THREE VIEWS OF STRATFORD See Page 2 Y Sir43zm Latest Deadline in the State 4kv :43 a t I HOT; SHOWERS VOL. LXIV, No. 28S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1954 FOUR PAGES Panel Discusses 'Woman in World' Ike's Tax Churchill Causes British Bill Wins House Okay Slated for Senate Governmental 1 Vote Thursday WASHINGTON (M - President Eisenhower's big tax revision pro- gram, slicing revenues about $1,- 363,000,000 in the fiscal year which began July 1, rolled through final House passage Wednesday 315 to 77. Only Senate approval-scheduled Thursday-is needed now to send to the White House the biggest tax overhaul in history. The House defeated 227 - 169 a last - ditch Democratic move to' strip from the program a disputed tax cut on dividends. A similar fight over the dividend issue is expected in the Senate. On final passage, 201 Repub- licans and 114 Democrats voted for the bill. Three Republicans, 731 Democrats and one Independent voted against it. -Daily-Marj Crozier PANEL DISCUSSION-Dr. Dorothy Whipple, Prof. E. Lowell Kelly, Mrs. Margaret Tracy, and Ewan Clague discuss the topic, "Women's Work Outside the Home." Clagues Favor Some Wives Working Ewan Clague, commissioner of r labor statistics for the U n i t e d States Department of Labor, and f his wife, Dorothy Whipple M.D. told an Angell Hall audience last night that they approved of wives and mothers working- -with some reservations. Earlier in the day, Clague said that, although a smaller proportion of American women aged 20 to 34 work now than did in the 20's and 30's, there has been a large num- ber of women over 35 who have been working since the end of Salk Denies, Losing Job From Probe By RUSS AUWERTER Lee Salk, University Fresh Air Camp psychologist, yesterday re- futed a report that he was removed > from his $5,500-a-year state job for political reasons. Auditor General John B. Mar- tin, Jr., had allegedlly stated that Salk was removed because "From all the evidence available to us, Salk apparently has been an ac- tive member of the (Communist) party at one time." Job Expired However, Salk told The Daily last night that his contractual agreement with the Department of Mental Health expired after he completed his part in collecting data and helping design the study he was working on. Francis Crowley, N e w Y o r k rdraftsman, testified last June 29th before the House Un-American Activities Committee in Washing- ton that Salk was a member of the Ralph Neafus Communist Club on the University campus: Chales F. Wagg, Director of the state department which employed the psychologist in a project called "A follow-up Study of Child Guid- ance Clinic Cases" sent Salk a E letter dated July 20, 1954 notifying him that his work was completed to their satisfaction and that he had "made a worthwhile contribu- tion to this most important pro- ject." Wagg also said in the letter that the expiration of Salk's duties was ' somewhat accelerated by a change of policy which allowed contractual agreements (of the type held by Salk) to be entered into only with a "university or college," but not with "individuals." Wagg added that the department was cutting down on expenses in the project Salk was working on and said that the expiration of his duties "in no way relates to you as an individual or the quality of work you have been doing." Porter Denies Prison Charge LANSING (IA - Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield? Wednesday made a detailed 10-noint denial of World War II, and predicted the continuation of that pattern. His wife, who appeared with him in the public panel discussion last night in an elaboration of the same topic, said, "Not all women who are able to bear children are tem- peramentally suited to rear them." No Correlation While she feels that ideally it is desirable for a mother to stay at home with her young children, she said that she can find no corre- lation whatever between emotional' problems in children and whether or not the mother works. In her work as a pediatrician, Dr. Whipple often cousels young mother who want to work. Such a woman, she says, should seriously consider three factors: 1. Whether her health can stand it-"She must have the constitu- tion of an ox." 2. Whether or not the mother can earn enough to supplant her labors at home, although it may be psychologically desirable to work if that will give a woman a better feeling about life, even at monetary coast to her family. 3. Whether her husband will be sympathetic to her earning income,. and not have his ego hurt by it.3 The Role of Money Dr. Whipple continued that in; the old days women never raised a brood of childreh by themselves. But, today they have to do it alone. Modern mothers can't go far from, their homes because they have no one with whom to leave their chil- dren and it is too awkward to take their brood with them.a Commenting on the relation of money to happiness, Dr. WhippleI Foreign Aid Program Gets House Okay said that contrary to general opin- ion money has relatively small im- portance to marital happiness. High income marriages are no happier than others. Dr. Whipple concluded that even if a mother does go outside the home and take a job she still has the complete responsibility of her house and children. When she gets home from her job she still has to have some "vigor left for the kids."# State GOP' Starts Feud WASHINGTON (R) -Republican Reps. Jesse P. Wolcott and Kit' Clardy touched off a bitter Re- publican party fight Wednesday. Both, demanded that the GOP State Central Committee stay out of their primary campaigns. Wolcott, chairman of the House Banking Committee and a con- gressman of 24 years standing, and Clardy of East Lansing,aimed their blasts at GOP state party chair- man John Feikens. Wolcott's blast was delivered in a strong five-page letter to Feikens. He claimed the State Central Commitee had done nothing but embarrass him for the past two years. The bristling message stemmed from the latest move in a controversy of long standing between Wolcott and Frank C. Lawson, his primary opponent in Michigan's Seventh Congressional District. Clardy's two-page letter was in retaliation to reports that Feikens had termed him an "anti-Eisen- hower congressman." Meanwhile. Feiken~s said he was unable to understand the outbursts, saying he was an enthusiastic booster of both Wolcott and Clardy. Revamps Taxes The compromise bill, running about 1,000 pages, revamps the en- tire national tax structure. It does not change major rates but it gives individuals and business firms scores of new or bigger taxr deductions.S For individuals, the deductions would go principally to families with 1 a r g e medical expenses, mothers who must work to support their children, retired persons, pa- rents of children who work, and farmers with large soil conserva- tion expenses. Business firms and Individuals' alike would benefit from the divi- dend tax cut. Business firms also would be given much more rapid tax deductions for depreciation of new plants and equipment, more liberal treatment of research ex- penses, greater freedom to set aside surpluses, more power to off- set losses in bad years against profits in good years, and less stringent a c c o u n t i ng require- ments. Most of the tax cuts would take effect as of last Jan. 1 and would show up in: returns filed next spring. The revenue reductions would mount in future years. The best bargain of all in Ann Arbor yesterday was sponsored by two grade-schoolers. Three cent lemonades were the contribution of the Doris-Nancy Co. to hot passers by as the perspiring thermometer hit 92 degrees yester- day. Also featuring cool-aid for two cents and cookies for a penny, the small girls kept cool by occasion- ally sipping spare drinks behind their stand located on the corner of Williams and Maynard Streets. Glancing at the gradually grow- ing pile of nickels and pennies they explained that their object was "clothes 'n stuff." Business should continue profit- ably today, for though scattered thunder showers are expected, the heat will continue with a high of 90 degrees. Relief from the heat is expected tomorrow when a cold front from the North-West will arive, the weather man at Willow Run pre- dicted. Thus, for Friday and Sat- urday lower temperatures are ex- pected. Heat Hits Everywhere EVENTS TODAY -Daily-Duane Poole SOMEONE USES THE HOT WEATHER TO ADVANTAGE Bargain Days in Effect Everywhere McClellan In By the Associated Press Sen. John McClellan (D- Ark) has apparently won a third-term nomination in a close primary fight with former Gov. Sid McMath, although the latter wants to see the certified results of the election before conceding. McClellan, who was the sen- ior Democrat on the Senate's Army - McCarthy investigating group, claimed victory late Tuesday when he had an unof- ficial margin of 4,421 votes over the combined vote of three opponents, with only 25 of the state's 2,302 precincts unre- ported. He is the sixth southern Democrat to win renomination in seven states this year. Sen. Alton Lennon was defeated May 29 in North Carolina by former Gov. Kerr Scott. THE NATIONAL CONDUCTORS CONFERENCE will have sessions at 10:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. A UNIVERSITY LECTURE un- der the auspices of the history department will be given by Prof. Philip W. Powell of the University of California at 4:15 p.m. in Aud' A. Prof. Powell will discuss "Cross Currents in Today's Latin Ameri- ca." * * * CONDUCTOR W I L L I A M D. REVELLI will preside over a sum- mer band concert at 7:30 p.m. on the General Library steps. "IS THERE A LINGUISTIC APTITUDE?" is the title of a talk by Prof. John B. Carroll of Har- vard University to be given at 7:30 p.m. today in Rackham Am- phitheater, before the Linguistic Institute. "THE CRITIC," presented' by the speech department, will con- tinue its run at 8 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. * * * ELVA V OG T ROSENZWEIG, soprano, will present a student recital at 8:30 p.m. in Rackham Assembly Hall, Monroe & Mitchum COLDWATER, Mich.(A-Kenneth Sult, a Battle Creek, Mich., sales- man, stopped along US112 near the outskirts of Coldwater to help fix a flat tire for a blonde and her male companion ... Marilyn Mon- roe and Robert Mitchum. Senate Passes Housing Bill WASHINGTON (ii- The Senate Wednesday night passed and sent to the White House an omnibus housing bill reducing down pay- ments on homes bought with gov- ernment - insured mortgages and setting up safeguards against "windfall" profits on big rental projects. The legislation generally follows P r s e i d e n t Eisenhower's rec- ommendations but falls short of what he asked for in low-rent public housing units subsidized by the government. Passage came on a roll call vote of 59 to 21. It was obvious from the debate that a number of those who voted against the bill did so Sbecause they didn't like the public housing provision. A compromise between differing House and Senate. measures, the bill is designed to insure continued' high - level home building at a rate greater than one million units Its public housing feature of 35,- 000 units in the next year, restrict- ed to families actually displaced by federal slum clearance activi- ties, compares with Eisenhower's request for 140,000 units over the next four years. The measure does these main things.: 1. Lowers down payments re- quired for the purchase of new and old homes in the government's big sales-housing program and length- ens the repayment period. 2.Allows builders of big rental projects who use, government -in- sured loans to include only a "rea- sonable" profit as part of their legitimate costs. 3. Sets up a new low-cost sales housing program for families in slum-cleared areas. The two-day heat blast has caused a record water usage. In Detroit, Mayor Cobo appealed to' residents to stop all lawn sprink- ling. Port Huron has adopted a plan similar to Detroit's to raise water pressure. The Detroit plan allowed even numbered addresses to sprinkle their lawns on even numbered days and vice sersa. Firemen in Mt. Clemens, fight- ing a blaze which destroyed an 80-year-old building, had to call on neighboring communities and Sel- fridge Field for assistance. Streit To Talk on .Atlantic Union Monday "Why Moscow Fears the Atlantic Union'' will be reviewed Monday at the University by Clarence K. Streit, lecturer and author. Author of ''Union Now'' and "Freedom Against Itself," Streit' will speak at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. The public talk will sbe presented under auspices of the political science department. A native of Missouri, Streit spent two years in France during World War I. He then became a Rhodes Scholar, following this undertak- ing with work as a foreign corres- 'pondent during the Greco -Turk and Riff Wars. At this time, he traveled through France, Italy, Central Europe and the Balkans. E As a New York Times corres- pondent, he covered the League of Nations from 1929 through 1939, when his "Union Now" was pub- lished. At that time he resigned his position to become president of the Federal Union Association which grew out of his book. He has also, served as editor of the Freedom and Union magazine and has lectured in the United States, Canada and Europe. .I Indicates May Stay on In Office Makes Minister Patch-up Effort LONDON (A') - Sir Winston Churchill replaced two of his Cab- inet ministers Wednesday in a gov- ernment shakeup that indicated he intends to stay on as Prime Min- ister. A third minister offered his resignation Wednesday night but there was no indication it had been accepted. Churchill, 79 and under -h e a v y pressure from his doctors and his wife to retire, filled two Cabinet jobs vacated by resignations and reshuffled his junior aides in an obvious ministerial patch-up ef-. fort. Colonial Secretary Alan Lennox-Boyd, 49, minister of transport and civil aviation, was moved up to Cabinet rank and ap- pointed colonial secretary. He re- places Oliver Lyttelton, who re- signed Wednesday night for per- sonal reasons. Derek Heathcoat Amory, 54, min- ister of state at the Board of Trade, was named to replace Sir Thomas Dugdale as agriculture minister. This post also is of Cabinet rank. John Boy Carpenter, financial secretary to the Treasury, replaces Lennox-Boyd as minister of trans- port, a non-Cabinet job. Shortly after these changes were made, Atty. Gen. Sir Lionel Heald said that he, too, had placed his resignation in Churchill's hands. Heald has made it plan for some time he would like to quit the government and return to his law business. The fact that his name was not included in Wednesday night's reshuffle, even though his resignation was on Church- ill's desk, strengthened the convic- tion that Churchill plans to leae any drastic remodeling of the got- ernment to his successor. Re juggling The Prime Minister's changes included the rejuggling of his jun- ior ministers to fill the holes caused by the promotion of Lennox -Boyd and Amory. The shifts were the least Churchill could do to keep his Cabinet on an even keel. Lyttelton had been pressing for some time to be allowed to quit the government and return to pri- vate business. Dugdale resigned last week after a judicial inquiry into charges of maladministration in his department. Political experts said the changes bear out Churchill's obvious in- tention to stay on in office-at least until September. One of the main reasons for his stand, they added, is the U.S. attitude toward Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, Churchill's chosen successor. Churchill had intended to hand over the reins to Eden after the Geneva conference. Although Eden came back to Britain in a blaze of glory, his share in the Geneva parley was not too popular in American circles. Egypt May Get Increased Aid From U.S. WASHINGTON (P-A bill appro- priating $5,208,419,979 to finance the foreign aid program through June 30, 1955, was passed by the House Wednesday on a 266-128 roll call vote. TheHouse approved $2,895,944,- 000 in new cash and $2,312,475,979 to be drawn from carryover funds appropriated in previous years. This is $812,213,554 less than Pres- ident Eisenhower requested for the current 12 months. Now the measure goes to the Senate, where it will join a bill authorizing the expenditure of $3,- 100000000in new money for for- e aid,00 durngnthe current fiscal year. Direct Assistance Foreign aid is designed to strengthen allies of the United States against the threat of Com- munist aggression. Most of it goes for direct militar- assistance, air- craft, tanks and other wveapons, but a portion is invested in build- ing up the economies of friendly nations. Democrats gave the greatest support to the bill on final House nassage. 144 voting for it. together AUGUST 9TH DECISION: Millard Rulings May Phut Bingo on Ballot LANSING ( )-Atty. Gen. Frank G. Millard Wednesday liberalizedj rulings under which the Secretary of State's office had rejected thous- ands of signatures to put legalized bingo on the November election ballot. Unofficially, state election officials hinted that the opinion vali- dated enough signatures to put the petition drive across to insure it a place on the ballot. That, of course, will not be known for sure until the State Board of Canvassers meets Aug. 9 ands rules on the petitions affected by TRENDS the opinion. OTHER TED There was still a probability that the Michigan and Detroit Council i" of Churches, which oppose the Increase to bingo vote, may take the fight to the state Supreme Court to upset By RONA FRIEDMAN thousands of the signatures. Student religious participation Hart Endc~orsed on and affiliation has increased during the past few years, according to " many of the leaders of local reli- T ba s gious groups. Special factors however, were By the Associated Press noted by some among the current Gry (I .Mnne nWiliams a - CAIRO, Egypt Ai - American military and economic aid will soon begin flowing into Egypt in quantity as a result of Britain's NOTED: Student Religious Partici that there are more calls on his time as society becomes more complicated." The Rev. Eugene Ranson, min-1 ister to students of the Methodist] Church, agreed.I "There is greater interest in religion but it is not necessarily1 agreement to evacuate the Suez Canal Zone, informed sources said Wednesday. An unwritten U.S. Commitment to help build up Egypt's economy ji ation Seen and military establishment was a big factor in persuading Egypt to accept terms agreeable to London Herman Jacobs of the Hillel Foun- whereby the British will pull their dation. 83,000 troops out of the zone, the "It is my belief," he continued, informants said. "that this phenomenon applies to The United States is expected to our campus as well." put chief emphasis on economic "Activities have been very def- aid to this country, since problems initely booming this past year at of irrigation and industrialization Canterbury House," the Rev. Rob- have a high priority with Egypt's n1 'a -- [xl++n - "nvm n~ 1nlan ---inr Tn..itxinor- -m-i A Lot of Searching At Lane Hall, Miss Doris Har- pole, program assistant, observed that students seem to be doing a lot of searching today. "They are not getting into the deep or intel- lectual theological discussions that they might have a few years ago.