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July 24, 1954 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXIV, No. 25S



Y Staff Aide
Ic RchfUdtld



sBy MCarthyCharge Passed

Not Cleared;
LaVenia Stays
WASHINGTON ()-Sen. McCar-.
thy (R-Wis) and his Investigations
subcommittee Friday refused to
fire a staff aide after the Defense
Department renewed its refusal-
without explanation-to grant the
man a security clearance.
Central figure in this dispute be-
tween the McCarthy group and the
Pentagon is Thomas W. LaVenia,
former Secret Service agent now
serving as office manager and as-
sistant counsel to the Senate sub-
New reports circulated mean-
while that the administration is
seeking some way of easing Sec-
retary of the Army Stevens, out of
his 'ob as a result of the Army-
M~arthy controversy. One sug-
gestion heard was that he might
be offered an ambassadorship.
At the White House, Murray Sny-
der, assistant press secretary, said
he had made inquiries and re-
"I have heard no reference what-
soever to any change in Mr. Ste-
vens' status."
Brucker Comments
Wilber M. Brucker, general coun-
Ysel to the Defense Department,
said after a closed-door session
with the McCarthy subcommittee
that he had refused to give the
reasons for not clearing LaVenia
on the ground that to do so would
breach a confidence with the FBI.
A security clearance entitles the
holder to handle secret and con-
fidential documents.
Brucker said the Justice Depart-
ment, which supplied the informa-
tion on which the Pentagon based
its decision in LaVenia's case, had
insisted that the details be with-
Reasons Demanded
The upshot was that the subcom-
mittee announced a new demand
that the Defense and Justice de-
partments give the reasons for La-
Venia's nonclearance, and decided
that LaVenia be retained in 'is
Job but assigned meanwhile to
duties in which he will not handle
classified documents.
McCarthy said the subcommittee
took a sworn statement from La-
Venia in which -the latter gave his
own version of why he believes he
is being denied clearance.
"I think he acquitted himself
completely," McCarthy said.
LaVenia himself has told news-
men he thinks the reason he was
not cleared was that while attend-
ing St. Johns University Law
School in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1936
he was associated briefly with the
American Law Students Assn., a
group McCarthy has called leftist.
'U' Student
Seeks Help
Of Congress
The current Congressional fili-
buster has many peculiar effects
but one of its stranger and wholly
unintentional ramification is its ef-
fect upon a 19-year-old University
student who would like to become
a United States Citizen.
Frank Sevcik, Jr., a Czechosla-
vakian, has lived in Ann Arbor
for two years with a passport from
Brazil. The passport has expired,
however, and he is able to stay
in the U.S. only until Congress
gets around to acting upon a bill
introduced by Sen. Homer Fergu-
son (R-Mich) which will make
Sevcik a citizen.
When Czechoslovakia was enter-
ed by the Communists, the Sevcik

family fled to Brazil, where the
father was given a job. The stu-
dent came to Ann Arbor because
a University alumnus persuaded
his fathr to send him here.
Brazilian Passport
Sevcik obtained a Brazilian
passport for resident aliens, good
for 12 month, and a renewal for an
additional 12 months. Because he
took temporary refuge in Brazil,
he does not qualify to become a
citizen under the Displaced Persons
Act nor the Refugee Relief Act
of 1953.
Therefore, until the bill is passed
Sevcik is a man without a country.

Suspended Instructor One of 17
Cited Yesterday by Congress
Daily Managing Editor
H. Chandler Davis, instructor in the mathematics department,
was cited yesterday for contempt of Congress.
One of three faculty members suspended last spring after his
appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee, his
citation was based on refusal to answer questions or produce docu-
ments at the hearings when they were held in Lansing before Rep.
Clardy (R-Mich.)
Touches Off Rumors
The announcement of the citation touched off many rumors as
to the action President Hatcher will take on Davis' suspension. (The
President is expected to issue either a dismissal or reinstatement of
the three men before the close of summer school).
University administrators declined to comment on the possible
results of the citation. However, there were no indications that it
________ _- _-- would have any effect upon whe-
ther Davis would be dismissed or
It was explained that the Uni-
versity's thinking so far has been
entirely based upon the actions of
the faculty members before the
Clardy committee and that con-
eH sideration on the contempt cita-
d tion would bring in an element of
WASHINGTON ( - Sen. Byrd Before the contempt citation re-
(D-Va) said Friday that housing in- sults in a jail sentence, it will be
. h uhanded over to the justice depart-
vestigations have uncovered an t for prosecution.
"unsavoy concoction of malfea- "Most Explosive"
sance, greed, collusion and graft," Davis was one of 17 people cited
and he demanded that Atty. Gen. yesterday. Chairman Velde (R-
Brownell start p r osecutionsIll.) called them "Some of the
promptly. most abusive witnesses ever to ap-
The situation, Byrd said in a pear before the committee."
speech prepared for Senate deliv- Prof. Mark Nickerson of the'
ery, "is one of the most scandalous medical school, another faculty
in the history of our govern- member to appear before the com-
ment's operations.''mittee last spring, took issue with
Of more than 60 billion dollars this statement, maintaining that
in federal subsidies for housing in "Davis was anything but abus-
the last 15 years, in the form of ive . . . he was quiet and respect-
loans, loan insurance, grants and ful. He would never have been
appropriations the senator said, no- cited if he had used the Fifth
body ever will know how much Amendment in refusing to answer
has gone to "profiteers." questions."
"Day by day the exposures con- E This viewpoint was upheld by
tinue," he said, "but efforts to Ed Shaffer, Grad, who also was
prosecute the guilty are not obv - a witness on the day Davis testi-
ous. In view of multimillion dol- fied. He said, "Had Davis used
lar windfalls, it is inconceivable the Fifth Amendment, as I did, he
that no instances ofsfraud and graft would never have been cited for
occurred." contempt."
Byrd said it is clear to him that Davis who is vacationing in the
with proper effort many prosecu- East and unavailable for comment
tions could be started, leading off declined to answer all questions of
with Clyde L. Powell, who was affiliation and association before
fired last April as assistant com- the committee on the basis of the
missioner of the Federal Housino First Amendment. He had pre-
Administration viously been warned that only the
Adminstraion.Fifth Amendment would grant him
Byrd said that he wrote Brownell immunity.
April 27 urging prosecution of Pow- After the Lansing hearings, Rep.
ell, that Brownell replied, "But to Clardy told newsmen that he
date he has reported no prosecu- would ask contempt citations for
tions." three of the five University wit-
Powell twice has invoked the nesses, Davis and students Shaf-
Fifth Amendment against possible fer and Mike Sharpe, Grad. Nei-
self-incrimination and refused to ther of the students were men-
testify at Senate Banking Commit- tioned in Chairman Velde's re-
tee investigations of the housing quest for citations, however, al-
situation. though Clardy told The Daly less
For weeks, the committee has than a month ago that he would
been bringing out testimony that press for their citations.
FHA guaranteed numerous loans Crowley Cleared
for apartments at figures far above In other action of the day, the
construction costs, with the build- House adopted by voice vote a
ers pocketing the difference, to the resolution clearing Francis X.
extent of millions in what Byrd T. Crowley, a former University
called windfall profits. Investiga- student, of a similar charge. Crow-
tors say tenants pay -higher rentals ley was cited a year ago for con-
as a result, tempt when he refused to co-
operate with the committee. June
.ove To Reduce 29, however, he returned to the
stand and laid bare the Com-
T raffC Deaths munist picture as he saw it in Ann
LANSING- (AP) -The muster- Among the other seventeen cit-
ing of additional manpower was ed yesterday Balza Baxter, of De-
suggested at a traffic conference troit, who was accused of refusing
Friday as one possible means of last May to hand over records of
cutting Michigan's holiday high- the Michigan Labor Youth League,
way death toll, at the Detroit hearings.

Strike Ends
United AutoWorkers Interna-
tional ordered Chrysler Corp.
strikers back to work Friday
night on a finding that their
walkout was unauthorized and
a contract violation.
The strike, which has idled
45,850 workers, caused a virtual
halt to all Chrysler's automo-
bile production in Detroit.
More than 10,000 Dodge main
plant strikers, whose walkout
lead to the general tieup of the
company's 15-odd plants in De-
troit, were ordered to return to
work "at the earliest possible
Bonn Agent
Joined Reds
BERLIN (P) - Soviet-controlled
East Germany broadcast Friday
night that Dr. Otto John, West
German security chief, fled vol-
untarily to the Communist zone.
He has information which could
wreck the West's whole counter-
spy network in East Germany.
John, sometimes c a l l e d "the
man with a thousand secrets," left
West Berlin three days ago and
vanished in the East sector. Some
Western authorities clung to the
theory he had been kidnaped.
Reunification Task
The East German radio said in
its special broadcast John's task
now would be to work for reunifica-
tion of all Germany. It presented
during the broadcast a voice it
said was that of the missing West
German Intelligence chief.
It was the first word from the
East about the man whose dis-
appearance may force the United
States and Britain to overhaul all
their underground operations in
the East Zone.
In the Communist broadcast, the
voice announced as John's said
Germany was in danger of being
torn apart forever and for that
reason he decided to contact East
Germans last Tuesday on the 10th
anniversary of the July 20, 1944,
bomb plot to assassinate Adolf
He went on to say that he would
issue a pamphlet soon in which
he would give detailed reasons for
his actions and would submit pro-
posals for reunification of Ger-
Western monitors said the voice
was clear and clam.
Roundup Underway
Western intelligence heard re-
ports that a roundup already may
be underway of East Gemans who
regularly send out information on
Soviet activities.
Some doubt remained whether
John, 44, was kidnaped by the
Reds or defected East on his own.
The U.S. High Commission view
was that John "was. forced"
into the East and is now being
held in Berlin's Soviet sector.
West Berlin police, who had been
directly responsible for John's
safety while he was in this divided
city, clung to the theory he and
a doctor acquaintance voluntarily
went to the Russian sector. They
said John suffered "serous mental
depression" recently and that a
letter left behind by the doctor
reported John would not return.
Budenz Says

Nowak of Value
To Communists
DETROITUP) -Former Commun-
ist Louis Budenz testified Friday
that former State Senator Stanleyj
Nowak was a "very valuable mem-
ber of the Communist Party."
Budenz, now an assistant profes-
sor of economics at Fordham Uni-
versity, testified before Fed'eral
Judge Frank A. Picard that he
first met Nowak in 1937 or 1938.
He said the occasion was a
closed meeting in Chicago of the
midwest "functionaries of the Com-
munist Party." Budenz added:
"A most important member of
the Politbureau, Jack Stachel, was
there and Stachel introduced me
to Nowak. Stachel described Now-
ak as a very valuable member of
the Party."
Budenz testified at the denatur-
alization trial of Nowak. The U.S.
seeks to take away Nowak's citizen-



House Approves Measure

Atom Power

____. .


-Daily-Duane Poole
Candidate Hart Campaigns in COunty

For local Democrats, yesterday
was Philip A. Hart day in Wash-
tenaw county.
Hart, who is seeking the Demo-
cratic lieutenant governor nom-
ination in the August 3 primary,
climaxed a full afternoon of cam-
paigning in the area with a speech
to local Democrats at the home
of City Democratic Committee
Chairman Mrs. Mary Moise last
Describes Job
Hart described the Lt. Governor
job as "the most important office
save one in Michigan," adding
that because the office-holder
could become governor the same
tests for selection should be in-
Great responsibility goes with
the Lt. Governor, he said, be-
cause as presiding officer of the
Senate he assigns bills for com-
mittee action. Bills must be plac-
ed in the proper committees and
Ex-Reds Give'
Valuable Aid
As Witnesses
Assistant Attorney General Warren
Olney III said yesterday the use
of ex-Communists as government
witnesses in trials involving Com-
munist defendents is "indispens-
able and in the public interest."
Retorting sharply to recent crit-
icism of the use of such witnesses,
Olney said that one-time party
members who have had a change
of heart have made important and
valuable contributions to the Jus-
tice Department's campaign to
break up "the Communist conspir-
acy" in this country.
Further, Olney said he was sat-
isfied the testimony given for the
government by former Commun-
ists has been truthful and accu-
Talks to MAPA
The assistant attorney general,
who heads Justice's criminal di-
vision, discussed the matter in an
address prepared for the Michigan
Association of Prosecuting Attor-
He called no names but said
that "recently, the department has
been the target for an unprece-
dented barrage of abuse, emanat-
ing mostly from certain newspaper
columnists, because the govern-
ment is frequently utilizing the
testimony of former members of
the Communist party in criminal
prosecutions of various kinds where
membership in the Communist
Party is alleged or is otherwise
an issue."
Columnists Joseph and Stewart
Alonn in recent weeks have charged

then the Lieutenant Governor's
job is to, make sure that action is
taken, he added.
The lieutenant governor sits in
on the State Administrative Board
which Hart called the "Board of
Directors for the State."
With a Republican Lt. Gover-
nor now in office despite the fact
that the Governor is a Demo-
crat, Hart declared that the Board
needs another Democrat to help
absorb the Republican artillery
thrown at Governor G. Mennen
Williams. He feels that he as
Democrat Lt.eGovernor would be
the man to serve on the Board.
Tribute to Moody
Although 'Hart, who was legal
advisor to Gov. Williams for two
years, paid high but brief tri-
bute to the late Blair Moody, dis-
cussion prior to his speech center-
ed upon clarifying the atmos-
phere for future strategy in the
Senatorial election this Novem-
It was brought out that Gov.
Williams will not make a state-
ment until after Moody's funeral.
The Democratic State Central
Committee has taken no official
stand yet either as to adopting a
"sticker candidate" to replace
Too Busy
fense Department has put its
"big team" of top executives
and military chiefs on notice
that they should be too busy to
write signed articles for maga-
zines and other periodicals.
The department's "informal
position on the matter was
stated in a memorandum dat-
ed May 15 which went to the
Security and Review Office
which passes on all acticles be-
fore publication.
The memorandum suggested
that "members of the big team
are so busy and so occupied
with their heavy responsibili-
ties" that articles for general
publication are "inappropriate"
and time given to writing them

Moody in the primary or to en-
dorse the sole remaining Demo-
crat Patrick McNamara, running
on the Senatorial primary to op-
pose Republican incumbent Homer
A problem brought out in the
discussion concerned the fact that
Moody's name will remain on the
primary ballots.
If his name should carry the
election, the question arises as
to whether or not the State Cen-
tral Committee could legally chose
a man to replace him on the No-
vember ballot.
Dulles Says
Rest of Asia
Can Be Held
WASHINGTON (A - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles said
Friday that a protective line can
be drawn by the free nations
around the non-Communist states
of Indochina even though the Gene-
va peace settlement may prevent
those states from joining actively
in an anti-Communist alliance.
Dulles indicated at a news con-
ference that he does not think a
power vacuum will necessarily de-
velop in South Vietnam, Cambodia
and Laos.
He said French-protected South
Vietnam has , plenty of arms and
he thinks some military aid may
be continued by the United States.
Refuses Red Bid
Dulles turned down a Russian
bid for international conferences
aimed at breaking the East-West
deadlock on atomic energy, Ger-
many, Korea and European secur-
ity arrangements.
In the light of past failures, he
said, it would not be profitable to
resume talks with Russia on these
problems until Moscow changes
its attitude.
The United States, he said, has
gone very far in testing Russia's
good faith but so far has found
the results entirely negative.

Debate Enters 3rd
Day of Marathon
WASHINGTON 01 -In a terrific,
two-front struggle over atomic
legislation, the Eisenhower admin-
istration won a big skirmish in
the House Friday night but still
faced a stone wall erected by fili-
bustering senators.
By a standing vote of 161-118, the
House approved a provision de-
signed to keep the Atomic Energy
Commission out of the business of
producing power for commercial
The administration bill, a broad
revision of present atomic law,
provides among other things for
inviting private business into the
field of atomic power for peace-
time purposes. Administration men
contend that is in accordance with
the American system of free en-
terprise but their critics, mostly
Democrats, argue that the bill is
so drawn as to turn vast national
atomic resources over to "private
Thursday night, in the midst of
its marathon session, the Senate
dealt a blow to the administration
on this issue. On motion of Sen.
Edwin C. Johnson (D-Colo), it
voted 45-41 to authorize the AEC
and other federal agencies to build
House early Saturday defeated,
172-115, a proposal to block Pre-
sident Eisenhower's directive
placing new private power facil-
ities in the Tennessee Valley.
plants big enough to produce pow-
er commercially. Cooperatives and
publicly owned utilities would get
first call on any surplus power
from such plants.
But an identical amdnement was
ditched in the House, and substi-
tuted one offered which declares
in effect:
Nothing in atomic law authorizes
the AEC to sell or distribute any
electricity except that produced as
a byproduct in its research plants,
If both chambers should stand
on their decisions, the struggle
would be transferred to a Senate-
House conference committee.
On the Senate side of the capital,
the talkfest passed its 58th hour
at 8 p.m. and the White House
declared "the filibuster . . . . is
ejopardizing enactment of key
Wheat Growers
Favor Control
In Large Vote
WASHINGTON W--The nation's
wheat growers voted Saturday by
the narrowest of margins to fix
marketing quota controls for the
1955 crop.
It was not until after 1 a.m.
EDT that a resounding "yes" vote
from North Dakota sent the quota
controls over the top in a nation-
wide referendum that was not sup-
posed to be even close.
It required 66.7 per cent of the
votes to be favorable for the con-
trols to go into force. Before the
returns came in from North Da-
kota the percentage stood at ex-
actly that figure. North Dakota
with a whopping 96.6 per cent
"yes" vote, pushed the margin up

to 71.8 per cent
Four states remained to be
heard from, but returns from these
states plus the 13,000 challenged
votes would not change the results
of the referendum.
Swimmer Sets
Endurance Record
MIAMI, Fla. (R-Skin diver Ed
Fisher earned a- world endurance

Arms Unloaded

Star Detroit Lion Player
Jailed after Cafe Fight

Bob Hoernschmeyer, star half-
back of the Detroit Lions National
Football League Cahmpions, was
one of three men jailed early
yesterday morning after a pre-
dawn swinging brawl in a Main
St. restaurant.
Hoernschmeyer, Benjamin J.
nicholson. and Patrick J. Conlin

two men made some comments
and "Hunchy" protested. The com-
ments were fired back and forth
and then Conlin and Hoernsch-
meyer started scuffling.
The patrolmen interrupted but
were unable to break up the brawl
until they took "Hunchy" outside
and handcuffed him. The police-
men then apprehended the two

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