EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 2 j [I: C Latest Deadline in the State :43 a t ty a CLOUDY WITH RAIN VOL. LXIV, No. 7S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1954 FOUR PAGES 54-'55 'U' Budget Near 27 Millions l Boost by State Legislature Tops This Year's outlay by $2,470,996 The University yesterday announced a general fund operating budget for 1954-55 of $26,876,996. That's $2,470,996 more than the 1953-54 budget with the increase coming chiefly from a boost in the appropriation made by the state Legislature. The Legislature's grant for the coming year is $21,052,996 com- pared to $18,796,000 for the year just ending. Income from Student fees, based on an estimated resident credit enrollment of 18,500 next fall,, is estimated at $5,444,800 as against $5,230,000 this year. Other income of $379,200 from such sources as interest on endowment, departmental income, and trdst funds is expected. Of the total budget of the yeneral fund, $21,944,960 will be spent for salaries and wages and $4,932,036 will be allorated to depart- Ike Foreign Aid Budget Cut by House WSHINGTON (A - The House Tuesday cut 102 million dollars from President Eisenhower's "es- sential" foreign aid program while tentatively approving without fur- ther change the major portions of the 3 -billion-dollar measure. The House also approved an amendment calling on the Presi- dent to withhold special funds from any nation joining the type of Asian nonaggression pact which the British have proposed. A final vote on the measure was put over until Wednesday. Millions Sliced The House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee sliced. only seven million dollars from President Eisenhow- er's requests for $3,477,608,000 in military and economic aid for the year beginning July 1. The House, on Republican mo- tions, cut off an additional 27 mil- lion dollars, earmarked for the de- velopment of special weapons in Europe, and 75 million dollars to 3 continue the production of British military aircraft. The House beat down attempts to eliminate the special 800 million dollar fund for Asia and 85 mil- lion for development aid to India. The section aimed at the Locar- no-type nonaggression pacts sug- gested by -the British was ap- proved earlier in the day by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Rep. Vorys (R-Ohior, who spon- sored the restrictive clause, said its purpose was to prevent the creation of nonaggression treaties between the small countries of Southeast Asia and the Communist giant to the north, Red China. British Plan British Foreign Secretary An- thony Eden has suggested that the area enter into a series of pacts with the Communists similar to the Locarno agrements which main- tained an uneasy peace in Europe for a time after 1925. Congression- al critics of this plan say it would amount to guaranteeing Communist ascendancy indefinitely in coun- tries the Reds have taken over. Vorys reported the Foreign Af- fairs Committee approved "by af very substantial vote" his proposal 5 that "it is the sense of Congress" that none of the 800 million dollars budgeted for special aid to South- east Asia "shall be used on behalf of governments which are com- mitted by treaty to maintain Com- munist rule over any defined terri- tor of Asia." Te proposal was to be pushedj as an amendment to the foreign aid bill when the House proceeds to a series of test votes later in tihe debate. The 800-million-dollar special fund is earmarked for the struggle against the Communists in Indo- china, but the President would be given authority to use it elsewhere in Asia. Thus if the French succed in getting a cease-fire in Indo- china, the money might be allotted to the British or their allies in Malaya. NAACP Mixer Set For Tomorrow The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will sponsor a social mixer at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall. On following Thursdays during summer school, the NAACP will hold a lecture series at which students who have been working mental current accounts an equipment. The general funds budget cover the instructional, research, admin istrative, and plant operatio maintenance costs for 1954-55. Three other budgets have receiv ed the approval of the Universit Regents. The University Hospita will operate in 1954-55 undera budget of $8,706,000. The figur for 1953-54 was $8,102,235. Faculty Titles Changes in title for 44 mem bers of the University of Mhichi. gan faculty and staff: were an- nounced today by President Har lan Hatcher. DeWitt C. Bladwin who has beer director of Lane Hall and the Stu dentt Religious Association wil now become co-ordinator of relig. ious affairs. ' Robert N. Cross has been made administrative assistant to the Office of the President and a re- Business Research. He had beer search associate in the Bureau o assistant director of the bureau Jeanne C. Hallburg has beer given the title of assistant super- visor in medical-surgical nursing University Hospital, in addition t her title as instructor in the School of Nursing. Prof. Heyns Roger W. Heyns, an associate professof of psychology, will con- tinue in that post on a half-time basis and also become assistani to the dean of the College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts or a half-time basis. Joseph E. Kallenbach has beer made secretary to the faculty of the literary college in addition tc his professorship in political sci- ence. Elizabeth L. Kane has been made assistant supervisor of med- ical-surgical nursing, University Hospital, in addition to her ap- pointment as an instructor in nursing. Warren A. Ketcham, an assist- ant professor of education in the School of Education, has been giv- en the additional title of co-ordi- nator of phsycological services in University Elementary School. Assistant Director Robert C. Leestma, who has been an audio-visual consultant, has been made assistant director of the Audio-Visual Education Cen- ter and a lecturer in the School of Education. The title of William H. Mills from lecturer in education to in- structor in education in the School of Education and adminis- trative assistant in University El- ementary School. Thirteen title changes were made in the Department of Physi- cal Education as the titles in that area were changed to conform to those used in other units of the University. Changes from assist- ant supervisor in physical educa- tion to instructor in physical edu- cation have been made for Robert E. Betzig, Joan E. Farrell, George W. Greey, Violet K. Hanley, Wil- liam G. Helms, James E. Hunt, Don W. Robinson, Edward Slezak, Jean A. Stanicek, Helen M. Stew- art, David H. Strack, J. Elmer Swanson, and Walter J. Weber. School of Education Sixteen title changes affected members of the University high school and elementary school. The additional title of instructor, School of Education, has been given to Hope H. Chipman, Law- erence A. Conrey, Sarita I. Da- vis (who also has a new title of librarian-teacher), Jessie B. Dyp- ka, Carolyn J. Franke, Jeanne A. Galley, Howard H. Gerrish,Char- lotte Hardy, S. Katherine Hill, Nelson G. Lehsten, Marion Mc- Kinney, Virginia B. Morrison, Odina B. Olson, Helen L. Ryder, ITn S hc a_ Pr inayri'c Final Ruling Passed On Scientist OppenheimerHit By 4-1 AEC Vote WASHINGTON tfP-A 4-1 vote by the Atomic Energy Commission Tuesday ruled finally and definite- ly that atomic scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer shall be denied ac- cess to government secrets. The four commissioners ruled against him,( in large part be- cause of "his persistent and con- tinuing association with Commu- nists." The fourth, Thomas E. Mur- ray said "Dr. Oppenheimer was disloyal" in the sense that he dis- regarded se cu r it y regulations which restrict the associations of a man in such a sensitive posi- tion. ' The lone voteupholding Oppen- heimer came from Dr. Henry D. Smyth, Princeton scientist who worked with him in Oppenheimer's wartime task of developing the A- bomb. Said Smyth: "He is com- pletely loyal and I do not believe he is a security risk." It was the end of the road for Oppenheimer's lawyer - backed ef- forts to be restored to access to the restricted data of the AEC. Its procedures allow for no further appeal. Oppenheimer said through his lawyer in New York that "The report of the Atomic Energy Com- mission was released to the press before I saw it. I was informed of the nature of its findings by Gen. Nichols. I shall need to read and examine the statements before I can comment." Nichols is K. D. Nichols, gen- eral manager of the AEC. Oppen- heimer's Washington lawyers said the AEC had explained that a courier taking the decision to Op- penheimer had missed his plane. The three commissioners who signed the majority report were Chairman Lewis ,L. Strauss, for- mer New York banker and an ad- miral in World War II: Eugene M. Zuckert, former Harvard professor and former assistant secretary of the Air Force, and Joseph Camp- bell, former accountant and Co- lumbia University administrator. Commissioner Murray, a former New York businessman, signed an opinion concurring with the ma- jority, but based on different rea- soning. Oppenheimer's case reached the AEC by appeal from the 2-1 de- cision of a special Security Board which held hearings on the case and reported May 27 that the scientist, while loyal and discreet was a security risk to w homdaat was a security risk to whom data should not be made available. The Security Board took testi- mony bearing on Oppenheimer's admitted lack of enthusiasm for the hydrogen bomb in its embry- onic stages, but that played no part in Tuesday's decision to bar him from restricted data, the com- missioners said. It was recalled there was a debate within the gov- ernment as to wisdom of the H- bomb program, and "in this de- bate Dr. Oppenheimer was, of' course, entitled to his opinion." The Strauss-Zuckert-Campbell majority report Tuesday said the law requires the AEC to inquire into the "character, associations, and loyalty" of the people who work for the commission, and con- tinued: "Disloyalty would be one basis for disqualification, but it is only one. "Substantial defects of charac- ter and imprudent and dangerous associations, particularly w i t h known subversives who place the interests of foreign powers above those of the United States, are also reasons for disqualification. "We find Dr. Oppenheimer is not entitled to the continued confidence of the government and of this com- mission because of the proof of fundamental defects in his 'char- acter.' " Guatemala Armas Ma] Fighting. :es Peace 4 Ike Waives Goodbye To Churchill Conference Ends On Note of Hope By the Associated Press Eisenhower and Churchill ended their conferences with a hearty handshake in the White House rose garden while nearly a hundred re-t porters and photographers, news- reel and television cameramen watched. "Goodbye again," Eisenhower called out with a smile as Church- ill settled back in his Rolls Royce limbusine. "My best to you and love to all the family." Churchill, a half smoked cigar jutting from his mouth, waved goodby, held up his fingers in his familiar "V for Victory'' sign and rolled off to the British Embassy, In mid - afternoon, Churchill boarded a plane and flew to Otta- wa, Ont., for a one-day visit be- fore returning to England. He ar- MABEL RHEAD FIELD PREPARES TO PLAY A rived there late Tuesday. In a White House "declaration" ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME: ending their five-day unity con- ference, they pledged to give "ap- propriate and feasible assistance"r to regional groupings of non- Communist nations. aR slpse Their six-point document wasV issued after a farewell 45-minute Iit r q e i u c i s meeting of Mr. Eisenhower, Chur- chill and their foreign-policy Eclipse watchers in the midwest readied smoked classes and chiefs. crossed their fingers in hopes for fair weather for a once-in-a-life- The disarmament appeal, i*i- time phenomenon this morning. mediately broadcast by the Voice If weather predictions of scattered- thundershowers come true. of America, obviously was aimed the early rising viewers might be disappointed, as would professional at persuading Russia to begin newI astronomers. The eclipse was to start here at 5:15 a.m. and last until talks to ban atomic and hydrogenI weabns. 7 a.m. L, Ends; Plea The final Eisenhower-Churchill meeting wound up a confidential series of talks which apparently has narrowed the Far East split in British-American policy but fail- ed to patch up a continuing con- flict in views about the Indochina crisis. The six-point declaration, joint- ly signed by the President and Churchill, set forth these princi- ples their governments intent to uphold: 1-"In intimate comradeship oshey will continue united ef- forts to secure world peace based upon the Atlantic Char- ter which we affirm." 2-Tigether and individually, they will continue to hold out the "hands of friendship" to all na- tions which "by solemn pledge and deed" demonstrate their desire for just peace. 3-Both will use "every peace- ful means" to secure indepen- dence for countries whose peo- ples "desire and are capable of sustaining" it. 4-World peace can be advanced "by general and drastic reductions under effective safeguards" of all world armaments. 5-They jointly urge establish- ment of new associations of ap- propriate nations dedicated to pre- serving world peace and independ- ence. 6-Along with like-minded na- tions they promised to develop and maintain the necessary economic, military and spiritual strength to live peacefully and to promote "fuller and freer interchange among us of goods and services" benefiting all peoples. The path of the total eclipse ranged from northeastern Nebras- 'The Hump KANSAS CITY (M-"Well, doctor, I'm over the hump. We have this thing whipped," Harry S. Truman told his physician Tuesday. The former President, who had his appendix and gall bladder re- moved June 20, was reported greatly improved Tuesday after his condition took a turn for the worse last Saturday. Dr. Wallace Graham said "Mr. Truman's condition is no longer critical. His condition is fair, but guarded." Dr. Graham said the chief prob- lem now is Truman's resistance to a post-operative form of bacteria. "I wouldn't want to disclose the type of bacteria involved," Dr. Graham said. "I don't feel free to do that but there is no sign of malignancy. We know the bacteria we're fighting and we have the specific medicants to combat it. Whether or not we can overcome this with medicants, we feel that Mr. Truman can overcome the bacteria himself." Dr. Graham said the former President was surprised when he saw three doctors and' a nurse at his bedside this morning. "Say, I don't want so much fuss around me," he told Dr. Graham, who said the remark was a sign Mr. Truman was feeling like his old self. ka across parts of South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. A partial eclipse would be observed in other parts of the nation. The eclipse was estimated to be about 87 per cent of totality in Ann Arbor. Amateur astronomers and the just-plain-curious were warned in advance that ordinary tinted sun- glasses were not dark enough; smoked glass was needed for safe observation. Television was set to cover the show, with NBC and CBS sharing facilities to telcast from Minnea- polis, Chicago and New York on the show "Today" (NBC) and "Morning Show" (CBS). Repeat shows will be made throughout the day. The next two total eclipses vis- ible in parts of the nation are due on Oct. 2, 1959, in New England and in mid-Florida on March 7, 1970.; -Daily-Mar, Crozier T RACKHAM World News Roundup By the Associated Press FERRARA, Italy - Two thou- sand armed Italian troops took over the feeding and watering of starving cattle yesterday in Fer- rara Province's farm strike. Strikers who have battled with police for two months, cut ditches across roads, broken dikes to flood farmlands and dumped crude oil into livestock wells, watched in silence. Owners of the 4 000 farms are affected by the strike of 100,000 farm workers, who are asking that their pay of $30 a month be in- creased by $2.75. THE HAGUE, Netherlands - Indonesia's foreign minister said yesterday continued Dutch control of Western New Guinea would be a threat to peace in Asia, Aus- tralia and the western Pacific. The foreign minister, Dr. Sun- arjo, made the statement as Dutch and Indonesian representatives convened in a closed session con- ference aimed at liquidating the 5-year-ol dloose union lining their countries. Indonesia was formerly the Dutch East Indies. Western New Guinet is the only territory in the area which The Netherlands still controls. The Eastern part of the island is under Australian rule. Secret Meet Of Monzon And Armos Regime Lasts Only 48 Hours GUATEMALA M - The Guate- malan fighting stopped Tuesday while a new hours-old military re- gime here sought peace with the anti-Communist field forces led by Col. Carlos Castillo Armas. Secrecy surrounded the peace negotiations but a report, in mid- afternoon said Castillo Armas and Col. Elfego Monzon, head of the regime here, were due to meet later in the day. Both are ardent anti-Communists. Armistice Prevails (Guatemala radio reports herd in neighboring countries Tuesday night said an armistice prevails while the negotiations are being carried on.) The first reports of negotiations did not say where or when Castillo Armas and Monzon were meeting. (Reports in Washington said Cas- tillo Armas and Monzon or his representative were expected to meet in San Salvador, El Salva- dor-neutral territory.) The third Guatemala City regime in less than 48 hours began peace efforts immediately after moving into power Tuesday morning in an effort to end the 12-day-old battle. Monzon had been in charge of the Interior Ministry, including the police, for a military junta led by Col. Carlos Enrique Diaz. The Diaz junta, which lasted only a day, had ousted the Communist-support- ed regime of President Jacobo Ar- benz Guzman Sunday night. The new junta is composed of men between 34 and 40. It said the Diaz regime, while outlawing communism by decree Monday really was helping Communists who had been powerful under Ar- benz escape the country. Monzon's group said it was will- ing to include rebl leader Castillo Armas in its ruling board. There was some feeling here that Castillo Armas still may de- mand nothing short of uncondi- tional surrender and that he may have the power to enforce it. Oth- ers in the capital believe the rebel leader may go along with the new junta for the sake of peace and security. All the political prisoners the Arbenz regime had arrested, in- cluding some leading anti-Commu- nists were freed Tuesday. One-Day Regime The one-day Diaz regime was being criticized Tuesday for its policies. One of the things it prom- ised to do but did not carry out was lifting of censorship. While there was not much hope that Monzon would lift censorship immediately, there was hope he might at least improve censorship conditions for newsmen. While the new regime was tak- ing power, Rafael Alvarado, Gua- temalan ambassador to Mexico, said Arbenz had reached San Sal- vador, El Salvador, on his way to exile in Argentina. His wife and son earlier were reported to have sought refuge in the Argentine Em- bassy in Guatemala City. It was anybody's guess about what will happen next in Gutema- la. But there was little doubt a military junta of some form would continue for several months. A general election would come later. Ex 'U' Student Makes Protest WASHINGTON (IP)-A former college Communist, thanked for his testimony before the House Un- American Activities Committee, yesterday responded with a protest that the committee isn't following "the American way." The witness was Jack Alexander Lucas, onetime Austrian refugee LIFE OF THE MIND: White Discusses Uses Of Aristocratic Leisure The opportunity of this age is to rediscover that the proper use of leisure is the "life of the mind," said Lynn T. White Jr., president of Mills College, said yesterday in the third speech in the Women in the World of Man series. Speaking before a packed Angell Hall auditorium audience, White stressed that leisure which is made possible by technological advances is our greatest danger as well as our greatest potential asset. "Foolish idleness" is as dangerous to our society as is the Hydro- gen Bomb, stated White. In times 1 past only the aristocratic few had leisure time. Today we all are "partial-aristocrats," but don't S D roknow hw to make use of our extra l1 time. White referred to the "life of the mind" as being briught about who stopped smoking the night the by a discipline of the "human want to live longer." spirit" obtained through the pro- "It hasn't scared me-what's a cess of a liberal arts education. few months longer anyway," one Commenting particularly on the local business man asserted and women's liberal arts education he I'll live long enough to prove their said that too often either the tech- theories." nical or the classical half of edu- A switch to filtered cigarettes atn was fraotteni 'U' SMOKERS PUFF AWAY: Cancer Report Causes Stock, Cigarette S 0> By RONA FRIEDMAN T h o u g h tobacco corporations, investors and smokers have been in a flurry since the American Cancer Society published prelim- inary findings which linked cancer and heart disease deaths with heavy cigarette smoking, the re- n ,.t thn fa c '. -ratinll tually picked up, there has been a general "jagged decline" since public about a year ago, he added. Cigarette Sales Drop Locally, several tobacco stores reported that cigarette sales had dropped considerably after the last report, while pipe and tobacco the substances in the products of cigarette combustion that possibly cause cancer, Dr. Cameron ex-' ,lained. Thus, if filters are used to hold back the smoke particles, the sus-' pected carinogenic meterials may not be absorbed by the smoke and i