PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY One Primary Result: Weakening Of the State Democrat Party IT APPEARS that the Democratic Party in Mich- igan has emerged from the recent primary weaker relative to growing state Republican strength than its members would care to admit.' And as a result the over extended Lansing vaca- tion of gladhander G. Mennen Williams seems cer- tain to come to an abrupt end this November to conclude six accidental years of upsetting Michi- gan politics. The August 3 primary pointed out symptoms in the Democratic Party which manifest basic under- lying weaknesses. . In back of these symptoms is a fight between AF of L and CIO factions for power within the Democratic Party. The struggle erupted in the George Fitzgerald and Philip Hart clash for the Lieutenant Governor nomination which was the most costly campaign for a secondary office in Michigan's history. Of less sensational value, but nevertheless an- other symptom of the battle within the party, was the Patrick V. McNamara and Blair Moody episode. Had Moody not died last July 20 thus leaving an open field to the politically weak Mc- Namara, this race might have passed hardly noticed. But it didn't and important ramifications of Democratic innards therefore became conspicuous. McNamara, who received his backing from AF of L teamsters, found the going rough against the deceased Moody of the CIO trio of Williams-Moody and Hart. The trouble was caused because Moody's name had been printed on the ballots prior to his death. It seems hard to believe that Moody, almost three weeks after his much publicized death, carried over 100,000 votes and was defeated by a margin of but 2-1 solely on the basis of paying tribute to the ideals of the deceased. True enough, some sincere Democrats were mo- tivated to vote for Moody because of a feeling of tribute to him. But it seems hard to believe that this motivated the vast number of tallies the late Blair Moody drew. Instead the great bulk of his support can be directly attributed to a "vote for Moody" drive pushed strongly by Williams the last week before the primary. The day of the primary Detroit area workers were met by signs as they departed from work bearing the words: "Show you care, vote for Blair." And Williams to the last failed to disentangle his name from Moody's, probably hoping to play the sentimental angle. It is hard to tell on the surface just how much this scheme of the Williams-CIE faction served to discredit McNamara. Naturally the Williams' op- portunists want a rosey picture appearing to the voters. Williams probably conducted this violation of party unity for two reasons. One to show that he was boss and had a firm grip on the party machine. And then, realizing that he intimidated McNamara prior to Moody's death and because McNamara comes from the other side of the tracks, Williams wanted to make a play for strength. Winning the gamble, as he did, it humb- led McNamara and brought him into line by making the Senatorial nominee very dependent upon Williams in the November campaign. The possibility that feelings are hurt because of Williams' treatment of McNamara and his under- the-counter dealing to his hand picked candidate Hart, is a certainty. The future chain of events can be expected to unfold like a dime novel with Williams as villian. Now combine this with the six-year record of Williams in Lansing and what do you have left? Nothing but a big handsome playboy with a charming grin. Some persons may think this is enough, and perhaps it is for a sociable compan- ion, but it does not qualify one for the governor- ship of Michigan. The charge that after six years as governor, Williams stands on a void record is true. The Republicans are offering a strong and deter- mined candidate in November to oppose Williams. And now after only three days since the Republican standardbearer was chosen, the wounds of the pri- mary are rapidly healing and a strong united party is emerging to meet Williams head on. The logic behind Governor Williams being din Lansing is sparse. As everyone knows it hasn't been in the best in- terests of the state to have a legislatnre and gover- nor of opposite political faiths. And it stands to reason that after six years of square dances its time for a new caller. The governor has not only had to work with a Republican legislature in a Republican state but his party has not even been able to provide him with one cabinet member including a Democratic Lieut. Governor at election time. From this it becomes clearly evident that the strength of Williams lies not on the logical qualifi- cations of a good record in the public service or outstanding ability, but on a personal appeal which makes him glamorous to many voters. Once he gets old and starts losing his hair he will just be like a million other average guys. -Baert Brand "Squanderer I" 5 T FOR - Y to {0r4 I i- N'SS - h,..- - - @t Y, ToPREVN commup- .r'. ' / o~s'4esf wwe~. c~a wsTw ttep4 TO THE EDITOR The Majority Feeling? To the Editor: AFTER READING the editorial on the front page of the Aug- ust 3rd Daily, I was greatly con- cerned over the Daily's handling of President Hatcher's action in dismissing Mr. Davis. I believe a college newspaper should be given absolute freedom in its editorials, but I also believe that a college newspaper should represent the student body. Nowhere on the front page was an editorial back- ing President Hatcher and his dif- ficult decision, yet I'm positive that the great majority of the U of M student body is behind him all the way in his handling of the situation. I do not believe one person or group of persons should have the power to print only his or their opinions without the other side being represented-especially when this other side is the major- ity feeling. -Arthur L. Jaeger, Jr. Class of '51 IT IS THIRTY YEARS ago today that Dr. Sun Yat-sen, influ- enced by the writing of an Amer- ican, Dr. Maurice William, made his formal break with the theory and practice of communism and turned the eyes of China toward the free rather than the slave world. In those thirty years the Communist conspiracy ha- been the enemy of a free China and the enemy of freedom everywhere. It is the enemy of freedom in Korea, a,. President Syngman Rhee has been pointing out during his visit here, often with a bluntness that is painful to some of his listeners. It is the enemy of freedom in the United States. It is the enemy of freedom even in the halls of the United Nations. Chu Teh, head of the Red Chin- ese armed forces, pointed this up on Sunday when he was celebrat- ing still another anniversary, the twenty-seventh of the founding of the Chinese Red Army as an in- strument of that world-wide con- spiracy. He vowed that the Red Chinese would conquer Formosa, the last rallying point of the free Chinese, and declared that "we will absolutely not allow other countries to interfere." This is Red China's answer to those who had hoped that the Geneva conference would result in a lessening of tension. It is an answer in advance to the rather wistful British mission headed by former Prime Min- ister Attlee that expects to go to Red China this month to find the means of closer cooperation, more trade and "peaceful co- FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1951 Thirty Years of History. existence." It is Red China's answer to Prime Minister Nehru," who has just declined to -dis- cuss a South-east Asia security organization on the ground that it might be construed as- or might actually nbecome-aggres- i sive rather than defensive. Let us face the fact. There is no truce in Red China's war on' the minds and bodies of men. The Communists do not want lessened tension. On the heels of the Geneva' talks comes the shooting down of an unarmed British plane. There, is a molifying reply to Britain, in the obvious hope that London can be beguiled and bemused, and# a gesture of complete contempt toward the United States protest. Then comes the shooting of United Nations personnel in Korea, and the continued denial of any ob- servation to the United Nations' team, just at the time when other observation teams for Indochina, are being hopefully organized in New Delhi. The Peiping radio presents its puppet leader for the Thai revolu- tion, while another 'Communist puppet, Ho Chi Minh, announcer his plans to "liberate" all of Viet- nam. The pressure continues to be applied wherever the commun- ists think they can find a soft spot, whether in London or Bangkok, Saigon or Seoul, Jakarta, Kabul or New Delhi. Red China still strikes. The least that w14 can do is to shun the pitfall of the false security into which the Communist bland words about peace are designed to lead us. -New York Times I OPERA !'- 1 MUSIC AND DRAMA are notoriously incompat- able. In opera the music is generally conceded to deserve the upper hand. When the poetry is as well executed as at last night's performance of Mo- zart's "Marriage of Figaro," the music has a con- siderable assignment in maintaining its superior- ity. Thanks to Josef Blatt, it did. He had before him a cast of excellently trained singers, and as fine an orchestra as this community has heard accom- panying an opera. To furtheer his musical objec- tives, he realized the accompaniment for the re- citative with a magnificent keyboard conception. Note should be taken of the recitative before Figa- ro's first aria, for instance, when he directs singer and orchestra, besides performing the recitative accompaniment himself. And since he is so re- sponsible for the fine training of the singers, his laurels are unchallenged. A clever translation of the Italian provided some competition for the music; at times one felt that, unless this translation were used tastefully, and with restraint on the part of the dramatic direc- tion, it might have ruined an inferior musical per- formance. The Martin translation captures the spirit of this opera through a very witty, at times suggestive, always well-pointed sense of humor. No holds are barred in capturing this humor; The Count is referred to as an "eager Don Giovanni," a magnificent anachronism; the lines of Figaro in the fourth act, "0 pleasant, welcome punishment," fail beautifully to match the metre of the music; Barbarina's aria, concerned with a lost pin, re- tains the triteness of its subject matter, "I have lost it, Heaven help me, I have lost the pin, O where could it have been, I keep looking, I can't find it, 0 what trouble I am in." This cleverness was at times obliterated, rather unfortunately, by, poor staging; on several occasions, it was a little A New Offensive One of the recurrent themes of Soviet propa- ganda is that the United States is populated by materialistic barbarians who, lacking all cultural attainment, are unworthy of political leadership. It is good to learn that this particular type of Russian mendacity is to be met head-on by a new cultural offensive planned by the United States Information Agency. The agency has ap- pointed Dr. Jacob Canter as the new Cultural Af,- fairs Adviser to tell the peoples of the world of "the long and worthy cultural heritage of the American people." Overseas lectures, exhibits, concerts, literary works, films, radio and television will all be utilized in giving the true record of "all signicant mani- festations and aspirations of the spirit of Ameri- ca." Museums, universities, cultural and education- al organizations will be asked to assist the cam- paign. The story of American cultural life, told too confusing, as, after the Count's aria, a state-' Ment about "pigeons on the roof"; fortunately, it was rarely lost through poor diction-the fourth act finale being an example of this. Through excel- lent vocal and dramatic execution, it was carried over to the audience in such a way as to carry a full comic impact without hindering the musical plan. Dramatically, Figaro and Susanna were th s standouts, as they should be, with Charubino a close third, as' also should ge the case. It is a tribute to Mr. Hickfang that the only time he appeared oversized was beside his mother; and, especially during the Third-Act sextet, there was such a variety of morphs on the stage that nobody was too much concerned. Miss Lowry was respon- sible for perhaps the best vocal performance of the evening, in addition to her excellent dramatic performance. Both of. these performers were re- sponsible for excellent diction which carried through the intricacies-and they are numerous=- of their roles. Cherubino, sung by Miss Kohl, was unfortunately covered up a few times by the orchestra, but otherwise carried a fine conception of the role, perhaps a bit faster paced dramatically than usual. Mr. Kerns, as the Count, possessed perhaps the finest voice of the performance, and realized its potentialities especially in the conclu- sion of his aria, and in a magnificent pianissimo passage at the culmination of the fourth act finale. Miss MacFarlane, was responsible for a most un- usual conception of the aging, but still beautiful Countess, which stressed her still-youthful atti- tude, a quality often lost when younger singers at- tempt the role, with the result that the Countess becomes the dud of the performance. Her voice was generally satisfactory, except in the most de- manding parts of her aria. Mr. Berberian's Dr. Bartolo was the other unusual conception of the evening. Aided by a pleasingly brisk tempo in his aria, he conveyed the personality of a genial old fool rather than a bearer of grudges; perhaps this is even closer to the original conception of the buf- fa figure he represents; in any case, he was quite satisfactory, dramatically as well as musically. Miss Caris as Marcellina, Mr. Murray as Antonio, Mr. King as Don Basilio, Mr. Crofoot as Don Curzio and Miss Miller as Barberina, each added their sig- nificant share toward making this the successful performances that it was. The chorus and ballet, behaving as Mozart intended the chorus and ballet should, were hauled on the stage to add a dab of color, musically and dramatically. Other- wise, the orchestra should again be mentioned-it was really so good that it was usually not even no- ticed, which is a supreme compliment in view of past performances. To complete this successful evening, the per- formers were even allowed to take a bow. In opera this is perhaps more essential than drama; it was thoroughly appreciated by the audience, and was a deserved way of thanking an excellent group of performers for a magnificent evening's enter- tainment. -Don Krummel WASHINGTON-The inside story of the maneuver to turn the big German chemical companies back to their former Nazi owners is one of the most amazing in the na- tion's capital. It involves lobbying and public relations operations costing about $200,000 a year. A Swiss execu- tive, Walter Germann, literally commutes across the Atlantic, sometimes leaving the Mayflower Hotel in Washington on Friday and getting back on Tuesday; finally it involves most unusual coopera- tion between supposedly impartial Senate functionaries and attorneys for the Germans. For instance, the attorney for the Swiss company now fronting for the former Nazi owners of General Analine and Film is Ray Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins is not the Tennessee attorney who figured in the McCarthy hearings, but repre- sents Interhandel and has offices in room 541 of the Washington Building. In the same room 541 with his name listed on the office door be- side Jenkins' is John W. Nairn. Mr. Nairn is counsel for the sup- posedly impartial Senate Commit- tee Investigating Alien Property. In other words, though the Sen- ate committee was supposed to make an unbiased study of wheth- er German property should be re- turned, actually the Senate com- mittee's counsel had his office in the same office of the attorney who is trying to get the chief Ger- man company returned. Half-Billion Dollars But this isn't all. The chummy relationship is even chummier. The two attorneys even swap their secretary, Miss Annette H. Day. Efficient Miss Day has been working for Ray Jenkins, attorney for the Swiss-German combine. Now she works for the Senate com- mittee investigating the possible return of German property. She even spends part time in the Swiss-German attorney's firm and part time in the Senate commit- tee. Yet this was supposed to be a detached and unbiased survey. There are other interesting links between the Senate committee and the former Nazi owners, all point- ing to the probability that Senator Dirksen's investigation of alien property was about as one-sided as Hitler's invasion of Poland. But first it should be recalled that the American branches of the big German cartels, after being seized by the Justice Department, have been built up and increased in value until they are reputed to be worth about half a billion dol- lars. This is what the German indus- trialists now want back, and this is what American taxpayers will be out if they are given it back. Actually the Swiss are now in on part of the deal, together with cer- tain powerful groups of Amer- icans. The Swiss bankers first stand to make a big profit by selling General Analine and Film back to American bankers. Sec- ond, American investment bankers plan to float stock to the American public, while they keep control of the insurance, the banking fees, the legal fees, and the company itself. Thus, the German people will get no help whatsoever, though the American Legion, with the best intention in the world, backed the property-return plan, thinking it would help build a strong Ger- many. Others who have been cashing in on the lobbying battle for the returvn ,f Nai nrnrt .vtu arc former Legion commander and recent GOP candidate for the Sen- ate from Illinois. Hayes is a friend of the present GOP senator from Illinois, Everett Dirksen, who long has been friend- ly with Ernest Halbach, former American head of General Analine and Film. In line with this friend- ship, Dirksen arranged for the ap- poinc:-ent of a Senate subcommit- tee shortly after the Eisenhower administration came into power, to study alien property.nHe made Ed Hayes chief counsel. Hayes has been efficient and in- fluential. It was- he who helped get his fellow legionnaires to adopt a resolution favoring the return of alien property, and it was one of Hayes' law partned, Roger White, who is also a partner in the public relations firm of Sha- heen and White, who was instru- mental in getting editorials favor- able to the return of German property published in 200 weekly newspapers. Hayes is also friendly with Wal- ter Germann, the Swiss executive for Interhandel who commutes across the Atlantic while lobbying for the return of General Analine and Film to the Swiss-German combine. , General Analine, incidentally, was worth about $25,000,000 when the United States took it over. It is still owned and operated by the U.S. government, and its value is now $100,000,000. It is this in- creased value which makes it so attractiveuto the powerful group pulling wires for its return. In view of all the backstage fac- tors behind this impartial Senate survey, it is not surprising that Senator Dirksen introduced a bill Interpreting The News By J. M. ROBERTS JR. Associated Press News Analyst . Iran very nearly fell into the hands of Soviet Russia three years ago and now comes back to a place in the free world because both Britain and Russia were afraid to press their interests too far lest they start a general war. When the extreme nationalists of Iran revolted against British con- trol of the oil fields, Britain moved up her warships and for a time considered protection of her contract rights by force. (The Brit- ish government owns control of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. which had the contract.) But Britain feared Russia might invoke an old treaty giving her the right to intervene against foreign forces in Iran. The British got out. From that time on, Communists played an important role in the ability of former Premier Mossa- dek, now in jail, to defy the Brit- ish in the face of a crumbling economy. Russia was in a position to take over at almost any time. But the united expression of world opinion expressed through the United Nations had driven her out of Iran when she showed signs of staying after the war, and the grapevine had told her that she could not have the ancient state with its oil wealth without a fight. She made some cooing sounds at Tehran, and launched negotiations on some disputes with the smaller nations, but in general her stand- offishness was remarkable., This attitude made an important contribution to the estimate in the free world that this was not the time in which Russia was ready tj risk a general war. The final settlement of the Iran- ian dispute is a victory for every- body, particularly for American maneuvering. The consortium idea DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I on May 7, 1954, proposing to hand originated here, and Herbert the German and Japanese proper- Hoover Jr., representing the State ty back to the original owners. Department, was a prime mover What is surprising is that despite in getting it going. The participa- a crowded congressional calendar, tion of the American companies the forces behind this bill are such was necessary to make the agree- that it may slip through at this ment possible in Iran, and they session. More of this strange his- came through despite the fact that tory will follow soon, returning Iranian oil to the mar- (Copyright, 1954 ket at this time is going to greatly The Bell Syndicate Inc.) complicate their affairs. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tivesnotice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 34S Notices Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to al- low your instructor to report the make- up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug- ust 19. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation un- til a later date. EDWARD G. GROESBECK Assistant Registrar Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wish- ing to recommend tentative August graduates from the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors (or high honors in the College of L.S.&A.) should recommend such students in a letter delivered to the Registrar's Office, Room 1513, Admin- istration Building, before August 19. EDWARD G, GROESBECK Assistant Registrar Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, Friday, August 6, 8:30 p.m. Dr. Leo Goldberg will speak on "Stellar Evolution." After the illustrated talk in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Ob- servatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic observation of Moon, Planets, and Double Star, if the sky is clear, or for inspection of the tele- scopes and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. Hopwood Contest manuscripts must be in the Hopwood Room on Friday, August 6, by 4:30 p.m. Veterans who expect to receive edu- cation and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.L. Bill) must report to Room 555 Administration Building, Office of Veterans' Affairs, between 8:00 a.m. Monday, August 2 and 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 6 to fill in and sign MONTHLY CERTIFICA- TIONS, VA Form 7-1996a. Women's Swimming Pool - Recrea- tion Swimming Hours. During the week of August 2, the hours for women are as follows: 5:00- 6:00 and 7:30-9 :00-August 2-6, Monday through Friday (Friday night will be Family Night.) The pool will close for the summer on Saturday, August 7. Art Print Loans must be returned to Room 510 Admin. Bldg. on August 5-6 between the hours of 9-12 and 1-5 or on Saturday, August7tfrom 8-12. A fine of twenty-five cents (25c) a day will be charged for all overdue pictures. All student groups interested in a booth at registration should make a type-written request to the Registrar's Office as soon as possible. Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admission Test on August 7 are requested to re- port to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 Saturday morning. PERSONNEL REQUESTS Station WKMX, Saginaw, Michigan, has a Traffic position open for a young woman graduate. The Illinois Civil Service Commission has announced its latest listing of job opportunities including positions as Chemist, Child Guidance Counselor, Clerk Stenographer, Librarian, Occu- pational Therapist, Personnel Assistant. Illinois residence requirements have been waived for many of the positions. For additional information concern- Ing these and other employment op- portunities, contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Literatures; thesis: "A Positional De- termination of, Semantic Equivaleneut4 in French, English, and German," Fri- day, August 6, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, Ernst Pulgram. Seminar in Lie Algebras: Will meet Friday afternoon, August 6, at 3 o'clock in Room 3001, Angell Hall. Doctoral Examination for John Wilj bur McCymont, Botany; thesis: "Spores of the Musci: Their Structure and Sig nificance in Systematic Research,"Sat. urday, August 7, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, W.'H. Wagner. Doctoral Examination for -Gertrude Elizabeth Nye, Linguistics; thesis: "The Phonemes and Morphemes of Modern Persian: A Descriptive study,' Monday, August 9, 102D Tappan Hall, at 2 :R p.m. Chairman, Herbert Penzl. Doctoral Examination for James Ed ward Lynch, Speech; thesis: "A Study of the Size and Composition of .the viewing Audience of an Educational Television Program in the Detroit Met- ropolitan Area," Monday, August 9; 4002 Angell Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, E. E. Willis. Concerts - ' Faculty Concert: Sigurd Rasher, saxophonist, will be heard in a pro- gram at 8:30 Sunday evening, August 8, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. He will be accompanied by Patricia Joy Arden, piano, and assisted by James Neilson, trumpet, Gerald Corey, bassoon, and a saxophone ensemble including Joseph Edwards, Joseph Krysik, Norris Hus- ton, Judith Price, Harley Rex, Eleanor Ryder, Keith Saxton, Frank Stachow Lois Stauffer, and Jack Wagner. Com-% positions will cover wors by Pugnani Handel, Bach, Purcell, von Knorr, We- lander, Bozza, Swain, Gershwin, Leon- ard, von Weber, and Chopin, five of which have been dedicated to Mr. Ras- cher. The concert will be open to the general public. Student Recital: Elizabeth Wodt Heldbrink, violist, will play a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 8:3' Monday evening, August 9, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Her program will include compositions by Henry Eccles, C. Stamitz, John Duke, and Ernest Bloch, and will be open to the public. Mrs. Heidbrink is a pupil of Robert Courte. Exhibitions Clements Library. Museum Collections.,. General Library. Women as Authors. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Ugyp tian Antiquities--a loan exhibit from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.{ Michigan Historical Collections. The University in 1904. Museum of Art. Three Women Paint- ers. Exhibition of Recent Publications and of work in progress in linguistic geo- graphy and dialectology. 2-5 p.m, July , 28 - August 6, 1954. Sat. 10-12. 3015 Rackham Building. Events Today -The Marriage of Figaro will be pre- sented by the Department of Speech and The School of Music at 8 p.m. In the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Friday, Saturday and Monday, August 6, 7 and 9. Tickets are available at the Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Sabath services at Hillel Foundation on Friday at 8 p.m. All students are welcome. Coming Events The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held at 8:00 p.m. at the lodge, Patter- son Lake. The psychiatrist will be Dr. Pitkin from the Huron Valley Child Guidance Clinic. Students with a pro- fessional interest are welcome. I~h~d~zn wair Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. There are tremendous compli- cations to be met. But they are all outweighed by the saving of Iran for the free world, and the enhancement of the chances of an eventual Middle East defense arrangement. New Committee ABOUT ALL THAT can be said concerning the Senate's action Monday night in the case of Sen- ator Joseph R. McCarthy of Wis- consin is that the junior Senator won a tactical victory on one flank and lost on the other flank. Under the direction of Majority Leader William F. Knowland of California the subject of disciplinary action was referred to a committee. On the other hand, pressure from Sen- ator Irving M. Ives of New York caused the addition of a proviso that the committee should report to the Senate before the Senate adjourns. Seventy-four Senators of both parties plus one independent voted for- the committee. Twelve Sena- tors, including three Republicans, voted against it. Certainly among those who voted Yes there were many who have no admiration whatever for McCarthy. It seemed to some of them no doubt a safe thing to do and to others it seemed the best way to save what could be saved out of the Flanders reso- lution. ''A Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter.....Managing Becky Conrad .....Night Rona Friedman........... Night. Wally Eberhard......... Night Russ AuWerter..........Night Sue Garfield.........Women's Hanley Gurwin ......... .Sports Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor ,; Business Staff Dick Aistrom........Business Manager Sue Garfield..Assoc. Business Manager Lois Pollak.......Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks.......Advertising Manager Tetephone NO 23-24-i I-