fundamental changes would oc- cur in Anglo-American policy. "Basically British foreign policy in post-war years has attained bi- partisan support," Prof. Hawgood declared in support of his view, adding that it is likely to remain so. Attitude Differences The Labor Party is split in its attitude toward the United States, he said. These differences concern the re-armament of West Germany and on how far Britain should go along with American Asia policy. But, he added, the Labor Party shares the Amercian attitude of "suspicion verging on hostility"' toward Russia. Prof. Hawgood believes that should the Labor G o v e r n - ment come to power, it would ap- pear on paper to be further away from the United States than it fun- damentally actually is although, he said, there is no definite an- swer to its possible behavior. Although Sir Winston Churchill will be 80 years old next November, it is still uncertain whether or not he intends to retire from govern- ment service, Prof. Hawgood said. Conservative Leadership a Question Who should take over the leader- ship of the Conservative Party when Churchill fades out of the picture poses an interesting ques- tion, according to the British Pro- fess or. The apparent successor would be Anthony Eden, he said. But if the rumors about the state of Eden's health turn out true he may be out of the running. Prof. Hawgood considers R. A. Butler as next in line after Eden for Party leadership. Butler is an able and efficient man with a large following of British business- men who has been in Parliament for 20 years, he said. As for present and future leader- ship in the Labor Party the ques- tion is: Who will succeed Clement Atlee, who is over70,cand is re- cognized as the Labor leader. Prof. Hawgood said that Her- bert Morrison, Atlee's right hand man, Is also too old to be in the running. Another unlikely contend- er, according to Hawgood, is An- euran Bevan who because of his appeal to the fellow travelers in Britain isn't desirable to the av- erage Labor voter. Hugh Gaitskell was mentioned as a likely candidate for leader- ship in the Labor Party by Prof. French Hit Vietminh In Squeeze Three Posts Hold Under Red Attack HANOI, Indochina (P-Three thousand Vietminh joining the squeeze on the Red River Delta's shrinking defenses were pounded by French armored and infantry units and left 300 dead on the bat- tlefield. A French briefing officer said the troops had been staked out to catch the rebels. The officer said the battle was fought for five hours Sunday when Communist-led rebels tried to smash three French Union posts about 20 miles south of Hanoi. All the posts-Lekhu, Dong Ly, and Thuong Thon-withstood the as- sault. The three posts are along the Hung Yen-Hanoi supply line. The fierce French counterattack beat the rebels off before their demoli- tion teams could blow up sections of the road which supplies the iso- lated garrison at Hung Yen, about 25 miles southeast of Hanoi, The area is crawling with Viet- minh guerrillas and regulars who have infiltrated the new French defense lines drawn from Hung Yen east to the seacoast. The French lined up the armor- ed column along the road last week, in expectation of a heavy, if not a major, attack along the sup- ply route to Hung Yen. A mobile unit of some 2,000 French Union infantry also were spotted along the route. Trung Gai Meeting A member of the French dele- gation now meeting with Vietminh representatives at Trung Gai-In- dochina's Panmunjom-indicated Monday he believed there would be no cease-fire in Indochina unless the French agreed to turn over Hanoi, and possibly all the Red River Delta, to the rebels. The Trung Gai talks are aimed at working out details of a pos- sible cease-fire although the ac- tual armistice decision will be made at Geneva. The French probably would be given two or three months to com- plete their evacuation from Hanoi, he indicated. Other French sources have suggested, however, the High Command would move out. as quickly as possible to avoid in- ternal strife. U' Hospital Death Of Youth Probed Local authorities Monday be- gan an investigation into the death of 18-year-old Albert Cisco, a polio patient who had had spent the last two years in an iron lung. The youth was discovered dead Sunday morning by a nurse, Mrs. John Botchen. One of the valves on the me- chanical respirator was found open and an autopsy performed at University Hospital showed that he died from lack of oxygen. Will Avoid Genevan Conference To Meet Eden, Mendes-France WASHINGTON (--Secretary of 'PROVISIONAL TRIESTE DIVISION-This map illustrates a so-called provisional division of the Free Territory, between Yugo- slavia and Italy, which is expected within a few days. In brief, the compromise provides that Italy will take over Zone A, 86 square miles with a population of 300,000, including the port of Trieste. Yugoslavia will finalize her control over one B, farming hinterland with 750,000 population and 119 square miles, with an undisclosed number of millions of American dollars to help develop a port at Capodistria. BUILDING SCANDALS: JusticeDeprartment Asked To Probe Case State Dulles left by plane for, Paris Monday night in a surprise move which he said demonstrates "the deep concern" he feels over developments in Indochina and Eu- rope. Dulles expressed hope that con- ference scheduled with French Premier Mendes-France apd Brit- ish Foreign Secretary Eden Tues- day would assure "coordinated ac- tion" by the three governments. The secretary emphasized that his flying visit to Paris in no way means he has changed his previous decision to stay away from the Geneva Far East peace conference where Indochina truce talks are nearing a showdown stage. Dulles left aboard a four-engined air force plane, less than three hours after the State Department disclosed that, in answer to an urgent French invitation, he had agreed to talk with Mendes-France and Eden. The White House said President Eisenhower approved the trip. Airport Statement In a statement at the airport, Dulles served notice that the Unit- ed States might take an attitude different from that of France in any truce aimed at settling the In. dochina war. "The United States itself is not a belligerent in Indochina," he said, "and it is not clear that the interests which we hold in com- mon with France and Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia will necessar- ily be best served by identical ac- tion in all respects. "Therefore, my trip to Parissis without prejudice to the position previously expressed that neither I nor Undersecretary Smith have at the present time any plans for going to Geneva where the United States is presently maintaining con- tacts with developments through Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson and his associates." French Ambassador Henri Bon- net, who joined British Ambassa- dor Sir Roger Makins in bidding goodbye to Dulles at the airport, made it plain France continues to hope Dulles can be persuaded to go on to Geneva after finishing his Paris talks. "I hope so, I hope so," Bonnet said when asked about this. But, he added: "You heard him-he made no promises, but one has hopes." Dulles noted the bitter Indochina conflict has imposed on France and the Indochina states "A spe- cial set of primary interest" since they have been contributing their manpower in the drive there to block Communism. Prof. Wood, Engineering Expert, Dies Prof. Bonner, Retired Greek Scholar, Dies Formerly Headed Department Here Prof. Emeritus Campbell Bon- ner, 78 years old, died yesterday at University Hospital. A member of the University fa- culty since 1907, Prof. Bonner was, o regarded as a leading authority on ancient religion and supersti- tions. At the time of his retire- ment in 1946, he had been chair- man of the Greek department for 16 years. He was appointed Henry Russel Lecturer for 1938-39. Prof. Bonner received his bach- elor's degree from Vanderbilt Uni- versity in 1896 and a master's de- gree in 1897. He also holds degrees from Harvard. Attended Berlin University In 1900, he went to the Univer- sity of Berlin and returned to the U.S. to become professor of Greek at Peabody College for Teachers at the University of Nashville. Prof. Bonner is the author of "A Papyrus Codix of the Shepherd of Hermas," "The Last Chapters of Enoch in Greek" and other WASHINGTON (R)-Senate hous- ing scandal investigators voted Monday to ask the Justice De- partment whether criminal action should be brought against two New Jersey builders. Sawchuk Said In 'Good' Condition Terry Sawchuk, 24-year-old-star goalie of the Detroit Red Wings hockey team, was seriously injured in a car accident in Livingston county within a 1000 feet oft he Washtenaw county line Sunday night. Sawchuk was admitted to the University Hospital, and under- went chest surgery by specialists here. Hospital authorities said Saw-' chuk 's condition "in general is good" and that he would be in the hospital less than a week. Medical advisors to the Detroit Hockey Club, after contacting hos- pital officials said that the injuries would not hamper Sawchuk's play- ing hockey barring further com- ,lications. The vote, in the Senate Banking Committee, followed a public hear- ing at which one of the builders, Sidney Sarner of Tenafly, N. J., refused to answer questions. Sar- ner stood by his rights under the Fifth Amendment not to testify against himself. The committee decided to send to the Justice Department the transcript of testimony taken re- cently in a secret committee meet- ing from Sarner and Ralph Solow, his partner, for possible criminal action. Further, Chairman Capehart (R- Ind) said the committee decided to ask the Senate's legislative counsel whether George I. Marcus, a Sarner-Solow partner and their attorney, was in contempt of the Senate. Marcus refused to answer questions. The committee is inquiring into reports of huge windfall profits on government-insured housing loans. During' Monday's stormy public session, Sarner would give only his name and address. Marcus shouted at Capehart: "We are unable to prove or dis- prove your innuendos. We are not going to permit you to publicize these matters and shoot your mouths off. We d i d nothing wrong." BY PROXY, THROUGH NIXON: Ike Calls for More Highways for Defense BOLTON LANDING, N. Y. Wf- President Eisenhower called by proxy Monday night for billions more of highway construction to meet defense needs of atomic war and of a possible population of 200 million by 1970. Through Vice-President Nixon, the President proposed to the an- nual Governors' Conference a federal-state alliance in a "grand plan" of road development. He said 50 billion dollars over the years will be only a good start toward meeting requirements of a 200 million population. But he didn't come right out and propose spending that amount. In the international field, the chief executive declared that in times of crises we must maintain I against their own demands. The governors want the federal govern- ment to abandon gasoline and car taxes and let the states use them to finance roads on their own. Cries of "appeasement" and "deal" rang out at the conference Monday against the new law. "Bright Side" Eisenhower said that on the bright side of the picture for the future are: Technical revolution through atomic power. A possible population of 200 mil- lion in the next 16 years. But on the dark side, he said, are: A shortage of 300,000 grade school classrooms and 813.000 hos- Was 66 Came to Years Old; 'U' in 1917 GETS $850,000 GRANT: ' To Study Salk Vaccine The National Foundation for In- fantile Paralysis has given the University $850,000 to evaluate the effectiveness of the Salk antipolio vaccine. Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., chair- man of the epidemiology depart- ment will direct the evaluation here. duct operations in the University Special Projects Bldg. The building, the old Maternity Hospital, is located on Catherine St. in the Medical Center area. "The evaluation center is the only agency which is expected to undertake an assessment of the vaccine," Dr. Francis said this morning. final phase in the national trial of the new hope against polio. The first two phases consisted of the manufacture and distribu- tion of the vaccine, and the field operations including the adminis- tration of the vaccine to the chil- dren in participating counties. (Washtenaw county dropped out of the study last spring when de- lays in the distribution of the vac- Prof. William P. Wood of the engineering college died late yes- terday afternoon. The 6-year-old professor of met- allurgical engineering had been a member of the University faculty since 1917, and a full professor since 1931. A specialist in pyrometry, he was the author of a book entitled "Pyrometric Regulation of Heat Treating Operations of Fuels and Furnaces." He graduated from Michigan State Normal College and received degrees from the University in 1912 and 1914. He received a masger of