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July 07, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-07

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Leopold Talk
On Woman's
Role Slated
"The Role of Women in Public
Affairs," will be analyzed tjmor-
row by Alice K. Leopold, director
of the Women's Bureau of the
U.S. Department of Labor.
Sixth in the current University
lecture series based on "Woman
in the World of Man," the public
talk will be presented at 4:15 p.m.
In Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Mrs. Leopold was appointed di-
rector of the women's bureau in
1953 by President Eisenhower. In
addition, she was named special
adviser to the Secretary on mat-
ters relating to the standards of
employment of women and also
chairman of the Secretary's Ad-
visory Committee on Womanpow-
Past History
Previously Mrs. Leopold was
asked by the President to serve
on the Commission on Intergov-
ernmental Relations. This group
is authorized to study means of
achieving a more sound relation-
ship between Federal and State
governments. Mrs. Leopold has
been named secretary to the com-
mission and chairman of the Or-
ganization and Projects Commit-
A successful homemaker, busi-
ness woman and public servant,
Mrs. Leopold says she is a firm
believer in women's active parti-
cipation in political and govern-
metal affairs.
In 1949, she was elected to the
Connecticut General Assembly,
first woman to represent the town
of Weston. Serving on the educa-
tion and labor committees, she was
elected Secretary of State in 1950
for a four-year term.
Boards and Commissions
F o u r Connecticut governors
named Mrs. Leopold to serve on
boards and commissions dealing
with education, labor-manage-
ment relations, public housing and
other civic problems. In 1953 she
was appointed chairman of the
State Merit Award Board, created
to increase efficiency in State gov-
Just returning from Europe,
Mrs. Leopold will not arrive in
Ann Arbor in time to appear on
today's panel discussion "Patterns
of Today's Family Dynamics." She
will be in town around noon to-
morrow, though, according to Mrs.
Mary C. Bromage, program chair-
Poetry of Today
Discussion Set
Young people and the poetry of
their own time will be discussed
at the fourth meeting in the Con-
ference Series for English Teach-
ers at 4 p.m. Monday in Aud. C,
Angell Hall.
Speakers for the occasion will
be Prof. Helen Master of Western
Michigan College of Education,
and Roy W. Cowden, professor
emeritus of English.

Some Come To Sightsee, Others To Work

Not To Be Outshown,
Moon Plans July Eclipse

Following close on the heels of
the sun's eclipse, a partial eclipse
of the moon heads the list of astro-
nomical attractions for July, ac-
cording to Prof. Hazel M. Losh of
the astronomy department.
Professor Losh points out that
on the evening of July 15, two
fifths of the moon's diameter will
be immersed in the earth's shadow.
Two Types
She adds that there are two
types of eclipses-solar, as the one
on June 30, and lunar. "An eclipse
of the sun occurs only at new
moon phase," she says, "when the
moon passes directly between the
earth and sun, putting the three
objects on practically the same
Two weeks later, she continues,
at full moon phase the moon may
still be close enough to the plane
of the earth's orbit so it will pass
through the earth's shadow.
Lunar Eclipse
The lunar eclipse will begin at
6:09 p.m., July 15, before the moon
arises oves over the horizon. It
will end at 8:31 p.m., so the last-
half hour may be seen, according
to Professor Losh.
Among July's constellations will
be Sagittarius, the Archer, she
points out. It is usually depicted
as an archer slaying Orion (The

Hunter) or Taurus (The Bull), on
the- opposite side of the sky, or
perhaps the archer mayhbe shown
with bow drawn, aiming at the
heart of Scorpius, just to his right.
Another easily identifiable con-
stellation, the professor says, is
Scorpius. "A long curving line of
stars," she explains, "it resembles
a bright giant fish-hook, moving
across the sky toward the southern
horizon." Its heart is marked by
Antares, a great red star named
by the Greeks as "rival of Mars."
The Milky Way will rise into
view on summer evenings, she
adds, with Sagittarius, included in
the great semicircle of stars, clus-
ters and nebulae. The eastern part
of Sagittarius is like a dipper
turned upside down, Professor Losh
explains, giving it the name "The
Little Milk Dipper."
Among the July stars will be
Venus, extremely bright for about
two hours after sunset. It will move
eastward, passing only one degree
north of Regulus, lower star of the
sickle of Leo, on July 12.
"Saturn, distinctly yellow in ap-
pearance, and Spica, a bright blue
star, will remain the bright pair
in the south during evening hours,"
the astronomer states.

-Daily-Duane Poole -Daily-Duane Poole
... "Eyes Front" ... weather creates its own hazards


Twenties Atmosphere Invades
Jackson for Freedom Festival

(continued from Page 1)
Authentic wagons, carriages, and
automobiles of various periods plus
50 head of livestock will be dis-
played on the specially construct-
ed stage.
Four Freedoms
The pagent deals primarily with
the four freedoms: Freedom of
Worship, Freedom of Speech,
Freedom from Want, and Freedom
from Fear. Starting with the land-
ing of the forefathers the pagent
includes sagas of the underground
railway, the founding of the Re-
publican party, the Civil War, the
horseless carriage, and will end
with a prediction of the future.
The streets are flag-draped and
store windows filled with relics of
the past. In one corner window,
campaign-buttons from the past
quarter-century are displayed.
Other stores are showing butter-
churns and other symbols of an
earlier way of life.
Best Whiskers
State Rep. Wilfred G. Bassett,
Jackson Republican, had one of
the best crops of whiskers on ex-
hibition. His wife wore a sun-
bonnet and the kind of dress that
was high fashion when the Re-
publicans started here in 1854.

According to Jackson Republi-
can authorities, the founding of
their party was precipitated by a
violent national reaction to the
1854 Kansas-Nebraska Bill. Many
felt that the Compromise of 1820
had been violated and the result-
ing unrest spawned a number of
new parties, among them the Free-
Soilers, Know-Nothings, Prohibi-
tionists, etc.
A rash of political meetings
broke out through the north,
which set the stage for the crea-
tion of the Republican Party.
A call for organization was
sounded to the citizens of Michi-
gan. Four, thousand answered and
came to Jackson frpm Michigan,
Northern Ohio, and Indiana.
Twenty rode 100 miles on horse-
back from the Saginaw Valley.
There under a clump of Oak
trees on a hot July day in 1954
the first Republican convention
was held. The assembly nominated
the first Republican candidate for
governor-Kingsly - Bingham. He
was later elected.
In two years the party born
"Under the Oaks" had grown
enough to hold a national con-
vention and oo put in a bid for
the presidency. Four years later
the party elected the first Repub-
lican president-Abraham Lincoln.
Adornment Show
Now at Rackham
"Articles of Adornment" current-
ly are on display at Rackham Gal-
leries, an exhibit presented in con-
junction with the Summer Session
program, "Woman in the World
of Man."
Scheduled to run through July 17,
the display was arranged by Mrs.
Kamer Aga-Oglu, associate curator
Division of the Orient, Museum of
Included in the exhibit are Kash-
mir shawls, Mandarin coats, and
Tibetan jewelry.
Gallery hours are 2 to 10 p.m.
every day except Sunday.

Board of Directors Elected
For New Dramatic Arts Center
The newly - founded Dramatic
Arts Center has announced elec- heim of the English department,
tion of a 12-man board of direc- Prof. Richard Boys of the English
tors, with Eugene B. Power as department and Mrs. Burnette
temporary chairman of the group. Staebler.
At the same time, Powers re- Members Selected
ported that the group has reached These members were selected by
nearly half of its goal of $4,000 mail ballots, cast by the more than
for a reserve fund. 200 people who have contributed
Elected to two-year terms were to the organization.
Mrs. Phyllis Wright, Prof. Richard Two other members were elected
Wilt of the Architecture school, by the new board, which will name
Damon Woods, William Mullendore a total of five, bringing the board
and Otis Hardy. One year terms to 15 members. Those already se-
will be served by Power, Clan lected were Mrs. Jessie Coller and
Crawford, Jr., Prof. Marvin Fel- Prof. Warner G. Rice, chairman
of the English department.
In his announcement, Power said
Brai woodsome $1,800 in pledges have been
Braidw ood received as outright donations for
the reserve fund, set up to prevent
T Talk Today the new Center from suffering the
Sfate of Arts Theater.
Two illustrated lectures on "The Besides the outright donation
Background of Civilization in the pledges, money has been received
Near East" are scheduled for this from the sale of $10 memberships
week at the University as part of which will entitle the donors to
the current series on "Studies in attend the seven plays of the 1954-
Near Eastern Culture," presented 5, season.
by the Department of Near East-,
ern Studies. F o e , u -i
Speaker for both today and Fri-F reg P u i
day will be Robert .;. Braidwood, -.~
associate professor at the Univer- Enrollment
sity of Chicago's Oriental Institute.
Both talks will be presented at
4 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Foreign student enrollment for
Today Professor Braidwood will the Summer Session at the Uni-
discuss "The Terminal Food-lath- versity is 425, as compared with
riscSt "e Tedmina Frida"The 402 for last summer, according to
Village-Farming Community and Gaston J. Sigur, assistant director
the Appearance of Full Civiliza- of the International Center.
tion." Some 62 countries and regions
are represented.
The Far East leads in the re-
gions with 163. Others are: British
Commonwealth, 87; Latin America,
79; Europe and Africa, 50; and
XStoryoax Near East, 46.
Canada remains the leading

(Continued from Page 2)
nata in A minor, K .310, Schumann's
Carnaval, Op. 9, and Griffes' Sonata,
and will be open to the public. It is be-
ing presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master of Mu-
sic degree.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price. Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will be heard at
7:15 Thursday evening, July 8, in the
thir din a series of summer programs
performed on the Charles Baird Carillon
in Burton Memorial rower. It will in-
Talks Slated
Two public Linguistic lectures
remain to be presented this week
at the University, under sponsor-
ship of the Linguistics Institute.
Prof. Lawrence B. Kiddle, of the
Spanish department, will speak on
"Some Problems in the Methodo-
logy of Area Linguistics." The
lecture is scheduled for 1 p.m. to-
day in the Michigan League, fol-
lowing the linguistics luncheon.
At 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, Prof.
Harold Orton, Leeds University,
England, will discuss "The New
Survey of English Dialects." Pro-
fessor Orton's lecture will be pre-
sented in the Rackham Assembly
Physics Lecture
Series Presented
"High Energy Physics" will be
discussed during the next few
weeks in a series of 15 public
lectures by Prof. C. N. Yang, of
the Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, N. J.
The series, which started yester-
day, is presented under auspices
of the physics department.
They are scheduled for 9 a.m.
each Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday through August 5 in room
2038, Randall.
To restore confidence in the na-
tional currency, Greece will re-
value her drachma banknotes and
reintroduce coins.,

elude compositions and arrangements
for carillon by De Fesch, DeGruytters,
Handel, de Croes, Raijk, Vivaldi, and
Clements Library. Rare astronomical
General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-
Events Today
Cercle Francais: The Summer Session
Circle Francais will meet weekly on
Wednesday e'nng at 8:00 through the
month of July. in the Michigan League.
A varied program of music, talks, games,
and discussions is planned. These meet-
ings are open to all students and resi-
dents of Ann Arbor who are interested
in France and things French. No prev-
ious membership is necessary. All are
welcome. Consult the League bulletin
and the Daily for place, details, indi-
vidual programs.
Russian Circle: On Wednesday, July
7 at 3 p.m. in the Round-Up Room of
the League there will be a Russian Cof-
fee Hour sponsored by the Department
of Slavic Languages and Literatures and
the Russian Circle for all those people
interested in speaking Russian. Enroll-
ment in courses in the department is
not required.
Shakespeare's HAMLET will be pre-
sented promptly at 8 o'clock tonight by
the Department of Speech in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Late-comers will
not be seated until the end of the first
scene. All seats are reserved. Tickets are
available at the Lydia Mendelssohn Box
Office from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. for
Kaffeestunde. A German conversation
group will meet informally every Wed-
nesday at 3:15 in the South Cafeteria
of the Michigan Union. All persons in-
terested in speaking and hearing Ger-
man are cordially invited to attend. Pro-
fessors H. W. Nordmeyer and F. X.
Braun will be present at the meeting
of July 7, 1954.
Coming Events
Departmental Play, auspices of the De-
partment of Speech. HAMLET, by Wil-

1am Shakespeare. 8:00 p.m., July 7-10,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
La Petite Causette: An informal
French conversation group will meet
weekly through July in the Round-Up
Room of the League, Thursdays at 3:30.
A faculty member and a native French
assistant will be present but there is no
formal program. Refreshments are
available nearby, and all persons inter-
ested in talking and hearing French
are cordially invited to come.
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the Inter-
national Student Association will be
held at the Madelon Pound House, 1024
Hill Street, Thursday, July 8, at 4:30
until 6 o'clock.
Excursion to Cranbrook Foundation
at Bloomfield Hills, ending with the De-
troit Symphony at State Fair Grounds
in the evening. Leave Lane Hall at 9:00
a.m. Saturday Call NO 3-1511. extension
2851 for reservation. Sponsored by Lane
Hall. Students and faculty welcome.
Interreligious Cooperation In School
and Community. Thursday Lunch Semi-
nar. Leader: DeWitt C. Baldwin, Coordi-
nator of Religious Affairs. Cost lunch
served. Lane Hall, 12 noon. Students and
Faculty welcome. Reservations request-
An organization meeting of the N.A.-
A.C.P. will be held at the Michigan Un-
Ion at 8:00 p.m. Thursday, July 8. Ev-
eryone welcome.
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enjoy helpin
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raved and

The Daily wishes to correct a
news item which appeared in Fri-
day's paper concerning the alleged
death of an Inez Pilk, supposedly
a lecturer in the "Woman in the
World of Man" series.
The news item was completely
false. There is no such person as
Inez Pilk.
The Daily did not intentionally
print this story as a practical joke.
The story was given to the night
editor by an unknown person not
connected with this newspaper.
The Daily wishes to apologize
for any embarassment caused by
the news story and to assure its
readers that such items will be
properly checked in the future.
The most effective means of
reaching students and faculty of
The University is the advertising
columns of The Michigan Daily.

country, with 74 students enrolled.
Nationalist China is second with
39, and India holds third place
with 29.
Other countries with 10 or more
students are: Philippines, 25; Co-
lombia, 24; Venezuela, 22; Thai-
land, 20; Iraq, 19; and Japan, 13.
Digital Computer
Program Offered
The second annual special two-
week progran on digital comput-
ers will be held August 2-13 at the
Persons from throughout the
nation are expected.
Program sponsors are the Uni-
versity's Willow Run Research
Center, the Summer Session and
the Extension Service.

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