I PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1953 The Popular Minortt QINCE THE November elections, pro-Ste- venson publications have not forgotten that Eisenhower won with only 55% of the popular vote and that the Republican par- ty candidates fell far behind him in popu- lar appeal. By continually impressing the reader with the fact that the Republicans received only 28,346,500 votes for Congress while the Democrats won all of 28,585,771, these pub- lications infer that the American people prefer the Democrats. However, despite their self-praise, the Democrats have found it easy to fall into the usual pattern of the opposition. Al- though the Democrats shout accusations concerning Eisenhower's placing the party before the good of the nation, they seem to be losing their chance to prove them- selves as patriotic as the Republicans at- tempt to appear. Indeed the Democrats must share the ,lame with the Republicans for the lack of vociferous opposition to McCarthy's con- duct, for the tampering with foreign aid, for the potentially important defeat of Wayne Morse's seniority. Perhaps even the Tidelands Oil issue could have been fought more intelligently. This period of crisis Is no time for any party to assume self-righteous expressions of criticism. It is a time for men, even Congressmen, to present constructive sug- gestions for improving the government's position in domestic and foreign affairs. It is a time to stop- indiscriminate accusations against Congressional Investigating Com- mittees, and present a concrete plan for conducting the necessary investigations with the least possible harm to individual rights. Prior to being voted from power, Demo- crats were not as constructive as the nation considered desirable for solving critical problems. Unless the brilliance of Demo- cratic leadership reveals itself in something more than sneers, the public may awaken to the realization that the Republicans are doing no worse at accomplishing effective government than the Democrats, who talk so ably and help so little. -Leah Marks nYetepPeti9 tie 7?ew By 3. M ROBERTS, JR. Associated -Press News Analyst THE WORLD watched with sombre con- centration today for some tipoff on the likely course of events in Korea. The optimism which arose in Allied cir- cles after Syngman Rhee's reported agree- ment not to interfere with the signing of a truce was subjected to some revision as the Reds launched a great military offen- sive while continuing their dilatory tac- tics at the conference table. There was a revival of the old question whether the Reds had been talking truce with tongue in cheek all the time. How- ever observers were still inclined to blame the situation created by Rhee more than they did the Communists. There was no denying, however, the at- mosphere' of nervousness over the new Red offensive and the disclosure that Rus- sian-uniformed officers were advising if not actually directing the fighting. Most observers still credited the attacks to a Red desire to demonstrate to the South Koreans what would happen to them if they got any more ideas about fighting on alone. The attacks were directed against South Korean sectors of the front. But for two years the Allies have never lost sight of the possibility that the Reds would use the truce talks to build up for a final great effort to throw all Allied forces out of Korea. The situation in the truce talks is that the Reds are still insisting on the return of the North Korean prisoners liberated by Rhee's unilateral action. The Allies have-' n't got the prisoners and can't deliver them, and have told the Reds that if they want a truce they'll just have to forget it. The Allies also insist that, in an area of considerable human unpredictability, they've done all they can to assure the Reds that Rhee won't kick over the traces again. The Reds now have until tomorrow to de- cide whether they want to go ahead with a truce in that atmosphere. The Allies have- n't yet threatened to break off the nego- tiations again, but it is pretty clear they are getting fed up. Reports of American supporting units being cut off and wiped out in the new fighting, which seems to the Allies to be unnecessary since the settle- ment with Rhee, contribute to the impa- tience. In such a situation, the Communists can, if they are not careful, bring down on themselves a renewed all-out war in which the Allies, bereft of the hope of any. nego- tiated settlement, might be far less timid about their tactics than they have in the "You Sure This Doesn't Violate Any States Rights?" PERFORMER'S VIEWPOINT: Rewards of 'Active' Listening (Beethoven's String Quartet, Op. 18, No. 4) By EMIL RAAB Assistant Professor of Violin and Chamber Music and Second Violinist of the Stanley Quartet THE DEGREE of suc'cess of a musical re- cital or concert always is in direct rela- tion to the combined abilities and under- standing of a composer, interpreter, and listener. Should one of these fail, even slightly, to assume his proper responsibility in the creation of an ideal aesthetic exper- ience, the result would be something less than perfect. This is not to imply that anf- thing less than an ideal union of the three components would presume a totally unre- warding experience; actually, the absolute ideal is seldom attained. But it is valuable, indeed necessary, for each participant to aspire to the perfection of his own particu- lar function in order to enhance the possi- bilities of realizing the common objective. Broadly speaking, auditors of a musical composition usually fall into one of two categories: those who "hear," and those who "listen." "Hearing" music (in the restricted sense intended here) can, of course, be a very enjoyable experience, as in "hearing" the background music of a film. "Active" or "creative listening," on the other hand, re- quires strict attention to the business at hand as well as some knowledge of the parts played by both the composer and the inter- preter. The satisfaction and enjoyment thus gained by "listening" to music will be far greater since it will include intellectual responses plus the purely emotional or subjective reactions identified with "hear- ing." (It should be noted that the intel- lectual approach must be cultivated as a supplement to the emotional and not as its replacement.) Beethoven's Quartet in C minor, Opus.18, No. 4 will be performed by the Stanley Quar- tet in its second concert, of the summer series in the Rackham Lecture Hall on Tuesday, July 21. A cursory examination of the score reveals the composer's overall intention of creating a dramatically intense composition. The minor mode (the only quartet of Opus 18 in minor), sustained melodic themes (in contrast to Beethoven's usual practice of introducing short motives), and insistent rhythmic punctuations, spell a new direction of purpose for the thirty- year-old genius. The first movement con- cerns itself chiefly with the inter-action of two themes: the first in somber minor, and the second in major mode. This latter theme ,again proyes Beethoven's uncanny ability of evolving a contrasting melody which retains a curious relationship to its predecessor while maintaining its own in- dividuality and character. Subordinate tunes and hammered chords serve as contrasting materials and transitions between theme, So intense and dramatic is the first move- ment that the usual slow movement is omit- ted in favor of a light scherzo in fugal style. This was a decision made necessary by aesthetic demands. A further subtlety in this connection is Beethoven's choice of a light movement of reflective character rather than one of witty abandon. The latter would surely have been as much out-of-place as would a profound adagio. . * * * IN KEEPING with the generally serious mood of the quartet, the Minuet is more intense and dramatic than its name would imply. This is due mainly to three factors: 1) minor mode, 2) changes of har- mony occurring on almost every beat. and 3) strong accents placed on those beats which are normally considered "weak." This movement serves the function both of re- capturing some of the mood of the first movement and of leading smoothly into the impetuous last. In order to make this tran- sition even more convincing, the composer directs that the Da Capo (repeat of the minuet) be taken at a faster tempo. The last movement is written in the well-known rondo form in which the theme or sub ject matter reappears again and again after contrasting materials are introduced. Although marked a brisk "allegro," this exciting movement still retains its dramatic aspects by the use of devices such as the strong and insistent cadences and the sudden surges of dy- namics from the gently soft to the robust loud. Having studied the musical symbols and directions recorded by the composer, the interpreters now undertake the task of agreeing on a manner of recreating this music in a way that will make the inten- tions of both the composer and the perform- ers quite clear. It seems obvious that any art-form which requires a "middle-man" or performer for its presentation will be "in- terpreted" in different ways. This is, of course, inevitable and certainly, not unde- sirable. What is of utmost importance is that the performers beuentirely familiar with the composer's intent and that their per- formance, though influenced by their own personalities and time, be able to communi- cate the spirit of the composition. IN THE WORK under discussion, for ex- ample, it can be seen that, if Beethoven's intention to write a dramatic first move- ment and a contrasting light second move- ment is correctly assumed by the perform- ers, a decision must be made almost at the outset as to "just how" dramatic and "just. how" light. It is quite conceivable that two quartet groups may arrive at slightly differ- ent conclusions and yet either performance may seem "right." And, indeed, either may be! Hundreds of decisions of this kind must be made by a quartet when preparing a work for performance: many hours are spent in perfecting the technical aspects of "playing together" so that the ensemble will sound unified and the individual player's person- ality will be temporarily submerged for the good of the whole. Now comes the time for the listener (toward whom, after all, the composer's and performers' efforts are directed) to assume his proper role in the effort to realize an ideal aesthetic experience. He must try to grasp the composer's mean- ings, not only in their overall pattern, but in their subtleties as well. He must decide whether the performance is "just" or "right" in relation to the musical prem- ises set forth by the composer. .He must preserve an unprejudiced attitude espe- cially toward a performance of a familiar work so that he will not block the possi- bility of a new musical experience if such is forthcoming. (Evaluating performances only in terms of favorite records may be fatal to. the growth of one's aesthetic judgements.). The audience is seated; the stage is set; the lights are dimmed; the musicians are ready. The composer's work is done but looks to the performers and listeners for the successful culmination of a musical ex- perience. Who can tell, this may be the night! ) .. te s 4" ~ . 4 d x I: t f J a t t s I t i t t c i l 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSONj WASHINGTON-GOP Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois paused bya " the Senate desk of Margaret Chase Smith of Maine the othert day and remarked:° "I don't like this a bit, Margaret. I don't like this a bit." o Mrs. Smith, the first Senate Republican to take a stand againstE McCarthyism three years ago, didn't have to ask why Dirksen wasp worried. She knew. Though a member of the McCarthy subcommittee, Dirksen had ducked out of the meeting on J. B. Matthews; the anti-C Protestant. Yet he has to be elected in Illinois by downstate Baptist,s Methodist and Lutheran votes. Dirksen's worry is typical of other belated RepublicanF concern over McCarthyism. Because for years the backbone ofs the Republican party was Protestant votes in New England and the Middle West.F As a result, GOP Senators are even willing to take a closer lookA at other McCarthy committee agents-especially the two slapdash young men, Cohn and Schine, who zoomed across Europe last winters exuding drama and headlines at every stop.t Roy Cohn, who occupies the powerful position of committee coun- sel, is 26 years old, and got his first leg up the political ladder whenc U.S. Attorney Irving Saypool, a Tammany product, made him onet of his many assistants. Saypool wanted to be a New York State judgea and knew that Roy Cohn's father, who holds such a position-thanksF also to Tammany-could help him. He did. Saypool is now a judge., Single, unmarried, in good health, Cohn has never answer-E ed a draft call, has never had to. He is a member of the New York National Guard and also has "important business" in Wash- ington. However, when it came time to take the annual two-week compulsory National Guard training last summer, Cohn ducked out-on the excuse that he had "important business" in Europe.3 He went to Europe and took his mother with him. At that timet he was not counsel for the McCarthy committee. * * * * "VAUDEVILLE" PARTNER DAVID SCHINE, the other partner of the McCai h so-called "vaudeville" team, is a handsome, haughty 25-year-old kid with7 a dreamy look in his eye, who sometimes slaps Cohn around as if they were dormitory roommates. * Schine also managed to escape the draft, and for a time madeI motions of being an essential business executive. His father owns the Schine hotel chain, including the Roney Plaza in Miami, where Walterx Winchell spends his winters; the Boca Raton, also in Florida, and the Ambassador in Los Angeles. His father also owns the Schine theatre chain, largest independent circuit, operating in New York and Pennsylvania. Young Schine entered Harvard in the closing year of the war, 1945, managed to get a draft-exempt job in the Army Trans-' port Service, thus escaping military duty. Later he became an, executive of his father's Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, and when the Korean draft call got hot on his tail, he was classified as 1-A. However, he asked the draft board to authorize another physical examination in Governors Island, N.Y., where 'he was classified 4-F. The doctors ruled that he had a "herniated disc L4-5 (left ver- tebrae Nos. 4 and 5) with schizoid personality." Schizoid, according to Webster's dictionary, is a "type of phy- chosis characterized by loss of contact with the environment and by disintegration of the personality-which includes dementia praecox and some related forms of insanity." This is the young man whom Senator McCarthy made "chief con- sultant" of his committee without salary, but with power of life or death over other people's reputations. S* * * * TICKLISH SUBJECT SCHINE IS DELIGHTED to discuss his career-except when you get near the touchy question of his military service. Then he becomes just as evasive as a McCarthy witness. "Were you a merchant seaman or a Army enlisted man?" Schine was asked, after he explained he had served in the Army Transport Service. "No, I wasn't a merchant seaman,' he replied. "Were you in the Army?" "I had an Army assimilated rank." "What was your rank?" "Army Lieutenant." "What kind of work did you do?" "Customs, immigration, pay roll, personnel," he said -... "I wish you wouldn't make this one of those personal stories. Roy Cohn is a much better story. As a matter of fact I was in the 'Naval Merchant Reserve'." Schine said he then ran a radio station in Albany, N.Y. "Is this owned by your father?" he was asked. "I wouldn't say the company is owned by us. We are only stock- holders." NOTE-Schine got in his father's employes' hair to such an ex- tent that they sent a written petition to Selective Service urging that he be drafted. * * ., * BIG BUSINESSMAN Asked whether his service in the Army Transport Service had made him exempt from the draft, Schine replied: "I don't know. I didn't have to go at that time." The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editor.ial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sen tin TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceeding publication (be- fore 11 a.m. on Saturday). FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1953 VOL. LXIII, No. 101 Notices Graduate Students. The final day for, dropping courses without penalty will be Friday, July 17, 1953. English Department Graduate Pre- iminary Examinations. The examina- tions will be given this summer in the following order: The Beginnings to 1550 July 18; 1550-750, July 22; 1750- 1950. July 25; American Literature, July 29. All persons planning to take any of the examinations should notify the Secretary of the Graduate Commit- tee. R, C. Boys. 2622 Haven Hall, as soon as possible. Tickets are available at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office for the remain- ing plays in the Department of Speech summer series: The Country Girl and Pygmalion, $1.20 - 90c - 60c; The Tales of Hoffmann, produced with the School of Music, $1.50 - $1.20 - 90c. Box office open daily from 10 4.m. to 5 p.m. Students, College. of Engineering: The final day for Dropping Courses Without Record will be Friday, July 17. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after con- ference with the instructor. Personnel Positions with the Y.W.C.A. The Y.W.C.A. has several fine positions as program directors in various lora- tions throughout the country. For fur- ther information regarding these and other personnel positions with the Y.W.C.A., please contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, or call extension 2614. PERSONNEL REQUESTS The New York State Cvil Service Commission will hold examinations n September for various positions in the field of Bus. Ad., Conservation, Public- ity, Engineering, Social Work, and Health. Further information may be secured at the Bureau of Appointments. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., Baltimore, Md., has opnings for Civil Engineers in their Engineering Dept. August graduates are eligible to apply. The Michigan Civil Service Commis- sion has announced an examination for the position of Economic Research As- sistant II. Requirements include 1 yr. of experience in economic research plus a degree with courses in Econ., Statis- tics, Math., Bus. Ad. and/or Pub. Ad. or a Master's degree in Econ. or Bus. Ad. For applications, appointments, and additional information about these and other openings, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures FRIDAY, JULY 17 Symposium on X-Ray Diffraction. 1400 Chemistry Building "Fourier Trans- formation and X-Ray . Diffraction by Crystals," P. P. Ewald, Brooklyn Poly- technic Institute, 9:00 a.m.: "Experi- mental Studies of Crystal Structure: Methods for More Complex Structures, as Applied to Other Molecules," W. N, Lipscomb, University of Minnesota, 10:00 a.m. Speech Conference. Rackham Amphi- theater. Morning: 9:00 a.m., Demon- stration Debate; 10:00 a.m., "The Com- munications Program," Paul D. Bag- well, Chairman, Department of Commu- nication Skills, Michigan State College; 11:00 a.m., "Field of Speech: 1953," Karl R. Wallace, Chairman, Department of Speech, University of Illinois. Afternoon: 1:30 p.m., "How to Get a Job on Speech," Orville A. Hitchcock, Professor of Speech, University of Iowa; 2:30 p.m., "The Challenge of Education- al Television," John E. Dietrich, Asso- ciate Professor of Speech, University of Wisconsin. Summer Education Conference.,Schor- ling Auditorium. "Developing Demo- cratic Behavior Through the Elementary Curriculum," John v. Michaelis, Uni- versity of California, 10:00 a.m.; panel discussion, 11:00 a.m. Symposium on Astrophysics. "Galaxies, Their Composition and Structure," Walter Baade, Mt. Wilson and Palomar observatories. 2:00 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Building. , Radiation Biology Symposium. "The Chemical Groups Attached by Radia- tion," Henry Eyring, University of Utah. 4:15 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. Professor Louise Cuyler of the School of Music faculty will comment on the second Stanley Quartet program at 4:15 Monday afternoon, July 20, in Audi- torium D of Angell Hall. The actual pro.- gram will be played at 8:30 Tuesday evening in the Rackham Lecture Hall, and will include Beethoven's Quartet in C minor, Op. 18, No. 4, Ross Lee Fin- ney's Quintet 1953, in which Marian Owen, pianist, will join the Quartet; Mozart's Quartet in D major will close the program. The discussion by Miss Cuyler at 4:15 Monday in Auditorium D, as well as the concert Tuesday eve- ning in the Rackham Building, will be open to the general public. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Gladys Tor- res Lamountte, Bacteriology; thesis: "A Histrochemical Study of the Phagocy- tic Process," today at 1566 East Medi- cal Bldg., at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, Ruth Lofgren. Doctoral Examination for Samuel Ir- win, Pharmacology; thesis: "Charac- teristics of Depression, Antagonism. and Development of Tolerance, Physi- cal Dependence and Neuropathology tc Morphine 'and Morphine-like Agents irn the Monkey (Macaca mulatta)," toda 103 Pharmacology Bldg., at 10:00 a.m Chairman, M. H. Seevers. Doctoral Examination for Oswalt Harold Ganley, Bacteriology; thesis "Characterization and Fractionation o a Clostridium perfrigens "Type A Fil. trate," Monday, July 20, 1566 East Med. ical Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, D. J Faculty Concert: The University Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein, flute: Lare Wadrop, oboe: Lewis Coop- er, bassoon. Albert Luconi, clarinet, Ted Evans, French Horn, with Wilbur Per- ry, pianist, will be heard 8:30 p.m. Monday Evening. July 20, 1953 in Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Their program will include Bartos' LeBourgeois gentil- homme, Persichetti's Pastoral, Op. 21, Weis' Serenade, Mortensen's Quintet- ette, Hartley's Divertissement and Thuille's Sextett, Op. 6. It will be open to the general public without charge. stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte, violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will appear in the second program of the current summer series at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 21, in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Tile program will include Beethoven's Quartet in C minor, Op. 18, No. 4, Finney's Quintet (1953) in which the Quartet will be assisted by Marian Owen, pianist, and Mozart's Quartet in D major. It will be open to the general -public without charge. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30 -August 7); California water Color So- ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun- days. The public is invited. General Library. Best sellers of the twentieth century. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill- man Collection of Antiques of Palestine. Museums Building, rotunda exhibit. Steps in the preparation of ethnolo- gical dioramas. Michigan Historical Collections. Mi- chigan, year-round vacation land. Clements Library. The good, the bad, the popular. Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em- pire. Architecture Building. Michigan Chil- dren's Art Exhibition. Events Today' President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher's reception for the faculty, honoring the visiting faculty members, from 8 until 10:30 at the Michigan League. Packing Party. Clothing for the Free University of Berlin will be sorted and packed at Lane Hall from 3 to 8 p.m.- Come for an hour or more. The Unitarian Student Group invites all local young liberals to an informal unprestructisred meeting at 8:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw Avenue. For transportation from cam- pus meet at south entrance of the League at 8:15 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Hillel Foundation. Friday evening services at 7:45 p.m. Saturday morning services at 9:00 a.m. Everyonewelcome. SL Cinema Guild Summer Program. Cary Grant-Josephine Hull in "Arse- nic and Old Lace." Walt Disney's "Seal Island." cartoon: "Mexican Joyride." Showeing at 7 and 9 p.m., Architecture Auditorium. Punch Hour at Lane Hall. 4:45 to t p.m. Everyone welcome. Corning Events Next week the Department of Speech will present Clifford Odets' new Broad- way success, Tie Country Girl. This ex- citing drama of the back-stage life of an outstanding actor and his wife will be directed by Monroe Lippmaun, chairman of the Department of Theatre and Speech at Tulane University and guest director this summer in the Uni- versity of Michigan Department of Speech. The Country Girl opens Wednesday night, July 22 at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and plays through Saturday night, July 25. Hillel Foundation: Friday evening services at 7:45 p.m. Saturday morning services at 9:00 a.m.,Everyone welcome. Hillel Foundation: Open House on Sunday, July 19, at 8:00 p.m. Music, dancing, refreshments. Everyone wel- come. The Russian Circle will meet Mon- day night, at 8:00, in the International Center. The program will feature a play by the Malenjkii BoIjsho Teatr Group. Russian folk-song singing, Rus- sian games, and refreshments. All those interested In Russian are cordially in- vited to attend. IF I OWNED Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell. -Gen. Phillip Sheridan I 11 CURRENT MQIt i/ iEo~i Architecture A uditorium ARSENIC AND OLD LACE, with Cary Grant UNDOUBTEDLY one of the zaniest pic- tures ever to come from Hollywood, Cary Grant mugs his way through insanity, mur- der, and marriage. The plot centers around the murderous ad- ventures of two quite genteel but thoroughly eccentric old ladies who poison lonely old men as a form of charity. However, a sane nephew, a drama critic, interrupts their charity drive and attempts to cover up the crimes. Amidst the wailings of his forgotten bride,*charges up "San Juan Hill" by one demented brother, and the intrusion of another in- sane -brother and his mad doctor friend, our hero manages to muddle his way through to a happy ending, in which every- one either ends up at a rest home, insane asylum, or on a honeymoon. Cary Grant has one of his finest roles in this film and does a splendid job as the sane nephew. His facial expressions are really quite wonderful in spots, although he tends to overact somewhat. But in such a medium as light comedy, Grant shows his genuine ability to carry his audience into a world of frivolity and laughter. The two aunts, Josephine Hull and Jean At the Michigan.. A QUEEN IS CROWNED, a feature-length documentary record of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. WHILE THE above feature has been ad- vertised as merely an incidental added attraction to a sentimental and harmless potboiler called "It Happens Every Thurs- day," unquestionably it is the only thing of interest on the. Michigan bill this weekend. For some reason, however, although it plays last, it was not expected to appeal to student taste and was consequently neglect- ed in the advances. Apart from the weird psychologizing of the exhibitor, "A Queen is Crowned" turns out to be a bold and colorful presentation of the by-now familiar pageant of coro- nation which took place in London last month. The newsreels have worked Eliza- beth's six hour ordeal to death by this time, but this is the piece de resistance. This is the full-scale J. Arthur Rank pro- duction with narrative by Christopher Fry, read by Sir Laureflce Olivier. That the effort should turn out to be a deeply sen- sitive record of this symbolic occasion comes as no surprise. Fry's lines are used sparingly but with well his own words but those of a more revered calculated effect; indeed Fry begins not with craftsman, William Shakespeare, whose "happy breed" speech from Richard II, as delivered by Olivier, sets the tone for this tribute to exaulted faith and constancy, } z A 1 SixtyThird Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staf Harland Britz .........Managing Editor Dick Lewis............sports Editor Becky Conrad........... Nigpt Editor Gayle Greene .......... Night Editor Pat Roelofs......... Night Editor Fran Sheldon ....,..... ...Night Editor Busin7ess Staff Bob Miller Business Manager Dick Alstrom Circulation Manager Dick Nyberg..... Finance Manager Jessica Tanner.. Advertising Associate Bob K(ovacs...- Advertising Associate 0 I- T. I '