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July 01, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-01

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The Nature of Co-Existence:
Appeasement or Common Sense?

THE INTELLIGENT management of our foreign
affairs is currently hampered by the existence
of a number of stubborn, reiterated myths.
The most pervasive of these is the strange notion
that the goal of co-existence with the Soviet Un-
ion is equivalent to appeasement or treason. Only
occasionally is this myth specifically analyzed and
attacked, sometimes by men like Churchill, Adlai
Stevenson and Walter Lippmann.
But it is difficult to imagine any other reason-
able goal than that of co-existence. The alterna-
tives to co-existence are such strategic monstrosi-
ties as "liberation of Eastern Europe" (a Republi-
can slogan of the 1952 election), "drive to the
North" (the reiterated cry of Korean President
Rhee), and "let Chiang loose" (a fantasy of cer-
tain U.S. senators in which Formosa's 300,000 sol-
diers successfully conquer the Chinese land-mass).
All such proopsals, besides being militarily ab-
surd, threaten to precipitate World War III. Re-
publican orators, who are largely responsible for
them, may privately be quite willing to take
such risks. But to those who retain a sense of
reality, it is apparent that war is no longer an
extension of peace-time policy, no longer, a
means whereby goals otherwise unattainable are
attained. An American-Soviet war, fought with
such weapons as were recently detonated in the
Pacific, would mean the end of all goals. It
would mean that, unable to solve our problems,
we have decided to end the collective life of
A policy of co-existence, therefore, is neither
treason or appeasement. It is defined negatively
by the rejection of World War III as a meaningful
device of policy, and positively by the belief that

it is possible for free societies to persist and de-
velop despite the existence of a hostile Soviet
A policy of co-existence assiduously seeks the
means to prevent the expansion of Soviet influ-

"What Makes You ThinklHe's Not Neutral?"
_ Mc9
--- w \

. . &tteri to tile &or. .
M1asculinists would be noble of you to accept age to find time, do so under the

ence and to weaken Soviet control along1
phery of the Communist world, but it
view the destruction of Soviet power by
sensible course. Such a policy requirest
cious use of all our resources--ideological
nomic, as well as military-and above all,
chill has recently reminded us, patience.
It is easy for Americans to fall into

the peri-
does not
war as a
the judi-
and eco-
as Chur-
the psy-

chology of complete victory that has character-
ized our military past. We are not used to pro-
longed frustrations, nor to the impossibility of a
decisive end to our difficulties.
Having never experienced modern mass warfare
on our own territory, many Americans can still
contemplate the possibility of armed conflict with
Russia without the shuddering recoil with which
Europeans view such a war. For many Americans,
the H-bomb is chiefly a spectacle for television
screens and newsreels, or only a tribute to our
skill and resources.
Hence the fear of other nations that we are
too susceptible to dramatic proposals involving
military counterstrokes and offering the illusory
hope of a satisfactory end to the Cold War.
It is to be hoped that the United States will
supplement its understandable yearning for a
quick end to ambiguities and complexities with
one of our traditional national traits-cool, Yan-
kee shrewdness.
-Allan Silver

"' ""*m T .



To the Editor:
IN REPLY to Remington Russell:
I read with no amazement "the
letter to the editor of one Marjorie
Crockett, complaining that the
title of the special summer pro-
gram "Woman in the World of
Man" discriminates against women
by implying that it is basically a1
man's world."
In objecting to Miss Crockett's
objections, Mr. Russell indicates
that he obviously belongs to that
tribe of eager masculinists who
have always plagued the nation,
disrupting the thoughtful indul-
gences of harrassed human beings
by bashing in cultural windows
with thoughtless, steel-barbed at-
tacks on one-half of humankind.
It may be true that this is a
man's world simply because men
have control of the mass media.
It may be true too, as Mr. Russell
predicts, that it will always be a
man's world. But Miss Crockett has
every right to take up verbal arms
and disagree.
Now Mr. Russell don't you think
we males should encourage Miss
Crockett to let off steam under the
safety valve theory of democracy?
Surely Mr. Russell you can't be
afraid of Miss Crockett's "screech-
ing crew" of feminists. Come now,
regardless of what she screeches it
will always be, as you've intoned,
"A Man's World" I think you
should beseech her to screech to
show your fearlessness. In fact, it


It's a good thing for the world
that the "noble career" of father-
hood didn't deter Michelangelo,
Shakespeare, Freud, or Einstein
from engaging in certain sideline
Incidentally, the beginning of
wisdom is not adjustment. Rather,
self-wisdom leads to self-adjust-
-Larry Hulack
Culture, my dear Watson
To the Editor:
offense at Miss Crockett's
"feminist screechings" allow me to
add a few "humanist screechings"
of my own to the din.
I am happy to admit that this is
a man's world; indeed, I am doub-
ly happy that Mr. Russell admits
it-that's half the battle won.
Whether or not it should be a
man's world is another question
and I for one favor neither the
way it is nor a complete reversal.
What Mr. Russell fails to com-
prehend is that the "noble biolo-
gical function of woman"-(sigh!)
-"Motherhood," has kept women
so busy taking care of the homes
and children of the Shakespeares
and the Einsteins that they sim-
ply do not have the time, and are
not given much encouragement,
for any further exploitation of
their talents. Those who do man-

Russell is the same type of person
that would ask of the Negro-
"Where are your Shakespeares
and Einsteins, etc?", (and I am
not forgetting that there have
been many outstanding Negroes
and women) without ever realiz-
ing, or even trying to understand,
that by mis-using biological dif-
ferences such as "she bears the
children" and "he has dark skin"
in order to create such myths as
"she should keep out of politics
and stay in the home" and "he
doesn't have the mentality to cope
mwiththe problem," Negroes and
women in this society have never
been given the same chance as
that of the white male.
Indeed it is unfortunate that
woman's biological function has
placed her in such a position that
she must give birth to such male
supremacists as Mr. Russell
spend half her lifetime keeping
his bib clean, so that he in turn
might lord man's accomplish-
ments over hers. The important
thing to remember is that this
same biological function has been,
in other societies, the reason for
female supremacy, and this might
lead.one to believe that aside from
being a biological role, it is defin-
itely a cultural one. It is encour-
aging to note that more and more
human beings are realizing this
-Evelyn Challis Graden

the inevitability of her screeching. fantastic strain of a double bur-
After all sir the beginning of wis- den.
dom is tolerance.A erson of the r f M



cq9 Th, °r- WAS -{niC.,C sP St u,


Justice in the U.S. Jury System

AMIDST THE widespread discussion and contro-
versy over the school segregation cases re-
cently decided by the Supreme Court another re-
cen decision of that Court in the field of dis-
crimination has scarcely had the attention it de-
We refer to Chief Justice Warren's opinion of
May 3 reversing the judgment of a Texas court
which had sustained the conviction of one Pete
Hernandez for the murder of a cotton planter in
1951. The appeal was based on the fact that "for
the past twenty-five years there is no record of any
person with a Mexican or Latin American name
having served on a jury commission, grand jury
or petit jury in Jackson County."
Hernandez asserted that there were many per-
sons of Mexican ancestry in the country who
were qualified for jury service, but that they
had been "intentionally, arbitrarily and system-
atically" excluded.
This he claimed was a denial of the equal pro-
tection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rejected
this contention on the ground that "the equal pro-
tection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment con-
templated and recognized only two classes as com-
ing within the guarantee, the white race compris-
ing one class and the Negro race comprising the
But Chief Justice Warren denied that the Four-
teenth Amendment was based on a "two-class
theory." "The exclusion of otherwise eligible per-
sons from jury service solely because of their
ancestry or national origin is discrimination pro-
hibited by the Fourteenth Amendment," he declar-
"The Texan system of selecting grand and petit
jurors by the use of jury commissions is fair on
its face, and capable of being utilized without dis-
crimination," the Chief Justice noted, but while the
law itself does not discriminate "those administer-
ing the law do."
"Circumstances or chance may well dictate
that no persons in a certain class will serve on a
particular Jury during some particular period,"

he observed, "but it taxes our credulity
that resulted in there being no members+
class among the over 6,000 jurors called
past twenty-five years."

to say
of this
in the

Hernandez did not ask for proportional repre-
sentation of Mexican-Americans on the jury, nor
indeed to have any of them necessarily there at
all. He only asked that his case be considered by
a jury from which all members of his group had
not been systematically excluded. "To this much,"
said Chief Justice Warren, "he is entitled by the
Some people have gone so far as to suggest that
this decision makes it necessary for a judge to
study the cases on his docket to determine what
nationalities or other minority groups are involved
and make arrangements with the jury commission
to make certain that members of those groups are
represented on the grand jury and trial jury pan-
This is ridiculous. Texas has sixteen counties
without a single Latin-American resident, and for-
ty-four with fewer than fifty of them.
Such an interpretation of the decision would
make it impossible or nearly so to try a Latin-
American in those counties. And what of the
Catholics, Jews, Poles, Puerto Ricans and oth-
ers who live happily throughout our land, some-
times as a minority and sometimes as a ma-
They are all capable of being fair to themselves
and to each other if given the chance. All that is
needed to give them that chance and to comply
with the Supreme Court decision is a policy estab-
lished by the trial court at the time the jury com-
mission is empaneled that no person is to be
ecluded from jury service because of membership
in any national, racial or religious group.
Soviet propagandists have made much of such
examples of racial tension as could be found in this
country. We challenge them to acknowledge the
assurance of justice for members of minority
groups which this decision gives, and to make sim-
ilar provision for the millions of such people under
their rule.
-The Journal of the American Judicature Society

KANSAS CITY - It was Harry
Truman's determination never to
let down a friend, even a contro-
versial friend, that contributed in
part to his illness.
His doctors didn't advertise it,
but for some time the ex-president
has been somewhat under the
weather. To them his sudden seiz-
ure in the wings of the "Call Me
Madam" came unexpectedly and as
entirely a surprise. They had tried
to get him to curtail his activities,
and strongly advised that he can-
cel a date he had made with his
old friend, James Petrillo, head of
the Musicians Union, to attend the
musicians' annual convention in
Months ago Petrillo had invited
Truman to be the union's guest of
honor and to play a little piano-
trumpet duet together. It was an
event calculated to make musical
headlines, and both Truman and
the head of the Musicians Union
were looking forward to it.
However, when Truman's doc-
tors told him he would have to
curtail his activities until. cooler
weather, he reluctantly sent Pe-
trillo his regrets. The show, he
said, was off.
But a few days later, Truman
overruled his doctors and sent a
telegram to Petrillo that he would
be on deck. Th show, he said,
"must go on."
Asked for explanation, Harry
Truman had a simple answer:
"As long as I live I will never
forget what Jimmy Petrillo and
his men did for me in the 1948
election. He was one of those who
did not let me down. And I can't
let a good friend like him down
K.C.'s Most-Loved Man
Sentiment has changed a lot
around Kansas City regarding Har-
ry Truman. There was a time,
about two years ago, when the
little K.C. haberbasher who be-
came president of the United States
was criticized and scoffed at up
and down the streets of the city
that sent him to Washington. .
But not today. Today, he is the
most-loved man in Kansas City...
never settl down in the ol' home
town after the glamor of Washing-
ton, after a private yacht on the
Potomac, a retinue of servants
and bodyguards. But he has settled
down as comfortably as in an old
shoe. . .Some of Truman's friends
raised a little money to hire a
bodyguard for his days as ex-pres-
ident, but Harry hasn't needed
him, doesn't want him. . .And if
anyone around Kansas City ever
thought of touching a hair of Har-
ry Truman's head, no police could
ever protect him. ..HST once con-
fided to Garrett Smalley of the
Kansas City News Press the rea-
son why he didn't have air cooling
in the White House. "I don't mind
air cooling," he said, "but if I had
it in here people would stay too

to interfere with my work. You
have your friends too, some of
whom I may not approve of, but
I'm not going to ask you to give
up your friends."
Truman's loyalty to friends of
course was what caused him more
trouble than anything else in the
White House. Clayton got the job.
Notable Memory
Last January, about three years
later, I was in Harry Truman's
office in Kansas City. It is lined
withebooks,chiefly history books.
He had been reading the works of
previous presidents, even as he did
while in the White House, and was
dictating his own memoirs. Every
day, he said, he dictated a chap-
ter or so of his book, then had a
staff of research men, who had
been looking over his records, pull
it to pieces, check it backward and
forward, to make sure every detail
The ex-president seemed relaxed,
happy, very much at home. He
didn't seem to miss the glamor,
the excitement of Washington at all
-which is rare for a man who
has spent arthird of a century in
Neither Mr. Truman nor I men-
tioned any of the unpleasantness
that had sometimes marked our
lives in Washington. But after the
TV interview was over, he made
a remark which indicates how long
his memory is and also indicates
some contrasts with the methods
of the McCarthy Committee.
"You don't remember it," he
said, "but a long time ago you
wrote a story about me. You said
a new committee had been formed
to investigate military prepared-
ness and efficiency. You said that
a new chairman named Truman
was in charge of that committee
and that he made it a point to
check on. the war effort without
upsetting the government, that he
took things up with the executive
branch of the government to see
if things couldn't be straightened
out privately before he resorted to
"That was what I was trying to
do," continued Truman. I used to
go down to see Roosevelt and tell
him about a situation, and he
would take out a pencil and make
a note of it. And a week or so
later he would report that the situ-
ation was straightened out or
sometimes he'd say 'we haven't
been able to straighten it out, go
ahead and investigate.'
"Well you were the first to write
about our committee," said Tru-
man. "I haven't -forgotten it, and
that's why you're here today."
I couldn't help but think that the
man who inherited the chairman-
ship of the old Truman Committee,
one Joseph R. McCarthy, had cer-
tainly changed its methods today.
O ANY observant man who has

'The Beginning
Of The End?
Associated Press News Analyst
American observers in Indochina
have been quick to interpret with-
drawal of the French forces' from
a large area of Tonkin as the be-
ginning of the end of France in
Taken against the background
of French plans as explained to
me a few days ago, however, the
development is neither surprising
nor quite so final as it might seem.
The French realized, after the
fall of Dien Bien Phu, two things:
1. They could not take another
defeat of that type.
2. It was very doubtful that they
could hold the entire Red River
Delta without outside help, mean-
ing from the United States.
They wanted to hold it all. But
they were unwilling to try, by
sending heavy reinforcements from.
France, on the mere hope that an
all-out effort would attract Allied
aid should the going be too rough.
They wanted action, not promises,
and they weren't even getting the
The new French government has
does not intend to be left com-
pletely helpless in truce negotia-
tions by yielding the Delta entirely.
It is ordering up new draftees in
France so that regular army units
can be sent to reinforce Hanoi.
This is not a preparation for a
runout. /
It is, rather, an expression of
determination to hold such a perim-
eter as may reasonably be expect
ed to prove defendable with the
forces available.
For three weeks it has been un-
derstood that this perimeter will
not extend far into the interior be-
yond Hanoi. The fighting that has
been going on recently has been
largely a delaying action while
this shortened perimeter, or en-
clave, could be prepared for an
all-out defense.
Holding on is extremely impor-
tant, and not merely a heroic ges-
ture. The enclave might be pushed
back very near the coast. But if
the French can stay in the Delta
for two more weeks, the monsoons
will make it likely they can stay
for two more months, during which
all sorts of things can happen in
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial. Staff
Dianne Au'Werter ...Co-Managing Editor
Alice B. Silver.... .Co-Managing Editor



. . _ 31j

The Daily official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should besent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
VOL. LXIV, No. 78
University Holiday. The University will
be closed Monday, July 5, in observance
3f Independence Day.
Applications for Fulbright Awards for
graduate study or research abroad dur-
ing the 1955-56 academic year are now
available. Countries in which study
grants are offered are Australia, Austria,
Belgium and Luxembourg, Burma, Cey-
Ion, Denmark, Finland, France, Ger-
many, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Neth-
erlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakis-
tani, Philippines Sweden. Union of
South Africa, United Kingdom. The
grants are made for one academic year
and include round-trip transportation,
tuition, a living allowance and a small
stipend for books and equipment. All
grants are made in foreign currencies.
Interested students who hold an A.B.
degree or who will receive such a degree
by June 1955, and who are presently en-
rolled in the University of Michigan,
should request application forms for a
Fulbright award at the office of the
Graduate School. The closing date for
receipt of applications is November 1st.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the springuor fall of
1954 should direct Inquiries and re-
quests for applications to the Institute
of International Education, U.S. Stu-
dent Program, 1 East 67th Street, New
York 21, New York. The last date on
which applications will be issued by the
Institute is October 15th.
Applications for Buenos Aires Con-
vention Awards for graduate study or
research in Latin America during the
1955-56 academic year are now available.
Countries in which study grants are
offered are Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Co-
lumbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Guatemala. Haiti, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,
Peru and Venezuela. Grantees are chos-
en by the hbst government of each
country from a panel presented by the
United States Government. The United
States Government pays travel costs and
host governments pay maintenance al-
lowances and tuition fees. Grants gen-
erally are for one academic year, but
some may extend for twelve months.
Interested students who hold an A.B.
degree or who will receive such a de-
gree by June, 1955, and who are pre-
sently enrolled in the University of Mi-
chigan, should request application forms
for a Buenos Aires Convention award at
the office of the Graduate School. The
closing date for receipt of applications
is November 1st.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the spring or fall of 1954
should direct inquiries and requests for
applications to the Institute of Interna-
tioal Education, U.S. Student Program,
1 East 67th Street, New York 21pNew
York, The last date on which appli-
cations will be issued by the Institute
is October 15th.
Student Organizations planning to be
active during the Summer Session are
reminded to register before July 3.
Forms for registration are available In
1020 Administration Building. Use of
the Daily Official Bulletin, and use of
University meeting rooms will be re-
stricted to officially recognized and reg-
istered student organizations.
The Art Print Loan Collection office
in Room 510 Admin. Bldg. will be open
Monday through Friday from 8-12 for
the duration of the Summer Session.
Diving Class-Women Students. A
diving class for women students has
been scheduled for Tuesday and Thurs-
day at 4:30 p.m. It is open to any wo-
man student who is interested. Sign up
now in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Rap-atna Rimmne r-W-

on Thursday, July 1, in Auditorium C,
Angell Hal, for all seniors and graduate
students who are interested in register-
ing with the Bureau of Appointments
now for employment either after grad-
uation, after military service, or 10Z
future promotions in any of the follow-
ing fields: education, business, Industry,
technical, and government, Registra-
tion material will be given out at the
Those students who have previously
registered with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments for employment and who are stil
on campus are requested to contact the
Bureau as soon as possible at 3528 Ad-
ministration Building in order to bring
their records up to date. We must have
your present address and .telephone
number as well as your current courses.
This information is necessary for effeo-
tive service.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Indian&,
has positions available for physical, or-
ganic, or pharmaceutical chmeists, en-
gineers, and an industry analst.
Cambridge-Panelyte Molded Plastics
Co., Cambridge, Ohio, has an opening
for a Mechanical Engineer to do dsign
work and some process engineering. Re-
cent or August men graduates are eli-
gible to apply.
The U.S. Civil Service Commission has
announced an examination for City
Planner, GS-7 to GS-15. Basic require-
ments include a bachelor's degree with
major study in city or regional plan-
ning, architecture, landscape architec-
ture, or civil engineering. From 1 to 4
years professional experience In city or
regional planning is also required; gra-
duate study may be substituted for ex-
The U.S. Civil Service Commission is
offeringean examination for Foreign
Language Information Specialist, 07
to GS-12, for duty with the United
States Information Agencysin Washing-
ton, D.C. Applicants must have had
professional foreign language experi-
ence in writing, editing, or radio pro-
For additional information concern-
ing these and other employment oppor-
tunities, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
Linguistic Institute Lecture. "Seman-
tic Analysis of a Laxical Paradigm.
Floyd Lounsbury, Professor of Linguis-
tics, Yale University. 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thursday, July 1, at 4:00 InRim.
247 West Engineering. Speaker: Profes-
sor G. E. Hay. Topic: Some problems in
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
wil !meet Fridays at 2 p.m. In Room
3201 AH. On July 2, Professor C. C.
Craig will speak on Scheffe's solution
of the Behrens-Fisher problem.
Seminar in Lie Algebras: Will meet
every Wednesday and Friday afternoon
at 3 p.m. in Room 3001 Angell Hall.
Make-up Examination in History will
be given Saturday, July 10, 9:00 to 12:00
a.m., 429 Mason Hall. See your instruc-
tor for permission arid then sign list
in History Office.
M.A. Language Examination in His-
tory. Thursday, July 15, 4:15-5:15 p.m.,
429 Mason Hall. Can bring a dictionary.
Carillon Recital. The summer series
of Carillon Recitals will be continued
on Thursday, July 1, at 7:15, when Pro-
fessor Price will perform bell music by
G. F. Handel, compositions for a musi-
cal clock, and three other arrangements
of Handel's works.
Recital for Viola and Piano by Lydia
and Robert Courte, 8:30 Thursday eve-
ning, July 1, in Auditorium A. Angell
Hall. Mr. Courte is Associate Professor
of Viola and Chamber Music and Violist
of the Stanley Quartet, and for this
nrogram has chosen Bach's Partita in A






A t the Michigan...
GUN FURY with Rock Hudson and other scenic
AM TWENTY TWO years old. I have been at-
tending movies regularly since I was about five.
I have seen movies in all kinds of theatres. I have
seen movies in theatres with plush carpets and
double balconies. Once I was in a neighborhood
theater so sleazy the rats crawled onto my lap
and stole my popcorn.
But never, in all those years, have I heen a movie
quite so unabashedly tedious as "Gun Fury."
I am a reasonable man. I ask very little of a
movie. But there are certain rules that even the
makers of bad movies must follow.
For instance, when the action calls for a chase
across the state of Arizona, the movie makers
simply must not use the same scenery through-
out. To see a bad guy hiding behind a rock in-
distinguishable from the one he used about half
a state back that-a-way is just too much for this
willing suspender of disbelief.
The makers of this movie managed to eke an in-
credible amount of mileage out of one little bitty
picturesque hill.
Again. If the scene we are watching is supposed
to be taking place at night, I find it annoying to
be shown green trees, red rocks, blue water, etc.
Even the brightest moonlight is so comparatively
weak that all colors fade to shades of gray.
I challenge the producers of this atrocity to step
outside on a moonlit night and identify the vibrant

fought on the wrong side in the Civil War and
has been a crazy little mixed up kid ever since,
It just isn't funny any more.
Acting: We connoisseurs of bad movies aren't
fussy. But as a rule, if an actor isn't capable of real
expression, he shouldn't try. He should just say
the lines any old way and get on with the shoot-
ing. Someone obviously forgot to tell Rock Hudson
about this.
Dialogue: There is a lot to be said for the old,
terse, They-went-that-a-way school of dialogue
writers. Those men recognized their limitations and
were willing to abide by them. But the current crop
has taken to inserting sly little witticisms that
would look more at home in the gossip column of
some high school newspaper.
The most stimulating line of the whole evening
came, not from the screen, but from a fellow suf-
ferer seated in front of me. He leaned over, nudged
his companion, and whispered hoarsely, "Hey Rog,
you awake?" It brought down the house.
Rog, by the way, was asleep.
The cartoon accompanying the feature, a treacly
item involving Raggedy-Ann and a little blind girl,
also deserves a word of mention. Execrable.
-Don Malcolm
T HE ATTEMPTED revolution in Guatemala, of
which we find it very hard to get news, was
obviously designed to remove Communist influ-
ence. There are other and less violent ways of
promoting the same object. .One of them is the
maintenance by other American republics of
firm position against foreign intrusion into Amer-


Loyalty Caused Troubles recenty crossed the country it
When I was in Kansas City last must be apparent that there
January interviewing the former dence hysteria and more confi-
president for television he told me abl t an migh seem conf-
something that illustrates his ideas headlines and editorials reveal
about gratitude and friends. Per- that international conferences fail
haps also it shows some compari- to reach any solution to a divid-
sons with the McCarthy Commit- ed world frantically engaged in
It's not exactly a secret that for buration itsfor armaments inworldepwar
a long time President Truman had There are many reasons for this
no great regard for me, but, it was atisfactory taterofsnd and
not known how far he sometimes most of them aeofs of the
carried that "lack of affection." soundness of thare proos o te
Once, however, he almost turned ple at this particular time The
thumbs down on Clayton Fritchey country is obviously prosperous;
fr apositio n rtheWhite House its cities and their suburban
staff because Fritchey knew me.itton arexndg;ewf-
I had known Fritchey first when towns are expanding; new fac-
he was on the Cleveland Press, tories, new discoveries and inven-
S Prlfn,-of th e Nm Orpm tions, new highways, new shop-

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E. J. Smith....... Assoc. Sports


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