FAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1951 PAGE TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1954 Al Townsend, Orchestra To Play at League Dances Band To Provide Weekly Entertainment; Council Also Sponsors Bridge Lessons Gemologists Reveal Birthstone Legends $600,000 MEDICAL BUILDING: 'U' Accepts Kresge Gift for Library 4 Al Townsend and his orchestra will provide music for the League- sponsored all-campus cance to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight to- day in the Michigan and Vanden- berg Rooms of the League. The dances will be held every Saturday night on a stag-or-drag basis, with members of the League Council as hostesses. The price wil be 50 cents per person or $1 per couple. Grad at "U" Townsend, Grad. at the Univer- sity, has been a trombonist, bass man and an arranger for the last several years. He is now living in Standish, Mich., where he is in full charge of all the school bands and orchestras for the Jun- ior and Senior High Schools. In .1946 and 1947 Townsend and his orchestra, then composed of different members, played every Friday and Saturday night in the League Ballroom for all-campus dances. The band consisted of 14 pieces. Last summer the Townsend or- chestra entertained an average of 325 patrons per dance in the Ball- room. Arranger Townsend formerly played with Gene Krupa and Henry Busse and their orchestras, and has done ar- ranging for both men. He now has his own personal arrangements, which he is using AL TOWNSEND for his current orchestra. Vocals are done by Harley Rex, who also doubles on tenor and alto saxo- phone, and the clarinet. The League dances, held through- out the year and sponsored by the League Council, are only a part of the planned program for Uni- versity students. This summer the Council is also sponsoring bridge lessons, square and ballroom dance classes and duplicate bridge lessons each week for coeds and their dates. - ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-A lot of diplo- mats have been answering queries about the character, motives and background of the Republican sen- ator from California who has given Eisenhower leadership a more ef- fective challenge on foreign policy than Joe McCarthy has on domes- tic policy. A lot of Americans also have been asking questions about Bill Knowland. The answer is that Knowland is a conscientious, hard-working, not overly brilliant senator who almost nine years ago painstakingly began working up to the job of Senate leader. When other senators were not on the floor, young Knowland- the watchdog of the Republican Party-was making sure the Dem- ocrats got away with nothing. Knowland is a man of brawn, not brains; sincere, honest, some- times mistaken, loyal. If it had not been for his loyalty, Knowland might be president of the United States today. At the 1952 convention in Chi- cago, Knowland could have been the vice-presidential running mate of the late Senator Taft, which in view of Taft's death would have made him president, if the ticket had triumphed. He also got a proposition from Taft that if Know- land would throw the weight of the powerful California delegation to Taft, and if Taft did not make the nomination by the third ballot, then Taft in turn would throw his own delegates to Knowland to make - him president. Few young politicians have been so tempted. But Knowland re- fused. He remained loyal to Gov. Earl ,Warren of California, also a candidate for president and the man who years before had ap- pointed young Knowland to the Senate. Knowland did not desert the man who made him. Nixon Was Different Another young Californian did turn his back on the California delegation and made a backstage deal with the Eisenhower forces to become Ike's vice-presidential running mate. Rivalry between these two Cali- fornians - Nixon and Knowland- Sixty-Fourth Yearj Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.I may partly explain why Knowland now finds himself challenging the leadership of his own Republican President and secretary of state on foreign policy. There are probably two reasons for this challenge: 1. Knowland has talked so much about China that he has come to believe his own words-always a dangerous thing for a politician. 2. It happens that Nixon has been in a backstage conspiracy to unseat Knowland as Republican Senate leader and replace him next year with Senator Dirksen of Illinois. Already Nixon has talked to other senators about a plan to channel Senate-White House prob- lems through him, not Knowland, making Nixon the chief contact be- tween the Senate and the White House. Naturally Knowland knows this. And if he is going to be unseated, if he has to break with the admin- istration, he would rather break on an issue of his own choosing. Chinese Money Bags Unlike some senators who got in- terested in Chiang Kai-shek partly because of the lush campaign funds doled out by the China Lob- by, Knowland got interested in Na- tionalist China the legitimate way. It happens that the biggest Chi- nese population in the U.S.A. lies in his state-just across San Fran- cisco Bay from his home town of Oakland where Knowland's father publishes one of the most powerful newspapers in California. The leaders of San Francisco's Chinatown have been among Knowland's biggest backers. Also officials of the Bank of China. From this beginning, Knowland got to know Nationalist China, visited General MacArthur in Tokyo, talk- ed to Chiang Kai-shek in Formosa. To him Nationalist China eventual- ly became not a campaign issue, but a religion. Nixon's Senate election cam- paign in 1950 was bountifully aided by Louey Kung, nephew of Chiang Kai-shek: But Knowland's interest is based on the crusading convic- tion that some day Chiang can stage a comeback, retake the poly- glot provinces and 400 millions of the Chinese mainland. (Copyright, 1954, By The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) By SUE GARFIELD Many people are not aware of the deep meaning, background and legends of the birthstones they wear every day. They are familiar to most Am- ericans as stones for rings, brouches or other forms of jewel- ry. Each one has a history of its own, which gemologists have been working on for centuries. The legends of some of the more familiar stones, one for each of the 12 months of the year, will be presented in a series of subse- quent articles, January January is the month of the garnet, symbol of constancy. A stone treasured for centuries for its dark, fiery glow, the garnet caught the eye of prehistoric earth dwellers long before gems were mined, according to the Jewelry Industry Council. Glittering garnet pebbles prob- ably were the first picked up along river courses when rushing waters had loosed them from the mother- rock. The garnet's history as a ring stone dates back to the Hellenic period, about 300 B.C., when plain metal signet rings gave way to rings in which the seal was en- graved on a gem set in a metal hoop. The garnet was a favorite stone in the early signet rings. Ranging in size from tiny grains of sand to large gems, gar- nets have been found in every color except blue. To qualify as gems worth setting, they must be of unblemished transparency and, the red ones must have the glow of a smoldering fire. According to the legend, it was the garnet that Noah used to light the ark. Like rubies and sapphires, gar- nets are sometimes starred. The star of the garnet, however, in- stead of being six-rayed as in the sapphire and ruby, usually has four rays. February February's birthstone, the ame- thyst, symbol of sincerity, is said to have been the favorite stone of St. Valentine. He wore one en- graved with a Cupid, popularizing it as a stone for lovers and mak- ing it particularly appropriate in modern times as a Valentine's Day expression of sentiment. The origin of the amethyst is set in a colorful legend of repen- tance, according to the Jewelry Industry Council. Bacchus, the ancient god of wine, was feuding with Diana, goddess of the hunt and patroness of maidens. Anger- ed by some mockery of Diana's, Bacchus vowed to revenge him- self by sacrificing to his tigers the first maiden to approach Diana's altar. It was Amethyst who first ap- proached Diana's shrine after the threat had been made. Diana in- tervened and turned her into a statue of pure white stone. Re- penting his cruel intention, Bac- chus poured a libation of wine ov- er the statue, turning it a deli- cate purplish-violet hue. Worn by the Crusaders, ame- thysts, as symbols of inner sin- cerity, were long felt to be safe- guards against unrest. They are still traditional in bishop's rings and appear in the English corona- tion service and the coronet of the Prince of Wales. They are mined in Uruguay, Brazil, Ceylon, the Urals and Ma- dagascar. March March is the month of the aquamarine and the bloodstone, both symbols of courage. The aquamarine, a beryl gem stone related to the emerald, is the choice of many because of its clear, blue-green beauty. It has the depth and tone of the sea wa- ter and varies in the intensity of its color, from delicate pale blue to cool green. According to the Jewelry In- dustry Council, the ancients wore this stone, engraved with the head of the Sea God, for protection against the perils of the sea. These stones are famous for their versatility and subtlelty of color and they are often set with dia- monds for this reason. The bloodstone, a dark green chalcedony spotted with red in- clusions of jasper, is found in Si- beria and India. Acording to le- gend, it commemorates the cru- cifixion, in that, there was a piece of green chalcedony at the foot of the cross on which Christ was crucified. Later, during the middle ages, the stone was often used for treatment of blood poisoning and the healing of wounds. The bloodstone, as a compan- ion to the aquamarine, is espec- ially popular in men's rings and cuff links and is frequently carv- ed with a crest or monogram. April The diamond is April's birth- stone, symbolizing innocence. At- tributed to the sun as its gem of light, the diamond inspired even primitive people to a new belief in the existence of virtue, ac- cording to the Council. Except in India, the home of gem stone fortunes, the diamond was once reserved for kings and emperors. Many of the world's greatest diamonds, their histor- ies surrounded by legend and in- trigue, are now set in crowns and royal services, while others have mysteriously vanished. Diamonds are crystallized car- bon and, chemically, are the sim- plest of all gems, yet the hardest known substance to man. A fine diamond is perfectly clear, and those which are suffused with col- or are rare. Africa supplies the world with diamonds. Skillful cutting and polishing are needed to transform the dia- mond from a rough pebble to a faceted stone, revealing its real beauty. They are popular as in- dividual gemstones or as com- plimentary stones to enhance the beauty of other gems. The remainder of the month'sI birthstone legends will be printed in a future issue of The Daily. A $600,000 gift from the S. S. Kresge Foundation of Detroit to the University Medical School was announced recently by President Harlan H. Hatcher. The gift will be used to con- struct a central medical library with an immediate total book capa- city of 150,000 volumes. The announcement follows close- ly on the heels of the dedication of the new $3,000,000 Kresge Medi- cal Building last May. It was also financed by the Kresge Foundation. Medical Center "The research building and li- brary combine to mark t h e a- chievement of a long-time ambi- tion of University health and med- ical staffs for this much-needed unit in the growing medical cen- ter," President Hatcher said. A central medical library, to be attached to the Kresge Medical Research Building, will draw to- gether under one roof, and in closer proximity to the medical research and clinical activities of the Uni- versity, all the volumes dealing with medical sciences. PresentlyI the medical library is divided be-' ween two reading rooms, one in University Hospital and the other in the General Library. "The magnanimous gift by the S. S. Kresge Foundation makes possible another step toward the necessary centralization of o u r medical facilities," said Dean Al- four tiers of book stacks, micro- film reading facilities, conference and typing rooms, a librarians's workshop and offices for the library staff. Rare Book The library will also contain a rare book, where University medi- cal volumes of irreplaceable value and great age will be housed. Med- ical instruments, displays and spe- cimens will line the corridor which leads to the librarian's dispensing desk. The exterior of the new $600,000 medical building will conform in architectural style to the Kresge Research Building, which will al- low for expansion as it is needed. The new University medical li- brary, expected to be completed in the fall of 1955, will be the newest addition to the Medical Center. Under current construc- tion is the psychiatric unit of the Children's Hospital. Officers of the S. S. Kresge Foundation are: Stanley S. Kresge, President; Sebastian S. Kresge, treasurer; Howard C. Baldwin, vice-president and Amos F. Greg- ory, secretary. The new medical library will al- low all the volumes dealing with medical sciences to be housed un- der one roof. They are now spread out between the University Hos- pital and the General Library. Medical students, the resident staff and research groups should all benefit from the addition. International Center Five films on "India," from the Indian Embassy will be shown at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the International Center. Mrs. Lourdes Cruz, graduate of the University of Philippines, will talk on "The City of Manila" at 7:30 p.m. Monday. 4 bert C. Furstenberg of the Uni versity Medical School. "The medical students, resident staff and research groups will ben- efit greatly from a new library located in the neighborhood of their daily activities. The added facilities will ultimately m e a n greater medical knowledge, which can be converted to better health services," Dean Furstenberg ex- plained. The library, to be constructed as a one-story adjunct to the north side of the Kresge Medical Re- search Building, will be accessible through a central corridor which now leads to the research labora- tories. It will provide a general read- reading room 50 feet by 100 feet, ARCHITECT'S MODEL of the new University Kresge Medical R.esearch Building, which will in- elude a $600,000 one-story medical library, soon to be constructed. A gift from the S. S. Kresge Foundation of Detroit, the library is expected to be completed in the fall of 1955. 4 b. SUMMER On Agin* Sale ext I eek at The Student Publications Building from 8 till 5 P.M. and tie Campus ookstores and on the Diagonal from 9 till 12 Noon on Tuesday Only Complete listing ofmes, Addresses, and Telephone Numbers of all Students and Visiting Faculty - fJ q.4.'}^:: lttt: %:>'Xi'""'}":} "_ Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter.. .Co-Managing Alice B. Silver.....Co-Managing BeckyConrad.............NightJ Rona Friedman...,.........Night; wally Eberhard...........NightJ Russ AuWerter.........Night7 Sue Garfield...........Women'sJ Hanley Gurwin..........SportsJ Jack Horwits....Assoc. SportsJ E. J. Smith. S . .....Assoc. Sportsl Editorj Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor 1 3 t l I . 1 ? 1 ::: 3 :> l ;; ::> ::<:: I :: plus a pretty touch to those Cotton Dresses these chilly days. 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