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June 22, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-06-22

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Univ, of Mich

See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State





o Action


)n Suspensions
No final recommendation has been made by University President
'an Hatcher in the cases of the three faculty members suspended
r their appearance before the House Un-American Activities sub-
Lmittee in Lansing May 10, University officials said last night.
he three suspended faculty members are Prof. Clemment Mar-
of the zoology department, Prof. Mark Nickerson of the pharme-
gy department and Chandler Davis, instructor in the mathematics
Faculty Witnesses
During their appearance before the sub-committee headed by
. Kit Clardy (R-Mich.) the three faculty members declined to
wer questions about alleged Communist activity.
Prof. Markert and Prof. Nickerson invoked their Constitutional
ilege under the Fifth Amendment which prevents an individual
n bearing witness against himself. f
avis invoked only the First Amendment on the grounds that "the
imittee's questions constituted a violation of freedom of speech,
s and assembly."
he three faculty menibers did testify that they do not believe in
violent overthrow of the government and have never engaged in
onage or subversion.

Also appearing before the Clardy Committee were Edward Shaffer
ad. and Myron Sharpe, Grad., chairman of the local Labor Youth
igue which is not a recognized student group.
Both students invoked the First and Fifth Amendments.
Hatcher Suspends Professors
Immediately following the Lansing hearings President Hatcher
lered the "suspension without prejudice" of the three faculty
In letters to the three teachers the President said their refusal
answer questions before the committee "raises serious question
to your relationship to the University and to your colleagues and
ces upon you the duty to go forward to explain your actions."
The President also said in his suspension statement that " . it
he University's policy that members of its family be given the pro-
tion to which they are entitled under our laws and traditions."
No charges were brought against the students.
Petitions Circulated
The suspension of the three faculty members brought immediate
d heated controversy on the campus.
Petitions were circulated in the departments of the three sus-
ided teachers attesting to their academic competence and stating,
t at no time did the teachers inject politics into the classroom.
Over two-hundred faculty members signed an advertisement in
e Daily stating their belief that "competence should be the cri-
on for . . . evaluating faculty personnel and that personal be-

-Daily-Marj Crozier
Publisher Seeks
More Atomic Data
The public needs more information on atomic energy in order
to govern itself wisely in the atomic age, Paul Block, Jr., publisher
of the Toledo Blade, said last night in a forum on "Release of Atom-
ic Energy Information to the People" in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Pointing out that the atomic energy field is more rigidly clas-
sified at present than any other field of defense, Block said that
the cold war is not a struggle which has a definite end and victor
in sight.
Speaking on "The Status of Classification and Declassification

61st '1
Reds Report
The Guatemalan g o v e r n m e n t
claimed a victory Monday night
in what it said was the first major
contact between its armed forces
and the anti-Communist invaders
who smashed into the country four
days ago in an effort to overturn
President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.
A-communique broadcast by the
Guatemalan radio said "well-
trained regulars armed with mod-
ern weapons" met the rebels at
Gualan, east of the railway center
of Zacapa, about 20 miles inside
Guatemala, and quoted military
authorities as saying the rebels
were driven out of the town after
a brief skirmish. The announce-
ments made no Mention of casual-
The communique also said
"quite a fight" developed at Puer-
to Barrios today when rebels re-
newed their efforts to take the
Carribean port.
Liberation Radio
R The "liberation ...dio" which is
supporting the invaders, mean-
while announced that the rebels
_ held possession of 25 towns in
The Guatemalan announcement
of the clash at Gualan followed
reports that a major battle was
shaping up at Zacapa, 15 miles
west of Gualan.
Both Zacapa and Gualan are on
the main railroad linking th capi-
tal city, Guatemala with the chief
port, Puerto Barrios.
Troops Mass
Troops of the leftist government
r a President Jacobo Arbenz Guz-
man were reported in Associated
Press dispatches from Guatemala
Monday night to be assembling
in the area of Cacapa, a city of
8,000 between the capital and the
Caribbean port of Puerto Barrios.
Truck Movement
An anti-Communist rebel flier,
interviewed at Nueva Ocotepeque,
in Honduras near the border, said
troops of the "liberation_ army"
were moving by truck toward Chi-
quimula and Zacapa. He said a
main battle may be fought at Za-
Coban Bombed
The rebels announced Monday
their planes also had bombed Co-
ban, a garrison town in central
Guatemala, from a base inside the
The flier at Nueva Ocotepeque
said a five-hour battle was fought
Sunday for possession of Esqui-
pulas, a cathedral town five miles
from the border, and the invaders
began moving on Cacapa after that
Three Guatemalan soldiers were
killed in the battle, he reported,
whole the invasion forces suffered
no casualties.
There were reports here Mon-
day night that the insurgents had
issued an ultimatum to Guatemal-
an President Arbenz. The reports
could not be immediately con-
firmed and there were no details
as to the nature of the ultimatum.

I~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ________,-..- _________ *-





6 007
Figure Tops
Last Year's
Tardy Students
Not Yet Counted
SThe61st University Summer
Session began yesterday, admidst
heat and thunder showers, with
an enrollment of 6007 students.
The figure which is slightly
higher than that of last semester,
is incomplete pending full reports
from summer camps and late reg-
Late registration for the Sum-
mer Session is permitted for
teachers from schools and col-
leges whose closing dates prevent
their arrival for Monday classes.
Enrollment Rises
Though a slight rise is expected
over last summer's total enroll-
ment, according to University of-
ficials, it is doubtful whether this
year's summer session enrollment
will reach the 1952 summer en-
rollmeut of 8,323 students.
The proportion of undergrad-
uates to graduates, commented
Prof. N. Edd Miller, Assistant Di-
rector of the Summer Sessio*,, is
lwrduring the summer, than
during the regular school year.
"Voluntary school. is what
Prof. Miller terms the summer
session for he feels that the ma-
jority of undergraduate students
who attend, do so because they
want to rather than have to,
Extension Sessions
Summer Session classes at Uni-
versity centers in Flint, Grand
Rapids and Detroit also started
yesterday. The work that is of-
fered may be elected for grad-
uate residence credit by qualified
persons, but it may not be sub-
stituted for the requirement that
graduate students spend, at min-
imum, one summer session in res-
idence on campus.
The six week classes are also
open to those doing work on the
undergraduate level.



-Daily-Mara Crozier


rAs tro

~ of Technical Information on Nu-
clear Research," James Beckerley,
Odirector of classification of the
Atomic Energy Commission said
that withholding of information
'Iere is at bestha "passive defense."
Technical data on atomic weap-
ons is restricted on the basis of
l,- speed of application to new de-
li, 1t velopments,"said Beokerley " For
the short-range situation, infor-

unless they are demonstrated to interfere with a man's ability O O
udy and teach objectively, should not enter the evaluation. We

gee i£~u r im1wJ.rage5Vs

Jailbreak Ends
In Shooting
Sheriff's deputies shot and
wounded a convicted supermar-
ket robber last night as he and
his brother staged an unsuccess-
ful attempt to escape from the
Washtenaw County court house.
In serious condition at Univer-
sity Hospital with a bullet wound
in his stomach is Gordon Ervin,
27 years old. His brother, Charles,
37 years old, was also hospitalized
for injuries he sustained in leap-
ing 40 feet to the ground from a
third-floor detention room at the
court house.
Brothers Convicted
The brothers had been return-
ed to the room at 6:30 p.m., a
few 'minutes after hearing a jury
verdict of guilty. They were
awaiting sentence by Circuit
Court Judge James W. Breakey,
Jr., at the time of the break.
Barricading the door, they pried
open a screen and then kicked out
a large window. While three sher-
iff's officers were forcing the door
open, the Ervin brothers cat-
walked along a six-inch ledge
outside the building.
Charles leapt first and was im-
mediately seized by Sgt. George
Peterson and Deputy William
Soucie. Gordon walked along the
ledge for about 15 feet and then
jumped to the second floor of the
new County Building which is be-
ing built in a U around the pres-
ent structure.
Shooting Starts

Summer Student Directory
editor Bob Wells, '55, yesterday
announced that all students
who wish to change local ad-
dress or telephone number in'
the directory must do so by 5
p.m. tomorrow at the Student
Publications Bldg., 420 May-
nard St.
tandy Cracks
Bannister Mile
Record Falls at 3:58;
Tops 1500 Meter
TURKU, Finland (R) 'John
Landy of Australia ran the mile
in a phenomenal 3 minutes and 58
seconds Monday, clipping 1.4 sec-
onds off Roger Bannister's world
record and becoming the second
man to crash the four-minute bar-
The 24-year-old Melbourne flier
also was timed in 3:41.8 for the
1500 meters, another world mark
if approved by the International
Amateur Athletic Federation. Both
clockings must be recognized by
the IAAF.
Landy, who has been knocking at
the door of the four-minute mile
for two years, was racing against
five international foes, including
Britain's Chris Chataway, who
paced Bannister to his record
3:59.4 performance at Oxford May
The cinder track at Turku
Stadium was lightning fast and the
weather was ideal. A blazing sun
beat down on the track and an ex-
pectant crowd of 8,000. The tem-
perature was 77.
Landy didn't follow his normal
formula of setting the pace all
the way. After a comparatively
slow first quarter in which he lay
back in second place, he shot to
the front just before the half-mile
mark and finished blazing.
The crowd, sensing a record per-
formance, went wild. As Landy
clipped off the final laps in short,
See LANDY, Page 3

More than 200 members of the !iatron iswiuneubut long-
American Astronomical Society range, basic data of a non-weap-
Scame to Ann Arbor Sunday to ons nature is released as soon as
celebrate the 100th anniversary of is practical."
the founding o the University ob- "A new basic industy is being
servatory. born through the atom, said Beck-
The 91st meeting of the Soci-. erley," but the power can not be
ety is largely devoted to readings developed unless the data can be
of various technical papers of in- released."
terest to the professionals. This Nuclear Status
afternoon's session will be taken "Nuclear D e v e l o p m e n t the
up by a symposium on "Turbu- World Over" was discussed by 01-
lance and Magnetic Fields in the iver Townsend in another portion
Photosphere." Prof. Robert R. of the form. Townsend, secretary
McMath, Society president and of the Atomic Industrial Form, re-
director of the University's Mc- viewed the current status of atom-
Math-Hulbert Observatory at Pon- ic energy development around the
tiac will chairman the event. world.
Tomorrow, A. B. Meinel of Yer-' Three "facts of atomic life" re-
kes Observatory will speak on garding commercial production of
"The Spectrum of the Airglow power from the atom were pointed
and Aurora," the Helen B. Warner out by Townsend:
prize lecture. First, a nuclear reactor is nec-
Closing the society's meeting 'e ssary for any large scale utiliza-
will be a trip to Lake Angelus, nearI tion of atomic energy for electric
Pontiac, where the McMath-Hul- power production; second, a reac-
bert Observatory is located. tor an prnlyvby burning

Zeta Beta. Tau Loses
Another Zoning Round
Ann Arbor Mayor William E.
Brown's veto not only was sus- Tau Fraternity lost another round
tained last night but his view which may be the last in their
gained strength as the Zeta Beta struggle against zoning regula-
Mayor Brown overrode a 10-3
T decision of the City Council at
W or ld ews the June 7 meeting allowing ZBT
to make additions to their frater-
nity house at 2006 Washtenaw.
ZBT plans called for additional
space which would increase hous-
By The Associated Press ing facilities from the current ca-
WASHINGTON - Sen. Karl pacity of 40 men to 67 occupants.
Mundt (R-SD) said yesterday the Sentiment at last night's coun-
sailient points of the McCarthy- cil meeting ran counter to the
Army controversy have now June 7 meeting despite protests
emerged "but you could never run from ZBT alumni representatives.
down the last possible grain of A motion for a revote was with-,
evidence." drawn which if supported by the
* * * previous attitude of the council
PORTLAND, Maine--Sen. Mar- favorable to ZBT would have over-
garet Chase Smith took a com- ridden the Mayor's veto.


SauZe To Give
Language Talki.
Beginning a concentrated six
week summer schedule, the Spec-
ial Program for Teachers of'
French and Spanish will present
a lecture at 3:30 p.m. today, in
Rm. 429 Mason Hall.
The speaker, Prof. de Sauze,
a noted educator who has intro-
duced many newconcepts in ro-
mance language instruction, will

fissionable material; and third,
there is only one fissionable ma-
terial that occurs in nature.
Uranium Necessary
Thurs, said Townsend, a supply
of uranium is of paramount inter-
est in determining how war and
fast a nation can go in building
an atomic industry.
"Progress all around the world
would move faster if people in the
industrialized countries could have
access to the materials and infor-
mation they need to make their
imaginations bear fruit," said,

manding lead and held it last
night over Robert L. Jones, young
apostle of Sen. Joseph McCarthy
(R-Wis.) in the mounting early
count from Maine's GOP sena-
tonal primary.
LANSING, Kan.-Six convicts ,
may face the death penalty forl
their brazen attempt to break outj
of the Kansas State Prison.
FLINT-General Motors Corp.'
yesterday fired a fifth employe
named as a Communist before re-
cent House Un-American Activi-
ties subcommittee hearings.
Murray Borod, like the four
fired before him, was accused by
GM of falsifying his job applica-
tion five years ago by failing to
reveal the extent of his college

Gifts and grants amounting to
$240,809.06 were acce- ted by the
University Board of Regents at
their June meeting, President Har-
lan Hatcher announced last week.
The Survey Research Center was
the recipient of the largest grant,
$91,835 from the Re kefeller Foun-
dation, for study of population
trends in the United States.
Law Library
The Regents also awarded a con-
tract for $625,700 to an Ann Arbor
construction firm for 'e building
of an addition to the Law Library.

Regents Accept $240,800
In Grants at June Session

Included in the total grants was
$62,072.67 for the Michigan Alumni
A training seminar in political
behavior research to be given this
summer will be backed by a grant
of $4,700 from the Social Science
Research Council, Inc., New York.
From the Forney W. Clement
Memorial Foundation Inc. the Re-
gents accepted $2,500 for the
Fortney Clement Memorial fund
which is used to support the Uni-
versity Hospital school.
From the Upjohn Company,
Kalamazoo, the Regents accept-
ed $1,800 for the Upjohn Com
pan. Fellowship in Pharmaceu-


r m a tnira-floor window,
Deputy Virgil Harrison and Sgt.
Gregory Katapodis ordered Gor-
don to stop. Gordon started run-
ning along the top of the new
' building and turned to see his
pursuers as the officers opened
Only two shots were fired and
Gordon fell to the roof, rolled over
several times and dropped off the
edge of the building 30 feet to
the ground below. Though wound-
ed, he attempted to climb over a
wooden fence surrounding the1
building area.
w 3

talk on 'The Teachin; of Modern I AEC Information
Languages in the Elementary Fourth speaker on the program
Grades, and in the Junior and was Shelby Thompson, chief of the
Senior High Schools." Public Information Service of
The lecture by Prof. dekSauze is the Atomic Energy Commis-
the first in a series of talks on the!sion. Thompson outlined the cri-4
technique of teaching foreign teria for release of information by
language, to be given in conjunc- the AEC and the work in educa-
tion with courses aimed at im- tional cooperation and press sem-
proving the quality of foreign lan- inars done by the AEC.
guage instruction. These courses Regular informational releases
will offer credit to teachers seek- are published as swiftly as secrecy
ing degrees. permits, said Thompson, in addi-
tion to the regular semi-annual
Death A tirib ted report to Congress.
F. J. VanAntwerpen, editor of
To Electricity Chemical Engineering Progress,
introduced the speakers. The for-
Perspiration and low voltage um was presented by the Inter-
electricity' apparently caused the national Mass Communications
freak death of Carl A. Baker a Conference on Nuclear Energy be-
20-year-old painter at 4:15 p.m. ing held at the University in con-I


VCA 1t1 G, G1114 ,
certs and radio and television pro-
grams will focus on "Women in
the Summer Session.
Official Opening
University President Harhln H.
Hatcher will op- the series at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia
Mendelssohn theater.
The President wi discuss the
program which is designed to
raise such questions as the educa-
tion of women, careers for wo-
men, society's attitude towards
women and ' relationship of wo-
mr and the mor ' tone of society.
Prnf ?,frm.i nnmr. o rh +h

"Literature for Sale" is the title
of the seco d ubli lecture of
the series to be given by literary
agent Ann Watkins at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday in Auditorium A, Angell
Higher ducation
Two lectures and g panel dis-
cussion next week will deal with
the subject of women and higher
Talks will be given by Lynn T.
White, president of Mills College,
and Prof. Mirra Komarovsky of
the sociology -epartment of Bar-
nard College.
Tha noavi .i mnillh man

Following lectures will deal with
juvenile delinque-y, the school
teacher, women in art, and the
working world.
Kinsey Report
The final flourish to the exten-
siv program "I be two lectures
and a -anel discussion August 3
and 4 on flie Kinsey report on
sexual behavior in the human
In conjunction with the special
program, WUOM, the Unive 'ty
broadcasting service, will present
eiL half -our radio programs
dealing with the lives of. eight
w n x arn inv ' nna p crnaa a i

tical Chemistry. The fellowship will
WnMsrSld be for study in the chemistry of
sympathomimetic Amines under
the direction of Dr. F. F. Blicke,
may be a man's world but Samuel Sorscher, Flint, has given
'en will I--' i the spotlight seum and "Women as Authors" The series will continue July 7 $1,000 to be used at the discretion
umumer at thy. University. on the first floor of the General with a lecture and panel discus- of the administrative officers of
am: ' lectures. exhibits. con- Library. sion on the family. the School of Dentistry "for some

special expense or equipment."
The Dow Chemical Company,
Midland, has given $1,000 for the
Faculty Research Fellowship in
Personnel Administration.
yhe New Yor' Memorial Trust,
New York, has made a grant of
$750 for the R. L. Perry Memorial
Scholarship fund.
From the Hanau Engineering
Company, Inc., the Regents ac-
cepted $750 i r the Dental Mater-
ials Research fund "for continua-
tion of Dr. F. A. Peyton's studies
of frictional heat generated in the
operation of cuttiro- tooth tissue at
hiprh znPaac 1

yesterday in the University laun- Junction with the International
dry. Nuclear Engineering Congress.






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