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July 30, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-30

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FRIDAY, JULY 30. 1934


Offer Food to Aid Flood
Victims Throughout EuropeI

WASHINGTON (A' - American
food for the victims of Europe's
floods, including thousands of hun-
gry behind the Iron Curtain, was
offered Thursday by President Ei-
He disclosed that emergency as-
sistance has already been extended
to people living along the over-
flowing rivers in West Germany
and Austria.
Offer Renounced
But whether the Communist gov-
ernments in such countries as
Czechoslovakia, Hungary and East
Germany will accept American
help was questionable.
An offer of 15 million dollars
worth of food for the people of
East Germany last July was de-
nounced by the Reds as an Amer-
ican "propaganda trick."
Nevertheless, the food was sent
into Berlin and 650,000 East Ger-
mans swarmed across the border,
for the free packages.
First Application
The President's latest offer was
the first application of a new law
authorizing shipments of surplus
food to distressed areas even

though their governments are not
friendly to the United States
James C. Hagerty, White House
press secretary, reported that on
the basis of a very rough estimate
about four million dollars worth of
food is needed in the inundated
districts. He said the government
had in mind sending such commod-
ities as grain and probably butter
from the huge surplus stocks in
this country.
Eisenhower said the foodstuffs
could be made available "without
Dior Shows off
A New 'H-Line'
PARIS (A) - Fashion designer
Christian Dior, who popularized
the postwar "new look," set out
'Thursday to do it again with a
fall and winter line that denies
feminine curves are where they
used to be.
If Dior's ideas win acceptance--
and he drew loud applause at the
showings-it will be pretty trying
for women who lack the sleek fig-
ures of Dior's models.
He calls it his "H-line" because
that is what the new form is sup-
posed to resemble. It also might
indicated "hips," because that is
where the emphasis is.
"The line," as fashion experts
quickly dubbed it, looks less start-
ling and more wearable in full
flaring cocktail and dinner dresses.

Tickets for Richard Brinsley
Sheridan's rehearsal farce, "The
Critic," are still on sale from
10 a.m. until curtain time at
8 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre in the League. They
are priced at $1.50, $1.10 and
'75 cents.
University TV
Programs Set
For Weekend

Hannah Leaves
Defense Post oys e lax
Eisenhower Lauds
MSC President




America's dance, considered by
some the most progressive in the
world, will be featured over WWJ-
TV, Detroit, at 1 p.m. tomorrow.
University Television presents ano-
ther program in a group related to
"Woman in the World of Man,"
special University lecture series.
Demonstrations will be given by
Myra Kinch, noted contemporary
dancer, who directs the modern
dance program at Jacob's Pillow,
Massachusetts art center. Her ac-
companist will be Manuel Galea,
Exploring in the Artic Circle
where man has never before set
foot will be discussed and illustrat-
ed at 5:45 p.m. tomorrow over
Guest John E. Bardach of the
University fisheries department
will tell of a 10-week trip into the
Canadian Northwest territory
seeking information about musk ox
found in that region. He was ac-
companied by John Tener of the
Canadian' Wildlife Service.


Candidates Go
Vote Seeking
By the Associated Press
Michigan's four candidates for
the Republican nomination for
governor jumped quickly from
stimp to stump yesterday, thump-
ing themes they hoped would bring
them a landslide of votes in Tues-
day's GOP primary.
Donald S. Leonard, former state
, and Detroit police commissioner,
promised at Birmingham a n d
Brighton to call a statewide con-
ference "on Michigan's growing
water shortage problem" if elected.
State Treasurer D. Hale Brake
attacked before a Republican Wom-
en's picnic at Monroe what he
termed "loose administrative prac-
tices on the part of the Michigan
Liquor Control Commission."
Highway Funds
Secretary of State Owen J.Cleary
flew to Washington to urge more
federal funds for highways, joining
Detrpit's Mayor Albert Cobo and
other's' in an interview with Com-
merce Secretary Weeks that was
bound to get notice back home in
Dr. Eugene Keyes, a former
lieutenant governor, continued in
a swing through Monroe County to
discribe his three opponents as
"representatives of big business"
and himself as "the only independ-
ent on the GOP ticket."
And Philip Hart, a Democratic
candidate for lieutenant governor
said in Detroit that "Republicans
campaigning for state office are
using new lyrics, but whistling the
same old GOP tune." He accused
the party of favoring the few and
the rich over the many.
Final Journalism
Workshop Set
Last of this summer's University
High School Journalism Work-
shops will open Monday, attended
by approximately 25 high school
publications editors from the Great
Lakes area..
Sponsored by the department of
journalism, the workship will run
through Friday, August 13 and it
is aimed at keeping editors up to
date on the latest newspaper and1
publication techniques.
Murdock To Talk
On Kinsey Report
Outstanding anthropologist, Prof.
George P. Murdock of Yale Uni-
versity, will discuss "The Second
Kinsey Report in World Perspec-
tive" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
The public lecture will be pre-
sented in conjunction with the
special Summer Session series,
"Woman in the World of Man."
715 N. University
T.V. For Your Enjoyment

WASHINGTON (A-President Ei-
senhower yesterday accepted with
"deep regret" the resignation of
John A. Hannah as assistant sec-
retary of defense in charge of man-1
power problems.
"With the security problems still
facing this country, we can ill af-
ford to lose men with your fore-
sight, integrity and judgment," the
President wrote Hannah who is
leaving government service Satur-
day to return to Michigan State
College. He has been on leave as
president of the school.
"During the past year and one
half, your constant endeavors to-
ward better utilization of defense
manpower have amounted to a
major contribution to the national
security," the President said in a
letter made public by the White'
Board Chairman
Eisenhower said he was accept-
ing Hannah's resignation with the1
understanding that he will continue
to serve as chairman of the United
States section of the permanent
joint board on defense of Canada
and the U. S.
"You have already made signi-
ficant contributions to the defense'
of the northern hemisphere, and.
I am confident your continued'serv-
ice with the board will be highly
beneficial," the President said.
In his letter of resignation, Han-
nah noted that Michigan State Col-
lege has already granted him an
extension of six months beyond the.
one year he agreed to serve in
the Defense Depaytment.
Hannah said theArmed Services
and country generally "have prof-
ited immeasurably and in many
ways" under Eisenhower's leader-
ship. He expressed confidence that;
"your administration will achieve
its over-all objectives, and that
you, sir, will take your place in
the front rank ofour great Presi-
for Ladies
No Appointments Needed
6 Stylists
Air Conditioned
Near Michigan Theater

Counselors Get Theoretical
At first glance, the University's Fresh Air Camp appears to be
like any other recreational summer camp for boys.
Located in a fairly isolated and heavily wooded area on Patter-
son Lake, there is constant activity at the camp. Swimming, boating,
nature hikes, fishing, craft work, camping trips and other sports fill
the boy's days.
However, this is the only camp of its type in the United States.


All the boys, ranging from seven'
to 14 years old, who are admitted
have emotional problems. And the
counselors who are University
students, have the unique oppor-
tunity of taking courses and at
the same time practically apply-
ing that knowledge.
First Hand Experience
Thus the Workshop in Human
Behavior gives both graduates and
undergraduate students who are
interested in the welfare and ad-
justment of preadolescent and
adolescent youth, firsthand ex-
perience in study observation and
The professional staff includes
those in sociology, psychiatry and
education at the University, as
well as specialists in the various
activities. The camp is self suf-
ficient with its own cooks and
maintenance workers.
Recommended by one of some
25 co-operating school, social and
case work agencies in Michigan,
about 240 boys of all races and re-
ligions attend the camp each sum-
mer for the two, four week ses-
sions. Selected because of his
need for specialized camping each
boy remains at the camp for four
An extensive case history is sup-
plied by the particular agency
with each boy which the camp
utilizes and adds to. A wide range
of behavior problems are repre-
sented. Some of the boys have
records as delinquents and there
are a few who can not adjust to the
camp life and are subsequently
sent home.
Explosive Atmosphere
An explosive atmosphere pre-
vails when the boys first arrive,
commented Edward J. Slezak,
Camp Director and member of the
department of physical education
at the University. But soon most
of them become adjusted to the
change, he continued.


There doesn't seem to be any
trend in the type of group we have
been getting, he said. "While the
group that just left was the worst
we have ever had, this present
group, thus far, seems the most
adaptable," he pointed out.
Smoke sessions for the boys af-
ter meals are one of the inter-
esting features of the camp as
well as the 'talk outs' on disciplin-
ary problems between the boys and
Logs Kept
Each student has the immediate
assistance of a supervising con-
sultant. At the close of the day,
the counselor continues a daily log
which is kept for each boy and
forms the basis of the report to
the agencies. These logs are one
of the major contributions of the
Every Friday night, a case his-
tory is reviewed and discussed with
Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch, head
of the Children's Service in the
Neuropsychiatric Institute, us-
ually leading the meeting. which
approximately 200 people attend.
Dr. Rabinovitch is the psychiatrid
consultant for the camp.
This is the thirty-fourth sea-
son for the camp.
The original purpose was to give
underpriviledged boys from south-
eastern Michigan metropolitan
areas an opportunity to enjoy a
wholesome vacation in the coun-
try with good food and fresh air,
under the supervision of volunteer
University students.
In 1939 the University Summer
Session began to offer the coun-
selors related graduate courses.
The camp was officially accepted
by the Board of Regents in June,
During the summer, the camp
receives many interested visitors
from all over the nation and the



Upper Peninsula Expansion
Outlook Bright, Group Finds

DETROIT, Mich. (A') -Industrial
realtors reported yesterday the out-'
look is good for expanding industry
in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
A committee of the Michigan
Society of Industrial Realtors gave
a preliminary report of a four-day
survey it made last week on in-
dustrial development possibilities
of the area.
"New Surge"
The committee reported "a new
surge of enthusiasm in Michigan's
Upper Peninsula, resulting in large
part from realization that two1
great dreams are coming true, the{
Straits of Mackinac Bridge and the
St. Lawrence Seaway."
The committee, in cooperation
with the State Economic Develop-
ment Commission, met in Detroit
to begin preparation of a report
on the Upper Peninsula that will
be sent to industrial realtors and
manufacturers throughout the Unit-
ed States.
Lawrence Rubin, executive sec-
retary of the Straits Bridge Author-
ity, informed the committee that
"work is progressing nicely in good
weather" on the $100,000,000 bridge
Six Foundations
"We hope to get in the six main
foundations during this construc-
tion season," Rubin said.
"We expect to have the bridge
completed by November, 1957."
Rubin also reported on plans for
a bridge over the St. Mary's River
to link the two Soos-Sault Ste.
Marie, Mich., and Sault Ste. Marie,
Ont. He said Michigan has passed
enabling legislation for the inter-
national bridge but Canada has
yet to adopt the necessary legis-
lation. He said it was hoped that
legislation could be completed by
the Canadian Parliament this fall


so that work on the bridge could,
get under way next spring.
Michigan Project
The international bridge at the
Soo, estimated to cost between
$18,000,000 and $25,000,000, Rubin
said, would be a Michigan project
financed by revenue bonds.
John Goodman, Detroit, chair-
man of the realtors' survey com-
mittee, suggested that a car ferry
be established between Frankfort
and Menominee to provide better
transportation between the west-
ern part of the Upper Peninsula
and the Lower Peninsula.



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. for the finest in Recorded Music




We are Continuing our Bargain Days Values
Group of 100% wool suits. Tweeds, 8. 5 00 Group of better dresses, costume
gabardines, men's wear. Sizes 9- suits-silk prints, shantungs, faille,
20, 121/ to 20, Many originally to 59.95 Also evening and cocktail dresses.
Group of spring coats, 100 % wools. ANY TWO 14.95 sale items Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 44, 12 / to
Pastels, white and darker shades, purchased together 25.00. 261/2,
Two groups of better dresses, many $e Two groups rayon suits, wrinkle
good for fall and winter. Failles, resistant fabrics, pastels and darks.
taffetas, bembergs, pure silk prints, Including many values to 35.00
shantungs, also evening and cock- Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 22. 10.00.
tail dresses. Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to $1 00) Two groups rain or shine coats
44, 12 to 241/. 14.95 gabardines, tweeds, novelties.
Many values to 29.95





5.00 25 dresses, better blouses,
orlon, nylon, silk or rayon.
Costume jewelry (zircon set rings)
nylon slips-orlon, wool or cotton
shirts-jackets-sweaters. (Better
hat values to 16.95).

2.98 Blouses, rayons, nylons, cot-
tons. Handbags-cotton shirts-
shorts-sweaters-halters, weskits,
hats, costume jewelry, rings (any
two 2.95 sale items purchased to-
nether for 5.00).

1.98 Hats of all kinds, many
originally to 8.95. Summer hand-
bags, straw, linens, plastics. Slips--
ticoats and many other items.

A Daily
rn . - .







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