Belgian u ble Bursts
By PAT ROELOFS study of assimilation of foreign
Prof. Andre Hacquerre is a workers into Belgian industry. He
myth. is attending a course in research
Furthermore, the mythological technique during the Summer
professor, who offered his criti- Session at the University Survey
cisms of American sociology and Research Center.
American military policy in the fends of Hacker's dub him a
Belgian Congo to a Daily reporter F"bright young man" who loves
Last week, is not even a sociologist. pril yokeg He as sed as
The true name of the person sociologist among certain circles
Introduced to the reporter as Prof. in Ann Arbor during his stay here
Hacquerre is Andrew Hacker who this summer, rambling on and on
is associated with the political in a seemingly authentic way,
science department of Princeton, about tribal customs in Africa and
Hacker has never been to either sociological studies made for
Belgium or the Belgian Congo. UNESCO that are purely inven-
What's more the Princeton tiUNSOha t
teaching fellow is not making a tions of his own wit.
te ch ng felosot ma ina, In an attem pt to appear a gen-!
uine sociologist, Hacker may as-
Journal Features sume dialects and accents fitting
of the native, land from which he
Phoenix Proj ect comes at that particular moment.-
During an interview when he was
The University's Phoenix Pro- cleverly playing the role of the
ject is featured in an article ap- Belgian professor, he began each
pearing in the July issue of the sentence in sloppy French, and
"Japanese Journal of Nursing," concluded in English without the
one of the leading professional slightest accent.
publications of Japan. Hacker is the son of a history
Author of the article is Akira professor by the same name well
Sato, visiting research associate known in eastern universities, in-
of the Center for Japanese Stud- cluding Columbia. He will return
ies and a bureau chief of the Na- Ito the Princeton faculty following
tional Public Opinion Research In- the close of the Survey Center
stitute of Tokyo. course next week.
Space Frafie System
Blue CroSS
Thesecond section of the Uni-
versity's Blue Cross National Exe-
cutive Training Program opened
yesterday when Blue Cross exe-
cutives from throughout the na-
tion arrived on the campus.
Hillel Talk
Simon Herman, director of
the Center for Group Dynam-
ics, department of social science
of the Hebrew University, Jeru-
salem, will speak on the sub-
ject "Israel Faces the Future"
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Social Hail of the Hillel Foun-
Southeast Europe Defense
Joined by Yugoslavia
Associated Press News Analyst some 600,000 men whom Tito has
pounded into a highly effective
Greece and Turkey have now force. Turkey has about 450,000,
done what the Western Powers also very tough, equipped and or-
were unable to do directly, by get- ganized largely along American
ting Yugoslavia to formaly com-
Attended by representatives mit her strong army to a unified#
from every Blue Cross district, de defense system in Southeastern
the course is sponsored by the II Europe.
Blue Cross-Blue Shield Commis- Yugoslavia, only successful reb-
sions and the School of Business Con ets' et; el against the postwar thralldom
Administration. which Soviet troops pushed up to
Itis divided into two three- F Today the Stettin-Adriatic line, has at-
week sessions, one each year for Fo T daI tempted to continue under inde-
wo years. The group beg-g pendent communism" and hesitat-'
yesterday consisted of first-year A pupil of John Kollen, Sister ed to join the North Atlantic
students. On August 6, the "sen- Maria Inviolata Delaplane, O. P., Treaty Organization.
ior" group completed its training. pianist, will present a concert at Greece and Turkey nevertheless
Among outside lecturers who 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Assembly began trying, two years ago, tor
will be conducting some of the Hall, in partial fulfillment of the obtain a formal military alliance
course classes will be James C. requirements for the degree of closing the gap thus left in the
Brown, actuary for the District XI Master of Music of the Univer- anti-Communist defense line being
SBlue Crass Plans. Los Angeles. sity-!established around the European
He will discuss "Major Health The scheduled program will in- perimeter. First came a treaty of
Protection." elude Mozart's "Fantasia in C friendship, now extended to a mu-
lines. Greece has about 125,000 in
her army which made such a bril-
liant fighting record in World War
II and against the postwar Com-
munist rebellion, and these also
are largely American-equipped.
These forces will now defend a
line which runs along the western
and southern borders of Hungary,
Romania, and Bulgaria, the south-
ern shore of the Black Sea, and
clear across the northern border
of Iraq to the northwestern tip of
With Pakistan and Turkey also,
in alliance, this leaves Iran, which
may join up, and Afghanistan, for
which Russia is making a big play,
as. the only gaps in a line between
Russia, the Middle East and North
Orientation . .
Those interested in planning
and participating in the Orienta-
tion Program for foreign students
in the fall should contact Donna
Netzer at NO 8-6922.
-Daily-Mari Crozier
VIRST PERMANENT structure of its kind, this building now
under construction in the back yard of the archticture
school is set-up under the space frame system. This means the
structure can spread weight in at least three different directions.
The experimental building will serve as a research laboratory and
office space for the architecture and engineering schools. Begun
three weeks ago by graduate architecture students under the
direction of Prof. C. Theodore Larson of the architecture school,
the 50-foot square building is expected to be completed shortly
before the fall semester opens.
Ray E. Brown and Bennett J. minor, K. 475"; Mozart's "Sonata
McCarthy will conduct a course in C minor, K. 457"; Beethoven's
on the "Relationship between Blue "Sonata, Op. 31, No. 3" and Bar-
Cross and Hospitals and Commer- tok's "Sonatina."j
cial Insurance Companies and Jay Thompson, baritone, will
Hospitals." present a concert at 8:30 p.m. in
Brown is director of the Vni- Auditorium A, Angell Hall in par-
versity of Chicago graduate pro- tial fulfillment of the requirements
gram in hospital admihistration for the degree of Bachelor of Mu-
and McCarthy is assistant direc- sic of the University.
tor in charge of hospital affairs He will be accompanied by Carol
for the Michigan Hospital Ser- Van Asselt at the piano. The pro-
vice in Detroit. gram will include selections from
The "Scope of Prepayment and the works of Purcell, Dibdin, Han-
Its Effect upon the Practice of del, Rosa. Falconieri, Carissimi,
Medicine" will be analyzed by Mozart, Folf, Gustave Holst,
James E. Bryan, administrator, Vaughan Williams, Charles Griffes
New Jersey Blue Shield Plan, and Peter Warlock.
tual defense alliance.
Although the treaty carefully
preserves Yugoslavia's right to in-
dependent action in case of attack
on other NATO members, the com-
mitment to Greece and Turkey
now guarantees that there will be
no "danglink front" in the south-
east in case of any attack on them,
This agreement means there will
be mutual planning and. an area
defense by two of the strongest
and one of the toughest armies
ever linked in Southeast Eu-
rope and tho Eastern Mediterran-
Yugoslavia is secret on the sub-
ject, but is generally credited with
:v y w
(Continued from Page 2) It will be closed for repairs from Doctoral Examination for Louise Mor-
---- August 30 through September 6; and rison Winter, Psychology; thesis: "De-
Attention August Graduates: College on all Saturdays and Sundays, Agut velopment of a Scoring System for the!
of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 14 to September 19 inclusive. Children's Form of the Blacky Pic-
School of Education, School of Music, It will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. tures," Wednesday, August 11, 7611 Ha-
Scholl of Public Health: Monday through Friday except at the ven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, G. s
Students are advised not to request: times noted above. Blum.
grades of I or X in August. When such The Divisional Libraries will be clos- --
grades are absolutely imperative, the ed from August 14 through September Doctoral Examination for Harold Ste-
work must be made up in time to al- 11, with the exception of Bureau of phen Housman. Psychology; thesis:
low your instructor to report the make- Government, Engineering, East Engi- "A Psychological Study of llenstrua-
utgradGr laes eceived after hat tm eering, Hospital, Mathematics-Econo- tioln," Wednesday, August I1, 7611 Hav-
usyd9.radhe stueceiedn trduatimen mics, Medical, Museums, Music, Natur- ein Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,. G. 8,
may defer the student's graduation un- a eorePhsc.Sca!Sine hm
al Resources, Physics, Social Science,1 Blum.
til a later date, and Transportation which will be open -~-~-°-
EDWARD G. GROESBECKon short schedules. Information as to Doctoral Examination for Lois Ve:r-
Assistant Registrar hours will be posted on the library Veer Pratt. Sociology: thesis: "'he Re-
Rerommendations for Departmental doors or may be obtained by calling lationship of Non-Familial Activity of
Roms:Tenatins forDepartmental- University Extension 653. Requests for Wives to Some Aspects of Family Life,"
Honors: Teaching departments wish- material from the closed libraries will Thursday, August 12, 613 Haven Hall,
ing to recommend tentative Au gust be taken care of at the Circulation a :0pn himn oadFed
graduates from the College of Litera- e n e a at 1:0 p.m. Chairman, Ronald red-
ture, Science and the Arts, and the
School of Education for departmental
honors (or high honors in the College 1'ct r sDoctoral Examination for Geor°e Wit-
of L.S.&A.) should recommend such lard Ford, Phy'sics; thesis: "On the T1he-
students in a letter delivered to the A1iguistie Institute Lecture. "Prob- ory of Linear Graphs with Applica-.
Registrar's Office, Room 1513, Admin- lems of Linguistic Geography in the tions to the Theory of Condensation,"
istration Building, before August 19. Pacific Coact Region." David W. Reed, Thursday, August 12, 2038 R 1ndall lab.,
EDWARD G, GROESBECK University of California. 7:30 p.m. at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, G. E. Uhien-
Assistant Registrar Rackham Amphitheater. becl.
MLIBRARY HOURS . Doctoral Examination for Justin Le-
AFTER SUMMER SESSION Academic N olices on Vis.Pyhology; thesis: An Ex-
The General Library will close at 86 imetlSuyo h seova
p.m. daily, beginning Friday, August Doctoral Examination for Robert mics of Humor Thursday, Audtust 1?.
13. Evening service will be resumed on Richards Lewis, Jr., Physics: thesis: 711 Haven tall at 9:00 am. Chairman.
September 20. "Some Contributions to the Theory ofG
sart, Wolf, Hoist, Vaughan Williams
Charles Griffes and Peter Warlock, and
will be open tp the public. Mr. Thomp-
ton is a pupil of Harold Haugh.
Student Recital: Sister Maria Invio-
lat Delaplane, pianist, will be heard at
4:15 Tuesday afternoon, August 10, in
the Rackham Assembly Hall, playing a
recital in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Master of Music de-
gree. It will include compositions by
Mozart, Beethoven and Bartok, and
will be open to the general public. Sis-
ter Maria Inviolata is a pupil of John
SIiident Recital: Marjorie Kingiand.
studeint of piano with John Kollen,
will present a program at 8:30 Wednes-
day evening, August 11, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the reouirements for the Mas-j
ter of Music degree. It Will cover works
by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, and Ch
pi, and will be open to the public.
3 Exhibitions
Clements Library. Women and Wo-
man in Early America.
General Library. Wonon as Aubors.I
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from;
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Mnsemn of Art. Museum Collections.
ray-1 esTody
Square Dance -- Jerry Moon. guest
Everyone welcome. Tonight, Lane
Hal, 7:30-t10:00
CoMInn g Erecnst
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the In-
ternational Student Association, will
be held in the Madelon Pound House,
1024 Hill Street, Thursday, August 12.
at 4:30 until 6 o'clock.
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T.V. For Your Enjoyme
Scattering from, a Many Body System
with Applications to the Scattering of
Electrons from Nuclei," Tuesday, Aug-
ust 10, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at
1:30 p.m. Chairman, G. E. Uhlenbeck.
Doctoral Examination for William
Norton Dember, Psychology; thesis:
"Decision-Time and Psychological Dis-
tance," Tuesday, August 10, 7011 Hav-
en Hall, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, E. L.
:utting Doctoral Examination for Sherman
Eugene Nelson, Psychology; thesis:
"Psychosexual Conflicts and Defenses
in Visual Perception," Wednesday, Aug-
ust 11, 7611 Haven Hall, at 9:00 a.m.
'nt Chairman, G. A. Blum.
- Doctoral Examination for Walter Feit,
Mathematics; thesis: "Topics in the
Theory of Group Characters," Wednes-
day, August 11, East Council Room,
S Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m., Chairman,
R. M, Thrall.
Doctoral Examination for Edwtin Wal-
ter Dennison, Astronomy; thesis:"Iso
photometry of Extragalactic Nebulae,"{
Friday, August 13, Observatory, at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, O. C, Mohler.
Doctoral Examination for Leonard N.
Binn, Bacteriology; thesis: "An Investi-
gation of the Effect of Antibactrtat
Serum on the Adsorption ofHi$actoro-
phase," Thursday, August 12. 1566 h
Medical Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman.
W.V. Preston
Stldent Recilai: Jay Thompson, bari-
tone, will appear in a recital at 8:30
Tuesday evenin', August 10, in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall, in partial ful-
filliment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music. It will in-
I clude compositions by Purcell, Dibdin,
v Handel, Rosa, Falconieri, Carissimi, Mo-j
ER, ATinc.
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