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June 25, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-06-25

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FRIDAY, ,TUNE 25, 1951


Experts Ponder Nuclear Problems

Research Team Reports
Discover of New Virus

(Continued from Page 1)

Opinion expressed was unani-
mous that the dawn of the nuclear
age offers challenges and needs
adjustments in the fields of edu-
cation, military tactics, scientific
research, and law to keep pace
with the dynamic Twentieth Cen-
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher lead the afternoon parade
of speakers by saying that educa-
tion faces a task that will stretch
its capacity to the utmost in turn-
ing the destructive power of the
atom into useful ways.
"Must Dissipate Gloom"
The tragic facts of this century
stimulated the advance of science
to a point where scientific power
has no. limits, Dr. Hatcher said,
"Specifically, it is the obliga-
tion of education to move with all

the Detroit News, discussed the
impact of nuclear energy on mili-
tary tactics.
Mass killing nuclear weapons will
dominate any future major hos-
tilities rendering masses of per-
sons, whether military 'of civilian,
impotent and vulnerable to attack
are conclusions reached by the
Weighs Security Measures
Military chiefs of staff through-
out history have failed to correctly
anticipate future tactics because
they could not come out from under
the spell "of the last war's tac-
tics," Marshall said. They have
failed to realize military tactics
are susceptible to change with the
"speed of light."
"The fact is this," he continued,
"now one low flying plane can do
what it took massive buildups of
equipment and men days to do
Marshall sees the A-bomb as an
area weapon with no answer.
Lloyd V. Berkner, president of
Associated Universities, Inc., crit-
ically weighed security measures
of the atomic age in an address
on the impact of nuclear energy
on scientific research.
Complete abandonment of tech-
nological secrecy in military mat-
ters would be foolhardy, Berkner
said, but he added that restric-
tions on scientific and technical,
information have gone too far.
"In a democracy, trying to hide
a large undertaking under the
cloak of security is like trying to
hide an elephant under a paper
Climate Important
The climate of scientific investi-
gation is as important as the sci-
ence itself, he said. "It is freedom
and progress, not restriction, that
America finds its power."-.
This places the scientist in a
particular position because items
earmarked for secrecy originate
in his mind which places him open
for attack and mindful of self-
watchfulness of his remarks, Berk-
ner said.
A satisfactory balance must be
found between the scientist's own
ideas and secrecy concerning the
welfare of the country, he added.
This is why clearance of scientists
is a delicate question.
E. Blythe Stason, dean of the
University Law School, made the
concluding remarks for the after-
noon by confining himself to the
legal aspects for peacetime uses
of atomic energy.
"Engineers and physicists have
their atomic problems and they
a'e solving them," Dean Stason
asserted. "Likewise lawyers will
have theirs, and they too will be

they, assistant program director
for the Survey Research Center,
said the threat of atomic war has
not destroyed the public's optimis-
tic expectancy for the future of
atomic energy.
The sociologist commented that
though most people feel we will
be better off for having discovered
nuclear energy, the feeling is far
from unanimous and relative posi-
tive feeling is slight.
In his report on extensive opin-
ion research carried out at the
University, Withey said power of
some sort is the major applica-
tion in the public's perception.
For the public the most import-
ant nuclear development is the
bomb, he said. Withey's data
showed that one in three persons
can't name uses of atomic energy
other than in bombardment mis-
siles, but 99 per cent know of
wartime use.
Withey added that nearly one
third of the population knows a-
bout some sort of medical ap-
plication of atomic energy, and a
majority approve of President
Eisenhower's suggestion for an in-
ternational pool of atomic skills
and material.
Theologist Speaks
Theologist Elton Trueblood, final
speaker of the morning session,
called problems solved by scient-
ists "almost trivial" when com-
pared with the spiritual problem
of preventing an atomic war.
Trueblood is now on leave from
the Earlham College philosophy
department to serve as chief of
religious information, U.S. Infor-
mation Agency.
Discussing the impact of nuclear
energy on religious thought, True-
blood explained, "The ideological
struggle is. the major struggle and
the one which must be conducted
with passionate conviction."
The theologist noted the moral
problems brought up by the in-
vention of atomic weapons should
not be divided from the work of
the technologists.
"There is no division of respon-
sibility in a situation which is in-
evitably universal," according to
Trueblood. He called "an element
of tragedy" in atomic development
partly responsible for the "obvious
burst of religious vitality" in the
western world.
Neither machines nor devices for
controlling machines will provide
the final solution to human prob-
lems, Trueblood commented.
"Cities are nothing apart from
the people who make them up,"
the theologist said, "and we must
never let impersonal military re-
ports hide from us the fact that
it is men and women and babies
who feel pain."

of new viruses apparently causing
paralytic disease resembling polio
was reported Thursday by a Pitts-'
burgh research team.
The viruses turned up in a new
study which indicates that gamma
globulin-GG-really give fairly
good protection against polio vi-
ruses, or make an attack less se-
Dr. William McD. Hammon and
Mills College
President Will
Speak Here
Changes in educating today's
woman will be reviewed next Tues-
day by Prof. Lynn T. White, Jr.,
president of Mills College in Oak-
land, Calif., in the third lecture of
the University's summer series,
"Woman in the World of Man."
Prof. White, the author of "Edu-
cating Our Daughters: A Chal-
lenge to the Colleges," will speak
on "The Changing Cultural Con-
text of Women's Education."
Also in conjunction with the
University's special summer pro-
gram will be the third in the qur-
rent series, "A Gallery of Women,"
to be presented at 9:30 p.m. next
Friday over WUOM-FM.
This broadcast, titled "Land
Sharks and Ague," will deal with
the experiences of a pioneer wo-
man and homemaker in early Mi-
chigan, and will be based on Car-
oline Kirkland's descriptions of
the state's first settlements.
Mrs. Kirkland's own account of
her experiences as an early sett-
ler is currently on display on the
main floor of the General Library
as part of the exhibit, "Women
as Authors."

associatet of the University of
Pittsburgh made the recheck study
on children given either GG or
useless gelatin in controlled tests
in 1951-52 in Utah, Texas. and Iowa.
Some of the children who came
down with paralytic disease diag-
nosed as polio actually did not
have any of the three viruses
known to cause human polio, the
team told the American Medical
Altogether 16 new viruses were
isolated from children in the study.
Eight of the viruses were not af-
fected at all by GG in laboratory
tests. GG is a blood product which
carries antibodies against the polio
Resembled Polio
Some of these viruses produced
paralytic disease resembling mild
polio, since those children could
not be shown to have been made
sick by the true polio virus, Dr.
Hammon said.
Study of the new viruses is con-
tinuing. Of those tested so far,
none is coxsackie virus, which is
known to cause polio-like illness.
Dr. Hammon said the recheck,
which eliminated cases of sickness
not really due to polio virus, shows
GG appears more effective than
previously thought in guarding
against polio-if the shot of GC
can be given at the right time.
at C



Film Society Sets Summer Schedule

.3' 1

"Queens of the Screen," some
still popular, and some almost for-
gotten, are due to reign in Ann
Arbor during the Gothic Film So-
ciety's summer series, which has
been especially selected to tie in
with the University's program of
"Woman in the World of Man."
The film series, which begins
next week and is scheduled to run
each Monday throughout the ses-
sion, is the fourth summer presen-
tation of the group.

The six films in the series all
feature well-known actresses, or
plots involving famous feminine
characters. Among the stars be-
ing featured are Marie Dressler,
Anna Magnani, Tallulah Bank-
head, Pola Negri, and Mhrlene
Dietrich. The fifth film of the ser-
ies is a well-known French ver-
sion of Joan of Arc.
Since the Society holds all their
showings in the Rackham Amphi-
theater which has an approximate
capacity of only 250, it does not

sell tickets for each performance
singly. Instead, memberships are
sold for the entire series, and mem-
bership cards are issued which en-
title the holder to attend all the
According to Bill Wiegand, di-
rector of the Society, there may be
a limited number of guest tickets
available for single performances
at a later date, but students wish-
ing to attend the series should pur-
chase their $2.50 membership be-
fore the first showing.
a en aFame
ne Anne Porter

-Daily-Marj Crozier
... Safety, citizens
energy and speed to dissipate the
dark clouds of gloom and terror
that surround nuclear fission as a
physical fact and teach young men
and women to live with the atom
and use it wisely."
Dr. Hatcher said that the Uni-
versity's Phoenix Project, estab-
lished in 1948, serves as a drama-
tic demonstration of the impact
of the atom on education.
Following Dr. Hatcher, S.L.A.
Marshall, head editorial writer of
for Ladies
No Appointments Needed
6 Stylists
Air Conditioned
Near Michigan Theater

A concert of sonatas for vio-
lin and piano will be presented
by Emil Raab, assistant profes-
sor of violin and chamber mu-
sic and Benning Dexter, asso-
ciate professor of piano, in
Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:30
p.m. Monday.

Don't Expect St
Warns Katherii

Covers Personal Impact
Covering the nuclear energy
pact on individuals, Stephen


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.. Liberty at Maynard

..2' .

Three Named
For Awards
Three University students have
been honored by the economics
department for outstanding un-
dergraduate work.
John C. Baity, '55, and Jon Sobe-
loff. '55, Daily editorial director,
have been jointly awarded the
Sims Senior Honor Scholarship in
Economics for the academic year
Harry H. Lunn, '54, former Daily
managing editor, was awarded the
Harold D. Osterweil Prize in Eco-
nomics for 1954.
The Sims award of $500 will be
split between Baity and Sobeloff
and the Osterweil prize carries a
$50 honorarium.
Politics Discussion
There will be an irformal dis-
cussion on "Politics" from 7:30 to
9 p.m. today at the International.
Center. All students are invited to
attend. Refreshments will be serv-
Demand has far outstripped the
supply of qualified city planners.

The young writer, for some pe-
culiar reason expects to be pub-
lished overnight, while young
painters do not similarly expect to
have a one-man show nor the
composer to hear his work played
immediately, Katherine Ann Por-
ter told the second annual Michi-
gan Writers conference at the
University yesterday.
Miss Porter, a well known short-
story writer presently on the Uni-
versity faculty, said that "the
practice of any art requires long
training and sacrifice, and writing
is an art."
"As Willa Cather once express-
ed it, there is nothing wrong with
the good, honest work of manu-
facturing stories. Manufacturing
of reading material is as essential
a business as manufacturing cer-
eals, say."
"Don't Tailor Writing"
According to Miss Porter, the
test of whether you are a writer is
likely to be whether you have a
compulsion to write "because you
simply must say something." Such
work, she continued, should not
be "tailored for your friends, your
family, your neighborhood, or your
"The loose essay or occasional
writing of amateurs" is often some
of today's best writing, said Miss
Porter, because so much other
writing is manufactured rather
than being the result of an indi-
vidual's artistic creation.
Warning against "mistaking a
taste, a flair for writing" as true
artistic nature, Miss Porter re-

/ .
,. ; _ i

minded her audience that many
authors whose work is now accept-
ed as classical "worked at some-
thing else to support a family
and also to support their litera-
ture in the manner to which it
insisted on being accustomed."
The first execution in an electric
chair was in August, 1890, in Aub-
urn prison, New York.

.a h

MEALS for the Summer
Phi Rho Sigma
220 N. Ingalls NO 2-5695





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