rAGE IrQ THE MMIFIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. AUGUST 6. 1954 ,_ VAG1~ F OURT h E )RfCIITGAN DAILY FRTDAV ATTE~TJST R a'a aa.r rs. .a.* n . cs s.A a.r Z ux .r.eiuz G Center Presents Unique Exhibitions Crop Control Termed Rough, but Necessary AT SRC: Two Belgians Study 'U' Resarh ecniue the first display of its kind in the world, an exhibition of recent publications and of work in pro- gress in linguistic geography and dialectology is being shown at 3015 Rackham Building this week. Thirty-six countries, including such. farflung countries as Peru and Cambodia, are represented by the work of their scholars, mem- bers of the International Center of Dialectology. The idea] and the organization of the exhibition came from Prof. Sever Pop of the Catholic Univer- sity of Louvain, Belgium and foun- der of the International Center of Dialectology. This center has 365 members and its main enterprise is an "Encyclopedia of Linguist- tics." Map of Contributors Installed in the big exhibition room on the mezzanine floor of the Rackham Bldg., the first thing which strikes the eye of an ob- server is an enlarged outline map of the world done in relief and illuminated with spotlights. On the map is Ann Arbor, to which rib- bons lead from the countries rep- resented in the exhibit. Included in the exhibition are graphs on linguistic geography and dialectology, journals devoted to this branch of linguistic research and samples of field records and of maps in manuscript. Research Center Findings Aired Wages earn'ed by Detroit area workers will be discussed over WWJ-TV, Detroit, at 5:45 p.m. Saturday when Michigan Televis- ion presents the first of two shows dealing with the Detroit Area Study that was recently conducted, by the Survey Research Center. A kinescope production, it is one of a series designed to acquaint viewers with the many activities of the University. Reed To Give Last Linguistic Talk "Problems of Linguistic Geo- graphy in the Pacific Coast Re- gion" will be discussed at the University, Tuesday as the last in .the current series of Linguistic lectures, presented ty the Linguis- tic Institute. Prof. David W. Reed, of the English Department at the Uni- versity of California, Santa Bar- bara, will present the public lec- ture ath7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. EAST LANSING UP-Secretary~ of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson said yesterday he didn't like the "stiff medicine" that crops con- trols and penalties for over-pro- duction impose on American agri- culture. But American farmers will be faced with such controls for some time, Benson said in a speech at a meeting of the Artificial Breed- ers Cooperative at Michigan State College. Must Continue Controls "Because of the surpluses which have been built up under high, fixed price supports, it will be necessary to continue some con- trols for a time," Benson said. "But flexible price supports, along with our other programs, will help to reduce these excess reserves, establish better balancei i in our agriculture and will hasten- the day when farmers will again By PAT ROELOFS A fellow countryman, living in have more freedom ito make their Two young men from Belgium the fraternity house with Dreze, own management decisions," he 1are attending courses in research and reviewing some research tech- said. technique at the University Re- niques and studies made by the Benson said there was a chang- search Center this summer. Survey Center, is Prof. Andre Ha- ing feeling toward high price sup- One of them, Jacques Dreze, querre of the sociology depart- ports among American farmers. sporting a beard and haircut that ment of the University of Louvain Surpluses produced under high, he grew out of necessity when on in Belgium. fixed price support incentives are a trip recently, is the Secretary of Assimilation Problems "shackling American agriculture the Banque Dreze in Verviers, Bel- with tight controls," he said. gium. Prof. Haquerre is working on a Acreage Reductions Dreze is a Ph.D. candidate in study of assimilation of foreign "Alhuhhg rc uprseconomics and has been studying; workers in Belgian industry as a. "Although high price supportsecnmsadhsbentuyg project for UNESCO. Studies of were popular at first," Benson at Columbia University for the past similar problems are also being said, "we finally reached a point two years. At present he is study- made under the sponsorship of ing research techniques which he UNESCO in other European n - hopes to make use of when he sur-tUnsC veys consumer finance in Belgium tions. in the near future. "Americans should be more con- Weather A Factor cerned with assimilation, even in European countries," Prof.Ha- Tlhe young Belgian bank secre- Erpa onre, rf querre feels. The problems involy- t ary has two other reasons for at-!, ~ ~ ~ ~ , DISPLAY TAKES WORK FROM 36 COUNTRIES, IS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD A number of University faculty Prof. Joseph Yamagiwa, chairman stic monographs, encompassing members have contributed works of the Far East department. Spain, Spanish American and Ju- to the exhibit. Prof. Hans Kurath Prof. Charles N. Staubachchair- deo-Spanish. of the English department rep- man of the Romance language Most recent publications in the resented by United States Linguis- department, presents the various field of dialectology and linguistic tics Atlases which show the atlas publications of department mem- geography, as sent by the contri- of New England and preparatory bers, together with a chart show- buting scholars in the world, are stages for the future atlas of ing the departmental organiza- exhibited in the center of the room the United States and Canada. tion. together with the publications of Linguistic geography and dialec- Prof. of Spanish Lawrence P. the International Center of Dialec- tology in Japan is presented by Kiddle presented Spanish linguis- tology. FLYS TO WASHINGTON: Leonard Meets To Pan for Campaign DETROIT (A')--Donald S. Leon- ' ' ,Sents to win the GOP nomination in the primary battle between and, Michigan's Republican nomi- for governor in Tuesday's primary Leonard, State Treasurer D. Hale E nee for governor, and those nomi- by approximately 75,000 votes. He Brake, Secretary of State Owen nated to seek congressional seats will attempt to frustrate Demo- cratc Gv. GMenen Wllims'J. Cleary and Dr. Eugene Keyes of i now held by Democrats will meet cratic Gov. G. Mennen Williams' in Washington today with the bid for an unprecedented fourth I Dearborn, sent Leonard this mes- statW'shintousntda ithtdeg-term in the Nov. 2 general elec- sage of congratulations: state's House and Senate delega-.tion. Message tion. Williams was unopposed for "My sincere congratulations toI They were accompanied on a Democratic re-nomination Tues- you on a splendid campaign and flight from Detroit Wednesday day. So were 'Republican Senator victory. The Republican party is night by State Republican Chair- Homer Ferguson and the Demo- uniting behind you for the big man John Feikens, and will be crat who will attempt- to unseat battle ahead and I know the whole joined by Postmaster General Ar- him, Patrick V. McNamara, for- strength the party can muster is thur E. Summerfield in their mer Detroit city councilman. yours. I shall be happy to help in breakfast conference with the sen- Full Slate any way that I can and I am ators and representatives. looking forward to attending your "Battle Plans" Democrats nominated a full slate inaugural ceremonies next Jan. 1. The subject will be "battle plans eludingresigsJranDdtit Best wishes always." for Novemberluding Charles Diggs, Jr, Detroit Leonard and the Republican fr o r Negro undertaker and state sena- State Central Committee set par- Summerfield is a former Re- tor, who beat the veteran Rep. ty wheels in motion for the gen- publican national committeeman George O'Brien (D-Mich.) in the erawhels in mtin f n th Ln- from Michigan and was chairman 13th district. eral election campaign in a Lan- fom ichR ian awa crmn Tsing conference only hours after of the Republican National Coi- The house lineup now is 1:3 the former state and Detroit po- riittce when President Eisenhow- Republicans and 5 Democrats, lice commissioner had cinched the er conducted his successful cam-I paign against Adlai Stevenson in # ummerfield, who took no part! nomination.a Benson Says Dairy Support Works Well EAST LANSING(')-The 75 per cent support rate of dairy pro- ducts is working out very well, Secretary of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson said yesterday. Benson, at Michigan State Col- lege to address the Michigan Arti- ficial Breeders Cooperative, held a news conference following his formal address. He sat with a glass of milk in front of him and preached his contention that everyone should drink more milk. Consumption Up "The 75 per cent support rate is working out very well," Benson said. "Consumption of dairy pro- ducts is increasing. I believe we'll be able to work out the dairy prob- lem at the present support level. The only real answer to it is to increase consumption." Benson praised the role the press has been playing in publicizing the administration's farm program, "Farmers will make the right decisions if they have all the facts," he- said. "The press is an invaluable help in getting the facts to them." Benson was asked about a charge made by a Democratic con- gressman that administration lead- ers had been "pressuring" mem- bers of the House and Senate to get through the President's farm program. "I haven't heard of it," Benson said, "and I don't believe it. Pres- ident Eisenhower doesn't work that way." Surplus a Problem Benson said the grain surplus continued to be a major problem for thedAgriculture department. "Frankly," he said, "I d o n 't know where we're going to put it. We have it in boats on the Hudson River now, in airplane carriers and in schoolhouses. We're just about running out of storage plac- es." Then Benson returned to his favorite topic - drinking milk. "I notice they have a milk dis- penser in this building," he said. "They should be placed every- where that there's a coke maciine. We have eight milk dispensing machines in the Department of Agriculture now, but that's the first time they've ever been there." A throng of 2,500 shirt-sleeved farmers and their wives heard Benson. In his party were Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich), Kit Clardy (R-Mich) and Charles Figy, former director of the State De- partment of Agriculture and now an assistant in the Federal Agri- culture Department. Production PARIS (QP) - Finance Minister Edgar Faure told the French Na- tional Assembly yeserday that French production in 1953 was on- ly 7 per cent above its 1929 level. tending the University course this summer. The weather in Ann Ar- bor is the first, and his disserta- tion topic, "Uncertainty and Risk in Theory of Consumer Behavior" is the other. He is making use of figures and facts from a nine-year survey on consumer finance made by the University Survey Researchi Center for his dissertation. Before he can pu$s to active use the knowledge in research techni- ques Drese will serve 18 months in the Belgian army beginning in February. While discussing the compulsory military service in his country, he pointed out that a re- SECRETARY BENSON duction in the numbers required in Belgium's standing army re- ...Speaks in East Lansing cently went into effect when it was where the next inevitable step had decided that enough women vol- to be taken. This involved acreage unteers would supplement the controls and marketing quotas for male forces in the country. wheat and cotton and also acreage Settles Strikes controls for corn in 1954." The job of bank secretary that Similar controls are indicated Dreze has held for six years (he is for 1955 with further reductions 24 years old, has included travel to in the wheat acreage, Benson all of the West European nations said. and Africa. In addition, he has "The fact that far fewer wheat been called on to settle strikes in- farmers voted for marketing quo- volving the Banques customers, he tas in the recent wheat referendum has organized and reorganized city J, i ea concern LIune wLLii wor1ia, ut, 1952. I "7 T"I ArNr "3D nayt n rJ r Arv,' SL Cinema I Leonard defeated three oppon- 1U iAI IJI (Fr I K (1 , adli starring AnnTodd Unknown Hawa ii' Oat Flies Cause and NrmanWoolandk will be shown by the SL Cinema Guild at Scenew fgr m" 7 and 9 p.m. tonight at the Archi- faN on-Injurio us tecture Auditorium. Early Hawaii will provide the. Alec Guinness, Joan Greenwood setting for the University radio Housewives of the Southeastern and Cecil Parker will play in "The program, "Unknown Hawaii," to Michigan area who have been spr Man in the White Suit" which will be presented at 9:30 p.m. today puzzled and concerned over the wit be shown at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday over station WUOM-FM, Univer- current inundation of their homes sor and at 8 p.m. on Sunday, sity Broadcasting Service and by' oat flies may breathe easy, rid ent WFUM-FM, in Fin t. The pesky little nuisances, com- fro ans Suit This will be the last show in monly called "thrips" (scientific the series "A Gallery of Women," name, "thysanoptera") cause dis- sar SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. (/P) presented by WUOM-FM in con- comfort by crawling in great num- mo --W. R. Murphy, president of the junction with the Summer Session bers throught the hair and cloth- ha Cadillac-Sault Lumber Co., said special lecture series "Woman in ing, but they definitely are not dis yesterday he was informed that the World of Man." injurious insects, Prof. Theodore Sewell Avery of Chicago planned The "Gallery" series has re- H. Hubbell, curator of insects atw to file a suit to keep the company counted in dramatic or documen- the University, says.. Discomfort, 'rofessor Says ray the interior of the house th DDT or Chlordane," Profes-, Hubbell says, "so you'll get of those which already have, ered. Nothing can keep more m coming in, however," There's no need to be unneces- ily worried, though, the ento- logist, says, as the oat flies will ve lived out their life span and appeared in from two to three ,, tasoR1 To Attend aw Conference i' $ i M r i t }S} t 1 }$ I !k( t than in 1953 would seem to indi- cate that an increasingly larger number of farmers are becoming convinced that the disadvantages more than offset any advantage which can be gained through the government loan program," Ben- son said.! May StockpileI Benson revealed that the gov- ernment is exploring the possibil- ity of stockpiling food for use in the event of war. "In the age of weapons designed to wipe out entire cities," he said, ''we can well make provisions forI storing reserve supplies in rela-1 tively safe areas throughout the nation. "Certainly, some of the surplus commodities which would be in- sulated from the regular markets under the President's set-aside proposal could be stored as stra- tegic reserves in various parts of the country. "While all of us pray that the years ahead will be peaceful ones, the -final decision on that all-im- portant question is not ours to make. For that reason, we are exploring with the Office of De- fense Mobilization and the Civil Defense Administration a food stockpiling program that would help to insure an emergency food supply. institutions and established branch banks in other countries. Before he begins his stint with the army, Dreze plans to travel through the western United States, and at present he is searching for two passengers to join him in the 1954 Cadillac he will be driving to the Coast for a Detroit drive-away fi'm. He is spending the summer at the Gamma Alpha house on Os- wego St. with several other gradu- ate students, many of whom are working at the Survey Research Center, Parish To Talk On Blue Shield Ned Parish, assistant director of the Blue Shield Commission, Chicago, has been announced as one. of the guest lecturers for the second session of the University Blue Cross National Executive Training Program.I On Tuesday afternoon he will discuss "History, Background and Ideals of Blue Shield" as part of the annual course, presented by the Blue 4 Cross-Blue Shield Com- missions and the School of Busi- ness Administration. American sociologists are not con- cerned, he said. 'Other problems of interest to Prof. Haquerre at the present time include the government in the Bel- gian Congo and the relation of the Belgian people and the Congo na- tives to each other. New Navy Jet On Test Runs Capable of Supersonic Speed in Level Flight HICKSVILLE, N. Y. OP--A speck that whisked through the sky over Long Island during the past week was disclosed Thursday to be a new Navy jet fighter capable of supersonic speeds in level flight. The wasp - waisted craft, the Grumman F9F9 Tiger, is described by the Grumman :.ircraft Engine- ering Corp. as one of the few com- bat airplanes in the world capable of such speed on a level course. Her builders said she is capable of supersonic speed whether at sea level or any altitudes ranging up to around 50,000 feet. The speed of sound at sea level is about 760 miles an hour. Fourth Flight The new craft completed her fourth successful flight Thursday from the corporation's Peconic River plant on Long Island. The Tiger made her first flight Friday. That was four days before a British jet fighter, the English Electric P1, also capable'of super- sonic speed in level, flight, ynade her maiden test hop in England. The new American plane is the first of an undisclosed number of Tigers Grumnman will produce for the Navy under a 40 million dollar contract. Grumman said it designed the Tiger to meet the Navy's concept of a powerful carrier striking force equipped with fast, hard-hitting aircraft with retaliation ability to take the fight to any enemy's home ground." The U.S. Air Force is known to have at least one airplane that has exceeded the speed of sound in level flight-the North American Aviation, Inc. F100. The Air Force also has plans for at least two other supersonic jets, the F102, an interceptor, and the F104, a fighter, from paying stockholders an in- creased dividend. Murphy said Avery, board chairman of Montgomery Ward Co., was ousted as president at a meeting of the directors in Grand Rapids July 14 because he oppos- tary form incidents in the lives of eight women who made impor- tant contributions in their particu- lar careers. "Unknown Hawaii'' will tell the story of Lucy Goodale Thurston, first woman missionary to the Hawaiian Islands. She also was among the first group of Ameri- cans to live and work with the native people. Among other women honored in the series were: Sappho of Lesbos, first First Lady of Literatru ; e Alice Freeman Palmer, former president of Wellesley College; Caroline Kirkland, early settler of Michigan; and Elizabeth Balck- well, first woman doctor Chrysler Drops Divideiid Pa-yent 1-3 gra exp the tiny, black insects about 2nd of an inch long breed on7 asses and grains and may be L pected to appear this time of r -- f p the year when these grasses and men . Blyme 'aM5Uf the grains are ripening and threshing Law School, will be attending the is being done. National Conference of Commis- -e desioners on Uniform State Laws in The infinitesimal pests take to I Chicago from August 9 through the air by the billions. Carried on l the 13. the wind; they are so small they The Commissioners will be dis- are blown through screens and cussing a measure which Dean into the house where they make Stason is in charge of, known as free with your hair, clothing, and the Uniform Act for the Distri- food. bution of Unclaimed Property, at "The only remedy I know of is to this meeting. A 1 r (( t -2 SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS: COATS bDRESSES SKIRTS SUITS SKRT JEWELRY SWEATERS PAJAMAS BLOUSES JACKETS at / 1/ price at 1/2 price Nye Motor Sales, INC. 210 W. Washington Phones NO 3-4156, NO 3-4838, NO 8-9757 NEW YORK (t-Chi'ysler Corp., in the face of lower automobile sales and earnings, cut its divi- dend to 75 cents a share yesterday front the $1.50 paid quarterly theE past two years. co-girto to e k ARMER'S PRODUCE MARKET Sales from Farmer Directly to Consumer Open every SATURDAY - 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. DETROIT STREET -- between Catherine and Kingsley ION POETRY FICTION z DRAMA ESSAY I I 1 This is our semi-annual school-end clearaway. These and many more items are the same wonderful values !! I