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July 23, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-23

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rRTDAY, Y 23. 1954



WUOM Plans
Lady Doctor
Radio Drama'
Struggles of Elizabeth Black-
well, first woman doctor in the
United States, as she sought her
mnedical education will be drama-
tized at 9:30 p.m. tonight by ra-
dio station WUOM-FM of the Un-
iversity Broadcasting Service.
It has been produced in con-
Junction with the Summer Ses-
sion's program "Woman in the
World of Man."
Fighting such comments as
"The Good Lord didn't mean for
women to be doctors" and called
a "brazen, shameless hussey," Miss
Blackwell managed to graduate
from Geneva, Pa., Medical Col-
lege at the top of the 1894 class.
During the radio show, a pres-
ent-day woman doctor, Dr. Mar-
tha R Westerberg, associate pro-
fessor of neurology, will present
a summary of Dr. Blackwell's
many achievements.
The production was directed by
Edward Stasheff, associate pro-
fessor of speech. Script was writ-
ten by William Cherniak, instruc-
tor in the English department for
academic year 1953-54.
Plan Shakespeare
Meeting Monday
Shakespeare - in the classroom
and in student productions-will
be discussed at the last meeting
in the Conference Series for Eng-
lish Teachers at the University at
4 p.m. Monday in Aud. C, Angell
Speakers will be Grace Field,
Central High School, Flint; Clar-
ence' R. Murphy, T. L. Handy
High School, Bay City; and Carl
G. Wonnberger, Cranbrook School,
Bloomfield Hills. A. K. Stevens,
assistant professor of English, will
act as chairman.
Services .. .
There will be Sabbath Services
at 8 pan. today at Hillel Founda-

Union Addition

Husband-Wife 'Team'
Speaks Here Wednesday

Time Out for Croquet

-Daily-Russ AuWerter
TORCH MAN - A worker at the site of the new Union addition
tries to keep cool ais he trims a sheet of steel with an acetylene
torch. Work on the wing continues despite the heat waves
which have engulfed the Midwest thus far this summer.
Increase in Volunteers Fills
Most of Michigan Draft Quota

LANSING (P) A surge of volun-
teers is filling most of Michigan's
draft quota, Lt. Col. Arthur A.
Holmes, state selective service di-
rector, reported yesterday.
"The number of volunteers is
picking up drastically," C o1.

Sales from Farmer Directly to Consumer
Open every SATURDAY -8 A.M. to 3 P.M.
DETROIT STREET - between Catherine and Kingsley

Holmes said. "Many high school
boys, knowing they face the draft,
have volunteered but wanted to
take their summer vacations first.
They will be ready to go in the
early fall."
Col. Holmes said it now appears
that Detroit vill be able to meet
its August and September draft
calls entirely with volunteers. The
remainder of the state will fill its
calls 80 to 90 per cent with vol-
unteers, he said.
The average Michigan call for
the next 12 months would be
about 1,100 men a month, Col.
Holmes said.
Col. Holmes also said that draft
quotas may have to be boosted if
a new Air Force recruiting pro-
gram does not meet expectations.
Camera Clinic
Planned Today
An opportunity for amateur cam-
era enthusiasts will be provided
at a special photographic clinic.
Lasting from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
at a South University camera shop,
the clinic will be conducted by
Barron Stilson, a factory represen-
tative of a. leading camera con-
cern. He will analyze visitor's
photographic problems, suggest
remedies and demonstrate the val-
ue of various types of equipment.
In addition, there will be a dis-
play of prize-winning photographs
in a recent nation-wide photo con-

A husband-wife team represent-
ing both labor and medical fields
will visit the University Wednes-
day to present their views on~
"Woman in the World of Man,"''
special Summer Session program.
Ewan Clague, commissioner of
labor statistics for the U.S. De-
partment of Labor, will speak on1
"Women in the Working World"e
at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angellf
At 7:45 p.m. in the same room,
,Vote Today
On Wheat
WASHINGTON (A) - W h e a t
growers vote today in a nationwide
quota referendum with just about
everybody predicting they'll go for
rigid controls designed to lop sev-
en million acres of wheat from thes
nation's overloaded grain supplies.
The nearly one million farmersj
who plant more than 15 acres of
wheat each are eligible to vote.
More than two-thirds of them
must favor the quota controls if
they are to become effective.
Reduced Allotments
Secretary of Agriculture Ben-
son already has reduced allot-
ments for next year's wheat pro-
duction to 55 million acres. That's
seven million acres less than the
1954 allotment. But the farmers
have the right to overrule Ben-
son's acreage reduction.
However, if they should vote
"no" to the marketing quota con-
trols today, they would cut their
Federal subsidy guarantee to 50'
per cent of parity on the wheat
they can't sell in the market.
If they vote "yes," they will get
the prevailing subsidy rate, what-
ever it may be when the 1955'
wheat crop is harvested.
The national wheat allotmentj
is apportioned among farmers
largely on the basis of past plant-
ings. A farmer must plant within
his allotment in order to be eli-
gible for government price sup-
port aid.
Likewise, the allotment is the
basis for marketing quotas. Sales
of wheat grown on acreage in ex-
cess of an allotment are subject to
a heavy cash penalty.
Right now, wheat farmers are
being guaranteed 90 per cent of
parity, which is the figure de-
clared by law to be fair to the
farmer in relation to what he has
to buy,
Call for Shift
President Eisenhower and Sec-
retary Benson have called for a
shift from the rigid 90 per cent
guarantee to a flexible system
ranging from 75 to 90 per cent of
This proposal has drawn bitter
blasts from many congressional
Democrats and some Republicans.
The Senate Agriculture Commit-
tee has voted to go against the
administration and continue the
rigid 90 per cent supportsfor an-
other year.
ThegHouse has taken a middle
ground, approving a flexible sub-
sidy scale guaranteeing 82/2 to
90 per cent of parity.
It works out this way in dol-
lars and cents: at 90 per cent,
wheat farmers now are being
guaranteed $2.24 a bushel. If the
drop is to 75 per cent, the guaran-
tee would be $1.87, on the basis
of present prices.
1I Tickets for the speech de-

partment production, "Mrs. Mc-I
Thing," Mary Chase's fantasy
written and portrayed through
children's eyes, are still on sale
at the Lydia Mendelssohn box
office from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
They are priced at $1.50, $1.10
and 75 cents. All performances
start promptly at 8 p.m.

his wife, Dr. Dorothy V. Whipple,
author and pediatrician, will join
him in a panel discussion on
"Women's Work Outside the
Other participants will be: Prof.
Grace Coyle, Western Reserve Un-
iversity School of Applied Sci-
ences; Margaret E. Tracy, pro-
fessor of personnel management;
and Fedele F. Fauri, Dean of the
social work school.
Mother of three children, Dr.
Whipple holds a M.D. degree from
Johns Hopkins and is a member
of the Academy of Pediatrics and
a licentiate of the American Board
of Pediatrics. In addition to her
own practice, she teaches in the
Georgetown University Medical
School where she holds the rank
of assistant professor.
A frequent writer for magazines.
she also has a syndicated column
on ch:?d care.
Commissioner of Labor Statis-
tics since 1946, Clague forrmeriv
was director of the Bureau of Em-
ployment, 1940-46; associate di-
rector of the Bureau of Research
and Statistics and Social' Sec'ur}-
ty Board, 1936-37, and director,
1 93'1 -40.
Women Head
'U' TV Shows
Costumes, Children's
Books oniProgram
"Articles of Adornment" and
"Telling of Children's Stories" will
be discussed Saturday at 1 p.m.
over WWJ-TV, Detroit, as Univer-
sity Television presents another
show related to the Summer Ses-
sion program "Woman in theG
World of Man."
Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu, associ-
ate curator of the division of the
Orient at the University's Muse-
um of Anthropology, will talk
about costumes and jewelry worn
by women in past centuries around
the world.
Modeling some of the garments
shown on the program will be
Emilie Hsie from Hong Kong,
China, a senior in the School of
Pharmacy. Included will be a rich
satin dragon robe, worn on semi-
formal occasions at court events
during the last dynasty in China.
On the second half of the show,
Frances Clarke Sayers, author of"
children's books and former Su-
perintendent of Work with Chil-
dren at the New York Library, will
talk about "Telling of Children's
Motion pictures showing the
dedication of the Beaumont Me-
morial on Mackinac Island will be
featured on the University's

DETROIT (N)-Chrysler Corp.'s
production came to a virtual stand-
still yesterday as the number idled
by a strike at its main Dodge plant
rose to 44,850.
Its work force of hourly rated
workers totals 66,000, but all as-
sembly lines had been shut down.
The Dodge plant produces parts
for other Chrysler divisions and
among those walking out with
Dodge's 10,700 workers four days

READY, AIM-Foreign students at the University take time out
from the press of the academic world to concentrate on a game
of croquet. The game was part of activity during a tea spon-
sored yesterday by the International Center.
Chrysler Production Halts;
44,850 Idled by Strike

In Detroit
EAST LANSINGA)-Juvenile de-
linquency in Detroit has been in-
creasing at a rate of 28 per cent
a year, the Michigan State College
government workshop was told
Inspector Ralph Baker, com-
manding officer of the Detroit Po-
lice Youth Bureau, said the in-
crease was a matter of growing
"There is a trend also," he said,
"from crimes against property to
crimes against persons, from the
'sneaky' act to one of violence."
Faster Than Nation
Sam Rabinovitz, executive sec-
retary of the Michigan Youth
Commission, said juvenile delin-
quency is increasing in.Michigan
faster than in the nation as a
whole. The number of crimes in-
volving violence also is on the in-
crease, he said.
One reason for the increase,
Rabinovitz said, is that courts are
now sending in more complete re-
ports on such cases and that more
juvenile delinquents are coming to
the attention of law enforcement
groups and other agencies.
"We still don't think our youth
are going to the dogs," he said.
"A vast number of them grow into
good citizens and the majority of
parents are doing a good job."
Kollen Concert
John Kollen, associate professor
of piano at the University, will
play an all-Beethoven concer ,in
the Rackham Lecture Hall Tues-
day at 8:30 p.m. The conicert is
open to the public without charge.
He will play "Sonata (Quais una
fantasia) in C-sharp minor," Op.
27, No. 2, "Sonata in A-flat ma-
jor," Op. 110, and "Sonata in D
major," Op. 10, No. 3.
The most effective means of
reaching students and faculty of
The University is the advertising
columns of The Michigan Daily.


(Continued from Page 2)
Clements Library. Women and Woman
in Early America.
General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-
Lane Hall Punch Hour. Meet friends
' lU 4C. 30 to 5:45n . m. Lane hall

ago were truck drivers who shut-
tle parts and bodies from plant to
Latest to be laid off were 8,850
machinists, motor builders and
maintenance employes. Like the
others they are members of the
CIO United Auto Workers Union.
Pickets ringed the big Dodge
Monday. Protesting the firing of
two Dodge trim department em-
ployes last Friday, they persuaded
others to stay away, although the
action hasn't yet received an O.K.
from UAW international head -


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_anctrelax.a:w LO0:a p.i . - --
regular television show Saturday Library. All students welcome.
at 5:45 p.m. over WWJ-TV, De-
troit. Events Today
Dr. Frederick Coller of the Uni-
versity Medical School will ex- Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
plain the value of Beaumont's Night, Friday, July 23, 8:30 p.m. Dr.
work as a pioneer in medical re- Freeman D. Miller will speak on "The
search. Dedication of the memor- Lure of Astronomy." After the illus-
iartoopeatnSa thrmdmy r-trated talk in 2003 Angell Hall, the Stu-
ial took place last Saturday. dents' Observatory on the fifth floor
will be open for telescopic observation
f Planets and Double Star, if the sky
S ~oci J~ir~et is (lear, or for inspection of the tele-
copes and planetarium, if the sky is
At N cloudy. Children are welcomed. but
A t mNew H gh iust be accompanied by adults.
Sabath Services at Hillel Foundation
NEW YORK UP) - Rumors of at 8 p.m. today. All students are wei-

The Rainbow Combo
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Special Attention Given
Ladies' & Children's Hair Cutting
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T.V. For Your Enjoyment

steel mergers touched off a buying
spree yesterday that sent the
stock market soaring off to new
highs since 1929.
Gains of $2 to $4 a share were
made in the steels, and substan-
tial price rises were scored in the'
oils, railroads, utilities, tobaccos,
metals, and other key divisions.
Wall Street rumors of a merger
involving Bethlehem Steel and
Youngstown Sheet & Tube, al-
ready two days old, suddenly
gained ground and sent all steel
stocks up sharply.
Bethlehem spokesman said the
company had no comment .
At the same time, Follansbee!
Steel anounced that unidentifiedF
interests were seeking to buy the
company's assets.I

Departmental Play, auspices of the
Department of Speech. Mrs. McThing,
by Mary EllenhChase. 8 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
Coming Events
Michigan Christian Fellowship.
Saturday, July 24. We invite you to
join us for a tour of Greenville Village,
The group will leave Lane Hall at 10
am. Transportation will be provided.
We will have a picnic lunch at the
village. Thte total cost for the tour is
fifty cents.
3 Sunday,.July 25. 4:00 p.m. Lane Hall.
Our regular meeting this Sunday will
consist of a panel discussion by a group
of Christian students. Topic for dis-
cussion: "The Meaning of Christ's
Death and Resurrection." We urge you
to join us. Following the discussion
there will be a tea. We hope to get
acquainted with each of you.

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