PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FATTTRlnAV- ?tlt.Y_ 9.d 1491 PAGE TWO TIlE MICHIGAN flATlY ~ATTTDfl*V WrIT ~7 '~A 1fl~I sA E V at .J J A, I Z, £IV"~ + BOOKS + By DAVIS GRUBB; HARPER present fight between good and evil first led Pre-ach- ONE OF the best novels of recent months and er into the good graces of John's mother. It was cetil n o h oteciigi3ai also these words that repulsed John, for the boy certainly one of the most exciting is Davis 7 Grubb's "The Night of the Hunter." This swift- never saw Preacher do something, but rather the ingrrk,"T e Ngtrfhedrunter."hissnifst-shand marked love, or hate did it. Pearl, who never moving work, centered around two children, is s let anyone touch Miz Jenny, permitted Preacher to perceptive as J. D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the layont t whi e l edmand lahe and Rye " play with it while she laughed and laughed and Rye'" while John stood immobile with terror: he knew "Night of the Hunter" is the story of nine year that the green paper within the doll was money. old John Harper, his four-and-a-half year old sis- ter Pearl, and Miz Jenny. Miz Jenny is an old, But when Pearl is enmeshed in the unctous charm raggedy doll little Pearl always has with her. John of her new Daddy and about to tell her secret, protects both his sister and her doll at all times be- John acts, only to become the hunted. cause he swore to his father that he would. He can- Before Preacher appears again, John and Pearl not understand why, nor can be understand that spend a few months with an old woman who takes his father has gone. He is aware only of the fact care of little children that cross her path and seem that his new "Daddy" is his hunter. lost. She is always afraid of loving her foundlings From the moment that John's new Dad, Preacher, too much in case a mother or father appears and enters his life, the story flies as swiftly as the river claims a child. So what can she do when Preacher which eventually carries John, Pearl and Miz Jenny shows up? off for a few months of semi-peace. "The Night of the Hunter" is concerned mainly Preacher is a part-time evangelist who murders a with one little boy as the hunted. Yet each adult few widows on the side; paradoxically, he is jailed character in the book is also hunted, whether by for a short time on a stolen car charge and put a person or by the past. The novel's "types" are into the same cell with Ben Harper who is ready familiar, and readers will know people with similar to be hung for the murder of two men while traits. It is this universality, to a large degree, stealing $10,000. But even the promise of salva- that makes this work as good as it is. tion after death does not cause Ben Harper to tell Main credit, however, goes not to author Grubb's Preacher where the money is hidden. fascinating story, but to the way he tells it. His "And a little child shall lead them" said Ben narrative description of the winding river and his Harper in his sleep one night and this was all haunting phrases concerning old houses is strik- that Preacher needed to go on. ing. He is certainly one of the most promising of The words LOVE and HATE tatooed on the America's new voices, and for sheer enjoyment, knuckles of his right and left hands and the stir- "The Night of the Hunter" should not be missed. ring way he had of telling the story of the ever- -By Harry Strauss A a for Peace "Can't I Go Back To Smashing Atoms?" ' k aa 4 4 f*f * CURRENT MOVIES * At the Sate 0 0 Ring of Fear with Spillane. Mickey ON THE WASUINGTON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON I A DANGEROUS illusion has shown itself, among both political leaders and public, during the .Anglo-American altercations of recent weeks. The problems of South East Asia have been discussed, and attitudes toward them taken up, on the assump- tion that only two serious alternative policies are in the running-a tightly knotted Nato-type defence pact ("Seato"), and a broader system of general guarantees of a new settlement ("Locarno"). This is a double mistake. First, these two are not alter- natives; they are two aspects of the same policy. Second, they ignore the real alternative to any western policy. There is another horse in this race. This is the Chinese proposal that the peace of Asia should be maintained solely by the Asian states themselves, through "the assumption of mu- tual obligations." Chou En-lai publiclyunveiled this plan at the very beginning of the Geneva conference; and it was heartily endorsed by Molotav a few days later. It is, indeed, almost a carbon copy of the plan for Europe which Molotov had laid before the Berlin conference. The central aim of these twin projects is to squeeze the United States out of both Europe and Asia, which would be left under the benign leadership of the strongest power in each contin- ent; in Europe, Russia, and in Asia, China. The Molotov plan was received with understand- able coolness by the free nations of Europe; but Chou En-lais ideas are much more appealing to Asian eyes. There is a very real attraction, for the most sincerely democratic Asian, in the suggestion that his continent should at least have complete control of its own affairs, without any interference from the West. Chou's plan is further evidence of the skill with which the Communists have sought to identify their cause with the embedded anti- western feeling of Asia as a whole. It implies the eventual exclusion of all white influence from south- ern and south-eastern Asia, and naturally from Japan and the islands as well. A faint fragrance of cultural presence would be left to mollify France in Indo-China, and doubtless other western nations would be awarded similar consolations, but Asian solidarity would be mustered against any "inter- vention" by outsiders, such as a United Nations operation to defend, say, Siam from aggression. On the surface, the Chinese do not appear to be asking their neighbors for any binding commit- ments to action. On the contrary, their talk is a of non-interference, non-aggression and peaceful co-existence-words which were written into their agreement with India about Tibet, and which carry a seductive echo of Gandhian ideals. The con- trast could not be more striking between these gen- tle cadences and the firm demands for pledges of armed action made by the champions of a "Seato" pact. Only the most far-sighted Asian can be ex- pected to see that, once his continent had sealed it- self off from the rest of the world by falling in with Chou En-lai's plan, it would be merely a question of time before "peaceful co-existence" came to mean automatic acceptance of China's leadership, and obedient yielding to successvie Chinese demands. For the rest, the simple slogan "Asia for Asians" has a hypnotic brightness, and the concept of a "Mao Doctrine" a certain logic. This does not add up to an argument against a South East Asia defence pact. In the event of foreign aggression against Siam, Burma or any other sovereign state in the region, members of the United Nations are, in any case, already under a moral obligation to go to the aid of the victim: and the western governments would be guilty of ignoring the glaring danger signals of the present situation if they failed to make any preparation against such an event. But the presence in the field of Chou En-lai's challenger makes it clear that a Seato pact would not by itself suffice to check the Communist advance in the Far East. The Communist challenge is political as well as mili- tary; and a Seato that embraced Siam alone of the Asian mainland states would not be a complete an- swer even to the military problem. The Colombo group of nations, faced with only two positive cours- es-membership of a tightly knit, western-led de- fence pact on the one hand, and, on the other, an apparently harmless acceptance of "peaceful co- existence" as proffered by Chou-would be more strongly tempted thah ever to choose the less active and more Asian alternative. And that could mean disaster for the free nations' hopes of stemming the tide of Communism in the east. It is this strength of the "Asia for the Asians,, feeling, and the ability of the Chinese Communists to play upon it, that represents the real challenge that western policy has to meet-and if one merit can be claimed for British diplomacy in these re- cent unfortunate weeks, it is that it has seen the challenge more clearly than the Americans have done and has at least made gestures towards meet- ing it. What Mr. Eden is attempting to do is to provide a bridge between Washington and Delhi, to create a set of relationships in South East Asia that will not lose for the purposes of peace and stability the support of either extreme pole of the free world. This involves convincing the Indians (and those other Asians who think with them) that it is necessary to draw lines, to guarantee them and to put teeth into the guarantees. This, clearly to British eyes, is what Mr. Eden meant when he used the word "Locarno." So far from meaning appease- ment, he meant, as Sir Winston Churchill explained to the American press, that everybody should prom- ise to resist an aggressor. The other side of the medal is the need to convince the Americans that a common front against aggression will be infinitely less offensive to Asia minds, and is needed fully as much as, a military alliance mainly composed of Europeans specifically created for defence against China. The attempt to build the bridge may fail. No- body can be sure that only one more act of Communist aggression in Asia is needed to convince the *Indians of the dangers of neutralism. They may be unwilling to give any promises of solidarity even against unnamed aggression. Nor, evidently, is it possible to rely on reasonable moderation in Washington, so long as Senator Knowland is allow- ed to run away with the Administration's foreign policy. Sir Winston Churchill and Mr. Eden may have succeeded in convincing the President and the Secretary of State that they are not bent on ap- peasement or surrender in Asia, but only on mobil- ising the widest possible degree of resistance to fur- ther aggression. But there is that other American suspicion remaining, expressed in Mr. Dulles's much-quoted remark about British policy being subject to a veto from Delhi. It would be as well to be quite clean about this. There is, and can be, no Indian veto on British actions. If, in the end, it becomes clear that the bridge cannot be built, that we cannot walk with the Americans without offending Mr. Nehru, or keep Mr. Nehru in camp without outraging the Americans-if, in a word, we have to make a choice between them, there cannot be a moment's hesitation about it. Blood is thicker than water; and these small islands cannot survive without friends more powerful than they can find in New Delhi. Both in Washington and in India it will help towards a reasonable frame of mind for this to be made known beyond any mistaking. But things have not yet come to that pass, and it must be hoped that they will not. In the mean- time it is surely right, and infinitely worth while, to make the effort to build the bridge that will hold the free world together. And that involves taking very seriously Cheu En-lai's programme for Asia. The true alternatives are not Seato or Locarno. These are both parts of a larger whole, which is essential to the peace and security of Asia. The real and menacing alternative is the severing of the links between the free nations of the west and of Asia, and the steady absorption of the latter into the Chinese orbit. It is hard to believe that either Senator Knowland or Mr. Nehru really wants that. -The London Economer Ideal of America AM SORRY for the man who seeks to make personal capital out of the passions of his fellow men. He has lost the touch and ideal of America. For America was created to unite mankind by those passions which lift and not by the pas- WASHINGTON-A year and six months ago the most dashing, deb- onair governor to come to Wash- ington for the inaugration of Dwight D. Eisenhower was Allan Shivers of Texas. Shivers, a Dem- ocrat, had helped induce the vast domain of Texas to go Republican for only the second time in history, so he was entitled to a seat of honor as his candidate took the oath of office. Tomorrow, in contrast, Shivers faces the fight of his life to get renominated - which in Texas means re-elected - for the fourth term. Several things have cropped up to plague the handsome, svelte young governor at whose palatial home "Sharyland," Eisenhower was a special guest on his trip to Mexico last year. One was the natural aversion of Texans to elect a governor to run for four terms. Another was segregation. This backfired against Shivers in a pe- culiar way. In the first place, his friend Ike backed up the Supreme Court after it abolished segregation in the schools. To offset this, Allan be- gan making strong statements for segregation and against the Su- preme Court decision. But then it leaked out that the governor's eldest son had been at- tending one of the few nonsegre- gated schools in Texas. His chil- dren being brought up in the Catholic faith, his son, John Shary, has been attending St. Edward's Parochial School in Austin which has been non-segregated for over a year. Quickie Land Deal Another thing that hurt the gov- ernor was revelation that he had made a profit of $425,000 on a quickie land deal. Although report- ed by this newsman in October 1952, the big-city Texas newspa- pers conveniently ignored the court record of Hidalgo County un- til this spring when Shivers' op- ponent, Ralph Yarborough, forced attention on the amazing court rec- ord, which had lain, privileged and quotable, but gathering dust for nearly two years. The record showed that Lloyd M. Bentsen, father of the Texas congressman by that name, had given Shivers, then lieutenant gov- ernor, an option on 13,000 acres of highly speculative land in the Rio Grande Valley for $25,000. Then, six months later, Bentsen had arranged for the repurchase of the option for $450,000. Conveniently, Bentsen waited seven months before arranging to buy back the option, thus permit- ting the lieutenant governor to pay only a capital-gains tax on his juicy $425,000 profit. What the lieu- tenant governor of Texas did in return for this $425,000 handed him on a silver platter was not revealed in the court depositions and has never been explained. But the Bentsens were then anxious to obtain precious water and irriga- tion rights in order to sell a big development scheme. What the deal amounted to was a $425,000 windfall to a very im- portant Texas official, and the vot- ers of Texas, not easily fooled, don't seem to like it. Insurance Scandals Another sour development in the Texas political picture was the dis- closure that Shivers' former cam-! paign manager, John Van Cronk- hite, had received $1,000 a month from a discredited insurance com- pany which should have bee put out of business by the Texas In- surance Commission, but which was temporarily kept in business thanks to Van Cronkhite's influ- ence. and later to Governor Shivers him- self on April 1, 1953. Worth never got an answer, pos- sibly because Shivers' former campaign manager was up to his neck in the insurance mess. Van Cronkhite, who had managed Shiv- ers' 1950 campaign, was appointed by the governor as $8,400-a- year executive secretary of the Good Neighbor Commission, but found it more profitable to resign in 1951 and set up his own public- relations firm. It was this firm which handled public relations for "Democrats for Eisenhower" in 1952, again thanks to Shivers' influence. And this was the firm to which Lloyd's of North America paid $1,- 000 a month, after an introduction by Shivers' executive secretary,' when the insurance company wanted to prevent a crackdown by the Texas Insurance Commission. What some of the Texas voters now remember is the governor's speeches during the 1952 election campaign, especially his state- ment on Oct. 29, 1952: "Instead of the American Eagle as our emblem, we have the fur- bearing mink, the deep freeze and the red herring." Tidelands Oil Backfires Final factor that has hurt Shiv- ers is a ruling by the Justice De- partment that Texas does not get 101 miles of tidelands oil as she claimed and expected, but only three miles - the same as other coastal states. Last week Sen. Price Daniel frantically scurried down to the White House on the pretense of making Ike an honorary "Son of the Republic of Texas," but actual- ly to get him to say Texas was entitled to 10 miles. Ike obliged. But his Justice and Interior De- partments did not back him up. They stuck with Thomas Jeffer- son and the founding fathers who always refused to recognize the Spanish claim of a boundary ex- tending 10 miles out to sea which Texas inherited and now says is valid. Despite Texas claims, and des- pite Senator Daniel's call on Ike, the Interior Department announced that it would have to abide by the Justice Department ruling. The In- terior Department statement was published alongside a speech made the night before by Governor Shiv- ers saying that "nobody except Yarborough" says we don't own 10 miles. To have an official statement by his friends in the Eisenhower administration refute his speech the same day, didn't help Allan a bit. Copywright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. At the door of the State Thea- ter this guy holds out his hand to stop me. "Tickets please," he says. "Sure," I say and shove four stiff fingers into his gut just above the navel. I laugh as he folds up like last year's road- map. I see this old lady in a choice seat so I give her a brisk back- hander across the chops and pitch her out in the aisle. I pour my- self four fingers of popcorn and settle back to watch the moom pitcha. Spillane is in it. He catches this homicidal maniac who's been kill- ing everyone at the circus. I couldn't figure it out. How did he know this guy was a homicidal maniac? How? How? How? The ques- tion keeps screaming at me like a million dying woodpeckers. Then Spillane spills it. He knew this guy was a homicidal maniac by his homicidal maniac eyes! Then the tiger, chews up the homicidal maniac and he screams ni stereophonic sound. I laugh. I hear a squeal from this broad sitting next to me so I lean over and bite her neck. "Take me," she pants. "Good movie," I say. It's got real guts." Then all of a sudden I thought about all these arty pitchers, with plot and characters and all that tripe and I got mad. Crazy mad. Kill crazy. All of a sudden I wanted to take those arty produc- ers and mash their faces, bend their ears back until they snap, bust all their ribs, rip out their guts with a wooden salad fork, and mash them and bash them and slash them and gnash them until movies are better than ever. -Don Malcolm S* * A t the Michigan THE GLASS WEB, with Edward G Robinson THE FIRST thing this movie presents is a piece of glass, full screen size and etched into sections like a spider web, but No Time For Horseplay THE SENATORS WHO started to filibuster-for that was what Senator Morse of Oregon admitted he and the others were doing- against the amendments to the Atomic Energy Act had a legiti- mate criticism of President Eisen- hower's power policy. They disap- proved of his order to the Atomic Energy Commission to supply the Tennessee Valley Authority with privately produced power to take the place of power used by the A. E. C. itself. That issue, however, was de- cided on Wednesday night by a vote of 55 to 36 in the Senate it- self. This vote3kiled an amend- ment which would have denied, the President the right to order the feeding of privately produced pow- er into the T. V. A. system. There was no longer any excuse for a filibuster after this question had been decided, even though some of the filibustering Senators ob- jected to some other features of the atomic energy amendments. Wise legislators would thereafter have felt some responsibility for the further delays in essential leg- islation which were caused by the Senators' frittering away of valu- able time. Majority Leader Know- land's move for a closure to end this meaningless flow of eloquence was understandable, even though one might not agree with his po- sition on the Administration's pro- posal to bring into the Tennessee Valley the power that will be pro- duced by the proposed privately owned steam plant at West Mem- phis, Ark. The President took occasion at his Wenesday press conference to define his attitude toward the Ten- nessee Valley Authority. He intends he said, to support it as it stands with all the strength he has. What he does not seem to grasp is that if the Government begins to bring privately produced electric power back into the Tennessee Valley, T.V.A. will be less able to function efficiently. An electric power sys- tem, like any other human agency, must develop if it is to be healthy. For the moment, however, this issue has been settled. The Presi- dent has ordered, and the amend- ments to the Atomic Energy Act will doubtless specify in their final form, that the A.E.C. can buy pri- vate power to replace that which it takes from T.V.A. It is the duty before the viewer (probably just recalling the name of the movie) can focus his mind on this symbol it is shattered in front of his eyes with the many pieces appearing to fly toward the front and back exits of the theatre. The story begins at a deserted well. Present are a young lady and man. The latter shoots the for- mer, dumps her into the well and drives off. It is quickly learned that this is not the action of the movie, but is a TV program with- in a movie. The executives who are are putting on the program, "Crime of the Week," argue over what should be done to improve the program so as not to lose their sponsor. Present are promoter, script writer, and detail man. The first= does nothing but attempt to hold the other two together, the second is fighting an inner tour- moil and being blackmailed by his former mistress who is the lead- ing lady of his program, and the third (Edward G. Robinson) takes care of details which include mur- der of the leading lady and black- mailing the hero who is the script- writer. Robinson is a thwarted man who having never experienced re- quited love is trying to show thej world that he is "above the mob." This takes the form of trying to get the scriptwriter's job. How- ever, he gets tangled up in his own details and just before killing the smooth faced hero and his wife in an empty sound proof studio he is discovered by the eye of a live TV camera and felled by a detec- tive's bullet. In this movie the camera- work is smooth, the staging sim- ple, the acting adequate, and the plot convincing. And it uses neat devices to create tension like the entrance of a boistrous clown upon the death scene and to relax tension like a cute cat pulling the cord of a phono- graph machine at a ticklish spot. In fact this movie contains enough of the right pieces to be as good as a Hitchcock thriller, but sadly enough the pieces aren't Men's IWaistlines A RECENT SCIENTIFIC study has backed up what women have long been saying to the un- heeding ears of their husbands- that they ought to eat their salads. Nearly one third of 600 men in industrial plants whose diet was studied in a two-year survey by a team of Rutgers University sci- entists were low in Vitamin C- which is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes and leafy green vegeta- bles. About one fourth of the men were deficient in calcium needed for sound bones and teeth and found to a large degree in milk. Even more significant, 44 percent of these men were overweight. Obesity among Americans has been causing much concern to health and medical authorities. About one fifth of the population, past 30, it is estimated, is over- weight. The Rutgers' study would indicate that men's waistlines es- pecially need attention. It is sig- nificant that the men surveyed were $industrial workers-presum- ably not desk sitters, and were in the working-age brackets. Poor selection of f o o d was I blamed for the inadequate nutri- tion of these wage earners. Too many, the survey showed, went in for the coffee and sweet roll break- fast, and leaned heavily on soda pop and candy bars for between- meal snacks. This not only in- creased weight, but cut down appe- tite for foods containing vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately the suvey did not determine who was responsible-the men or tih e i r wives-for the "snack" breakfast having succeeded the traditional American repast of ham and eggs. -The Washington Post fitted together in the desired rhythmic pattern and like the pieces of glass at the beginning they only hold together briefly before shattering toward the front and rear exits of the theatre. Russ AuWerter t { DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial resporisi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 23S Notices The Results of the language examina- tion for the M.A. in history are posted in 3601 Haven Hall. Invitations for the Master's breakfast are in the mail for those students who are candidates for the master's degree at the close of the summer session. If there are any such degree candidates who did not receivetan invitation, they may call for their tickets at the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510, Ad- ministration Bldg. Office of Student Affairs. the follow- ing student sponsored social activities are approved for the coming weekend: July 23: Couzens Hall Phi Delta Phi July 24: Michigan Christian Fellowship Phi Chi July 25: Phi Delta Phi We have been unable to contact some of our registrants and no doubt some are not yet located in teaching posi- tions for next fall. We would like to meet these people at the Michigan Un- ion, Room 3B, at 4:00 o'clock on Mon- day, July 26, University of Michigan University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, Ann Arbor Mich- igan. Veteransaenrolled under P. L. 346 (World War II G. I. Bill) who will re- ceive a degree, change course, or change institutions, at the end of Summer Session and who wish to take addi- tional training under the Bill, must apply for a supplemental Certificate of Eligibility on or before August 14. Application should be made in Room 555, Administration Building, Office of veteran's Affairs. Lectures MONDAY, JULY 26 National Band Conductors Conference, auspices of the School of Music. Re- gistration 8:00 a.m., Michigan League. Program sessions 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Conference Series for English Teach- ers. "Shakespeare-in the classroom and in Student Productions." A. K. Stev- ens, Assistant Professor of English and Assistant Professor of the Teaching of English, moderator; Grace Field, Cen- tral High School, Flint; Clarence R. Murphy. T. L. Handy High School, Bay City; Carl G. Wonnberger, Cranbrook School, Bloomfield Hills. 4:00 p.m. Audi- torium C. Angell Hall. Academic Notices a F to Graduate Students, 4019 University High School, not later than July 30. Doctorial Examination for Melvin Jerome Ravitz, Sociology; thesis: "Fac- tors Associated with the Selection of Nursing or Teaching as a Career", Mon- day, July 26, 613 Haven Hall, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, R. C. Angell. Mathematics - Education Meeting: All interested in Mathematics-Educa- tion are invited to the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building at 7:30 on Tuesday, July 27, to meet friends, to hear Professor R. V. Churchill's com- ments on Current Problems and Needs in Applied Mathematics, to take a sightson polaris, and to enjoy refresh- ments. Concerts University Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Albert Luconi, clari- net, Lare Wardrop, oboe, Ted Evans, French horn, Lewis Cooper, bassoon, with Sigurd Rascher, saxophone, and Clyde Thompson, double bass, 8:30 Mon- day evening, July 26, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will include works by Reicha, Piston, Charles Stain- er, Jorgen Bentzon, Paul Pierne, and Milhaud, and will be open to the gen- eral public. Concert Dates Changed. The Chicago Symphony Brass Ensemble program, previously anounced for Monday eve- ning, July 26, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, will appear on Wednesday evening, July 28 instead. The University Wood- wind Quintet, originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 28, will preform on, Monday evening, July 26, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Faculty Concert: John Kollen, pian- ist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday eve- ning, July 27, in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The All-Beethoven pro- gram will include Sonata in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2, Sonata in A-flat major, Op. 110, and Sonata in D ma- jor, Op. 10 No. 3. It will be open to the general public without charge. Exhibitions Clements Library. women and Woman in Early America. General Library. Women as Authors. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp- tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Michigan Historical Collections. The University in 1904. Museum of Art. Three Women Paint- ers. Events Today Departmental Play, auspices of the Department of Speech. Mrs. McThing, by Mary Ellen Chase. 8:00 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Coming Events Michigan Christian Fellowship. Saturday, July 24. We invite join us for a tour of Greenville Village. The group will leave Lane Hall at 10 a.m. Transportation will be provided. We will have a picnic lunch at the village. The total cost for the tour is .,i t Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter.....Managing Becky Conrad.............Night Rona Friedman............Night Wally Eberhard .........Night Russ AuWerter........... Night Sue Garfield.........Women's Hanley Gurwin........Sports Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports E. J. Smith......Assoc. Sports Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Business Staff Dick Alstrom.......Business Manager Lois Pollak......Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks........Advertising Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1