rAGGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAJLV FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 PAGE TWO FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 THE MICITIGAN DAILY ditPLJ Thte By ALICE B. SILVER Daily Managing Editor HE UNITED STATES ARMY declared open war on Senator McCarthy for 36 days. But unfortunately the Army has never engaged the real enemy . . .. the Senator's 'ism'. The notion that the people McCarthy and Cohn called Communists, subversives and fel- low travelers might not actually be guilty of aything never seemed to occur to anyone in the hearings. Only when McCarthy's smear tactics involved an individual very close to someone in the hearings, were McCarthy and his charges shown for what they usually are-reckless and unfounded. When McCarthy tried to label Fred Fisher, a member of Welch's law firm, as a member of a subversive organization, lawyer Welch told the facts and then called McCarthy indecent. But aside from this rather dramatic incident, members of the Senate committee and the Army side persisted in using the Senator's own language. When he spoke of 130 subversives in the defense plants, no one stuck in the word 'alleged'. And when the Senator mumbled about Major Peress, "the Fifth Amendment Communist," no one bothered to point out that perhaps Major Per- ess is not a Communist just because he used the Fifth Amendment. The name of Aaron Coleman was mentioned frequently. Senator McCarthy called him a Com- munist and so did everyone else, in effect, when they spoke of him. The basis for McCarthy's charge against Cole- man is that one night in 1946 he took home classi- fied material from Ft. Monmouth to work on and that he had a class with Julius Rosenberg, exe- cuted atom spy, when in college. The Army protested the subpoenas of members of the Army loyalty boards. But the point was never made strongly that if a man clears Army personnel who McCarthy happens to think is a Communist it does not mean, as the Senator sug- gested, that that member of the loyalty board is in turn disloyal and worthy of investigation. And at the very time the Army was fighting the Senator in the hearings, it was drawing up new regulations according to the Senator's wishes. For example now anyone in the Army who is under investigation cannot be promoted and performs only menial tasks until his investiga- tion is completed. The Army often initiates an investigation of a draftee because he has been active in college po- litics other than the Young Republican Club or because at one time he attended a meeting of some suspect organization. Very often these investigations last over a year not because there is so much 'on' the person but simply becasue of Army bureaucratic red tape. To keep such a man away from security-work would be a justified precaution. But to keep him as a private doing menial tasks is punishment in the absence of established guilt. Another example of the Army's adoption of the Senator's 'ism' is the "Undesirable Discharge" giv- en a draftee at Monmouth. The draftee was a radar instructor who had re- ceived a commendation from Army officials for loyalty, and conscientious work. He was kept as a radar instructor until he coin- pleted his regular two year stint. But his discharge read "Undesirable" rather than "Honorable." The reason-while in college he belonged to a socialist, anti-Stalinist organization. This case has been brought to light because it has been taken up by Socialist Norman Thomas. But there are many persons who have not been so fortunate. They are forced to go through life unjustly branded by the U.S. Army as "undesir- able," "disloyal" etc. These facts seem to point to one conclusion. The issue between the Army and McCarthy was essentially one of power. The Senator simply tres- passed too far into what the Army considered its own business. The issue was not a moral one, and therefore, the Army has felt no qualms about adopting the McCarthy 'sm'. Money and Music TWO MONTHS ago, Arturo Toscanini retired at the age of 87 as conductor of the NBC Sym- phony Orchestra. The departure from active mu- sical life of this magnificent artist, whoin a ca- reer of over 60 years came to be regarded as a musician of unique stature, was a shock to all who have experienced the ultimate excitement characteristic of a Toscanini performance. Although advancing years presage retirement, somehow the thought that the Maestro would leave off conducting seemed inconsistent with the in- tensity of the man. As time passed, the musical world witnessed the phenomenon of a great artist retaining and expanding-well into what is ordi- narily old age-the concentrated mastery and plas- tic lyricism that mark his genius. But the shock was doubled shortly after, when the National Broadcasting Company announced that the NBC Symphony was to be dissolved. To many, this seemed like an act of wanton ir- responsibility, in sharp contrast with the circum- stances under which the orchestra was founded in 1937. At that time Toscanini, unwilling to bear the obligations-of a full concert season, was about to enter a grossly premature retirement. The Radio Corporation of America, of which both NBC and RCA Victor are parts, offered to create for the Italian master an orchestra which would become, in effect, his personal instrument. The offer, with the lighter work-load involved in weekly broadcasts and recording sessions, brought Toscanini back to New York, where from 1926 to 1936 he had directed that city's Philhar- monic in a memorable decable of music-making. In time, he fashioned the NBC Symphony into a superbly eloquent orchestra. Much credit is due RCA for giving us 17 addi- tional years of Toscanini's art. But this does not mitigate the barbarism involved in destroying the glorious instrument he created. Symphony orches- tras as great as this are not easily come by: they are the products of a hundred musicians, each a virtuoso, merging their individual talents under the direction of a gifted interpreter for years, until there emerges that myriad of complex and collective skills capable of fully communicating tle inner thought of a Beethoven. Once they exist, those responsible have an ob- ligation to maintain them. Such orchestras are priceless, irreplacable instruments, each distinct- ly individual, each a source of rich joys for its audience and a means whereby all can partici- pate in the experiencing of high art. As if to justify the orchestra's destruction, NBC has announced that the cost of maintaining it since 1937 has totalled $17,000,000. But RCA Vic- tor, according to its press releases, has sold $33,- 000,000 worth of Toscanini recordings, the great bulk of which derives from performances made with the doomed orchestra. These recordings, along with others as yet unreleased, will continue in- definitely to enrich the coffers of RCA. Surely, in any case, the principle of maximum profit should not determine the fate of our cul- tural institutions. RCA is a corporation of im- mense wealth and resources. With these should certainly go commensurate responsibilities. Or must we concede that the American system, which delegates so much prestige, scope and power to our great corporations, is antithetical to artistic values whenever art cannot contribute to a rising profit curve? Fortunately, the members of the NBC Symphony do not intend to disband without a struggle. They have called upon their old leader for aid, sending this message to the Maestro in Italy: '"The orchestra you led for so many years re- fuses to die; We . . . have reorganized ourselves and plan to continue as an orchestra. Our first thought-as always-is of you. It is our profound hope that you will be willing to conduct your orchestra at any time you desire. Public res- ponse is very encouraging ... We eagerly await your reply." Whether Toscanini's 87 years will permit his re- turn or not, the possibility that this wonderful or- chestra might not die is heartening. Abandoned by its originators, it may find a securer base in the support of its vast and appreciative audience. -Allan Silver Brief Encounter -~-- -t - pw .4 c,%ofC WASHINGTON-Things you may not know about Winston Churchill: After Winnie suffered a stroke last year, he wiggled his toes desper- ately and persistently every mor- ning to try to bring back his cir- culation: "I'm going to fool Eden yet," he fumed ..Eden is'slated to become Prime Minister if Churchill dies ... Two years ago Churchill confided to a friend that he wished he had passed on the way Roosevelt did during the peak of the war. He said he felt lonely ... But last year the 79-year-old bulldog pulled himself back to life by sheer will power. Tempestuous Life-Churchill has come closer to death more times than any other Britis' statesman. In the Malakand campaign near the Afghanistan border he was al- most killed by a Pathan tribesman. In the Boer War he was captured when an armored train was reck- ed. The Boer who captured him turned out to be Louis Botha, who later became first prime minister of Transvaal ... Arriving by boat in India he fell off the dock and saved himself by grabbing a moor- ing rope ... In World War I he was serving as a lieutenant colonel and left his underground trench to meet a general. The general never kept the appointment. When Chur- chill got back to his trench it had been blown to smithereens ... When 18, while being chased by his brother and cousin in a game at Lady Winborne's home, Chur- chill jumped from a bridge to the tops of some young pine trees be- low. The drop was 30 feet, and he ended up in bed for three months ... In New York forty years later, Churchill stepped off the curb and was hit by a taxi driven by Mario Constasino. Quitedbadly injured, he exonerated the driver, and man- aged to fill all but ten of 45 lec- ture engagements. Impossible Youth-In school at Harrow, Churchill, according to biographer John Coulter, was "mentally unawake except when up to mischief." . . . Once he threw Charles Amery into the Harrow pool. Later Amery became his bio- grapher and served in Churchill's World War II cabinet ... Only one man came to hear Churchill's first speech. It was scheduled to defend the "Entertainment Protection League" and attack those who wanted to ban music halls. When only one man came to hear him, Churchill hocked the watch given him by his father and went out on the town ... Churchill's father was Lord Henry Spencer Churchill. His mother was Jennie Jerome of Rochester, N.Y. ... When told by Field Marshal Slim that the army would adopt a "bastard rifle- half American, half British," Chur- chill replied with solemn gravity: "My dear Marshal, aren't you be- ing a trifle careless with your words? Have you forgotten that I too am half American, half Brit- ish?" Four Wars--Churchill studied not at Oxford or Cahbridge, but at the British West Point, Sandhurst. He had a hard time getting in, didn't make it until the third try. But he graduated eighth in his class ... Within five years after graduation, Churchill managed to get into four wars ... He was an observer for the British army in the Spanish- American War in Cuba; went to the Malakand campaign as a news- paperman-since the British army wouldn't take him as an officer; also covered the Nile War and the Boer War . . . Much later he be- came secretary of war during World War I and was responsible for the tragic decision to attack at n lnii n tm a en T -wl nnlle 7 night talking to Harry Hopkins. Worn out, FDR always retired earlier. U.S. military men disliked these visits, felt Churchill put his views across late, when they had departed and he was left alone with Hopkins ... Winnie wore a crimson and gold kimono, loose bedroom slippers, used to flap down the White House hall to FDR's room. He got up just be- fore noon, drank champagne at lunch, slept in the afternoon, and polished off a bottle of brandy dur- ing the evening ... Mrs. Roose- velt was never too happy about Wi.nnie's visits, usually left town hen he arrived. Churchill's War Politics-Winnie was dead opposed to the second front across the English Channel. That was one reason Stalin hated him. He wanted to wear the Ger- mans out in Italy and the Balkans, which he called the soft underbelly of the Axis .... U. S. generals claimed the belly was anything but soft .... When General Al Wede- meyer, Chief of U.S. War Plans, brusquely opposed Churchill's ideas on a Mediterranean war, Winston arranged to have Wedemeyer trans- ferred to China . .. It wasrWinnie who helped pick Gen. Charles de Gaulle and made him the exiled leader of the Free French, a de- cision he's sometimes regretted ... Another dubious decision was his instruction to General Skobie to "treat Athens as a conquered city." It was this instruction plus Skobie's shooting down of Greek civilians in the streets which turned the' Greeks against the allies and aided the Communists .... Another his- toric decision was Churchill's re- mark: "I was not made prime minister to liquidate the British empire." He said this in connec- tion with FDR's proposal to give Hong Kong back to China thereby strengthening Chiang Kai-Shek - Chiang packed up and started to leave the Cairo conference after Churchill's turndown .... Histori- ans may claim that failure to bol- ster Chiang, plus failure to push the China-Burma front was hat really made China go Communist. Churchill The Author-Churchill has written 33 books including one novel, "Savrola." ... First book was "The Life of Lord Randolph Churchill," a best - seller which paid him $40,000 .... His books on World War I brought him $100,- 000, while his recent books on World War II will net him of a million .... Challenged in Parlia- ment while speaking for Ireland, Churchill once threw a book in the face of Ronald McNeill. It was not his book, but a copy of parliament- ary rules and etiquette. (Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Sir Winston The British people threw Win- ston Churchill out of office in 1945 for two reasons. They had fallen for the pie-in-the- sky promises of the Socialists, and they didn't think the great war leader was the man to guide them to peace. E The Socialists messed up the country's economy and Churchill was called back, but the 1945 ex- pression of doubt still rankled. As his age began to show more and more, he became obsessed with the idea that he could also gain a place in history as a man of peace. His efforts in this direction, which have brought him very close to the frame of mind which possessed British diplomats when they went to Munich in 1938, have also produced a very serious policy split with the United States. So Friday's meeting in Washing- ton was arranged to see if some- thing could be done about it. But Anthony Eden, Churchill's com- panion on the trip and heir ap- parent, just about tore up the con- ferences before they began with his speech in Parliament Wednes- day. Washington officials had expect- ed Britain to agree, once the Ge- neva conferences proved ineffec- tive, to get down to business on es- tablishment of a Southeast Asian security pact. But Eden came up with a codi- cil. Such a security pact is all right, he said, but it should go hand in hand with an Asiatic Lo- carno in which Red China would Join in guaranteeing an Indochina settlement. The Locarno idea harks back to one of the long se- ries of Churchill trial balloons. Eden's speech was badly timed in that it came just when Premier Mendes-France, who is suspected in the United States of being will- ing to accept a cease-fire in Indo- china at any price, was conferring at Bern with Red Chinese Premier Chou in what Sen. Knowland de- scribed as the preparation of a "Far Eastern Munich." Eden gave indications of being prepared to go along with almost any settlement France might make. Eden did all Europe a disserv- ice, too, by being so outspoken just at the time when a fight is developing in Congress over the new foreign aid program. The House Foreign Affairs Committee has just approved the President's proposals, in the main, in the knowledge that a heavy floor fight was probable. This prospect, al- ready fired up by what many Americans consider France's fail- ure to carry her share of the part- nership, is now enhanced by in- creasing dissatisfaction with Brit- ain. IDemocrats Fior Eisenhower IT IS A little ironic to see a group of twenty-three Senators -all but one of them Democrats -fighting to turn the Administra- tion's reciprocal trade bill into one that actually reflects Presi- dent Eisenhower's own views. They will probably not succeed in their effort; the simple one-year ex- tension of the recently expired Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act will presumably be approved; and President Eisenhower will have to renew his battle next year for a realistic liberalization of the coun- try international trade policies. Whatever the outcome, the Democrats' effort is worth while because it re-emphasizes the de- sirability of enlarging and ex- panding the reciprocal trade pro- gram, as President Eisenhower himself desires to do, rather than narrowing and contracting it, as the die-hard protectionist wing of the Republican party would do. One does not have to accept all the arguments and implications of Senator Gore of Tennessee, leader in the battle, to agree that the international positions of the United States would be strength- ened and its domestic economy enhanced if the recommendations of the Randall Commission on Foreign Economic Policy were put into effect. These are the recom- mendations that the President has enthusiastically supported and that the twenty-two Democrats and Senator Morse are now work- ing for. Because of the intense protec- tionist opposition to any liberal- ization at all, the President de- cided some time ago not to in- sist on the Randall proposals at this session but to accept mere one-year extension of the old law. Admittedly, it is no mean accom- plishment of the President to head the Republican party in an en- tirely new direction on the trade and tariff question; and perhaps the President's advisers were right in saying that this was the maxi- mum that could be hoped for at the current session of Congress. Perhaps they were wrong, as tim- orous politicians often are. Wheth- er or not it is the maximum. it! The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 38 Notices President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher cordially invite members of the summer faculty to an informal reception this evening, from eight until ten o'clock, honoring the visiting faculty. The recep- tion will be at the Hatcher home. Use of the Daily Official Bulletin for announcement of meetings, and use of meeting rooms in University Buildings will be restricted to officially recognized student organizations. For procedures and regulations relat- ing to student organizations officers are referred to UNIVERSITY REGULA- TIONS CONCERNING STUDENT AF- FAIRS, CONDUCT, AND DISCIPLINE. Copies are available in the Office of Student Affairs. Student Organizations planning to be active during the summer session must register in the Office of Student Affairs not later than July 2. Forms for regis- tration are available in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Building. Standards of Conduct ALL students, graduate and under- graduate, are notified of the following standards of conduct: Enrollment in the University carries with It obligations in regard to conduct not only inside but outside the class- rooms and students are expected to con- duct themselves in such a manner as to be a credit to themselves and to the University. They are amenable to the laws governing the community as well as to the rules and orders of the Uni- versity officials, and they are expected to observe the standards of conduct ap- proved by the University. Whenever a student, group of stu- dents, society, fraternity, or other stu- dent organization fails to observe eith- er the general standards of conduct as above outlined or any specific rules which may be adopted by the proper University authorities, or conducts him- self or itself in such a manner as to make it apparent that he or it is not a desirable member or part of the Uni- versity, he or it shall be liable to dis- ciplinary action by the proper Univer- sity authorities. Specific rules of con- duct which must be observed are: Intoxicating beverages. The use or presence of intoxicating beverages in student quarters is not permitted. (Committee on Student Conduct, July, 1947.) Women Guests in Men's Residences. The presence of women guests in men's residences, except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events or during calling hours approved by the Office of Student Affairs, is not permit- ted. This regulation does not apply to mothers of residents. (Committee on Student Conduct, January, 1947.) (Fraternitiesrwithout resident house directors and fraternities operating as rooming houses during the summer have no calling hour privileges and may en- tertain women guests only at exchange or guest dinners or for social events ap- proved by the Office of Student Af- fairs.) Responsibility for Maintaining Stan- dards of Conduct. Student organizations are expected to take all reasonable meas- ures to promote among their members conduct consistent with good taste and to endeavor by all reasonable means to insure conformity with the foregoing standards of conduct. University students or student organ- izations are responsible for their guests' compliance with the standards of con- duct. Any student-sponsored function at which conditions arise that are Injuri- ous to the prestige of the University may be abolished by the Committee on Student Affairs. (Regents' Proceedings, May 1923.) It is the joint responsibility of the chaperons and the president of the or- ganization sponsoring a social event to see the University regulations are ob- served, particularly those relating to conduct, presence of women guests, and use of intoxicants (Committee on Stu- dent Affairs, November 13, 1946) Registration of Social Events: Social events sponsored by student or- men are to be present must be approv- ganizations at which both men and wo- ed by the Dean of Students. Applica- tion forms and a copy of regulations governing these eventsmay be secured In the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Building. Requests for approval must be submitted to that of- fice no later than noon of the Mon- day before the event is scheduled. A list of approved social events will be published in the Daily Official Bulle- tin on Thursday of each week. Exchange and Guest Dinners may be held in organized student residences (operating a dining room) between 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. for weekday dinners and. between 1 p.m.-3 p.m. for Sunday din- ners. These events must be announced to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the sched- uled date. Guest chaperons are not re- quired. Calling Hours for Women in Men's Residences. In University Men's Resi- dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m.-10:30 p.m.; Nelson International House, Fri- day, 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Saturday 2:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m. and from8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m.-10:30 p.m. This privi- lege applies only to casual calls and not to planned parties., Women callers in men's residences are restricted to the main floor of the resi- dence. Any veteran who is eligible for, and wants, education and training allow- ance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) MUST report to Office of Veter- ans' Affairs, Room 555 Administration Building between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of this week if he is enrolled in the University for the first time. He must have with him his tuition receipt and any Veter- ans Administration forms he may have received. Ushers are urgently needed for Anna Russell concert at Hill Auditorium on Monday, July 19. If you are interested in ushering for this concert, please re- port to Mr. Warner at Hill Auditorium between 5 and 6 p.m. during the week of June 28. PERSONNEL REQUESTS R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chicago, Ill., is interested in hearing from August men graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A who are looking for positions in Sales, Administration, and Manufacturing. The Gardner Board & Carton Co., Middletown, Ohio, has a position open in Industrial Relations for a man grad- uate in Bus. Ad. or LS&A. Experience is not required. A Major Michigan Industry is cur- rently in the market for August grad- uates or returning veterans who are In- terested in a promising business execu- tive career. Fortadditional information concern- Ing these and other employment op- portunities, contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics. Or- ganizational meeting will be heldi4 Room 3020 Angell Hall at 12 noon. Fri day, June 25. ENGLISH TEACHERS Friday afternoon, June 25, 2 :00-4:0 p.m, in the Architecture AuditorirM will be the first showing In Michigan. of the Hallmark Playhouse two hout television production of KING RICH- ARD IL. This film will be available free dur- ing the coming year to English teach- ers, and the showing this afternoon will provide the only opportunity you will have to preview this film. Full details on procurement of the film for use in your classes next year will be given at the showing. The showing will last two hours, and will begin promptly at 2:00 p.m. Lectures International Congress on Nuclear En- gineering, auspices of the American In stitute of Chemical Engineers. Techni- cal sessions. 9:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. Association for Computing Machinery Annual Meeting, auspices of the Col- lege of Engineering. Technical sessions. 9:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M., Angell Hall. Michigan Writers' Conference, auspices of the Department of English Language and Literature. Morning session. "Lt- erary Markets and Marketing." Ann Watkins, literary agent, New York City, 10:30 a.m., 1035 Angell Hall. Afternoon session. Individual'manuscript confer- ences 2:00 p.m., Hopwood Room. University Lecture, auspices of Uni- versity Botanical Gadens, "The Nat- ural History of New Caledonia," Dr. M G. Baumann-Bodenhelm of the Bot- anical Garden of Zurick, Switzerland. 4:15 P.M. Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Academic Notices Sports and Dance Instruction-Wo- men Students Classes in golf; tennis; swimming; posture,, figure and carriage; and mo- dern dance are open to all women stu- dents registered in summer school. Tak advantage of this free Instruction! Equipment for all activities is available for class use. Sign up for classes now In Barbour Gymnasium, Office 15. Exhibitions Clements Library. Rare aStronomica works. General Library. Women as Authors. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Museum Hours, Monday through Friday 1-5; Sunday 2-5. Michigan Historical Collections. The University in 1904. Museum of Art. Three Women Paint- ers. Museums Building, rotunda exhibit. Indian costumAs of the North Ameri- can plains. Events Today Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is open today from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for the sale of season tickets for the Depart- ment of Speech summer plays. Includ- ed on the series are Shakespeare's HAM LET, July 7-10; Mary Chase's MRS. Mc- THING, July 21-24; Sheridan's THE CRI- TIC, July 28-31; and Mozart's opera THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, with The School of Music, August 5, 6, 7 and 9 Season tickets are $6.00-$4.75-$3.25. International Students are guests this afternoon at the S.R.A. Punch Hour at Lane Hall from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Spont sored by the International Committee of Inter-Guild, this informal occasion will introduce the student directors of Inter-Guild. Coming Events Excursion to Henry Ford Museizn, Greenfield Vilage & Edison Institute' ending with dinner at Belle Isle and Band Concert. Saturday-9 a.m. to mid- night. $1.50 plus food. Call Lane Hall (NO 3-1511, extj 2851) for reservation by Wednesday night. Seventh Annual Conference on Aging. June 28-30. A DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN a s {, _r 3" CuRRMN mOv IE Architecture Aiuditorium .. VIVA ZAPATA, with Marion Brandon and Jean Peters. The excellence of this picture has not gone un- mentioned, and the reasons for it are plain. Besides having Marlon Brando as its star, some- where in Hollywood John Steinbeck, Darryl Zan- uck, and Elia Kazan pooled their talents with the effectiveness they are capable of, and the re- sulting film is a quiet masterpiece. There are no splashy concoctions here, just a simple story of ignorant people trying to save themselves and their land. u Zapata himself was little more than a bandit, a strong-willed but ordinary man who fought hard and thought little. But the effect of his strength on the people was enough to make them shake off their indigence and defend their tra- ditional lands against the power-hungry soldiers who ruled Mexico. Of the relatively unimportant bandit Stein- beck has created a "people's hero," and the story has all of Steinbeck's understanding of the common toiler. His knowledge of Mexico and the wit of simple men makes this a pic- ture with few technical flaws and a great deal of the subtle relief which such a film requires. ('Iff t1. In PI~ra.n n n of fnllrxnnA ,-..+nva-a. rl..-.. wonder whether his versatility can match Clift's. In "Viva Zapata" he is again a rough, good young man whose violent actions mask shrewdness and kindness. Jean Peters plays a very subsidiary part-- just as the remainder of the cast does-and like them she responds appropriately to Bran- do. Her function is simply to highlight Zapata's restless nature, and this much she can manage capably. Anthony Quinn, who portrays Zapa- ta's brother, is a cruder sort of man, a hard- drinking fast-living bandit whose impetuosity is contrasted with Brando's simple honesty. There are a few stock characters, and Stein- beck is again rather sketchy in maintaining any sort of continuity between his excellent scenes, but for the most part this is the kind of film of which Hollywood is eminently capable but unusu- ally chary. -Tom Arp New Books at Library Simenon, Georges - Tidal Wave; New York, Doubleday, 1954. Bryan, J. Aircraft Carrier; New York, Ballantine Books, 1954. Caldwell, Taylor-Never Victorious, Never De- Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter...Co-Managing] Alice B. Silver....Co-Managing Becky Conrad...........Night Rona Friedman...........Night Wally Eberhard............Night Sue Garfield...........Women's Hanley Gurwin...........Sports7 Jack Horwitz......Assoc. SportsI E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports7 Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor The following student sponsored so- cial events are approved for the coming #week-end. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on the Monday prior to the event. June 25- School of Education Alice Lloyd Hall Phi Delta Phi June 26- Michigan Christian Fellowship Alice Lloyd Hal Phi Delta Phi June 27- Phi Delta Phi Pi Lambda Theta Meeting-Monday, June 28, at 5:30 at the Women's Swim- ming Pool; at 6:15 picnic supper in the Women's Athletic Building. For reservation call NO 8-8958. Single graduate students and young people of post-college age are invited to join with the Fireside Forum group t'- Business Staff Dick Alstrom.........Business Manager Lois Pollack.......Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks........Advertising Manager a