PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIMRSDAY, JULY 8, 1954 PAG1~ FOT3R~ TUE MICHIGAN DAILI THuRSDAY, JULY 8,1954 FATAL FOURTH: Top State Off ieials Take Note of weekend Deaths LANSING WI)-Top state off i- cials expressed grave concern yes- terdiay over Michigan's high Fourth of July traffic toll. The state's weekend death count reportedly was the worst in the nation. Gov. Williams said he was "highly concerned." He asked state police and highway department heads for prompt analyses of the Local Group Plans Seven Arena Plays New officers, plans for rental of the Masonic Temple Auditorium and a series of seven arena style plays for the 1954-55 season were announced today by the Ann Ar- bor Dramtic Arts Center, Inc. In a planning meeting the group started negotiations for hiring a professional director and business manager. Tentative plans have been made for the first play to be staged in October, each play to run Thursday through Sunday for one month with the last play to be staged in April. I Yearly Budget The yearly budget of $30,000 planned by the organization would be used to hire the director, busi- ness manager and professional cast. The arena style theater would seat more than 300 persons, and offices of the group would also be on the main floor in the building. During the day the Center would offer programs in children's thea- ter and dancing, and paintings and work of local artists would be dis- played in cooperation with the Ann Arbor Art Association. Continue Drive The Center is continuing a drive for $4,000 in gifts for a reserve fund to underwrite initial costs of the program, and $2,000 has been subscribed to date. New officers of the Center's board of directors are Eugene B. Bower, president; Richard Boys, vice-president; Clan Crawford, Jr., secretary; and Mrs. Phyllis secretary, and Mrs. Phyllis Wright, treasurer. soaring holiday death count to help map counter-measures. The Associated Press count, ga- thered by newspapers from law enforcement officials, listed 34 traffic deaths. Childs said the average highway death toll in Michigan this year was slightly more than five deaths a day. He said the average went up to eight per day over the week- end of the Fourth. Slight Increase He said there was only a slight increase in the number of fatal accidents over the holiday but that the number of deaths per accident went up sharply. By comparison, the Memorial Day weekend saw 19 accidents take only 20 lives. Increased travel was declared mainly responsible for the high toll by Childs. He said Michigan highways are reaching a "satura- tion point" over holiday weekends. Straits Traffic Up Highway department figures supported his contention. The de- partment said that traffic across the Straits of Mackinac over the Fourth jumped 17 per cent this year over last year. State ferries carried 32,123 ve- hiclese across the straits during the five day period starting July 1 compared to 27,354 last year. WUOM T'o Air Drama of West Experiences of a country school teacher in the early days of the West will be portrayed at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow in "The Larnin' Lady," over WUOM-FM, Univer- sity Broadcasting Service. This will be the fourth in a cur- rent series on "A Gallery of Wo- men," presented in conjunction with the special University Sum- mer Session program, "Woman in the World of Man." In the story, Elizabeth Palmer Bryant is a fictional character who represents the women who pioneered in teaching school, a place long held to belong to men. Arthur Jackson, WUOM an- nouncer, wrote the script. It will be directed by Bill Stegath, Broadcasting Service production director. Williams PasRqetSteSentrSuppot For More PrisonRSpace 'Full-Time Legislatures LANSING (A-Gov. Williams will call the "Little Legislature" in- EAST LANSING (P)-A full- to session July 26 to consider a request for additional prison space. time legislature was suggested fr of Representatives, said that leg- C0mkWilliams acted upon recommendation of the StatedCorrections Michigan today by Sen. Creighton probles atae mor R Coleman (R-Battle Cek), and more time of the legislators. Commission meeting at Gaylord, that $75000 be provided to build aSeaemjitladr Higher salaries at least would new outside dormitoiy at Ionia Reformatory to house 150 inmates Coleman spoke at the Michigan produce more competition for the now working on irison farms. State College Forum on State and jobs, he said. There was considerable doubt whether the money would be pro- Local Government. Committees Essential vided, however. "Our state is big enough and Both agreed that the committee Will Decide further reduced the estimate to wealthy enough and our problems system of considering legislation Atty. Frank G. Millard, in res- 9,025. The latter figure was ac- are complex enough that Michi- was essential and that the senior- ponse to a question from Williams, cepted by the legislature. gan should move toward a full- ity system of assigning committee said it was the "Little Legisla- '_time legislature," Coleman said.. chairmanships was necessary but ture's" discretion to decide wheth- Salary Increases produced many problems. er the request was an emergency Former State Coleman was asked whether sal- "Committees will sometimes kill matter or whether it had author- 'ra' t teary increases would attract better good legislation, but nobody's ity t consider it- 11 men to the legislature. found a substitute for the system," The "Little Legislature." or Senato r Place "I hope so," he said. Van Valkenburg said. "Commit- Emergency Appropriations Com- Coleman said he thought higher tees also kill lots of trashy legis- mission, has power to allocate At led M eets salaries would give younger men a lation." funds inemergencies for purposesA, chance to serve the state. He said the seniority system which the full legislature could Rep. Wade Van Valkenburg (R- gives "real headaches" and is not not have considered or did not DETROIT (P)-Stanley Nowak, Kalamazoo), Speaker of the House perfect by any means." -Daily-Duane Poole consider. former Michigan state senator from Detroit, was placed at Com- "................. ROLLIN' ON-Mrs. Betty Miller, of Detroit, peers out of the Millard hinted, however, that Wayne County "On to Jackson" wagon which rolled behind a the legislature had considered theew s rn iniCRISPERS.TO MAKE YOUR SUMMER team of horses from the Motor City to Jackson for the "Freedom matter of prison space fully. He g sonsin andew ork yPsO noted it had provided $100,00 to testimony taken under oath yes-; Festival." terday in the U. S. District Attor- WARDROBE AN OUTSTANDING SUCCESS plan a new medium security pris- ney's office. on at Ionia. ne osNowak faces denaturalization FREEDOM FESTIVAL: Two Purposes i trial in Federal Court July 13. S U Williams said the emergency Yesterday's testimony, in theS ring prison space would serve two pur- form of a deposition, was given by O rn ln r c poses Earl Reno, admitted one-time ; etc a s It would remove the necessity Communist Party official, who was : At All Levels Says Editor for marching 150 convicts in and to have been a government witness y ./ out of the prison daily. This was against Nowak, a native of Poland JACKSON Mich. (-A wide- called a security hazard by piOn accused of hiding Communist 3 JAkon nesae ma de- "It is as though we had a guar- experts. Party affiliation when he became a eyetrw a that manent, anteed water system, but found And, Williams said, it would free U.S. citizen in 1938. e eol'st government' alwe had little access to some of 150 cells in Ionia for youthful ofd Reno, a party member from 1931 levels has become more secret."a the valves." fenders now in the Southern Mi to 1942, became a consultant for 7 He is Wallace Lomoe, managing Lomoe said that as long as 40 chigan Prison who cannot be mov- the U.S. Immigration and Natur- editor of The Milwaukee Journal j years ago students of government ed to the reformatory because of alization Service after he quit the and president of the Associated warned against what they viewed lack of space. party. He recently became manag- as a trend toward secrecy. They Williams and the commission er of a New Hampshire furniture was the featured speaker on cited as one reason the growing have been hammering at the fact company and asked permission to "of Speech and Press complexity of government, he the prisons now house 9,455 con- give his testimony by deposition dom said. victs, compared to 9,042 at the because of the difficulty in get- Day" in Jackson's Freedom Festi-Lists Grous time of the bad prison riots two ting away from his new job. No- val. Restrictions Increase Lomoe added that it was not years ago. wak and his attorney were present a asuntil newspaper groups organized Needles Governor today. it in ecme ye and Lmore and grew to strength in recent Millard needled the governor a Reno said Nowak attended aAg said "that while we have had the decades that the "full spread of little on this point. closed meeting of Communist lead--A bu g n wrer ti the situation was realized." He noted that the prison war- ers in Milwaukee. He said he saw your lin erie wardrobe this stories about our public affairs, The Milwaukee editor compli- dens had estimated their popula- him at four party gatherings in Summer.They'll keep you strie abut ur ublc afais, he Dtrot ad a on inNewYor infeeling fresh and cool s a the sources of information about mented the Michigan Press Assn. tion for this year at 9,550 when Detroit and at one in New York in those affairs increasingly have for having "accomplished a lot" they asked for operating funds. December, 1938. summer breeze. All in whitey been restricted. in persuading the University of The Corrections Commission, Mil- And so pretty and dainty 'Michigan's Board of Regents to lard said, cut this estimate to 9,- Visitors' Nioht that you'll want them to open some of its meetings to the 028, the Democratic-controlled show beneath your summer Former Met Star press. Department of Administration First of the summer's Visitors' sheers or peek beneath your Editor Presides Nights at the University depart- cotton frocks Joi s U FaCUlty He spoke at a joint luncheon of ment of astronomy will be held Jackson civic clubs, over which '3 PrOstage LStam ps at 8:30p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 2003, Frances Greer, distinguished editor Carl M. Saunders of the n 1Angell Hall. soprano with the Philadelphia Jackson Citizen - Patriot presided. To Be Jl.e(esignet Prof. Philip S. Riggs, of Drake on Forest Opera company for three years Several other Michigan editors University, will speak on "Theu- and a member of the Metropolitan were guests. WASHINGTON (P)-Postmast- Solar System." After the talk, the Just off South U Opera company for nine years has Jackson's Freedom Festival, er General Summerfield announc- public will be invited to visit the and accepted an appointment to the which runs through Saturday, is ed yesterday his department has student observatory on the fifth 1111 South U. voice faculty of the University being held in celebration of the approved plans for issuing three floor of Angell Hall. School of Music starting in Sep- 100th aniversary of the first con- new re-designed stamps in the The University's astronomical near East U. ternber, Dean Earl V. Moore has; vention of the Republican Party ordinary postage series. They are: instruments will be available for announced. and Jackson's 125th anniversary. A one-cent George Washington use in the observatory. Children Miss Greer will be concerned That GOP convention was held to be placed on first day sale at attending must be accompanied with undergraduates and gradu- here. Chicago, Aug. 26 during the annual by adults. :,.. ates in the voice major program Tomorrow will be Agriculture convention of the Society of Phil- at the University and will also be and Education Day and Mrs. Oveta atelic Americans I 4 {4 JULY CLEARANCE * SUMMER and SPRING APPAREL associated with Josef Blatt in the Culp Hobby, Secretary of Health, opera workshop program. Welfare and Education, is sched- Miss Greer, who was born in uled to deliver the principal ad- Arkansas, was graduated from dress. Louisiana State University with a Vice President Nixon was a fea- Bachelor of Music degree in, 1934. tured speaker Tuesday. * COATS w DRESSES * SUITS * SPORTSWEAR ii * BLOUSES . SHOES 1/4 TO /2 OFF Original Prices FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY 302 South State Street' OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY A two-cent Thomas Jefferson to have its first sale at San Francisco, Sept. 15, when the American Phil- atelic Society is in session there. A four-cent Abraham Lincoln with first day sale at New York City Nov. 19, during the conven- tion of the American Stamp Deal- ers Assn. The designs for the stamps have not been announced. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) An organization meeting of the N.A.- A.C.P. will be held at the Michigan Un- ion at 8:00 p.m. Thursday, July 8. Ev- eryone welcome, Coming Events Clinic. Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held Friday, July 9, 1954, 8:00 p.m. at the Camp Lodge, Patterson Lake. Stu- dents working professionally with chil- dren are welcome to attend. Dr. John T. Pitkin of the Huron Valley Child Guidance Clinic will be the Psychiatrist. Lane Hall Punch Hour, Friday, 4:30- to 5:45 p.m. All students cordially in- vited. Excursion to Cranbrook Foundation at Bloomfield Hills, ending with the De- troit Symphony at State Fair Grounds in the evening. Leave Lane Hall at 9:00 a.m. Saturday. Call NO 3-1511, extension 2851 for reservation. Sponsored by Lane Hall. Students and faculty welcome. Hillel Foundation: Sabbath Service at Hillel on Friday, July 9 at 8:00 p.m. will feature a sermonette on the Portion of the Law, to be given by Rabbi San- ford Jarashow, currently a summer resi- dent at the Hillel Foundation. All stu- dents are welcome. ON SALE FRIDAY t Y (jr .. .. I A Michigan Favorite For 64 Years! Including names, home addresses and Ann Arbor addresses and phone numbers of Summer Session students at 0' Scientists believe man is the longest lived mammal in the world. I Diagonal East Quad In front of Union Law Quadrangle Student Publications 1. Alice Lloyd ^t Vet +'1 / / "! / ' / " T /'"'l Y' /"R C"" M171 ': m 'U - - - - ~ z~iY~t~ft~i -'U 11 II II