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June 24, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-06-24

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ravesC IG N AIY HRSAYaJNE24 15

200 Astronomers Eleet New President, End Meeting

The American Astronomical So-
ciety ended its 91st gathering aft-
er the election of new president
Donald H. Menzel, Harvard Obser-
vatory, at their business meeting
here yesterday afternoon.
Some 200 members of the society
attended the gathering here to
hear reports of progress from
throughout the field of astronomy
and.to discuss and make plans for
future research.
Prof. R. R. McMath, the out-
going president, is a member of the
University astronomy department
and director of the McMath-Hul-
bert Observatory at Pontiac.
The following are samples of re-
ports delivered to the Society.
Sun's Surface
Dr. Martin Schwarzchild, Prince-
ton University Observatory, says
experts are still uninformed about
the sun's granular surface although
they have known about it and ob-
served it for hundreds of years.
He expressed doubt that earth-
bound telescopes would ever be
able to observe through the atmos-
phere sufficiently well to solve the
riddle of the rice-grain structure
of granulation of the sun's surface,
but suggested that high-altitude
balloons carrying specially design-
ed telescopes could be used to shed
light on this problem.
Balloons that can carry a pay,'
load of 1,000 pounds at heights of
50,000 feet are now available. With
practically all the earth's atmos-
phere below such heights, the ap-
paratus would be employed to take
short-exposure photographs on the
sun's surface.
Water on Venus
Harvard astronomers Donald H.
Menzel and Fred L. Whipple, have
proposed that the planet Venus may
be a world completely covered by
an ocean of water. This theory con-
tradicts earlier beliefs that there
is little or no water on that planet
Early Woman
Show Slated
"Alice Freeman Goes to Michi-
gan," the story of one of the Uni-
versity's first coeds, will be pre-
sented at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow by
WUOM-FM, the University broad-
casting service.
This will be the second in a ser-
les of programs, "A Gallery of
Women," presented in conjunc-
tion with the summer session pro-
gram of Woman in the World of


because its spectrum does not show
any bands characteristic of the
water molecule.
The father and " son team of H.
D. and H. W. Babcock announced
that m~agnetic areas on the sun
with only one pole "showing" have
been found with a solar magneto-
Sun's Surface
Astronomers have long known
that 'the sun's surface is covered
with magnetic areas, some posi-
tive in polarity, some negative. In
sunspots, too, some spots are posi-
tive, some negative-each of a pair
of spots always having opposite
polarity, as if the disturbance caus-
ing the spot curls down under the
surface with its oppositely mag-
netized ends protruding.
According to the Babcock's re-
port, these new regions, called "U-
M" for unmagnetic, are predom-
inently of one sign, and it is not
at all obvious where the emerging
magnetic flux returns to the sun.
They are not related to other fea-
tures of the sun's §urface prom-
inences, or corona.
Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin, of
the University astronomy depart-
ment announced that the first space
travelers' to reach the planet Mars,
will find it a lifeless world. He
proposed that the dark markings
on Mars' red surface are drifts
of volcanic ash, and not vegetation
as has long been conjectured.

League To Hold Full Social
Calendar for Summer Students

" I




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Center for all organized women'sv
activities on campus, the Michigan
League will carry on a full-time
social program throughout the
summer session.
Mainly for the purpose of getting
acquainted with other summer stu-
dents, the League Council has set
up a varied program, including
square and ballroom dancing,
bridge lessons, duplicate bridge
and television.
Saturday Dance.
Weekly Saturday night dances
will be held from 9 p.m. to mid-
Sailing Club
Meets Today
If you have any inhibitions about
sailing you may be able to crys-
talize your latent desires into a
reality by attending the summer
organizational meeting of the Uni-
versity Sailing Club at 7 o'clock
today in Room 3A of the Union.
The Sailing Club has a fleet of
11 boats which they own. They sail
from Base Line Lake, 18 miles west
of Ann Arbor. The 20-year-old Club
also owns property on the lake
where they plan to build a club-
house this summer.
Spokesmen for the Club said
that only a slight minority of the
members have ever had a practi-
cal knowledge of sailing before
they joined and started making
the weekend excursionsto the lake.
Beginners learn from the in-
formal instructions given at the
start of each sailing season by
Club members.
Free Coed Lessons
Women students can sign up for
free lessons in swimming, golf,
and tennis starting today at Bar-
bour Gym.
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night throughout summer school,
featuring Al Townsend and his
orchestra, with vocals by Harley
Rex. The all-campus dances will
be in the Michigan and Vanden-
berg Rooms of the League. Admis-
sion will be 50 cents.
Ballroom dancing lessons are
available each Wednesday in the
Hussey Room of the League. The
classes will meet with the instruc-
tor, Mrs. Doris Martinak to learn
ballroom steps, including the fox
trot, rumba, samba, waltz, and
others like the Charleston and
Mexican hat dance.
Beginners' classes will start at
7 p.m., while tne more advanced
students will meet at 8 p.m. The
cost is $3 for six six lessons for
men. Coeds are admitted free of
Bridge Lessons
Dr. Shoenfield will teach bridge
lessons, sponsored by the League
social committee, from 7:30 to
9 p.m. each Tuesday night. Be-
ginners, intermediates and ad-
vanced players will all attend the
same sessions at the beginning of
the series.
The lessons will be taught at
$3 for six lessons for men and
Duplicate bridge will be the main
attraction in the League at 7:30
p.m. The charge for a whole even-
ing of bridge is 50 cents per per-
son, and bridge players are re-
quested to try to bring their own
At the classes, students will be
given detailed mimeog r a p h e d
sheets of instruction and will learn
while they play. The duplicate
bridge sessions will be headed by
Mrs. Walter McLean.
The Round-Up Room in the base-
ment of the League will be open
for breakfast, lunch and dinner
every day except Sunday. The
summer hours are 7:15 a.m. to
5 p.m. Monday through Friday and
,7:15 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday.

Noted Actor
Kane Opens
Here July 5
Whitford Kane, emnent Shake-
spearean actor, will return here
this summer to play his most
famous role: First Gravedigger in
Shakespeare's 'Hamlet," s c h e d -
uled to open Monday, July 5 at
the University.
Directed by Iden Payne, "Ham-
let" will be presented through
July 10 as the first in the series
of performances on the Depart-
ment of Speech Summer Playbill.
Irish Native
Actor-director Kane, a native of
Ireland, started his stage career
at the turn of the century in Eng-
lish repertory companies. In his
career he has played the First
Gravedigger with more than 20 of
the greatest Hamlets in the last
50 years.
Kane speculates that he has
buried more than 35 Ophelias, the
numerical discrepancy due to few
Hamlets retaining the same Ophel-
ia for any length of time.
His last Ann Arbor appearance
was in 1949 in Paul Vincent Car-
roll's "The White Steed." Since
then Kane has toured with the
Katherine Hepburn production of
"As You Like It." He also has
appeared inknumerous television
Kane's other AnnArbor perf or-
mances include "The Pigeon,"
"Juno and the Paycock," "Excur-
sion," "The Shoemaker's Holiday,"
"Our Town," "Escape" and "Hob-
son's Choice."
The summer session plays will
all begin at 8 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre in the Michi-
gan League.
The other plays are Mary
Chase's comedy, "Mrs. McThing,"
running July 21-24; George Brins-
ley Sheridan's farce, "The Critic,"
to be given July 28-31; and Mo-
zart's opera, "The Marriage of
Figaro," scheduled to run August
5, 6, 7 and 9 in conjunction with
the University School of Music.
Season tickets are on sale now
at the Lydia Mendelssohn box of-
fice, with individual sales begin
ning Monday, June 28. Tickets are
priced at: season - $6, $4.75 and
$3.25; individual - $1.75, $1.40 and
$1 for "Hamlet."
Huebner Tells
Of Computors'
Signif icance
In an address before the Asso-
ciation for Computing Machinery
yesterday, Georbe Huebner said
that the development of electron-
ic computers has given science
and engineering the greatest im-
petus since the invention of cal-
The Chrysler Corp. executive
engineer added, "Calculus gave
man the key to the understanding
of dynamic phenomena. And now
electronic computers make possi-
ble expansion of useful knowledge
on a mass-production basis."
Huebner's talk was given at a
dinner at the Union, which fol-
lowed a day of speeches for the
engineers. Earlier in the day, John
Spellman of Arthur Andersen In-
corporated, S. B. Williams, presi-
dent of the Association, and the
technical director of Bendix Re-
search laboratories A. C. Hall
Electronic computers have op
ened up two broad avenues to ac-
celerted rogres, Hebne si

celerated progress, Huebner said
"The first is the tremendous sav-
ing in engineering manhours that
these machines make possible."
The second avenue lies "in the
thrilling expectations of being able
to obtain rational solutions tc
problems which could never be
Ssolved by longhand methods."
Emphasizing computors part ir
automotive research, he explain-
ed that they have given "virtually
unlimited ability" to solve any
problems which engineers can con-
Huebner received his BS in me-
chanical- engineering from the
University in 1932.

All summer session students
are invited to enjoy a tea hour
from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the
International Center. The in-
formal tea is an opportunity
for foreign and American stu-
dents to get acquainted.
TU' To Offer
Near East
Study Series
Leading archaeologists and his-
torians of the Near East will visit
the University campus this sum-
mer to participate in a public lec-
ture series on "Studies in Near
Eastern Culture."

i i


Ann Arbor-a place well known
for stout cold winds and quanti-
ties of ice and snow-has taken
a turn for the better this June, or
could it be the worse?
But one can be certain that the
weather around these parts is fit-
ting more and more snuggly into
the growing world pattern of un-
certainty along with politics and
People soaked from sudden June
showers and caught without bene-
fit of umbrellas are increasing in
number. The afternoon sky may
change suddenly from a coy blue
to inky black.
Turkish Bath
After 10 days of atmospheric
conditions resembling a turkish
bath more than a center of cul-
ture, the weather in Ann Arbor
seems better suited to a mosquito
than a University student.
Some relief came yesterday with
lower temperatures in the mid
seventies spanked by a cool West-
ern breeze which followed a show-
er Tuesday evening.
The big question is, will this
air conditioning last?
According to the Willow Run
Weather Bureau, today and Fri-
day will witness a return to pre-
vious high temperatures followed

This series is presented by the
near eastern studies department1
to supplement the courses and sem-
inars of the summer program. '
Prof. William F. Albright, of Se-f
mitic languages at The Johns Hop-
kins University, Md., will open the
series on June 30. One of the
world's leading biblical archaeolo-
gists, he will speak on "The Dead-
Sea Scrolls and Biblical Research."
The second talk, July 2, will deal
with "Recent Excavations in South
Arabia." Both lectures will be il-
Prof. Robert J. Braidwood of the
Oriental Institute, University of
Chicago, will give two illustrated
lectures on the general topic "The
Background of Civilization in the
Near East."
July 7, he will discuss "The Ter-
minal Food-Gathering Stage" and
on July 9, "The Village-Farming
Community and the Appearance of
Full Civilization."
A leading specialist in Semitic
languages and Arabic literature,
Franz Rosenthal, professor of Ara-
bic at the University of Pennsyl-
vania, will present the next two
lectures. On July 14 he will dis-
cuss "Arabic Wisdom Literature"
and on July 16, "Arabic Historiog-
raphy with Special Reference to
Ibn Khaldun."
"Urbanization in Islam" will be
the topic discussed in the series'
last two- lectures, presented by
Gustave E. von Grunebau, profes-
sor of Arabic, Oriental Institute of
An outstanding specialist in Ara-
bic languages and literature, he
has written pioneer studies on med-
ieval Islam and the evolution of
Arabic literary movements. - July
21 he will speak on "The Muslin
Town: Its Structure and Adminis-
tration" and on July 23, "The
Town in Arabic Literature."
All the lectures will be present-
ed at 4 p.m. in Auditorium B,
Angell Hall.
Teaching of Essay
To Be Discussed
Teaching the essay and maga-
zine article will be discussed at
the second meeting of the Con-
ference Series for English teach-
ers at 5 p.m. Monday in Aud. C.
Angell Hall.
The talk will center around such
topic§ as what the current an-
thologies provide, what magazines
are most suitable, controversial
essays and reading for ideas and
form. Also included in the dis-
cussion will be motivating the as-
signments and assigning themes
based upon essay material.
Other meetings of the series will
I be held in July.

Weather Goes from Wet
To Worse; Relief in Sight

n a
Wa istba nder
to $14.95


by a cool weekend. Then the hct
June trend will start all over again
on Monday and continue indefi-
Scattered showers will continue
to interrupt lofty temperatures
next week, which has made June
an abnormally hot month. So far
six days have exceeded 90 degree
U' Engineer Wins
"National Award
Kenneth C. Ludema, '55E, was
recently presented a $700 award
by the American Society of Tool
One of ten winners of the awards,
which are available to students
from all major engineering col-
leges in the country, Ludema will
use his award to continue grad-
uate study toward a master's de-
gree in production engineering. He
is a member of the student branch-
es of ASTE and AFS.
The awards are made on the
basis of scholastic standing, facul-
ty recommendations and interest
in furthering the profession of tool
engineering, according to oJseph
F. Crosby, ASTE president.

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U' Recording
Team Goes to


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A recording team from the Uni-
versity will go to Sault Ste. Marie
Sunday to obtain on-the-spot re-
cordings for use in the forthcom-
ing local radio series on the Soo
Assistant director Edwin G.
Burrows of the University radio
station and script editor William
Bender will spend most of next
week gathering material for the
series. The series is scheduled for
release throughout the State in
the spring of 1955.
Plans are already underway to
make the series recommended
listening for school children.


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