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August 07, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-08-07

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He Takes His Books Seriously

Law Society
Moves from
Law Quad
Headquarters of the American
Judicature Society will be moved
next month from the UniversityF
of Michigan law school to the newt
American Bar Center in Chicago,
Albert J. Harno, president of the
Society, announced here today.
The Society, a national organi-
zation of lawyers and judges, with
13,000 members promotes the effi-
cient administration of justice. It
publishes a bi-monthly Journal,and
s e r v e s as a nation-wide clear-
ing house of information and ideas
in the field of judicial reform.
Founded in 1913 by the late
Herbert Harley, its first home was
in Chicago, where it was .associ-
ated with the law shcool of North-
western University. It came to
Ann Arbor in 1930, and since the
erection of the Law Quadrangle it
has been housed in a suite of
offices on the fourth floor of Hut-
chins Hall.$ , s

These People Don't

By Regents
Memoirs expressing the deep re-
gret of the Regents over the death
of three faculty members were
adopted by the August meeting,
President Harland Hatcher an-
The deaths were those of William
Platt Wood, professor of metallur-
gical engineering, on July 12;
Theodore Ernest Raiford, instruc-
tor of mathematics. on July 14;
and Dr. John Alexander, professor
of surgery, on July 16.
The memoir of Professor Wood
said his death was "deeply felt by
the University of Michigan, by his
many associates in the professional
circles in which he was active,
and by his countless frieinds in the
faculty, among the students and
in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
communities." The memoir cited
his reputation as an expert in the
field of metallurgical engineering.
Dr. Raiford's memoir cited him
as "an inspiring teacher of under-
graduates" and said he would be
1remembered by them for his
clear presentation of his subject
and for his personal interest in
their academic success. d
The Regents" memoir said the
death of Dr. Alexander "has taken
from the University and from the
world a great medical mind 'and
a renowned surgeon." It also
pointed out that "his students have
carried his theories and his tech-
niques throughout the world. As
his disciples they will always re-
member his inspiration, his great
professional skill, and his profound
understanding of his fellow human
beings attacked by illness."
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

-Daily--Marj Crozier



-Daily-Mara Crozier
Gifts, Grants Accepted by Regents

The American Bar Center is af
$2,000,000 structure now nearing
completion on the campus of the
University of Chicago which will
serve as a home for the American
Bar Association, the American
Judicature Society, and other na-
tional organization in the legal pro-
fession. It is to be dedicated on
August 19, as a part of the pro-
gram of the annual convention of'
the American Bar Association,
with Chief Justice Earl Warren of
the Supreme Court of the United
States as the principal speaker.
In a statement released simul-

Dior' s New'

Flat Look' Is Still Secret

(Continued from Page 1)
study under the directi'on of Dr.
Thomas Francis, Jr.
From the American Rheumatism
Association, New York, $3,000 for
the Rheumatism Review Grant
Fund under the direction of Dr.
W. D. Robinson.
From an anonymous donor, $3,-
000 to be used for such purpose
as the donor will designate in the
near future.
From General Motors Corpora-
tion, Research Laboratories Divi-
soDetroit, $2,800 fo ~ rdu-
ate fellowship in electro-chemistry
for 1954-55.
From Procter andGamble Com-
pany, Cincinnati, Ohio, $2,720 for
a fellowshipinchemistry for 1954-

Field Army of the American Can-
cer Society Fund.
From Arnar-Stone Laboratories,'
Inc., Evanston, Ill., $500 for the
laboratories' research study fund.
From the National Society of
Colonial Dames of American in
Michigan, Grosse Pointe, $500 for
a scholarship in American history.
From the Washtenaw County
Chapter Michigan Society for Crip-
pled Children and Adults, Inc.,
Ann Arbor, $500 for the Kiwanis
Easter Seal Fund. ,
From the Square D Company,
Detroit, $450 for its scholarship
From miscellaneous donors,$400
for the Reed M. Nesbit Urological
Research Fund.


From the C. S.Mott Foundation,
Flint, Michi., $2,00 for the found-
ation's portiono f thercost of the k a phs
Flint Social Science Research Pro-
ject for 1954-55. R aseher
From the Helen Newberry Joy
Fund, Detroit, $2,500 for the Helen G e
Newberry Joy Medical Scholarship Concert
From Monsanto Chemical Com- Saxophonist S i g u r d Rascher,
pany, St. Louis, Mo., a total of' guest faculty member of the Uni-
$2,300 with $1,800 for the compa- versity of Michigan's School of
ny's fellowship in pharmaceutical Music, will give a publicconcert
chemistry for 1954-55 and $500 for in Auditorium A, Angell Hall to-
a 1954-55 scholarship in chemical morrow at 8:30 p.m. Patricia Joy,
engineering. Grad., will accompany him at the
From Allied Chemical and Dye piano,
Corporation, National Aniline Di- Rascher, who has appeared with
vision, New York, $2,280 for the numer, shony oresta
corporation's fellowship in chem-; numer us symphony orchestras
istry for 1954-55.iand has given concerts in all partsa
itrfor 1954-55. d i of the world, will be assisted by
From Standard Oil Foundation, JmsNis~,getfclymm
Inc., Chicago, $2,200 for the foun- bemtmets, guest faculty mem-
dation's fellowship in chemical en- , trumpet, and by a group of
gineering for 1954-.55.music students-Gerald Corey,bas-
I soon, and ten saxophonists: Keith
Grants Continued Saxton, Joseph Edwards, Joseph
From Sterling-W i n t h ro p Re- j Krysik, Harley Rex, Frank Stach-
search Institue,Rensselaer, N.Y., ow, Lois Stauffer, Norris Huston,
a total of $2,100 for a fellowship Eleanor Ryder, Judith Price, and
in pharmaceutical chemistry. Jack Wagner.
From Whitehall Parmacal Com- Program
pany, New York, $2,000 fort he
company's fellowship in pharmacy. F include "Praeludium" by Pugnani-
pany, Inc., Santa Monica, Calif., Kreisler; "Sonata" (original in D,
$1,600 of which $1,000 is for a fel- for violin) by G. F. Handel;
lowship in engineering and $600 "Prelude to Cantata 156" (original
for a scholarship. for Oboe D'Amore) by J. S. Bach;
From associates and friends of and "Bouree" (original for harpsi-
the late Dr. Howard B. Lewis, chord) by Henry Purcell.
$1,42$.50 to be used as a memorial After intermission, the programt
in some form not yet determined, will continue with: "Sonata for
Fromt he John and Anna M. Saxophone and Piano" and "Trio
Houck Endowment Fund, Detroit, for Trumpet, Saxophone and Bas-
$1,250 for the fund's medical schol- soon," both by Ernst Lothar Von
arship fund. Rascher; "Arietta" by Waldemar
From the Samuel Higby Camp Welander; "Pulcinella" by Eugene
Foundation, Jackson, Mich.,$1,200 Bozza; "Danse Du Satyr" by Fre-
for a scholarship fund to be used da Swain; "Prelude No. 2" (ori-
in aiding worthy and needy med- ginal for piano) by George Gersh-
ical students. win, arranged by Rascher; and
From the Lederle Laboratories "Recitative and -Abracadabra" by
Division - American Cyanamid Clair Leonard.
Company, New York, $1,200 to set A saxophone quartet will present
up a medical student research C. M. Von Weber's "Overture to
fellowships fund. Der Freischuetz," arranged by
From Mrs. Clifford Woody, Ann Holmes, and, concluding the pro-
Arbor, and friends, $1,065 to esta- gram, a saxophone ensemble will!
blish the Clifford ' Woody Memor- play "Military Polonaise" by Fred-
ial Fund. Dr. Woody, professor eric Chopin, arranged by Mazero..
of education, died on Nov. 19, 1948.
The fund will be used to assist __

From the Furniture Club of
America, Chicago, $400 for the
From the Foundation for the
Study of Cycles, East Brady, Pa.,
$400 to be used to defray the costs
of certain statistical calculations
necessary in a study of cycles
being made by Dr. Leonard Wing,
visiting investigator in the Insti-,
tute of Human Biology.
From Romaine Pierson Publi-
shers, Inc., Great Neck, N.Y., $350
for a mail research project to be
undertaken by the College of Phar-
From American Foundation for
Pharmaceutical Education,Wash-
ington, D.C., $300 for a scholarship.
From the Presser Foundation,
Philadelphia, Pa., an offer to re-
new the' Press Musican Scholar-
ship in the amount of $250 for the
University year of 1954-55.
From Charles H. Tower, Na-
tional Association of Radio and
Television Broadcasters, Washing-
ton, D.C., $200 for the Law School
Special Activities Fund.
From miscellaneious donors,$170
for the Leslee Karen Britt Mem-
orial Fund which is used for re-
search in blood diseases.
From Caleb R. Smith, Fort
Lauderdale, Fla., $150 for the Rev.
R. Edward S a y le s Memorial
Scholarship Fund.
From friends of the late Mrs.
Marian Hollway, patient librarian
Open House
A pre-final open house will
be held from 8 to 10:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Hillel Foun-
dation on Hill St. The party
will feature dancing, music, TV
and games such as scrabble,
bridge and ping-pong. Refresh-
ments will be served on the
terrace free of charge. Every-
one is welcome to attend.


taneously with President Harno's
commenting on the move, Dean
E. Blythe Stason of the Univer-
sity law school said.:
"While we on the faculty ofd the
law school necessarily regret the
severance of the long-continued re-
lationship with the American Judi-
cature Society resulting from the
Society's occupancy of quarter in
Hutchins Hall, we realize that the
splendid facilities available in the
newly-completed American Bar
Center in Chicago,hcoupled with
the fine service that will be ren-1
dered by the Society and its staff
to the other American bar activi-
ties conducted in the new Center,
make the move to Chicago a most
desirable one from the standpoint
of the organized bar and its act-
Harno Statement
President Harno, who is dean
of the college of law of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, issued a state-"
ment saying:
"The University of Michigan hasI
for many years provided a home
for the American Judicature So-
ciety. The members of the Society
are deeply conscious of the gra-
cious hospitality we have enjoyed,
and we shall ever be grateful for
it. We recognize yet another bond
to the school in that the Society
was founded by Herbert L. Harley,
an alumnus of the school.
"It is particularly fortunate that
this connection was established
with the University of Michigan,
an educational institution which
could well understand the aspira-
tion and ideals of the Society and
which offered it numerous facili-1
ties in aid of their fruition."
Three Receive
Emeritus Titles

PARIS A--Women who want to
try for Christian Diol"'s new It comes down much further
"flat look" soon can buy a reason- than the ordinary girdle and has
able facsimile of his celebrated- an elaborate boned superstruc-
but still secret-underthing in the ture, starting from well below the
United States.
UThe race for details of the Dior waist and building up to the bras-
brassiere is approaching the in- siere. This is only a half-bra-the
tensity of a hunt for blueprints of bottom half. It is composed of
the H-bomb. Spies are all over two wired half-cups, reinforced
town. with a firm fabric calculated to
Mme. le Faucheur flatten the most resistant curves.
Thisepore.cneThe straight tops of the semi-
This reporter cornered one Mmne. circular cups give that part of
le Faucheur in her Paris studio the bust which won't fit into the
Friday She had been identified as brassiere a little freedom. After
a Dior associate, one of those all, Mme. le Faucheur pointed out,
responsible for the undergarments it has to go somewhere.
worn by his mannequins.
She disclaimed any connection
with designing it, but acknowl-
edged that she did create a sepa-
rate small girdle which the manne-
quins wore under the garment to
bind their hips more securely.
Then she disclosed that she has
manufactured a garment similar
to Dior's, for sale in the United
States. She finally agreed to let
me see this.
It is an all-in-one foundation that
covers and straightens everything
from the bust to the thighs, a long,
narrow whaleboned affair.
_______ I- ---riCe-r fIED'U F N Vl:IR

Regents Fill
!Posts, Grant
(Continued from Page 1)
Maugh of the engineering school
(sabbiatical), Prof. Leo A. Schmidt
of the Business Administration
school (sabbatical), Prof. Otto La-
porte of the physics department,
Prof. Edwin S. Lennox of the phy-
sics department, Prof. Ronald
Freedman of the sociology de-
Other leaves went to: Prof. Mor-
ris Janowitz of the sociology de-
partment, Prof. Marvin Felheim of
the English department, Prof.
Lduis F. Kazda of the engineer-
ing college, Prof. Charles J. Titus
of the mathematicsndepartment,
Prof. Guy E. Swanson of the so-
ciology department (the latter

at University Hospital, $111 to es-
tablisht he Marian Hollway Pa-
tients Library Fund.
FRom the estate of Alphonso
Morton Clover, Ann Arbor, $110.76
for the Alphonso Morton Clover
Medical Research Fund.
From Ecorse High School,Ecorse,
Mich., $100 for the Ecorse Uni-
versity of Michigan Loan Fund.
From Albion Malleable I r o n
Company, Albion,Mich., $100 for
the Faculty Research Fellowship
in Personnel Administration Fund.
From Wesley Minnis, Summit,
New Jersey, $100 for the Nola
Sauer Minnis PIZE IN Chemistry.
From Joseph M. Dodge,Detroit
Bank, Detroit, $100 for the Michi-
gan Memorial-Phoenix Project.
This represents a donation of his
Utility Training Program.
tCIO- Officials
Say Workers
Won't Take Cut
United Auto Workers officials toldl
members won't go along with thej
union's suggestion that their pay
be cut 15 per cent to help sell
more cars.
Neither union nor management
came up with any new solution
the problem that has cut working
time to about four days every
two weeks and wages to an aver-
age of $35 a week.
A slump in automobile sales
started the layoffs that cut the
Studebaker force from 23,000 a
year ago to 11,000 now. Since early
this year, 10,000 of them have been
laid off every second week.
Net Loss

Three faculty members, whoset
combined services, to the Univer- three leaves were of a part-time
sity of Michigan total 112 years, arenr c
were given emeritus titles by the Lawrence R. Klein, research as-
Regents at their meeting. sociate in the Survey Research
ACenter, Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of
Alfred Henry Lovell, who be- the School of Graduate Studies
came 70 on July 13, was given and Dr. Ralph M. Hulett of the
the title of professor emeritus of department of pathology received
electrical engineering. He joined leaves for varied periods of time.
the faculty in 1911 and thus had lae o aidproso ie

9:30 A.M.-Sunday School
11:00 A.M.--Sunday Morning Service
August 8-"Spirit"
8:00 P.M.-Wednesday: Testimonial Service
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed or purchased.
The Reading Room is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11 a.m. to '5 p.m. Friday
evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. and Sunday after-
noons from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
1917 Washtenaw, Phone NO 2-0085
Edward H. Redman, Minister
8:30 P:M.-"Creative Arts in Modern Living"
-a lecture series and public discussions, spon-
sored by the Unitarian Adult Group
Phyllis Wright, of the Dramatic Arts Center of
Ann Arbor, speaking on "Contemporary Drama
in Ann Arbor."
William and Thompson Sts.
Masses Daily at 7:00 A.M., 8:00 A M.--Sun-
day at 8:00 AM., 10:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M.
Novena Devotions-Wednesday Evenings-7:30
State and Huron Streets, Phone NO 2-1121
Wm. C. Bennett, Pastor
10:00 A.M.-Sunday School
11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship, Rev. Hector Mc-
7:30 P.M.-Evening Worship, Rev. McMillan
Wednesday at 7:30 P.M.-Prayer Meeting
A warm welcome awaits you here. Come and hear
the Word of God.
presents a series of informal talks on Theosophy
every Thursday at 7:30 P.M. at 6561 Warren
Rd. If interested call Miss Neutz, NO 2-6295,
736 S. State St., for reservation or transpor-
Public is cordially invited.
502 East Huron, Phone NO 8-7332
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Pastor and
Student Counselor
11:00 A.M.-The Morning Worship Service, Ser-
mon: Rev, Walter R. Hoek, a graduate of the
University and pastor of the Congregational
Christian Church of East Orange, N. J., will
speak on "Those Answers Found in Worship."
6:30 P.M.-Guild Meeting and review of R.
Loften Hudson's book "Tap Roots for Tall
Souls," given by Martin Sprangler.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches
of Michigan)
Washtenow at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Res. Ph. NO 5-4205, Office Ph, NO 8-7421

43 years of service.
Henry Willard Miller, whose1
70th birthday was on July 12,was
given the title of professor emeri-
tus of engineering drawing. He has
been on the University faculty for
33 years.
Robert Gordon Rodkey, whosej
request to retire one year before
reaching his 70th birthday was
granted, was given the title of
professor emeritus of banking and
investments. He had joined the
faculty in 1914 and except for a
six-year absence from 1917 to 1923
has been continuously associated
with the U-M. His years of service
number 36.

Only a one-piece garment, she
said, would give the desired ef-
fect, since shoulder straps alone
would not be strong enough to
raise the bust a minimum of 2 /
inches above its normal line. A
push, a shove and ironclad support
from below is clearly necessary.
The surplus fullness, Mme. le
Faucheur explained, will make a
bulge just about collarbone level,
well out of danger of interfering
with the flat look.
She declined to give details on
how her own foundation differs
from Dior's.

8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion
9:00 A.M.-Holy Communion followed by
Breakfast at Canterbury House
11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship and Sermon
6:00 P.M.-Student Supper Club
7:00 P.M.-"The Church in the News"-Sister
ter Martha of Oxford Mission, Order of the
Epithany, speaking on "The Church in india."
3:00 P.M.-Evensong in The Chapel of St.
Michael and All Angels, followed'by a coffee

"Candida," by George Ber-
nard Shaw, now playing at the
Saline Mill Theatre will be held
over for an extra week, ending
August 14. Guest tickets are
available for season ticket hold-
ers. Christopher Fry's "The
Lady's Not for Burning" will
run August 17 through August
31, and will star two University
graduate students, Nafe Katter
and Nancy Born. Saline Mill
Theatre is located on U.S. 12
near Saline.

423 South Fourth Ave.
Walter S. Press, Pastor
10:45 A.M.-Worship Service--Holy Communion
and Meditation.
120 South State Street
Merrill R. Abbey, Erland J. Wangdahl,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:00 and 10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship Ser-
vice, Sermon: "Forever Building"-L. LoVern
Finch, District Superintendent, speaking.
9:30 A.M.- Informal discussion group-Pine
3:00 P.M.-Student group meet in the Wesley
Lounge for outing picnic, swimming, volley-
ball-all students welcome.
Welcome to Wesley Foundation. Rooms open.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
9:45 A.M.-Bible Study-IlII John
10:45 A.M.-Service with sermon by the pastor,
"Promoting the Unity of the Faith."
6:00 P.M.-Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper and Program.
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill and Forest Avenue
Dr. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor
9:30 A.M.-Bible Class-Study of Galatians
10:30 A.M.-Worship Service
530 West Stadium
(Formerly at Y.M.C.A.)
Sundays-10:15 A.M., 11:00 A.M., 7:30 P.M.
Wednesdays-7:30 P.M., Bible Study, G. Wheeler
Utley, Minister
Hear: "The Herald of Truth" WXYZ-ABC Net-
work Sundays-1:00-1:30 P.M.

graduate students who are special-
izing in education.!
From anonymous donors, $1,000E
to establish the Dean's Emergency
Loan Fund to be administered by
the Dean of Men and to be used
for emergency loans, without in- I
terest, of not more than $100 to;
men students.
From Drs. Gardner Riley, Sam-I
uel J. Behrman, Tommy N. Evans
and Reynold L. Haas, $1,000 for
the Expendable Trust Funds,Reu-j
ben Peterson Memorial Research'
Laboratory in Obstetrics and Gyne-
cology and the Obstetrics and Gyn-
ecology Special Travel Fund. Each!
amount of $250 and have asked
that the money be credited to
these funds,
From the American Heart Asso-
ciation, Inc., New York, $787.50
for research by Dr. A. S. Dontas.

Trans polar
Air Route


gre ed Upon
States and Denmark, Norway and
Sweden agreed Friday to the es-
tablishment of a new transpolar
air route between Scandinavia and
the United States by way of Green-
The agreement provides that, for
a three-year experimental period,
one or more Scandinavian airlines
may operate from Denmark, Nor-I
way and Sweden to and from Los
Angeles, and that one or more air-
lines designate d 2y the United
States may exercise recinrocal


Your Favorite

7 f



1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Herv Kui-ena .Ministe








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