PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1954', PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, YU?4E 30, 1854, EDITOR'S NOTE: The Effect of Crowley's Testimony Upon the 'Bored' American Public By DIANE AUWERTER THE surprising reversal of testimony by Francis Crowley, former University student, did not drastically reverse the course of many lives. For the people named before the House Un- American Activities committee, it will mean a changed way of living, perhaps. They may suffer economic difficulties as a result of it, and many of them, even those who were specifically men- tioned as former Communists, will carry a so- cial stigma with them for a long time. People who read the story in this morning's pa- pers, however, probably did not even comment upon it. In fact, they may not have read beyond the headlines. To most of them, former Communists, Inves- tigating committees and the Fifth Amendment are such old stories that they do not need nor deserve comment. This is partially a good situation. It means that the national hysteria which threatened sev- eral years ago is a thing of the past, although its remants hang on, particularly in the academic community. It is also a very dangerous situation. As long as people are not carefully watching the tactics of these investigators, and are allowing them to continue making a mockery of the Bill of Rights and the traditional American freedoms, men who are more interested in power than in morality can proceed pretty much as they please. Moreover, there is a danger that the lack of interest in present day abuse of civil liberties is not only a result of boredom but also of con- fusion. The average American is faced with a Jekyll- Hyde dilemma. If he thinks about the problem at all, he despises a Crowley for turning informer in order to save his own skin. At the same time, he wonders if perhaps Crowley and in turn, Velde, Clardy, McCarthy and others, are not fighting Communism with the best tools available. So he has pushed the problem to the back of his mind and refuses to think about it at all. The solution to the problem is too often ennu- merated to be mentioned here. It calls for closed hearings, FBI investigation and regular court pro- cedures in dealing with men whom the evidence shows are interested in violent overthrow of the country and alignment with a foreign power. The way to achieve this solution is not by run- ning away from the situation. Such a national retreat can lead only to further stifling of free expression, increased international tension and allowing the investigating committees to run roughshod over whomsoever they choose. Instead, the present problem demands clear thinking and direct action from every American. A congressional election is coming up this fall. Turning those congressmen who have expressed approval of the present investigating program out of office would afford the Administration with positive proof that people have had enough of publicity-minded "Red" hunters. Public expression of disapproval from those who are not afraid of injury from the Committee is certainly needed. But most important of all is that people not simply forget about nor ignore the unpleasant drama which the Committee hearings afford, lest they wake up to find they are sleeping the sleep of prisoners. "Yessir - Peacetime Use of Atomic Power" . . . - - - - T V Vol% Guatemala.. A Familiar Pattern By J. M. ROBERTS, Jr. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .I !f A w 0-1- I -p NE ~ ~ , At Rackham Lecture Hall: Mabel Rhead Field, successful musical performance is beautiful tone. pianist. Program: Bach, Toccata in F-sharp Furthermore, this sound must not be the harsh, minor; Scarlatti, Sonata in E major, Pastorale, compelling percussion of a technician, but more and Sonata in A major; Schumann, Phantasie, the rich, opulent sonority which demands at- Op. 17, Schubert, Moments musicales, Op. 94; tention by its beauty alone. Once the ear is initially Chopin, Fantassie, Op. 49. captured, the intricate patterns and subtle wan- derings of the melodic phrase sustain the atten- JT HAS BEEN almost a decade since Mabel Rhead tion, and the climaxes work themselves out un- Field retired from the University faculty. In consciously as the listener is carried along by their the meantime, her reputation has become almost ebb and flow. It was this beautiful tone, how- legendary. A following of close friends and ad- ever, which made of this concert a tremendous mirers, recognizing the decline in the number of musical experience. musicians like Mrs. Field, and the need for young- er musicians to experience her type of approach to It was also this tone which made the later her art, have twice succeeded in bringing her works on the program generally more success- from retirement. ful, for only with the last movement of the Schumann, with its rich modulations, was it real- In a series devoted to the Beethoven Violin ized. The Schubert was a delicate chain of six Sonatas performed with Gilbert Ross, several years (or was it seven?) beautifully sustained moods; ago, Mrs. Field revealed that she still possessed the and seldom have I heard such meaningful in- remarkable musical gifts which so long distinguish- dependent lines and such an exquisite web of col- ed herhi the international music world. And or made of the left-hand arpeggios as in passages again last night, her admirers were able to again from the Chopin. experience her profound insight into music. On the first half of the program, the ScarlattI Mrs. Field belongs to a generation of pianists group was perhaps the most enjoyable. Of the whom we, by virtue of our rather feeble ac- three, the first was by far the most unique, pos- quaintance with them, must designate by a no sessing all of the character of a 19th-century more discerning term than "musical person- "Characterstuck" and at the same time the deli- alities." The only such "personality" many of cate tastefulness of its own centry. Mrs. Field's us have heard is Myra Hess; inferior recordings performance only illustrates how the gift of lyric- and enthusiastic reminiscences add to our dists ism, which she so beautifully possesses, oversteps such disparate names as Joseph Lhevine, Moritz the canons of any historical period, when it pro- Mozzkowsky (both, incidentally, teachers of Mrs. jects the delicate beauties of this type of work. Field), Josef Hoffman, and even as far as performers of the calibre of Mrs. Field have, Vladimir DePachmann and Olga Samaroff-Sto- kowski. except in a few instances, disappeared from the musical scene. We have our own great perform- It is symptomatic that we must include such a ers today, who attract larger audiences and in- wide range of artists in the same category; yet our duce just as great enthusiasm as the performers present-day artists-the bravado technicians, the of thirty and forty years ago. These greats have exponent of the piano as a "brittle" and "percus- much to commend them; in many ways they are sive" instrument, and alas now even the tender superior to their predecessors. Yet, as one hears spirits of the television screen-all have lost this performers like Mabel Rhead Field, one wonders charm and appeal which characterized these "per- if, in our demands for a more down-to-earth ex- sonalities." pression, we are not losing sight of that quality Mrs. Field's performance proved more than any- which makes us able to call a performance inspired. thing else that the most important element in any -Donald W. Krummel. DRAMA WASHINGTON-Republican and Democratic congressmen who at- tended the recent White House briefing on Far Eastern problems came away with a depressed feel- ing. The depression, they said, was not so much because the situa- tion was grave but because the administration didn't seem to know what to do about it. The closed-door session gives sig- nificant insight into how Eisenhow- er and Dulles were thinking dur- ing their talks with Churchill. President Eisenhowr started the briefing with a short pep talk in which he called for bipartisan sup- port. Then he introduced Under- Secretary of State W. Bedell Smith, just back from the Geneva con- ference. Gloomily, Smith reported t h a t France is ready to accept an In- dochina cease-fire at any price, and we will probably have to go along with it. Inasmuch as we dic- tated the armistice terms in Ko- rea on the ground that our boys were doing the fighting, the French are now insisting on fixing the terms in Indochina for the same reason. The United States, the undersec- retary of state told the senators, is prepared to draw a "fighting line" in Indochina, which would embrace Laos, Cambodia, and part of Vietnam. And if the Reds cross that line, the United States would be willing to fight. Smith left the impression, however, that the Reds would demand occupation of all Vietnam-the wealthiest and most populated part of Indochina-and that the French would let them get away with it. Secretary Dulles spoke up dur- ing one part of the briefing to say that he "thought" India might join an anti-Communist alliance if the Reds tried to invade Laos and Cambodia, because of India's cul- tural and religious ties with these two small states. But he quickly added that he had no positive vi- dence. M e a n w h i 1 e, Undersecretary Smith reported that the Chinese Communists are already wooing Laos and Cambodia. He left the impression that, as soon as the military offensive is halted, the Reds would start a political offen- sive with honeyed words and "sil- ver bullets" to win over the rest of Indochina. Knowland Cross-Examines Only senator who fired any real- ly hot questions at Smith and Dul- les was Knowland of California, the Republican Senate lader. The Democrats asked few questions and there was no apparent desire to embarrass the administration. S e n a t o r Knowland, however, questioned Smith rather sharply as to where the final "fighting line" will be drawn in Indochina. If we draw a fighting line now, and proclaim that we will fight at that line, would we not draw an- other line later, Knowland asked, and then retreat still farther to another line: Smith and Secretary Dulles never gave him a direct answer. They talked around in circles. Undersecretary Smith admitted that we were getting next to no- where with the Southeast Asia al- liance. The key, he said, was In- dia., and he indicated that England was taking her cue from India. The report was so gloomy that Secretary Dulles flt compelld to give a little cheery talk and try to end the conference on an op- timistic note. "The Mendes-France government more nearly expresses the will and spirit of the French people," Mr. Dulles beamed. He interpreted this of the pro-American Laniel govern- ment. Dulles told the senators that the Geneva conference which he once described as the hope of the world could not yet be judged a failure because it wasn't over yet. As the Congressional group 'filed out, Congressman Vinson of Geor- gia snorted: "Hogwash! Pure hog- wash!" He was so loud that the states- men who had brewed the so-called "hogwash" couldn't help but over- hear, He Judged Oppenheimer Admiral Strauss could well have been more careful about picking the judges to pass on Dr. J. Rob- ert Oppenheimer in the most im- portant test of a top scientist in the history of the nation. It now develops that Strauss picked as one of the three judges a man whose company had once exchanged valuable patents with Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy before Pearl Harbor; who also urged commercial links with Soviet Russia; and who, when head of another company, tried to send airplanes to South America in vio- lation of the laws of the United States. He is Tom Morgan, former head of Sperry Gyroscope, who voted that Dr. Oppenheimer, though loy- al, was a poor security risk and might leak information to potential enemies. Among the charges against Op- penheimer was that he once had Communist friends, though it was stated that he had given no infor- mation to Communists. However, the New York Times of Nov. 23, 1934, reports that Tom Morgan was a featured speaker at a dinner honoring Peter Bogdanov, head of the Russian Trading Corporation. Bogdanov was returning to Russia, and Mr. Morgan, with other New York business leaders, met at a big dinner to say goodbye and pay him tribute. "Behind the speakers' table," said the New York Times," .hung the red flag of Russia with its crossed hammer and sick- kle." Morgan was then president of the Curtiss-Wright Aviation Corp. He was chairman of the Curtiss- Wright board when, a few months 1 a t e r, March 30, 1935, Curtiss- Wright tried to ship four bombers to Bolivia, then engaged in the Chaco War-in violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act. As a result, Cur- tiss-Wright was criminally posecut- ed and fined $260,000, with two of its subsidiary executives fined $11,- 000 each. (Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) Sixty-Fourtb Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan underthe authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter....Co-Managing Editor Alice B. Silver ..Co-Managing Editor Becky Conrad...........Night Editor Rona Friedman...........Night Editor Wally Eberhard. .........Night. Editor Sue Garfield..........Women's Editor Hanley Gurwin........Sports Editor Jack Horwitz....,.Assoc. Sports Editor E. J. Smith....... Assoc. Sports Editor Business Staff Dick Astrom........Business Manager Lois Pollak.......Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks.......Advertising Manager Telephone NO Bc-BD-v ,r T The Guatemalan struggle seems now to have deteriorated into a familiar pattern of Latin American politics. For the time being at least the original objective of the Guatemal- an army and the invading rebels against the Communist-backed Ar- benz regime has been accomplish- ed, to the great satisfaction of the United States, and now what seem- ingly is a third force has entered the contest for control of the coun- try. Everybody is calling everybody else who doesn't support his fac- tion a Communist. The real Com- munists, pursuing the traditional Lenin tactic, having run into a time of setback, have retired to lick their wounds and regroup. First reports of the coup upon a coup which ousted the new army junta before it had time to turn around suggested formation of a faction in Guatemala City which either represented invading rebels under Col. Castillo Armas or could come to terms with him for organ- ization of the government. Exact word of what was happen- ing was lacking. The situation was so vague that the Interamerican Peace Commission first called off its investigative trip from Wash- ington and then called it on again. Of first interest, of course, were the reports that the latest group in control at Guatemala City had begun cease-fire negotiations with Castillo Armas. When that has been settled, the next thing will be for the United States, acting both diplomatically and through the Organization of American States, to see what can be done to prevent the Guatemalan Communists from repeating the in- filtration of the government which produced the present crisis. Korean Attitudes IT IS WITH satisfaction that we note a moderate and realistic tone in the statements coming from President Rhee and his Govern- ment in Korea. They give an as- surance that there will not be, at this time, any unilateral Korean action that might forfeit United Nations support and jeopardize the chance of a future settlement. There is need for patience in Seoul no less than here and one can ap- plaud the long-suffering Koreans for any evidence of that further patience. The Koreans made no secret of the fact that they approached the Geneva conference in an at- titude of complete disillusion and complete skepticism. They did not expect the conference to produce a just and honorable formula for the unification of a free Korea, and their judgment in this respect -shared by many non-Koreans- has been justified. The conference' defined the issues and made it plain that the Communists had no wish for a free and united Korea. It did not, and could not, go fa'rther than that. There is a suggestion in the news dispatches that the present mod- erate line that is being taken in Seoul is linked in part to the re- quest for further firm pledges of military support. The Korean at- titude toward that support seems reasonable enough. The United Nations, and the United States, have been sponsors for the free Government in the Republic of Korea. That free Government is still in danger, and for this reason the renewed request for substan- tial aid and substantial assuranc- es should be received sympatheti- cally in this country. It is in our own interest that a free Korea be defended. It is in the interest of humanity that free Koreans be as- sisted to rebuild their ravaged country. There will not be a quick and easy solution in Korea. Geneva showed that more plainly than ever. So Korea must be patient and we can assist to that end by being sympathetic and continuingly helpful. -The New York Timeps M. MENDES-FRANCE is an in- tellectual and as such is painfully aware of the inevitable disparity between thought and action, es- pecially in politics. He seems to believe it is easier to serve his country as Mayor of the small town of Louviers than as a member of the National Assembly. He once remarked that as Mayor he could see real results of his labors- better roads, schools, gas and electrical installations-but that as a Deputy about all he could take credit for was a law about rabbits, which, when passed, had quite ceased to resemble what he had proposed. The French National Assembly is not the best place to acquire faith in the translation of ideas into facts. France has perhaps an over-supply of intellectuals, but in The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 7S Notices Regents' Meeting Friday, August 6, 9:30 a.m. Communications for considera- tion at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than July 29. Applications for Fulbright Awards for graduate study or research abroad dur- ing the 1955-56 academic year are now available. Countries in which study grants are offered are Australia, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg, Burma, Cey- lon, Denmark, Finland, France, Ger- many, Greece, India, Italy. Japan, Neth- erlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakis- tan, Philippines, Sweden, Union of South Africa, United Kingdom. The grants are made for one academic year and include round-trip transportation, tuition, a living allowance and a small stipend for books and equipment. All grants are made in foreign currencies. Interested students who hold an A.B. degree or who will receive such a degree by June 1955, and who are presently en- rolled in the University of Michigan, should request application forms for a Fulbright award at the office of the Graduate School. The closing date for receipt of applications is November 1st. Persons not enrolled in a college or university in the spring or fall of 1954 should direct inquiries and re- quests for applications to the Institute of International Education, U.S. Stu- dent Program, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21, New York. The last date on which applications will be issued by the Institute is October 15th. Applications for Buenos Aires Con- vention Awards for graduate study or research in Latin America during the 1955-56 academic year are now available. Countries in which study grants are offered are Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Co- lumbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. Grantees are chos- en by the host government of each country from a panel presented by the United States Government. The United States Government pays travel costs and host governments pay maintenance al- lowances and tuition fees. Grants gen- erally are for one academic year, but some may extend for twelve months. Interested students who hold an A.B. degree or who will receive such a de- gree by June, 1955, and who are pre- sently enrolled in the University of Mi- chigan, should request application forms for a Buenos Aires Convention award at the office of the Graduate School. The closing date for receipt of applications is November 1st. Persons not enrolled in a college or university in the spring or fall of 1954 should direct inquiries and requests for applications to the Institute of Interna- tioal Education, U.S. Student Program, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21 New York. The last date on which appli- cations will be issued by the Institute is October 15th. University Holiday. The University will be closed Monday, July 5, in observance of Independence Day. EXPLOYMENT REGISTRATION A meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 1, in Auditorium C, Angell Hall, for all seniors and graduate students who are interested in register- ing with the Bureau of Appointments now for employment either after grad- uation, after military service, or for future promotions in any of the follow- ing fields: education, business, industry, technical, and government. Registra- tion material will be given out at the meeting. Those students who have previously registered with the Bureau of Appoint- ments for employment and who are still on campus are requested to contact the Bureau as soon as possible at 3528 Ad- ministration Building in order to bring their records up to date. We must have your present address and telephone number as well as your current courses. This information is necessary for effec- tive service. Cercle Francais: The Summer Session Circle Francas will meet weekly on Wednesday evening at 8:00 through the month of July, in the Michigan League. A varied program of music, talks, games, and discussions is planned. These meet- ings are open to all students and resi- dents of Ann Arbor who are interested in France and things French. No prev- ious membership is necessary. All are welcome. Consult the League bulletin and the Daily for place, details, indi-, vidual programs. La Petite Causette: An informal French conversation group will meet weekly through July in the Round-Up Room of the League, Fridays at 3:30. A faculty member and a native French assistant will be present but there is no formal program. Refreshments are available nearby, and all persons inter- ested in talking and hearing French are cordially invited to come. AUTOMOBILE REGULATIONS The University applies certain restric- tions to the use of automobiles by its students. The following students,hafter registering their automobile with the Office of Student Affairs, are exempt from any driving restrictions during the summer session. 1. Those who in the academic year are engaged in professional pursuits, as, for example, teachers, lawyers, physi- cians, dentists, and nurses. 2. Those who are twenty-six years of age or over. 3. Students holding a faculty ranking of teaching fellow or higher. Students who are not exempt in ac- cordance with the above listings may secure permits to drive by making prompt application to the Office of Student Affairs, Room 1020, Administra- tion Building: 1. Provided their circumstances neces- sitate such use. 2. Provided they need automobiles for participation in outdoor sports such as golf, tennis, and swimming. 3. Married students who are under twenty-six years of age. At the time of registration each stu- dent isrequested to indicate whether or not he will drive during the summer Recreational Swimming Hours-Wo- men's Swimming Pool: For women only: Monday and Wed- nesday 5-6 p.m., 7:20-9:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-4:30 p.m., 5:00-6:00 p.m., 8:00-9:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 2:30-4:30 p.m. Co-recreational swimming: Saturday 7:20-9:00 p.m. Sunday 3:00-5:00 p.m. Family Night: Friday 7:20-9:00 p.m. Each child must be accompanied by at least one parent. Parents may not bring children other than their own. PERSONNEL REQUESTS The US. Civil Service Commission has announced an examination for City Planner, GS-7 to GS-15. Basic require- ments include a bachelor's degree with major study in city or regional plan- ning, architecture, landscape archite- ture, or civil engineering. From 1 to 4 years professional experience in city or regional planning is also required; Wa- duate study may be substituted for ex- perience. The U.S. Civil Service Commission is offering an examination for Foreign Language Information Specialist, 0-T to GS-12, for duty with the United States Information Agency in Wahing- ton, . D.C. Applicants must have had professional foreign language experi- ence in writing, editing, or radio pro- duction. WTVB, Coldwater, Mich., has an im- mediate opening for Continuity-chief. While experience is preferred, a new graduate with background in radio may apply. McLaughlin Osteopathic Hospital, Lansing, Mich., needs the services of two female laboratory Technicians. Prairie View Agricultural & Mechani- cal College, Prairie View, Texas, is in- terested in hiring men graduates in Me- chanical or Architectural Engineering for positions as instructors in its School of Engineering. Pennock Hospital, Hastings, Mich., has an opening for a general, registered (or eligible for registry) (ASCP) tech- nologist, man or woman, to serve as an assistant supervisor of the hospital's branch laboratory. For additional information concern- ing these and other employment oppor- tunities, contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Seventh Annual Conference on Aging, auspices of the Division of Gerontology. June Breakfast. 8:15 a.m.,Michigan Un- ion. Linguistic Luncheon Lecture. Herbert H. Paper, University of Michigan will speak on "The Dialects of Elamite." Wednesday, June 30, 12:10 p.m. Michi- gan League. Cali ext. 2785 before 10 for reservations. Speech Department Assembly. "Prob- lems of Responsible Communication." A. Craig Baird, Profesor of Speech, State University of Iowa. 3:00 p.m., Rackhan 4mphitheater. Near East Lecture Series, auspices of the Department of Near Eastern Studies. "The Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical Re- search." William F. Abright, Professor of Semitic Languages, Johns Hopkins University. 4:00 p.m., Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Near Eastern Studies Lecture. "The Dead-Sea-Scrolls and Biblical Research," by William F. Albright, Professor of Se- mitic Languages at the Johns Hopkins University. Wednesday, June 30, 4:00 p.m., Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Woman in the world of Man Lecture Series. "What Should Colleges Teach Women?" Mirra Komarovsky, Depart- ment of Sociology, Barnard College. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Panel Discussion. "Higher Education for Wo- men." Marvin L. Niehuss, Vice-Presi- dent, moderator; Helen W. Dobson, As- sociate Professor of Astronomy; Algo D. Henderson, Professr of Higher Educa- tion; Mirra Komarovsky; Lynn T. White, Jr. 7:45 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Academic Notices Botanical Seminar Wednesday, June 30, 1954, 7:30 p.m. in Room 1139 Natur- al Science. "Morphogenesis and Tissue Culture" will be disussed by Dr. C. D. LaRue of the Department of BotaY. Concerts Student Recital: Elise Kuhl, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, at 8:30 Wednesday eve- ning, June 30, in the Rackham Assemt- bly Hall. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Kuhl will play works by Bach, Beethoven, Bartok, and Schubert. Her program will be, open to the general public. Carillon Recital. The summer series of Carillon Recitals will be continued on Thursday, July 1, at 7:15, when Pro- fessor Price will perform bell music by G. F. Handel, compositions for a musi- cal clock, and three other arrangements of Handel's works. Recital for 'Viola and Piano by Lydia and Robert Courte,8:30 Thursday eve- ning, July 1, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Mr. Courte is Associate Professor of Viola and Chamber Music and Violist of the Stanley Quartet, and for this program has chosen Bach's Partita in A minor, Ross Lee Finney's Sonata, Beet- hoven's Notturno, Op. 42, and Mozart's Divertimento in C major. The general public wiil be admitted without charge. Exhibitions Clements Library. Rare astronomical works. Graduate students expecting to receive the master's degree in August, 1954, must file a diploma application with the Recorder of the Graduate School by Friday, July 2. A student will not be recommended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the office of the Graduate School. Diving Class-Women Students. A diving class for women students has been scheduled for Tuesday and Thurs- day at 4:30 p.m. It is open to any wo- man student who is interested. Sign up now in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. T i Y~ _r 4 I Noel Coward's PRIVATE LIVES, presented by the Saline Mill Theatre. SALINE MILL has made the happy choice of a sophisticated comedy to open their second sea- son, and the production proves the already estab- lished merit of the group. Coward's play about a divorced couple who never see eye to eye but who manage to patch things up is the kind of show which requires crispness and spirit, and the four players selected to do it come very near to being exactly what it needs. The situation, briefly, involves two gaily emo- tional people, Amanda and Elyot Chase, who meet five years after their divorce while both are honey- mooning with new spouses. They run off together, leaving their most recent mates at a honeymoon resort, and escape to Paris to find that they are as incompatible as ever. The other couple cry on each other's shoulders to the point of being a pair unto themselves, and the whole thing ends in as neat a package as it began. Nancy Born, no stranger to Ann Arbor aud- iences, portrays ultra-sophisticated Amanda with dashes of Bette Davis and Tallulah Bankhead, but is basically herself throughout the play. She is a fine comedienne, and has shown it before. She has the poise and timing necessary for her role, and adds a rather fleshy slink that makes outstanding) but she is able to make this un- important by her excellent acting.' Elyot Chase, Amanda's erstwhile husband, is played by Ted Heusel, who also directs the produc- tion. Mr. Heusel is a better director than actor, but after the first act he warms up to his role until he at least holds his own during the splenetic out- bursts which comprise the major portion of the dialogue between him and Amanda. Florence Rupert is cast as Chase's second wife, Sibyl, left waiting at the resort. She plays her part well, and rarely falls into the fiery sophisti- cation reserved for Amanda. Mrs. Rupert is given the opportunity to show the widest range of character within the play, and she takes full advantage of it-even seems on the point of out- Amanda-ing Miss Born in the explosion which brings the show to a close. Perhaps one of the funniest characters in this production is Victor Prynne, Amanda's other hus- band, as he is interpreted by Gene Rupert. Mr. Rupert gives him all the elephant-hunting stuffi- ness of a British sporting gentleman. One of the best scenes in the play is the final argument be- tween Prynne and Sibyl. Technically the production fares just as well. The set is imaginatively constructed and, al- though it does not make the most of arena stag- I. r -i Y ___.___i sYL _.__._ ttf _ . . . i. 1L .... . ..