1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRA= T T1JZ4.V Ift IAA, r'PTTXAJT TTT 10,:'IM f~ tool + MUSIC + Summer Session Band, William D. Revelli, in his performances here deserves commendation, Conductor, Sousa, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; for he seemed as much at home with last night's Hagdn, Orlando Palandrino; Rossini, Largo semi-popular composition as he has previously Al Factotum; Leidzen, Second Swedish Rhap- shown himself to be with the classics. sody; Jenkins, Pieces of Eight; Davis, Scotch Scotch Folk Song, San Francisco El Grande, and Folk Song Suite; Whitney, Introduction and much of the Second Swedish Rhapsody suffered Samba; Appalachian Melody, The Wayfaring from a fate peculiar to band music. Because the Stranger; Lecuona, San Francisco El Granda; composition of the ensemble does not allow the Osser, Beguine for Band; Hermann, Kiddie Bal- depth of expression which an orchestra is capable let; Goldman, Michigan. of producing, there is a tendency for conductors to confuse slowness and softness with expressiveness. THEE IS SOMETHING very refreshing on a hot What results, of course, is nothing short of pure summer night about sitting out on the grass monotony. behind Mason Hall. If there is one setting into which concert bands fit perfectly, this is it. I was relieved when San Francisco E1 Grande Like all performances directed by Revelli, last ended and Beguine for Band began just as I night's offering displayed a high degree of techni- was relieved when the band finally reached the cal excellence, although it understandably (in view sprightly portions of the Second Rhapsody. The of the short time in which it was prepared) lack- Second Swedish Rhapsody was, on the whole, one ed some of the polish which characterizes the of the better numbers done last night and I was University Band. only sorry that the tempo was not increased The high spots of the band's performance came slightly throughout its performance. in its rendition of marches. This is the music really With the almost perfect audience comprised written for bands. When they stray too far away, largely of young mothers and very young children, there is a tendency for dullness to creep in. the Kiddie Ballet went over well and is a delightful The program got off to a rousing start with a piece of program music, complete with "crying Sousa march, played with the spirit and verve babies" and police whistles. I particularly en- which much of the program lacked. This was joyed the "very modern mother, singing a very followed by Haydn's Orlando Palandrino. Un- modern lullaby to a very modern baby'', entitled fortunately, the band seemed unable to make the "Lullaby to a Naughty Girl". The band fell into the rapid transition from robustness to the delicacy spirit of the music better here than hitherto during required by this number although the beauty of the concert and captured both the freshness of the arrangement was almost enough to compen- "Strolling the Baby Stroller" and the solemnity of sate. -the opening strains of "Baby's Baptism"-capping it all with a strenuous rendition of "Cops and Rob- In the Largo al Factotum rendition, however, the bers". other side of the coin was turned. This number The evening ended much as it began, except that Is delicate and lilting yet nevertheless demands a the lights had been turned on in Mason Hall and the comic spirit. The summer session band did not march was by Goldman instead of Sousa. Michigan perform it with the gusto required. is a nice march and should become a classic during The high spot of the program came when Sigurd football seasons. Rascher, visiting lecturer and the best saxophonist It was quite a lot of fun listening to the con- I've ever heard, joined the band to play "Introduc- cert. But, I'd still rather take my blanket over to tion and Samba" and "The Wayfaring Stranger", the banks of the Huron and listen to a symphony on This is the saxophone played as it should be played. my portable any day. The amazing versatility Mr. Rascher has displayed -Diane AuWerter At the Michigan ...i "Why, No. I Didn't Say 'Tick-Took Tick Tock.' Did You?" IA) W TOPESTROY FO 'P * **K* ~t6~~yAT ' ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSONV DEMETRIUS AND THE GLADIATORS with Victor Mature WHEN I FIRST walked out of the air-conditioned confines of the State Theater and into the warmish Ann Arbor evening, I must admit that I felt tolerably well disposed toward "Demetrius and the Gladiators." I had, after all, just witnessed some 90 minutes of bloody gladiatorial games, some spirited Roman armor-clanking, an Emperor even more egomanical than usual, and some adroit toga florishing on the part of the cast. All fairly enjoyable, I thought. But it suddenly occurred to me that the movie was intended to convey a message concerning Christianity and had thus exempted itself from the easy judgement due most technicolor blood-lettings. Let me say at the start that any religious illum- The Middle East Two important steps which should strengthen the bulwarks of the free world in the Middle East and open up a new era for that region are now well on the way toward successful conclusion. One is the agreement in principle hammered out in Cairo between Britain and Egypt for the evacua- tion of British troops from the Suez Canal Zone. This eliminates an explosive friction point in that area, and still safeguards a mighty military base for free world defense. The other is the impend- ing settlement of the Anglo-Iranian oil dispute, lwhch averts the danger of an internal collapse in Iran and keeps that country firmly within the Wes- tern orbit. This is welcome and cheerful news in a troubled world which has witnessed new Communist mili- tary and political triumphs in Southeast Asia and still witnesses Communist arrogance and savagery off the China coast. It is all the more welcome be- cause the settlements have been obtained not by military force but in free negotiations between equal partners, and because they eliminate further ves- tiges of Western colonialism without leading to fur- ther Communist subjugation. What is more, these settlements represent another success for American diplomacy, which played an important mediative role in both cases, and another defeat for the Soviets, which sought by threats and blackmail to prevent them. They also represent ano- ther demonstration of Britain's capacity to adjust herself to the realities of a changing world, and by renouncing obsolete forms and impossible conditions to retain the respect and friendship of other peo- ples. This is both a promise of similar British ad- justments regarding remaining points of friction and a bright example which other nations would do well to follow. The British agreement with Egypt, reached after years of negotiations punctuated by armed clashes, murders, assassinations and kidnappings, undoub- tedly marks another "retreat" of the thin red line of Empire. There is perhaps even some historic irony in the fact that this retreat has been nego- tiated by Prime Minister Churchill, whose stand against any "liquidation" of the Empire is well known, and by a military junta in Egypt, which ac- complished what the xenophobic political parties could not achieve. But if "retreat" it be, it mere- ly recognizes that the role of the British Empire as guardian of the peace has been replaced by a collective effort embracing as many free nations as are willing to take part, and that instead of weakening free world defenses this opens the way to greater strength. For among the reasons for ending the British grip ination found in this picture is due solely to the effect of kleig lights on devoutly upturned eyes. The "message" has all the illuminating power of a cast iron light bulb. Now whatever may be your personal conviction about Christianity, even if you regard the New Testament simply as myth, it must be admitted that it is a myth of extraordinary power and grandeur and is the equal of any other myth our culture has produced. Look, for example at this brief exerpt from John, chapter 8. The scribes and Pharisees bring a woman before Christ! "They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. "Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? "This they say, tempting "him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. "And again he stooped down,- and wrote on the ground." There is power in that language. The words issue, one by one, from a silence louder than thun- der. Now let's look at an extract from the movie. A girl, the inevitable innocent maiden, holds Christ's robe up to herself and remarks in tones of sur- prised delight: "I didn't realize that Jesus was so tall! Was he as tall as you, Demetrius?" "Just about," replies Victor Mature, with a smug smile. In spite of the fact that we are assured Christ measures up to Victor Mature's imposing height, the figure of Christ emerging from the movie has not one hundredth the stature of the Biblical Christ. It is temptingly easy to ascribe this difference to the fact that the movie is an obvious pot-boiler in- tended to cash in on the success of its predecessor. But Demetrius and the Gladiators is scarcely less shallow than The Robe, Quo Vadis, or any one of a dozen similar efforts. Nor can it be claimed that the story of the movie is unsuitable for honestly serious treatment. It is the story -of Demetrius, a Christian who falls from grace, becomes an eminently successful gladiator, and finally returns to the path of salvation. And this is a theme with an honored place in the Christian tradition, echoing as it does the fall of man and his salvation through Christ. St. Au- gustine, in his Confessions tells a remarkably simi- lar story. He writes of his friend, Alypius, who de- serts God to become an ardent aficiando of the bloody Roman games, but who eventually wins salvation with increased glory. But Alypius' fall is an echo of the Christian view of man's tragedy. Demetrius' fall is simply a device to allow him to kill a lot of opponents for the sake of spectacle. (We probably should not judge the Romans too harshly for their games, by the way. They probably would have rigged them so it just looked like people are killed if they had had the technological advantages enjoyed by our civiliza- tion.) The difference, I think, is due to the fact that this movie, and the others like it, are aimed at an audience nurtured on a very bogus concept of the Christian ideal - the devotees of The Power of Positive Thinking and all the other religious how-to- do-it works of our day. And this linking of Christianity with Every-Day- In-Every-Way-I-Am-Getting - Better - and - Better cannot be defended on the grounds that it is an adaption of an ideal to meet the needs of a differ- WASHINGTON-Sen. L y n d o n Johnson, overwhelmingly renomi- nated in Texas last week, has put himself in the paradoxical position of quietly going round among his Senate colleagues getting promises that they will vote for him as Sen- ate leader next year. On the surface this would seem strange indeed. But to insiders who watched the strained relations between the handsome Senate Democratic leader and the Demo- cratic senators he is supposed to lead, it was not strange at all. Here is the inside story of what happened. After Senator Sparkman of Ala- bama, vice-presidential nominee in 1952 and one of the recognized na- tional leaders of the Democratic Party, indirectly complained on the Senate floor about Johnson's minus - quantity leadership last week, Lyndon was livid. First he went over to Sparkman's desk and remonstrated. Sparkman, however, didn't budge an inch. He had stated publicly that Knowland had failed to consult with the Democrats who were real- ly leading the senate and he meant it. Johnson had been sitting on the sidelines and refusing to co- operate in the debate on a bill which will govern American fac- tories and power plants in future generations. Failing to budge Sparkman, Johnson then tried to get the Sen- ate floor to defend his leadership. But Senator Humphrey of Minne- sota refused to yield. "I am not going to yield for an attack on those who have been carrying on this fight," he told Johnson. It was at this point that Johnson began making his deal with Sena- tor Knowland of California to end the debate. Delegation Waits Late next day, when Democrats heard what Lyndon was up to, it was decided to send a delegation to see him. So five Democrats ap- proached Johnson on the Senate floor-Hill of Alabama, Anderson of New Mexico, a former member of the Cabinet; Stennis of Missis- sippi, Gore of Tennessee and Jack- son of Washington. Johnson suggested t h a t they come up to his office. They did so. He was courteous but cool. Hill then started to argue against John- son's proposed statement against his fellow Democrats which they said merely played into Know- land's hands. "You would be surprised," re- marked Johnson, "at some of your southern colleagues who plan to vote for cloture." The five senatorstwere certain this was not so, that no southern senators would vote to cut off de- bate. (In the end only one-Hol-] land of Florida-did.) But before they could argue much, Mrs. Lyn- don Johnson brought a note in to her husband. He read it and said he would have to go back to the Senateufloor at once. Johnson did not explain what the note said, but his colleagues suspected it came from GOP Leader Knowland. For Johnson immediately deliv- ered a speech, aimed at breaking the record atom filibuster which Knowland had battled so hard to defeat. Plaudits For Lyndon Shortly after that a peculiar thing happened. As Johnson took his seat in the front row, Senator Goldwater of Arizona, great friend of Senator McCarthy, got up and read a speech praising Johnson But the significant thing was that not a single Democrat walked over to Johnson to congratulate him. Finally, Smathers of Florida rose and reminded the Republicans that this was a Democratic vic- tory, not a Republican one, and pointed to a Democratic trend. Embarrassed at the 1 a c k of Democratic congratulations, John- son walked over to the last seat near the door which senators have to pass as they exit. There he made it a point of shaking hands with Democratic senators as they departed. That's why the versatile Lyndon is already corralling votes for fear he won't be Democratic leader when the Senate comes back in January. Vote on McCarthy Many readers have asked this newsman for predictions on how individual senators will vote on Senator McCarthy when the Flan- ders resolution of censure comes up this week. In brief, it can be reported that McCarthy will get the hard core of about 19 consistent supporters, most of them Republi- cans. There will also be about 30 D e m o c r a t s definitely voting against him. The balance of the Senate large- ly hangs in the balance and will be partly swayed by the position of Senator McClellan of Arkansas, hitherto a McCarthy man, but who tangled with McCarthy during the Army h e a r i n g s. If McClellan makes a strong statement against his former friend, a great many conservative Democrats will follow him. Meanwhile, here is the line-up of Democrats who are either plan- ning to vote for McCarthy or are leaning t o w a r d him: Maybank, S.C.; Byrd and Robertson, Va., de- spite McCarthy's unfair speech about their friend, Gen. George Marshall; Lennon, N.C.; Eastland, Miss.; Johnson and Daniel of Tex- as Kennedy, Mass.; Frear, Del. Middle - of - the - road Republi- cans leaning toward McCarthy in- clude: Saltonstall, Mass. Fergu- son, M i c h.; Bush and Purtell, Conn.; Cordon, Ore.; Kuchel, Cal- if.; Martin, Pa.; Dworshak, Idaho; Carlson, Kans.; Bennett, Utah; Hickenlooper, Iowa. NOTE-Senator Knowland is go- ing to do his best to prevent any vote at all on the Flanders resolu- tion. He has been buttonholing sen- ators urging them to block all de- bate and vote only on a motion-to table the Flanders resolution-de- spite the fact that he previously gave his word to Flanders that he would permit the resolution to be voted on. Copywright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate Hope Dwindles Once more the long-overdue ad- mission of Hawaii as a state of the Union has come a cropper. Appar- ently the last lingering hope of action at this session of Congress died in Washington on Monday, when the House Rules Committee tabled a request to let separate Senate and House statehood bills go to conference to resolve differ- ences between them. The record is a sorry one, made up of broken pledges, political maneuvering and half-hearted action. Both Republicans and Democrats pledged themselves in their 1952 platforms to "immed- iate" statehood for Hawaii. In March of last year a bill to achieve this purpose was approved by the House of Representatives by a vote of approximately two to one. Interpreting The News By J. M. ROBERTS JR. Associated Press News Analyst AMERICAN COMMENT on the congressional address of Syng- man Rhee, the venerable Korean patriot, has let him off pretty lightly for suggesting that this country should back him a n d Chiang Kai-shek in a preventive war in the Far East. He is a guest and widely re- spected for a life devoted to Ko- rean independence. Also, it is quite probable that he struck a respon- sive chord in many a heart when he accused the Soviet Union of talking peace merely for the time being, until it considers itself pre- pared to launch an atomic war against the United States. Recapture of Red China was the only way to change the balance of power into an effective deter- rent. Not a few Americans, although unwilling to publicly advocate war, privately agree with him on one point. They believe the whole situ- ation points to eventual war, just as all such situations have in the past, and that sooner or later the very nature of atomic war will re- quire the Western world to strike first in self-defense. There is much less acceptance even in this limited circle, how- ever, of the Rhee thesis that China is the proper place to strike first. For one thing, there is still the hope that time may produce chang- es in East-West relations. And many experienced observers of things Chinese still cherish the be- lief that there are natural forces which will eventually disrupt the Moscow-Peiping axis. And nearly all of those who can bring themselves to contemplate a preventive war would direct it against Russia rather than any of her appendages. But what Rhee failed to realize, or chose to ignore in making his appeal, is that an overwhelming majority of American and other Western peoples don't want any war of any kind, and that there is something fundamental in the makeup of states which can prac- tice democracy which prevents them from voluntarily adopting war as an extension of diplomacy. They must be forced into it. ONE OF the good things about vacatoin is that it gives an opportunity to see what lies on the other side of the hill. It is a common failing of man to wish to know what is there. Unfortunately, through too much of the year the explorer must keep his nose to the ledger or lathe, and so he never finds out. With the hours between 9 and 5 wrecked and ruined by dismal commerce, he cannot call his soul his own, let alone follow a human inclination. But in vaca- tion all this is changed. Those daylight hours are grim no longer, but provide, in fact, the perfect time for looking beyond the hill. What are all those automobiles do- ing on a week-end afternoon but taking mankind in search of what lies yonder? What of all those week-end photographs which will be sent to the developer's on Mon- day? They will be filed away as proof their subjects did for a time get away from every-day scenes. And remember that the week-end is just a small period of time, only the small model for the long, the magnificent vacation. -The N.Y. Times A.W 41, fffir4lgatj FCt L RHEE'S TALK: More Food for the Red d Propaganda Grist bills DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 27S Notices Veterans enrolled for six-week ses- sion only, who are eligible for educa- tion and training allowance under Pub- lic Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill), whether they have received certificate for Edu- cation and Training, (VA Form 7-1993) or not, may sign MONTHLY CERTIFI- CATION OF TRAINING, VA Form 7- 1996a, in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration Building, on July 30, between,8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and on July 31, between 9:30 a.m. and 12:00 m. D134, Spoken Language Training for Teachers of Foreign Languages. Regis- tration will be on Monday, 8:30 to 10:00 in. Room 1415 Mason Hall (Language Laboratory), at which time schedules will be distributed. The following student sponsored so- cial activities are approved for the con- ing weekend: July 30 Alice Lloyd Phi Delta Phi July 31 Michigan Christian Fellowship Phi Delta Phi Phi Delta Phi POLITICAL SCIENCE FACULTY: PLEASECANNOUNCE TO YOUR CLASSES: Mr. Clarence K. Streit, author of Un- ion Now and Freedom Against Itself, Editor of the magazine Freedom and Union, and a long-time advocate of federations among democratic peoples, will speak on Monday, August 2, at 4:10 p.m. in Auditorium A on the sub- ject: Why Moscow Fears Atlantic Union. This lecture, given under the spon- sorship of the Department of Political Science, is open to the public without charge. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS The Canada Life Assurance Co. will have a representative at the Bureau of Appointments on Tuesday, August 3, to interview August men graduates in Bus.Ad. or LS&A for positions in life insurance sales. Students interested in scheduling appointments may contact the Bureau at 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL REQUESTS A local firm in the pharmaceutical field has an opening for a young man with some sales experience to call upon the medical and drug profession. United International Corp., New York City, is interested in hiring young men graduates for the firm's training program for merchandising executives in the Export Department. The desire for a career outside the United States is a necessary requisite. For additional information concern- ing these and other employment oppor- tunities, contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures FRIDAY, JULY 30 National Band Conductors Confer- ence. Program sessions. 9:00 a.m. and 1:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hal. Physics Colloquim. Monday, August 2, 4:00 p.m. Room 2038 Randall Labora- tory. Professor W. B. Cheston (Uni- versity of Minnesota) "Deuteron Induc- ed Reactions." Academic Notices Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for Seminar in Lie Algebras: Will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. In, Room 3001 Angell Hal. Seminar in, Mathematical Statistics Friday, July 30, at 2 p.m., in 3201 Angel Hall. Mr. Jack Meagher will conclude his discussion of Welche's approximate test of the difference of two means. Mrs.' Chou will begin her discussion of Beh- ren's-Fisher test. Doctoral Examination for Robert New- man Mooney, Classical Studies; thesis: "Character Portrayal and Distortion in Ammianus Marcellinus", Saturday, July 31, 2009 Angel Hall, at 9:30 a.m. Chair- man, R. A. Pack. Doctoral Examination for Melvin Jerome Ravitz, Sociology; thesis: "Fa- tors Associated with the Selection of Nursing or Teaching as a Career", Mon- day. August 2, 613 Haven Hall, at 1t00 p.m. Chairman, R. C. Angell. Concerts Student Recital: Robert Mark, bari- tone, will present a recital at 8:30 Sunday evening, August 1, in Auditor- ium A, Angell Hal, In partial fulfill- 4' ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music. Mr. Mark's major is Music Education and he is, giving the recital in lieu of thesis. He is a pupil of Philip Duey. The pro- gram will include compositions by Carissimi, Monteverdi, Cesti, Mazsa- ferrata, Schubert, Vaughn Williams, and Storace, and will be open to the public. Harpsichord Recital by Alice Ehlers, Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:30 Monday evening. August 2, feature of the. "Woman in the World of Man" series; open to the general public without charge. The program will include Bach's Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias, and Con- certo in Italian Style for a Harpsichord with Two Keyboards.tMie. Ehlers, Pro-. fessor-Emeritus of the University of Southern California, is a Lecturer in Musicology in the School of Music for the Summer Session. Exhibitions Cleents Library. Women and Woman in Early America. General Library. Women as Authors. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Zgyp. tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Michigan Historical Collections. The University in 1904. Museum of Art. Three Women Paint- ers. Exhibition of Recent Publcations and of work in progress in linguistic geo- graphy and dialectology. 2-5 p.m., July 28 - August 6, 1954. Sat. 10-12. 3015 Rackham Building. Events Today Lane Hall Punch Hour 430-5:45 p.m. Students cordially invited. Departmental Play, auspices of the Department of Speech. The Critic, by Richard B. Sheridan. 8:00 p.m., Lydia' Mendelssohn Theater. Sabbath Services atHilel Foundation at 8 p.m. All students are welcome. Coming Events Margaret' Dorman's Free Art Class will meet Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at Lane Hall to visit the Toledo Art Museum.' We shall be back at 3:00 p.m. Arrange- ments have been made for lectures for both children and adults. Lunch will be eaten at the Museum. Bring your own lunch. People not enrolled In the class are welcome to join the group for this trip. Master's Breakfast, honoring candi- dates for the master's degree. 9:00 a.m., Mfihio-ayn Union B~11allroom IN AN UNFORTUNATE speech which will alarm the free world and provide fresh grist for Communist propaganda mills Pres- ident Rhee of Korea has urged the American Congress to launch what amounts to a preventive war against Communist China and, if necessary, an atomic war against Soviet Russia. Such a war, he holds, could be fought to a success- ful conclusion by a combination of South Korean and Formosan Ar- mies and the American Navy and Air Force, apparently without the aid of any other European or Asian allies and without the moral sanc- tion of the United Nations. As he sees it, the failure of the Geneva conference on Korea provides the justification for such a war, and he warns that timeis running out. Granting all this, the fact remains that in this speech President Rhee went beyond his customary demand for a march to the Yalu and in ef- fect advocated an atomic world war. Moreover, he delivered this speech before the Congress of the United States, which is tied to South Korea by a mutual security pact. It is inevitable, therefore, that it will not only arouse new blasts from Moscow against "warmongers" but raise new questions and uncertain- ties regarding American policies among our allies and give new impetus to the "neutralism" which tends to undermine free world resistance to the Com- munist tide. This makes it necessary to point out that President Rhee spoke not in conformity with, but in bold op- position to, officially d e c 1 a r e d American policy. This policy has always turned down any idea of a' preventative war or any kind of war, except in self-defense or ir. collective action against aggres- sion. Our own Government stands, in the words of all Amnerican lead- ers from President Eisenhower down, for peace and "peaceful co- existence," though without ap-A peasement or sacrifice of princi- ple. In his concentration on the Ko- rean problem President Rhee ig- nored not only those questions of American policy and principle but also some decisive practical con- siderations. His main argument for' a world war at this time is that in view of the demonstrated Com, munist treachery and ruthlessness it is useless to negotiate, and that unless we act now the Soviets may. soon have enough atomic and hy- drogen bombs to threaten, or, as he put it, to "vanquish" the United States. These arguments are valid as warnings that we must remain vig- ilant and strong. But they defeat themselves as arguments for as- world war because such a war would not only find condemnation everywhere but would break up all our existing alliances, frustrate all our efforts to erect collective secur- ity systems in Europe and in Asia, and deprive us of our present bases abroad. This would leave the . United States isolated and alone to face a Communist atomic on- slaught in a war that could only: leave the world in ruins.- -N.Y. Times I I Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter.....Managing Becky Conrad ............ Night] Rona Friedman..........,Night Wally Eberhard..........Night Russ AuWerter........... Night Sue Garfield............omen's1 Hanley Gurwin......... Sports1 Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports! E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports1 Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor I Business Staff Dick Alstrom.........Business Manager Lois Pollak.......Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks. .....Advertising Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member A SSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS