THE INDEPENDENT VOTER See Page 4 Uk ILa ~4Iadt1 p : / Latest Deadline in the State THUNDERSHOWeRS VOL. LXIV, No. 6S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1954 Regents Open Meetings to Accredite( SIX PAGES IPress Leonard Outlines Campaign Program Hopeful, for Primary Nomination, Speaks before Local Republicans By BAERT BRAND Michigan must have a governor -of the same political faith as the State Legislature in order to promote the maximum progress and welfare of the State as a whole. Donald S. Leonard made this statement before a group of local Republicans last night at Tappan Junior High School as part of his campaign for the Republican nomination for Governor at the August 3 primary. Stalemates and deadlocks of the past six years show that in- harmonies between opposite political faiths in Lansing have not re- flected the interests of predominately Republican Michigan, Leonard declared. Leonard cited the Judges Retirement Act which enables the Governor to make political appointments when judges reach retire- ment age and their elected terms Crowley Speaks A bout 'U' Reds Seven Ex-Faculty Men Mentioned; Schaffer Among Students Named I East-=West Amity Urged 4By Churchill WASHINGTON (1P-Prime Min- ister Churchill called Monday for the Western Powers to have a try at living peacefully with Russia, lest they fall into a war that would "leave us victorious on a heap of ruins." Churchill raised his plea after pledging, with President Eisenhow- er, to "press forward" with plans for a free-nation shield against the Communist threat in Southeast Asia. The British leader, speaking at a news conference as his criti- cal talks with Eisenhower drew to- ward an end, made it clear e still favors a Big Three meeting with Russia's Premier Malenkov. But, he cautioned: "To me'et without good, occasion, without some hope of definite ame- lioration of the world situation, might worsen and sharpen ten- sions." The Churchill-Eisenhower meet- ing appeared to have eased but not to have ended a serious British- American dispute over the best strategy for containing the Red ad- vance in Indochina. Churchill agreed to permit Brit- B am to join in talks aimed at some kind of "nollective defense" in Asia but apparently won his poinththat actual setting up of any such al- liance must await the end of pes- ent Indochina trune talks. Eisenhower is also reported to have notified Churchill the United States would refuse to back or guarantee any British-supported ar- mistice which gives a major part of Indochina to the Communists. Churchill was informed, however, that the bamerican government might have to acquiesce to such an Indochina deal because it could not physically prevent it. Eisenhower also put Churchill on notice the United States wanted no part of any Locarno-type treaty with the Communists which would seek to guarantee peace in Asia. Churchill made it plain, officials said, he intends to explore the pos- sibility of negotiating sunh a pact without the United States. In a voice frequently touched with emotion, Churchill also strong- ly urged greater Western trade and cultural contacts with the Russians. This might convince the Kremlin rulers, he said, that they have mor to gain by 25 years of peace with the West than by pushing toward a possible new war. Britain and the United States, he said, must march hand-in-hand in t leading the fe world despite tem- porary differences and, if neces- sary, must stand "shoulder-to- shoulder" to defend freedom. Begin Informal Talks The joint American-British deci- sion to begin informal talks for a Southeast Asia defense treaty stood out as the most important agree- ment mentioned in a 500-word state- ment summing up the 3% day Ei- senhower-Churchill conference. Diplomats said British-American ovnrte wil1 l nln,.n th rn have not yet expired. This has en- abled appointments to-be made of Democrats on boards, commissionsj and in areas which serve largely Republican districts. Leonard said that he has "no strings attached, committments or obligations," adding that if elect- ed Governor he will strive "to serve all people in the State of Michigan' to the best of my ability." He assured voters that he has severed completely all connections with the Detroit Police Department although when he announced his candidacy for governor he was of- fered a leave of absence as Detroit Police Commissioner. Program Outlined Leonard outlined points of his platform. One problem before the state is the need to "repair the delapa- dated highways and make new ones, especially farm to market and county roads." He added that roads must now be considered in view of the effects of the St. Law- rence Seaway project. Leonard heaped praise upon-the women who have proved them- selves qualified to hahdle policy making positions in the state gov- ernment through their work in campaigning. He spoke of the need for not only more schools and classrooms, but to go "beyond mortar and brick to the need for more quali- fied teachers." Leonard hit a low teacher salaries in this regard. Leonard promised "to do every- thing possible to cut out the frills of government." But, he added, with Constitutional impediments and earmarked funds, the ap- proach is a different one. Constitution Needs Revision The 1908 Constitution of Mich- igan needs revision, Leonard said, adding that he favors calling a Constitutional Revision Conven- tion to tackle the job. Leonard cited the results of the last two gubernatorial elections which the Republican candidates narrowly lost. In 1948, the Repub- lican candidate lost by one fourth of a vote per precinct on a state average. Two years ago his party's nominee lost by 10,000 votes. In both these elections Republi- can majorities were carried in out- state areas but the elections were lost in Wayne County, Leonard said. For a Republican to win he must, "Lose Wayne County by less" he added. E 1w, Edu focal tures i mer S the Wt Pres Mills discus Contex at 4:1I A, An The Daugh Colleg been 1943. former Prince Tom( sky, o logy "What en?" Both Komar panel cation 7:45 p A, An the pa vin L Dodso ment of the Also specia Mabel meritu a pub: in Ra The "Tocc Bach, Scarla Schum Op. 94 Op. 4 Jud Lib NEV judge Quent beled brook umnis The ages By DIANE AuWERTER Daily Managing Editor A former University student, °28-year-old Francis X. Crowley of New York, yesterday reversed an earlier decision to refuse to co- operate with the Velde-Clardy House Un-American Activities Com- mittee and laid bare the Communist picture as he saw it in Ann Arbor, In addition to listing 27 members of the campus Ralph Naefus club, named by the Committee as a Communist cell, Crowley named seven one-time faculty members as belonging to the Haldane Club, LYNN T. WHITE which he said was the Communist group for teachers. ... speaks today Among the seven named was Norman Cazden, an instructor in theory in the Music school in 1948-50, who appeared on the stand *with Crowley. Accompanied by --- - - counsel, Cazden claimed the priv- ilege of the fifth amendment and c c declined to say whether or not he dcat on was faculty advisor of the Young, Progressives in 1950 or to answer I W il TH al questions regarding present Com- munist affiliation. The only person named by Crow- ley who is still on campus was Ed relS cation for women will be the Schaffer, Grad., who was called point of the next two lec- before the Committee when it ap- DETROIT (R-Three thousand n the special University Sum- peared in Lansing last month. CIO wildcat strikers at Great Lakes ession program, "Woman in Clardy Contacted Steel Corp., heeding repeated or- rorld of Man." Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Lansing), lolden Lynn T. White Jr. of contacted by The Daily in Wash- ders of union leaders agreed yes- Collge, Oalnd, Cir. wilf ington, said that Crowley had posi- terday to return to work. an ac- t remained doubtful, hwvr Co"e Changing Cultural tively identified Schaffer as an ac- hIt em flnrd o f however, s Th ChagingCultrdfive member of the Communist when the full roll of 11,500 em- xt of Women's Education," ptovesmember ofl thebCommunist 5 p.m. today in Auditorium party. He mentioned that Crow- ployes would all be back on the gell Hall. ley's testimony would not in any jobThet b a c k author of "Educating Our way affect his threatened con- scores ofmnyrep ting for the ters: A Challenge to the tempt citation for Schaffer. "We 4 p.m. shift after the back-to-work es," President White has have a whole host of witnesses vote, said it would take a week to head of Mills College since waiting for contempt citations," he ten days to build up furace fires. The native of San Francisco said,"which Im sure Congresstroesui rngs r rly taught at Stanford and will passSchaffer is amongthem.'s Protest Firings °ton Universities. He also maintained Crowley's ewMembers of the CIO United I tetimny oul no chngetheSteelworkers had walked out in Komarovsky to Speak testimony would not change protest of a series of firings. sorrow,Prof. Mirra Komarov- committee's future plans. "W4 The return-to-work vote came as f the Barnard College Socio- came away from Michigan with 40 Paul Carnahan, Great Lakes pres- Department, will speak on per cent of the witnesses we want- ident, and David J. McDonald, Should College Teach Wom- ed to hear unheard. I am positive USW president, exchanged com- that we will be back in Michigan ments. President White and Prof. after November, but there is little if any more to be done at the Uni- McDonald invited a meeting be- rovsky will participate in a tween himself and Carnahan after discussion on "Higher Edu- Nothing which was developed the latter had deplored the strike for Women" to be held at "othig wh as eveope in a telegram to the steel union .i. tomorrow in Auditorium today will have any ecect upon the chief. .m.tomrro inAudtorumUniversity's standing as a good he' gell Hall. Other members of ni "ert snuded.o Carnahan said Great L a k e s nel are: Vice-President Mar- school," he concluded. Steel has had more than 70 work Niehuss, Prof. Helen W. Schaffer Replies stoppages this year "in violation n of the astronomy depart- After hearing Clardy's con i of contracts," adding that "we and Prof. Algo D. Henderson ments, Schaffer replied, "Clardy is cannot close or open steel mills School of Educationds kidding no one. A witness can at the whim of every local union Piano Program Today only be cited for contempt because official." in conjunction with the of his conduct before the commit- Return after Plea by Shane dn summejunesion withrthe tee. Since my conduct was perfect- l summer session program, ly proper, he has no legal basis to Strikers gave up their walkout Rhead Field, professor e- press the contempt citation." after another plea from Thomas us of the piano, will give Schaffer continued, "He is ob- Shane, USW regional director. lic recital at 8:30 p.m. today vio'usly trying to pressure me into Later a Great Lakes spokesman *ckham Lecture Hall. becoming an informer. I have no announced the company and union 75-year-old pianist will play intention of joining his stable, how- would resume negotiations on a ata in F-sharp minor" by ever." new contract tomorrow. "Sonata in E major" by Crowley reported that he had Shane told a mass meting of tti, "Phantasie, Op. 17" by reversed his "uncooperative" stand 3,000 strikers to return to their nann, "Moments Musicals, of last year because "a Catholic jobs. * by Schubert and "Fantaisie, priest advised me to tell the full He said the dismissals of 14 9" by Chopin. story." He maintained his con- workers, which brought on the science, rather than an impending walkout, would be handled through 1ge Says Pegier citation for contempt, dictated his the grievance procedure. a ochange of heart before th commit- A company official said it might oeled Reynolds tee. take until today for an accurate Rep. Clary said that he did not estimate of when normal produc- Vr YORK L(R) - A federal Iknow what effect Crowley's testi- tions can be resumed. The strike held yesterday that author would have upon the Justice de- involved 11,000 workers of the in Reynolds was clearly li- partment, but said that, "Speaking giant downriver factory. in a 1949 column by West- for myself, in view of his coopera- Face Court Airing Pegler, the tart Hearst col- tion and voluntary appearance be- The Great Lakes dispute also t. fore the committe, I would be faces a court airing Thursday. jury was told to fix dam- inclined to give leniency to Crow- Circuit Judge George B. Murphy ley," has set a hearing on the company's -Daily-Marj Crozier SPORTSMAN'S WOES-An unidentified sports car enthusiast doesn't seem to be getting much help from his youthful kibitzer as he putters around under the hood. AIR BLAST: A nti-Red Rebels Renew Teguci gal pa Attack TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (A') - The anti-Communist rebels again attacked the Guatemalan capital with their air force Monday night despite the change in governments there. First reports quoted the Guate- malan government radio as say- ing 12 planes bombarded the cap- ital less than 24 hours after Col. Narlos Diaz and a military junta had replaned leftist President Ja- cobo Arbenz Guzman and outlawed the Communist party.,y Abenz was reported en route by plane to exile in Argentina. Other listeners to the Guatemalan broadcast, however, understood thet only one or two planes at- tacked with bombs and machine guns. , Three planes were the most the rebels have used in previous raids on the capital. , The "Liberation" radio of Col. Carlos Castillo Armas, who set out, to overthrow Arbenz 11 days ago, earlier Monday called the Diz re- gime "usurpers" and broadcast an ultimatum to the new government to set a cease-fire or face new air bombardments of the capital. Subsequent broadcasts from the capital indicated the new regime was attempting to stiffen its forces for a fight against the invaders. Castillo Armas announced that his newly proclaimed government, which has been fighting the Arbenz regime since June 18, would "raise" their arms against what he termed the "unconscitutional" jun- ta. His "Liberation radio" threat- ened the renewed bombing of Gua- temala City if the junta did not sue speedily for a ceasefire. Castillo Armas obviously feared the outlawing of communism would pull the rug out from under his anti-Communist invasion move- ment. Battle for Zacapa, Authoritative sources in Tegucl. galpa reported a big battle for Za- capa had not been broken off by the change in governments in Gua- temala City. Zacapa is an impor-' tant rail center in east Guatemala. Ther wer no details of the fighting. In Guatemala City, Associated Press Correspondent Jack Rut- ledge said the rebels were only 70 miles away when Arbenz quit, and there was little opposition to them except by the labor forces which the regime had organized and armed. Rutledge gave a graphic picture of events leading up to Arbenz's resignation. He said the decision was reached after army nhiefs had held an all-day meeting Sunday and then sent three colonels for a showdown with Arbenz. The thre were Diaz, then chief of staff; Col. Carlos Sarti, head of the National Superior Council of Defense; and Col. Enrique Parinello Coloma. Bank Thieves May Escape DETROIT ()-Two masked gun- men who robbed a suburban branch bank yesterday of $11,460 may have escaped police road blockades by heading down the Detroit River in a motorboat. Trenton police said two men were seen running to a small white outboard motorboat with a bag shortly after two similarly dressed men held up the West Road branch of the Trenton State bank. A car was found nearby that had been stolen from a Detroit used car lot three days ago. It was tentatively identified as the get- away car. Heading South Police said the men on the riv- er were heading south toward Toledo. Canadian authorities on a Royal Canadian Mounted Police boat sped to the scene. Ontario provincial police boats patroled the Canadian side of the river to prevent a landing. State police patroled the Michigan shore. State Policeadropped road blocks but alerted all police agencies to be on the lookout. The men were described as between 25 and 30 years old and in a late model gunmetal gray car, Fred W. Pluskat, the branch bank manager, and two women tellers, Olga Barker and Agnes Morrison, were tied up with a clothesline by the robbers. After the robbers left they freed them- selves and telephoned police. Pluskat said that the two men pushed their way in shortly after the bank opened at 10 a.m. Plan Adopted On One Year Trial Period MPA Project For 3 Years By BECKY CONRAD More than three years of nego- tiations for Regents' meetings open to the press came to an end yes- terday as the Board of Regents and the Michigan Press Associa- tion issued a joint announcement calling for a one-year trial period plan to begin in September. The proposal for opening meet- ings as adopted by the Regents after conferences with the MA's Committee on Freedom, of Infor- mation was given approval of the MPA Board of Directors at a week- end session at Blaney Park. Limited to 20 Number of accredited newsmen permitted at a single meeting is limited to approximately 20. The MPA committee which rep- resented the press during the talks on the meetings will serve as an accrediting body. Bona fide staff reporters or editors of regularly issued publications of general cir- culation will be approved. The Daily recently gained mem- bership in the press group. Accredited Newsmen Attend The agreement which has bee reached provides that regular meetings of the Regents will be open to accredited news represen- tatives. Regents have agreed that in general they will conduct final discussions and take voting action in the meetings at a time open to news representatives. Right to hold executive sessions, particularly on matters such as the purchase of property or other matters involving security restric- tions or for delicate or confidental reasons pertaining to acceptance of positions, discipline, or con- tracts, was retained by the Board. The agreement permits prelim- inary confidential discussions by the Regents or by their designated committees. The agreement also provides that the Regents and officers of the University will continue to be available (as in the past) for in- terpretation or for providing back- ground information on actions which are taken and that the Uni- versity News Service will continue to supply materials for the use of news representatives. H. F. Bailey of the Adrian Tele- gram, chairman of MPA's Freedom of Information committee work- ing on the project, commented, "It is gratifying indeed to the press to have the Regents of the Univer- sity open their meetings to news representatives. "Through the discussions lead- ing up to the agreement, both the Regents and the press have come to understand each other's pur- poses and problems, and I am con- fident we have reached a happy solution. We pledge our fullest ef- forts to make the plan work effec- tively in the public interest." Long-term Project According to Brewster Campbell, Executive City Editor of the De- troit Free Press and former chair- man of the MPA group, the open- ing of the Regents' meetings is part of a long-standing project to open sessions of the governing bod- ies of the University and Michigan State College. He explained that "on the basis that they are doing public business and that only when the public is represented can it get the com- plete picture of what is going on." Meetings of the Board of Agri- culture, governing group of MSC were opened a little more than a year ago under a similar plan, Campbell said. Specific negotiations for open- ing Regents' meetings got into full sway in March when the first draft of the plan was drawn up. Shortly afterward, University director'of Public Relations Ar- thur L. Brandon outlined a more or less formal agreement which went to the MPA committee. The group later met with Regent Char- les S. Kennedy in Detroit and drafted the plan in its final form. Leonard explaied that he is the Federal Judge Edward Wein- Crowley's Change candidate who can do just that feld's ruling came at the close Speaking of Crowfey, revisal because of his deep roots in De- of a bitter seven-week trial, the m testimony, Schaffer, w troit which include it as his birth- first to which Pegler ever was mitted previous acquaintance with place aid ground for much public subjected during nearly 40 years Crowley, said, "If peopleyknew service including Detroit Police as a hard-hitting, no-holds-bar- He added, "This man has bought Commissioner. red newspaperman. H added man ha bought I his own freedom at the expense of other people," Schaffer de- clared. "Bcause of his contempt- ible action he has lost the respect Or ]OI of his former friends and he will never gain the respect of his new associates." Rep. Clardy said Crowley had By The Associated Press not mentioned Mike Sharpe, Grad, NEW YORK- A federal judge held yesterday that author Quen- president of the Labor Youth tin Reynolds was clearly libeled in a 1949 column by Westbrook Peg- League who was called before the ler, the tart Hearst columnist. committee along with Schaffer, The jury was told to fix damages., but that Sharpe was nevertheless Federal JudgetEdward Weinfeld's ruling came at the close of a definitely in line for a contempt bitter seven-week trial, the first to which Pegler ever was subjected citation. during nearly 40 yeals as a hard-hitting, no-holds-barred newspaper- Another former student, Lee Salk, who is now employed at the man. University Fresh Air Camp as a - * * * * * * psychologist, was named by Crow- T.(1i TT~lJT kr A ynif'-... .. .-, -4- r aI V'.trA ixiCA q O 'C Tm~7 r cQ 'Trr.. , __ai ..,.I petition that the union be held responsible and forced to pay for! alleged plant damages caused by the strike. The company charges it suffered financial losses- when w o r k e r s walked out, leaving open hearth furnaces unattended. Great Lakes also has asked that pickets be restrained from inter- ference with movement at the gates. HISTORY'S GREATEST: . Flood Boils Down Rio Grande River < > i DEL RIO, Tex. A-The greatest flood in its history boiled down the Rio Gande Monday night in the wake of rains which ranged up to an unofficial 22 inches in the Southwest's ranch country. But along the Pecos and Devil's rivers which empty into the Rio Grande and the usually-dry draws in the sheep and ranch country north of here, it was different. sirensserea~eri. huirh a nd Texas Ranger Max Westerman said at Del Rio that the 12,000 homeless at Ciudad Acuna had been evacuated into the hills. U. S. Air Force hel copters com- nlat,.d Mrn,v Pv~ralpnling 269n~r I