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VOL. LXIV, No. 14S



Major Lattimore
Count Dismissed
Cleared of Perjury by Appeals
Court; Five Minor Charges Remain
WASHINGTON (P)-The key charge in a perjury indictment
against Owen Lattimore-that he lied when he said he had never
been a Communist sympathizer or promotor of Red interests-is too
vague to be considered, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled Thursday.
The appeals court, by a vote of 8-1, upheld dismissal of the
charge by U.S. District Judge Luther W. Yougndahl in May, 1953.
At the same time it reinstated, on 5-4 votes, two lesser charges
Youngdahl had thrown out and upheld the dismissal of still an-
other on an 8-1 ruling. Lattimore, controversial Far Eastern special-
ist, called the net result "clearly a major victory."
Lattimore's attorneys, former Sen. Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D-
Wyo.), and Thurman Arnold, a former judge of the appeals court,
said the decision "has destroyed

Hobby Calls
Freedom Aid
Cabinet Member
Talks at Jackson
JACKSON, Mich. (A'-Oveta Culp
Hobby, secretary of health, wel-
fare and education, told a Freedom
Festival audience yesterday that
knowledge is "a weapon of free-
Mrs. Hobby said it was the duty
of the American people to give
the children born in the 1940's the
kind of education that has made
America great and kept her free.
She said:
"If we are to give the millions
of children already in schoolskor
entering for the first time the kind

On Red

Sof tens





World News
Y i
By the Associated Press
riculture Committee took another
slap at the Eisenhower farm pro-
I gram late Thursday by ordering
mandatory government price sup-
ports in oats, barley, rye and
grain sorghums, all important live-
stock feed crops.
Chairman Aiken (R-Vt) said the
8-7 vote reversed a decision earli-
er in the day that rejected the
proposal offered by Sen. Humph-
rey (D-Minn.) by a 9-6) margin.
* * *
I WASHINGTON-Four Puerto Ri-
can terrorists drew the maximum
sentences Thursday for what a
federal judge called the "atro-
cious" crime of shooting up the
House of Representatives March 1.
The three men involved each
were sentenced to serve from 25
to 75 years in prison, while fiery
Lolita Lebron 34-year-old brunette,
was given a term ranging from
16 years and 8 months to 50 years.
The four insisted they were pa-
triots, acting for tue freedom of
Puerto Rico, but U.S. Dist. Judge
Alexander Holtzoff declared their
foray was "so heinous, so infs.-
Smous, so atrocious" as to justify
the severest possible penalty.
* " l
FALLON, Nev. (2 - This desert
farming area was rocked again
Thursday by another earthquake
even as work crews finished clean-
ing debris from heavy tremors of
two days ago.
Deputy Sheriff Pete Pierson said
no new damage was caused by
Thursday's quake, felt. in a 40-
mile radius at 12:32 p.m.
" s ,
Health Service said Thursday the
number of polio cases has been
about the same this year as last
year-4,667 cases in the first 26
weeks of 1954 against 4,676 in the
first half of 1953.
During the past week 529 new
with 499 in the preceding week and
625 in the corresponding week a
year ago.
CHICAGO - A coroner's patho-
logist raised the possibility that
Montgomery Ward Thorne was
slain when he reported Thursday
that the young mail order heir
died an "unnatural death from un-
due causes."
Plan Activities
As the GOP moves out of Jack-
son tomorrow, the Democrats will
move in.
A five dollar a plate dinner and
1 a play will be the Democrat's an-
swer to the Republican Freedom
Festival Week.
Entitled "The Republicans Went'
That'a Way; or The Second Hun-
dred Years are the Hardest," the
play was written by English pro-
fessors Arthur Eastman and Alex-
ander Allison.
The dinner, which will not in-
clude speakers, is scheduled for
7 p.m. tomorrow. The play will
Governor G. Mennen Williams
will be present but will n o t
speak. t

any substanial case" against Lat-
"The remaining counts are triv-
ia, involving Lattimore's memory
as to unimportant events in his
long career which happened 10 to
15 years before the indictment,"
the lawyers said.
Lattimore, a one-time occasion-
al State Department consultant,
has been on leave of absence as a
lecturer at Johns Hopkins uni-
versity since his indictment in
December, 1952.
The indictment followed by al-
most a year days of stormy testi-
mony by Lattimore during an in-
vestigation by a Senate subcom-
mittee of the Institute of Pacific
Relations (IPR), a private re-
search organization,
McCarren Subcommittee
The subcommittee, then headed
by Sen. McCarren (D-Nev.), call-
ed Lattimore "a conscious articu-,
late instrument of the Soviet con-
spiracy." Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis)
once called Lattimore the top So-
viet espionage agent in this coun-
try., "Pure moonshine," Lattimore
Judge Youngdahl let stand
three of the indictment's seven
counts, but expressed doubt they
would "pass the test of materiality
so as to present a jury issue." This
ruling was not before the appeals
The Appeals Court decision!
presented the Justice Department
with the choice of 1-putting Lat-
timore on trial on the two rein-
stated counts, plus the three Judge
Youngdahl let stand or 2-ask-
ing the Supreme Court to put the
key count back in force.
U.S. Atty. Leo A. Rover said he'
regarded the "sympathizer" count
as the most important from the
government's standpoint. But he
said he will pass on to the Justice
Department the question of
whether to appeal to the Supreme
The Department said the ap-
peal to the Supreme Court.
The Department said the ap-
peals court opinion will have to
be studied carefully before it
makes any decision.


of classrooms they deserve, we
should be building 117,000 new
classrooms annually.
"Right now only about 50,000 new
elementary and secondary class-
rooms are being built annually.
The nation isfalling behind at the
rate of 67,000 classrooms a year.
"In far too many schools half-
day or even one-third-of-a-day
sessions are the rule because the
pupils cannot be accommodated
any other way."
Mrs. Hobby told the audience at
the Festival which had been built
around the centennial celebration
of the first Republican convention,
that the aim of the present ad-
ministration was to help states and
local communities build t h e i r
school systems.
Local Responsibility
"The first responsibility," she
said, "lies with the state and local
communities. The right to control
and manage our schools is their
clear traditional and proper right.
The federal government has an
obligation to help preserve and
strengthen this traditional c o n -
She said that three Eisenhower
proposals to help the nation with
the education problem have been
passed by Congress. She said they
1. The establishment of a Na-
tional Advisory Committee on Ed-
ucation; 2. The authorization of
cooperative research programs be-
tween, federal, state, local school
departments and colleges and uni-
versities, on a matching fund bas-
is; and 3. The holding of a series
of education conferences to cul-
minate in a White House Confer-I
ence on Education.

Act Used in
Atom Strike
3-Man Inquiry
Board Appointed
WASHINGTON (A-The govern-
ment Thursday put in motion the
Taft-Hartley Law emergency pro-
cedures aimed at stopping a two-
day strike at plants producing key
atomic and hydrogen bomb ma-
President Eisenhower named
three members to a board of in-
quiry to get the facts on the strike
of 4,500 CIO union workers at gas-
eous diffusion plants at Oak Ridge,
Tenn., and Paducah, Ky. The Pre-
sident has said the strike could
hurt this country's race for atomic
Production Continues
Production is continuing at the
two plants.
The inquiry board went right to
work, taking testimony in closed-
door sessions from representatives
of the Atomic Energy Commission,
and the company and unions in-
volved in a wage dispute.
Thomas Keith Glennan of Cleve-
land, president of Case Institute of
Technology, was made inquiry
board chairman and he promised
that the board will have a full re-'
port on the situation quickly for
President Eisenhower.
Report Necessary
The board's report is necessary:
under the Taft-Hartley Law before
the President may take the next
emergency strike step. This is an
order to the Justice Department to
apply in federal court for an 80-'
day, back-to-work injunction.
The government may apply for
the injunction Friday, because
Chairman Lewis L. Strauss of the
AEC has said the strike is affect-
ing all this country's facilities for
separating U235 from uranium. H
said the U235 is "essential to the
production of atomic weapons,
both fission aid thermonuclear
Only the CIO Gas, Coke and
Chemical Workers are on strike.
An equal number of members of
the AFL Atomic Trades and Labor
Council, although involved in the
same wage dispute, have not
struck two other Oak Ridge facili-
Six Cent Limit
The employer operating the four
plants, for the AEC is the Carbide
& Carbon Chemicals Co, It has re-
fused to go beyond a six-cent
hourly wage increase recommend-
ed by a government board several
weeks ago but rejected by both
unions. The unions are asking for
increases ranging from 19 to 21
cents an hour. Present hourly
scales range from $1.58 to $2.40.
'Hamlet' Tickets
Remain on Sale
Tickets for the f i r s t speech
department play, Shakespeare's,
"Hamlet," are still available at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
today and tomorrow.
Both performances will start
promptly at 8 p.m. Tickets are
priced at $1.75, $1.40 and $1.

STEVENSON TIMEOUT-Adlai Stevenson, 1952 Democratic pres-
idential nominee and former Illinois governor, leads a horse out
for a ride during his vacation in the mountains. He will speak
at an Oregon Democratic rally Saturday.
Federal Insurance Bill
Gets House Approval
WASHINGTON (R)-The House Thursday voted 309-36 for a bill
expanding unemployment insurance coverage, after beating down
a Democratic drive to increase weekly benefits.
The bill, which now goes to the Senate, would add about 4 mil-
lion workers to the 36 million already covered by the federal-state
jobless insurance program.
It adds about 2112 million federal government employes for the first
time, and extends coverage to firms hiring four or more employes
for 20 weeks in a year. The present law, enacted in 1935, cov-
--------4>ers firms hiring eight or more em-

Speaking for the 8-1 majority1
in the key ruling. Judge E. Barrett
Prettyman said the Constitution's
6th amendment requires that in
all criminal prosecutions the ac-
cused shall be informed of the na-
ture and cause of the action
against him, adding:
"We are of the opinion the first
count of the indictment is void
for vagueness.

ey Factor Ike,
Dulles Assurance
Proposal May Amend Foreign Aid
Bill; Bi-Partisan Support Sought
WASHINGTON (A)-An Eisenhower-Dulles pledge to fight to
the end against a United Nations seat for Red China yesterday headed
off a congressional proposal for- automatic withdrawal from the in-
ternational organization in case it admits the Peiping regime.
Sen. Knowland of California, the Republican leader who was
spearheading the drive, softened his proposal. He offered legislation
which would:
1. Place Congress on record anew against the seating of the Com-
munists as the representatives of China in the U.N.
2. In the event of Red China getting into the U.N. General As-
sembly or Security Council, request President Eisenhower to inforin
Congress of the international implications of such a development.
and recommend a course of action."

Gen. Ely Gives
All-Out Hanoi
Defense Order
Denies Rumors of
Abandoning City
HANOI, Indochina (A -Gen. Paul
Ely, French Union commander in
chief in Indochina, said yesterday
he has ordered an all-out defense
of Hanoi, the seaport of Haiphong,
and the vital supply route connect-
ing them.
Ely denied emphatically to news-
men rumors that Hanoi would be
abandoned to the Communist-led
Vietminh without a fight.
He returned from conferences in
Paris last Sunday.
Predicts A Decision
Ely predicted a decision will be
reached within 12 days on whether
there will be war or a ceasefire in
Indochina. This obviously was
based on French Premier Pierre
Mendes-France's pledge to achieve
peace in the nearly 8-year-old In-
dochina War by July 20 or resign,
While the fate of a ceasefire
pended, Vietminh guerrillas leap-
frogged deep inside the shrunken
Delta defenses Thursday in efforts
to pick off remaining French out-
posts. The French hit back with
strong rocket and napalm attacks
from the air.

ployes for 20 weeks.
-Six Million?
President Eisenhower had re-
quested coverage for six million
more persons, including firms with
one or more workers without re-
gard to length of service. The
Ways and Means Committee trim-
med down the President's proposal
before bringing it to the House
A determined band of Democrats
denounced the House bill as inade-
quate and fought for amendments
to increase payments to the job-
less and extend payments for at
least 26 weeks.
Vote 241-110
They were beaten on a roll call
vote of 241-110. Supporting the
move were 18 Republicans, 91
Democrats and 1 independent.
Against were 173 Republicans and
68 Democrats.
Benefits and payment periods
now vary according to state laws,
with the minimum in some states
as low as $5 a week for six weeks.
The average is less than $25.
An amendment by Rep. Forand
(D-RI) would have set the mini-
mum benefit
Air Defense Test
WASHINGTON (4) - The larg-
est air defense test ever held on
the North American continent will
take place this month Canada and
the United States announced yes-

Knowland said the new proposal
would be formally introduced as
an amendment to the 3% million
dollar foreign aid authorization bill
when it comes up in the Senate
later this month. He said it would
have wide bipartisan backing.
Knowland has served notice that
he will resign as the Republican
leader and fight to get this country
out of UN if the Reds are ad-
mitted. That notice is not affected
by his softened amendment.
Plan Softened
The proposed amendment, giving1
the President the opportunity to
call the signals, is a far cry from1
Knowland's first demands. Origin-
ally he called for prompt Ameri-
can. withdrawal from the U.N. if
Red China came in, with the policy7
established by Congress before-
hand. Apparently the administra-
tion urged him to change his ap-
proach to the problem.
The development came as Sec-
retary of State Dulles declared the
Cnited States still has powerful
cards to play and that "I do not
believe Communist China is in fact
going to be seated".
"I don't think there is going to
be any American withdrawal from]
the U.N. or any occasion for it,"
Dulles told a news conference.
Knowland's new amendment was
outlined by Acting Chairman H.
Alexander Smith (R-NJ) of the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee, who said he expected the com-
mittee to approve it Friday.
Even to assume that Red China
will obtain admittance to any of
the principal U.N. organs, Dulles
said at his news conference,
"weakens our case and strikes a
note of defeatism which I think is
entirely unjustified."
UN Not a Reformatory
"The United Nations was not set
up to be a reformatory," he as-
serted. "It was assumed that you
would be good before you got in
and not that being in would make
you good ...
"The Communist regime is dis-
qualified by its consistent record
of opposition to the principles of
the United Nations."
Dulles pointed out that it carried
on war against the U.N., in Korea
and continually denounced the in-
ternational organization at the
Geneva conference.
"All of these facts combine to
make such a case that we do not
believe that the requisite votes can
be found to admit the Communistl
regime to represent China in thea
United Nations."4

Peace Role
The emergance of woman in
public affairs is a "great reason
to hope for peace and a growing
world understanding," according
to Alice Leopold, director of the
U. S. Women's Bureau.
Speaking as part of the "Woman
In the World of Man" series, Mrs.
Leopold said that woman has been
the "heart of the home," and that
she can bring peace and better
understanding to the world if she
can "carry with her into public
life the warm human relationships
which she has nurtured in family
More Freedom
Stating that woman has always
held a position of prominence as
a mother and homemaker, Mrs.
Leopold noted that our society has


- -- --~~---

Atomic Particle from
Outer Space Captured

SEATTLE (R)-An atomic parti-
cle apparently from outer space,
capable of annihilating ordinary
matter in hair-raising fashion, has
been captured at the top of the
earth's atmosphere, a widely
known cosmic ray scientist report-
ed Thursday.
Moving at the incredible speed
and energy of 10 million billion
volts, the particle converted mat-
ter into energy and the energy
turned back into another form of
Nothing remotely approaching
this energy ever has been reported
before fromtdirect observation of
a single particle.
"A Pipsqueak"
By comparison a fissioning ura-

Marcel Schein of the University of
Chicago and reported by him to a
meeting here of the American
Physical Society. The project was
sponsored by the Office of Naval
Although the final proof is lack-
ing, the supposition is that the par-'
ticle is an anti-proton. This would
be the counterpart or "opposite
number" of a proton, The proton,
as werknow it, is the core of a
hydrogen atom and one of the com-
ponents of every kind of matter.
The behavior of the particle and
the circumstances of its discovery
pose the question, "What else can
it be if it isn't an anti-proton?"
Dr. Schein said he had no other
P nnnnn +4.nn 4 nt noan+t NPn fnraAi

Unemployment Total Reaches 1,600 in Ann A rbor
Sixteen hundred people are at present unemployed in Ann Arbor, as were laid off last year at this time," he continued, "and it is not
according to Rex Nottingham, branch office manager of the Michigan seasonal."
Employment Security Commission. saoa.
One of the main reasons for the large unemployment in Local
The large number of unemployed, approximately 500 over the 959, which is for unskilled laborers, was the importation of Detroit
figures reported at the same time last year, is mainly due to a labor when General Motors took over the Kaiser Motor Corp. plant,
gradual decline in manufacturing, Nottingham asserted. he pointed out.
The gradual cutback in industry and slackening of the defense Many of the people who lost their jobs then couldn't find other
pace with cancellation of government contracts in industry are the employment, he continued. "Factories are just not taking on people
main factors in the high non-seasonal unemployment, he explained, like they usbd to."
"However, the number of unemployed has been going down for Many of those unemployed now are not receiving unemploy-
the last two years and we feel that the bottom was hit in June. ment checks and some of those people are destitute, he concluded.

evolved to a place where woman
has more freedom. "Accompany-
ing this freedom," the speaker
said, "it is the responsibility of
woman to be responsive to the
needs of humanity."
Drawing attention to the com-
paratively few women in promi-
nent positions, Mrs. Leopold said,
"we socially have not caught up
with the times. The industrial re-
volution changed our way of living
by bringing women out of the
house, but we haven't quite caught
up with it in our thinking." the
speaker continued.
Important Positions
Pointing to the large number of
women now occupying important
positions, Mrs. Leopold listed such
national figures as Clare Boothe
Luce, Ambassador to Italy, Mrs.
Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of
the Department of Health and
Senators Margaret Chase Smith
and Eva Bowring.
More than 5,000 women are now
serving in important state appoint-
ive posts, and more than 12,000
are county officials, the speaker

Names, Ann Arbor and home


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