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June 25, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-06-25

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 t IV




US. Officials
Brush Aside
British Plan
Proposal Widens
u Asia Policy Gap
can officials coldly brushed aside
Thursday a surprise British pro-
posal for a Western agreement
with the Communist world to guar-
antee peace in Southeast Asia.
The British plan, publicly pro-
posed by Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden Wednesday, appeared
to have widened sharp differences
between the two governments on
the eve of Prime Minister Church-
ill's meeting with President Eisen-
hower. Their talks open Friday at
the White House.
Decline, Open Comment
The White House and State De-
partment declined to comment
openly on Eden's plan or answer
in any way his criticism of Amer-
ica's Asiatic foreign policy.
But, privately, top officials made
no effort to disguise their indigna-
tion that Eden should have aimed
this volley of public criticism at
the United States just prior to a
conference which was set up to
harmonize British-American Far
East policies.
Eisenhower is reported to have
discussed Eden's remarks with
k Secretary Dulles at the White
Dulles was reported angry and
surprised that Eden had not told
the State Department in advance
about the nature of his proposal.
In addition, the secretary was
said to regard the Eden plan as
Simpractical and another obstacle
to his 3-month-old drive to organ
ize an anti-Communist united front
t" including Britain, as the best
means of blocking new Red aggres-
sion in Southeast Asia.
Widens Disagreement
Eden's speech appeared to have
widened his disagreement with
Dulles to the point where Ameri-
can officials wondered whether
any substantial progress could
come from the Churchill-Eisen-
hower conferences.
Echoing a belief Churchill long
has held, Eden suggested a "re-
ciprocal arrangement in which
both sides took part, such as
Locarno." In the 1925 Locarno
treaty, G e r m a n y, Belgium,
France, Great Britain and Italy
joined in guaranteeing peace in
Western Europe in a move to
ease tensions.
In rejecting any such idea now,
American officials made it clear
they believed any pledge by Rus-
sia and its Communist partners
would be worthless as a major fac-
tor in maintaining Asiatic peace.
In another development bearing
on trafficking with Communists,
Sen. Knowland (R-Calif) said
X Thursday that French Premier
Mendes-France and Premier Chou
En-lal of Red China "are prepared
"~to negotiate a Far Eastern Mu-
Just as Hitler gained what he
wanted at the pre-World War II
Munich conference with Prime
Minister Chamberlain of Britain,
Knowland said, Chou is bidding for
all the Tonkin Delta in Viet Nam.
Cole Urges
Atom Agency
Without Reds

American initiative should be
used toward creating a peacetime
atomic energy agency-even with-
out Russia's participation, W. Ster-
ling Cole (R-NY), chairman of the
Joint Congressional Atomic Energy
Committee, urged yesterday.
In a speech which which was
read in his absence to the Inter-
national Congress of Nuclear En-
gineering convening at the Uni-
versity, Cole backed President
Eisenhower's atomic pool proposal,
maintaining it would help set in
motion a "peacetime atomic cru-
sade" against poverty, hunger and
He stated that military planners
are convinced that tactical atomic
weapons-those applicable for use
in ground warfare and favoring
defensive forces-can deter the
Russians from ever attempting a
sweep through Western Europe.
Cole asserted that while there
can be no weakening in the United
States' resolve to increase the






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Guatemala Honduras May Break off Diplomatic Relation.
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"0JI lI T uFuus I mix"

Claim New
Ground Gains
Battle Continues
At Chiquimula
Guatemala's army boasted Thurs-
day that it was advancing on
"all fronts" and promised a speedy
end to the week-old anti-Commu-
nist invasion.
But the "Liberation" forces of
Guatemalan Col. Carlos Castillo
Armas, leader of the revolt to
overthrow the leftist regime of
President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman,
claimed they were holding 16 towns
inside Guatemala. 0
The fifth rebel communique of
the day declareda battle was con-
tinuing in "bloody fashion" for Chi-
qu mula, a little over 20smies in-
side the border and less than 70
miles northeast of the capital city.
Seven Wounded
Meanwhile well-informed sources
reported that Honduras is about to
dem: nd the expulsion of Amadeo
Chinchilla, Guatemalan ambassa-
dor, on the grounds that he insti-
gated leftist students here to stage
a demonstration in the Honduran
capital Wednesday. Seven persons
were wounded when police opened
There were signs of a possible
break in diplomatic relations be-
tween the two countries.
Guatemala has charged Ho-
duras with aiding the rebellion
against her government, and Hon-
duras Thursday protested a bomb-
ing of her territory allegedly by
Guatemalan planes.
The Guatemalan radio Thursday
reported "many dead and wound-
ed" in the army's advance, and
said seven rebels wee captured.
Claim Communications Cut
The rebel "Liberatio. army 's"
communique claimed that com-
munications had been cut between
Guatemala City, the capital, and
Zacapa, and between Zacapa and
the chief Caribbean port, Puerto
Barrios. Zacapa is midway on the
main railroad between the capital
and the port.
The general opinion here ap-
peared to be that the rebel drive
has lost its momentum and that
failure of the Guatemalan peas-
ants to join in a spontaneous up-
rising upset the invaders' plans.
The government broadcast said
the army made advances "on all
fronts" despite bad weather. Col.
Carlos Castillo Armas, the rebel
chief, said Wednesday the rain
had slowed down his forces.
Radio 'Plugs Hard'
There was little information
from the clandestine rebel radio,
which heretofore has reported
daily gains and the capture of
various towns.
The government radio has been
plugging hard to keep the peas-
ants behind the leftist government,
addressing the overwhelmingly il-
literate Indian population.
The radio reminded the peas-
ants the Arbenz regime was re-
sponsible for the present land re-
form law and asserted it had been
bitterly opposed by the U.S.-owned
United Fruit Co., which has ex-
tensive holdings in Guatemala.
The chief objection voiced to the
government's expropriation of land
for distribution among landless
peasants has been that there was
no satisfactory arrangement for
compensating -the former owners.

Steel Employees'
Strlke in Detroit
Company Charges 73 Contract
Violations Committed by Union
DETROIT-P)-Great Lakes Steel Corp., in a president-to-
president telegram, charged the CIO United Steel Workers of Ameri-
ca with 73 contract violations which led to a general strike yester-
day at the firm's 10,000-employe plant in suburban Ecorse.
Paul Carnahan, president of the steel firm, said the strike was
an outgrowth of two illegal work stoppages Wednesday.
His telegram to David J. McDonald, steel workers president, saidj
the union would be held respon-
sible for "the great damages" suf- to the statement, followed a re-
fered by the steel firm. fusal by a six-man crew ordered
14 Suspended to make repairs on a company
Two disputes at the plant Wed- train in the slab yard. Supervis-
nesday resulted in suspensions for ors said the men claimed a sev-
14 workers, two of whom are re- enth man was required to com-
presentatives of the union's local plete a crew for the job. A dis-
1299. pute followed; the statement said,
In the face of "work stoppage" and five of the men were suspend-
charges, union district represen- ed.-

VISITOR - Prime Minister
Winston Churchill left Lon-
don last night for a flight to
Washington and weekend talks
with President Eisenhower
about how to contain Commu-
nism without touching off an
atomic war. The 79-year-old
Premier was accompanied by
Foreign Secretary Anthony
Eden and other advisers.,
Dea'n Urges
Peace Uses
For Atom

:.:::::::.::::::::.::::::: : " : ".,.,...:.:...,...... M


tative Thomas Shane accused
Great Lakes of attempting to pro-
voke trouble. He said the company
was trying to impose slave con-
ditions on its employes.
The union is bargaining nation-
ally for a wage increase from all
major steel companies. Its present

t .. Y - - -. - ^ - r 1

"Today we are on the threshold contract expires June 30 and na-
of a new era," said Gordon Dean, tional leaders have warned that
former chairman of the Atomic the rule after that date will be no
Energy Commission, last night at contract-no work.
the banquet which concluded the Major Steel Supplier
1st International Nuclear Engineer- Great Lakes is a major steel
ing Congress held here during this supplier for the automotive indus-
week, try. Its officials said it has been
Speaking on "Atoms for Peace" operating at 75 per cent capacity
to the scientists and w~iters who, for the past several months.
came here from all over the Carnahan issued a prepared!
country and world to attend the statement describing the two inci-
Congress, Dean said, "Today we dents which led to the walkout.
have much knowledge but we do One, according to the statement,
not have a monopoly on that involved a refusal by three em-
knowledge-the secrets of atomic ployes to accept assigned jobs on
energy are in the hands of nature. the grounds they were physicallya
Must Change Policy * unable to do the work.
Since we do not have a monopoly Supervisor's orders for the men!
we must make certain changes in to take a company physical exam-
weurstomaky eanee changs in ination, the statement said, also
our oliy, eanfees. irs wewere refused. The refusal led to a
must out stockpile Russia in hope ive-a usension fte which
of deterring further agression, he thvea suspension after which
said. the men are subject to dismissal.
Then, we must nave an inter- Picket Line Established
change of information of a "non- The second incident, according

The Great Lakes firm has con-N
eluded that its employes must re-
turn to work in accordance with e
the terms of the contract and that
through the orderly grievance
procedure set forth in the pact.
Meanwhile, a strict picket line By ALLAN SILVER
barred even plant protection men "Literary agents often know more about their authors than the
from entering Michigan's largest authors' wives or husbands," commented Ann Watkins, New York
steel producing plant. literary agent, speaking yesterday afternoon in Angell Hall.
Her lecture was the second in the University's special summer
Site program, "Woman in the World of Man."
"It's a doctor-patient relationship," added Miss Watkins. "Agents
must have a sense of responsibil-9
ity and authors must have com- couldn't get a publisher between 4
Or '"'n ' plete faith in their agents." and 5 p.m."
Tells Agents Duties Agents have had to overcome
i $ _ _ _ .. _.. ., ,...some.1nos...+ y; as . n e~.. ir 1U i nvCL f



weaponous" nature, he continued.
Lastly, there must be an inter-
national exchange of information
on atomic energy for peaceful
means and here we must be bold.
"We have only begun to capi-
talize on, or harness, the atom,"
he elaborated. "The most cannot
be realized until there is a free
exchange, but our present laws
make cooperation impossible."
"Penalty on Creative Thought
There is no security risk in
peaceful exchange, he emphasized
and a program will not work if
there are many restrictive details.
"We must completely unshackle
ourselves from bonds of secrecy
in the non-weapons field."
"If we- don't cooperate on the
peaceful atom," he added, "we
may aggravate the destructive
"The world today places not a
premium but a penalty on creative
thought," he continued. "We must
release the enquiring mind, for
fear can be an awakener and de-
If there is a war, he speculated,
all the art, wisdom and culture
of the 'past will be destroyed. It
will require all our energy to work
for peace.

Group Vetoes
Support Plan
WASHINGTON '(-The Eisen-
hower administration's plan for
flexible price supports for farm
products took an 8-7 beating in the
S e n a t e Agriculture Committee
Thursday. Chairman Aiken (R-Vt)
predicted the Senate ultimately
would reverse the decision.
A bare majority of the commit-
tee voted-as the House Agricul-
ture Committee had previously
voted 21-8-to keep the govern-
ment support prices at a high,
fixed level for another year on
the basic crops. These are wheat,
corn, cotton, rice, tobacco and pea-
For more than a week, the 15
Senate committeemen had been on
notice that the crucial vote would
come Thursday. Sen. Young (R-
ND), an unrelenting critic of the
flexible system asked by President
Eisenhower and Secretary Ben-
son, proved to be exactly right in
come out.

Colorado Springs
Named by Talbott }
Force announced Thursday that
the nation's Air Force Academy,
counterpart of Annapolis and West
Point, will be built at Colorado
Springs, Colo., in the shadow of
the Rocky Mountains.
In making the anouncement,
Air Force Secretary Talbott said
a temporary academy home in
Denver will be used to house the
first cadet class of 300 which is
scheduled to start July 1, 1955.
The permanent home at Colorado
Springs is not expected to be ready
for use until July 1, 1957.
Consider Three Sites
Three possible sites had been un-
der consideration, the other two
being Lake Geneva, Wis., and Al-
ton, Ill. Although Talbott made no
mention of it in his announcement,
citizen groups from Lake Geneva
and Alton had publicly objected to
having the academy built there.
Pentagon speculation as to the
choice of the site had been heavily
in favor of the Colorado Springs
site. It is located near the head-
quarters of the Air Defense Com-
mand and a favorite spot of many
Air Force generals.
It was reported that President
Eisenhower had a private choice
for the home of the academy, but
he didn't make it public. However,
60 miles north of the academy
site, is Mrs. Eisenhower's home
town and the President took a va-
cation near Denver last year.
In commenting on the Colorado
Springs choice, Talbott described
it as "admirable for the establish-
ment and development" of the

Describing the functions of the
literary agent, Miss Watkins point-
ed out that a thorough knowledge
of the market is essential to the
author. "If the author tried to fol-
low the market, he wouldn't have
time to write." The job of the
literary agent is to be informed as
to what sort of material is in de-
mand by particular publishers and
magazines, she said.
Agents are sometimes consulted
by editors and publishers, accord-
ing to Miss Watkins, in search of
authors for particular assignments.
The assignments of Arthur Miller
to do a piece on the University, re-
cently published in "Holiday," wad
at her suggestion, she related.
Authors often consult agents
with ideas for proposed novels,
said Miss Watkins, citing the case
of the recent best-seller "King's
Row," which she was able to sell
on the basis of its synopsis.
Business 'Unpredictable'
Outlining the unpredictability of
the publishing business, Miss Wat-
kins emphasized that "there's no
guessing as to what will and can
happen to a book. I don't know
how many books were lost during
the McCarthy-Army hearings. Ev-
eryone ran to television. You
Heart Attack
Strikes Moody
Former Michigan senator Blair
Moody was reported yesterday in
critical condition after suffering
a sudden and severe heart attack
in the town of Hancock, at, the be-
ginning of a campaign swing
through the Upper Peninsula.

some hostility as their functions
developed, Miss Watkins reminis-
ced. She told how a magazine edi-
tor some years ago, about to re-
tire, instructed his son "never to
have anything to do with a liter-
ary agent."
The son, said Miss Watkins, "is
in the audience and he is my hus-
band. But he didn't marry me
until after his father died."
Flood Fighters
Battle Waters
In Iowa Crisis
DES MOINES (R)-Flood fighters
stayed ahead of the swollen waters
of the Des Moines River on all
major fronts here Thursday night
as a record crest of just over 30
feet surged through the city.
"We have every reason to be-
lieve we shall be able to ride out
the flood but we can't let down un-
til this crest drops several feet,"
said City Manager Leonard How-
After reaching an apparent peak
of 30.19 feet at 7 a.m. CST the
river held almost steady for hours.
The crest was far higher than the
26.5-foot peak reached in the 1947
flood when a major levee broke.
Far downstream Ottumwa, last'
major point before'the Des Moines
joins the Mississippi, girded for
high waters over the weekend. A
crest of 161/2 to 17 feet is due in
Ottumwa Sunday night but officials
there said they were confident
their defenses could handle such a

Off Formosa
Note Demands
Return of Vessel
Felix B. Stump, U. S. Pacific
Fleet commander,said yester-
day "no U. S. warship seized
any Russian ship."
Stump made the statement
after he was read an Associated
Press dispatch about Russia's
protest of the alleged incident.
MOSCOW (Friday) MA-Russia,
in a stiff note to the United States,
reported a Soviet tanker carrying
paraffin was intercepted in the
China Sea off Formosa Thursday,
and accused the U. S. Navy of
seizing the vessel, its crew and
The note, made public Friday,
demanded the immediate return of
vessel, crew and cargo and "se-
vere punishment of the American
officials responsible for this unlaw-
ful act." It threatened to take
"appropriate measures for safe-
guarding the security of Soviet
merchant ships sailing in that
Could Mean Patrols
(This threat could presage pos-
sible Soviet naval patrols in the
water approaches to Indochini, and
Southeast Asia.
(The U.S. State Department In
Washington acknowledged it, had
received such a note from the
Kremlin. Department Press Offi-
cer Lincoln White said the note
gave ''no evidence that the United
States had anything to do with the
ship seizure." He said the United
States will reply to the note in due
U.S. Ambassador Charles E.
Bohlen was summoned to the
Soviet Foreign Ministry late Thurs-
day to receive one of the toughest
notes yet exchanged between the
two countries. It threatened to
plunge U.S.-Soviet relations to a
new low.
Forced at Gunpoint
The note said it received a re-
port at 4 a.m. from the skipper of
the Soviet tanker Tuapse that it
was being forced at gunpoint to fol-
low a destroyer-type warship in an
area about 300 miles south of the
Nationalist Chinese island of For-
"Further fate of the Soviet ves-
sel and of its crew is unknown,"
the note said. "It is obvious that
seizure of the Soviet tanker by a
warship in waters under control of
the U.S. Navy could be brought
about only by the naval forces of
the U.S.A."
Senate Passes
Foreign Trade
Agreement Act
WASHINGTON (A') - The Senate
Thursday night passed a one-year
extension of the 20-year-old recip-
rocal Trade Agreements Act de-
spite Democrats' cries that the ex-
tension was "an empty gesture."
The vote was 71-3. Sens. Butler
(R-Neb), Malone (R-Nev) and Mc-
Carran (D-Nev) voted no.
Before the final decision the
chamber beat down, 45-32, a Dem-
ocratic move for a liberalized,

three-year extension, as originally
favored by President Eisenhower,
The one-year bill now goes back
to the House for consideration of
minor Senate amendments. Its
passage complies with the latest
stand of President Eisenhower, al-


Experts Discuss Social Implications of Nuclear Energy

Social impact of nuclear energy
took the spotlight yesterday in the
all-day non-technical session of
five-day international c o n a r e s s

ic war is so great that our safety
standards now are the lowest in1
all the history of the country, ac-:
cording to safety speaker Robert i
J. Hansen.I
'Na- -nca '*a mmn af the ' M

itary men believe some of an at-
tacking enemy air force or guided
missile fleet would certainly reach
their target. Hansen said this sit-
uation makes it imperative that
plans be develoned. for rapid evac-

promise for the future in medical
Professor of pathology at Har-
vard Medical School, Dr. War-
ren discussed the impact of nuc-
lear enerav on health.

ren said better and cheaper diag-
nosis is also proveded by products
of atomic energy.
Impact of atomic energy on the
health of workers in atomic energy
plants has led to the development

waste fission products is still a
significant hurdle to be met in the
large scale use of atomic energy.
Dr. Warren commented that the
declassification of some atomic
energy data has permitted the pro-

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