PAGE TWO TIM MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 26, I954 1'AGE TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1954 The Army-McCarthy Hearings: Nothing Proven, Something Gained SOME DAY WHEN television becomes old-fash- ioned, we will still be wondering what was proved by the Army-McCarthy hearings. As for the specific charges, nothing at all was proved, unless you were already inclined toward one side. As for investigating committees in general, the hearings made them look a little silly. This was probably their lone accomplishment, besides in- spiring a recording centered on the wily Sena- tor's weary repetition, "Point of Order." Not all investigating committees could be that useless. Some of them may even investigate. But look what happened when the Mundt Committee tried impartially to find the facts. The Mundt Committee lacked two essentials of effective pub- lic investigating-tailor-made villains and prede- termined conclusions. The Kefauver Crime Committee had handy ster- eotypes. It retained its popularity because it was investigating ways and means of punishing people who the public agreed were guilty: No one had to prove to the man with the television set that a criminal was a criminal. On the other hand, the Mundt Committee not only lacked such a common foe but also suffered the responsibility of discovering who was, in fact, the bad guy. It did not have the slightest idea who was guilty when it began. When it ended, it knew just as much. In the learning process it provided entertain- ment for millions and an understanding that in- yestigating committees are not what we want to investigate. The closest they can come to it is to convince the public they are investigating, which leaves little time for investigating. The McCarthy Committee, as all other ambitious groups rooting out Communists, could be useful to review evidence and make it public. As it is, they are too concerned about discovering Communists and proving, or rather claiming, that that is what they are. Kefauver never had to prove the hoodlum he questioned was a hoodlum, nor decide whether he was. McCarthy, too, should not be allowed to do so, for the Mundt Committee proved how hopeless it is. Yet McCarthy always gets results. It has become a necessity as evidence to his efficiency. But the Army-McCarthy hearings adequately and publicly demonstrated that fair methods don't get results when the question is if and where the guilt lies. McCarthy's methods, then, must not run the risk of being so fair that not enough Commun- ists would be exposed to keep him in business. From that- consideration, it's eatsy to change the criterion from whether a man is a Communist to whether he can be called one. The Army-McCarthy hearings may not have proved anything; but they presented a vivid pic- ture of an investigating committee's operation, which, added to the other arguments against Mc- Carthy, his motives, and his methods, demands that some method of fighting Communism besides investigative committees be found. Either that or bid fond adieu to our sanity. -Jim Dygert 44Traveling Light?" 4c34 a8o~GE to EQ.4 £ iw~ak. f Leonard's Gubernatorial Race DONALD S. LEONARD, who wants to be Michi- gan's next governor, will be in Ann Arbor Monday to tell his qualifications for the job. If candidate Leonard follows the same logic in his reasoning that he has done thus far in his campaign, and it seems certain he will, he can- not help but gain many votes and leave a lot of friends behind him in Ann Arbor. Don Leonard is one of four Republican con- tenders in the August 3 primary which will de- cide who faces G. Mennen Williams in Novem- ber. Vying for the Republican nomination along with Leonard are Owen J. Cleary, Eugene Keyes, and D Hale Brake. Each of these men is well qualified for the job of governor and can be expected, if nominated, to carry the out-state areas. But for a Republican to win the governorship he must draw more votes from Democratic Wayne County than any of the last three candidates of his party. The keynote of Leonard's campaign - which seems accurate enough - is that Detroit bred, he has the understanding of Wayne County's met- ropolitan problems. This would enable him to corn mand the respect of its citizens and pick up the urban votes necessary for election. ° Leonard's campaign stands on his brilliant rec- ord built on 30 years in the service of Michigan as an organizer, administrator, and leader. Leonard has\ served Michigan as State Police Commissioner, State Director of Civil Defense, State Fuel Administrator and Detroit Police Com- missioner along with other jobs too numerous to mention. Leonardw orked his way through Wayne Univer- sity, where he obtained both a bachelor of arts degree and a law degree. He also took post gradu- ate work at the University Law School. With the primary still a distance off and the gubernatorial election three months away Leonard has proved already that he is a positive thinker. He believes in modifying the state prison sys- tem to better rehabilitate inmates for a useful life after serving their terms. A move which could help accomplish this feat, Leonard be- lieves, is to divide Michigan prisons, like the one at Jackson, which is the most overcrowded prison in the country, into units to handle no more than 600 men. Leonard is a vigorous supporter of improved highways in the state which he claims could go much further to stimulate the state's tourist in- dustry. And he wants to again restore the harmonious relationship between the governor's office and the legislature which has been lacking so much re- cently. So now after an absence of six years from the governorship it appears that the Republican party has found a real potential and successful stand-. ard-bearer for governor. --Baert Brand God And Congress AGNOSTICS, ATHEISTS and other religious dis- senters soon might be prevented from affirm- ing their allegiance to the United States. Congress is currently legislating a change in the pledge of allegiance, placing the phrase "under God" into the passage " .. . one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The addition is to be inserted after the words "one nation." As might be expected, no opposition to this proposal has developed. No one wants to appear to challenge a belief so sacred as faith in God, or to deny the obvious importance of religion to American history and society. But our tradition, while at every point acknow- ledging the large role of religion in the national life, also provides for unqualified freedom of con- science in matters of faith. The right of religious dissent-no matter how widely at variance with majority beliefs-is among the noblest of American practices. Congress proposes to legislate, in effect, that only those believing in God and willing to associate the Deity with an affirmation of political allegiance are good Americans. Clearly, this imposes an offi- cial penalty on adherance to certain religious con- victions, and as such is unconstitutional under the terms of the First Amendment, -Allan Silver WASHINGTON - Shortly before Winston Churchill arrived for his talkswith Eisenhower, the Nation- al Security Council, which seems to be rnaking the chief foreign af- fairs decisions these days, drew up an extremely important new pol- icy for the Far East. Churchill will doubtless find this policy a little easier to swallow than the tough and drastic inter- vention program which Adm. Ar- thur Radford tried to sell him in London six weeks ago. Hence there should be a reasonable basis for agreement between England and the United States in the Far East. In brief, here is the new policy adopted by the National Security Council. The United States has now drawn up three defense lines. If the Com- munists step across one of these defense lines, the United States will fight only with the coopera- tion and support of the United Nations. If the Reds step over the second defense line, we will fight in alliance with any of the coun- tries invaded regardless of the U.N. If the Communists step over the third defense line, we will fight whether we have any allies or not. Defense Line No. 1 - Indochina -Here we will fight only with U.N. backing. If the United Na- tions acts to support the three small countries of Indochina, the United States will go to war with the U.N. Furthermore, if the Red Chinese push across the border in numbers, we will urge the U.N. to intervene. In this case we would China. Defense Line No. 2 -Includes South Korea, the Philippines, all the island chains down through the East Indies, including Formosa; also embracing Thailand, Burma, and Malaya. If any of these coun- tries are attacked, we will invoke our defense treaties with them and go to war. If we have no defense treaties at the moment, we will endeavor to sign some shortly. Efforts will be made to bring all these areas within the Pacific NATO. Defense Line* No. 3 - Includes all U.S. territories, U.S. trusts and U.S. possessions in the Paci- fic, plus Japan. This last is signi- ficant. It means the United States would go to war to save Japan whether our allies join us or not. This is the reason President Ei- senhower spoke so candidly about trade with Japan during the news- paper editors dinner this week. For today, the key to our entire Far Eastern policy is Japan. The National Security Council has de- cided to encourage a strong and friendly Japan to counterbalance the China-Russian alliance, and be- cause Japan is dependent upon im- ports she can be starved into alle- giance to the Communists. That is one reason why Burma, Thailand, the Malays, and Indo- nesia are so important. They have been big Japanese markets in the past. Will Germany Repeat? A high-level diplomatic confer- ence took place in London the oth- er day which pinpoints one of the main problems Churchill and Ei- senhower are now discussing. It was a meeting of top U.S. ambassadors from Western Eu- rope, including Winthrop Aldrich, envoy to London; Douglas Dillon, envoy to France; and Dr. James Conant, U.S. high commissioner to Germany. Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce was not able to come from Italy because of poor health. She has of the U.S. and England-despite growing German haughtiness and the likelihood that an indepen- dent Germany might "retreat." Churchill Not es Some time before he left Lon- don, Winston Churchill called in top atomic advisers, Lord Cher- well and Lord Salisbury, and laid down a British policy that it was better to lose all Indochina than risk using the atom bomb. . .Rea- son for the meeting was word that Admiral Radford hada planup his sleeve for A-bombs to Indo- china. Churchill, on the contrary, argued that the A-bomb would alienate the people of all Asia.-. John Foster Dulles is fit to be tied over the British labor delegation which plans to visit Red China. He says the British could at least have tipped him off in advance. Dulles is planning to persuade Churchill to withdraw permission for the trip, but the old gentleman of No. 10 Downing Street will probably tell Dulles to mind his own business. ** * WASHINGTON-It is not often that a talk between the heads of the two most important democrat- ic nations in the world gets started in an atmosphere of mutual re- crimination. But that was the way diplomats felt about the Churchill- Eisenhower talks as the two states- men sat down together. What made American diplomats sore was Foreign Minister An- thony Eden's speech in the House of Commons directly and bluntly criticizing the United States. But what the public doesn't know is that Eden and Churchill were equally sore at some private re- 'marks made by Secretary of State Dulles one week ago. In fact it was Dulles' remarks that actually inspired the Eden speech. What had happened was that Dulles had a background-informa- tion-only dinner with a few choice newspapermen last week during which he had some rough things to say about the colonial policies of England. He said, among other things, that the United States was hampered by British colonialism, that we were pulling British chest- nuts out of the fire, and Dulles ticked off a long list of differences between the U.K. and the U.S. He also hinted that the United States might have to junk part of the al- liance with England and operate entirely on our own. Unwise Words Diplomats say that the secretary of state should have known better than to unloose such criticism just a few days before the Prime Min- ister and foreign minister of Eng- land were coming to Washington on an important mission. When Prime Minister Churchill heard that the American secretary of state was castigating the British Commonwealth on the eve of his trip to Washington, Sir Winston hit the ceiling. British policies toward the col- onies, he told his associates, are just as liberal as American poli- cies. In fact, England has led the world of late in granting indepen- dence to colonial peoples, stormed the Prime Minister. So if John Fos- ter dares mention this any time between now and Churchill's de- parture, the old gentleman is set to blow him out of his chair. In such an atmosphere began the most important diplomatic talks since Eisenhower assumed office. No wonder Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey and Secretary of Defense Wilson have given u The Phoenix Proj ect (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following are excerpts from a talk given by Ralph A. Sawyer, Dan of the Graduate School and Director of the Phoenix Project. The talk was presented in conjune- tion with Nuclear Energy conference here which closed yesterday.) The Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project is co-operating with the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in presenting a program on The Social Impact of Nuclear Energy. For the Phoenix Project, these sessions represent the third of our annual conferences, designed to inform its friends and donors about its activities, in particular, and about the atomic energy sit- uation, in general. The Michigan Memorial-Phoe- nix Projecthwas established in 1948- by the Board of Re- gents of the University of Mich- igan as a wgr memorial "to explore the ways and means by which the potentialities of atomic energy may become a beneficent influence in the life of man." The Project is devoted to re- searches into the beneficent appli- cations of atomic energy, in the hope that through these researches a better world may arise from the ashes of destruction. Hence, the Project was named for the Phoenix, the bird of ancient myth- ology, which, returning to its tem- le every 500 years to be consumed in the altar fire, rose again from its own ashes, renewed and re- vitalized. For the support of the faculty, friends, and corporations, have subscribed over $7,500,000. It is with our own funds, then, that we are supporting a wide variety of research projects, rang- ing, for example, from a labora- tory for the dating of archaeologi- cal specimens, to studies of the reactions of water fleas to X- radiations. While a large part of the re- search under the auspices of the Phoenix Project is in the fields of the biological and physical sciences, we have a program in the social sciences that, we be- lieve, is unequalled in any other institution in the country. For two years we have been carrying on a study, under the auspices of our Institute of Public Administration, of the techniques and procedures by which the A- tomic Energy Commission operates and of the relationships between the Commission and its contrac- tors, its Advisory Committees, and the Congress. In addition to its direct sup- port of research, the Phoenix Project has been able to pro- vide extensive facilities for the University in this new and formerly used by the Univer- sity Hospital and now known as the Radiation Laboratories of the University, the Phoenix Project has installed and e- quipped a laboratory for the study of plant growth, and a hot laboratory for handling ra- dioactive materials, for carry- ing on experiments with them, and for training University per- sonnel in the use of these iso- topes. In the radiation laboratories the Project has also contributed to- ward the installation of two radio- cobalt sources, one of which is the most powerful such source out- side the Atomic Energy Commis- sion laboratories. In the Univer- sity Hospital, we have equipped a laboratory for handling all the radioisotopes used in therapy, and we have contributed $90,000 toward the construction of the new under- ground laboratory, where, with the support of the United States Atom- ic Energy Commission, cancer therapy with X-rays, radio-cobalt, and radio-cesium will be carried on, and their relative effectiveness studied. Some of these laboratories, I hope you will be able to see during your stay here. I hope you will also be able to see the site on the North Campuso n the other side of the Huron River, where we are building, at the present time, a $1,500,000 Phoenix Laboratory to house research using high levels of radiation. Adjoining this labor- atory will be built our nuclear re- actor, for which a gift of $1,000,000 has been received. This reactor will be the third built outside of Commission facilities. We expect. that it will be an extremely power- ful source of neutrons and radia- tion for a wide variety of experi- ments in the fields of medicine, biology, and engineering. The University of Michigan be- lieves that the Phoenix Project is unique in the breadth of its approach to atomic problems, in the wide variety of fields of re- search covered, in its close inte- gration with the program of the University, and in the fact that support for the Project has been furnished by the contributions of friends and alumni of the Univer- sity rather than by public funds. We believe that the results to date DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Suspensions . To the Editor: I have read in The Daily the cases of the three suspended facul- ty members and I have been shown copies of the letters and editor- ials which appeared in The Daily at the time of the suspensions. It certainly looks like a one sided treatment of the issue. Ev- eryone keeps talking about aca- demic competence as the criteria for judgement. But does this University want Communists on its staff no mat- ter how brilliant they maybe in their own field? A teacher who is a member of the Communist Party must take orders from Mos- cow and cannot possibly be free to make any decisions of his own. He must also try at every moment to, recruit people into the Party and influence his students. Now, of course, I do not know whether these men who have been suspended are or are not Com- munists. But this is what Presi- dent Hatcher and the various committees set up have to decide. They also have to decide wheth- er this University wants anyone tettelP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. r* on its faculty, Communist or not, who refuses to cooperate with a committee of the Congress of the United States. I would think not. --J. X. Rommel Woman of the World To the Editor: IT SEEMS to me that if the University of Michigan really wanted to discuss the place of women today in a democratic manner, it would have chosen some other title than "Woman in the World of Man." What does this title mean? Ob-. viously, that woman is in a world which is basically a man's and has to make the best of it. It's about time that everyon realized that the world belongs both sexes equally. It is rather discouraging to find the Univer- sity of Michigan hinting other- wise. Why not the title "Woman in the World of Human Beings?" I urge all those who agree with me to write President Hatcher asking for this change. -Marjorie Crockett The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices shouldbe sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 5 Notices Personnel Office-Good typist needed [or University of Michigan Speech Camp, Northport, Michigan, from now until August 20, 1954. Transportation furnish- ed. Please contact: University Personnel Office, 3012 Administration Building, State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, NO- 3-1511, Ext. 2621. Ushers are urgently needed for Anna Russell concert at Hill Auditorium on Monday, July 19. If you are interested in ushering for this concert, please re- port to Mr. Warner at Hill Auditorium between 5 and 6 p.m. during the week of June 28. Lectures Monday, June 28 Conference on Speech Communica- tion in Business and Industry, auspices of the Department of Speech. Registration. 8:30 a.m., Rackham East Conference Room. Morning session. "Fundamentals of Business Speaking," G. E. Densmore, Professor of Speech; "Visual Aids in Business Speaking," Frank W. Reynolds, Jam Handy Organization. 9:00 a.m., Rackham East Conference Room. Afternoon session. "Understandabil- ity in Communication," W. M. Sattler, Associate Professor of Speech; "Con- ducting the Business Interview," E. N. Hicks, Assistant Employment Supervis- or, Burroughs Corporation, and T. H. Spitler, Director of Industrial Relations, Argus Camera Company; "Training Con- ference Goals," E. Murray Leahey, Man- ager of Training, Ford Motor Company of Canada. 1:30 p.m., Rackham East Conference Room. Evening session. "Radio and Televi- sion Speaking." Edward Stasheff, As- sociate Professor of Speech, and Edgar E. Willis, Associate Professor of Speech. 7:30 p.m., Television Studios. Seventh Annual Conference on Aging, auspices of the Division of Gerontology. Registration. 8:45 a.m., Michigan Un'. Ion. General session. "Tomorrow's Senior Citizen and His Life-long Development." Clark Tibbetts, Chairman, Committee on Aging and Geriatrics, United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. 9:30 a.m., Michigan Union. Afternoon session. Concurrent meet- ings of work groups. 1:30 p.m., Michi- gan Union. Conference Series for English Teach- ers. "Teaching the Essay and Magazine Article." Panel discussion: Mildred Too- good, Eastern High School, Lansing; Marion McKinney, University High School; Willaim M. Bedell, Redford High School, Detroit; Arthur J. Carr, Assist- ant Professor of English. 4:00 p.m., Au- ditorium C, Angell Hall. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Robert Hames Cox, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "Antispasmodics. Basic-alkyl Es- ters of B-Substituted or -Phenyl- and -Cyclohexyl-B-hydroxypropionic Acids," Tuesday, June 29, 2525 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Concerts Student Recital: Robert Kerns, barl- tone, will present a recital at 8:30 Sun- day evening, June 27, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. His programs will include compositions by Peri, Scarlat- ti, Monteverde, Mozart, Brahms, Ravel, Storace, and three folk songs. It will be open to the general public. Faculty Concert: Emil Raab, violinist, and Benning Dexter, pianist, will per- form sonatas for violin and piano at 8:30 Monday evening, June 28, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will include Roussel's Sonata No. 2 in A, Op. 28, Brahms' Sonata No. 1 in G, Op. 78, and Finney's Sonata No. 3. It Museums Building, rotunda exhibit. Indian costumes of the North Ameri- can plains. Events Today Michigan Christian Fellowship, Picnic. Leave LaneF all at 2:00 p.m. Transportation provided. Plenty of good food. Come and join us for fun and fellowship. If you are interested in going please contact B. J. Cole at NO 3-1561, Ext. 3553. Coming Events Michigan Christian Fellowship Sun., June 27. 4:00 p.m. Panel di.. cussion, by a group of Christian stu- dents on the topic. "what Jesus Christ Means to Me." Everyone welcome. Seventh Annual Conference on Aging. June 28-30. The following student sponsored so- cial events are approved for the coming iweek-end. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on the Monday prior to the event. June 26- Michigan Christian Fellowship Alice Lloyd Hall Phi Delta Phi June 27- Phi Delta Phi Pi Lambda Theta Meeting--Monday, June 28, at 5:30 at the Women's Swim- ming Pool; at 6:15 picnic supper in the Women's Athletic Building. For reservation call NO 8-8958. Single graduate students and young people of post-college age are invited to join with the Fireside Forum group of the First Methodist Church for a picnic to a local lake on Sunday after- noon. Meet at the back of the church at 2:30 with swimming equipment. Transportation and food will be taken care of by the committee. Lutheran Student Association Meet- ing 7:00 p.m. Sunday at the Lutheran Student Chapel, corner of Hill Street and Forest Avenue. Program and re- freshments. Sunday-Services in the Ann Arbor Churches. Speech Department Play, Hamlet, July 7-10. Single Tickets for the Department of Speech summer plays will go on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater box office in the north end of the Michigan League MONDAY, June 28, at 10 a.m. Included on the summer playbill are Hamlet, July 7-10; Mrs. McThing, July 21-24; Sheridan's The Critic; and Moe zart's opera, The Marriage of Figaro, August 5, 6, 7 and 9, with The School of Music. Single tickets for Hamlet.and the opera are $1.75-$1.40-$1.00, and for Mrs. McThing and The Critic $1.50-$1.10- 75c. Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is open continuously from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Graduate Outing Club will meet at, 2:00 p.m. Sunday at the back entrance of the Rackham Building. X1 Iy / CURR~eNIT MOVIES At The State... THE STUDENT PRINCE, with Ann Blyth and Edmund Purdom. Y taking more than a few liberties with Rom- berg's musical wat-horse MGM has managed to grind out about a hundred and ten minutes of cheapened fun. Romberg had the ability to cre- ate a good show, which somebody at MGM ap- parently didn't like; aside from lousing up the lyrics and the story, they turned "the Singing voice of Mario Lanza" loose on the music. Mr. Lanza, who turned out to be too fat and too temperamental to appear in the movie itself, might also have been deleted on the grounds that he has no sense of the music he is sup- posed to be singing. It sounds a little too much like his idea of superemotive Italian opera, which Romberg definitely did not have in mind, and, from the results here, rightly so. In "The Great Caruso" Mr. Lanza was at least imitat- ing a singer with taste! without such a model he can only rely on his own abilities and in- clinations. His voice is just as good as it ever was (no progress, though), but he is misusing it now to the point of sounding like a bad singer of senseless ballads. Mis Blyth not only uses her limited voice better than Mr. Lanza, but she also has the guts to do her own acting. She is capable, and with a little partner, Edmund Purdom, looks and acts as he should, and up until the time he opens his mouth and Mr. Lanza begins singing it looks like all will go well. Unfortunately at that point the horrible incongruity of two men with opposite theatrical tendencies destroys any of the good work Purdom has done. Around the two (or three) central figures are a host of good actors who add the humorous touches necessary to keep this from seeming more than an hour or two longer than it is. Louis Calhern, as the king of Carlsburg, and Edmund Gwenn, who plays the tutor, are both exceptional, and S. Z. Sakall portrays his cus- tomary role with his customary zest. There are a multitude of over-enthusiastic Heidelberg stu- dents and several Prussianistic diplomats and lackeys who give the featured business a rather lush background. But none of these minor things can resurrect what begins as an essentially bad film and holds on to this character until it comes to a late end. An overabundance of cardboard scenery and paint- ed backdrops, the occasional "new hit songs" which are thrown in to improve upon Romberg, and at party scene straight from "Die Fledermaus" (com- plete with Strauss music) only, reinforce the mixed-up effect of the show -Tom Arp _r Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter... Co-Managing Editor Alice B. Silver.. . Co-Managing Editor Becky Conrad...........Night Editor Rona Friedman.........Night Editor Wally Eberhard.............Night Editor Sue Garfield...........Women's Editor Hanley Gurwin........Sports Editor Jack Horwitz...Assoc. Sports Editor E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports Editor Business Staff Dick Alstrom........Business Manager Lois Pollack....... Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks......Advertising Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 f