rAGE TWO THE 111011GAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1954 PAGE TWO TIlE )1WIIIbAN I)AILT WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1954 fietp 7ote "There-That's Another Thing Taken Care Of" By DIANE AuWERTER Daily Managing Editor PERHAPS BECAUSE Managing Editor's always like to have the last word, it has become a tra- dition for them to muse over the past months, dish- ing out plaudits and brickbats as they go, in the final issue of the semester. The summer around The Daily has been a pleas- ant one, despite a limited staff and a few overly hot weeks. Making this job pleasanter for the Managing Editor have been the efforts of such loyal staffers as Rona Firedman, Baert Brand, Becky Conrad, Merle Mayerstein, Wally Eberhard, Pat Rdelofs, Cynthia Hepburn and last, but not least, Russ Au- Werter. A tribute is also in order to Sue Garfield, women's editor, and to sports editors Jack Horwitz, Hanley Gurwin and E. J. Smith. Photographers Marj Crozier and Duane Poole deserve a pat on the back for, David Kessel not- withstanding, their fine job. It is with some pride that I point to our efforts in bringing to campus attention and reviewing local dramatic, musical and literary efforts. Because news events are sparse during the sum- mer session, the paper attempts to focus the spot- light more clearly upon cultural events. Jan and Don Malcolm, Tom Arp, Bob Holloway, Bill Wie- gand, Ruth Mischeloff and Dave Tice have all earned a vote of thanks for their reviews. Of course, none of this would be possible without the sustained efforts of the shop and the business staff, so they, too, and especially business manager Dick Alstrom, deserve a share of glory. It is impossible to speak with such general ac- claim for the University administratimn. With much regret Dr. Davis's story was printed in The Daily. Although we are frequently accused of being disin- terested in the University's welfare, the reverse is quite true. If we were, as sometimes charged, dis- interested, we would not write editorials. In fact, we would not be here at all. Some members of The Daily staff feel that a, serious mistake was made in President Hatcher's proposed recommendation to dismiss Dr. Davis. It is our hope that the Campbell committee will arrive at a decision which will better serve the interests of academic freedom and, in so doing, better serve the University. Although The Daily regrets that it will probably not be able to bring the final decision on the sus- pended faculty members to its readers, it is never- theless reassuring to know that a great deal of time has been taken to thoughtfully consider the issues. On the more cheerful side, The Daily wishes to extend its thanks to University vice-presidents Mar- vin Niehuss and James Lewis for their consideration during the summer months. The Daily has missed the'services of Alice Silver during the past four weeks, both on the editorial page and in her role as co-managing editor. We are hoping that she will recover rapidly from her illness and be able to return to campus this fall. Our final thanks goes to Prof. John Reed who has been of immeasurable assistance in his task as chairman of the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations. With this issue, we write thirty for the summer, wishing our readers a very happy interim between now and the fall semester. I // - A .-R y , l \ - y p{:.:. y'" ,, _ .: .:, y fi : '' ,... s _ _: } 1 C9 '; S q' '4 A , '9rr c .ette4 TO THE EDITOR The End of Inez ... HE 1954 SUMMER Session isI rapidly drawing to a close. As I look back over the past weeks I find I have learned much at the University of Michigan. This fall I am returning to another large university in the East, but before I leave I would like one ve happened to Inez Pilk? -Bill Hidlay * * r.17 "00 The Joys of Teaching ..' To the Editor: O VER THE YEARS some of us outside the university com- munity have looked with no little envy at the professorial vocation. In comparison to other "jobs" open to "eggheads and intellec- tuals" the teaching career presents better pay, shorter hours, and pleasant work.. It also appeared to have a good deal of security. Today the professor's job seems less attractive; now we see the! other side of the coin as President Harlan Hatcher moves against a cantankerous, independent, and very young mathematics instruc-, tor. Davis Discusses Stand On Proposed Dismissal (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an abrid- they have been told might be con- ged copy of a letter sent by Dr. H. Strued as socialistic; manypeo- Chandler Davis to some members of the faculty shortly after receiving his ple have been so confused that letter of recommended dismissal from they could not think on the sub- President Hatcher.) eject if they dared. My countrymen By H. CHANDLER DAVIS have been some of the world's fin- By H.CHANLER AVIS ev;t, most critical-minded, most What am I charged with? So contentious citizens; when I see far, I have only the President's them being cowed it alarms me. I letter to go on. He does not charge rebel. The doctrine of compulsory me with incompetence or inade- self-labeling has been one major quate performance of my regular instrument of this sad change, so academic duties. He simply states I reject the doctrine. I will not that I have ref uged to answer some talk politics under duress. questions before the Clardy Com- Do my colleagues on the Spe- mittee and the faculty Special Ad- cial Advisory Committee really in- visory Committee, then asserts sist on the doctrine? Presumably that my "conduct is inexcusable." they would not want to punish me My sole fault is silence. for my political position, whatever Now first, let me say more ac- it might be. Do they nevertheless curately what my response was to insist that I reveal my political the questions of the Special Ad- position? Then they are unknow- visory Committee. ingly their enemies' accomplices. I was willing to answer ques- They should be as eager to see tions pertinent to my integrity. their error corrected as I am. W h e n questioned concerning Some have objected, "But the certain specific charges of political Communist Party is different." chicanery that had been made The objection seems to be this (I against me by the Clardy Commit- will over-simplify it, but without tee, I answered. Though these distorting, I hope): "Members of things had been none of Clardy's the Communist Party are mons- business, my honesty is my col- ters, and your colleagues have a league's business. I denied the right to know if you are a mons- charges; if desired, I can prove ter. therefore your colleagues have my denial. a right to know if you are a mem- Do I lack intellectual objectiv- ber of the Communist Party." ity? Do I improperly influence My answer is, in effect, "I deny students? Do I favor force and vi- that I am a monster. I promise to olence? I offered to answer. allrefute any alleged evidence that I questions of this sort, in as much am. If then I am not a monster detail as required. I think I made you must believe one of two things, good on the offer; the President or both: 1) I am not a Commun- does not claim otherwise. And thei ae Snt rnrlnC.+o,.Cin wnh tl, no enin,. i - N e .o i i .! i ON THE lEHDRY-GO-ROUJND WIT II DREW PEA RSON As the Daily points out, the! young mathematician is not being punished for being. a member of the Communist Party, but rather because "the Clardy Committee has sufficient impact upon the pub-{ lic at this time to create a climate in which suspension. . . must oc- cur." I sugyest the Daily' s langu- STATUS REMAINS UNKNOWN: The Continuing Tension Over the Suspended Professors President Eisenhower's much- publicized order allegedly opening 1 ;4- ,--,,IA f4-A +1-+ +1,- fl--- I I STATE OF tension will continue in Ann Arbor even after summer school ends. The reason: the faculty status of H. Chandler Davis and Professors Markert and Nickerson is still unknown. It will be near four months from the date of the Clardy hear- ings in Lansing before we will learn the fate of the three faculty members who were suspended for "re- fusing to cooperate with the investigating commit- tee." It is the urgent hope of every student on this campus that the delay in deciding what action will be taken is the result of deliberate and careful ex- amination of the three cases. It is however almost impossible to predict that the outcome for Davis will be positive, from what has already been indicated. As has been cited in editor- ial columns and letters to the editors, the reaction to President Hatcher's move to dismiss Davis has not been favorable. Persons with liberal, middle-of- the-road and conservative views can find no ac- ceptable reasons for his recommended dismissal in the statement made by the University presideit in a letter to Davis. It is the belief of this writer that the political views of Davis were main facors leading the Spe- cial Senate Committee and the President to re- commend his dismissal. However, the letter sent 'to Davis contained no statement about political views; perhaps the letter was not completely candid? Two questions about the timing of the decision to recommend the dismissal of Davis have been asked by many faculty members and students. We would like to put them to the administration: The action came during the summer session whe± few people thoroughly acquainted with the nature of the case were on the campus. Few who felt strong- ly about the procedure being followed by the ad- ministration and facilty are present to voice their opposition to the dismissal recommendation. Grant- ed, the delay in making a decision might have been due to sessions of hard and careful study of the three cases: but it is then indeed unfortunate that the freedom of political thought was not more ser- iously considered. We now must learn that certain political thoughts are forbidden by University fac- ulty members. An even more difficult question to ask the ad- ministration is, did the Congressional vote to cite Davis for contempt influence their action? Prior to the announced decision to advise dismissal of the mathematics instructor, President Hatcher stated that the decisions in the three cases would be made without prejudice. It may have been pure coincidence that the decision was announced after the Congressional action. But it is a strange coin- cidence, and there is doubt in the minds of many about the "good faith" in which the dismissal decision was made. It seems that the University population has a right to know the reasons, the real reasons, for the decision to recommend that Davis be dismissed. According to the president's letter to Davis, the Special Senate Committee unanimously recommend- ed this action. It is then natural that we ask to havethe findings of the Committee made public so that we too may be assured that the best mov f was made. Only doubt and confusion can remain in our minds until final action is taken; it is with faith in the administration and the Regents that we await the appeal of Davis and a more. positive ap- proach and final decision in the case. We are hop- ing of course for reinstatement. -Pat Roelofs all government information to the public unless it involves national security is not doing so well. Legitimate news is being hushed up just as much as ever. Here are two current cases: 1. Reaction to McCarthy --Last j year the State Department sent cables to American Embassies abroad asking the reason for the alarming slump in U.S. prestige and popularity abroad. Without ex- ception, American Ambassadors reported that the No. 1 reason was McCarthy. Today those State Department reports are marked "top secret" and are not available to the press. Furthermore, senators investigat- ing McCarthy will not be able to get them. They do not involve the security of the nation and, under the official announcement made by the President should be available for publication. But they aren't. 2. Author of Dixon-Yates Con- tract-One of the best-kept secrets in Washington is who inside the budget bureau prepared the Dixon- Yates plans for a government-fi- nanced private power plant, with no competitive bidding, in the Ten- nessee Valley area. The plan was worked out inside the budget bureau, and it is re- ported that a public utilities "ex- pert" came in from the outside, worked a few weeks with the budg- et bureau, then went to work for Dixon-Yates. Obviously this information has nothing to do with the security of the nation and, under White House rules, should be made public. How- ever, when questions were asked at the budget bureau, here is a play-by-play account of what hap- pened: sI i i I i' t jf 1 " << i C I< if t ' i^ !; f i l . Il G, iJ w it wouii ima tnat tue u.erxxazi lb yw aould find thathe st poerf a g e t z oo pola 1it iiJ a iaa Special Advisory Com mittee had "I"o' ' 11± VV*Ain.,ie 4 c 'eJyour lobby was about the most powerful age is too polite. aid It required only answeis re- syllogism collapses."A in Washington. What you should say is that Kitlatingt i y. This answer is not evasive or It has hired some of the top ex- Clardy, a publicity-seeking political gratuitously complicated. It is senators and -law firms in the na- adventurer, is manipulating and I did refuse to answer ques- implied by my criterion, which tion's capital to try to rush a bill capitalizing on hysteria and pre- tions as to my political prefer- is simple. For the Communist through Congress to hand back the judice to advance his campaign ences. Party, monstrous or not, is poli- former Nazi cartels seized by the for re-election. Said hysteria and What is so bad about that? Now tical; if a question concerning United States during the war. prejudice have nothing to do with I know very well there is a doc- it amounts to both a question The Germans have been so dangers of the Soviet Union's fifth trine current in this country that of morality and a question of cocky in their demands that their column, and make no contribu- one must say on demand, I am politics, my criterion implies swaggering manner has almost tion to the fight against totalitar- thus and thus far to the left (or that I must split the question, alienated some of their own law- ianism. Clardy's manipulation will better yet, for from the left.) "The answering the first part and yers.o it has frihtened the bejabbers out doctrine of compulsory self-label- ndt the second. If the fee wasn't so high, I'd ing," it might be called. The reason I am especially care- pull out," confided one American of the president of a great (sic) The doctrine is pernicious. Many ful to give no ground on the "$64 attorney. "The Germans seem to university, and said president of its adherents admit its purpose question" is that it has been made think they can't get anything out quickly knuckled under. is to facilitate punishment of any- the central one by the Congres- of the United States just because I have no particular defense for body left of a certain line; some sional inquisitors whom I oppose. we need them to oppose the Rus- Chandler Davis, nor any particu- of its adherents admit that the I think my stand is the best one; sians." lar delight in that old campus line is movable. It certainly works I would hope every teacher in my Meanwhile, some of our former sport of baiting-the-president. I do that way in practice. place would take it too. But sure- allies, the Dutch, Belgians, French, not believe that a full-blown Stal- Public intimidation has made ly even those who would prefer not and British, who sold their prop- inist, taking the discipline of his many people terrified not merely to must realize it is not a dishon erty in the United States to get Bolshevike organizational appara- y of Communism, but of anything orable stand currency exchange with which to tus, can be a dispassionate search- pay for war goods, are watching er for truth; though I believe any highhanded German tactics with individual accused of accepting I skepticism and bitterness. Bolshevik discipline deserves first NOTE-Senator Dirksen of Illi- of all to be regarded as an mdi- nois; main pusher for the return of vidual. But assumedly if Davis Nazi industrial property, was so were a member of the CP he would anxious to get his bill through the have followed party discipline and Senate judiciary committee that he relied on the 5th Amendment. The The Daily Official Bulletin is an LIBRARY HOURS phoned Senator Hennings of Mis- fact that he did not, and the basis official publication of the Universityj AFTER SUMMER SESSION phed n r-of his defense Of is oliticalof Michigan for which the Michigan The General Library will close at 6 souri in St. Louis urging that he ofDaily assumes no editorial responsi- p.m. daily, beginning Friday, August OK the bill almost before he had philosophy indicate a degree of bility. Publication in it is construe- 13. Evening service will be resumed on time to read it. courage not usually found on uni- tive notice to ali members of the September 20. Wheat For Rice versity campuses in 1954. (I do not University. Notices should be sentin It will be closed for repairs from Wha o ieTYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 I ilb lsdfrrpisfo A method by which our huge know him, but I imagine from Administration Building before 3 pm August '30 through September 6; and supplies of surplus wheat could be what rumors Ie heard that he the day preceding publication.4 to September 19 inclusive. turned into rice to feed the Orient and I would violently disagree abu oiisadmn te ENSAAGS 1 94I ilb pnfo ~.t .has been rediscovered by Dr. abutpliis.ndmnyoheXIDESA, NUGUs Iionday4 thllbeopen Fromdamxceto8tptm. hasben edicoerd y D. bot pliic ad mnyoterVOL. LXIV, No. 39 Monday through Friday except at the Francis Weiss, author of "Foods in i things.) times noted above. the Bible." ''But the relevant point here is . i The Divisional Libraries will be cos- D.Wispntouthttethat courageous as he is, Mr. A ot iceS ed from August 14 through September Dr. Weiss points out that the , 11, with the exception of Bureau Of method of turning wheat into rice Davis claim that his point of view Regents' Meeting: Friday, September Gvernment, Engineering, East Engi- was practiced in Biblical times is his private affair is obviously 17. Communications for considera tonnesern Hi Mathematics-Econ and is as simple as it is old- fallacious. For when a lunatic- at this meeting must be in the Presi- miss, Medical, Museums, Music, Natur- namely parboiling the wheat grain, } fringe congressman, elected by the dent's hands by September 9 .aI Resources, Physics, Social Science, which makes it taste like It barest of margins two years ago EXAMINATION sCHEDaId Transportation which will be open wihmksitatlikerce. ItIEXMNAIN CEDL on short schedules. Information as to even looks somewhat like rice. and now desperately trying to All students who desire credit for hours will be 'posted on the library Known as boulgar, it is cheaper avoid his quite-possible defeat in work done in the summer session willi doors or may be obtained by calling November-when such an obvious be required to take examinaticns at University Extension 653. Requests for valuopportunist and ignoramous can the close of the session material from the closed libraries will va make the president of the Univer Examinations in Eight-Week Corse be taken care ofat the Circulation Hr.eofSRecitationtTimepofeExam Desk in the General Library. Minnesota heard of Dr. Weiss' re sity of Michigan jump. . . when 8.....................Thursday 8-10 this is the state of affairs how in 9 " --"-..."-"-"-".. . .". Friday 8-10 Admission Test for Graduate Study in discovered technique he imedia the sweet world doe young Davis 10 ....... .. Thursday 24Business: candidates taking the Admis- expect anyone to respect his pri- - -..-'sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi- out to do some further research 1.................. Thursday 4-6 ness on August 14 are requested to re- ±d-mtoh. e +hat it!vacy? 2.......... Thursday 10-12 Dort to Room 130.uinsAiis- r k s f r t t SO FAR, SO GOOD: Sen. McCarthy and Mr. Cohn Charming But Adamant "We don't have a list of the people who worked on the Dixon- Yates plan," stated Virginia De Pury, charming spokesman for the budget bureau. "Could you draw up a list?" she was asked. 'No, that would be too much1 trouble." "We'll be happy to do the work for you if you will simply author- ize us to make the necessary in- quiries," this column countered. "Thic is rmi.n h uunuing,- 4 SENATQR FLANDERS' reaction to the embittered departure of Mr. Roy Cohn, the young chief counsel of Senator McCarthy's investigating sub- committee-"so far, so good"-was shared by almost everyone except Mr. McCarthy himself. Many in the Republican party in fact feel that the resignation, which forestalled almost certain dismissal by the committee, goes far enough and is good enough to end the whole unhappy affair. In this view the "sac- rifice" of the young man who appeared daily as Senator McCarthy's evil genius on the nation's tele- vision screens, during the hearings on the dispute with the Army, may take away from the Senator the stigma of his dictatorial methods and leave the voters with only the memory of his anti-Communist successes. This can only be achieved, however, if Mr. Cohn is gone, and the other members of the committee control the Senator more firmly; there was little sign of any improvement in either respect recently when his one-man investgiation of Com- munist infiltration into defense plants was resumed. Mr. Flanders, however, is determined to make his Republican colleagues in the Senate stand up and be counted on McCarthyism. He has refused to be deterred even by the danger that he would delay the President's essential legislative programme by in- sisting on a debate, an argument of which the par- ty's leaders hav e made much in their efforts to avoid a vote on this question. But W Flanders has wisely OUR PARTY is 100 years old this year . . . May I say to my fellow Republicans that we have come at the end of this century to a parting of the ways. On the one hand we move in the path and under the influence of the great Lincoln. If shifted to ground where he has more chance of obtaining a majority. Iustead of demanding that Mr. McCarthy be deprived of his committee chair- manships, something so contrary to Senate tradi- tion that it seems as dangerous to Democrats as it does to Republicans, Mr. Flanders is now asking only for a straight vote of censure on Mr. McCar- thy; even this has not been done for twenty-five years. The vote has also been postponed until the end of the month when the support of leading Demo- crats, including Senator McClellan, absent from Washington, is promised. But by then, unfortun- ately, the pressure for adjournment will be even more on the side of the Republican leaders and against the courageous Mr. Flanders than it is at present. -The London Economist ONLY A FEW weeks ago Ralph Yarborough, lead- er of the Loyalist Democrats in Texas, was con- sidered a pushover in the gubernatorial primary by the forces of Governor Allan Shivers. Running in the 1952 primary at the crest of the Eisenhower crusade against a Governor who promised to de- liver Texas to Ike, Yarborough had been swamped by Shivers 833,861 to 488,345. Running again last month against an almost unanimously hostile press as well as the big oil money, Yarborough had to face a campaign orchestrated with race prejudice and opposition to the Supreme Court's segregation decision. That in an off year he could reduce the Governor's total in the primary to 627,736 while upping his own to 610,578, was entirely unexpected. Three months ago, when Yarborough decided to run, his supporters viewed him as a sacrificial of- fering, and he ran more out of faith than of hope a i i i would be quite feasible to turn part of our surplus wheat crop into rice. This, says Humphrey, could be one of the best ways to combat -Bob Marshall i i Thris is a public building' Miss De Fury snapped. "You can go around and ask any questions you wish." "But everyone is afraid to talk," she was told. "They send me back to you. Now if you will let me say it is all right for them to talk, I can get the names without troubl- ing you further." Miss De Pury refused. "Are these names a matter of national security?" she was asked further. "I don't know." "It may be embarrassing to re- lease the names of those who worked on the Dixon-Yates plan, but it certainly isn't a military secret," the lady was furtherI pressed. "Under the President's directive, non-security informtation is supposed to be open to the pub- 1 i i Communism in the Far East, es- pecially now that we have lost the biggest rice bowl of the Orient- the delta of French Indochina-to the Communists. (Copyright, 1954, By The Bell Syndicate Inc.) Interpreting The News By J. M. ROBERTS JR. Associated Press News Analyst France is about to undertake anI experiment which will go a long way towardwdetermining whether American economic aid can be withdrawn without definitely weak- ening her as an ally., ~ The French economic system is S tZ a hodgepodge of feudalism, capi- talism and socialism which would Sixly-Fourtb Year require a five-foot shelf to explain Edited and managed by students of to the average American. the University of Michigantunderthe There are, however, a few things authority of the Board in Control of which stand out. Student Publications. Private capital and government Editorial Staff capital in French industry are Dianne AuWerter.....Managing Editor about equaly ivi ' o Becky Conrad...........Night Editor private capital represents family 3F y 1 ration at 8:30 Saturday morning. Be All other hours............Friday 4-6 sure to bring $10.00 registration fee Attention August Grad'uates: College (check or money order.) of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Late permission for women students School of Education, School of Music, who attended "The Marriage of FIgaro" School of Public Health: on either Thursday, August 5 or on Students are advised not to request Monday, August 9 will be no later than grades of I or X in August. When such .11:45 p.m. grades are absolutely imperative, the -Judiciary Council work must be made up in time to al--_____ low your instructor to report the make- PERSONNEL REQUESTS: up grade not later than II a.m., Aug-Ilehigh Portland Cement Co., Allen- ust 19. Grades received after that time town, Pa., has openings in its general may defer the student's-graduation un- wtraiPia program for men grad ates in til a later date.GREBC I Bus.Ad. or LS&A. A representative of EDWARD G. GROESBECK this firm will probably conduct inter- Assistant Registrar views in this area next week. Those peo- pie interested in scheduling an appoint- Reommerdations for Depa.tmental ment or having more information con- Honovs: Temnhing department- wish- cerning these openings may contact ing to recommend tentative August the Bureau of Appointments. graduates from the College of Litera- 'The Department of the Army has an- ture, Science and the Arts, and the nounced that college graduates are School of Education for departmental needed to fill position vacancies with honors (or high honors in the College( the Army Special Services Overseas. of L.S.&A.) should recommend such Openings are for Arts & Crafts Direc- students in a letter delivered to the tors, Librarians, and Recreational Lead- Registrar's Office, Room 1513, Admin- ers and Supervisors, Service Clubs. istration Building, before August 19. The Michigan Civil Service Commis- EDWARD G, GROESBECK sion has announced an examination Assistant Registrar for Engineer I. Graduates with a de- g______ ree in engineering are eligible to ap- ply. and agriculture. Government mon- Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y., ey will be used to help liquidate has positions open for a Jr. Account- enterprises which make no real ant and a Jr. Industrial Engineer at its entepries wichmakeno ealplant in Albion, Mich. contribution to economic strength. The University of Denver, Denver Co- Taxation inducements will be of- lorado, has vacancies for Metallurgical fered "risk" capital, much of Engineers in its Research Institute. whih hs benin idig inc th IThe school is seeking men with de- which has been in hiding since the 1grees at all levels and preferably with war. some experience. On the surface, the program ap- The Detroit Civil Service Commission pears to be a shot in the arm is currently seeking qualified appli- for capitalism. However, there will cants for the position of Junior Art be so much government involved Curator for the Education Department be s muc goernientinvovedof the Detroit Institute of Arts. Re- :a c.Rona Friedman ...... Night Editor ownership, frequently in industries "Jim Hagerty (White House Wally Eberhard..........Night Editor which are definitely backward,i Press Aide) says we don't have to Russ AuWerter..........Night Editor wedded to expensive and archaict give out conversations between Sue Garfield..........women's Editor methods, restricting production to government officials," she shot; Hanley Gurwin ...... . Sports Editor mtos etitn rdcint gJack Horwitz...... Assoc. Sports Editor maintain prices. "Risk" capital-i back. E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports Editor investment by banks and through' "Did we ask for any conversa- an open financial market-whichJ pplnwk nhBusiness Staff is the chief basis for American in- "The people who worked on the Dick Alstrom.... ....Business Manager dustrial expansion, plays a very Dixon-Yates plan had to talk to sue Garfield..Assoc. Business Manager small role in France. each other," she bristled. Lois Pollak.......Circulation Manager Competition has been greatly] "We didn't ask for what they Bob Kovaks....... Advertising Manager restricted through all sorts of car- said to each other," Miss De Pury .r,,t, o n 'n 1 tel agreements, large and small. 1 I