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June 30, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-06-30

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Stellanova Osborn Crusades For Atlantic Union

Daily Managing Editor
A 60 year old woman with more
faith and energy than most people
half her age breezed in and out
of the campus yesterday on be-
half of the Atlantic Union Com-
Stellanova Osburn, wife of the
late former Michigan Governor
Osburn, enthusiastically explained
the purpose of the Committee and
what she called "the sane way into
a large future."
The Atlantic Union Committee,
formed in 1949, seeks to build
from NATO a federated union of
the free peoples of the world.
Headed by former Supreme
Court Justice Owen Roberts, the
Committee is nation-wide. Similar
organizations exist in other NATO
There is an Ann Arbor chapter
under the chairmanship of Prof.
Preston Slosson, of the history de-
"Genius of 1787",
The spirit of 1776 won us our
independence," Mrs. Osburn ex-
plained," but it took the genius
of 1787 to invent a framework to
keep that freedom."
It is that federal framework
which Mrs. Osburn sees as the
answer to the breakdown of the
colonial system and the spread of
Soviet totalitarianism.
For example, she said, "if Indo-
China gets its independence from
France it will probably land in
the Soviet Camp.
"It is too late for independence.
What we need is a declaration of
The 1922 University graduate
further explained that a federated
union of free nations is a start
in the formation of world govern-
"But it must be a union by the
consent of the governed," she em-
This politically acute woman who
has traveled all over Europe to
talk with high officials about the
problems of NATO and Western
unity, made clear that it is the
hope of the Committee that such
a federation would be flexible and
expansive so that more and more
countries would be able to join
if their people so desired.

Exec Talks
To Meeting
"Conflicts in conferences are
somewhat like weather-it is dif-
ficult to tell what they will be
and when they will arise," repre-
sentatives of business and industry
were told Tuesday during t h e
University of Michigan conferences
on Speech Communication in Busi-
ness and Industry.
Donald R. Moyer, plant super-
visor of training at the Chrysler
Jet Engine Plant, addressed the
group on "Handling Conflicts in
Conferences." Basic leadership and
communication problems were dis-
cussed during the two-day meeting
presented by the U-M Department
of Speech in cooperation with the
Summer Session and Extension
Attitudes were cited as the pri-
mary cause for such conflicts as
two persons react differently to
the same problem.
In 1890 about 20 per cent of the
U. S. labor force was in the 45-64
age bracket, but that bracket ac-
counted for 30 per cent in 1950.
Northern Rhodesia has become
the world's third largest producer

Air Force Makes Available
Foreign Jobs for Civilians

Opportunities to travel abroad
at government expense-without
joining the Army-are now avail-

able for recreation leaders,


Saddle Clu
Gives Show
Today the Ann Arbor Saddle
and Bridle Club revealed plans for
its professional horse show. More
than 200 horses are expected to
be entered. This annual show will
be held at the Huron River
Stables, 3250 E. Huron River Dr.
Dr. H. R. Shipman, president of
the club, announced that proceeds
will go to Girls' Town, a statewide
New this year in the show will
be the entry of jumpers and hun-
ters. According to Dr. Shipman,
the two events have never been
held here before.
The horse show will run through
the day both Saturday and Sun-
day starting at 10 a.m. Events
are scheduled for 1:30 and 7 p.m.
on each of the two days.

ians, engineers, stenographers and
many others.
An Air Force representative
from Selfridge Air Base will be
at the Michigan Employment Se-
curity Commission from 5:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. today through Fri-
day to discuss these opportunities
for civilians interested in work at
overseas bases.
See the World
Vacancies exist in Alaska, Eur-
ope, Korea, Japan and other lo-
cations. According to the local re-
presentative, salaries range from
$2,950 to $9,600 per year and,
where available, housing is furn-
ished free of charge. Transporta-
tion to and from the duty sta-
tion is at government expense.
The age limits for male person-
nel are from 21 to 55 years old
and for female, 21 to 45 years old.
Only United States citizens are
considered for the job, the repre-
sentative said.
She also emtphasized that de-
pendents of civilian or military
personnel now stationed overseas
will ordinarily not be considered
for duty in the same area.
The Employment Security Com-
mission is located at 111 Felch St.

Grad Piano
For Tonight
Elise Kuhl, a graduate in the
University School of Music, will
present a concert at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Assembly Hall,
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for her masters de-
Miss Kuhl's piano selections will
includeBBach's "Toccata in G mi-
nor;" Beethoven's "Andante Fa-
vori" and Bartok's "Suite, Op. 14,"
"Allegretto," "Scherzo," "Allegro
Molto" and "Sostenuto."
She will also play Schubert's
"Sonata in A major, Op. Post-
sumus," "Allegro," "Andantino,"
"Scherzo" and "Rondo." The pi-
ano concert is open to the public
free of charge.
Kangaroo Golfers
PERTH, Australia (- - Kanga-
roos have become a regular haz-
ard to golfers at Halfway Creek,
in the eastern goldfields area, and
some players carry rifles in their
golf bags. 5
Near drought -conditions in the
northeast have drivenhthe kanga-
roos to the Halfway Creek area
where feed is plentiful.



-Ualy--Marj Crozier


As for the inclusion of the Rus-
sians in such a union, Mrs. Osburn
hopes that the Russian people will
want to join.
"But that may be a long time
off," she added. "It would mean
that there would have to be a
change in the Russian government
so that the people have a real say
in that government."
Bringing forth a letter from
General A. Greunther, top NATO
general in which he praised Mrs.
Osburn for her "untiring work",
she explained that people high in
NATO are enthusiastic about the
proposed federation.
"But we are still in a state of
general discussion," she added.
"To make this idea jell and be-
come government policy is our
purpose," she added.
Mrs. Osburn expressed the opin-
ion that on the non-governmental
level there is a great deal of sym-
pathy in Europe for a European
She said that the smaller Euro-
pean countries feel dominated by

Daily of Twenty Years Ago
Almost the Same as Today's

the United States, Great Britain
and Canada.
"In such a federation as we plan
these smaller countries will have
some say in their own destiny."
"After all," she argues with the
faith of someone who deply be-
lieves in the rightness of his cause,
"isn't federal union the next logi-
cal step in social organization?"
We cannot survive without such
a union, she said.
"At present the balance of power
is in favor of totalitarianism,"
Mrs. Osburn elaborated.
Stanley Quartet
Gives Concerts
The Stanley Qartet in residence
at the University of Michigan will
play R a y m o n d Chevreuille's
"Quartet No. 5" at the opening of
a three-concert series this sum-
The three concerts which are
open to the public, will be given on
the Tuesday evenings of July 6,
20 and August 3, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall at 8:30 p.m.
Chevreuille, whose name is not
quite as well known in this country
as it is on the Continent, was born
in Brussels, Belgium, in 1901. He
completed his musical studies at
the Royal Conservatory in his
native town. At the present time
he holds a position as sound engi-
neer at the National Radio In-
stitute at Brussels.
A composer of great talent,
Chevreuille wrote about s i x t y
woiks, including six string quar-
tets, orchestral and vocal works
and concertos for various instru-
ments. Some time ago he wrote
the musical adaptation for a movie
production, "Rubens," which has
been seen on American screens.
In 1952 his concerto for piano
and orchestra was selected to be
performed by the participants in
"Queen Elizabeth," held at Brus-
sels. In the same year he worked
on two commissions: (1) a cantata
to be performed at the Festival
of Comtemporary Music at Pitts-
burgh; (2) a symphony for the
Koussevitsky Foundation.
Besides the work by Chevreuille,
the Stanley Qartet will play Beet-
hoven quartets Op. 131.

"We have got to organize free
men and we have got to believe
in our system of self government.
If the Kremlin knows that at every
step they will be met by a unified
policy they will not dare aggres-
Looking at it from a strictly
practical angle, Mrs. Osburn also
maintained that the governments
of the free world could save a
tremendous amount of money if
they had one NATO army, navy,
air force.
"This money which we could
save could then be used for our
own internal welfare and to raise
the standard of living throughout
the world.
Bread and Freedom
"The world is hungry for bread
and freedom," she said, "but the
freedom won't mean much unless.
they have the bread."
As for the effect of such a union
on the United Nations, Mrs. Osburn
maintained that it would definitely
not by-pass the U.N.
"There still has to be a world
body where all the nations of the
world can discuss their problems.
We have to keep talking with the
Russians," she added firmly.
With a laugh Mrs. Osburn talked
about the DAR, Minute Women
and "Isolationist Congressman"
who need "re-educating."
"They keep harping on 1776 and
our fight for independence but
they forget about our federal Un-
ion," she said.
Packing up her jammed full
brief-case which has traveled over
this country and Europe with her,
Mrs. Osburn said modestly, "There
are a great many more important
well known, highly placed people
working for this movement.
"I'm just a kind of cheerleader."
Russian Blondes
ROME (R)-Maria Gorokhovska-
ja, an Olympic champion, and two
pretty blondes on the Russian
team were captivating the audi-
ence Tuesday with their grace in
the World Gymnastics Champion-
ships here.
Then one fell from the thin
beam on which they were balanc-I
ing, and the others followed.
A Russian trainer glowered at
them as they descended. Galino
Roudjko and Manina Tamara, the
blondes in their 20s, ran from the
floor crying.


Vl --Je A va vza aa - - - - - -- -

V. ...y r . - -

PRE-4th OF




mostly cottons. Better blouses, of nylon--
orlons. Sizes 32-44. All better Spring and
Summer Hats. Originally to,14.95.


The past twenty years have
brought a lot of newsprinthand
paper to the told of the Michigan
A quick glance back across these
years to June 29, 1934-20 years
ago today-shows that the charac-
ter and- ingredients of the paper
have remained pretty much the
We had the Daily Official Bul-
letin, page three was devoted to
sports and student-journalists a-
dorned the editorial page with their
opinions and comment.
As for the period, FDR was Pre-
sident and the ugly head of the
depression was still observable.
Hitler was coming to power in
Germany; Sylvia Sidney and Cary
Grant were playing in "Thirty Day
Princess" at the Michigan.
"Germany Tour Is Timely"
the first in a series of editorials
begins by commending three Mich-
igan members of the American
delegation which will tour Germany
that summer. The editorial stated:
Recent developments there in-
dicate that Germany is rapidly
approaching a crisis whose conse-
quences will be of paramount im-
portance to the whole world."
This crisis which it speaks of
concerns Hitler's rise to power.
At this point Hitler was reaching
for power but was not yet mighty
enough to be assured of sustaining
himself. The editorial states that
the test of Hitler's strength is yet
to come.
The second of the editorials spoke
of three new divisions of political
thought recognizable in the country.
The editorial reads in part:
"The group that is likely to find
the greatest public support upholds
the New Deal as an expediency
to meet an emergency. It insists
upon the abandoning of government
control of industry as soon as re-
covery is accomplished."
"Led by the Roosevelt Adminis-
tration, the second group regards
the New Deal as the first great
step toward a peaceful revolution
to a civilization fashioned around
a planned economy. This group
Eight Boys Jailed
Eight Detroit youths were jailed
by the Sheriff's Department early
yesterday after they crashed into
a Portage Lake Rd. cottage rented
by 10 vacationing girls.
Lt. Charles H. Cook dispatched
three men to 9440 Portage Lake
Rd. shortly after 4 a.m. when the
alarmed girls telephoned t h a t
their cottage was being invaded.
According to the young women
and sheriff's men, the Detroiters
Arn,achpw4in the dor i~anh casg.

must depend principally upon the
prestige and popularity of the
And it defines the third group
as "including those who definitely
oppose the New Deal."
We found out that the Tigers
beat the White Sox yesterday 8 to
7 and temperatures soared to a
sizzling 100 degrees.
Also a Literary Digest poll on
the New Deal was reported. The
article stated that 61 per cent of
the 1,508,861 votes tallied so far
Vermont was the only one of the
48 states wicch voted a majority
against the President's policies and

GROUP of nylon slips-blouses-hats-
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.. ..


(Continued from Page 2)

Events Today
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of-
fice is open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.,
including the noon hour, for the sale of
seaon and single tickets for the De-
partment of Speech summer playbill.
Season tickets are $6.00-$4.75-$3.25. In-
cluded on the series are HAMLET, July
7-10; $1.75-$1.40-$1.00; MRS. Mc-
THING, July 21-24, $1.50-$1.10-75c;
THE CRITIC, July 28-31. $1.50-$1.0-
ust, 5, 6, 7 and 9, produced with the
School of Music, $1.75-$1.40-$1.00. All
performances are in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, north end of the Michi-
gan League Building, at 8 p.m.
Ballroom Dancing Lessons tonight at
the League. Beginners at 7:00 p.m. In-
termediates at 8:00 p.m. 5 lessons for
$3.00 for men. Women admitted free.
Coming Events
Intercultural Outing at Saline valley
Farms Youth Hostel. Discussion focus:
"Independence and How We Attained
It: American, Phillipine, Indian, and
others." Leave Saturday, 10:30, return
Monday 2 p.m. Swimming, folk dancing.
$4. Sponsored by Lane Hall. Reserva-
tion by Wednesday evening: NO 3-1511,
ext. 2851.
Interreligious Cooperation in School
and Community. Thursday Lunch Sem-
inar. Leader: DeWitt C. Baldwin, Co-
ordinator of Religious Affairs. Cost
Lunch served. Lane Hall, 12 noon. Stu-
dents and faculty welcome. Reserva-
tions requested.
Lane Hall Punch Hour, Friday 4:30 to
5:45 p.m. All students cordially invited.
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the Inter-
national Student Association will be
held at the Madelon Pound House. 1024

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