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August 11, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-08-11

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Demands Alliance
Against Russians
Clark Says Respect for UN
Lost; Asks Diplomatic Break
WASHINGTON - Gen. Mark Clark yesterday called for a world
alliance against Russia, and added that he had lost respect for the
United Nations.
SThe former UN commander in Korea endorsed a Senate pro-
posal for the U.S. to break off diplomatic relations with the Soviet
Union and its satellites, acrcoding to the Detroit Times.
Testifies Before Committee
Clark testified before the Senate internal security subcommit-
tee and was asked extensively about American policy in the post-
war period.
When questioned about his feelings on U.S. withdrawal from
the UN, Clark said, "I have not had much respect for the United
Nations. I don't think it has con-

Not Settled
WASHINGTON (A - Republican
leaders Tuesday gave up all hope
of adjourning Congress this Satur-
day. They set next week as a new
target, but on the basis of ex-
perience declined to pinpoint an
exact date.
A White House announcement in-
dicated P r e s i d e n t Eisenhow-
i er doesn't expect the Senate will
complete work until Aug. 19 at
the earliest.
'Another Filibuster'
Senate Republican Leader Know-
" . land (Calif) said the adjournment
schedule hinges mainly on how
much time opponents spend attack-
ing compromise atomic energy
legislation. He said he'd heard
talk of "another filibuster."
Knowland raised the new tar-
get for completing legislation after
he and other GOP leaders held
their weekly conference with Ei-
The House has been ready to
quit since last week. Speaker Mar-
tin (R-Mass) said it now was in
a position to close books "in three.
hours," once the senate gives the
signal. Senate leaders first hoped
r to wind up last Saturday, but two
weeks of atomic energy debate
scotched that plan.
Knowland said the Senate would
remain in session as long as
necessary to pass a atomic en-
ergy bill, which the House did with
a minimum of fuss Monday.
In addition to the farm bill up
Tuesday, Knowland listed these as
other subjects which must be dis-
posed of: Social security, anti-sub-
versives, legislation, unemploy-
ment insurance, national debt, for-
eign aid and extra appropriations.
After finishing legislative activ-
ity, the Senate probably will recess
to await a report by its special
committee investigating censure
charges against Sen. McCarthy (R-
Wis). That's exclusively a Senate
problem, and won't keep the House
in session.
U.S. Requests
Russian Word
On Atom Pool
WASHINGTON (R) - Secretary
of State Dulles said Tuesday Rus-
sia has been requested to give
a final yes-or-no answer on wheth-
er it will join the United States
in setting up a pool of atomic ma-
terials for "life-giving purposes"
throughout the world.
Dulles disclosed this latest move
by the United States at a news
conference where he assailed Rus-
sia's attitude, expressed in an
April 27 note, as "99 per cent neg-
"We have in substance asked the
Soviets whether they wish it to be
treated as 100 per cent negative,"
he said.
Russia's refusal to accept the
plan first proposed by Eisenhower
last Dec. 8 will not kill the project,
he said. The United States is now
going ahead, expecting a final So-
viet turndown, to draft a program
which other countries will be asked
to support.
The plar. will be open, he said,
both to nations which can contrib-
ute fissionable materials to such
a pool and to those "have not
countries" who might benefit.

Dulles refused to disclose any
details of the eight-month1nIona sr-

tributed much to the
world problems.

solution ofI

"To permit the Soviet Union to
have a large number of spies and
saboteurs spawning around over
here is wrong. I think the UN
ought to be organized as a United
Nations against Russia."
He said he felt the UN had
been used as a sounding board by
the Russians. He remarked that
the UN has been a great asset to
them and a great detriment to us.
Break Relations with Reds
Clark said that if he were a'
member of Congress he would vote
for withdrawal from the United
Nations and a break in diplomatic
relations with Russia, the Times
The former commander alsoj
said there never would be perma-'
nent peace in Korea if that coun-
try is divided. He also discussed
the balance of power in the Far
East, and said he advocated cre-
ation of a Pacific security force
like 'the North Atlantic treat or-
Clark concluded by remarking
that the United States should
have bombed Manchuria after
Red China entered the Korean
conflict and said he did not be-
lieve such action would have
brought Russia in or touched off
World War III.
'U.S. Policy
Fails East'
Japan's Prime Minister Yoshi-
da's right hand man, H a y a t ol
Ikeda yesterday told a Tokyo news
conference that because of the
way problems in Red China and
Indochina were handled by the
U.S., the American "roll back
policy" should be considered a
complete failure.
Ikeda, who is secretary-general
of the ruling Liberal party
in Japan, warned that a shift in
Japan's foreign policies is pending.
He said the party would turn its
attention to the policies of Brit-
ain's Foreign Secretary Edenas
exemplified at the recent Geneva
According to the Detroit Times,
Communist China may soon pro-
pose a non-agression pact with
Japan as part of the "peace of-
fensive" the Reds ,launched in
Asia following the' Geneva cease-
fire a g r e e m e n t that ended the
fighting in Indochina.

French Head
Given Added
Delays Debate
PARIS (P-The French National
Assembly gave Premier Pierre
Mendes-France two rousing votes
of confidence on major issues
Tuesday. One approved his sweep-
ing economic plans and the other
granted him a postponement of de-
bate on Tunisia and Morocco.
On the economic and financial
reform program, in which Mendes-
France demanded special powers
until March 31, 1955, to take many
actions without parliamentary ap-
proval, the Premier won by a vote
of 361-90. The Assembly gave him
a margin of 398-126 on the vote to
delay discussion of the question of
France's North African protector-
It was another victory for the
premier who was given the pre-
miership almost two months ago
on a three-fold program of reach-
ing a truce in Indochina, work-
ing out a compromise on EDC and
giving France's economy a thor-
ough going over.
The first vote was a formal ex-
pression of confidence. If Mendes-
France had been denied his pro-
posal, he would have been obliged
to resign. Although he did not
make tle vote on Tunisia and Mor-
occo a question of confidence,
Mendes - France said he would re-
sign if his proposal to put off de-
bate until Aug. 7 were not ap-
Mendes-France was bitterly cri-
ticized by several deputies for his
recent dramatic move to grant
partial internal autonomy to the
Tunisians. Some spoke of it as a
"policy of abandoning" North
The Premier promised when
calm has been restored to Morocco
-scene of bloody anti-French
clashes during the last week-his
government, would attempt to find
a solution to that problem. He said
the situation in Morocco is much
different than in Tunisia, where
the people have had much more
experience in political affairs.
Through his economic program
the Premier hopes to raise the
standard of living in France and
at the same time free the country
from the necessity for aid from the
'United States.
State Airports
To Receive Aid
Aeronautics Administration yester-
day said Michigan would receive
$551,530 of a 15 million dollar ap-
propriation approved by the Sen-
ate and House for federal aid for
The money is included in a sup-
plemental appropriation bill now
before a Senate-House conference
committee. However, both houses
have approved the fund and the
item is not at issue. The CAA is
making plans for apportionment of
the money.
The distribution formula is es-
tablished by law on the basis of
area and population. The federal
funds are to be matched by local

'Operation Flashburn'

MUSHROOMS ON HIGH-Eighteenth Air Force C-119s disgorge paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division on one of five jump
areas during "Operation Flashburn" at Fort Bragg, N.C. Jum p was largest since Rhine crossing in World War H.
Despite Crop Losses, Requirements Met

I ,

WASHINGTON () - Searing
July temperatures and drought in
major farming areas sliced an es-
timated 15 per cent off this year's
corn crop and reduced the ag-
gregate volume of all crops 5 per
cent below prospects of a month
earlier, the Agriculture Depart-
ment reported Tuesday.
The estimate indicated the end
'Sec. Weeks
' Will Attend
Local Meet
Secretary of Commerce Sin-
clair Weeks will be in Ann Arbor
from Thursday until Saturday at-
tending a conference of the At-
torney General's National Com-
Imittee to Study the Antitrust Laws.
The three day conference will
hail 61 members of the Committee.
Discussion will be centered on a
tentative draft report prepared by
the members on various antitrust
laws and related policy.
Co-chairmen for the three day
conclave are Stanley N. Barnes,
Assistant to the U.S. Attorney Gen-
eral in charge of antitrust laws,
and Prof. S. Chesterfield Oppen-
heim of the University law school.
In addition to Secretary Weeks,
Federal Trade Commission chair-
man Edward F. Howrey will at-
tend the sessions. Wendell Barnes,
Administrator of the Small Busi-
ness Administration will also be
present at the meetings.
All of the sessions of the Com-
mittee conference will be held in
Hutchins Hall. The meetings are
closed to the public.
The Committee consists of prac-
ticing lawyers, professors of law
and econmics at leading univer-
sities, and government officials.
Attends Meeting
Dean Fedele F. Fauri of the
University's School of Social Work
is in Washington, D.C., this week
at the request of Sen. Eugene E.
Millikin, chairman of the Senate
Finance Committee, to assist the
committee as social security ad-
visor while the Social Security Act
Amendments of 1954 are being con-
sidered by the Senate.

has come to the current abnormal
surplus of corn - the major grain
used in producing meats, milk
and dairy products, eggs and
p o u 1 t r y._ Put at 2,824,078,000
bushels, the corn crop would be
perhaps 350 million bushels below
needs. The deficit would have to
be taken from current stocks of
about 950 million bushels. Part of
these stocks are classed as sur-
plus and part as reserves.
Other Losses
Other crops adversely affected
by the July weather include soy-
beans, peanuts, sorghum, spring
wheat and hay.
Despite the losses, indicated crop
supplies -- reserves included -
are more than ample to meet
p r e s e n t l y anticipated require-
ments. In fact, total farm produc-
tion this year - crops, livestock
and livestock products - may be
only about 1 per cent below last
Last Issue
With today's issue of The
Daily, publication of the Sum-
mer Session newspaper will
Publication of the fall Daily,
which appears six days each
week, will be resumed on Sep-
tember 14.
The Daily Business Manager
reminds persons with unsettled
accounts that grades will be
withheld until all subscription
and advertising bills are paid.
year's near record volume. Pro-
duction of livestock and livestock
products is expected to set a new
annual record.
Not all crops were adversely af-
fected by the weather.
Yields of barley, rye, rice, dry
Yangtze Flood
TOKYO (Wednesday) (A - The
Yangtze flood crest set a new high
for the third straight day Tuesday
but Peiping radio reported the lev-
el was falling rapidly far up-
A torrential flow from the flood-
ed Han, which empties into the
Yangtze, "drove up the levelto
a new height of 96.39 feet today,"
said a Peiping broadcast. This was
3% feet above the 1931 level.

beans, dry peas, tobacco, sugar
cane and sugar beets were said
to have improved. Cotton was said
to be standing the drought well.
Rust was a major fact in a down-
turn in prospects for spring wheat.
Winter Wheat
Winter wheat, on the other hand,
was mostly harvested before dry
weather and high temperatures set
in. The total wheat crop was es-
timated at 977,537,000 bushels,
down nearly 11 million from last
month's forecast and down nearly
200 million from last year.
But the crop is large enough to
cover current estimates of market
demands. On hand from past crops
is a record surplus of wheat.
War in Indochina
Officially Ends
SAIGON, Indochina (R - The
world's only remaining active war
officially came to a halt Wednes-
day morning as French and Com-
munist-led Vietminh commanders
ordered their troops to lay down
their arms in South Viet Nam.
The cease-fire order was given
at 8 a.m. It was the last in the
series of five progressive cease-
fire orders which ended -the nearly
eight years of shooting in Indo-
The first command to end hos-
tilities was given in North Viet
Nam-the main theater of the long,
bloody war-a week after the
cease-fire agreement was reached
at the Geneva conference July 20.
The shooting stopped after that in
Central Viet Nam Aug. 1, in the
kingdom of Laos Aug. 6 and in
the kingdom of Cambodia Aug. 7.

The department held out hope
that favorable weather in August
might bring some improvement in
the production picture. It said that
rains near the end of July and in
early August brought partial relief
and the hope that the drought was
The corn estimate of 2,824,078,000
bushels, compared with last year's
crop of 3,176,615,000 and with the
10-year (1943-52) average of 3,057,-
A record soybean crop of 304
million bushels was forecast, re-
flecting the diversion of much
cornland to this crop.
Ralph N. Byers, editor of the
Ann Arbor News, died at Uni-
versity Hospital at 3:30 p.m.
He was 52.
Byers was stricken with a
heart attack at his home here
and was rushed to the .hospital.
Since 1950 he had been edi-
tor of the Ann Arbor News. Pri-
or to that he served as news
editor for 15 years.
Following graduation from
the University in 1925, Byers
worked for the Detroit News
and then went to the Flint
Journal where he served on the
editorial staff for 10 years. He
went from Flint to the Ann Ar-
bor News.
He is survived by his wife,
Ruth, and a brother, Frank By-
,ers, of Youngstown, Ohio.

Slide Scale
Support Wins
Final Vote
821/2-90% Parity
Under New Bill
WASHINGTON(M - President
Eisenhower won flexible authority
to tackle the vast farm surplus
problem last night as the Senate
passed the farm bill calling for
a sliding scale of price supports
ranging from 82 to 90 per cent
of parity.
The vote on the omnibus agri-
cultural measure containing the
new price support provisions was
Goes Back to House
The measure now goes back to
the House, with a Senate-House
conference committee expected to
reach a speedy compromise on
differences between the two cham-
However, there were no differ-
ences between the two bodies on
the key issue of giving the Presi-
dent flexible powers to vary price
supports on the so-called basic
crops. Both voted for a scale of
821/ to 90 next year instead of the
present mandatory props of 90 per
cent of parity.
This did not give Eisenhower
and Secretary of Agriculture Ben-
son all the leeway they asked--
their original proposal was for a
range of 75 to 90.But administra-
tion men expressed jubilation that
the principle of flexibility was es-
tablished after a hectic battle.
The administration argues that
the way to tackle the problem
which has piled up large surpluses
in government hands is to reduce
price floors when crops are large,
in order to spur consumption, and
to raise them in times of scarcity,
to encourage production.
Before last night's final vote,
backers of the Eisenhower pro-
gram hung up another in a series
of preliminary victories that have
characterized the struggle in the
last few days.
90 Per Cent
Prices are now supported at
flat 90 per cent of parity on "ba
sic" crops-cotton, corn, wheat,
rice, peanuts and tobacco. Under
both the Senate and House bills
tobacco alone would continue at
Flexible supports for the other
five would, if they become law,
first apply to next year's produc-
tion. Supports have already been
set at 90 per cent for this year's
Only in the case of next years'
wheat crop has Benson announced
acreage allotments. The decision.
on allotments for other basics will
not be made until figures on this
year's production become known
this fall.
The 20 states removed by to-
day's Senate action from the com-
mercial wheat area include Iowa
and Wisconsin.
Hoover Says
]Dems Helped
Soviet Russia
WEST BRANCH, Iowa ()-For-
mer President Herbert Hoover
said Tuesday that presidential
"misuse of power" during the 20-
year tenure of the Democrats as-
sisted the Soviets, damaged the
United States, and contributed to
the enslavement of millions.
These unrestrained presidential
actions, he said, have resulted In

shrinking of human freedom over
the whole world.
Hoover made the statement in
a speech delivered during cere-
monies marking his 80th birthday.
He came home for the event,
back to West Branch, whichnow
has a population of 769. Its chief
feature is the gleaming white, two-
room cottage where Hoover was
born Aug. 10, 1874.
Thousands of Iowans crowded
into the tiny village, gathering in
sunny, breezy weather on the 28
acres of lawn that now surround
the Hoover cottage. Two hours be-
fore Hoover was scheduled to
speak, Chief David Herrick of the
Iowa Highway Patrol, estimated
the crowd at from 10,000 to 12,000.
Hoover came from California. At
the end of the journey, he went
directly to the cemetery, and stood
besides the graves of his father,
who was the village blacksmith,
and his mother a Quaker school
tann a I -' - ., f nn ca n r--v A nlr A

St. Lawrence Hydroelectric
Power Project Commences.
MASSENA, N. Y. (iP)-The crack of aerial bombs Tuesday saluted
the birth of the 600 million dollar St. Lawrence River power project,'
heralded by President Eisenhower and Prime Minister Louis St.
Laurent as a new tie of friendship between the United States and
At ceremonies here and across the border, in Corpwall, Ont., St.
Laurent, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York and Prime Minister
Leslie H. Frost of Ontario turned the first earth in the construction
of the 12 1billion kilowatt hydro-%
electric development.c2oO GL SE
Binds Two Countries $20,000 GOAL SET
Eisenhower, in a telegram read
by Dewey, hailed the joint project P o i D iv
strong fabric that binds the destiny-

Detention Home Issue Will
Appear on November Ballot
Washtenaw County's Board of Supervisors yesterday proposed
to let the voters decide in November whether a juvenile detention
home should be constructed.
Following acceptance of preliminary plans for the proposed
one-story, ranch-type building, Supervisors heard reports from the
finance committee concerning the methods of financing the struc-
Three possibilities were discussed by the committee. The first
was to ask the voters for permission to negotiate for bonds payable
nfrom county tax increases to ob-

of Canada and the United States."
Ground-breaking signaled the
start of construction of two dams
and a powerhouse that by 1958
will produce 6 billion kilowatts!
a year of electricity for nine
states and the same amount for
The New York State Power Au-
thority and the Ontario Hydroel-
ectric Commission, partners in the I

One week from today a 15-day
nationwide polio campaign will be
well underway.
The Washtenaw County drive,
under the chairmanship of Leonard
J. Chase of Ann Arbor, will be
for $20,000. According to the chair-
man, some cooperative commun-
ity events are being planned to
raise funds for the polio drive.

e To Begin As List of Victims Increases
held in January. The nationwide sons from the county are being not small infants do develop anti-
goal of $75 million was not met, cared for in the University hos- bodies when given the vaccine.
and the remaining $20 million is pital, in addition to non-county res- The Department of Epidemio-
the goal of the present drive. A idents being helped in the local logy in the School of Public Health
few areas in the country that have polio wards. and the Department of Pediatrics
no deficit from the previous drive Three wards in the University in the Medical School are under-
are not joining the present cam- hospital are reserved for poliomy- taking the investigation which is
paign however. elitis patients. The respirator cen- completely unrelated to the evalu-
leonard reported that "entire ter, the newest addition to the ation study of the Salk vaccine
hospitalization costs" of polio pa- polio wards, occupies the entire j that now is being carried out all

tam funds for the building.
The second suggestion made by
the committee was considered
most favorable by some. This plan
Iwas to transfer money from a gen-
eral county fund to a fund speci-
ally designated for the construc-
tion of the home. It was learned
that the finance committe be-
lieves this plan to be most advis-
able because there are sufficient
funds in the general county fund
to allow for the building of the
The third suggestion, almost
immediately ruled out, was that
the board borrow funds from a fi-

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