PRIVATE AND PUBLIC A-POWER See Page 2 i I : 4r. Latest Deadline in the State Da iij 'q . PARTLY CLOUDY :I VOL. LXIV. No. 31S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1954 FOUR PAGES I li i S S os SS O Senate Sets Group An Editorial ... Td C en su re . On May 9, 1954, H. Chandler Davis was an instructor in the mathematics department, whose competence as a teach- er or fitness as amember of the University community had McCarthy Loses Fight to Force not been challenged before the public. May 10, Davis ap- Immediate Showdown on Motion , peared before the Clardy committee in Lansing and came under "suspension without prejudice." July 27, Davis was WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate voted Monday night to set up a six-man, bipartisan committee to look into the question of whether sent a letter by President Hatcher, stating that the instruc- It should censure Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) for his Com- tor was "unfit to continue" in that capacity. ff E #i i i 3 4 I 13 Hatcher States Action in Letter Instructor Has Right to Be Heard By Special 'U' Faculty Committee By DIANE AuWERTER Daily Managing Editor H. Chandler Davis of the mathematics department yesterday tolA The Daily he had received a letter from President Harlan Hatcher, stating the President's decision to recommend Davis's dismissal from the faculty. Davis, who appeared before the Clardy committee in Lansing on May 10, is one of three faculty members suspended at that time. President Hatcher then said, "Suspension is ordered without preju- dice to the final decision in their cases. If further investigation seems to warrant dismissal procedures, any person affected has the right munist-hunting tactics. The vote was 75-12 in favor of the proposal. Sen. McCarthy voted against, but most of his supporters backed the committee plan. Sen. McCarthy thus lost, on a move sponsored by Republican - Leader William Knowland of California. his fight to force an immed- iate Senate showdown on a censure motion filed by Sen. Ralph Flanders (R-Vt.). 'r- . .1 _ 1 . . d n:.'as Sen. Knowland's resolution gr committee to be named formally b r but actually picked by Republican a Ow -F World New~s Roundup By the Associated Press EDC Meeting . . . BRUSSELS, Belgium Ak-Semiof- ficial ' iiisottrces said Monday foreign ministers of the six European De- fense Community nations are to meet here Aug. 18 in an effort to o v e r c o m e obstacles preventing France from finally approving the EDC treaty. France and Italy have still to approve the treaty which has al- ready been ratified by West Ger- many, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. * * * TVA Chief... WASHINGTON (M - President , Eisenhower Monday chose a dis- tinguished Army engineer, Brig. Gen. Herbert D. Vogel, to take ) over the politically sensitive job of chairman of the Tennessee Val- ley Authority. Trade Treaty .. BERLIN (A) -- Soviet-occipied East Germany announced Monday night an agreement with French representatives to increase trade between the two countries by 25 per cent. The East German government news agency, ADN, said the agreement was reached in negotia- tions last month between the East Zone Trade Ministry and represen- tatives of the "French commer- cial services in Germany." Nixon and VFW .. . PHILADELPHIA t - Vice President Richard M. Nixon told the Veterans of Foreign Wars con- vention tonight the United States can't help Communist-endangered nations unless they have a "will to resist." "What Indochina proves," the vice president said in a prepared address, is that where the will to resist does not exist it is not pos- sible, to save the people from com- ing under Communist domination." * * , VcCarthy Letter .. . WASHINGTON (A" - Sen. Mc- Carthy (R-Wis) handed the Sen- ate Monday a copy of a letter he said was signed by Harry H. Wood- ring, former secretary of war, say- ing that Gen. George C. Marshall "would sell out his own grand- mother for personal advantage." McCarthy asked that the letter- addressed to "Dear Bob,"-be pub- lished in the Congressional Record. He told reporters the Bob is "Bob Harris, just a fellow in New York," whom McCarthy knows. * i . . FNehru Action..I rouped together ana aned to a y Vice-President Richard Nixon- nd Democratic leaders-the Fland- ers censure resolution, a series of accusations against Sen. McCar- thy offered by Sens. William Ful- bright (D-Ark.) and Wayne Morse (Ind.-Ore.) and proposals for a study of and changes in in- vestigative rules. Immediate Vote Overridden The Senate overrode pleas of Sens. Welker (R-Idaho), a Mc- Carthy backer, and Fulbright (D- Ark.) a McCarthy critic, for an immediate showdown and provid- ed that thescommittee must re- port back its progress before the adjournment of Congress. Sen. Knowland said the Senate then can decide whether to re- main in session-while the House goes home - to hear the report when it is ready and act on the McCarthy censure issue. McCarthy Challenges Before the Senate voted on the Knowland amendment, Sen. Mc- Carthy had challenged the Sena- tors who want the Senate to con- demn his conduct to repeat their "scurrilous.' false, charges under oath before a committee. He said if they did, they wil "either indict themselves for per- jury" or "prove what consum- mate liars they are." Most of the Senators who have leveled charges against the Wis- consin Senator and who support the censure move rose immediate- ly with assurances they would be happy to testify. Apparently the Senate wa headed in the direction of creat- ing a bi-partisan six-man com- mittee to look into charges agains Sen. McCarthy and report back by Aug. 10, or in advance of Congres- sional adjournment, what progres it has made. That is the idea of a compro- mise plan, involving an under standing that the Senate will hav an opportunity to decide before adjournment whether it wishes t remain in Washington to act on findings of the special committee Some Senators said it would b October or November before th committee could complete its jo of sifting charges against McCar- thy and file its findings. McCarthy took the floor lat last night to insist that the com- mittee have power to subpoen senators suggesting that this b done by changing a motion of Sen ate Republican Leader Knowland of California to set up the specia investigating body. Journalists From Japan To Visit Here Five journalists from Japan wil visit the University campus toda and tomorrow, and a Universit Law School graduate will act a their interpreter. Working for the Education Ex change Service of thedDepartmen of State as interpreter for th visitors will be Tetsuji Aoyoma Davis has not changed since May 9-his capabilities F and his character have remained the same. Unfortunately, because he was one of many men across the country brought before the House committee, Davis was called upon to as- sume a burden of proof, to assure his colleagues, if not the1 House committee, that he did not hold membership in the Communist party. Prior to May 10, the University was not concerned with whether or not Davis was willing to discuss the ques- "ion of political beliefs with his employer, as long as he was willing to take a State loyalty oath. It is regrettable, Daily-Marj cro er . H. CHANDLER DAVIS STUDIES LETTER FROM HATCHER therefore, that the Clardy Committee has sufficient im- -- pact upon the public at this time to create a climate i" WHITE HOUSE SAYS: which suspension, even without prejudice, and hearings, .ina even before a man's colleagues, must occur. No Final Decision LYet What is equally regrettable is that President Hatcher 'e e "* should propose dismissal because a faculty member refuses na tto answer questions invading the area of free speech, belief -- ----T-eWhit WASHINGTON(R-ThWit' and association. These are, in effect, the reasons stated in his House saidGMonday the National dent Eisenhower and the security Security Council has not reached council, adding there was agree- letter of July 27. a final decision on a new military ment that such a program must manpower plan. be geared to the possibility of war President Hatcher would have made a much stronger Presidential P ress Secretary with the Soviet Union. iy At his home in East Lansing, case if he had said the University believes Davis to be a James C. Hagerty issued a state- Hannah commented: Chment of comment on news sto- "The White House statement is member of the Communist party which has not been stated ries-which were based on inter- perfectly true and the fact that and that it further believes such membership to be ' incom. views with just-retired Asst. Se- the program was not finalized was atb . cretary of Defense John A. Han- made clear in my press confer- patible with the freedom of inquiry demanded by the aca- nah-that the Eisenhower admin- ence last Friday. demic profession. oAlthough this basis for dismissal is open militarya decided for all quprogram "There is no misunderstanding. ofm There is always somebody trying e to question, because many people would question what beliefs young Americans. to make a story by distorting a make one a member of the Communist party, it is at least a Hagerty's statement said: little." "The stories do not reflect fully position more in keeping with the ideals of academic freedom the attitude of the National Secur- ity Council. Cadets Revolt than the reasons thus far given- "The matter (the manpower sit- u tation) has been referred by the s These are difficult times, and the questions raised by President, on the recommendation J u t m l - House and Senate investigating committees have no simple of the National Security Counciliza- GUATEMALA o - A revolt of solution. It is to be hoped, however, that when the Senate tion and the Department of De- military cadets, backed, up by the A rfense for the development of a spe- army, broke out in duatemala s Advisory Committee reviews Davis case they will return to cific program, including cost esti- I Monday and President Carlos Cas- the three sound criteria for judging a faculty member's fit- mates, following discussions before tillo Armas was forced to agree the council during the past month. to disband his irregular "libera- . ness: whether or not he is involved in any illegal act, wheth- "There will be no further action tion" forces after a day of sporadic e er he attempts to bring undue political pressure upon his ordiscussions until after these efighting. stdnsadwehrhess otlycm itdt oiia agencies, following consultations Representatives of Castillo Ar- students and whether he is so totally committed to a political with various official and unofficial mas' ruling junta signed an agree- ororganization, and individuals hav- ment Monday night with dele- freely -ing an interest in the subject, have gates of the Guatemalan regular e sider facts. Davis' fitness has so far been challenged on none reported back to the security coun- army which apparently ended the e cil in September." conflict. Sof these grounds. Hannah, who left the' Pentagon The agreement, signed on lines! -Diane D. AuWerter last Saturday to return to the pres- fixed by the regulars, provided for idency of Michigan State College, disbanding the ragged anti-Commu- e Daily Managing Editor had said the universal training pro- nist "liberation army" which in- gram had been approved by Presi- vaded Guatemala from Honduras e POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M.: Primary ElectionsSlatedfOr Today to be heard by a special committee final action is taken by the Re-' gents." In the letter mailed to Davis July 27, in which President Hatcher said he would recommend dismissal, he again called atten- tion to the instructor's privilege to have his case reviewed by the fi-f A Adv ccrrv I Cmmittee_ the of the University Senate before President hHatcher's 1- ena~e Avsox; y t11 lu, wc chairman of which is Prof. Angus Campbell, director of Survey Re-; search. Dear Dr. Davis: In conference yesterday, Direc- On May 10, 1954. you weie inter- tor of University Relations Arthur rogated under bath by represent- Brandon said that the President atives of the House Committee on would make no statement about Un-American Activities which al- the letter of proposed dismissal leged, and whose representative because he did not wish to pre- has stated to us, that it possessed judge the case while it was still information concerning your mem- before the Senate Advisory Com- bership in and associations with mittee. the activities of the Communist As procedure for handling the Party.- suspension cases is set up, the You were asked by this duly faculty members first have hear- constituted legal body questions ings before a Special Senate Com- as to your past and present affil- mittee which advises the Presi- ations with Communism, whether dent. The President then makes or not you were a member of a decision which -can be appealed the Party while at Harvard Uni- to the Senate Advisory Commit- versity, whether or not you were tee before the matter is brought associated with certain active to the Regents. Communists, whether the State Letter To Hatcher Department revoked your pass- Davis has already requested an port because you were a Commun- appeal. In a letter sent to Presi- ist, whether you are now a mem- dent Hatcher, he stated: "I believe ber of the Communist Party,wheth- dno haer, ae aseiously wrong er you have solicited members dou havemadeUnseiuslywr, for the Communist Party at Ann decision. For the University's good Arbor and questions of similar im- as well as my own, I hope to see it reversed. I shall therefore requestp a hearing before the Senate Sub- You refused to answer these committee on Intellectual Free- questions in public testimony on r t dom and vIntegrity, the grounds that this Committee "Your letter (for. complete copy had no right to ask them. of President Hatcher's letter see You have taken the same atti- adjoining story) is the first charge tude and have refused to answer of unfitness to teach that you have these or related questions or to made against me; accordingly you# talk candidly about yourself and must have intended it to . state your alleged activities in the Coin- ha -ic of tha 4-hnr Yoa ac-{ munist Party before me. and the i ! the oasis oI Te cnarge. ' u u lu--i- 1 ;i1, al cuse me of refusing to answer cer- Special Senate Committee to ad- tain questions before the House vise the President, on your own Committee on Un-American Acti- personal decision that the answers vities and before the Special Sen- are none of our business. ate Committee to advise the Pres- This conduct is inexcusable in a ident. As I read your letter, this member of our profession w h o is the sole basis on which you call seeks at the same time the pro- me unfit," the letter continued. tection of and continued meniber- When Davis appeared before the ship in the University whose paol- Clardy committee, he was the only icies he disdains and whose re- witness to appear without counsel sponsibilities he ignores. and used the First Amendment Your conduct to date is clo arly throughout the testimony. Last inimical to the mission and trust week, he was citedfor Contempt reposed in this University, and in- of Congress on recommendation dicates your unfitnessto continue of Rep. Harold. Velde (R-Ill.), in the position you hold. chairman of the committee. Davis In view of the evidence avail- had been warned at the' Clardy able to me, and of the unanimous hearing that only the Fifth recommendation ofsthe Special Amendment would be recognized Committee to advise the Presi-' as a basis for refusal to answer dent. I r'egret to state that it will 1 l s e , By the Associated Press ~~~~~-~~~~- ----- ~~~-~~~ ~~---~~~~-~~~~-questions. -be my duty to recommend to the Michi Rubl t o d On the Democratic side of the iff are .Robert B. Kidd and Law- This quarte~t spent the-last hours According to Davis, he contin- Regents your immediate dismiss- choose from among four the man ballot the only local level toss-up rence Oltersdorf. at factory gates in p o p uo u s ued to refuse to answer questions al from the staff of the University, chhIose on a nong ou 0hv~on noccurs in a two-man scramble for The State Elections Commis- Wayne, Oakland and Macomb in regard to political affiliation Before I present my recommend- to challenge Democratic Governor nomination as sheriff. sion predicted only 900,000 to a Counties. before the University Special tion to the Regents of the Uni- G. Mennen Williams' bid for an Ann Arbor and Ann Arbor town- million of the State's 3,800,000 So did Governor Williams and Committee because, The present versity for final action (Bylaw unprecedent fourth term as chief ship voters will decide whether voters would, go to the polls: his personal choice for the Demo- hearing is a consequence of my 5.10(5) ), I call your attention to executive a 36-acre tract at the eastern edge around 600,000 in theRepubl cratic for - suspension. My suspension was a your privilege under the Regents Governor Williams is unopposedf the city shall be annexed. primary and 300,000 to 400,000 in governor, PhiliL A. Hart. Hart consequence of my Lansing testi- Bylaws to have your case re- for nomination within his party City Clerk Fred J. Looker said the Democratic primary. formerly was legal adviser to the mony . . . if at the present hear- viewed by the Senate Advisory foComoitteeoandithenopportunity but the Democrats have a pro 478 persons had received absentee Polls open at 7 a.m. and will Governor and is a- vice president ing the same line of questioning Committee, and the opportunity Williams, anti-Williams scrap on ballots by the 2 p.m. deadline close at 8 p.m., with anyone in of both the Detroit Tigers and the was followed as at the other one which this right affords you to their hands just the same, It is aturday. line at closing time being permit- Detroit Lions. Hart has the back- . . . then it would be clear that present any mitigating considera- in the race for lieutenant-governor.; Absentee Ballots ted to vote. ing of the bulk of CIO unions. I had been forced to answer by tions which may. so far, have been Only Dr. Eugene C. Keyes of The ballots must be voted and Neither United States Senator Also beating a last-minute path the Clardy committee." withheld. Under the provisions of Dearborn among the four GOP returned to the city clerk's office Homer Ferguson nor Lieut. Gov. to factory gates was George S. i He added that therewere pos' this Bylaw you have five days asiatIo ovro'atce sibilities that his answers would from this date within which to aspirants for Governor attacked i by 7:30 p.m. today-to give the Clarence Reid of Detroit face any Fitzgerald of Detroit, a formerntc fidentialiffor fellow Republicans wanting the clerk's office time to distribute opposition on the Republican bal- Democratic national committee- not be kep conf, , file your request for a hearing. same job. The others stuck, at them to the several polling places. lot. man whom Williams has accused example. Rep. Clardy subpoenaed The Chairman of this Senate Sub- least until election eve, t o a, Aspirants in the race for Re- Likewise. Patrick V. McNamara of party disloyalty. Fitzgerald has the transcript of the pivate hear- committee is Professor Angus "peace and harmony" campaign, publican nomination for sheriff now is unopposed for the Sena- countered with a charge Williams ig. kC Campbell. which they hoped would promote are: Thomas A. FitzGerald,Erwin torial nomination on the Demo- is attempting to "dictate" whom Speaking of the Special dh Sincerely yours, a united party front against Gov- L. Klager, Jack J. Koernke,Her- cratic slate. Former Senator Blair. Democrats should nominate. n'Attee last night, Davis said that Harlan Hatcher Prnnr7illims im.'.fe.n . nmm ant-.t-r1a n xrnvr_ M nmI . Mn.h rmnamrar's lnn fo.i rii.- he followed in the.hearings the hearingsthe '54L. NEW DELHI. India Ri-The Hin- Included in the group of news- dustan Times and the Evening papermen, who are interested in News said Monday Prime Minis- seeing typical newspapers in cit- tez Nehru has refused British For- ies of less than 100.000 population, eign Secretary Anthony Eden's in- is Hideo Sasaki who is president vitation to attend the Southeast of the Knagawa Press in Yokaha- Asian r fens eotnferenPe in h aneP-in