PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. JULY 27. 1954 PAGE TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TTTII~flAv jrrr.v ~'i Io'~& .ava:s ausxs. r arUL'i iGr t 1+i 7E7'x. Governor Williams and His Pre-Primary Campaigning SOME OF THE politics Governor G. Mennen Wil- liams has been playing lately have already backfired and more fireworks could well be ex- pected after the August 3 primary-leaving a very red-faced Governor and weakened Democratic party going into the November elections. Gov. Williams, a candidate for a fourth term himself, has thrown his personal support solidly behind Philip A. Hart as his running mate for Lieut. Governor. This move on the part of Williams is unprecedented for a governor prior to a primary. Williams also threw his influence behind the late Blair Moody as primary candidate running against Patrick V. McNamara for the Democratic Senatorial nomination. Williams did not snub McNamara as bluntly as he did Hart's opponent, George S. Fitzgerald, but he did make an all out effort to link "Wil- liams and Moody" as twin campaigners. Now with the trngic and untimely death of Moody, McNamara is a bitter pill for the Governor to swallow as the certain candidate to run against the incumbent Homer Ferguson. But not only this mistake must be undone. The fact that McNamara is practically unknown out- side of the Detroit Metropolitan area makes him an extremely weak candidate for the Senate. Apparently, Williams was unaware that Fitz- gerald would prove such a formidable campaigner for the August 3 primary. Fitzgerald is sure to make a strong showing in the primary and stands an ex- cellent chance of unseating Hart as a candidate. This would force Williams to coddle Fitzgerald, a man whom he such a short time ago spoke out against, as his running mate in November. And then, should Hart squeak through the primary, there will be a question as to how Fitzgerald's fol- lowing will vote in November. Williams is living pretty recklessly for a Gover- nor who holds his office by the scant margin c 10,000 votes over his opponent of two years ago. -Baert Brandt "Here I Am, Mister" j -/ fryf, co Vv At Rackham A uditorium . . the success with which the composer states and develops those ideas. It seemed to me that the University Woodwind Quintet: Nelson Hauen- works played last night were virtually without ex- stein, flute; Lare Wardrop, oboe; Albert Luconi, ception skillfully written and effective in perform- clarinet; Lewis Cooper, bassoon; Ted Evans, ance. horn. Assisting performers: Sigurd Rascher, sax- The Reicha Quintet which opened the program ophone; Clyde Thompson, string bass. is a very engaging and lively one, written with Anton Reicha: Quintet No. 3, in D; Walter Pi- much imaginativeness in the handling of the in- ton: Three Pieces for Flute, Clarinet, and Bas- struments. The scherzo movement (I cannot un- soon; Charles Stainer: Scherzo; Jorgen Bentzon: derstand the designation on the program as a Racconto No. 1, for Flute, Bassoon, Saxophone, minuet) leads the players a merry chase as they and String Bass; Paul Pierne: Bucolique Variee, toss snatches of thematic marerial to each other, for Oboe, Clarinet, and Bassoon; Darius Milhaud: then play in the background while waiting to La Cheminee du Roi Rene. pick up another bright fragment. The finale, MUSICALLY and interpretatively, this was per- somehow akin to Haydn, though with most un- haps the most distinguished performance of the Haydnesque instrumental writing is also a very Woodwind Quintet this reviewer has attended. The charming trifle. playing was all of excellent quality. The balance, The Three Pieces by Walter Piston are written which is likely to be a stumbling block in a wood- with that composer's usual conciseness and wit, and wind group on account of the essentially non- his characteristically acrid harmonic style. The blending character of the instruments, was han- amusingly bumpy rhythms of the first and last dIed most successfully. Phrasing and dynamics pieces (especially the last with its apparent shifts were smooth and skillful, and the group played of meter) and the curious mood painting of the together with only occasional roughness of en- middle movement make a most interesting suite. semble and intonation. An instrumental tour de force, it was brilliantly There was hardly a serious note in the entire played. The Scherzo by Charles Stainer which program. Just as composers of chamber music for concluded the first half of the concert was a pleas- strings (particularly those of the contemporary ant composition with a great deal of busywork for school) seem to feel in duty bound to compose all the instruments. works characterized by great intensity, complex The Racconto No. 1 by Jorgen Bentzon was a counterpoint, and, in general a stern musical coun- well-conceived and instrumentally deft piece of tenance, composers of music for winds are as oft- music which, even if it had done nothing else, en as not content to write good-humored, light- would have demonstrated how a flute, a saxophone, weight compositions that neither present nor solve a bassoon, and a string bass sound together. In this any particular musical problems. This comment case, they sounded very well indeed. The grace- signifies neither approval nor disapproval. A wort ful and melodic work is based on a march-like must be judged on the quality of its ideas and on ritornello which recurs during the piece with con- trasting episodes including, near the end, a really Chemicals and Cancer amazing cadenze for the saxophone. The flute is given perhaps the greatest part of the thematic ENCOURAGING news for everyone who shares content of the work, and the bassoon and string the fear of the dread affliction of cancer is con- bass provide important though unobtrusive sup- tained in the report of the Sloan-Kettering Insti- porting parts. The harmonic style is diatonic, but tute for Cancer Research. "A high percentage of with a certain fresh treatment that reminds me cures of different kinds of cancer in animals can he of no other composer in particular. There seem- obtained regularly," says the report, "through the ed to be no really striking climax, and after the administration of chemicals." The chemical method saxophone cadenza the work seemed to have goVe of attack on cancer cells thus holds the distinct on a bit too long. But then the ritornello returned possibility of cure for leukemia and other forms of for the final time, with a new counter-melody for human cancer now beyond control. the saxophone, and brought the composition to a The process by which these conclusions have been conclusion which seemed exactly right. Mr. Rascher reached is fascinating. Reasoning that cancer cells was a member of the performing group for which much like the bacteria which cause pneumonia and, the piece was written, and it is highly dubious tuberculosis, scientists hypothesized that chemical whether anyone else can play it as well. Phrasing, measures similar to those which are effective control, tone quality, and those remarkable high against bacteria might also destroy cancer without notes in the cadenza were well-night perfect. The injuring normal cells. The hypothesis was refined ensemble was excellent and the performance as to develop a synthetic chemical food similar to a whole was well paced. normal food which would "fool" the cancer cells Paul Pierne's Variee Bucolique for Oboe, Clar- -which they would ingest but which would not inet, and Bassoon was performed next by Messrs. nourish them. Since cancer cells need the food Wardrop, Luconi, and Cooper. Another garceful more than do normal cells, the cancer cells in ef- and somewhat facile piece, it showed the instru- fect starve while normal cells are uninjured. This ments to good advantage, and made its points experiment, which was a long shot in the begin- concisely and with a pleasant sort of lyricism. La ning, has had astonishing success. In addition to Cheminee du Roi Rene, by Darius Milhaud, is of the regular cures among animals-and "cure" is course the work of a master, and of one of the a strong word-temporary benefits have already most likeable masters of our century. This suite been obtained in the treatment of leukemia, or of seven short movements with fanciful titles is blood cancer, in human beings. something of an evocation of Renaissance music, With any such report, however promising, it is yet remains pure Milhaud. The work takes ad- necessary to caution against false or premature vantage of the individual color of the five instru- hopes. The new technique, even if it is perfected, mnents, and is perhaps the most characteristic will not be a substitute for early cancer detection; woodwind music on the whole program. It was a it will at best provide a cure for certain types of high-spirited finish to a most enjoyable concert. cancer rather than a preventive. -Dave Tice *CURRENT MOVIES * Aa . n wAsM ,c4e., Pea.., WASHINGTON-One of the four octogenarians on whom the United States is leaning in vital parts of the world is now in Washington receiving the deserved tribute of President Eisenhower. He is Dr. Syngman Rhee, can- tankerous, crusading President of South Korea, without whose stub- born patriotism Korea would not be even half alive today; yet whose stubborness today may ei- ther upset the precarious peace of the Far East or prevent the or- derly reconstruction of his coun- try. Dr. Rhee is now 79 years old. And like another old man, Chan- cellor Adenauer, on whom we are relying in another vital area, he cannot last forever. And because Chiang Kai-shek also is reaching the twilight of his years with no one groomed to succeed him; and because 79 - year - old Winston Churchill, our best champion in England, is certain to step down soon, realist diplomats are won- dering whom the United States in- tends to lean on after these octo- genarians are gone. Are we grooming no young men for the future? A best, Dr. Rhee can carry on only two or three years longer. In Germany, Konrad Adenauer can remain Chancellor only a short time. Yet our whole policy in Germany is aimed at arming a government which three years from now may put all the arms we give it in the hands of the anti-American forces almost cer- tain to succed the aged patriot of West Germany. In Formosa, with no one trained to succeed the aging champion of Nationalist China, how can we buck Red China's entry into the United Nations after Chiang is gone? Unfortunately the dominating dispositions of elder statesmen are such that it's difficult to train suc- cessors. In Korea, Dr. Rhee has fired 200 cabinet ministers. For he is the whole show. He is South Korea. Without him there would be no South Korea, and unless you please him you serve not one day longer in his cabinet. His grit, his determination have made Korea what it is today. But His refusal to cooperate with others may tear down the very thing he has built. For when Rhee leaves this1 earthly scene, as leave he must, the man likely to succeed hin is Le Bum Suk, i fascist-minded undependable who could embrace communism with the same facility he embraces republicanism. Such is our diplomacy of look- ing to the past, not the future. On such frail cornerstones is our policy, in an area drenched with American blood, based today. Beaten By Bamboo When you look back over the vista of Syngman Rhee's nearly eighty years you can understand1 why he is sometimes difficult to deal with. During those years he has been beaten with bamboo rods daily for seven months. He has had oil paper wrapped round his wrists and set on fire. He hasj had his fingers mashed so hor- ribly that even today he blows on them to keep them warm. He has had to wear a 20-pound can- gue around his neck and sit withi his feet and hands locked in stocks. He has spent seven years ini prison, 41 years in exile, has had a $300,000 Japanese price put on his head. He has been rebuffed. He has been disheartened. But he has never ceased fighting for the in secret caches until he has enough to permit the well-trained South Korean army to resume war for perhaps a month or more. And the patriot of Korea is just stubborn enough to precipitate such a war. After all, he was promised the unity of his country; and only on that condition did he agree to an armistice. He was promised a satisfactory peace at the Geneva Conference. But that conference has come and gone with Korea hardly mentioned. He was told by Assistant Sec- retary of State Walter Robertson, the man who persuaded Rhee to accept a truce, that Korea would be united and that the real danger was not in Korea but that China would turn its attention to what she really wants-the vast riches of Southeast Asia. Rhee has now seen that predic- tion come true. He has seen China cut another line dividing a nation, a line of military expediency sure to become a line of political in- expediency. Yet the line across Korea still remains. Obviously Dr. Rhee, in Wash- ington today, is justified in say- ing: "I told you so." Graft In High Places Worst tragedy in South Korea today is the failure of reconstruc- tion. It has now been three years since there was fighting much be- low the 38th parallel. But in that time little has been done to re- build a shattered nation. Money has been spent-large amounts of money-but there is little to show for it. Part of it has evaporated in graft; for no contractor or im- porter can do business in Korea without greasing the palms of peo- ple in high places. But part of the troubles is bick- ering over reconstruction. Rhee wants a slick, modern highway built the length and breadth of South Korea. American generals haven't relished the cooperation of UNKRA, the U.N. group for Ko- rean Reconstruction. They want to kick the U.N. out, not realizing the tremendous political advan- tage of U.N. support. But while South Korea stag- nates, North Korea, unhampered by political bickering, booms. The Reds are trying to make it a model for Northern Asia. Meanwhile, what would happen to South Korea if the U.S. pulled the plug of American dollars next year or even in five years? Those are the problems faced by the State Department in talking to Syngman Rhee this week. Copywright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. letter4 TO THEEDITOR The Daily welcomes communica- tions from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the wri- ter and in good taste. Letters ex- ceeding 300 words in length, defama- tory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the 1discretion of the editors. The Complete Statement To the Editor: N HER ARTICLE on Dr. Davis' contempt citation in Saturday's Daily, Mrs. Au Werter quoted me as saying that "Had Dr. Davis used the Fifth Amendment, as I had, he would have not been cited for contempt." While this quota- tion was correct, it was not my 1full statement. Because it was tak- en out of context, it gave the im- pression that I was criticizing Dr. Davis for not invoking the Fifth Amendment. To clear up any such impression, I am asking that my full statement be printed. It reads as follows: "Dr. Davis has been cited for contempt because he had the cour- age to challenge the very principle on which the un-American commit- tee operates. Dr. Davis has taken the position that since the First Amendment prohibits C o n g r e s s from restricting the freedom of speech and press, it also precludes any Congressional committee from probing into an individual's be- liefs and associations. "Had Dr. Davis used the Fifth Amendment, as I had, he would not have been cited for contempt. But the basis of the committee's power would not have been chal- lenged. Because this issue is such a basic one, Dr. Davis deserves the full support of the students and faculty. I hope that the rest of the academic community will act as courageously in this matter as Dr. Davis did." -Ed. Shaffer * * * Something to Appreciate To the Editor: IT WOULD SEEM next to im- possible t h a t anyone-m a n, woman or child-could findany- thing left to appreciate in the the Speech Department's production of "Mrs. McThing" after the critics "clobbered" it. 7owever, in case Mary Chase or Miss Baird, or any of the others involved in the performance are feeling down-cast anddisheartened, let me say there are those who found their efforts amusing, pleas- ant, refreshing-not earth-shaking, of the "heavy" elements we are urged to find inspiring (see Anna Russell for comment), but all can- not be lost in "Mrs. McThing" when a fair-sized audience obvious- ly enjoyed it-whether it was any "good" or not. -Barbara A. Logan * * * Too Much? . . To the Editor: THE DAILY HAS BEEN plagued ever since I can dare to re- member with an assortment of photographers who, with rare ex- ceptions, individually and collect- ively display an absense of the most rudimentary inkling of the so-called photographic art, such as it is. But even the cumulative record of Daily photographic atro- cities is forgotten as I gaze with poorly concealed horror at the in- credible travesty of the face of Anna Russel which disgraced the front page Tuesday. At first, I: thought this picture illustrated the victim of a ghastly automobile wreck; then it appeared that the photograph was a dope crazed philosopher who had been blinded by searchlights. Tearing my un- easy eyes from the monstrous' image I notedrthat itwas claimed to portray one Anna Russel, noted vocalist. I beg you to ease these cal systems of your readers. If in- deed your hydroquinone crazed photographers are unable to equal the work of intelligent apes with box cameras I suggest you make use of the varied talkents of L. H. Scott, Gargoyle Art Editor as an; illustrator and spare us any more of these lousy apparitions. -Dave Kessel PS I wasn't going to write any of these letters this summer but this is too much. EMBARRASSMENT drove the Reece Committee investigat- ing tax-exempt foundations into, hiding; shame ought to drive itj entirely out of existence. The com- mittee began by making itself lud- icrous; then, having sponsored what Rep. Wayne Hays, a minority member of the group, quite prop- erly called a "fantastic, nonfac- tual, nonsensical and slanderous attack on the great foundations," it decided to hold future hearings only in executive session, denying the foundations, which had been publicly attacked, any chance to defend themselves in public. The; Carnegie Corporation had every right to denounce this conduct as it did the other day as "alien to all American standards of justice and obviously unfair and preju- IF THE REAL REASON for the1 denial of clearance to Thomas1 W. LaVenia of Senator McCarthy's staff was, as he asserts, that he once was vice president of the' American Law Students Associa- tion, the Defense Department has used its security powers with ex- traordinary fatuity. The Defense Department has refused to disclose the basis for its action in regard to Mr. LaVenia and also in regard to another McCarthy aide, Don Surine. We heartily agree with the assertion of the American Civil Liberties Union that "the men should have had a hearing, or at least the charges against them should have been made more spe- cific, in accordance with our tradi- tional concept of due process." This newspaper made the same point in an editorial comment on Thursday. It is significant that the ACLU has asserted the rights of these McCarthy staff members while Senator McCarthy himself has not. Perhaps this is because the ACLU has consistently, in conformity with its traditional nonpartisan stand of defending the civil liberties of everyone, deplored the condem- nation of men on the mere basis of their affiliation with some sus- pect group. Senator McCarthy, on the other hand, has made it a persistent practice to assume indi- viduals guilty of everything charge- able. to any group of which they happened to be members. In point of fact, in 1951, Senator McCarthy used a tenuous association of Am- bassador Philip Jessup with the American Law Students Associa- tion as an argument for disquali- fying the Ambassador as a dele- gate to the United Nations. It may be that this incident of the past made Senator McCarthy somewhat embarrassed about pro- testing the condemnation of Mr. LaVenia on so flimsy an imputa- tion-although this sort of consist- ency has not usually been one of the Senator's hobgoblins. So far as this newspaper is concerned, it thought, and said at the time, that it was preposterous to consider Mr. Jessup disloyal because he had one been on the faculty advisory board of a student association that had later been suspected of being a Communist front by the House Un- American Activities Committee; and this newspaper t h i n k s it. equally preposterous to call Mr. LaVenia a security risk if there is nothing more than past affilia- tion with this group against him. In any case, since his reputation has been besmirched, he and the public are entitled to know the charges; and he deserves a chance to clear himself. -The Washington Post TURN ABOUT: The Case of Lavenia 2 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN y { The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Noticesrshould be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 350 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 24S Notices Invitations for the Master's breakfast are in the mail for those students who are candidates for the master's degree at the close of the summer session. If there are any such degree candidates who did not receive an invitation, they may call for their tickets at the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510, Ad- ministration Bldg. Veterans enrolled under P. L. 346 (World War II G. I. Bill) who will re- ceive a degree, change course, or change institutions, at the end of Summer Session and who wish to take addi- tional training under the Bill, must 4pply for a supplemental Certificate of Eligibility on or before August 14. Application should be made in Room 555, Administration Building, Office of Veteran's Affairs. Sutdents intending to take the admis- sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi- ness on August 4 should leave their names at the Information Desk in Room 150, School of Business Administration, no later than Wednesday, July 28. Law School Admission Test: Applica- tion blanks for the August 7 administra- tion of hte Law School Admission Test are now available at 110 Rackham Build- ing. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than July 28, 1954. Veterans eligible for education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill), whether they have received Certificate for Education and Training, VA Form 7-1993, or not, must pick up DEAN'S MONTHLY CERTIFI- CATION in appropriate school office, get instructors' signatures for June and July and return that certification to the Dean's office on or before August 2. Cercle Francais: The Summer Session Cercle Francais will meet weekly on Wednesday evening at 8:00 through the month of July, in the Michigan League. A varied program of music, talk, games and discussions is planned. These meet- ings are open to all students and resi- dents of Ann Arbor who are interested in France and things French. No prev- ious membership is necessary. All are welcome. Consult the League bulletin and the Daily for place, details, indi- vidual programs. La Petite Causette: An informal French conversation group will meet weekly through July in the Round-Up Room of the League, Thursdays at 3:30. A faculty member and a native French assistant will be present but there is no formal program. Refreshments are avail- able nearby, and all persons interested in talking and hearing French are cor- dially invited to come. PERSONNEL REQUESTS Du-Wel Metal Products, Inc., Bangor, Mich., has an industrial engineering po- sition available for a graduating engi- neer. The work involves methods, time studies, rate setting, job analysis, and some record keeping. For additional in- formation contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Build- ing, Ext. 371. Lectures National Band Conductors Conference, auspices of the School of Music. Pro- gram sessions. 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Russian Studies Seminar and Round Table, auspices of the Russian Studies Program. "Soviet Economic Trends." Abram Bergson, Professor of Economics, Columbia University Russian Institute. Seminar: 3:00 p.m., 407 Mason Hall. Round table: 8:00 p.m., West Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. Woman in the World of Man Lecture Series. "The Role of Women in Com- munity Life." Grace Coyle, Professor of Grou Work, School of Anlied Social I - f { not registered for them must file their names with the Chairman of Advisers to Graduate Students, 4019 University High School, not later than July 30. Doctoral Examination for Lynn Smith Rodney, Education; thesis: "The Struc- ture of Public Recreation in the Los Angeles Area: A Study of Local and Re- gional Administrative Patterns and Fa- cility Development," Wednesday, July 28, Founders Room, Michigan Union, at 11:00 a.m. Chairman, E. D. Mitchell. Doctoral Examination for Joseph Co- chincPharmacology; thesis: "On the Chemical Determination of Morphine and its Biological Fate," Wednesday, July 28, 103 Pharmacology Bldg., at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, L. A. Woods. Mathematics - Education Meeting: All interested In Mathematics-Educa- tion are invited to the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building at 7:30 on Tuesday, July 27, to meet friends, to hear Professor R. V. Churchill's com- ments on Current Problems and Needs in Applied Mathematics, to take a sight on polaris, and to enjoy refresh- ments. Seminar in Lie Algebras: Will meet every Wednesday and Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. in Room 3001, Angell Hall. Concerts Faculty Concert: John Kollen, pian- ist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday eve- ning, July 27. in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The All-Beethoven pro- gram will include Sonata in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2, Sonata in A-flat major, Op. 110, and Sonata in D ma- jor, Op. 10 No. 3. It will be open to the general public without charge. Concert Dates Changed. The Chicago Symphony Brass Ensemble program, previously anounced for Monday eve- ning, July 26, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, will appear on Wednesday evening, July 28 instead. The University Wood- wind Quintet, originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 28, will preform on Monday evening. July 26, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hal. Exhibitions Clements Library. Women and Woman in Early America. General Library. Women as Authors. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp- tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Michigan Historical Collectiont. The University in 1904. Museum of Art. Three Women Pain - ers. Events Today Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of- fice is open continuously today from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for the sale of tickets for the Department of Speech summer playbill. Remaining on the ser- ies are Sheridan's rehearsal farce, TH CRITIC, July 28-31 and Mozart's .opera, THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, August 5, 6, 7 and 9. Lutheran Student Association-Hill and Forest Ave.-Final Tuesday Discus- sion at 7:30 p.m. Dr. George Menden- hall, Dept. of Near East Studies, will speak on "Our Christianity, Is It a Faith or a Culture." Square and Folk Dancing at Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 4:30-6:00 p.m., Tea at the Guild House, 438 Maynard. The Sociedad Hispanica of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages of the Uni- versity will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 27, at 8 p.m., in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan League. Senora Virginia Steinweg will talk on "El Alti- plano Boliviano y Chile;" and Senor Diego Mariscal of the University of Mexico will talk on "La Nueva Ciudad Universitariatyla Vida Estudiantif en Mexico." Both talks, which will be given in Spanish, will be illustrated with slides. The meeting is open to all inter- ested in the Spanish language and cul- ture. Coming Events I 1 i , A t the Michigan . KNOCK ON WOOD with Danny Kaye. DANNY KAYE is superb. Danny Kaye is just great. I like Danny Kaye. In Knock on Wood the magnificent Mr. Kaye shines brightly down on several square miles of cinematic corn, transforming this unpromising acreage into a happy-romping grounds for his indisputable talents. He survives even the movie's occasional at- tempts to shove him into a position of oafish sentimentality. At worst his luster is only mo- mentarily dimmed. The story is set in motion by the whisking away of a set of plans for "the deadliest weapon known to man" and the stowing of these plans in the heads of ventrilonuist Danny Kave's two dummies gross circumstances, in some own devising. comic cloud of his Even so, the exigencies of plot keep Mr. Kaye nearly earthbound until the action shifts from Zurich to London. Here he becomes sought by the police and the two spy rings, and a chase develops which at last allows him to come into his own. In his flight he assumes successively the roles of an Irishman at a meeting of a Hibernian society, a wonderfully correct Englishman selecting a sports car, and a ballet dancer ina Russian troupe. Any one of these episodes is, all by itself, worth the price of admission. The trouble is that the movie's high points are all in episodes like the ones just mentioned, and while I found it the most engaging movie to come this way in a long time, I can't help feeling sorry Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter.....Managing Becky Conrad.............Night Rona Friedman.........Night Wally Eberhard............Night Russ AuWerter............Night Sue Garfield...........Women's Hanley Gurwin...........Sports Jack Horwits......Assoc. Sports E. J. Smith......Assoc. Sports Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Business Staff Dick Aistrom.......Business Manager Lois Pollak......Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks........Advertising Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 .A~-L -