PAGE FOUR 'ACHE I IfIGAN IDAILY TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1954 The Independent Voters And A Democratic Victory Upturn in Washington SHORTLY BEFORE the 1952 presidential elec- tion someone connected with the history de- partment made a hopeful forecast for the coming election. The substance of his remarks was that Adlai Stevenson would win the independent vote and become the 34th president of the United States. He assumed and it is a safe assumption that the independent vote is the key to winning or losing for the Democrats and Republicans at each bi- annual test of their respective platforms. However, there was a serious flaw in his further reasoning and it was this flaw that caused his prediction to be incorrect. He seemed to think that the inde- pendents were the intellectuals, the people who read and study world and national problems and ideas proposed to them at every election. Their background would keep them from being influenced by prejudices and the 'do as my father didism' that plague many voters' thinking. He thought that Stevenson with his logical, liberal and courageous platform would appeal to these thinking people- they became known as "egg-heads"-and a Demo- crat would be in the White House another four years. Professors, men of science and the arts did flock behind the former Illinois governor but when the votes were tabulated Dwight D. Eisen- hower with his cliches and continual vacillation on the campaign issues had five million more votes. Four years previously Harry S. Truman had accomplished a presidential victory with much the same type campaign. There was little doubt that Eisenhower must have won the independent vote and as disappoint-" ing to idealists as it may be, the key fluctuating group doesn't seem to be those on the history in- structor's intellectual plane but rather those pri- marily interested in easing the burden of their own personal problems. Such things as a quick reduc- tion of taxes interest them. These are the people who fear but know little about the reasons for wars and who because they never read past the head- lines are easy victims for the shrieking about the Communist threat and corruption when and where the newspapers choose to publicize it. Considering the continual changing nature of the Mid-West vote the farmers also appear to be an independent ele- ment. When Stevenson attacked the campaign issues he refused to paint rose-colored solutions for them because he felt, and the last 18 months have borne him out, none were available. He offered steps for alleviating the disagreeable situations but his fore- sight prevented him from promising Utopian re- sults from his proposed platform. His liberal, well grounded concept of the national and world situ- ation would have made him an excellent leader of the United States. However, Stevenson and the Democrats will never lead United States policy as the minority group. To regain control of Congress this fall and to put their candidate in the White House in 1956 they will have to do one of two things. Adlai Stevenson must sacrifice his admirable principle of remaining above the slam-bang, some- times illogical glorious phrase-like political cam- paigning that unfortunately wins elections. He must get out and concentrate on a negative cam- paign relegating his positive program to the back- ground. He must intensify his tearing at Repub- lican mistakes and the relative inactivity of the 83rd Congress. He has ammunition-the growing breach among the Western powers caused partial- ly by the Republican's platoon system foreign pol- icy, the McCarthy-Army fiasco, Eisenhower's in- ability to deal with the farm problem and to use a term made famous by the GOP, the 'mess' in Indo-China. An occasional rehash of some of Eis- enhower's 1952 campaign speeches might tend to remind some people dt many unfulfilled promises. These things must be kept in front of the people's eyes to swing the vacillating independent vote back to the Democrats. The intellectuals behind Stevenson are already behind the former Illinois governor because they know he is a liberal leader who has the courage to command respect both in the United States and just as important in these times abroad. They will not likely become anti-Stevenson if he should low- er his campaign standards somewhat to get him- self into office. If Stevenson does not choose to become a slight- ly irrational man for a few months and possibly thereby chance a career as a. second Charles Fox or Robert Taft (always the critic, never the leader) then the Democrats must dig out a substitute to lead their campaign. If health permits, former President Truman might be the man to impress Republican mistakes upon the independent voter. However it is possible that a new man will have to be brought up from the ranks; Sen. Estes Ke- fauver (Tenn.), Gov. G. Mennen Williams (Mich.), Sen. Harry Fulbright (Ark.) or maybe even one of the Roosevelt brothers. Since Stevenson is already a recognized nation- al figure, the suggested former course seems to be much the better one. It seems unfortunate that ad man such as Stevenson should have to grind in the mud of the political contests but sometimes when the end is such as this one the end justifies the mneans. -Dave Baad ~K~J Cat-c. I IXT A QT-TTTTf''_T+n'KT Ti- .t>r o --- n+7., . i"1111--t-11 - - 04-1- -M - 4 1 At Rackham Auditorium work is not an easy one to follow formally, and its expressive character is hard to characterize, but Emil Raab, violin; Benning Dexter, piano.,. Erogmi vrit is enough to' convince one that Roussel was a Albert Roussel; Sonata No. 2 in A composer with a clear and very distinctive voice. Brahms; Sonata No. 1 in G The lovely Brahms sonata was performed affec- Ross Lee Finney; Sonata No. 3 tionately and with careful delineation of both the large and small sections of the work. I begin to LAST night's recital was a repetition of the pro- feel that the rapid tempo at which the perform- gram which Messrs. Raab and Dexter played ers take the final movement doesn't quite do jus- March of this year in Auditorium A. It served the tice to its graceful figurations, but at least their purpose of helping one to form more concrete conception was consistent and well thought out. opinions of the unfamiliar Roussel and Finney The Finney sonata (dedicated, incidentally, works, as well as providing another hearing of Tha andext it ,y midnper- the Brahms sonata, which, of course, can stand to Raab and Dexter) is still, to my mind, per- constant rehearings. The performers were in com- baps his finest work. One quality which made mand of the music, and they "played into" it with tself very apparent last night was the skillful real interpretative skill. Mr: Raab's violin sang instrumental writing. The two instruments were out with intensity, and Mr. Dexter made the pi- never made to do anything foreign to their na- out ithintnsit, ad M. Dxtermad th P~ tures, and even in the climaxes of the work, ano a match for the lyric line of the stringed in- Les, andevernhecliaes of ete wrk strument. In short, everything was transformed hvol.ivthano etremetcomti. to melody; the complexities of the work did not volume with the piano. The extreme chromati- intrude themselves, and it was possible to enjoy cism of the writyfmgs handled expressively and the whole program simply as music. with great variety of mood. The sharp inner con- trasts of the final movement (theme and varia- The Roussel sonata improves considerably on a tions) stand out particularly well against the second hearing. It seems that this composer de- extreme conciseness of the first two movements. lights in doing the unexpected: the piece abounds Thus one feels a strong sense of direction from in unusual modulations and cadences; in the the clear, flowing sonata movement which opens second movement a lyrical and straightforward the work through the scherzo movement with melody in the piano is accompanied by a furiously its striking sonorities, concluding in the theme churning violin part; the last movement is char- and variations. The performance was of a sort acterized by a curious irregular meter. This last to make any composer happy, and it was a movement, capricious and lively, is probably the complete musical experience. most immediately attractive of the three. The --Dave Tice 4Uovemen-, wASINGTON-I was exacuy nurchui inaly saw Stann. But a quarter century ago that the Stalin did all the talking. Point by first Prime Minister of England point he took up the issues Church- came to visit the United States, hill had listed the night before, sat on a log over the Rapidan riv- answered them before Churchill er in Virginia and conferred with could raise them. Obviously he had President Hoover . . .. things have had Churchill's room wired for changed quite a bit since then .... . sound. Hoover and Ramsay MacDonald, Dinner With Stalin - That first England's first labor prime min- meeting was not pleasant. So aft- ister, had nothing much to worry erward Churchill asked for a sec- about except the size of naval ond meeting, but got the run- cruisers. England dominated the around. Each time he asked for an world in those days. We had little appointment word came back that to say about it, and the British Stalin was walking in the garden. Prime Minister made quite a con- Finally it was Churchill's turn to cession in coming to America. His get sore. He announced that he trip was an acknowledgement, was returning to London .... Only however, of our growing power, at then did Stalin invite him to his least in the field of naval and apartment, where his redheaded financial affairs .... it took him, daughter served dinner, and the incidentally, a week to get here two men, thanks to plentiful vodka, by boat. Lindbergh had flown the made up and parted good friends Atlantic only two years before the .... BOut later things changed. Rapidan conference, so it wasn't Concealed Surrender Offer-Bit- considered quite safe for Primejerness between Churchill and the Ministers to c o m e by air ...I Russians got worse as the war Since then, Prime Minister Church- dragged on. It reached an explo- hill has crossed the Atlantic seven sive climax as the German armies times for conferences, most of the started retreating through Yugo- time by overnight plane .... so slavia in late 1944, at which time in 25 short years things have eight German officers asked for a changed-;conference with Yugoslav leader Churchill's Russian Change . Mikhailovich .... They proposed Things have changed a lot even in surrender .... The war was over the ten short years since Churchill as far as the German leaders were used to come here in the war years concerned, and they saw no reason .... In London recently, Church- to continue the bloodshed. This hill has been saying privately that was in October, 1944, six months Foreign Minister Molotov is one before the war ended in May, 1945 of the great statesmen of Europe. .... Mikhailovich, replied that sur- And Foreign Minister Eden last render was beyond his authority week even said nice things about and turned them over to his Amer- Molotov publicly in the House of ican liaison officer, who forwarded Commons. That's quite a change the proposal to Lord Alexander, .... Simultaneously, Eden did not British theater commander in Italy say nick things about Secretary .... But nothing happene.. d.. tw of State Dulles. He ignored him .".. But nothing happened .... .... that's a serious change . ... Either Churchill or Lord Alexander How great a change it is can be failed to pass the surrender offer gathered by Churchill's views on on to Washington .... Several the same Molotov and the same months later, after the Russian Russia only ten short years ago. armies had battled the German He was then at sharp variance armies up through the Balkans, with F. D. Roosevelt, who then Moscow learned from captured hoped* we might get along with German prisoners and Mikhailo- Russia, might work out world vich of the earlier German offer peace together . . . . Now it's to surrender. Churchill who thinks we can get Stalin Exploded-This was when' along with Russia . ... That's how Stalin sent the bitterest notes of drastically things have changed. the entire war to Roosevelt. He Churchill's War Strategy-A lot suspected the allies of deliberately of people have forgotten Church- prolonging the war in order to Ike, Churchil And Defense By J. M. ROBERTS JR. President Eisenhower and Win- ston Churchill appear to have agreed muchimore thoroughlyon their picies tozard France and Germany than on the relationship of their own countries and thei policies toward Asia. They didn't say what they in- tended to do about bringing Ger- many into the defense of Western Europe as a full-fledged partner in the event France fails to ratify the Europeen Defense Community. They just said they were agreed it would have to be done. France, they said, had better go ahead and ratify EDC as it is and stop talking about revising ar- rangements which already haeve been approved by all the other in- volved countries except Italy. Either that, or France had better just reject the treaties now, ending the uncertainty which has surrend- ered them two years, and letting the other Allies get ahead with their planning. These diplomatic communiques, like the one after the Eden-Dulles discussions of a Southeast Asia pact in London recently, often sound more optimistic about the extent of agreement than is war- ranted by the subsequent difficul- ties of negotiations to work out the details. Churchill's reiteration of his "coexistence" talk heightens the uncertainties. With regard to Germany, how- ever, Britain does seem to have moved very close to the United States. Sufficiently close, perhaps, to shock France, which has al- ways relied to an extent on Brit- ish hesitation over a rearmed Ger- many. You can expect some high French officials to be making their appearances in Washington and London very shortly now, in an effort to work out some comprom- ise which will turn Big Two policy back into Big Three policy. Britain Reluctant The reluctance of Britain to do anything about the defense of South- east Asia now is made increasing- ly embarrassing to the United States by the request from Cam- bodia for an immediate defense treaty. That meets one of the require- ments laid down by the State De- partment that the United States cannot act except at the request of peoples who need aid. Laos can be expected to add itsrequest soon, and Thailand is already actively campaigning for the pact. There is now a possibility of one respite. Expect Red Drive The Communists had been ex- pected to launch, by this time, an all-out offensive against Hanoi in Viet Nam. They had been expected to start winning. This would have required they could afford to lose the delta city. Now there remain only two weeks before the monsoon rains will wash- across the area in full fury for six weeks. No one can conduct any major operation dur- ing them. With military leaders of both sides meeting to discuss their an- gles of a cease fire, and with cer- tain slight reports of greater op- timism at Geneva, the United States may get some time in which to maneuver. There has been some talk of al- lowing another month fo decision at Geneva. If it faits to produce anything, Britain may be more ready to act. As it is, action with- out her, the traditional policeman of Southeast Asia, would be very difficult for the United States. { Scientific IManpower THE AMERICAN Chemical Soci- ety's charge that the Selective Service authorities are violating the law and jeopardizing national security by giving inadequate oc- cupational deferments to young scientists and engineers, brings up an important problem. Whatever the legal rights or wrongs may be, this nation has a tremendous stake in the proper utilization of its manpower, particularly that minute fraction of our population whose mental abilities and techni- cal training make them the stand- ard bearers of scientific advance. ~The birth rates of the depres- sion-ridden Nineteen Thirties hav- ing been so low, young men of draft age are relatively scarce to- day, and it is understandable that the draft authorities are under Sgreatpressure to eliminate avery possible deferment, Many a f a- ther or mother whose son has been drafted looks askance at Feminists . . . To the Editor: READ with some amazement the letter to the editor of one Marjorie Crockett, complaining that the title of the special sum- mer program "Woman in the World of Man" discriminates against women by implying that it is basically a man's world. Obviously Miss Crockett belongs to that tribe of eager feminists who formerly plagued the nation, disrupting the congenial 'recrea- tion of harrassed males by bash- ing in saloon windows with steel- tipped umbrellas. Females of Miss Crockett's ilk are living disproofs of the fabled gentleness of their sex. May I suggest that no malice at all is intended by the title of the symposium. In point of fact, may I suggest that the (undoubtedly) unintended implication to which Miss Crockett is so overly sensi- tive mirrors nothing but the truth. It is a man's world. And so long as viology remains fairly constant, it always will be a man's world. And all Miss Crockett's screech- ing crew would do well to accept inevitabilities. The beginning of wisdom is adjustment. I fail to understand why the noble career of motherhood does not provide a sufficient degree of filfillment. Let women produce the equals of Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Freud and Einstein before ex- pressing dissatisfaction with their functions . -Remington Russell S* s Naughty . To the Editor: DO NOT THINK it was very, nice of The Daily to show a picture of the men who have come here for important confer- ences drinking beer at the Bell. -Joan Marie Molas (EDITOR'S NOTE: We assumed they were over 21.) George Bernard Shaw said once that his oculist had discovered that Shaw had absolutely nor- mal vision, which is very rare. Shaw remarked that it was then clear to him why he saw the world 1 about him so much accurately than most other people saw it. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) PERSONNEL REQUESTS WTVB, Coldwater, Mich., has an im- mediate opening for Continuity-chief. while experience is preferred, a new graduate with background in radio may apply. McLaughlin Osteopathic Hospital, Lan- sing, Mich., has an opening for a gen- eral, registered (or eligible for registry) (ASCP) technologist, man or woman to serve as an assistant supervisor of the hospital's branch laboratory. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chicago, Ill., is interested in hearing from Aug- ust men graduates in Bus.Ad. or LS&A who are looking for positions in Sales, Administration, and Manufacturing. The Gardner Board & Carton Co., Middletown, Ohio, has a position open in Industrial Relations for a man grad- uate in Bus.Ad. or LS&A. Experience Is not required. For additional information concern- ing these and other employment oppor- tunities, contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Blg., Ext. 371. EXPLOYMENT REGISTRATION A meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 1, in Auditorium C, Angell Hall, for all seniors and graduate students who are interested in register- ing with the Bureau of Appointments now for employment either after grad- uation, after military service, or for future promotions in any of the follow- ing fields: education, business, industry, technical, and government. Registra- tion material will be given out at the meeting. Those students who have previously registered with the Bureau of Appoint- ments for employment and who are still on campus are requested to contact the Bureau as soon as possible at 3528 Ad- ministration Building in order to bring their records up to date. We must have your present address and telephone number as well as your current courses. This information is necessary for effec- tive service. Schools of Education, Music, Natural Resources and Public Health Students, who received marks of I, X, or "no reports" at the end of their last secester or summer session of at- tendance, will receive a grade of "E" in the course or courses, unless this work is made up by July 21 in the Schools of Education, Music and Public Health. In the School of Natural Resources the date is July 16. Students, wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in or- de rto make up this work, should file a petition, addressed to the appro- priate official of their school, with Room 1513 Administration Building, where it will be transmitted. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Cercle Francais: The Summer Session Circle Francais will meet weekly on Wednesday evening at 8:00 through the month of July, in the Michigan League. A varied program of music, talks, games, and discussions is planned. These meet- ings are open to all students and resi- dents of Ann Arbor who are interested in France and things French. No prev- ious membership is necessary. All are welcome. Consult the League bulletin and the Daily for place, details, indi- vidual programs. La Petite Causette: An informal French conversation group will meet weekly through July in the Round-Up Room of the League, Fridays at 3:30. A faculty member and a native French assistant will be present but there is no formal program. Refreshments are available nearby, and all persons inter- ested in talking and hearing French are cordially invited to come, SLectures Conference on Speech Communication in. Business and Industry, auspices of the Department of Speech. Morning session. "New Ideas about Group Learning," Ronald Lippitt, Pro- fessor of Psychology; "Methods for Get- ting Participation," H. J. Cook, Director, Chrysler Corporation Conference of Business Management. 9:00 a.m., Rack- ham East Conference Room. Afternoon session. "Productive Prob- lem Solving by Group Members," C. F. Moran, Supervisor of Executive Develop- ment, Fisher Body Division, General Motors Corporation; "Handling Conflicts in Conferences," Donald R. Moyer, Plant Supervisor of Training, Chrysler Jet En- gine Plant. 2:00 p.m., Rackham East Conference Room. tettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Jr., President, Mills College. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Linguistics Institute Lecture. "The Isolation of the Phoneme." Murray Fowler, Professor Linguistics, University of Wisconsin. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater. The Bahal World Faith, Talk and Dis- cussion of the Renewal of Civilization, Dick Maines. 8:15 p.m, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mills, 1400 Granger Ave- nue. Call Mrs. McClusky, Phone Nor- mandy 2-3548 for information and transportation, Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Robert Hames Cox, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; _f thesis: "Antispasmodics, Basic-alkyl Es- ters of B-Substituted or -Phenyl- and -Cyclohexyl-B- ydroxypropionl eAcids," Tuesday, June 29, 2525 Chemistry Bldg, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Botanical Seminar wednesday, June 30, 7:30 p.m. in Room 1139 Natural Sci- ence Building. "Morphogenesis and Tis- sue Culture" will be discussed by Dr. C. D. LaRue, of the Department of Botany. Seminar in Lie Algebras: Will meet every Wednesday and Friday afternoon at 3 pm. in Room 3001 Angell Hall.. The first meeting will be held on Wednes- day, June 30. concerts Special Concert by Mabel Rhead Field, Professor Emeritus of the Schoolof Music, 8:30 Tuesday evening, June 29, Rackham Lecture Hall. The ,program is' sponsored by the Summer Session Of- fice in the "woman in the world of Ma'n" series. Mrs. Field will play Bach's Toccata in F-sharp minor; Scarlatti's Sonata E major, Pastorale, and Sonata A major; Schumann's Phantasie, Op. 17; Schubert's Moments Musicaux, Op. 94, and Chopin's Fantaisie, Op. 49. The general public will be admitted without charge. Student Recital: Elise Kuhl, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, at 8:30 wednesday eve- ning, June 30. in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Kuhl will play works by Bach, Beethoven, Bartok, and Schubert. Her program will be open to the general public. Exhibitions Clements Library. Rare astronomical works. General Library. Women ps Authors. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp- tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. At The Michigan . . the hottest rods ever Laurie going into a recall which, and Tony Curtis and Piper sunset or a hotel, I don't JOHNNY DARK, with Tony Curtis, Piper Laurie, THIS rip-snorting film is full of startling con- trasts. Foremost we have the wonders of super- sonic sports cars pitted against the evils of regu- lar cars which can't even go a hundred twenty or anything. Then there is handsome Tony Curtis pitted against lovely Piper Laurie. Further, the Idaho Potato, Johnny Dark's car, fights desperate duel to the finish with Thunder- bird, someone else's car. Everything. You see, although the world, as depicted by the cast of thousands, has the true scoop on sports cars, a certain boorish car manufacturer hasn't. His motto is "Safety first in the car for six" and his cars are reputed to be fifty years The acting is putrid and unless you happen to be in the auto-sexual stage, you will profit from this reviewer's harrowing experience. A good movie to miss. * * * * SINCE a bit more space is left to me, and since the local theatres persist in their policy of bad movies at twice the price, I would like to take this opportunity to inject a note of cheer. Good movies are available every other Monday night-for peanuts-by the Gothic Film Society. "Tillie's Punctured Romance" with Charlie Chap- welllin and Marie Dressler was shown last night and . . .well what can you say about silent movies. Five more films are scheduled, "Queens of the Screen" being the tenuous theme, something to do with the Women In The World of Men carnival. hill's viewpoint in those war years. But biggest haggling point among the allies was the second front across the English Channel ... . The same Molotov came to Wash- ington and London in the summer of 1942, where it was agreed that the second front was the quickest way to end the war. Churchill and Molotov even signed a nonaggres-. sion pact agreeing on the Curzon Line drawn across Poland between Germany and Russia .... The A.S. refused to sign because we didn't want Poland split up. thought it should be an independ- ent state ..... but after agreeing on the second front, the bickeringj began. Churchill didn't want the second front, kept postponing it. wanted to wear the Germans out in North Africa, Italy, the Bal- kans. The argument becam eso' bitter that there were times when Stalin threatened to get out of the war . ... Finally at the Quebec conference in the summer of 1943 the second front was postponed once again, and knowing that Sta- lin would be rip - roaring mad, Churchill was told by FDR that he would have to go to Moscow himself to pacify him ..,..He went. Joe Rebuffs Winnie-Just before he got there a shipment of Ameri- can war supplies to Murmansk was waylaid off the Norwegian coast by German subs, and about 75 out of 100 American ships wer sunk. Stalin had been counting on, these supplies for the Battle of increase casualties for the Russian army. He suspected that Church- hill wanted to deal with a weak Russia after the war . . .. It was one of these bitter notes from Stalin that Roosevelt was answer- ing on April 12 when he died-. . That was how Churchill felt about the Russians during the war. Roosevelt hoped that we could work with them for the world's future peace. (Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.E Michigan Historical Collections. The University in 1904. Museum of Art. Three Women' Paint- ers. Museums Building, rotunda exhibit. Indian costumes of the North American plains. Events Today Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of- fice is open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., including the noon hour, for the sale of season and single tickets for the De- partment of Speech summer playbill. Season tickets are $6.00-$4.75-$3.25. In- cluded on the series are HAMLET, July 7-10; $L.75-$1.40-$1.00; MRS. Mc- THING, July 21-24, $1.50-$1.10-75c; THE CRITIC, July 28-31, $1.50-$1.10- 75c; THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, Aug- ust, 5, 6, 7 and 9, produced with the School of Music, $1.75-$1.40-$1.00. All performances are in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre, north end of the Michi- gan League Building, at 8 p.m. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 4:30-6:00 p.m., Informal tea at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street. Square & Folk Dancing. Everyone wel- come. Tonight, Lane Hall-7:30-10.00 p.m. Coming Events Intercultural Outing at Saline Valley Farms Youth Hostel. Discussion focus: ",ndepndence ando w WeAttaned r r 4, Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter. ..Co-Managing Alice B. Silver.. .. Co-Managing Becky Conrad...........Night Rona Friedman..........Night Wally Eberhard. . .. . Night t Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Sue Garfield.........Women's Editor young men of similar age, seem- Hanley Gurwin..........Sports Editor ingly healthy, who are permitted Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports Editor to remain in civilian life. Thus is E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports Editor wiltu bul p powerful political pres- Business Staff F sure to put every physically fit Dick Aistron........Business Manager young man into uniform. Lois Pollack... Circulation Manager The survival of this country de- Bob Kovaks.......Advertising Manager pends in great part upon how well we do in the unceasing technologi- Telephone NO 23-24-1 cal competition with the Soviet l V I I .