PAGE Two THE 1T, ICHIGAN DAIL Z FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1154 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAIlY FRIDAY, JULY 9. 19M' _.. _..._.... q ... ... .... wa ..,. The Republicans and Red China "Look - I've Got to Have More Support" CONGRESS currently offers us an extraordinary display of what Senators Lehman and Ful- bright have correctly diagnosed as "political im- maturity." Sen..Knowland (R. Calif.) proclaims that if Com- munist China is admitted to the U.N., he will re- sign as majority leader of the Senate and campaign to get America out of the U.N. He also threatens resolutions asserting that China's entry would be the equivalent of appeasement and cutting off U.S. financial support of the U.N. in that event. Senator Johnson (D-Texas), the minority leader, endorses Knowland's position. Michigan's own Rep. Kit Clardy offers a House resolution expressing the sentiment that if China gets in, we should get out. Certainly the President, who strongly opposes Chinese membership, will not follow the foolish course of abandoning the U.N., thus presenting it free of charge to the Russians. In pacifying the Congressional wild-men, he has not said so forth- rightly. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats have come to his aid, offering a compromise resolution that reaffirms opposition to Chinese membership but omits mention of an American withdrawal. With the exception of Sen. Johnson, this burst of ill-considered rage is largely a Republican affair. It centers about that group of Congress- men for whom Chiang Kai-Shek is the Hope of Democracy ,and the U.N. a dangerous excursion into internationalism. As such, it demands analy- sis in relation to the American political scene. Unless the President speaks out clearly and de- cisively-something he almost never does in do- mestic matters-the matter of China and the U.N. may well become a campaign issue this fall. Sen. Knowland has already called for every candidate to announce his position on China, the implication being that anyone not willing to pay any price to keep Peiping out of the U.N. forever and ever will get his head chopped off at the polls. The Republicans, no doubt, would dearly love to campaign on such an issue. It's a natural-it has *everything. How easy it would be to treat it as an appeal to patriotism and a test of loy- alty! What good American would vote for men who are not willing to destroy the U.N. if those who fought American boys in Korea are permit- ted to joint it? What an opportunity to stand nobly on the peaks of Outraged Moral Principle! Why, it staggers the political imagination! And it also offers the Republicans a chance to avoid discussing such unpleasantries as the farm problem, unemployment, a tax law more solicitous of stock-holders than workingmen, the defeat by Republican Congressmen of the President's over- modest housing program for low-income families, and the ghastly spectacle of McCarthyism on tele- vision. Republicans must fear that if they go to the peo- ple this fall on their record of the past 2 years, the voters will reject them. GOP leaders ,recall that Eisenhower's 1952 landslide left Congress just bare- ly Republican. If domestic issues are aired this November, the Republicans may expect defeat: most Americans are people of modest incomes who don't own stocks. And in foreign policy, the Republicans can claim no spectacular success. They would no doubt prefer to campaign on something other than their own record. The game of receiving the voters in November with an assum- ed liberalism and betraying them in June with a narrow conservatism cannot be played forever. Fortunately for the country, they cannot turn again to McCarthy and his rich stock of phony issues. Though it required the national humiliation of the Schine affair, too many voters are now sen- sitive to McCarthy's appalling demagoguery. To supply the need for false issues, Vice- President Nixon hays been touring the land, dis- seminating the notion that the Democratic Party is to blame for all our misfortunes. Nixon has been playing the role of dignified hatchet-man with zest and on a grand scale. The Communist aggression in Korea, the fall of Chiang Kai- Shek's venal and rotted government, even-he has hinted-the existence of Russian imperial- ism itself, are traceable to Democratic chicanery or ineptitude. This is nothing but an echo of McCarthy's "20 years of treason" line. And now comes the affair of Red China. If the Republicans can emotionalize the issue of U.N. membership for Peiping with the symbolism of en- raged patriotism, their problems this fall may be solved. They will try, if possible, to make the Issue a loyalty test. "No good American" will stand for it, said Sen. Styles Bridges (R-N.H.) at a New Hamp- shire town meeting last week, while berating a 15- year-old boy for moving the reconsideration of all applications for U.N. membership. It follows that all Americans will vote Republican this fall. This is the sort of thing that led Samuel Johnson to observe how often "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." In a free society, there are very few public mat- ters that are a proper test of loyalty. Espionage is one of them. But most, like the question of what to do about U.N. membership for China, are de- bateable. There are many reasons why perfectly good Americans might be willing to pull down the cooperative defenses of freedom in a rage over Chinese admittance to the U.N. The Administration's policy-and the Demo- crats'-is to fight Chinese entry at this time. There are sound reasons for this: the Chinese have en- gaged in a war against U.N. forces in Korea, and have yet to demonstrate their ability to bargain in good faith in Indochina. But it would be cheap and unforgivable were powerful Republicans to exploit the issue in an ir- responsible manner, as they have begun to do. The consequences could be serious, not only for the in- ternational struggle against Communism but also for the health of American politics. --Allan Silver . ' e '~ "' ., . r . .: . .. ti./ .- 1 / 1 . 7 , ^ , o h"Q ti ' ( A t. Qty. r S r .-rC'A' i .. i't' .': , et , 9.. r F': s .. i -a rg-~m The Dramatic Arts Center--A Need for Experimentation THEATERGOERS, saddened by the collapse of Arts Theatre last winter, must certainly be gratified by the progress being made in the forma- tion of a Dramatic Arts Center in Ann Arbor. The Center movement, inspired by a group of local citizens, appears to be in good financial con- dition (which Arts Theatre never was), and is steadily becoming a well organized group, which promises to give Ann Arborites an organization which will both teach and produce plays. Since the group is still in its formative stage, perhaps a few suggestions would be in order. One of the characteristics of the old Arts The- atre was its willingness to experiment with new plays. Translations of foreign works, and novel modes of staging, were common and appreciated fare. The principle behind this attitude seemed to be that works of Broadway playwrites, past and present, can be seen in Detroit, or over at Lydia Mendelssohn, while significant works of art, which most people will never see, can better teach the actors and audience to appreciate and criticize drama. The new center might do well to consider these policies. From the economic standpoint, it might be point- ed out that the Dramatic Arts Center might well be a risky financial proposition. In the past, Ann Arbor citizens have supported the Ann Arbor Civic Players (which gave one or two productions a year), the Spring Drama Festival, and the various Speech Department productions. In view of the fact that local support of the old Arts Theatre was always lukewarm, if not nil, this writer wonders whether Ann Arbor residents have reached their drama saturation point. Active support of the University student popu- lation would therefore seem necessary if the new group is to be put on firm financial ground. In the years of Arts Theatre's existence, students were its main support. It would seem that continued support would be necessary if the new group is to succeed. One means of getting this support would be to get at least one person on the Board of Directors who could represent the student viewpoint. With this bit of advice, a successful first season is the present hope. -Jerry Helman WASHINGTON - Vitally impor- tant American policy involving the eventual possibility of war has been debated in the Senate recent- ly under a two-minute rule. It has been sandwiched in between me- morial tributes to a dead senator. Some senators have protested that a two-minute limit on debate was no way to consider the most important Senate move toward isolation since the little band of irreconcilables bolted Woodrow Wilson and defeated the League of Nations. It was at five minutes of mid- night July 1 that Senator Knowland of California announced that Sen. Hugh Butler of Nebraska had died. In deference to Mr. Butler the senators, weary from debating the tax bill, went home. Usual Senate custom is to ad- journ for one day following the death of a senator. But next mor- ning at 10, GOP leader Knowland boiled a tribute to Senator Butler down to a few brief words, after which Lyndon Johnson of Texas, the Senate Democratic leader, rose to pay tribute, not to the dead Senator Butler but to Senator Knowland. In an unusual oratorical embrace between the two senators who are supposed to lead opposing political parties, Johnson referred to the previous day's threat of "the dis- tinguished majority leader, the se- nior senator from California" that the United States should cut off all funds from the United Nations if Red China was admitted. And Johnson proceeded to back up Knowland in his bolt against Ei- senhower Dulles policy that the ex- ecutive branch of the government should not have its hands tied in regard to Red China or anything else. "I welcome the statement made by the distinguished majority lead- er yesterday," said Johnson of Texas. "It was profound. It was forthright. It was typical of the man we have come to know and understand and respect." The tributes to the late Senator Butler seemed completely forgot- ten as the beaming Knowland rose to reply: "I wish to express my appreci- ation to the distinguished minority leader, and also to commend him for the very statesmanlike and I believe very sound position he has taken." Morse Reminds Finally Senator Morse of Oregon got back to the deceased senator from Nebraska. "It had been my hope this morn- ing we would pay the highest re- spect we could pay to the memory of Hugh Butler by recessing im- mediately." Morse proceeded to pay his own tribute to Senator Butler, after which he thrust a jarring, vigorous dissent into the exchange of or- chids between Knowland and John- son. 'I do not share the view that the speeches of the majority lead- er and the minority leader on for- eign policy have been of such tre- mendous importance or value," said the outspoken senator from Oregon. "What disturbs me," summar- ized Morse, "is a growing attitude that if we cannot have our own way, and if the United Nations does not follow a course of action which we think it ought to follow, then we will retire from the United Nations. "I happen to be one who be- lieves that even if outvoted in the United Nations it is important that the views of a free America al- ways be spoken in the forums of the rapier-tongued Morse. But lat- er, when Lehman of New York, a stellar senator but not fast on his forensic feet, supported Morse, Johnson rose to heckle. Accusing Lehman of putting words into his mouth, Johnson in- terrupted him, then claimed that Lehman was interrupting him, challenged Lehman to answer the question of whether the American people would disagree over with- drawing financial support from the U.N. if Red China were admitted. "I oppose the admission of Red China with all my heart, force and might," said Lehamn, "but that does not mean we should forever close the door to consideration of this matter any time in the future" Finally, after Johnson had bul- lied Lehman further, Senator Morse came to his rescue. "I think the senator from Texas is entitled to an answer from me to the question he put to the sen- ator .from New York," said Morse, Pick Up Your Marbles "I wish to say that if the United Nations ever made the terrible mistake of admitting Red China, the American people would not fa- vor withdrawing from the United Nations ... because they know that sometimes in the democratic process decisions are lost by a ma- jority vote. And the American peo- ple do not believe that if you can- not have your way you should pick up your marbles and go home." At this point Senator Fulbright of Arkansas, one of the most dis- tinguished members of the Foreign Relations Committee, observed: "I question the wisdom of set- tling our foreign policy with a two- minute limitation on debate. It is a complicated subject and cannot be done in minutes. "I wish to say to the minority leader," continued Fulbright, "that if we fail in our objection to the admission of Communist China, I do not believe we should withdraw from the United Nations. To take that view would be evidence of political immaturity" Afterward, Johnson buttonholed Fulbright in the Senate cloakroom and scolded him for his speech. Fulbright replied that he didn't think Johnson, as the Democratic leader, had any business support- ing Knowland, the Republican leader, without consulting other Democratic senators. Johnson re- plied that he hadn't supported Knowland. But a reading of the record proves conclusively that he did. Thus ran debate on the most im- portant Senate move toward iso- lation since Senator Fall of New Mexico threatened to go to the White House and remove the bed clothing from the stricken Wood- row Wilson to ascertain his con- dition during the debate over the League of Nations. Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate Cigarette Cycle THE REPORTED demand for pipes in feminine models sug- gests that a new cycle of smoking habits may be under way. For women, always the bellwethers of social change, are believed to have had much to do with the pheno- menal increase in national cigar- ette consumption that took place in the jazz decade, and that has continued its upward climb to the present. Int he early 1900s the cigarette was considered sissified as compared to the cagar, the pipe, or a plug of chewing tobacco. It also was in bad repute socially and morally-Carrie Nation, the reformer, went about plucking 'America And Britain By J. M. ROBERTS JR. Associated Press News Analyst Students of world affairs are ac- customed to depend heavily on geopolitics, history, cultures and traditions and a lot of other intri- cate things for their evaluation of events. Less ponderous but probably no less an important factor, may be a pound of meat of the kind she wants bought by a British house- wife without rationing restrictions. Oddly enough, the end of meatj rationing in Britain came when thef United States was celebrating her< own Independence Day, marking1 freedom from British rule. It was also a time when Britain was dis- playing greater independence of the United States than at any time in the past half-generation. That is not to insinuate that Britain has kowtowed to the United States when she needed help and is now disposed to thumb her nose when she is pretty close to stand- ing on her own feet. They aren't that kind of folks. In fact, when the point is put di-; rectly, Britishers are inclined to deny the well known fact of resent- ment against the United States, parrying with a question: "How could there be, for a nation which has done so much for us?" Nevertheless, it is less impolite to differ with a friend when he is not actually holding you up, and the British have taken more and more advantage of that since their economic recovery hit a good pace. Britain has pulled together the economic pattern of the silver: bloc which she heads and now has money in the bank. She will go to the currency conference in Paris in a few days willing and able to work out a convertibility arrangement. All Europe is of the belief that such an arrangement is possible now. That means Britain considersf herself in position to let the pound,I chief measure of trade with the dollar area, find its own level. She's a different Britain from what she was just two or three years ago. If her returning strength makes her feel that she is entitled to express herself a little more loudly, it need not be too disturb- ing to Americans who want their allies strong. The Informers ON THE first page of this news- paper yesterday a dispatch from Washington began: "The cult of the paid informer is grow- ing in the Federal Government." The process of informing is - as Justice Holmes once said of the not-unrelated art of wire-tapping -- a "dirty business." The tattle- tale of childhood becomes in adult life the gossip, the keyhole-peeper, the tipster, the informer, the, agent. Paid or unpaid, it is a dis- tasteful occupation, and one that does not become well a free soci- ety. It implies accusation without proof, defamation without res- ponsibility. Yet there always have been informers, and it is not too much to say that no police agency on earth has ever operated suc- cessfully without them. The informer who notifies the' Treasury Department that Mrs. X is trying to smuggle from Europe a $10,000 diamond ring may be in- terested in enforcement of the customs laws only to the extent that he receives a share of the fine as his reward, but he is ac- tually performing a public service. The informer who gives the Bu- reau of Internal Revenue a lead that uncovers the effort of Mr. X to cheat the Government out of $100,000 in income taxes may be doing so only to vent his spite against Mr. X; but it is the Gov- ernment and therefore the people of the United States who are the gainers. The real problem of the inform- er arises not in this sphere but rather when questions of a man's personal life, of his thoughts;, opinions or political activities are under scrutiny. Here is where em- ployment of the informer may be- come dangerous to individual rights and liberties. The informer smacks of the police state; and we think that most Americans in- stinctively shrink from his use. It is reasonable to suppose that the professional, paid informers, such as those on the rolls of the Justice Department, who can be said to make their living at this game, feel the necessity of con- tinuing to "produce" if they are not to give up their lucrative oc- cupation. Informers undoubtedly have their uses in uncovering elements of the Comunist conspiracy; but it is essential that they be em- ployed with the greatest judg- ment and discretion. Some in- formers have been caught in di- rec"t cntritioienf testimoinv The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 14S Notices Approved Student Organizations - Summer, 1954 The following organizations have reg- istered as active for the summer session and are entitled to the privileges ac- corded recognized student organiza- tions: Chinese Student Club Congregational Disciples Student Guild Episcopal Student Foundation Gamma Delta Gothic Film Society Hillel Foundation Intercooperative Council Kinda Nihon Kenkyu Kai Lutheran Student Association Michigan Christian Fellowship Newman Club Wesleyan Club The following student-sponsored so- cial events are approved for the coming week-end: July 9 Angell House and Kleinstuck Phi Delta Phi July 10 Chinese Student Club East Quad Phi Delta Phi July 11 Phi Delta Phi Preliminary Examinations in English: Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who expect to take the preliminary exami- nation this summer are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Haven Hall. The examinations will be given as follows: English Literature from the Beginnings to 1550, Tuesday, uly 20; English Literature, 1550-1750, Friday, July 23; English Literature, 1750- 1950, Tuesday, July 27; and American Literature, Friday, July 30. The exami- nations will be given in Room 2435, Mason Hall, from 2 to 5 p.m. PERSONNEL REQUESTS J. I. Case Co., Racine, Wisc., has op- portunities available for recent or Aug- ust graduates in Sales, Industrial Man- agement, Product Design and Develop- ment Engineering. The City of Hamilton, Ohio, is re- ceiving applications for Engineering Aide IV, Salary Range $4200-$5700, until August 15, 1954. Registered or graduate Civil Engineers are eligible to apply. A Firm in the Ann Arbor Vicinity is looking for an experienced Secretary, Knowledge of typing and shorthand is required. For additional information concerning these and other employment opportuni- ties, contact the Bureau of Appoint- I tettepi TO THE EDITOR Cousin Inez ... To the Editor: I CANNOT TELL you how star- tled I was to read your little death-notice of Inez Pilk. It so happens that my maiden name was Pilk; and I have a cousin by the name of Inez Pilk, who has, at times, given lectures for academic establishments, She is now some- where in the Far East, doing, I think, missionary work. I have not had any word about her since the last war, when our family feared that she was killed by the Japan- ese. So you see there is such a person as Inez Pilk, a really fine woman, who has done much for her fellow men. I would, for her sake, and for the sake of my fam- ily; appreciate your printing this little note to avoid any further chagrin over which Inez Pilk is which. -Mrs. 3. M. Ross (Lillian Pilk Ross) Emotion & Dignity . To the Editor: I AM A '51 graduate of the U. of M. in the process of defying the law of averages and running for Congress at the ripe ol' age of twenty-five. I was out of the country for two years studying under a Fulbright Grant in my field of Political Theory and Inter- national Law. Last year I began studying at Yale Law School. Hav- ing been away from the area for three years, I have lost contact with many of my friends among the faculty and student body and thought this might be an effective means of establishing contact. I frankly admit to needing assist- ance of all kinds-campaign work- ers, funds, suggestions from poli- tical pundits. My major adversary is the present Democratic incum- bent who has managed for two terms to sell himself to the voters on the basis of the reputation his father established in Congress. It hasn't taken me long to learn that being the best qualified education- wise means little to the voter at the polls-that what my campaign or any campaign needs to be ef- fective-is emotional appeal. So, as the "underdog" and political novice among the candidates for the Dem- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Physics Symposium Lectures: Profes- sor C. N. Yang of the Institute for Ad- vanced Study will give a aeries of fif- teen lectures on High Energy Physics in Room 2038 Randall Laboratory. The lecture on Friday, July 9, will be at 9 o'clock a.m. Subsequent lectures will be at 9 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Near Eastern Lecture Series, auspices of the Department of Near Eastern Stu- dies. "The Background of Civilization in the Near East: The village-Farming Community and the Appearance of Full Civilization." Robert J. Braidwood, Pro- fessor, The Oriental Institute, Univer- sity of Chicago. 4:00 p.m., Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Academic Notices Make-up Examination in History will be given Saturday, July 10, 9 to 12 a.m. in Room 429 Mason Hall. See your In- structor for permission and then sign list in History Office. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet Friday at 2 p.m. in Room 320 Angell Hall. Seminar in Lie Algebras will meet ev- ery Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. in Room 3001 Angell Hall. Exhibitions Clements Library. Rare astronomet works. General Library. women as Authors, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp- tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Michigan Historical Collections. The University in 1904. Museum of Art. Three Women Paint- ers. Events Today Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, Friday, July 9, 8:30 p.m. Dr. Phil- ip S. Riggs from Drake University will speak on "The Solar System." After the illustrated talk in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic observation of Moon, Saturn, and Mars, if the sky is clear, or for inspection of the tele- scopes and planetarium, if the sky 1. cloudy. Children are welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. Michigan Christian Fellowship. Friday, July 9th. Movie. Lane Hall 7:30 p.m. This film "Regions Beyond" is a movie depicting the life and work of a mis- sionary and his wife in Africa. You are invited to see it. Shakespeare's HAMLET will be pre- sented promptly at 8 o'clock tonight by the Department of Speech in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Late-comers will not be seated until the end of the first scene. All seats are reserved. Tickets are available at the Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. for $1.75-$1.40-$1.0. Clinic. Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held Friday, July 9, 1954, 8:00 p.m. at the Camp Lodge, Patterson Lake. Stu- dentsaworking professionally with chil- dren are welcome to attend. Dr. John T. Pitkin of the Huron valley Child Guidance Clinic will be the Psychiatrist. Lane Hall Punch Hour, Friday, 4:30- to 5:45 p.m. All students cordially in- vited. Hillel Foundation: Sabbath Service at Hillel on Friday, July 9 at 8:00 p.m. will feature a sermonette on the Portion of the Law, to be given by Rabbi San- ford Jarashow, currently a summer resi- dent at the Hillel Foundation. All stu- dents are welcome. Coming Events Excursion to Cranbrook Foundation at Bloomfield Hills, ending with the De- troit Symphony at State Fair Grounds in the evening. Leave Lane Hall at 9:00 a.m. Saturday. Call NO 3-1511, extension 2851 for reservation. Sponsored by Lane Hall. Students and faculty welcome. SUNDAY: Services in the Ann Arbor churches. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Sun- day, July 11: Our regular meeting at Lane Hail today at 4:00 p.m. will consist of a Squash led by Dr. Gordon Van Wy- len, professor in the mechanical engi- neering department. He will direct our discussions on "The Meaning of the Christian Faith." Following the discussion periods will be a social hour with refreshments serv- ed. During this time we want to meet you and get to know you all. We invite you and urge you to attend. Summer Education Conference. July 12-16. speech Department Play. MRS. Me- THING. July 21-24. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i 'Y .V Y. I .1 ,. j CURRTltMOVIEb0 1S Architecture Auditorium. .. A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN with James Dunn and Dorothy McGuire A TREE Grows in Brooklyn is a warm, intimate story about people rather than situations. It's persnal qualities make the episodes in the story seem a part of a continuous line of action that never has an actual beginning or an end. Mixed in with one family's life are fragments of many lives giving credence to the theory of the interdependence of human society. The plot picks up the thread of a poor Irish family's existence in Brooklyn at the turn of the century. John Nolan is the legendary singing waiter whose warm Celtie personality is his only contribution to the family welfare. His wife, Kate, maintains the finances while losing her zest for life among the more pressing material demands. The children, Francis and Neilly, find their lives sharply against the drabness of his wife's drudgery in trying to support her brood. Dorothy McGuire in the role of Kate Nolan must be mother not only to her children but to her husband as well, but unknown to her is the role her husband plays with his pipe dreams in making life that much easier for her to bear. Her search for perfection is rewarded by the know- ledge that the imperfect may actually be per- fect. The two children lend a spontaneity to the story that makes one feel that adjustment is not absolute but always relative to each situation. In particu- lar, although Peggy Ann has the larger role, Ted Danielson as Neilly is more substantial in his char- acterization. He meets the exigencies of life with more zest than the others. He had his father's cheerfulness and his mother's practicality. You feel certain that he will thrive and prosper among the teeming millions of Brooklyn. One is also aware, constantly, of the fulness of [ife ac anaran a by m nv,nann1'ln nf An,, tlhndr Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter...Co-Managing Editor Alice B. Silver.... Co-Managing Editor Becky Conrad.............Night Editor Rona Friedman..........Night Editor Wally Eberhard. ....... .Night Editor Russ AuWerter..........Night Editor Sue Garfield.........Women's Editor Hanley Gurwin.........Sports Editor Jack Horwitz. Assoc. Sports Editor E. J. Smith........ Assoc. Sports Editor Business Staff Dick"Alstrom........Business Manager Lois Pollak........ Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks. ..... Advertising Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 f A I1 x