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July 28, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-28

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Latest Deadline in the State


1 y




Saline Play
The third in this season's Sa-
line Mill Theatre productions,
George Bernard Shaw's "Can-
dida," opened last night and
will run through Saturday.
The cast stars Gene Jankow-
ski as the Rev. James Morell,
Florence Rupert as Proserpine
Garnett, Ted Heusel as Burgess,
Dorothy Patterson as Candida
and Gene Rupert as Eugene
The part of the clergyman,
the Rev. Lexington Mill, is be-
ing done by a real-life clergy-
man, the Rev. John J. Hamel,
business manager of the Thea-
He is on leave this summer
after completing graduate study
work for a master's degree in
sacred theology in New York at
the Union Theological Semin-
Sign Suez
Pact; British
T" Mnra tO~








U.S. Demands
uinese Reds
Halt Air Attacks.
Peiping Lodges Coiunter-Protest
At Downing of Two Red Fighters
WASHINGTON OP)-The United States Tuesday protested to Red
China against "the barbarous and lawless attack" of Communist
fighter planes against an unarmed British airliner, and the "unpro-
voked and wanton attack" on U.S. planes searching for the liner's
In both cases, the United States demanded appropriae and ade-
quate punishnent for those responsible and that steps to taken at
" "o assur e ....a..unere on p in.

-Daily-Duane Poole

Bergson Says Growth Rate West1May Use
Of Red Economy ToDeclineo West May Use
Zone or Defense

An economics professor from the Columbia University Russian
Research Institute believes that the rate of growth of the Russian.
economy will decline in the "visible future," but while declining it
will still remain above the growth rate of the American economy.
Speaking as part of the Russian Studies Program on "Soviet
Economic Trends," Prof. Abram Bergson cited several "drags on
the Soviet economy" which he said will impede the speed of its future
Compared to United States growth of four and one-half p'er
- cent during the past five years,
Prof. Bergson said that Soviet eco-
R d ro esnomic growth, according to avail-
able statistics, has been about 11
per cent for the last three years.
D efe dedAgriculture Problem Important
Agriculture production is the
most important problem the Rus-
:. /F -. ,.-t w rsign regime faces which may well

i ARO gytonce "to assure that there be no re
CAIRO, Egypt (JP)-Britain and IIn the case of the three Anm
Egypt signed an agreement last I h aeo h he m
Eight forgemovalgr n83,000when the airliner was shot down in
British troops from the Suez Canal the United States demanded com-
Zone defenses but providing that pensation for the victims and the
the West may still use the great families of those killed.
base against aggression. There can be no punishment for
Under the agreementthefor-two of those blamed for the attack
Underthegr tthe fr- on the American planes. They were
eign troops will be pulled out with- shot down when the U.S. pilots re-
in 20 months. turned their fire.
Civilian foreign technicians, pre- The n o t e s were dispatched
sumably British, will maintain the through London, where the British
base for seven years after the government decided on a further
troops leave. protest of its own to the Commu-
Britain has the right to move nists. They were not made public
back into the big defense base in here in textual form but late Mon-
event of any aggression against an day the State Department released
Arab state or Turkey, a summation of them.
The settlement was regarded as Peiping Protest
a calculated risk in exposing the Meanwhile, there had already
militarily weak Middle East to the come a defiant "grave protest"
Soviet threat. from Peiping saying the American
Forty-seven British soldiers have airmen who shot down the two Red
been slain by Egyptian guerrillas fighters had "carried out barbaric
in the Canal Zone since Egypt, attacks" under pretense of an er-
in October 1951, scrapped the 1936 rand of mercy.
treaty covering the presence of "The Moscow radio called the
the British along the 104-mile shooting down of the two Red
canal. planes a "serious provocation" and
Ends Long Dispute a "gangster attack by the United

ericans killed and three wounded
n the South China Sea last Friday,
Ike OK's
Tariff Hike
On Watches
WASHINGTON {AP} - President
Eisenhower approved yesterday
the first major tariff boost dur-
ing his Administration-increases
ranging up to 50 per cent on some

. married women should be encouraged to join
organizations outside the home

Coyle Says Home Need
Not Limit Woman's Life
Prof. Grace Coyle of Western Reserve University School of Ap-


Ii Y11 ieffect its economic progress, Prof.
Bergson said, adding, "The vol-
-WA SHINGTON L - Sen. Mc- ,umeof land suitable for use is
CartfiY-(R-Wis) denying that wit- lmited."
nesses before his investigations Although Russia occupies one-
subcommittee have been mistreat- sixth of the world's land surface,
ed, said Tuesday he was not even much is rendered useless because
very "impatient" in questioning of weather or soil conditions, he
Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker. said. Right now they are tilling
McCarthy's questioning of Zwick- only a little more land than is
er, Camp Kilmer, N.J., command- under cultivation in the United
er widened a growing rift between States.
the Wisconsin senator and Penta- In view of a population in-
gon officials and helped touch off crease of about three million per
the lengthy McCarthy-Army hear- year this may significantly de-
ings. Secretary of the Army Ste- crease the potential economic ex-
vens accused McCarthy of brow- pansion of the country.
beating the general. Another side of the farm prob-
McCarthy brought up the inci- lem faced by the Soviet regime is
dent under questioning before a that of extracting food from peas-
Senate Rules subcommittee which ant-farmers u r b a n industrial
is studying the need and possibility workers, Prof. Bergson said.
of writing new rules to govern Sen- Stalin's Success
ate investigations.hStlin' ucns
"Some might say I was impa- Much of Stalin's success lay in
tient with him," McCarthy said of the forceful political methods by
Zwicker. "I don't think I was." which he took food from the peas-
Zwicker "Most Arrogant" ants, he said.#
But he said he considered Zwick- Because Stalin exploited his po-#
er "the most arrogant, the, most litical power fully in taking agri-
insolent witness"-or among the cultural production from the col-
most arrogant and insolent ones lective farms the Soviet farm Sys-
-he ever, encountered. tem appeaied successful, although
McCarthy had sought unsuccess- Prof. Bergson believes is not time
fully to obtain from Zwicker the tested.
names of Army officials who had Recruitment of workers for in=
ordered the honorable discharge of dustry is creating a growing tight-
Maj. Irving Peress, an Army den- ness of labor especially in agri-
tist whose court-martial McCarthy culture, according to the profes-
had demanded on grounds of Com- sor.
munist activities. Prof. Bergson said that the re-
Zwicker said he did not know gime is undergoing a program to
who in the Department of the increase agricultural output. How-
Army had approved the discharge. ever, he questioned, how much
Under McCarthy's repeated ques- will the program encroach on in-
tioning he said he did not think vestments from other areas of the
whoever had approved it should be economy?
discharged. The Russians, according to Prof.
Not Through With Moss Bergson, are reaching "diminish-
McCarthy said also his commit- ing returns" in their industry.
tee is not yet through with the Much of their recent rapid
case of Annie Lee Moss who was growth rested upon borrowing
suspended as a Pentagon employe technological know-how from for-
after McCarthy said testimony eign sources which is coming to a
showed she was a former Commu- stop and has not served as a stim-
nist party member, ulus for technological develop-
She denied the charge and was ment at home.
ieinstated after Mrs. Mary Mark-
ward, a former undercover infor-
mant for the FBI, conceded she!&OveOrment Rests
could not identify personally the - as
Annie Lee Moss she said was a itizensip C s
dues-paying Communist.
The Pentagon said Mrs. Moss DETROIT (R-The government
now is working in a non-sensitive rested its case yesterday against
job while her case is under con- former State Sen. Stanley Nowak,
sideration. whom it seeks to denaturalize be-
Sen. Lehman (D-Lib-NY), at- cause he reportedly hid his Coin-
tacking alleged mistreatment of munist Party membership when he
witnesses in prior testimony before became a citizen in 1938.
the Rules subcommittee, had men- Nowak declined to take the stand


s. plied Social Sciences started the sixth week of the "Woman in the
The hike, on watches with no World of Man" series by delivering a lecture yesterday entitled "The
jewels and those containing no Role of Women in Community Life."
more than 17 jewels, is expected Prof. Coyle pointed out that today's women are able to make forI
by importers to raise the price themselves a major channel by which they can affect the com-
consumers pay for such foreign munities in which they live.
timepieces by $3.50 to $. She continued that "for the majority of married middle class
President Eisenhower acted up- women, organized affiliation provides certain outlets and opportun-
on recommendations made last
ities which can. if the wish. supplement their family and domestic

Omnibus Bill
Gives Exec
New Rights
PrivateId ustry
Gets Privileges
WASHINGTON (R-Bone - weary
senators approved President Ei-
senhower's sweeping atomic en-
ergy program, with some basic
changes, Tuesday night on the 13th.
day of a hot debate
The Tally Was 57-28..
The vote approved an omnibus
measure opening the atomic field
to private industry and author-
izes the President to reveal some
nuclear secrets to foreign allies,
The bill goes now to a Senate-
House conference where another
stiff skirmish, behind closed doors,
is expected in ironing out major
Senate Amendments
The Senate wrote in amend-
ments requiring companies taking
part in the atomic power program
to share their patents with other
concerns for 10 years, and author-
izing the Atomic Energy Com-
mission and some other govern-
ment agencies to operate atomic
power plants.
The House voted for normal
patent rights, except for develop-
ments created under government
auspices, and specifically barred
the AEC from getting, into large
scale power production.
Senators who fought to write
public power features into the
the bill; have threatened another
long battle if they are dropped in
168 Hour Consideration
At the finale, the Senate had
considered the measure almost
exclusively for approximately 168
Senate Republican Leader Know-
land of California called that a
record for concentrated attention
on a single measure. The Senate
has spent more elapsed time on
other bills but it has put them
aside in mid - debate to handle
other matters.
The fight over atomic energy
and Knowland's tactics in seeking
an early vote carried the Senate
into one almost continuous session
of 85 hours, 48 minutes and an-
other which ended tonight after
lasting nearly 36 hours.
The Senate nailed into the bill
an amendment by Sen. Edwin C.
Johnson (D-Colo) authorizing any
federal power agency to operate
atomic power plants, if they can
get funds from Congress, and giv-
ing preference in the sale of pow-
er to cooperatives and publicly
owned utilities -
Second Amendment
A second amendment, by Sen.
Gillette (D-Iowa), gives the same
preference for byproduct power
now available from present AEC
research plants.
The Senate approved an amend-
ment by Sen. Kerr (D-Okla) pro-
viding that new patents be shared
with qualified applicants for a
10-year period - one of the most
disputed parts of the bill.
International clauses permitting
exchange of some nuclear informa-
tion and laying the groundwork
for a start on President Eisen-
hower's plan for a global atomic
pool were approved without

change, as they were in the house.
The Senate specifically approved
an Eisenhower plan for the AEC
to contract with a Southern utility
group for new private power facil-
ities to serve the Memphis, Tenn.,
area over Tennessee Valley Au-
thority lines. The proposal brought
a drumfire of eight days' oppo-
sition debate.
This approval was voted, 56-35,
on an amendment by Sen. Fergu-
son (R-Mich) after the Senate
first defeated, 55-36, an amend-
ment by Sen. Anderson (D-NM)
that would have killed the disputed
U' ) um~

The agreement ending the longt
dispute between the two countries
over the future status of the canal
defenses was signed here by'
Egypt's Prime Minister Gamal Ab-
del Nasser and British War Min-
ister Antony Head.
This preliminary pact, which will
take British troops out of Egypt
for the first time since 1882, is ex-
pected to lead to a formal treaty
between the two nations.
Of the more than 83,000 troops1
in the canal zone, 16,300 are air
force men and 18,000 non-Britisht
soldiers. Two-thirds of the garri-
son forces will be flown back to1
Britain, informed sources in Lon-
don said. The remaining third will1
be based elsewhere in the Middle
Troops Out by 1956
London sources said these troopst
would all be shifted elsewhere by t
early 1956.1
The pact made no mention off
Iran, which the United States had
wanted included among the na-
tions where an attack would per-
mit automatic reoccupation of the
The British-Egyptian negotia-
tions on the zone opened April 23,t
The Suez base cost Britain thet
equivalent of $1,200,000,000 to!
British sources said the with-1
drawal will make it possible for
the Churchill government to buildi
up military reserves at home. 7

The U.S. notes were routedI
through Britain because the United
States does not recognize the Chi-
nese Communist government, and
Britain does.
State Department Note
The State Department note on
the attack on the British airliner
"Occurring over international
waters about 30 miles south of
Hainan Island, this unprovoked
and unwarranted attack resulted in
the killing of three United States
citizens, including two children of
the tender ages of 2 and 4 years,
and the wounding of three other
United States citizens, including a
child age 6.
"In behalf of the United States
government' appropriate punish-
ment is demanded of all persons
bearing responsibility for this
criminal attack, as well as com-
pensation for the victims and the
family of those killed.
"A further demand is made that
measures be taken to guard
against repetition of such an action
and that the United States govern-
ment be informed, through the
British government, of the nature
of such measures."
As for the other communication,
the summary said, after reciting
the time and circumstances of the
shooting between U.S. and Com-
munist planes:
The incident occurred well over
international waters approximately
13 miles from Hainan.

Mak by the Federal Tariff Com-!
mission, which said watches were
being imported in such volume-
they come mostly from Switzer-
land-as to injure the American
watch making industry seriously.
Military Aid{
The House Tuesday tentatively
approved a. bill appropriating
$5,208,419,979 to finance for the
present fiscal year the program of
military and economic aid to non-,
Communist nations.
gmic aid to non - Comimunist
A formal rollcall vote sending
the bill to the Senate was put off
until Wednesday after a motion to
return the measure to the Appro-
priations Committee was shouted
Administration forces. aided by
Democrats, were in control all the
way as the House beat down de-
cisively every proposal to make
further cuts from funds recom-
mended by the committee.
The committee already had
chopped $812,213,554 from funds
requested by President Eisenhow-
er. The House sustained those cuts
but declined to go beyond them
after Majority Leader Halleck (R-
Ind) declared that the President
felt further reductions would be
The bill implements a separate
measure, already passed by the
House, authorizing continuance of
the foreign aid program initiated
after World War IL

Citing recent statistics, she mentioned that women lead men in
religious, civic, philanthropic and cultural activities.
She added that in the professional fields they also lead somewhat
in social, political and alumni affairs.
The professor based these interests on the fact that domestic
duties and responsibilities have ~ -~ ~ ~ -

shrunk, leading to dissatisfaction
and confusion.
The women then have three al-
ternatives, she added: a full or
part-time career, the glamouriz-1
ing of themselves or working for
either a mature appreciation of
cultural interest and/or further
education or to the cultivation of
serious obligations to. the commu-
Panel Discussion
Part of the summer program of
"Woman in the World of Man"
will extend into the subject:
"Women's Work Outside the
Home" in a panel discussion to-
night at 7:45 p.m. in Auditorium
A, Mason Hall'.
Participating in the panel are:
Ewen Clague, commissioner of la-
bor statistics, United States De-
partment of Labor; Dr. Dorothy
V. Whipple, pediatrician and syn-
dicated columnist; and University
faculty members Prof. Margaret
E. Tracy, professor of personnel
management; and Prof. E. Lowell
Kelly of the psychology depart-
ment and Director of the Bureau
of Psychological Services.
At 4:15 p.m. today Clague
will discuss "Women in the Work-
ing World" in Auditorium A.

CIC Agent
Kills Self
In Berlin "
Adenauer Asks Probe
Of Espionage Groups
BERLIN(A -United States au -
thorities disclosed yesterday that
an American counterintelligence
agent shot and killed himself in
Berlin a day after the disappear-
ance of Otto John came to light.
The agent, a German-born nat-
uralized American, was known to
have been a friend of John, former
head of West Germany's political
security service who vanished in
Communist East Berlin a week
ago. .
The Pentagon in Washington
identified him as Wolfgang E.Hoef-
fer. His next of kin was listed as
a cousin, Gertrude Venner of New
York City. The identification had
been withheld by the Army here
pending notification of kin.
Full-Dress Investigation
Chancellor K o n r a d Adenauer
yesterday ordered a full-dress gov-
ernment investigation of West Ger-
many's maze of intelligence agen-
United States officials here dis-
couraged reports 1 i n k i n g the
agent's suicide Friday with John's
disappearance in the Soviet sector
July 20.
They declined to discuss the mo-
tive, but said the agent was not
suspected of disloyalty to the Unit-
ed States.
An official American spokesman
denied that the agent, who held
tha -al fa as f ai+ in the+On n-

No Hope for Peaceful Unification

WASHINGTON (A - President --- -
Syngman Rhee of South Korea, war-bat
who has called repeatedly for a un- of 200r
ified Korea, said at the White Rhee,
House Tuesday he sees no pos- hower,
sibility of winning it "by a peace- day, ha
ful means." possibly
didn't a
He also said that while he and but sai
President Eisenhower had discus- "We

tered country at the rate
million dollars a year.
was asked if he and Eisen-
in their opening talks Tues-
d gone into the question of
d resuming the war. Rhee
nswer the question directly
see no possibility of unify-

on his arrival yesterday for intens-
ive talks running through Friday.
He thanked the American people
for their aid but said there would
be no unification worries if the
Allies "only had a little more
courage" in driving out the Com-
He said the Reds were not pushed
n,.ncc +h Val iv, prcnar hano..eo

Champagne t o a s t s were ex-
changed in honor of the two presi-
dents and the blood bond between
the two countries forged on Ko-
rea's battlefields.
Eisenhower summoned top ad-
visers, including Dulles and De-
fense Secretary Wilson, for today's
There was nnseat oaenda. hut the I


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