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June 26, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-06-26

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While Students Swelter,


Takes a Holiday


-Daily--Marj Crozier

See Page 2


itt4 tf
Latest Deadline in the State







Guatemalan Rebels Form Regime,
Claim Capture of Railroad Center.

i . i F

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (-
The creation of a provisional gov-
erment, by the anti-Communist'
Guatemalans, with headquarters at
newly captured Chiquimula, 201
miles from the Honduran border,
was announced officially by the
"Liberation army" in a communi-
que Friday night.
The new government is headed
by the leader of the revolution,
Col. Carlos Castillo Armas.
The sixth communique put out
by the rebel leaders said Chiqui-
mula was seized Friday morning
and "hundreds of citizens present-
ed themselves to enlarge the ranks
of our army" there.
Oxnam Hits
!NEW HAVEN, Conn. (R -)Meth-
odist Bishop G Bromley Oxnam
said Friday night "self-appointed
patriots" and "ignoramuses on
nvestigating committees" soon
may be suggesting Jesus Christ
was subversive."
"Such persons call Christians
subversive because they voice de-
mands of the Christian faith,"
Oxnam said in a speech prepared
for the national convention of
the Congregational C h r i s t i a n
The Washington bishop said
the "blind leaders of the blind in
their unforgiveable stupidity" are
not even aware of what the teach-
ings of the Christian faith are.
He referred to views about dis-
loyalty expressed by Rep. Donald
L. Jackson, (R-Calif.), of the
House Committee on Un-Ameri-
can Activities, and added:
"Such a man will soon be tell-
ing us that Moses must have read
Marx. Didn't Moses stand before
a king and say, 'let my people
"Soon such individuals will sug-
gest our Blessed Lord was subver-
"Have they read Mary's Mag-
nificat, our Lord's first sermon at
Nazareth, and the stinging words
of the 23d chapter of Matthew
when he spoke of those 'who de-
vour widows' houses'?"
Oxnam, who has engaged in a
running feud with congressional
investigators, said "little men
whose mentality" is akin to "the
Nazi gauleiter and the Russian
commisar" seek "to catechise the
Don Leonard Day
Slated for Monday
Monday is "Don Leonard Day"
for local supporters of the can-
didate seeking the Republican gu-
bernatorial nomination in the Au-
gust 3 primary.
Leonard will speak on "Vital
Issues of the Campaign" Monday
L atroninu .t Rl n flnekffl in Tnanna n

It added that "the triumph of
our forces was jubilantly celebrat-
ed by the civilian population which
was happy to see themselves free
of the Red claw."
Chiquimula, a town of 8,848 peo-
ple, straddles the branch railway
which links El Salvador with the
main line connecting the east and
west coasts by way of Guatemala
City, the capital.
The makeup of the Cabinet will
be announced probably Saturday,
it was said.
Bombing Attack
Just before the announcement of
a provisional government, anti-
Communist planes carred out what
apparently was the heaviest bomb-
ing of the eight-day-old revolution
-a revolution that has been mark-
ed by only sporadic clashes and
many rival claims from both sides.
Dispatches from the Guatemalan
capital said the National Palace,
where leftist President Jacobo Ar-
benz Guzman was at work, was
strafed and an army fort hit with
bombs. The raid was carried out
by two or three planes.
Eight Americans who crossed the
Mexican frontier from Guatemala
City, including a Boston newspaper-
mau, meanwhile reported their be-
lief that the rebels had the leftist
regime "on the run."
Hot Cold War
The bombing attack on the capi-
tal, coupled with other air strikes
at Zapaca and other points, led an
authoritative source here to com-
ment that, "The cold war is get-
ting hot."
The Boston reporter said he had'
seen 400 wounded government
troops en route to the capital city.
Earlier, the clandestine "Liber-
ation radio" had announced the
capture of Zacapa as well as Chi-;
quimula. But the communique did
not make the Zacapa claim.i
Authoritative sources said, how-o

ever, that a direct bomb hit on
an ammunition depot at Zacapa
had "knocked out" the garrison
Victory March
The radio said the leftist forces
were now "marching victoriously"
on to Guatemala City, warned of
forthcoming air raids and advised
the populace to stay clear of mili-
tary objectives.
Before capturing Chiquimula, the
communique said, the insurgents
bombed some heavy artillery em-
placed there.
The town, the insurgents said,
was strongly fortified and defend-
ed by the regular Guatemalan
army and "several hundred well-
armed Communists."
They also claimed that a military
convoy which was sent from the
capital to reinforce the garrison at
Zapaca was "intercepted and
seized" in the town of El Jicaro.
Watkins Talk
Ends Confab
Ann Watkins, New York literary
agent, and speaker in the "Woman
in a Man's World" series brought
the Michigan Writers Conference
to a close with a free-for-all ques-
tion and answer period yesterday
morning in Angell Hail.
Miss Watkins advised writers to
pick subjects that they know and
then handle the subject with in-
tegrity. She added a tip for young
writers-write a story,put it away,
write another story, in a month
read the first one again and "if
you can keep from laughing your-
self silly over it, re-write it.
Warning writers against poor
agents, Miss Watkin's said "there
are only six good literary agents
in this country and no legitimate'
agent advertises."

Fixed Farm
Parity Gets
House Okay
WASHINGTON {A') - The House
Agriculture Committee late Friday
formally approved a bill calling
for a one-year extension of fixed
farm price supports, but at the
last minute struck out provisions
which could have continued rigid
supports for two years on corn
and cotton.
Since President Eisenhower and
Secretary Benson favor a shift to
flexible supports on all the basic
crops, the bill seemed certain to
run into an administration-led
The action striking the special
cotton-corn provisions appeared to
be a concession to administration
opposition, and to improve the
bill's chances when it gets to the
floor of the House next week.
The two sections would have of-
fered cotton and corn growers an
opportunity to vote on continued
acreage and marketing controls
with 90 per cent of parity supports
in 1956, or no controls and flexible
Parity is a standard deemed fair
to farmers in relation to the cost
of things they must buy. The Eis-
enhower administration wants to
adjust the percentage of parity
supports according to production
The committee vote sending the
bill to the House was reported as
26 to 2. The two opposing members
were not identified.
Landy Misses
2-Mile Mark
PORI, Finland (P) - World's
mile record holder John Landy
fell only two seconds short of
equaling the world's standard for
two miles when he ran the dis-
tance in 8:42.4 here last night.
The 23-year-old Australian ag-
ricultural student had run his rec-
ord 3:58 mile only four days pre-
viously. Not especially disappoint-
ed in not having broken the rec-
ord he said:
"You cannot set records every
day. On the whole I am fully satis-
fied with my times. After all I am
not trained for this long a dis-
Landy did not appear the least
bit tired at the end of the race
and many expert observers thought'
he might have broken the record

Joe Must Go
BARBOO, Wis. (A) -- Dist.
Atty. Harlan Kelley of Sauk
County repored Friday he had
prepared criminal informations.
against three Milwaukee firms
charging them with contribut-
ing to the Joe Must Go Club in
violation of the state Corrupt
Practice Act.
The Joe Must Go Club of
Wisconsin Inc., with headquar-
ters at Sauk City, sought un-
successfully to obtain the re-
quired number of signatures
for a recall election for Sen.
McCarthy (R-Wis).
Carl Lachmund, treasurer
of the club, said at Sauk City,
that the total of tho three con-
tributions listed by Kelley
amounted to $50 and that all
three of the donations had
been returned some time ago.
Regents Hold
The University Board of Re-
gents met yesterday in a special
meeting to discuss general Uni-
versity matters and take up rou-
tine business, University officials
said last night.
Rumors circulated earlier that
the unscheduled Regents meeting
was called especially to discuss
and possibly act on the cases of
the three faculty members sus-
pended after their May 10 ap-
pearance in Lansing before the
Clardy Committee.
Suspensions Discussed
University officials explained
that the while it is true the mat-
ter was discussed this is not the
first time the Regents have talked
about the suspensions and in no
way was this an emergency
The Regents usually hold a
meeting either in late June or
early July.
Yesterday's meeting will obviate
the necessity for a July meeting.
The next scheduled meeting of
the Regents is for August 6.
Ad Hoc Group
Meanwhile, the ad hoc commit-
tee set up by the Senate Advisory
Committee at the request of Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
to investigating further the cases
and make a recommendation to
the President has not concluded
its work.
It is expected that the ad hoc
committee will complete its in-
vestigation within the next few

State Seeks
Flood Relief
Governor G. Mennen Williams
asked President Eisenhower to de-
clare Washtenaw County as well
as Ingham, Jackson and Livingston
counties disaster areas as the re-
sult of the past week's floods,
(to the surprise of many local
officials) according to an Associ-
ated Press release.
Seven thousand acres were re-
ported to have been "seriously af-
fected" by the eight to 10 inches
of rain that fell in the area during
the week and crop damage was
estimated at $3,500,000.
A d is a s t e r declaration would
make the area eligible for ship-
ments of surplus foods.
Emergency Area
G. Elwood Bonine, state super-
visor of the Farmers Home 'ad-
ministration, the release reported,
has already asked his superiors to
declare it an emergency area for
subsistence and operating loans to
All local officials who were con-
tacted, however, denied any know
ledge of a "disaster situation" in
Washtenaw County.
Don Johnson, local county agri-
culture agent, said that the re
cent rains have not made Wash-
tenaw County a "disaster area."
The extent of the damage to the
farmers, he feels, has been a set
back of approximately ten days
to two weeks.
Hay Loss
The late afternoon t h u n d e r
storms during the last week have
caused a 10 percent hay crop loss
and the first cutting of the wheat
has been blown down, he continued.
Also cultivating has been delayed.
In recent conferences with lo-
cal farming specialists, he com-
mented, there was no mention
that the counties were "seriously
affected" by the floods nor that
relief would be sought.
One prominent local official com-
mented that the Lansing plea for
disaster relief looked like only a
political move to him.
Alumna Honored
A University alumna, Prof. Mar-
jorie Nicolson, of Columbia Uni-
versity's English department, was
honored Thursday by the Ameri-
can Association of University
Women as this year's outstanding
woman scholar.

Ike, Churchill Start
Ta Slk European
Defense Discussed
Exchange of Atomic Information
Proposed; Far East Talks Delayed
WASHINGTON (N)-President Eisenhower and Prime Minister
Churchill Friday began a round of momentous conferences aimed at
ending a grave American-British split on the best way to cope with
aggressive communism.
But before getting down to the touchy subject of Red expansion
in Southeast Asia, the two leaders talked over plans to exchange
atomic information and add German manpower to European de-
fenses against communism.
They' apparently decided to delay until Saturday any detailed
discussions of their sharply conflicting Far Eastern policies. The

United States wants a united front
against communism there and
looks with, grave misgivings at a
British plan to approach the prob-
lem by signing a nonaggression
pact with the Reds.
For more than three hours
Churchill and Eisenhoweresat down
in the White House and turned
their first attention to their joint
desire for a greater sharing of
atomic secrets.
The wartime American-British
plan of cooperation on atomic mat-
ters has long since lapsed, but Eis-
enhower has proposed legislation
to give certain information on the
military use of atomicdweapons to
allies for common defense pur-
Congress AEC
The Senate-House Atomic Ener-
gy Committee late Friday unani-
mously endorsed the principle of
the proposal but left undecided the
question just how far the govern-
ment could go in divulging infor-
Broadly speaking the bill as en-
dorsed by the committee would al-
low the President to give an allied
nation or regional defense organi-
zation information on:
1. The development of atomic de-
fense plans.
2. Training military personnel to
use atomic weapons and defend
against them.
3. The "evaluation of the capa-
bilities of potential enemies in the
employment of atomic weapons."
Eisenhower and Churchill also
reviewed prospects for speeding up
the formation of a six-nation Eu-
ropean army, of which German
troops would be a part. This pro-
gram is now stalled because the
French have delayed ratifying it,
in large part because of fear of a
rearmed Germany.
In the White House, in a terse
announcement of what Eisenhower
and Churchill discussed Friday,
mentioned only atomic informa-
tion and the EDC. Informed offi-
cials reported they also briefly
touched on Russia's policies and
intentions throughout the world.
Potential Spouse
Ki1P l PR ntPY (i

Engineers Tell
Uses of Atom
In Industry
Although the spotlight of the.
times is upon the atomic bomb,
the International Congress on Nu-
clear Engineering yesterday de-
voted its sessions to industrial uses
of the atom.
In addition to the use of atomic
energy in treating pork chops a-
gainst the trichinosis parasite-de-
veloped by University scientists in
connection with the Phoenix pro-
ject-scientists mentioned that the
atom can be put to woA as a
cigarette inspector.
Researchers G. D. Calkins and
Meyer Pobereskin of the Battelle
Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio
told how the atom could inspect
cigarettes, assuring that they con-
tained just the right amount of
They said a density gauge in-
strument could be arranged in such
a way that cigarettes moving on
a conveyor belt would pass the
instrument, receiving an applica-
tion of atomic rays. Cigarettes not
measuring up to specifications
would be dumped from the belt.
In other events of the concluding
session of the congress, it was
revealed that Brazil is aiming at
producing her first atomic power
reactor "in about five years", or
if she can get help from the U.S.,
in a shorter period of time.
Prof. J. Costa Ribeirp, scienti-
fic director of the Brazilian Na-
tional Research Council, said Bra-
zil has located important sources
of uranium. He said that h isconu-
try has definite need of atomic
power because of poor quality coal
and limited quantities of other
County YR Plans
Horseback Trek
Washtenaw county Young Re-
publicans will journey to Jackson
on horseback next month to help
celebrate the founding of the GOP
in Jackson on July 6, 1854.
The caravan starting from De-

Reston, 'U Professors
Comment on Meeting

Common dangers and common
interests transcend personalities
and political interests in the meet-
ings b e t w e e r. Eisenhower and
Churchill which started yesterday,
according to observers.
The crumbling of French power
and the Communist advances in
Indochina are more important e-
vents in the last several months
than the recent misunderstanding
between John Foster Dulles and
Anthony Eden over the settlement
of Southeast Asia.
Why Cooperate?
According to James Reston's
column in the New York Times
there are three major reasons why
the United States in its own in-
terests must cooperate with the

Britain are essential tohthe stabil-
it- of areasnvital to the security
of both countries.
Professors Comment
Prof. Albert Hyma of the history
department commented that Dulles
is so opposed to any type of agree-
ment with Russia or her satellites
that differences between the Uni-
ted States and England are at
this point irreconcilable.
Prof. Henry Bretton of the poli-
tical science department said that
Britain's present stand probably
isn't unbending and may be de-
signed to impress certain membersI
of the British Commonwealth.
Bretton also said that there is
"no cause to fear that Great Brit-
ain and the United States have
come to a parting of the ways."

Exhibits Displayed by Archeologists


Vivid exhibits of childrens' toys,
linen tapestry, pictures, glass jars
and even some coffins which are
currently representing Egyptian
history made anywhere from about
2000 to 4000 years ago, can be seen
at the University Archeological

the viewer with the effect of the
passing years upon the imple-
ments and living conditions of
For instance, and almost iden-
tical to contemporary form, there
is a birth certificate on display
n f a. R nmon -if i7.Pn ran 4~~r i

a Roman boy to his mother soon
after he joined the navy.
Written in the first century A.D.,
the boy, who recently arrived at his
new station near Naples, tells his
mother not to worry. He also tells
her that he will write to her again
.,nan n fh f I f +'ka allta.c na ,in

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