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July 23, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-23

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Latest Deadline in the State

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At Stalin Rites
(EDITOR'S NOTE-Early one morning last March, Eddy Gilmore got a fate-
ful telephone call. It told him that the official Soviet news agency was about
to issue a, bulletin on "the serious illness of Comrade Stalin." Gilmore was
the only correspondent of an American news agency to be in Red Square
when Stalin was entombed. He covered the news at the time-as fully as the
censors would allow. Now out of Russia, he is able to reveal some interesting
footnotes to the Stalin story.)
PARIS-(P)-The music finally stopped in Moscow's Hall of Col
umns-the pre-revolutionary noblemen's club-and they were jus
about ready to put the lid on Joseph Stalin's coffin.
Two persons stepped forward. One was a young woman, fairly
tall and sturdy of build. This was Svetlana, Stalin's daughter who had
been his housekeeper for the last several years.
The other was a short, broad-shouldered man in his early 30s,
Lt. Gen. Vasily Stalin, of the Soviet Air Force, the only living son of
the generalissimo.J
Together they approached the coffin.
SVETLANA LEANED over and kissed the face of her father
Vasily stood by, respectfully at attention. They hesitated a moment
as if uncertain what to do next, then moved away.
The lid went on the coffin. And what a lid.
Overthe dead dictator's head and face they had built a tran-
parent dome about a yard in diameter. Through it you could see
Stalin's features clearly. The lid, of metal, I suppose, hid the rest
of the body.
"What do you call that?" one diplomat asked another.
"It looks like one of those blisters they used to have on airplanes
during the war. A sort of dome for the gunner to see out of. Yes, it
was called a blister."
"But why such a thing on a coffin?"
* * * *
"SO THE PEOPLE can see that it's Stalin," answered another
envoy who'd been in Russia for a long time. "No mistakes are being
made. The people are going to see that it's Stalin they are taking to
the tomb in Red Square. They're going to eliIinate any chance of
-- speculation."
Western diplomats were invited to the reviewing stand atop
Lenin's Tomb for the ceremonies. President Eisenhower had been
up there for a parade when he was here just after the war, but I
don't ever remember seeing any other non-Communist Westerner
up there.j
The speaking began. Malenkov, Beria and Molotov. The first
spoke in a firm, clear, well-modulated voice. He was easily the best
public speaker among the Soviet leaders. The speech wasn't long. It
paid tribute to the dead Stalin. It was just about what one would ex-
pect with, perhaps, a little less emphasis on the up-to-now magic name
of the generalissimo.
y : . .
BERIA SPOKE in a well-controlled voice. A businesslike tone.
He had a Georgian accent and was not so easy to follow as Malenkov.
Nobody was heartbroken up to now. At least their voices did.
n't indicate it.
Then Molotov slowly walked to the microphone atop the tomb. He
hadn't uttered 40 words before his voice cracked. He had to stop.
Then he went on again. He seemed to be half speaking, half sobbing.
i S S S"
"HE'S REALLY grief-stricken," whispered a member of the diplo-
matic corps at my elbow.
"Yes," added another in a stage whisper, "perhaps he's sobbing
for himself."
One school of though holds that Stalin Intended Molotov to be
his successor. I wouldn't know about that one, and I think the
answer to it isn't likely to be bandied about for some time to come.
The speaking was over. More than 1,000 members of the massed
bands played the Soviet national anthem, or the hymn, as it's called.
THE LAST CHORD echoed through the vast stony spaces of the
square. An icy wind sighed in the fir trees beside the tomb that now
bore the letters, red on black:
Now came a pause of perhaps 20 seconds and then another sur-
prise. The band broke into a sprightly, lively tune. The soldiers be-
gan to march away. The funeral tone had vanished.
IMPORTANT PEOPLE clustered around the base of the tomb
were chatting. A few were smiling.
Vasily and Svetlana were standing together talking. Young a1 in
lit a cigarette. He said something to his sister. She smiled. They
didn't seem to know where to go or what to do.
Then a man came up. I was unable to see who he was. He
shook hands with both of them, accepted a cigarette from Vasily,
and then with gestures apparently invited them to enter the

By this time Malenkov, Beria, Molotov, Bulganin, Kaganovich,
Mikoyan and the others had gone.
"Strange scene up on the tribunal," I said to an ambassador I
know very well.
* *
"EDDY," HE SAID, "it's all very strange. But what did you
"Well," I said, "Molotov could hardly get through his speech. And
then there was Shvernik, the former President of the Presidium of
the Supreme Soviet, the country's President, sort of elbowed off in
a corner."
"It's obvious that he's had it," said the diplomat. "From
president to trade union head in one day. Quite a parachutist."
"And then," I added, "did you recognize the man in the marshal's
uniform? The one with the straight strong neck and the granite
chin. That was Marshal Georgi Zhukov back from the provinces to
the top of Lenin-Stalin tomb and deputy minister of defense at that."
d * * * *
ONE OF THE great Soviet war leaders, Zhukov had faded out of
sight up until that week. Nobody had seen him around Red Square
for years.
* A Fareign Offie nrotncnl nfficer came un and invited the

Ike Rebuffed
On Foreign
Aid by House
Billion Dollars
Cut from Request
publican-controlled House dealt
President Eisenhower a stiff set-
back yesterday as it voted to slash
$1,100,000,000 off the President's
global program for military and
t economic aid.
The chamber passed the aid bill
and sent it to the Senate where
some of the cuts may be restored.
The roll call vote on final House
passage was 288-115.
* * *
REJECTING an 11th hour plea
by the President, the House over-
whelmingly beat down Democrat-
ic-supported moves to give Eisen-
hower the amount he had re-
quested as an "honest minimum."
It approved a total of $4,438,-
670,000 in new funds. In addi-
tion, it authorized the admin-
istration to spend $1,758,010,179
carried over without commit-
ment from past appropriations.
But the chamber ordered the ad-
ministration to turn back $414,-
806,298 in carryover funds to the
U. S. Treasury.
$5,138,922,227 in new funds to bol-
ster America's allies and to help
some underdeveloped countries
with economic aid.
But the House, with Republi-
cans in firm control, strongly
supported its appropriations
committee in approving cuts of
700 million dollars in new funds
and more than 400 million in
carryover money.
The total reduction of $1,100,-
000,000 was split between 800 mil-
lion in military aid and 300 million
in economic assistance-including
both new and holdover funds.
Oxnam 'OKL'
Splits House
of the House Committee on Un-
American Activities split sharply
yesterday over whether they had
"cleared" Bishop G. Bromley Ox-
nam of any Communist affilia-
The committee, after an extra-
ordinary 10-hour session with the
bishop Tuesday night, unanimous-
ly adopted this motion:
"That the records of this com-
mittee show that this committee
has no rec'ord of any Communist
party membership or affiliation by
Bishop Oxnam."
* * *
BUT REP. Donald L. Jackson
(R-Calif.), who seconded the post-
midnight motion when it was of-
fered by Rep. Doyle (D-Calif.),
took the House floor yesterday to
say his vote "had nothing to do
with ':daring' of finding guilt."
-Asserting the committee had
no authority to pass judgment
on anyone, Jackson said:
"I wish to make perfectly clear
that my vote on the Doyle motion
was to the point that the commit-
tee had no identification of Bishop
Oxnam as a member of the Com-

munist party." I

er an angry floor battle, the
Senate yesterday voted to
award defense contracts with-
, out regard to unemployment
By a 62-25 vote, it approved a
rider to the 342 billion dollar
defense bill reversing the re-
cent policy of placing some de-
fense contracts in labor sur-
plus areas.
Still undecided were numer-
ous amendments seeking to in-
crease or decrease the funds
carried in the big bill for the
Air Force, Army, Navy and De-
fense Department.
Ike Reports
on Progress
of Progfram
WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi-
dent Eisenhower summed up his
first six months in the White
House yesterday by saying progress
has been made though not as mlich
as he had hoped.
New ideas and new people re-
quire time to get started, he said,
and there is some friction in such
a process. Anyway, he added, it
would be wrong to go too fast,
* * *
THE PRESIDENT, at his news
conference, also voiced reasonable
confidence in Korean truce pros-
pects in the face of new signs that
South Korea might yet torpedo ar-
mistice negotiations in their final
He said he still is hopeful a
reasonable armistice will be
signed soon, but he declared
that misunderstandings contin-
Stopping right there, the Presi-
dent declined to pinpoint the mis-
understandings or to talk about a
new American note to Korean
President Syngman Rhee. Nor did
he mention a fiery statement by
Rhee that South Korea will act on
its own unless the Chinese Reds
pull out of Korea within 90 days
after a postwar political confer-
ence begins.
AMERICAN food will remain
available in West Berlin for the
East Germans, he said, in spite
of Soviet resentment.
He said the 15 million dollars
worth of food was offered for hu-
manitarian purposes and it is dif-
ficult to understand objections to
feeding hungry people.
Vredoevoe Gets
UCLA Position
Director of the University Bur-
eau of School Services, Prof. Law-
rence E. Vredoevoe has been ap-
pointed Professor of education at
the University of California at Los
He will leave the University
Sept. 1 after having served as di-
rector of the University bureau for
almost five years and also as as-'
sociate professor of secondary edu-
cation in the School of Education.
Prof. Vredoevoe as chairman of
the Bureau of School Services, has
been in charge of the accrediting
of secondary schools, the testing
program in state high schools and
the Michigan State High School
Forensic Association.
He has also been chairman of
the Michigan State Committee ofc

the North Central Association of;
Colleges and Secondary Schools,
sincs 1949.

Rhee Backs Down on U.S.

Agreement for


Fights A ir
Force Slah
WASHINGTON - () - Sen.
Symington (D-Mo.), sparking a
last ditch fight against the admin-
istration's five billion dollar slash
in Air Force funds, shouted on
the Senate floor yesterday that
President Eisenhower is "no proph-
et" when it comes to America's
military needs.
And former Republian Sen.-
Morse of Oregon, who now labels
himself an Independent, joined in
the attack with the assertion that
Eisenhower has shown "very mis-
taken judgment" in the past.
THE BATTLE over the Air
Force budget - following up an
earlier fight in the House-erupted
with some heat as Republican
leaders drove for swift passage of
the administration's bill to pro-
vide 341/2 billion dollars for the
Army, Navy Air Force and Marines
over the 12-month period ending
next June 30.
After more than seven hours of
debate, the Senate tentatively ap-
proved all changes recommended
by the Appropriations Committee
but kept the door open for an ex-,
pected shower of amendments.
Symington's outburst against the
President's views on military
spending requirements came aft-
er Sen. Ferguson (R-Mich.) quar-
ter-backing the administration's
drive for passage of the bill, urged
the Senate to rely on "the sound
military judgment" of the Presi-
Pravda Blasts
Four Power
Europe Talks
MOSCOW - () - Pravda yes-
terday attacked what it called the+
motive of the three Western Pow-
ers in proposing talks with the
Soviet Union on Germany and
The paper, organ of the Com-
munist party, appeared with an-
unusual front page 4-column edi-
torial on the subject.
It was a major pronouncement
of the Soviet government on for-j
eign affairs.
The Western Powers - Britain,
France and the United States -
proposed July 15 after their Wash-
ington foreign ministers confer-
ence that Soviet Foreign Minister
V. M. Molotov meet, with them to
discuss the unification of Germany
on the basis of free elections and
conclusion of a independence
treaty with Austria.
Pravda said the three powers
wanted to use the proposed meet-
ing-which the West suggested be1
held about the end of September
-"For purposes which have noth-
ing in common with the interests
of strengthening peace, which have
nothing in common with the tasks
of diminishing tension in inter-
national relations."f

BIG HIT-Dorothy Lamour who has just sung and done the hula
for the thousands of Boy Scouts at the National Jamboree camp-
site in California is nearly mobbed by enthusiastic fans.
Of 'Birth of the Blues'

Singing, sleeping on the Mis-
sissippi River leviesand working
his way around the country in the
latter part of the 19th century,
W. C. Handy heard songs that
made other men the richest on'
"And that set me thinking,"
Handy explained yesterday in a
talk on the "Birth of the Blues"
as part of the symposium on Pop-
ular Arts in America.
A MEMPHIS, Tenn. candidate
for mayor running on a clean-up
ticket, hired him to play for his
campaign. So Handy and his band
introduced a new tune, called "Mr.
Mr. Crump got elected, this
1909 version of the blues became
the tremendously successful
"Memphis Blues" and Handy's
band put 56 musicians to work
playing the tune.
"Blues are the results of suffer-
ing, of certain injustices to the
people," the 80 year old composer
indicated. They are the attempt
to escape from one city to an-
other, one condition to a different

situation, the "father of the blues"
IN MEMPHIS, the three line
stanza about Joe Turner who lur-
ed away Negroes to peonage be-
came the structure of the blues.
A Handy blues number called
the "Yellow Dog Blues" written
in answer to' a question of a
popular song of the day over-
night rose to a top tune netting
more than $6,000. "Little blues
numbers result in large finan-
cial collections," he said.
Predecessor to the blues, rag-
time, was not too popular for a
while because it cut down on the
business of the bands of the day,
he said.
"But after these bands learned
to play it, the rest of the people
sanctioned ragtime as an accept-
able form of music," the veteran
composer noted.
In the same manner, blues be-
came popular when World War I
soldiers brought the taste for it
back from Europe and thought of
it as American music.

i' egoa LUVr
Keep Truce
Hopes Alive
ROKs Repulse
New Red Attacks
By The Associated Press
SEOUL - President Syngman
Rhee yesterday declared South
Korea would act on its own if Chi-
nese troops don't leave Korea six
months after a truce.
Rhee's foreign minister, Pyun
Yung Ta, said the basis for com-
promise worked out last monuth
between Rhee and Walter S. Rob-
ertson, President Eisenhower's
special envoy, had been destroyed.
NOW WE have to take our com-
promise back," Pyun said, refer-
ring to Rhee's written statement
not to obstruct a truce.
Rhee wasn't as emphato as
his foreign minister. He said
"If the United Nations does not
consider our desire for survival
we cannot regard the under
standing as binding upon us."
Meanwhile, Rhee's act brought
various reactions. Britain's acting
Prime Minister, R- A. Butler, ex-
pressed hock over Rhee's state.
ment. Clement Attlee, leader of
the Labor party opposition, urged
an emergency session of the UN
General Assembly "in view of the
tendency of Synigman Rhee And-
his government to run out of
their engagements."
DESPITE the turmoil created
by Rhee's statement, President
Eisenhower and Secretary of State
Dulles expressed confidence in
his government to run out on
signed soon.
The big question was whether
Rhee's threat would have any
effect on Red China's wiling-
ness to proceed with a truce.
Yesterday Peiping Red radio
called Rhee's statements "nothing
but a pretext to wreck the armis-
tice," and said the all-but-signed
truce was "in great danger."
THE GENERAL feeling at UN
truce team headquarters in Mun-
san seemed to be that the Com-
munists might take note of the
Rhee statement but would go
ahead anyway with the signing.
Panmunjom preparations for
the signing continued. UN and
Red staff officers were reported
virtually agreed at the end of a
marathon session on a truce
line which would reflect Com-
munist gains of five or six miles
in heavy fighting last week on
the Central Front.
Meanwhile, on the battlefront
American Sabre pilots shot down
three Communist MIGs in air bat-
tles over North Korea yesterday,
the Air Force reported, and South
Korean soldiers grappled with
Chinese Reds in a series of small
but stiff fights along the muddy
battle front.
Panel Debate
On, Censorship
Set for Today
The aspects of popular arts will
veer off to a new tack when the
symposium on Popular Arts in
America presents a panel discus-
sion of "Censorship and Popular
Literature" at 4:15 p.m. today in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Eighth in the summer series ap-
praising the mass media of com-
munication and their place in con-

temporary society, the panel dis-
cussion will be led by Eugene B.
Calder, chief assistant prosecuting
attorney for Washtenaw County;
Lyle Blair, managing editor of the
Michigan State College Press;
Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the law
school; Prof. Wesley H. Maurer,
chairman of the journalism de-
partment; and Prof. Allan Seager
of the English department.

Blues No Longer Spontaneous Says


* * *

Blues were sung in the Presi-
dent's office yesterday.
Singer W. C. Hany, on campus
for a popular arts symposium lec-
ture last night, stopped in to chat
with University president Harlan
H. Hatcher and demonstrated a
few blues techniques for him.
Later, the almost totally blind
composer.of "The St. Louis Blues"
said that jazz today has lost a bit
of the old-time spontaneous qual-
ity. "It wasn't written down then
so that there was space for impro-
vision-now there isn't," he ex-

jazz," he commented. "Musicians
may develop some new visual act
to go with it."
"Blues was a natural develop-
ment springing from the man
farthest down and his music,"
the veteran composer said. "Our
people have added a little more
to music than had ever been
done before.
Even before the Civil War, they
were singing four to nine tones for
every written note in sacred mu-
sic," Handy explained, "so that
when their grandsons played in
bands they put more into their


Churchill Plans To Change
RegencyAct forMargaret
LONDON-(I)-Prime Minister Churchill played cupid Tuesday
for Princess Margaret.
His government served notice it intends to change the rules so
Margaret will be free to marry Capt. Peter Townsend, a divorced com-
Under Churchill's instructions, acting Prime Minister Richard A.
Butler told the'House of Commons the government will introduce leg-
islation to amend the Regency Act of 1937.
* * * *
THIS IS THE act under which Margaret would become regent,
acting monarch, if Queen Elizabeth II, her older sister, died before
",the Queen's son Prince Charles,
now 4, reached the legal age 18
and could take over the throne.
In her own right, Margaret
stands third in line to the throne
Y behind Prince Charles and his
sister, Princess Anne.
Butler said the government
young musician began playing the hopes to end the "present deplor-
trumpet at 14 and by the time he able speculation and gossip." This
was 19 years old, he was teaching was a reference to widespread talk
his own band. about the romance of the 22-year-
*B*h iold princess and 38-year-old
THE BLUES man brought his Townsend,a handsome air hero of
own "Ragtime" band to Michigan the World War II Battle of Brit-
around the turn of the century. ain who is the father of two child-
Later he started his first blues ren.
band, a seven-piece group. The * * *
cornet and violin were the only solo A FORMER equerry aide at
instruments at that time, he ex- Buckingham Palace, he was shift-
plained. ed recently to the post of air at-
Handy wrote his first song in tache at the British Embassy in
1909 in the new medium, "Mem- Brussels.
phis Blues." "It was a little Rma ..i rM..a a ..f --


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