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June 23, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-06-23

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See Page 2


Latest Deadline in the State


a 1 l




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kPackard Plan
Vote in August
NEW YORK (M-Two of Ameri-
ca's oldest independent auto mak-
ers-Studebaker and Packard -
will combine forces in their fight
for a bigger share of the car mar-
ket, if their stockholders approve.
Shareholders will vote on Aug.
17, on whether the two companies
shall be joined in the Studebaker-
Packard Corp.
Plans for the consolidation were
announced Tuesday by James J.
Nance and Hugh J. Ferry, respec-
tively president and board chair-
man of Packard, and Harold S.
Vance and Paul G. Hoffman, hold-
ing the same positions with Stude-
The two concerns reported a net
worth, as of last April 30, of ap-
proximately 189 million dollars and
Y working capital of about 87 mil-
lion. Their combined assets are 253
Hoffman Chairman
If approved by shareholders the
new company will have Hoffman as
board chairman and Nance as
president and principal executive
officer. Ferry will retire from the
post of Packard board chairman,
and Vance will become chairman
of the executive committee.
Technically the proposed consoli-
dation involves the purchase by
Packard of the Studebaker assets.
Packard shareholders will vote on
a plan to reclassify their common
stock holdings on the basis of one
share in the new company for five
of their present holdings.
With this agreed upon Studebaker
stockholders will receive one-
half shares of the new com-
one-half shares of the new com-
pany's stock for each share of
present Studebaker stock they own.
Officials of the two companies
said executive offices will be main-
tained at both South Bend and De-
troit. They added that "employ-
ment at plants of both companies
can be expected to increase as the
Studebaker-Packard Corp. success-
fully achieves a larger penetration
n of the market."
Nance told newsmen he was
confident stockholders will approve
the proposed consolidation. He em-
phasized it was designed with the
idea, of winning "an increasing
share of the automobile business."
The two companies together pres-
ently account for slightly more
than half the four percent of the
production volume provided by the
six smaller companlies.
Studebaker has plants in South
Bend, Ind., Los Angeles, Calif.,
New Brunswick, N.J., Hamilton,
Ont., and Mexico City. It employs
15,000 workers and has 2,500 deal-
ers. Packard has plants in Detroit
and Utica, Mich., and also one
of the industry's most extensive
proving grounds. It normally em-
ploys 9,000 workers, and has 1,200
Law Change
Slows Claims
Of Workers
Students who have applied for

unemployment benefits may have
longer than usual to wait this
month, according to Rex Notting-
ham, manager of the local branch
office of the Michigan Employment
Security Commission.
In addition to an already heavy
claim load for this area, the new
unemployment law which goes in-
to effect Sunday will necessitate
reviewing many old claims. Ap-
plication. and individual explana-
tions of the new law will also
create administrative difficulties,
Nottingham explained.
New Law
Under the new law, benefits
have been raised to a maximum
of $42 a week for 26 weeks in
contrast to the former maximum
claims of $35 a week for 20
Nottingham said that the many
unofficial explanations of the Act
have resulted in misunderstand-
ings which will have to be ironed
out individually.

To Meet Chou
Premier Pierre Mendes-France announced yesterday he will
meet Chinese Communist Premier Chou En Lai in Bern, Switzer-
land today in a one day attempt to end the war in Indochina, the
United Press reported.
Mendes-France announced the meeting after holding the first
cabinet session of his five day old government.
The French premier has promised to resign if he does not end
the war by July 20.

* "Our talks will bear on thep
Told New
Atom Method
A Belgian, J. Van Impe yester-
day told a meeting here of the In-
ternational Congress on Nuclear
Engineering about the Belgian
process for converting crude ura-
nium ore into pure uranium metal,
the key fuel of atomic energy.
Van Impe is a consultant to the
Belgium Atomic Energy Project.
Whether or not the process
matches or in any way resembles
the process currently used by the
United States remained a ques-
tion, because Uncle Sam's current
methods in that line are still on
the hush-hush list.
Atomic Furnace
Van Impe also said a Belgian
is already constructing an atom-
ic "furnace" for research purposes
and is investigating the possibili-
ties of developing a reactor to fur-
nish atomic power. Such reactors
require uranium metal as a fuel.
He said that the uranium met-
al production method, while still
on a laboratory basis, was consid-
ered "applicable to an industrial
production level" and that plans
now are underway for large-scale
He also said it differed, in a key
respect, from processes that have
been reported by France and
Great Britain-and he indicated
that in that particular respect the
Belgian method was less expensive
and more easily handled.
The difference, he explained,
had to do with the particular kind
of fluorine compound used at a
key stage in the process of con-
verting the crude ore into pure
uranium metal.,
He said the material used by
the French-a solution of hydro-
gen fluoride - involve d "much
care" least the quality and yield of
metal be lowered.
British Method
And he said the British used hy-
drogen fluoride gas.
The Belgian process, he said,
uses an ammonium compound of
fluorine which he described as "an
inexpensive material which can
be recycled after recovery, is not
toxic and can easily be handled."
The process, he added, does not
involve "highly expensive, corro-
sion-resistant alloys for furnace
linings as necessary when one uses
hydrofluoric acid gas, and a high
yield of metal * * * is obtained."
He was referring to furnaces used
in converting the ore to metal.
K. T. Compton
NEW YORK () - Dr. Karl T.
Compton, 66, a top American sci-
entist and one of the most brilliant
minds behind the wartime develop-
mentof radar and the atom bomb,
died Tuesday.

present state of the Geneva Con-
ference," he said. The conference
is now deadlocked.
This first meeting between such
high-ranking French and Chinese
officials will take pace on "French
soil," that is, in the luxurious
French Embassy in Bern.
Chou will leave immediately to
visit Prime Minister Nehru in In-
dia. Paris newspapers speculated
that Nehru may be given the
chance of playing the' role of
mediator in Indochina.
Mendes-France will deal only
with Red China, the "big broth-
er" of the Viet Minh rebels, and
informed sources said he would
sound out Chinese terms for end-
ing the 7/2-year-old war.
No Major Decisions
Official quarters said the meet-
ing does not mean any major
bargaining for an Indo-China
peace, such as final burial of
plans for a European Defense
Community, or hastening French
recognition of the Peiping regime.
They said France is not going
to pull out of Indochina if the
peace negotiations fail.
Meanwhile, the French High
Command reported from Hanoi
that Vietnam troops routed 3,000
Communists attacking the coastal
base of Tuy Hoa in the biggest
test of the fledgling loyalist army.
Hatcher Talk
Starts Series
On Women
President Harlan Hatcher will
open the summer session program
"Women in the World of Man"
at 4:15 p.m. today in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
His talk, which will center
around the general aspects of the
subject and the nature of the pro-
gram, will be followed tomorrow
by the first lecture of the series,
"Literature for Sale."
Giving the lecture will be lit-
erary agent Ann Watkins, of New
York, whose list of authors in-
cludes University Prof. Alan Sea-
ger of the English department.
Prof. Seager's most recent novel
is "Amos Berry."
Program Aims
The summer program is aimed
at showing how women stand to-
day in their co-partnerships with
men. Paying attention to woman's
role in contemporary times, the
session will include such subjects
as: should woman's education dif-
fer from man's, and what status
do men ascribe to women?
In addition to the lecture ser-
ies, the art museum is sponsoring
a. display on women in art (see
page four). An axhibit centered
around women as authors is lo-
cated in the first floor corridor
of the General Library.
Farmers' Choice '
WASHINGTON () - The House
Agriculture Committee voted Tues-
day to let corn belt farmers choose
between rigid and flexible price
supports on their 1956 corn crop.

Term Report
On Tobacco
I dustry Group
Calls for Study
NEW YORK (P)-The tobacco
industry said Tuesday more. study
is needed to determine the causes
of cancer and heart disease.
It described as "preliminary" a
report by the American Cancer
Society that indicated heavy
smoking tends to reduce the life
span, at least for men aged 50 to
The tobacco industry research
committee said data in the re-
port "would be more useful when
all the work has been completed
and fully analyzed and set forth
as is established custom in scien-
tific journals."
More Research
It declared the report "points
up the need for further extensive
research to discover the causes of
cancer anid cardio-vascular di-
The committee set up by the
industry, to determine effects of
tobacco on health, issued its
statement through Dr. Clarence
Cook Little, its scientific direc-
tor, after first declining comment.
Little said he had the greatest
respect for Dr. E. Cuyler Ham-
mond and Dr. Daniel Horn, who
drew up the Cancer Society re-
port, and expressed belief "their
completed data" will be in inter-
est to science.
But Little called attention to a
"simultaneous statement" by Dr.
Charles S. Cameron of the Cancer
Society "to the effect" that the
"Hammond-Horn theory" is not
"entirely proved."
Study Results
Hammond and Horn reported
that a survey of almost 200,000
men showed that cigarette smok-
ers have a death rate, from all
diseases, as much as 75 per cent
higher than that of nonsmokers.
The study showed that deaths
in the 50-70 age group were most-
ly from cancer and heart disease.
Little said he subscribed fully
to Cameron's assertion that "one
can not at this time exclude the
possibility that heavy cigarette
smoking and the tendency to can-
cer are both expressions of a more
fundamental cause of a constitu-
tional or hormone nature."
OK's Pension
For Alger Hiss
WASHINGTON () - The Eisen-
hower administration took the po-
sition Tuesday that Alger Hiss has
a legal right to a $700-a-year gov-
ernment pension despite his con-
viction of falsely denying that he
gave secrets to a Communist spy
Both the Civil Service Commis-
sion and the Budget Bureau, a
White House office, held that the
government is obligated to go
through with retiremet pay to
federal employees even though
they are imprisoned for criminal
acts. They opposed pending legis-
lation to deny the pension to Hiss.
Clardy Angry
Rep. Clardy (R-Mich) author of
one of several bills designed to
make sure that the imprisoned ex-
official gets no retirement bene-

fits, said the administration atti-
tude "leaves me aghast, enraged,
boiling mad."
Hiss, who'll be 50 next Nov. 11,
rose to an influential post in the
State Department in the 14 years
9 months he worked for the gov-
ernment. That length of service
would qualify him for a $700 pen-
sion starting Dec. 1, 1966.
On Jan. 15, 1950, after leav-
ing the government, he was con-
victed of perjury in denying he
ever slipped government secrets
to Whittaker Chambers, a courier
for a pre-war Russian spy ring.
Letters For Hiss
The administration attitude was
expressed in letters to a House
Civil Service subcommittee which
is considering bills applying spe-
cifically to Hiss and generally to
all federal workers convicted of
felonies involving moral turpitude.
Chairman Philip Young of the
Civil Service Commission, basing
his argument on 30 years' opera-



Would-Be Journalists II

Says Border
City Bombed
Security Council
Asked to Meet
Official spokesmen for Guate-
mala's leftist government claimed
Tuesday their forces are beating
back the anti-Communist invaders
in all areas, but the rebels dis-
puted this.
Meanwhile the Honduran gov-
ernment said late last night it's
country has been bombed by uni-
dentified planes near the border
of rebel-invaded Guatemala.
The Foreign Ministry announc-
ed the bombing of the town of
Santa Rosa de Copan, an import-
ant road junction about 21 miles
from the Guatemalan frontier.
Santa Rosa de Copan has not
previously figured in the invasion
of Guatamala by anti-Communist
"liberation" forces. The Foreign
Ministry gave no other details and
it was not known whether there
were any casualties.
Despite the government's claim
of victories, the Guatemalan dele-
gate to the United Nations, Ambas-
sador Eduardo Castillo - Arriola,
announced at U.N. headquarters in
New York he was asking for an-
other urgent meeting of the Secur-
-Day-Mar crozier ity Council to deal with continuing
PLACE IN THE SUN aggression.
He acted after the U.N. had re-
leased a cable from Guatemala
stating officially "acts of aggres-
Gie Osion" were continuing despite the
Security . Council's resolution Sun-
_ _ _ day calling for a cease fire.
gram of The Daily for the sum- Earlier, the Guatemalan delega-
mer. tion at the U.N. had said the gov-
Photographer Wanted ernment forces were driving the
The Daily also has openings for invaders back on all sectors.
a photographer. Experience is Protest Withdrawn
necessary for this job, but press It was also disclosed in Washing-
cameras and a darkroom are pro- ton Tuesday that Guatemela has
vided. Although The Daily is pri- withdrawn the protest of aggres-
marily an extracurricular activi- sion previously lodged with the In-
ty, photographers are paid a flat ter-American Peace Commission,
rate by the picture. apparently to give the Security
Prospective business staff mem- Council a freer hand. However,
bers may talk to Dick Alstrom, there were indications the five-na-
business manager, during any aft- tion commission might not be will-
ernoon this week. ing to drop the case immediately.
People who are looking for "a Meantime, the Soviet press un-
place in the sun" this summer leashed a bitter attack on the
can find it at The Daily. United States today, accusing it of
touching off civil war in Guate-
mala and conspiring to start a
new world war. Pravda. Izvestia,
the Trud all carried articles blam-
To Go Before ing the fighting on Washington.
In Buenos Aires, Argentine Pres-
9 lident Peron's government unoffi-
U ar(Ly , "Group cially indicated sympathy for the
Arbenz regime in its fight against
Former University student Fran- the invaders. Semi-official news-
cis X. Crowley will testify next papers accused the United States
week before the Un-American Ac- of "imperailism" and mixing in
tivities sub-committee headed by Guatemala's civil war.
Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Mich), Rep.
Clardy revealed last night. -mtreeino
Crowley attended the University Computor
during the 1948, 1949, 1950 school Matdfo T fdr
years.e'To a
When called before the Clardy
committee in March Crowley re- The annual meeting of the As-
fused to testify and was cited for sociation for Computing Machin-

contempt by Congress. ery will start with a general ses-
He has now indicated his wil- sion at 9:30 a.m. today at which
lingness to talk and is expected S. B. Williams, president of the
to be a friendly witness before Association for Computing Ma-
the committee which will hold hear- chinery, and the technical direc-
ings Monday in - Washington on tonof Bendix Research Labora-
alleged Communist infiltration in tories, A. C. Hall, will speak.
Michigan. Other sessions of the meeting
Crowley, who lives in New York will be held this afternoon and
could not be reached for comment. tomorrow. John Spellman of Ar-
thur Andersen Incorporated will
give today's luncheon address and
George J. Huebner of Chrysler
Corp. will speak tonight at a din-
ner meeting.
. f tThe sessions are conducted un-
der the auspices of the engineer-
ing college.
age. Resident driving privileges

They roll up the streets at 9
p.m. in Ann Arbor during the!
But, there's one place wherej
life and activity goes on pastI
the early hours, where people are
working hard, meeting celebrities
and making their summer more
It's the Student Publications
Bldg., at 420 Maynard St. That's
the place where The Michigan

The Daily, which is famous for
"the latest deadline in the state,"
has one of the finest college
plants in the country, with a high
speed rotary press, Associated
Press wire and automatic tele-
type setter, four Linotype mach-
ines and other valuable equip-
ment. This year, The Daily won
the Inland Type Setters award in
competition w i t h professional
newspapers from all over the

Daily is created five nights a!
week. Although there are always op-
Everyone Invited portunities for people to join the!
Any student interested in the Daily staff, things are particularly
business or writing end of news- advantageous in the summer. With
paper work can add his name to fewer people and a more relaxed
the roster which has included schedule, newcomers are given
such famous names as Prof. John immediate opportunities to start
Dawson of the Law School, Stan writing and page makeup.
Swinton, head of the AP bureau Alice Silver, managing editor,
in Rome, Governor Thomas Dew- will talk to interested students
ey of New York, and Arthur Mil- from 1 to 5 p.m. today and to-
ler, author of "Death of a Sales- morrow and there will be a meet-
man" and "The Crucible." ing of all present and prospec-
No previous experience is neces- tive staffers at 5:15 p.m. today,
sary to become a member of The which will cover the general pro-
Daily staff. It's major n'eed is for
people who are interested inI
learning all the aspects of put- IkeLauds
ting out a paper and who want


Felheim Contentment
Leads to $1,000 Award

to write.
Summer Student Directory
editor Bob Wells, '55, has re-
quested that all students who
wish to change local addresses
or telephone numbers in the di-
rectory do so by 5 p.m. today at
the Student Publications Bldg.,
420 Maynard St.
This is the absolute deadline
for changes, he said.

Chase Victory
WASHINGTON (N - President
Eisenhower Tuesday expressed
pleasure over Sen. Margaret Chase
Smith's resounding renomination
victory in Monday's Maine Repub-
lican primary.
The President did .not refer to
the fact that Mrs. Smith's op-
ponent is a strong supporter of
Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis), or to Sen.
Smith's claim that McCarthy ap-
parently planted Jones in the race

Contentment of the type held
by Prof. Marvin Felheim of the
English department recently spell-
ed success in the form of a $1,000
teaching award.
Recipient of the annual literary
college alumni award, 39-year-old
Prof. Felheim says that the only
thing he can attribute his teach-
ing success to is that he likes to
teach, likes students, and likes the
University of Michigan.
Dean Charles E. Odegaard of1
the literary college class of 1923
donated the award.
Theaward commended Prof.

"I can teach a variety of things
to a lot of people, and I don't
merely get pushed into a special-
New Book
One of the editors of "Modern
Short Stories," a text book used
by English 31 classes, Felheim has
recently finished a book on the
American theatre from 1865-1900
which he expects to be released
next spring.
An inveterate movie-goer, Prof.
Felheim inovated a course in the
film as art, reportedly the first of
its kind taught in the country.

Relaxed DrivingRuei
ByeaLLofsEBerrax dents wishing to use their cars for
The heat of summer relaxes participation in outdoor sports
University driving and automobile such as golf, tennis and swim-
regulations-but there are pitfalls ming. Picnics and outings also
to be avoided despite the liber- fall in the "sports" category.
I Aeccordiummer uiulations es-es To obtain this driving permis-
I tablished by the Office of Stu- sion, the license number of the
automobile: the number of the
dent Affairs, any student with driv e : l e nd the
proner credentials can be certi- ;drivers license; and the name,

are extended to students living at Bandits Sentenced
home, and those living beyond a
one and a half mile radius of the Up to SixtY ears
campus may apply for a com- P S
muting classification. A Federal judge in Detroit and
Business and health permits are a Circuit judge here handed pris-
also available at the Office of on sentences Tuesday up to 60
Student Affairs. Those who have years to Thomas Cox and James






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