PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY A. IMSd PAGE TWO THE MICIHGA~~J DAILY THTTR~DAV JTTIV f IOKA s .: v s4e i, a , a IU JU X d, 1. Laag I I The Need for an Agonizing' Reappraisal M ANY MONTHS AGO, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles hinted that, unless certain events took place, the United States would have to make an "agonizing reappraisal" of its foreign policy. Judging from the events of the past weeks, such a reappraisal would seem to be necessary-however, not in the manner Dulles implied. The much harried Secretary issued his state- ment in order to goad France and Italy into rati- fying the European Defense Community Plan, hinting that failure to do so would force the U.S. to withdraw its troops from the European conti- nent. The danger of this policy, and the other po- licies, official and unofficial, which have issued from various strata of the GOP, can be seen by re- viewing the rapidly deteriorating world situation. Relations with Great Britain are at a new low, Britain seeking "peaceful co-existence" with Rus- sia. At last report, the recent Big Two confer- ence has failed to patch up the many differences between the two countries. France has been seeking a truce in Indo-China which has been damned as a sellout. This has been combined with failure to ratify EDC and a severe economic crisis, which is rapidly turning the coun- try into the "sick man" of Europe. The situation in the Near-East seems to have reached a state of insoluble dilemma, while in the Far East, there is active and serious conflict. In- dia seems to be reaching an accord with Red Chi- na, presumably on the latter's terms. Indo-Chinn seems in danger of being at least partially lost to the West, while in Korea there is almost a blessed stalemate. Our relations in South America also appear to have deteriorated to a new low. What to do? The present administration seems to be confused in proportion to the degree of con- fusion in the world situation. Various solutions have been proposed: massive retaliation, a Far Eastern NATO, withdrawal from the UN, sending troops into Indo-China and not sending troops into Indo-China. It is difficult to explain how such duplicity has arisen in our government at a time when a united front is essential. Perhaps it is because of the GOP's traditional philosophy of letting Con- gress-take the lead, with the executive playing a secondary role. President Eisenhower, at least, seems reluctant, if not unable, to take a firm stand. The only logical policy that is open to the U.S. at this time, is an old one-containment. This in- volves holding the Communist world within its present frontiers, and meeting any attempt at ex- pansion with armed force, if necessary. This is the policy which saved Korea and Greece, allowed the Berlin Airlift, and except for the fall of China, which probably no amount of arms or money could have saved, kept Communism from expanding. It would also seem that certain other policies must be adopted to enable the U.S. to maintain a position of strength. The old bugaboo of recognition of Communist China has made it impossible for this country to bargain at the conference table. It would seem that recognition of that government, and even admis- sion to the UN, would be a small concession for a stabilized Chinese frontier. Recognition has never meant approval. It is, at the most, a tool in bar- gaining, and a means of communication. To date, the U.S. has gained nothing, not even self-respect, through its insistance on these sine qua nons. Another step in the ressurection of our foreign policy would be to take the play away from the Communists and champion the strongly na- tionalistic, anti-colonial movements which have arisen in the Far and Near East, and in our own hemisphere. The necessity of land reform in these countries, and the drive for national identity has lead many popular movements to allie themselves with com- munists, caring little for ideology and accepting support from any quarter which promises aid. The U.S., through its strong influence on the major colonial powers, France and Britain, could certain- ly advance the cause of these movements. Perhaps above all, a tolerance for the problems of our allies is necessary. If we expect them to be economically independent, we must lower our trade barriers. The administration must take care to clear its statements, and not allow every government of- ficial to declare unalterable policy. In short, the "agonizing reappraisal" must take the form of "containment," not "liberation," with a sympathetic attitude toward the problems of our allies and a firm advocacy of the cause of free- dom among all peoples. -Jerry Helman "Why Don't You Guys Saw the Boat in Half?" F E A a J h /Yw . ." .. F _ . iu9 iwu n ' Pe : .. c 91- -rts W s'i+niL''oNP .- -es Russia Posed For Attack On ,japan By J. M. ROBERTS JR. Associated Press News Analyst Now word comes from Tokyo that for weeks Russia has been poised for an attack on Japan should the United States become tied up in Indochina. That explains why, three weeks ago, experienced observers felt world tension rising to a scream- ing pitch without knowing exactly why. At that time, the United States was in the throes of decision, with France demanding direct interven- tion as the alternative to a virtual surrender of part of the Southeast' Asia area which President Eisen- hower had said must not be taken by the Communists. No announcement has ever been made as to what was decided, but the decision for the time being is contained in the fact that nothing has been done, with diplomatic ef- forts now centering on arrange- ment for a fall-back line in case part or all of Indochina falls. The danger that intervention in Indochina would eventually pro- duce a full-scale war in Asia was a prime consideration when Bri- tain and the United States were discussing the problem, and was overpowering in British minds at least. Now it appears the danger was far greater than was generally known. Robert Eunson, chief of The Associated Press bureau in Tokyo, reports that the tension reached the point where American warships and planes were kept on anxious patrol throughout the area. Military authorities had infor- mation that Russia was, and still is, poised for a renewal of the Kor- ean war and an attack on Japan with 35 divisions and 700 jet bombers. Was Russia putting up a bluff to influence the American decision on intervention in Indochina? Or was she deliberately prepar- ing to take advantage of the situa- tion if the United States transferred her Far Eastern forces from Japan and Korea to Indochina? The former seems more likely, for there is a pretty general feel- ing among the most experienced observers that Russia is not de- liberately looking for a general war right now. Apparently that is the estimate of the military experts on the ground, for with tension now eas- ing, they are going ahead with plans to withdraw American forces from Korea as rapidly as possible. However, the mere fact that Rus- sia has 35 divisions organized as an expeditionary force in Asia is sufficient to put an extremely dim light on the prospects for peace there. It heightens the need for speed in rearmament of Japan, and prob- abty will eliminate some Japanese opposition to that program. It keeps all diplomatic approach- I ette-P TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors, DRAMA At Lydia Mendelssohn . . . HAMLET, presented by the Department of Speech "HAMLET" is a lot to absorb at one sitting. This is not to say that the play is better read with frequent breaks for suitable contemplation of all its provocative proclivities; it is and always has been pre-eminently actable and stageable. The "problems", it presents, however, are no myth; it is a diffuse work, and particularly with the cut- ting that was felt to be necessary in this produc- tion, not much breathing space was allotted to permit the audience to understand the particular coherence of this production. These then are no more than impressions of the Speech Department's "Hamlet," their Initial offering of the summer sea- son. First of all, there can be no doubt of the dra- matic integrity and the deep sense of the tech- nical demands of "Hamlet" possessed by, its di-' rector, B. Iden Payne. This was a warm produc- tion throughout, competently acted, brightly and even phosphorescently alive. It was well toned, neither hollowly pretentious, nor mechanically stale. The actors seemed always aware of what they were about and had the advantage of par- ticularly empathetic surroundings in which to accomplish the often difficult tasks before them. A set, which is perhaps traditional for modern Shakespearean productions, (an abstract outer area and a changing inner stage) kept the show absolutely fluid, and, for some reason, the light- ing seemed softer and more professionally han-' dIed than I previous recall having seen it here. Both the costuming and the mutted offstage effects were tasteful, never degenerating Into dis- cordant pageantry; the unselfconscious use of two pages as act markers symbolized this com- mendable practice of not underscoring the technical trappings of production. The performance as a whole was keyed, as I sup- pose all productions of Hamlet are (like it or not), by the personality of its hero. Just what his personality is has, of course, been solved by dif- ferent actors in different ways for a long time. He may be weak and temporizing, a queasy poet; he may. be the stalwart nobleman delayed only be- cause the king is too strongly guarded; or he may be the slave to Oedipus as Laurence Olivier saw it. Nafe Katter's prince is none of these; he is an angry Hamlet, even a mad one. He is a hero who begins shouting right with the "too solid flesh" soliloquy, suggests his madness long before put- ting the antic disposition on, and demonstrates no clear affection for anyone, particularly not for Ho-, ratio or Ophelia. He is hardly a sympathetic hero, certainly an intelligent one, but too hyperthyriod, too egocentric to share the stage for very long, not even with the ghost of his father whose mes- sage he seems to know before the ghost speaks. This invites the possibility that the whole mur- der which torments him so is no more than, as Gertrude puts it, "the very coinage of his brain." It is as if Gertrude and Claudius are deceived by Hamlet instead of the reverse, that somehow these two dispassionate suburban types, by vir- tue of the price's paranoiac wizardry, somehow accept the reality of a crime they have not com- mitted. So completely does Hamlet's manic pleas- ure with his grief and his plot dominate the play. If this was not the intention of the production, the result follows perhaps from Mr. Katter's be- ginning at too high a pitch, a pitch which he cannot sustain and which almost sinks into asso- nant double-talk at times. He is a finely poised Hamlet, but almost too poised at the start. The downhill calm that comes to him later does not convince me that perhaps some horrible mistake has not been committed, and that King and Queen, these two nice people, are not really guilty. Katter's violent rush in the ghost scene is most responsible for this, and it is possible he was dis- tracted here by excessive noise of scene-changing in the inner area at that time. Of the other performances, Dan Mullin's Po- lonius is most noteworthy; he has a great deal more than the stuttering and the shaky limbs of most amateur-stage old men. He reads with wit and perfect understanding; one wishes for at least a little irony in Katter's vicious "thou wretched, rash, introducing fool" speech after he has murdered the old counselor. Before concluding, other assets to the production worth mention include Whitford Kane's sensitive professional bit as the first gravedigger, Ophelia's gently managed "mad" scene, Horatio's nice self- effacement and the very well paced duel scene with everybody moving perfectly right through to the end. The production is one you certainly should make a special effort to see. -Bill Wiegand WASHINGTON - Now that the Fourth-of-July oratory has subsid- ed and Congress has gone back to work, it might be a good idea to look around and seefwho is carry- ing out the ideals of the founding fathers that we heard so much about this week. Here are a few people I would like to nominate as trying to car- ry out these ideals. They are not big name people. They are little people who deserve just as much credit as the glamor-pusses and the politicians. PATRIOTIC PRINTER - Take, for instance, August Dietz, Jr., the Richmond, Va., printer who has now printed more than 3,000,000 copies of the Declaration of Inde- pendence and circulated them through the schools of the U.S.A. Two years ago, after the Madi- son Capitol Times in Wisconsin and the New Orleans Item in Louisiana circulated copies of the Declara- tion of Independencerand the Bill of Rights through crowds of peo- ple which refused to sign them be cause they thought the documents "looked Russian," I suggested to Gus Dietz that we might print and circulate copies of the Declaration of Independence so people could get to understand it. Since that time he has printed more than 3,000,000 copies, fre- quently at a loss to himself and the Sertoma Clubs 'Service to Man- kind' have helped distribute them. Others, including the Elks of Boul- der, Colo., the Boy Scouts, and the Jefferson Life Insurance Company, have also helped. Printer Dietz, who has been quite ill for a year, says he has now re- covered almost to the point where he can undertake to circulate the Bill of Rights also, and I sincerely hope this may taxe place soon. * * * PATRIOTIC COAL M I N E R- Most people have never heard of R. M: Davis outside of Morgan- town, W.Va. He began life driving a mule in a coal mine, now owns his own mine which, incidentally, has one of the best safety records in West Virginia. Not content with that he has given a $300,000 youth recreation center to Morgantown, and more recently has been push- ing the idea of creating a depart- ment of peace. It's Mr. Davis's idea that our diplomats frequently get so bogged down in treaty-writing and protocol that they miss the main goal of peace. And, since it's the people who have to fight the wars, argues Mr. Davis, it should be the people who should have a larger share in working for peace. He proposes a special governmental department with the job of doing nothing ex- cept concentrating on peace. * * * BALLOONS BEHIND CURTAIN- Meanwhile, one group which al- ready has started to carry out Mr. Davis's idea is the Crusade for Freedom. Three years ago the cru- sade picked up my idea of sending ballbon messages behind the Iron Curtain and together we put across the first balloon barrage of free- dom - friendship messages to the Czechoslovak people - a total of 11,000,000 messages. Again in May the crusade launch- ed another message barrage just before the Czechdelections. This time the balloons delivered sample ballots outlining 10 points for free- dom, plus stickers to be pasted on the ballots instead of the stereo- tvnd ,nhhr - _amn Comm ,nist cuss business and political prob- lems but how to make the world a, better place to live in and achieve the great goal of peace. 4, * . SCHOLARSHIPS - Another serv- ice club which has done a fine jobE in promoting peace is Rotary. Their scholarship exchange be-1 tween foreign countries has helped supplement the Fulbright scholar- ships under the Smith-Mundt Act which have done more to build up American friendship than almost anything else. Today, however,1 shortsighted Republican leaders in the House of Representatives want; to cut the scholarships to the bone. * * * DEAN ERWIN GRISWOLD of the HARVARD LAW SCHOOL-In these days when congressional in- vestigations have tended to make us forget the liberties inherited from the founding fathers, Dean Griswold spelled out, with pains- taking care, the background of 'the most controversial part of the Bill of Rights-the Fifth Amendment. Though held up to ridicule by Senator McCarthy, Dean Griswold has shown how the Fifth Amend- ment was woven into the funda- mental rights of the nation, going back even to the 17th Century when it was used to prevent self- incrimination by torture. He has also shown how the much-malign- ed Fifth Amendment protects against the seizure of private prop- erty end double deopardy. * * * Valued Liberties Illustrating the not easy battle our forefathers fought to obtain these liberties, Dean Griswold quotes from the trial of William Bradford, the man who first in- troduned printing to Pennsytmania and who printed copies of the Charter of the Povince so people could see what their rights were. Hauled before the Council of Penn- sylvania by the governor in 1689, here is a transcript of the William Bradford trial: Bradford-"It was by Governor Penn's encouragement I came to the Province, and by his license I print." Gouvernour-"What sir, had you license to print the charter? I de- sire to know from you, whether you did print the charter or not?"J Bedford-"It is an impractic- ticable thing for a man to accuse himself; thou knows very .well." Gouvernour-"Well I shall not press you to it, but if you were so ingenious as to confess, it should go the better with you." Bradford-"Governour, I desire to know my accusers; I think it very hard to be put upon accusing myself." Governour-"Can you deny that you printed it? I do not know that, you did print it and by whose di- rections, and will prove it, and make you smart for it too, since you are so stubborn.' John Hill-"I am informed that one hundred and sixty were print- ed yesterday, and that Jos. Grow- den saith he gave 20s. for his part towards the printing of it." Bradford-"It's nothing to me what Jos. Growden saith. Let me know my accusers, and I shall know the better how to make my defense." That was the tough caliber of the men who fought for our lib- erties, liberties that still deserve fighting for, despite the oratorial gymnastics of some senators. (Copyright, 1954, Sir Winston.. . To the Editor: EVERY GOOD newspaper tries to report the news objectively and state its editorial policy with clarity. But even a fine paper like yours unconsciously, at times, pre- sents a slanted view. You have done so regarding Sir Winston Churchill. A few articles, especially one or two by Drew Pearson, adopted a rather patronizing attitude towards the British Prime Minister. The free men of this world cannot af- ford to hold such an attitude. From before the disaster at Gallipoli to the edge of ruin in 1940, Sir Winston consistently act- ed and spoke as he believed. Nu- merous times he climbed back out of the political grave, where his passion for truth had thrown him, and proved himself to have been right. In 1940 this man, much hated for his truth and courage, was called upon to save free men from slavery. And he led us from the pit. But even then he was fated not to be believed when he spoke on vital issues works which few men liked to hear. He knew the value of the Russians and their danger-Eisenhower, the great or- ganizer, and Roosevelt, the clever and humane politician, would not listen. An attack through the "un- derbelly" of Europe would have saved the Balkans from Commun- ist domination. An exploitation of our strategic position in Germany in early 1945 might have preserved a democratic Poland. Feeding Hong Kong to the corrupt and dictatorial regime of Chiang Kai-Shek would have done nothing to halt the ad- vance of the red Chinese. Mr. Pearson, who is clever and some- times right, should know that. And in 1946, when Sir Winston gave grave warning of the Russians at Fulton, some people who now fon- dle the H-bomb with great love ments, diplomas, yearbooks, stationery, etc., is interested in hiing a male gra- duate as a Salesman to represent the firm in eastern Michigan. For additional information concerning these and other employment opportuni- ties, contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Physics Symposium Lectures: Pro- fessor C. N. Yang of the Institute for Advanced Study will give a series of fifteen lectures on High Energy Physics in Room 2038 Randall Laboratory. The lecture on Thursday, July 8 will be at 2 p.m. and the one on Friday, July 9 will be at 9 a.m. Subsequent lectures will be at 9 on Tuesdays, wednesdays and Thursdays. Lecture-Film Series on current health topics under the auspices of School of Public Health. "Let's Teach Better Nu- trition." A film discussion by Miss Adelia Beeuwkes, Associate Professor of Public Health Nutrition. Open to all interested persons. 4:00 p.m., Auditor- ium, School of Public Health. woman in the Worold of Man Lecture Series. "The Role of women in Public Affairs" Alice K. Leopold, Director, Wo- men's Bureau, United States Depart- ment of Labor. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Linguistic Institute Lecture. "The New Survey of English Dialects." Harold Orton, Professor of English Language, University of Leeds, England. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. 4 cademic Notices Make-up Examination in History will be given Saturday, July 10, 9 to 12 a.m. in Room 429 Mason Hall. See your in- structor for permission and then sign list in History Office. Applied Mathematics Seminar: Thurs- day, July 8, at 4 p.m., in Room 247 west Engr. Mr. John Klein will be the speak- er. Department of Chemistry Colloquium. Thursday, July 8, 1954, 7:30 p.m., Room 1300 Chemistry. Mr. David E. Harmer will speak on, "Some Reactions of Chlor- ine with Certain Aromatic Compounds Promoted by Intense Gamma Irradia- tions." Mr. Robert L. Grimsley will speak on, "Photobromination of Styre- nesulfonyl Chloride." Seminar in Lie Algebras will meet ev- ery Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. in Room 3001 Angell Hall. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet Friday at 2 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall, Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet Friday, July 9 at 2 p.m., Room 3201 A.H. Prof. C. C. Craig will continue his discussion of Scheffe's solution of the Behrens-Fisher problem. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will be heard at 7:15 Thursday evening, July 8, in the third in a series of summer programs performed on the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Memorial Tower. It will in- clude compositions and arrangements for carillon by De Fesch, DeGruytters, Handel, de Croes, Raijk, vivaldi, and Hendrickx. Exhibitions Clements Library. Rare astronomical works. General LTibra.ryv.Won as jAuthors. wer'e pleased to call him a war- monger. And now this man who has been seldom wrong comes to plead with men who have been seldom right. Because he is an old man we snicker and we say that he has self-delusions. We see this greatest of our statesmen travel far and painfully clamber off his airplane to argue with mediocrities. He is a very old man. He urged modera- tion in our love for Russia, when mediocre men were starry-eyed with platitudes and brotherhood. Now he urges moderation in our hate and fear of Russia, while mediocre men are fiery-eyed with slogans, fear and false bravado. Free men do not praise their saviours nor do they feel beholden. Perhaps this is as it should be. But for God's sake and for their lives, they must remember who was right. How dare they snicker? -Herb Blitz (EDITOR'S NOTE: The opinions Mr. Pearson expresses in his column are his own and not necessarily those of any member of The Daily staff.) Pilk Story .. . To the Editor: WAS intrigued to discover that the Inez Pilk story was a hoax. I had charitably dismissed it as a long typographical error. However, if The Daily is going to print stories of the Pilk ilk, I suggest the editors make a, policy statement. This could be accom- plished easily enough by making a few alterations in the edit page squib that states that all editor- ials reflect the views of the writer and not Daily policy. The new statement can read, "News items printed in The Michi- gan Daily are sometimes written by members of The Daily staff and represent the news of the writer only. -Don Malcolm day evening, July 8, at 8 p.m., in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan Lea- gue. There will be two speakers who have traveled extensively in Latin Am- erica, Senora virginia de Stemweg who will describe the Altiplano from Lake Titicaca, North and South; and Senorita Caroline Middleton who will speak on Guatemala and its People. Both talks, which will be given in Spanish, will be illustrated with color slides. There will be also Spanish music and songs. The meeting is open to those interested in the Spanish language and culture. The summer film festival on compar- ative education continues its weekly showing of films on different national systems this Thursday evening, July 8. at 8:00 in Auditorium B of Haven Hal with a series on Latin America. Pro- fessor william Merhab, who has had living experience in Latin America nd recently returned from a study tour o France and Spain, will be the commen- tator. The public is invited. Shakespeare's HAMLET will be pre- sented promptly at 8 o'clock tonight by the Department ofSpeech in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Late-comers Will not be seated until the end of the first scene. All seats are reserved. Tickets are available at the Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office from 10 .m. until 8 p.m. for $1.75-$.ยข0-$1.00. The Sailing Club meets this evening at 7:00 o'clock in the Union. Everyone welcomed. Enthusiasm, not experience, necessary. The International Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the Inter- national Student Association, will be held at the Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill Street, at 4:30 until :00 o'clock. La Petite Causette: An Informal French conversation group will meet weekly through July in the Round-Up Room of the League, Thursdays at 3:30. A faculty member and a native French assistant will be present but there is no formal program. Refreshments are available nearby, and all persons inter- ested in talking and hearing French are cordially Invited to come. Interreligious Cooperation In School and Community. Thursday Lunch Semi- nar. Leader: Dewitt C. Baldwin, Coordi- nator of Religious Affairs. Cost lunch served. Lane Hall, 12 noon. Students and Faculty welcome. Reservations request- ed. (Continued on Page 4) Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Dianne Auwerter.. .Co-Managing Editor Alice B. Silver....Co-Managing Editor Becky Conrad.............Night Editor Rona Friedman....... ....Night Editor Wally Eberhard......:.....Night Editor Russ AuWerter...........Night Editor Sue Garfield.........women's Editor Hanley Gurwin.........Sports Editor Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports Editor E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports Editor Business Staff Dick Alstrom.........Business Manager Lois Pollak........Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks........Advertising Manager I es to Asiatic problems on ticklish basis. a very 1 f DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 13S Notices Ushers are urgently needed for, Anna Russell concert at Hill Auditorium on Monday, July 19. If you are interested in ushering for this concert, please re- port to Mr. warner at Hill Auditorium between 5 and 6 p.m. Thursday and Fri- day, July 8 and 9. Additional Ushers, both men and wo- men, are needed for the Department of Speech summer plays in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board outside the re- hearsal room, north end of the Michi- gan League Building. Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, Friday, July 9, 8:30 p.m. Dr. Phil- ip S. Riggs from Drake University will speak on "The Solar System." After the illustrated talk in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic observation of Moon, Saturn, and Mars, if the sky is clear, or for inspection of the tele- scopes and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. The following student-sponsored so- cial events are approved for the coming week-end: July 9 Angell House and Kleinstuck 'Phi Delta Phi July 10 Chinese Student Club East Quad Phi Delta Phi July 11 Phi Delta Phi S, ,i Peaceful Coexistence--Nothing New THE CURRENT EMPHASIS on "peaceful co- existence" might lead to the supposition that it is a new policy which Prime Minister Churchill and Foreign Secretary Eden have been trying to impose on the United States. Actually it is the basic policy pursued by the United States, Britain and other free nations since the close of the Second World War. Today Washington and London em- phasize somewhat different aspects of the policy, but the basic principle remains, as indicated by President Eisenhower's press-conference comments. Coexistence, as it is understood on this side of the Iron Curtain, means that the free world will not seek to destroy communism or Communist re- gimes by force of arms. In other words, there will be no preventive war and no aggression on the part of the free-world coalition. This does not, of course, suggests that the United States will similarly re- spect whatever settlement may result from the French-Communist negotiations on Indochina, if it does not mean the enslavement of people now free. But the United States is most emphatically com- mitted to opposition to the extension of Communist tyranny by force. The nub of the whole problem lies in the aggres- siveness of Communist policy. Prime Minister Churchill is more hopeful than President Eisen- hower that the aggressiveness will now be cur- tailed. But both are in agreement that there shall be no appeasement, that armed defenses must be maintained at a high level of effectiveness, and that regional defense arrangements should be im- proved both in Europe and in Southeast Asia. Both see that coexistence with nations that have proved Telephone NO. 23-24-1 I x