BOOK BURNING See Page 2 C,.r ars di Latest Deadline in the State ~~aiti r- -.-~- * a WARMER, THUNDERSHOWERS VOL. LXIII, No. 169 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1953 FOUR PAGES House Balks On Defense Reorganizing Ike's New Staff Plan Still Alive WASHINGTON - (P) - Th House Rules Committee yesterda3 shelved two bills aimed at stop- ping President Eisenhower's plar to increase the powers of th chairman of the Joint Chiefs o Staff. As a result, Chairman Hoffmar (R-Mich.) called a meeting of the government operations committe for 10 a.m. today to vote on a resolution to veto the entire pres- idential plan for reorganizing the Defense Department. UNLESS vetoed by either Hous or Senate, the plan will take ef- fect next Monday. Foes of the section on militar planning, which include numer- ous Republicans, have called it a scheme to create a "Prussian-type t suprere general staff." The government operations committee Monday had approv- ed two bills intended to side- step the reorganization law so as to cut out the offending sec- tion dealing with the Joint Chiefs while letting the rest of the plan take effect. Although, under the law, reor- ganization plans must be acceptec or rejected in one piece, the bills -' by Hoffman and Rep. Condon (D-Calif.) would amend the plan by allowing the Senate and House to approve them as ordinary legis- lative proposals. HOFFMAN announced late Tuesday that he had been re- fused a hearing in the rules com- mittee on te two bills. This has the effect of blocking House con- sideration of his proposal. As privileged legislation, resolu- tions either approving or disap- proving reorganization plans may be called up by an individua House member at any time for one hour's debate and a vote. However, if the government operations committee should vote out a veto resolution, foes of the plan would be able to tie up the House for two days of debate and argument. Eisenhower's plan of reorgani- zation of the Defense Department provides mainly for streamlining the agency and clarifying lines of authority. * * * REP. SHAFER (R-Mich.) told the House Tuesday, that "never, in my recollection, has a majority party and its leadership in the White House and in Congress been boxed in as neatly as has the Republican party and leader- ship in this instance." "The maneuver," Shafer added, "has reached the point where it threatens to put the Republican majority and its leadership in the position of rejecting the counsel and warnings of Herbert Hoover and embracing and endorsing the views of Dean Acheson, views re- corded by Mr. Acheson in a minor- ity report as a member of the Hoover Commission." Polish Captain Of Liner Asks West Asylum Tryouts Opportunities galore exist for summer students who at- tend today's tryout meeting for The Daily's business staff at 4:15 p.m. at the Student Pub- lications Bldg. Students who intend to con- tinue their Daily work next semester, stand a good chance of rapid advancement through summer work according to Business Manager Bob Miller, Grad. For those who care to work only this summer, Miller pointed out that The Daily pro- vides excellent practical busi- ness experience. Tryouts will do work on ad- vertising, finance and circula- tion. They will not be required to do any night work. Editorial staff tryouts will be called next week. Committee Nof To Call Tom Clark WASHINGTON -( P) - The House Judiciary Committee re- fused yesterday to subpoena Su- preme Court Justice Tom Clark for grilling about Justice Depart-! ment operations during his four years as attorney general. The vote was 22 to 5. Rhee To Re ove ROK Troops In _Event of Victims Mourned ByWest Germany BERLIN-(P)-Chancellor Konrad Adenauer told 125,000, sorrow-. ing Berliners, massed here Tuesday for a memorial service to the vic- tims of the East German revolt, that the men they mourned had shown the world Germans will never yield to Soviet tyranny. But the mills of Communist justice ground out death and prison. sentence for East German workers in the crushed June 17 rebellion. Long columns in Communist papers from 32 East German cities reported the sentences. * * * * TWENTY-TWO Germans, including the Communist mayor of Doebernitz, have been reported executed, according to Communist press accounts. After seven days of martial law ,150,000 Russian combat troops and 100,000 Communist police- SIke s hleat infantry still enforced an iron r rule. H3 The West German chancellor? spoke at a memorial service for} the "martyrs of freedom" in front " of West Berlin's black draped city. BRatified Throughout West Germany fac- tories and traffic halted. People stood in five minutes of silence. o Armistice with Reds Ohinese Attack As lickering Continues Chairman Chauncey W. Reed j X ACTTT1'fr7-T-'h (W-IHINGTidOherewas)ener s(R-Ill.) said there was gener- al agreement among committee, members that Clark is not im- mune and that Congress has the right to subpoena him. A major factor in the decision not to do so, Reed said, was the probable diffi- culty of getting a contempt cita- tion through the House in the event Clark refused to obey the subpoena. The issue came up when Clark declined last week to ap- pear voluntarily before a judi- V ciary sub-committee investigat- Lj ing the Justice Department. He said in a letter to Subcommittee Chairman Keating (R-N.Y.) that "preservation of the inde- pendence" of the judicial branch of the government was involved and that "the courts must be kept free from public contro- versy." The subcommittee wanted to question the former attorney gen- eral about seven cases in which his name was mentioned during the course of the investigation- not about any of Clark's activities as a Supreme Court justice. a The cases involved such things as outside activities of Justice De- partment lawyers and the handl- ing of alleged cases of vote and tax frauds. Clark told the sub- committee three of the cases had t been investigated by Congress pre- viously and in each instance "it was found that my actions were taken in good faith and in the public interest." Gale Joins Group Esson M. Gale, Director of the International Center, has accept- ed an invitation to join the ad- visory committee of the Aid Re- fugee Chinese Intellectuals Com- mittee. Congressman Walter Judd (R- Minn.) is chairman of the selectI advisory group. a w z~ii~cxau,4- ')- n i eu11 American Army flags and the House yesterday voted 310 to 75 to flags at Strasbourg's European approve President Eisenhower's Council headquarters were low- proposal to grant a million tons of ered to half staff. wheat to famine-stricken Paki- It was the most impressive dem- stan. onstration of national German The Senate has already ap- solidarity in resistance to Commu- proved a similar bill. nist oppression since the war. Adenaur said, "The whole i ,$ 4 ART PRINT LOANS-Art Print Loan Collection head Dorthea Leonard examines a print made available to students for summer rental. Prints may be selected today through Friday in the Rack- ham Gallery. Fifty cents will be charged for each print. House passage came after two days of spirited debate in which Republican and Democratic lead- ers joined in urging the move as a token of American good will and as a prop to U. S. foreign policy. * * *F LEADERS OF both parties de-j scribed Pakistan as a staunch U. S. ally in the cold war against com- munism, although Rep. Fulton (R- Pa.) contended that Pakistan has engaged in trade with Red China. Opponents criticized the grant as part of an "endless give-away merry-go-round." Several pro- tested that "political henchmen and rich merchants" would ben- efit more than the hungry peo- ple of Pakistan. The bill, besides being a meas- ure to relieve Pakistan, also is in a sense an American farm relief measure in that it reduces the big wheat surplus which tends to drive wheat prices down in this coun- try. * * * THE WHEAT, totalling 37 mil- lion bushels valued at about 80 million dollars, will be taken from surplus stocks gathered under the U. S. government's price support program. Under the bill, it is to be dis- tributed by the Pakistan govern- ment without cost to the needy. Those who can afford to pay, how- ever, will do so. The rupees thus gained will be used to develop Paki- stan agriculture to prevent future drought disasters. Political experts on campus con- trasted the relatively easy passage of the Pakistan wheat bill to the passage of the bill sending wheat to India. __ _ _ .. world has been shown that Ger- mans will not be slaves. The whole world has been shown that they will no longer bear ty- rany, that the method of totali- tarian rule over the Germans is past. OTTO GROTEWOHL'S East German regime counted up a stag- gering bill in crippled industries, riot - damaged cities, dead and wounded from the revolt. But the Communists boasted they were exterminating "nests of fascists, reactionaries, provoca- teurs and enemy agents" as fast as they found them. These was no indication when the Soviet command would sig- nal a gradual withdrawal of its forces to regular bases. The steel curtain around East Berlin was lifted by degrees, al- though an estimated 4,000 strike- ers were held in jail there. Two- way traffic was permitted across the sector border for east and western residents with jobs on the Jother side. Michigan Gas Prices Go Up. Another Cent 1IA UW Asks Cooperation In Legal School Probes ---------~~ By The Associated Press Urging that responsibility for preserving the freedom to learn and to teach be placed on the educational institutions themselves, the American Association of University Women meeting in Minneapolis, yesterday recommended that alleged violations of law be dealt with by "legally constituted law enforcement agencies and courts." The resolution was adopted by the group shortly after hearing an address by Dr. Harold Taylor, president of Sarah Lawrence Col- lege, Bronxville, N.Y., in which he said that in cases "the cooperation of the colleges with the committees'>-- ------_ jhas been such that teachers have i been ordered beforehand either to U N rbes heed the commands or face im-I mediate dismissal." Forced Labor THE NEW YORK educator said I that the generation of college stu- '-R d La d dents who are criticized daily as "the silent generation" are being GENEVA, Switzerland-{AP)-A taught to be silent from day to United Nations Committee report- day "by the actions and example ed yesterday that force labor as of those responsible for their edu- a means of political persecution cational development." was definitely established in the SEOUL - (P) - President Syng- man Rhee disclosed officially to- day he had notified Gen. Mark W. Clark he would withdraw the South Korean Army from Clark's UN Command if an armistice is signed now with the Communists. Earlier today two Chinese regi- ments smashed at Sniper Ridge and Boomerang Ridge on the East-Central Korean Front, but American and South Korean forces stopped one of the assaults. * * * THE COMMUNIST assaults, by some 6,000 to 7,000 men, broke a lull of several days which follow- ed last week's heavy Chinese of- fensive against South Korean po- sitions. Rhee made public a letter he sent to Clark dated last Saturday, June 20, in which he said: "The signing of the present armistice as it is will be con- sidered as a final official indi- cation of a drastic change in the relationship which we have been maintaining together so far. "I do not see then how the ROK forces can remain under your command, however regrettable to us." * * * RHEE'S LETTER to Clark con- tinued: "However, as you say, I prom- ised that I would let you know as a friend to a friend, when I have decided to withdraw our forces from the United Nations Com- mand. That understanding still holds good, as you will see in my World News Roundup By The Associated Press PARIS - Antoine Pinay Tues- day night gave up his efforts to form a new French Cabinet after two big political parties in the National Assembly had refused their support. Pinay was asked by President Vincent Auriol to try to end the long political crisis, now in its 34th day. The Popular Republican Move- ment a Catholic left-of-center par- ty with 89 deputies, told Pinay he could not count on many of its votes. The Republican Union and So- cial Action Group URAS deputies votes told him the same thing. NEWDELHI-The death of the powerful opposition leader, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, while a political prisoner touch- ed off street fighting and a mass funeral demonstration here Tuesday. Government lead- ers feared Mookerjee's Hindu extremists might resort to vio- lence. * * * WASHINGTON-Another slight rise sent the cost of living as of May 15 to its highest point this year, the Bureau of Labor Statis- tics reported Tuesday. * * * BERN, Switzerland -- An ad- vance party of the Swiss contin- gent for the Korean neutral armi- stice commission received orders Tuesday to leave for Tokyo on Thursday. last letter to you. And, as I said in it, I still hope I may not have to issue that directive of with- drawal. The prisoners of war is- sue is, however, not to be con- fused with that. It is something unrelated. As a matter of fact, when I made that promise you re- ferred to, I had no idea that I was going to release the loyal Korean prisoners. Rhee's disclosure of his letter to Clark served to place. even stronger emphasis on his pub- lic statement that South Korea would go it alone unless the impending truce terms are re- vised to fit his newest and most stiff demands. The defiant 78-year-old Presi- dent asserted "We don't care what the Communists and Russians think of it . . ." and stated pub- licly his price for a cease-fire just after Gen. Clark spent two days trying to get him in line. CLARK SAID after the meet- ing he was "encouraged." Allied officers reported details of the new action were meager. The new attacks began at mid- night. Both ridges are north of Kumh- wa, west of the sector in which the Chinese hit earlier this month in the biggest offensive in two years. Head of UN Pearson Hits Rhee Actions UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-(/P UN Assembly President. Lester B. Pearson yesterday accused Presi- dent Syngman Rhee of "shock- ing" conduct in releasing North Korean prisoners of war. He called on Rhee to co-oper- ate fully with the UN Command for an early and honorable ar- mistice. In one of the strongest mes- sages ever to go from a UN offi- cial to a chief of state, Pearson, who also is Canada's foreign sec- retary, grimly warned that Ko- rea's people will "suffer first and suffer most" if Rhee insists on going ahead without the UN. * * * PEARSON'S message was dis- patched through UN Secretary- General Dag Hammarskjold after consultations with some delega- tions. It drew an immediate ap- proving nod from the State Department in Washington. A spokesman said Pearson's views "accord with those expressed to President Rhee by spokesmen for the United States government." But dispatches from Seoul showed the aged Korean was standing his ground. He said in a CBS interview that "The UN authorities should thank me for releasing the prisoners instead of calling me a violator." Some UN delegates heard in surprised silence his terms for cooperating with the UN Com- mand. They were: A mutual se- curity pact with the United States; simultaneous withdrawal of both UN and Chinese forces from Ko- rea; resumption of the war if three months of armistice talks have no result. The UN Command promptly turned down those terms and the diplomats here seemed agreed that the UN never could approve them. * * * PEARSON and Hammarskjold will confer in Ottawa Friday on the situation and on plans for an Assembly meeting after an armistice is signed. The UN made no official note that yesterday was the second anniversary of the start of efforts for an armistice in According to Dr. Taylor, the executive branch of the govern- ment can solve "the problem of McCarthyism" by refusing to dis- miss competent individuals or change good policies "under thej vp ncure .uf irtrecnuuciuie i pressure of irresponsible a Michigan gasoline prices went mands." up another cent yesterday in the Attending the convention fr 13th increase in gasoline since the Ann Arbor were Miss Alice B removal of price controls in 1946. man, state secretary of AAU Following The Retail Gasoline Mrs. Arthur Brandon, state pre Dealers Association of Michigan's dent; and Mrs. W. W. Gilbe statement that the raise was n- president of the Ann Arbor cha cessary because of a 25 cent a bar- ter. Prof. Lila Miller. Universi rel increase in the cost of crude delegate and Prof. Margaret Ti oil, was the statement of Charles cey, chairman of the national con C. Lockwood, attorney for the mittee on fellowships are a Greater Detroit Consumer's Coun- present. cil, that there is no justification for the last two gasoline boosts.t The price of gasoline was jumpe Quartet To Ruii two cents just last month. ae- "om ;ee- rw, si- ert, ap- ity 'a- m- Llso Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Bul- garia and Romania. In these countries, the commit- tee declared, "A person may be sentenced to forced labor for hav- ing in some way expressed his ideological opposition to the estab- lished political order, or even be- cause he is only suspected of such hostility. In four other countries-Hun- gary, Poland, South Africa and Malaya - the committeefound laws permitting forced labor for political coercion also existed, but there was not sufficient evidence to establish whether or to what extent these laws were applied in practice. Forced labor for economic pur- poses also was possible-though not proved-under existing laws in nearly all the remaining Soviet satellites, as well as in the Aus- tralian Pacific island colony of Nauru, and in Spain, Kenya, thej Belgian Congo and some parts of the United States. . I , t LONDON-(P)-The captain of the Polish liner Batory, decorated NO WORD YET: by Red Poland for his part in the Eisler escape episode, has jumped: TT his ship and asked for asylum in U er Britain. Cwiklinski and his medical of-, ficer were not aboard when the 13.S . B o Batory left England last week end, but the escapes did not come to light until Tuesday night. State department directives ord- Officials here said the captain ering the removal of suspected had been traced and detained and subversive books from U. S. over- had asked for political asylum in seas libraries have not as yet Britain. reached the vicinity of Ann Arbor The captain's request for asylum or the University. in Britain is "under considera- A quick glance at the files in tion," offi ials said. the University General Library re- Responsible sources said later veals books by 12 of 16 authors their request for asylum undoubt- named specifically in one of the edly would be granted. confidential directives of the State Cwiklinski and his medical of- Department. According to a New ficer are the third and fourth fYork Times survey, these direc.- Poles to make a dramatic switch tives or orders called for the ban- _olesnto make a dramatic switch . f rp- Unaffecteder! J t u { t his identification with revolu- tionary causes. Prof. Gene Weltfish led the field of authors represented on Univer- sity shelves with 15 books. She was dropped as a lecturer in anthropology by Columbia Uni- versity after having refused last October to say whether she was or ever had been a Communist. Prof. Weltfish has also publicized Com- munist charges that UN forces had used germ warfare in Korea. The local Ann Arbor Public Li- * *' * "SOMEONE is making a whale' of a profit . - ." Lockwood said. His observations came on the heels of promises by State Rep. Edward H. Jeffries to bring swift investigation action against the major gasoline companies in- volved. A Michigan Legislature committee was slated to meet on July 7, to investigate last spring's price boosts. Now the committee has moved the first session to this Friday. Jeffries charged that Michigan's gaso- line price situation has gotten "completely out of hand." Pure Oil, Sinclair, and Standard Oil of Indiana were the three The Student Legislature Cinema; Guild will begin a four day run of Somerset Maugham's "Quartet" tomorrow. With shows at 7 and 9 p.m. at the Architecture Auditorium, the movie will run through Sunday. CITIZENS VS. OFFICIALS: Garbage Disposal Dispute Rages Irate Ann Arbor citizens and city officials continued the battle of iripn c nn n 0nrnnn ni ,4-.n ap nc HE POINTED out that although other methods of disposal of gar- most advantageous to citizens.' Meanwhile, the Seventh Ward