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July 27, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-27

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Governor Williams and His
k Pre-Prinmary Campaigning
See Page Z


Alit ioa


Ll o

Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXIV, No. 26S



Senate To Go
on Atom Bill
No Amendments
Says Knowland
WASHINGTON (4 - The Senate
late Monday night labored into
what appeared likely to be an-
other all-night session on the atom-
t-. id energy bill, which it has been
debating since July 13.
"We're going through the night,"
Majority Leader Knowind of Cal-
ifornia advised reporters at 11:10
Knowland noted that the Senate
was moving forward in a business-
like way in consideration of amend-
ments, but he said he wants to fin-
ish consideration of all amend-
ments and get to the final reading
of the bill tonight.
No more amendments can be of-
fered after the final reading of the
bill is completed, he explained.
"Otherwise," he said, "I don't
know how many more amendments
,>we might have tomorrow."
Knowland said when the amend-
ments are out of the way, he will
again seek a unanimous request
agreement to limit debate on the
Ifthe is unable to get the agree-
ment to end debate on the bill
within a "reasonable time," Know-
land added, "then it's another all-
night session."
He said he has little hope of get-
ting agreement to his request.
Knowland said Sen. Morse (Ind-
Ore) and Sen. Langer (R-ND),
have indicated they want to speak
on the bill.
The legislation practically re-
writes the Atomic Energy Act of
1946. Among other things, it would
give private industry a chance to
participate in th" development of
peacetime atomic energy, and
would let the President have a
freer hand in exchanging atomic
information with friendly foreign
The House shot through its own
version of the bill Monday sub-
stantially in the form requested by
the adrministration. The rollcall
Vote on passage was 231-154.
Cloakroom negotiations to end
f-lufeldged filibuster" appeared to
have failed earlier in the day.
But as the debate continued a
new pattern of procedure de-
veloped and work on the legis-
lation picked up speed.
Knowland withdrew his requests
for a time limit on the debate on
two key opposition amendments,
and Gore's amendment, one of
those involved, was disposed of in
about half an hour.
Senators opposing the bill have
been incensed by Knowland's pre-
vious tactic of asking for a time
limitation and then moving to ta-
ble an amendment if there was
no agreement to cut the debate on
it. A motion to table is not deba-
table. Knowland had succeeded in
disposing of several amendments
in short order with this maneuver.
$2,000 In
Fund Pledges
The Dramatic Arts Center has
placed a pamphlet "Twenty Ques-
tions and Answers" In the mail
to a list of some 3,000 local theatre
goers in its drive for donation to
a $4,000 reserve fund, it was an
lounced today by Eugene Power,

The pamphlet described the aims
of the citizen group which seeks to
establish a professionally operated
local arena theatre, childre ns'htae-
tre, classes in dance and exhibit
the work of local artists.
Over $2,000 has already been
pledged to the reserve fund but the
' Dramatic Arts Center Board of
Directors says gifts must reach
the $4,000 mark before final com-
mitments for the 1954-55 season
are made.
Anyone wishing to have the
"Twenty Questions and Answers"
pamphlet mailed to them should
contact Mr. Power at 24483 or write
the Dramatic Arts Center Inc.,
Box 179, Ann Arbor.
Lions Players
Asked to Show
The Ann Arbor manager of the
W. S. Butterfield Theatres, Gerald
B. Hoag, has written to Coach

Cold Feet Cause
For Korean End
Syngman Rhee Extends Gratitude
For U.S. Troops 'Coming to Rescue'
WASHINGTON (P)-President Syngman Rhee of South Korea
flew to Washington Monday with an outspoken complaint that the
Communists were not droven out of Korea because "some people
had a little cold feet."
At the same time, he said "I still thank the Almighty that your
boys came to Korea and to our rescue."
The peppery old statesman-he is 79-was a notable exception
to the rule that says visiting dignitaries should confine themselves
to pleasantries when they first arrive. State Department officials
were not disturbed, however, pointing out later that Rhee was sim-

Kill Request
For Added
Cell Space
LANSING (A'-The "Little Legis-
lature" Monday rejected Gov. Wil-
liams' request for $225,000 for add-
ed prison space after a v i r t u a I
name-calling bee between the gov-
ernor and key Republican legisla-
The session wound up with Re-
publican leaders telling Williams,
"call the full legislature back in
special session and you'll get your
building -and Williams retorting
"the activity of this meeting and
ghe general legislature gives me
no hope; I see no reason to call
the full legislature under these con-
Steam Roller Tactics,
Williams accused the Republican-
dominated "Little Legislature" of
using "steam roller tactics" on
him after the members objected
to him talking instead of putting
a motion to adjourn. He was the
presiding officer.
Lt. Gov. Clarence A. Reid told
reporters the members rejected
the fund request because they
"sincerely" questioned their right
to act.
The "little legislature," or emer-
gency appropriations commission,
is limited to making grants for
funds for purposes which the full
legislature did not reject or could
not have anticipated.
150-Man Dorm
Williams and the Corrections
Commission wanted $225,000 to
build a 150-man outside dormitory
at Ionia reformatory to relieve
prison overcrowding.
The lawmakers needled Correc-
tions Director Gus Harrison for
most of the morning about failure
to make use of about 400,000 pro-
vided in 1953 in enlarge and re-
model the prisons.
They also contended that the
prison wardens had predicted a
heavy increase in prison popula-
tions as long ago as last January.
That, they said, was proof the
problem should have been submit-
ted to the full legislature earlier
this year and proof that the "little
legislature" now is barred from
The Republican fastened o n
statements by W a r d e n Garret
Heyns of Ionia Reformatory as one
of the reasons for rejecting the
moneh request.

ply restating a view he often has
The welcoming party at the air-
port included Vice President Nix-
on, Adm. Arthur W. Radford, Sec-
retary of State Dulles, Gens. Mat-
thew B. Ridgway, James A. Van
Fleet of Korean War fame, and
Speaks Softly
Rhee spoke so softly, however,
that the official party probably did
not hear his complaint. He spoke
into a microphone connected with
loudpseakers so far away that his
words did not come back to the
Dispatches from Seoul have in-
dicated that Rhee, in his talks with
Eisenhower, will ask for military
equipment for 10 to 20 more di-
visions than the 20 his republic
now has. He also is expected to
ask for more economic aid from
the United States which is now
providing South Korea with about
200 million dollars worth a year.
Eisenhower is expected to ask
Rhee to soften his antagonism
toward Japan and to shelve for the
present his dream of uniting North
and South Korea.
In saying that he tahnkeda~ji2
2,r America's sending her sons to
help against the Communists, Rhee
"Since that time the Communists
have failed. They know they have
failed and if we had only a little
more courage we could have
reached the Yalu. At least we
would not have to worry about the
unification of Korea.
"But some people had a little
cold feet and we could not do what
we already could do.
Prof. Powell
Speaks At 'U'
'Cross Currents in Today's Latin
America" will be discussed at the
University next Thursday by Philip
W. Powell, professor of Latin
American history at the University
of California, Santa Barbara.
An authority on Latin American
culture and history, Professor
Powell will give his public lecture
at 4:15 p.m. in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall, under auspices of the de-
partment of history.
He is on campus this summer
serving as a consultant to Clements
Library on a collection of Mexican
manuscript material.
Professor Powell has traveled
throughout Latin America, both in
government service and conducting

So I Poked Him'
CHICAGO (P-A 40-pound
grizzly bear clamped his teeth
on a 9-year-old boy's hand
Monday in Indiana Boundary
Park zoo.
"So I poked the bear on the
nose with my other hand and
he let go," said Leonard Rader-
macher, son of a Chicago mail
The grizzly bit Leonard on
the right hand when the boy
crawled under a guard rail and
handed the animal a peanut
through the bars of its cage.
A young companion had dared
Leonard to do It.
The bear held on to the hand,
Leonard screamed. Then the
youngster let loose with his left
to the nose. The bear jumped
The skin of Leonard's hand
was broken. Dr. Herman N.
Bundesen, Chicago board of
health president, ordered the
bear quarantined for two weeks
to determine fi the animal is a
rabies carrier.
Whar fEnds
Late Today
SAIGON, Indochina, Tuesday (
cially in North Viet Nam early
Tuesday after nearly eight years
of bitter, bloody fighting.
The French high command an-
nounced the cease-fire agreed at
the Geneva conference became ef-
fective in the North at 8 a.m. (8
p.m., CST, Monday).
From now until Aug. 11 progres-
sive stop-fighting orders in other
portions of Indochina are sched-
uled to restore peace to the battle-
torn country, one of the richest
areas of Southeast Asia.
There was no immediate official
announcement of fighting still in
progress when the truce order took
effect. Monday in Hanoi a French
spokesman said no details of the
last hours of fighting would be
made public until noon Tuesday.
Earlier, however, the French had
said the Vietminh on Sunday and
into the early hours of Monday
pounded more than 50 posts in the
Red River delta manned by Viet-
namese troops. The French said
two posts near Hanoi, the war cap-
ital in the North, had fallen to the
Communist-led forces due to Viet-
namese desertions.
The French command ordered
its troops in the North to stand
fast and to fight only if attacked.
The truce is scheduled to become
effective on Auo. 1 in central Vie,
o7n -nmtNaAug 6.iLns ug.ieA
Cambodia and Aug. 11 in South
Viet Nam.
Total casualties in the long and
bitter fighting approached the mnt-
lion mark. The war cost France
and the United States some 10 bil-
lions of dollars.
The struggle probably will con-
tinue to exact a toll in blood, even
if the cease-fire is honored strict-
ly. Mines sowed along roads and
paths, and in rice fields, could
claim victims for .months.
House Passes
Flood Control
passed today a bill to authorize
future construction of some 146
flood control, navigation and
beach erosion projects at a cost
of $890,217,415.
Passage of the omnibus bill came

on a voice vote after the House
rejected halfva dozen amendments.
The bill now goes to the Senate
where the Public Works Commit-
tee has completed hearings on sim-
ilar legislation and is slated to
act quickly on the bill.







Shoot Down

Ho use Tables
Statehood Bill
In Easy Vote
Rules Committee Monday voted
to table a resolution to send the
Hawaii-Alaska statehood bill to
The action undoubtedly meant
the death of the legislation at this
session of Congress.
The committee's action came in
a voice vote after a discussion of
the bill in closed session.
Chairman Allen (R-Ill.) and
other members of the committee
declined to discuss the action.
The House has voted to givel
statehood to Hawaii. The Senate
has approved statehood for both'
Hawaii and Alaska.
I ,
Hot old Time
-Indiana National Guardsmen
had a hot old time over the
weekend, but it wasn't on pass.
Hundreds of the Indiana cit-
izen-soldiers of the 38th Divi-
sion didn't get their passes as
brush fires swept the edges of
the woodland camp. Conserva-
tion officials said that tinder-
dry grass was exploding into
flame under the passage of bul-
lets on the target ranges.
One blaze covered three
square miles Saturday night and
other smaller fires Sunday kept
guardsmen hopping. Michigan
is having its driest summer in
the last 20 years and target
practice for the 38th Division
may be ruled out unless there
is a good rain.
The division was enjoying its
best summer training attend-
ance in history with 96.9 per
cent of its personnel on the
two-week encampment. That
amounts to over 8,000 men.
Gov. Craig, at a parade, hon-
ored Battery C, 150th Field Ar-
tillery Battalion, based at La-
fayette, as the state's outstand-
ing guard unit.

world News Roundup

LONDON (A --Britain is consid-
ering advising both the United
States and Red China to show re-
straint in the Hainan danger area,
informed officials reported Mon-
day night.
Prime Minister Churchill was
said to be gravely concerned at
the situation touched off last week-
end when Red fighters shot down a
British airliners with a loss of 10
lives. American planes, on a
search and rescue mission over the
area Monday, shot down two Chi-
nese f ohters when the Reds at-
tacked them.
Churchill and Foreign Secretary
Anthony Eden are reported wor-
ried because they feel the incident
threatens not only the basis of
their foreign policies but also
world peace.
The informants said British pol-
icy, as the Geneva conference
showed, was based on the assump-
tion that negotiation and coexis-
tence with the Communist powers
are possible. Coming so soon after
Geneva, where some statesmen of
East and West parted on good
terms, the incidents have raised
doubts in the minds of British
leaders as to the sincerity of Chi-
na's rulers.
The British seem to think world
peace would be threatened if Red
Chinese and American forces re-
main at length around Hainan Is-
land. If the Chinese found them-
selves engaged in any seri ousac-
tion against the Americans, the
British fear they might invoke
their mutual aid treaty with Rus-
sia-and then the works could blow
stabbed a priest at the altar of
St. Gabriel's church Monday.
Before the horrified eyes of a
little group of worshipers, the
woman plunged a 2% inch blade
into the back of the neck of Father
Bernard C. Cronin as he stood be-
tween two altar boys saying Mass.
Then she pulled out the knife,

laid the crimsoned blade by the
slumped body of the priest, walked
to a rear pew and bowed her head.
She was still praying there when
police arrived. She refused to leave
of her own accord and had to be
Later Mrs. Natalia Avanzino told
police that the tight-lipped woman
assailant was her daughter, Jose-
phine. She said her daughter had
been "sick since she was 4 years
old" and was "very religious."
The mother was unable to explain
the incident, saying her daughter
never had caused trouble or been
violent before.
It was only by chance that
Father Cronin, 44, was at the al-
tar. He was substituting as a fa-
vor to a fellow priest.
Father Cronin had just bowed
to the altar and stood upright
when the woman, about 40 walked
up behind him.
"Suddenly I felt a blow on my
neck," he said at a hospital where
he is recovering.
"I thought my neck was broken.
I must have let out an awful cry.
I thought I was paralyzed but they
told me later it was shock.
"I heard everything that went
on though, even when they snapped
the handcuffs on her. I guess noth-
ing that fast has ever happened
to me before."
Some worshipers lifted their
bowed heads just in time to see
Father Cronin slump to the foot
of the altar and thought he had
suffered a heart attack.
ichigan Draft
Call Is 1,252
LANSING (M - Michigan's Sep-
tember draft call is for 1,252 men-
one more than in August.
The State Selective Service head-
quarters said it was the second
largest call this year.
Wayne county will furnish 485
men and the outstate counties 767.

Order Pilots
To Shoot if
Reds Attack
Skirinish Occurs
Over Lost Plane
ican Sky Raiders flying a rescue
mission over the South China Sea
shot down two Communist fighter
planes which fired on them, it
was disclosed Monday in a force-
ful U. S. restatement of the tradi-
tion to fight back if attacked.
jA Chinese Communist gunboat
also opened fire onnthesAmerican
planes but they did not shoot back
at it.
No U.S. Casualties
There were no American casual-
Adm. Felix Stump, command-
er-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet, an-
nounced that American pilots in
the area have been ordered to be
"quick on the trigger" if attacked.
He put it in these words:
"If any U.S. plane is attacked
or approached with obvious hos-
tile intent, it will fire back.
"In other words, you don't have
to wait and get your head blown
off to fight back."
In Washington for talks on the
Far East situation, he told of the
fight-back policy at a news con-
ference shortly after the State De-
partment announced the shooting
down of the Chinese Communist
planes for "their belligerent inter-
ference with a humanitarian res-
cue operation being conducted over
the high seas."
By "high seas" the department
meant the atatck occurred in neu-
tral territory. Secretary of Defense
Wilson, in a statement, placed the
scene more than 12 miles from the
coast of Hainan Island, a Commu-
nist outpost. The time was 9:05
P. m. (CST) Sunday night, which
would be a daylight Monday morn-
ing in that time zone.
Douglas Sky Raiders
All the planes involved were de-
scribed as propeller driven, rather
than jet. The U. S. planes were
Douglas Sky Raiders. The Chinese
planes were said to be LA7s, one
of the fastest propeller planes the
Communists have in China.
The American planes were from
Task Force 70, which sent two car-
riers, the Hornet and the Philip-
pine Sea, to help search for sur-
vivors of a British airliner shot
down by the Communists Friday
about 30 miles south of Hainan.
Adm. Stump was asked whether
the American task force was
strong enough to take care of it-
self. He said he thought it was.
Asked whether the Communists
now would be more careful about
shooting at planes, he said:
"I would hope so but I don't
know how much trouble they
Three Americans Lost
The British plane, a Cathay Pac-
ific commercial airliner, was shot
down with an apparent loss of 10
lives, including three Americans.
There were eight survivors.
In an outstanding rescue mis-
sion, an American amphibious
plane from Manila picked up the
survivors from a life raft rolling
in heavy seas, right in the Commu-
nists' back yard.
Red China, in a virtually unpre-
cedented move, apologized to Great

Britain, saying its patrol planes
mistook the unarmed airliner for
a Chinese Nationalist craft. A Pei-
ping Radio broadcast expressed
willingness to consider paying
'U' Displays
Atlases Friday
Linguistic atlases, monographs
and research journals will be on
display at the University of Mich-
igan through Friday in an "Ex-
hibition of Recent Publications and
of Work in Progress in Linguistic
Geography and Dialectology."
Presented in Room 3015, Rack-
ham Building, the displav is spon-

n .'. u u'S .1 7 m

Up 24% Sit
In 1953, the median family in-
come in the Detroit area was
$5,700-one half of the income were
above and one half were below that
This was discovered in the third
annual Detroit Area Study being
made by the University. Under the
direction of Morris Axelrod, the
study is conducted so that a sci-
entifically selected cross section of
the population represents the entire
The median income of $5,700 rep-
resents an increase of 24 per cent
from the 1951 median income of
$4,600. This is in contrast to a 19
per cent increase for the country
as a whole during the same period.
Thus, the position of greater De-
troit as a community of relatively
high family income was maintained
during 1953.
Professional Men
Families whose heads were en-
gaged in professional occupations
experienced almost no increase in
annual income in the 1951-53 neriod.

atce '51 Study
latively constant since 1951, while
those in the $3,000-$4,999 bracket
have declined from two-fifths of
the total in 1951 to less than one
quarter of all families in 1953.
Families whose heads had six
years or less of formal education
increased their earnings relatively
more than did those with more
education. For example, median
income for families whose head
had six years of less of schooling
was $5,000 in 1953, an increase of
43 per cent over 1951. For families
with some college training, the
median income in 1953 was $7,400
but this was only a 23 per cent
increase from 1951.
Median family income has in-
creased relatively more for White
than for Negro families. The 1953
figure for White families w a s
$6,100, an increase of 27 per cent
from 1951, while for Negro families
it was $4,000, an increase of 14
per cent.
The Detroit Area Study is asso-

Leonard Slightly Favored in Primary

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an in-
terpretive article, written by a staff most always pair Leonard's name a core of 225 local politicians
member. Like Daily Editorials, it rep- with either of the others, or by it- whom he appointed throughout
resents only the views of the writer.) self, but seldom is Leonard not the state to handle the branch
By BAERT BRAND considered as a very possible vic- chores of the Secretary of State,
Feelings around most quarters tor. who have helped with his cam-
are pretty much non-commital in Vigorous Campaign paign.
picking a winner in the August 3 Also, the Detroit lawyer has Of the three major hopefuls
primary as the four Republican campaigned more vigorously than Cleary has canvassed the state the
gubernatorial contenders dash into the other candidates since resign- least. His stronghold centers
the home stretch-but one thing ing as Detroit Police Commissioner around Washtenaw county, and
seems evident, betting is not heavy last May. the southern and eastern coun-

The bulk of Brake's strength lies
in the western and central coun-
ties. Since 1935, Brake has served
in the State Senate eight years and
is currently rounding out his sixth
term as State Treasurer.
He is a proven vote-getter as
witnessed in the 1952 election
when he received more votes than
any one of the Republican candi-

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