k A 9- (L4C rutgan Air :43 a t t di s * U Latest Deadline in the State VOL LXIV, No. 15S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1954 PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER FOUR PAGES Senate Committee eeps High Parity Floor Fight Seen as Eisenhower Loses Flexible Price Support Round WASHINGTON (M)-President Eisenhower lost a round Friday in his fight for flexible farm-price supports. The Senate Agriculture Committee voted, 13 to 2, to send to the Senate floor a bill calling for another year of rigid sup- ports at 90 per cent of parity. The measure also varies sharply from the President's ideas in other respects, and his supporters are counting on the Senate to alter it. Senator Aiken (R.Vt.), chairman of the Agriculture Commit- tee, said he voted to send the bil19 on to the Senate "with firm inten- tions of knocking out several pro- visions on the floor." Veto Considered "Unless we can work out a bill acceptable to President Eisenhow- er then there will be no farm leg- islation," Aiken said, expressing confidence that the President would use a veto if necessary. Two senators, Williams (R., Del.) and Anderson (R., N.M.), voted against turning the bill loose because they are opposed to some of its provisions. Aiken said the bill probably x would not be ready for the Sen- ate until early next week. Aiken said he expects Admin- istration supporters in the Senate to duplicate the victory scored in the House on flexible farm sup- ports over the opposition of a ma- jority of the House Agriculture committee. Center of the battle will be an 8-7 Senate committee vote for rig- id 90 per cent of parity price sup- ports on cotton, wheat, corn, rice and peanuts. Parity is a formula desigled by law to give farmers a fair return in relation to their costs. The House approved a sliding scale of supports ranging from 82% to 90 per cent of parity, al- though Secretary bf Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson had asked for a 75-90 range on these basic crops. Aiken said he will propose an 80-90 flexible scale on the Sen- ate floor. Hold Down Support Aiken said he also will fight to hold down supports for butter, cheese, milk and other dairy prod- ucts at a 75 per cent level. Benson fixed that level April 1 after moun- tains of butter, cheese and dried milk had piled up under 90 per cent supports. Two other provisions approved by the Senate committee also headed for floor battles. One by Senator Humphrey D., Minn.) would require mandatory supports for four feed grain crops, oats, rye, barley and grain sorg- hums, near the level of price sup- ports for 'corn, the chief feed grain. GOP Group Hits State Penal Work Jap Trade With Reds A dvoca ted WASHINGTON (R-Three state governors just back from a mis- sion to the Far East said in a report to President Eisenhower Friday that Japan should engage in "limited and controlled" trade with Communist China. They said this did not imply recognizing the Red China regime but "does recognize the fact that Japan's largest neighbor, situated closest to her shores and one of her best prospects for trade, is the 500 million Chinese." The report was presented at the White House by Govs. Dan Thorn- ton of Colorado and John S. Fine of Pennsylvania. Gov. Allan Shiv- ers of Texas, the third member of the mission which surveyed con- ditions in Japan and Korea at the President's request, could not be present here Friday but the other two said he joined in the conclu- sions. The report said: "By establishing a foothold for trade at this time, as soon as communism has been kicked out of that nation (China) and it has been returned to its rightful lead- ers, trade can be stepped up im- measurably between Japan and China." The governors called for fast ac- tion on a "vastly expanded" at- tack warning system, using radar and other devices, not only in this country but in Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Guam, and other military outposts. As for Japan, the governors said that country must have access to resources and markets throughout Southeast Asia in order to live. Japanese trade with Red China, they said, "must be so restricted and so regulated that it will help develop a program of self-subsist- ence for Japan and not build up Red China's war machine." And by developing such a pro- gram, said the governors, "The United States taxpayer may be re- lieved of the burden of carrying Japan's economic load." Danube Overflow Costa Rica Expects Try At Overthrow Blackout Used As Precaution SAN JOSE, Costa Rica W-The Costa Rican government ordered a blackout Thursday night follow- ing rumors that Costa Rican ex- iles were plotting an invasion, similar to that of Guatemala, for the purpose of overthrowing Pres- ident Jose Figueres. The blackout, effective from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., was accompanied by a doubling of the guards at San Jose Airport. The airport was closed to traffic. Strategic points in the capital also were placed u n d e r close guard. Government officials declared they had trustworthy sources of information that members of the old Calderonista party, overthrown by Figueres, were planning an in- vasion like that of Col. Carlos Cas- tillo Armas which succeeded in overthrowing the leftist govern- ment of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in Guatemala. The officials said they under- stood the invasion was to come from neighboring countries, and that they were, taking all precau- tions. Observers said the rumors, which started circulating Thursday night, might only be part of a war of nerves by elements unfriendly to Figueres. Sources in Panama in close touci with San Jose also reported Friday that "something was brew- ing" in Costa Rica. These in- formants said the San Jose popu- lation had been alerted to the pos- sibility of a bombing attack Fri- day night, presumably from Nic- aragua where troops were reported massed. The nationality or character of the troops was not described in these reports. Former President Rafael A. Cal- deron Guardia is living in exile in Nicaragua. Figueres, a U.S.-educated coffee planter who describes himself as a "conservative Socialist", was in- augurated last November for a four-year term. He called for a gradual transfer of foreign-owned enterprises in Costa Rica to "local entities." He porter of the United Nations, the Organization of American States and U.S. proposals for keeping Communist infiltrators out of West- ern Hemisphere governments. Truman Out Of Hospital INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (1)-Har- ry S. Truman, "feeling fine," cae home Friday from the hospital where he spent 20 days as a sur- gical patient. The former President made an unheralded departure from Re- search Hospital in Kansas City at 5:30 a.m. He stepped into the Bog Down On Indochina GENEVA ()-East,and West argued inconclusively again Fri- day on the proper way to po- lice an armistice in iTdochina and then suspended sessions of the Geneva conference until they can be resumed next week on a ministerial level. The military commissions which were ordered to report back to the conference by July 10, made no report Friday. It was expected their interim re- ports would be turned over to the first meeting next week. French Rout Vietminh Near Hanoi SAIGON, Indochina fAll-French mobile units armed with howitzers routed Vietminh regulars 20 miles south of Hanoi Friday after hours of savage fighting. But a tighten- ing north-south Communist pincer menaced three other F r e n c h strongholds on the shrunken Red River Delta defense perimiter. The French command said 108 out of 300 Red-led Vietminh sol- diers were killed in the clash at Bao Thon, a village 15 miles north of Phu Ly junction on the road to Hanoi. French losses were not disclosed. Only a week ago French troops abandoned Phu Ly in the teeth of a Vietminh attack. Reds Near Son Tay While the battle raged at Bao Thon, Red forces were busy pound- ing at French posts near Son Tay, 20 miles northwest of Hanoi, and Phuc Yen, 15 miles almost due north. Vietnamese troops suffered appreciable losses at both garri- sons. In the hours before dawn, the Vietminh let loose harassing at- tacks on the French citadel of Bac Dinh, 15 miles northeast of Hanoi. Communist Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap's stepped-up assault came less than a day after Gen. Paul Ely, French commander in Indo- china, pledged an all-out stand to save the north Viet Nam war capital. Communist propaganda leaflets showered on Hanoi have been warning residents a major offen- sive on the city would come within the next week. Some leaflets said D-Day w o u 1 d be Wednesday, French Bastille Day. Others point- ed to July 17. The Vietminh have massed three divisions southwest of Hanoi and another three along the northern borders of the delta. Military ob- servers here think the rebels are most likely to strike east of Hanoi to cut the road link between Hanoi and the seaport of Haiphong. Ex-Health Service Doctor Deceased Dr. Helen F. Price, 52, who worked at Health Service until nformant Asks Probe Of Brownell Jenner Calls Request Absurd BEDFORD, Ind. M - Sen. Wil- liam E. Jenner Friday night called "absurd" the request of a former Communist turned government witness that his Internal Security subcommittee investigate Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell and his deputy, William P. Rogers. Sen. William Langer (R-ND) said in Washington that the ex- Red, Paul Crouch, sent him a let- ter contending that Brownell and Rogers were giving "considerable aid and comfort to enemies of the United States" by investigating Crouch's reliability as a witness. Langer, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he had turned Crouch's request over to the subcommittee headed by Jen- ner. Sen. Jenner, at his farm home near Bedford, said of Crouch's charges: "That sort of thing is absurd! We don't act on things like that. "I'll have to call a meeting of the subcommittee on it, but I don't anticipate anything will be done on that kind of request." The Justice Department often has used Crouch as a paid inform- ant and expert witness in the trials of Communists. Langer told a re- porter "it seems a strange thing that Mr. Crouch should be attack- ing the fellows he is working for" but that he felt the Internal Se- curity subcommittee should re- ceive Crouch's complaint. U.S. Clarifies Atomic Peace Plan for Reds WASHINGTON (/)-The United States Friday provided Russia, as requested by the Soviets, with clar- ification of President Eisenhower's atoms for peace plan. The move broke a 2 month lull in negotiations on the Eisenhower formula for peaceful use of Atomic Energy through a pooled program under United Nations aegis. But American officials were far from optimistic that it would spur the Reds into accepting the pro- posal. The growing American view has been that the Russians are more interested in treating the Ei- senhower idea as one more oppor- tunity to make propaganda. Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov requested the clarification in a note he handed Secretary of State Dulles last April 27 in Geneva. The U.S. reply to Molotov's re- quest was given to Soviet Ambas- sator Georgi N. Zarubin at the State Department Friday The State Department would say only that it was a reply to the Russians' April 27 request "deal- ing with atomic energy matters." ---q> Mitchell-CIO Leaders' Agreement on Terms Considered by Strikers -Daily-Duane Poole RALPH BUNCHE ... Nobel winner Bunche Discusses UN At Freedom Festival By RUSS AU WERTER Ralph Bunche, chairman of the United Nations trusteeship com- mittee and Nobel peace prize win- ner, was the featured speaker in the sixth day - of Jackson's "Free- dom Festival" yesterday. A native of Detroit, Bunche told a fairgrounds audience that "from its very beginning the UN has recognized that secure peace in the world required an effort far wider and deeper than preventing specific wars. "In my view, despite all its faults, there is today no greater force for social justice and under- standing among peoples through- out the world for peace, than the Public Urges Staying in UN Even if Communist China is United Nations, nor has there ever been. No Perfection "There may never be perfec- tion in the relations among peoples or in the operations of the mech- anisms of democracy," he con- tinued. "But in democracy, the gap between ideals and practices must be constantly narrowed. For demo- cracy to prosper or even live it must ever be dynamic. It must move forward toward the goals of greater freedom, better life, fuller dignity for the people it serves." Bunche underscored the points on which he said there often was misunderstanding about the Unit- ed Nations. "There are those who fear or claim to fear that the UN is too strong, and there are many more, I believe, who fear it is too weak." Pageant Performance It was decided yesterday that an extra performance of the "Free- dom Festival" pageant will be If Workers Will Accept, Strike Ends Back-to-Work Details Not Told BULLETIN As The Daily went to press early this morning, there had still been no report as to wheth- er a back-to-work would be ac- cepted by the Oak Ridge strik- ers. WASHINGTON () - Secretary of Labor Mitchell and CO lead- ers agreed late Friday on back-to- work recommendations to be sub- mitted to striking atomic workers at Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Paducah, Ky., Friday night. Details of the recommendations were not disclosed. Elwood Swish- er, president of the striking CIO Gas, Coke and Chemical Workers Union, planned to reveal them to a mass meeting of strkers at Oak Ridge at 7:30 p.m., CST. Joseph R. Joy, union vice presi- dent, similarly arranged to lay the recommendations before a mass meeting of Paducah strikers at 9 p.m. The proposals were worked out at a three-hour conference here Mitchell, CIO President Walter Reuther, Swisher, Joy and other CIO officials. Mitchell told newsmen that Swisher and Joy, who left imme- diately for the two strikebound plants in special airplanes, were "carrying with them proposals in the hope of inducing their men to return to work tonight." Swisher said that if the workers accepted the proposals the strike would be ended. Meanwhile, a Presidential in- quiry board was putting finishing touches .on a report on the three- day walk-out of 4,500 production workers employed by a contractor for the Atomic Energy Commis- sion. They produce all the nation's supply of uranium-235 used in making both atomic and hydrogen bombs. Delivery of the inquiry board's report to the White House was be- ing delayed to give Mitchell time to end the walkout without Presi- dent Eisenhower having to order the Justice Department to seek a Taft-Hartley law injunction to stop the strike. Under the law, Eisenhower can- not move for an injunction until he gets the board report. It was clear that if the workers turned down the proposals at the Paducah and Oak Ridge mass meetings Friday night the govern- ment would act swiftly to get out the injunction, most likely Satur- day. The dispute involves CIO and AFL union demands for a mini- mum 15 cent hourly wage increase. Workers' scales now range from $1.58 to $2.40 an hour. The President's atomic labor panel several weeks ago recom- mended a six-cent hourly raise for the workers. The contractor, Car- bide & Carbon Chemicals Co., ac- cepted but the unions turned it down. CIO union members then went on strike Wednesday at two plants, one at Paducah and one at Oak Ridge, but the AFL workers remained on the job at two other Oak Ridge plants. Voorhees Gets Second Trial WASHINGTON W-Lt. Col. Mel- vin B. Voorhees, convicted of vi- olating Army security regulations LANSING (i)p-A Republican Kills 13 People family car and was driven here, four years ago besides having a admitted, the American publi given on the 350-foot stage Su legislative committee Friday char- P accompanied only by Mrs. Truman private practice, died yesterday Granting of Local strongly favors remaining in the at 8:00 p.m. The decision was ged Democratic-controlled state and Mike Westwood, an Independ- from cancer. . United Nations, according to pre- to make up Tuesday night's a e ce wih d l yn a soui n VIENNA, Austia ( -The ram- Lroq uoacer. a agencies with delaying a solutionpain aue flTo e ams ence policeman. Friends may call at the Muehlig Liquor License it liminary findings of a study which gram which was halted bec of the state's prison problems paging Danube flooded thousands wr eotdb h uvyR-. Att. Gn.Frak . Mllrd aswere reported by the Survey Re- o an A of homes Friday in 100 or more Mrs. Truman said he had break- Funeral Chapel until 9 P.M. Sun-ooffedm.a akd y he committee if'r the villages in Austria and southern fast on the porch at the home and day. On Sunday night, the body LANSING (IF)-Two Republican search Center, yesterday. Today's festival program is kd yhGmermthen went to bed. She added his will be taken home to La Monte, state officials took pot shots at Seventy per cent of the nation titles "Citizens of Tomorrow D state would have to pay $000to Gray the Detroit architectural firm of Thirteen persons were known only comment was: "It's good to Missouri by her family where the the Democratic-controlled State supports the United States remain- and will include a parade of fl Leinweber, Yamasaki and Hell- dead in the floods. Many others be home. I'm feeling fine." services will be held. Dr. Price re- Liquor Commission Friday. ing in the UN shows the national representing p 1 a y grounds muth for a study of the prison were perilously marooned. Truman underwent an emergen- ceived both her PhD and MD at State Treas. D. Hale Brake population survey made last March schools. Included in the child suatio More than 20,000 were rescued cy operation for removal of his the University. urged a legislative investigation of by the National Opinion Research program will be the arriva The committee charged that the from rooftops and other perches gall bladder and appendix June 20. "irregularities" in the granting of Center of the University of Chi- 3:15 p.m. in the fairground wa 'dmm withoutg l e by local and American armed Physicians had expected him to be (* *N1 package liquor SDDL licenses. cago which submitted their find- Frankie Thomas TV's "Space survey was ordered without legis- forces disaster teams in the hospital only 10 days, but ine a Brake charged that an Ann Ar- ings to the Survey Research Cen- det." It is expected that he new consent and offered nothing Hundreds of square miles of his stay was prolonged by hyper- "Harvey" with stars James Stew- bor market had an application for ter for this analysis. descend from the sky in a new on the situation. ripening wheat were destroyed, sensitivity to certain post-operative art and Josephine Hull will be a license on file since 1947 but Disapproval of Red China be- copter. Site Survey roads and bridges were wrecked drugs. shown by the SL Cinema Guild that the commission recently ing admitted to the UN was reg- Michigan Young Republicans In 1953, the legislature appro- and damage obviously would be There was no indication when tonight at 7 and 9 p.m. and Sunday granted a license to another busi- istered by 79 per cent of the pub- hold their summer picnic toda (priated $75,000 for a "site survey counted in many millions of Mr. Truman would resume his at 8 p.m., in the Architecture Audi- ness although the application was lic. 11 per cent feel that Red China Jackson's Sharp Park bet and preliminary sketches for a dollars. normal activities. torium. filed only last January. should be admitted right now, noon and 7 p.m. new medium security prison to be located at Ionia for 1,200 men, provided such a location is deter- PROFESSOR TESTIFIES AS EXPERT WITNESS: mined to be desirable by the Cor- rections Department." No decision was made on the"" site. Instead, the Department of Detroit Trial Tests Constitutionality of Censorship Law Department engaged the Detioit firm to make a survey of the en- By ALLAN SILVER tire prison system. He stressed the inappropriateness of the excerpting procedure. Prof. Huntey noted that the censorship ordinance is dire "The state received," the com- The constitutionality of a Detroit ordinance which empowers "A work of art is an organic whole," he maintained. "My testimony only at paper-backed books. "It seems to assume," he obser mittee said, "a 72-page report at the city's Police Censorship Bureau to ban "obscene" books is cur- dealt with the whole novel." "that a man who has $3.50 to spend for a book will not be incite the cost, upon the basis of the rently being tested in the trial of a Detroit newsdealer. Prof. Huntley described the book as a novel of spiritual con- evil thoughts, but a man who has 50 cents will be." The De vouchers presented, somewhat inPrfHutedeciethbokaanvlofsrtalon excess of $3s,000, which,according The defendant, Alfred E. Butler, is on trial for having sold sold flict, reminiscent of the constant theme of 17th century English public library has placed its hard-cover edition of "The Devil R to testimony presented before this a copy of "The Devil Rides Outside," banned on Feb. 26. His arrest literature. "The problem is a universal one ,the same that beset St. Outside" on its "restricted" shelves, he said, though this is not committee, was of little or no use was arranged by the book's publishers and city officials as a means Augustine. The 'objectionable' passages are not there merely to quired by law. to the state, inasmuch as it com- of testing the censorship ordinance. excite the reader and sell the book." Trial Dilemma prised mainly a 'rehash' of the Huntley To Testify Light-Darkness "The trial poses a social, moral and artistic dilemma," I nrincinles of venolov na infor-. -__ - - -.. . _ . . .... - - . ..Huntley believes. Acknowledging a need to regulate availabilit nday nade pro- ause en- )ay": loats and en's I at s of Ca- will heli- will y in ween cted ved, d to troit aides re- Prof. y of