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July 17, 1953 - Image 1

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VOL. LXIII, No. 19-S -




FOU vr sPaGEwSr


UN AttemptQ
To Culminat<
Talk Freeze
Parley Recesses
Until Tomorrow
*MUNSAN - (AP) - A new U
move to break the armistice dead
lock and get a truce signed wa
under study yesterday in Peipin
and Pyongyang.
The surprised Red truce tear
recessed the Panmunjom talks ur
til tomorrow - undoubtedly fc
consultation higher up-after
24 - minute secrecy - surrounde
meeting with the UN team yester
IN WASHINGTON, authorita
tive informants said Lt. Gen. Wil
liam K. Harrison, chief UN teuc
delegate, handed the Reds a fir
demand that they agree at onc
to take steps necessary . for
prompt signing. These sources sai
the statement had "an air of fi
nality" about it and plainly im
plied the UN side was "fed up
with Red stalling tactics.
But Washington said the Reds
were told to think it over a day
or two.
There was no doubt the Red
were caught by surprise. The Re
team arrived promptly to open th,
talks at 11 a.m. yesterday, the
had to stand around for 15 min
utes "while a last-minute messag
arrived by helicopter for Harrisor
THE UN CHIEF delegate re
portedly had walked out of Wed
nesday's meeting after bluntly tell
ing the Reds the time, had com
to sign or break off the talks. The
the word.,went out that yester
day's session would be the show
down to "make or break."
But the session, after a de-
layed start, went off smoothly
and briefly with the Reds ask-
ing and getting a recess until
early tomorrow. In the past,
such recesses have foreshadowed
a decisive turn in the negotia-
Gen. Mark Clark, UN Far Eas
commander, flew from Tokyo tc
Korea yesterday and was closete
in Seoul with South Korean Pres-
ident Syngman Rhee.
Informants in Washington saic
Gen. Harrison is understood tc
have carried opt instructions and
told the Reds they now have suf.
ficient assurances Rhee will co-
operate in observance of the truce
In east-central Korea, the fight-
ing that raged along a 20-mile sec-
tor still was looked upon by UN
officers as primarily a Red effort
to discourage the South Koreans
from any thought of fighting
north alone after a truce.
Strike Stops
East German
Rubber Plant,
BERLIN - (A') - Fourteen
thousand workers at East Ger-
many's largest synthetic rubbei
plants have gone on a new anti-
Government strike, the U.S. gov-
ernment radio station in Berlin
reported last night.
The radio, Rias, said the work-
ers opened a sit-down campaign

Wednesday at the Soviet-owned
Buna Works, near Halle, and con-
tinued it yesterday despite inter-
vention by Communist police.
* * *
THE WORKERS demanded re-
Slease of all political. prisoners, in-
cluding those arrested in the East
German revolt June 17, resigna-
tion of Communist Premier Otto
Grotewohle's government, and free
"A delegation of workers ne-
gotiated without result with the
Soviet general director of Buna,
Markevich," Rias said. "People's
police units appeared at the
works after the sit-down started,
but did not succeed in compell-
ing the resumption of work."
A slow-down demonstration
against the Red regime was re-
ported underway at the famous
Zeiss optical plant at Jena. It
came after the Soviet command-
ant temporarily broke a strike

NEW OFFICERS-Fred Pickard, '52 BAd, (left) and Leonard Wil-
cox, '52, were both recently commissioned as Ensigns in the U.S.
Navy at Newport, R.I. After brief leaves, both will be assigned
to shipboard duty. Pickard played end on several varsity football
teams while an undergraduate. Wilcox distinguished himself as
a two-time president of the Student Legislature.
Akzin Tells of Israel's
Constitutional Question
"The Law of the Land in Israel is as yet a patchwork" according
to Prof. Benjamin Akzin, Dean of the Hebrew University Law School
in Jerusalem.
In a talk yesterday Prof. Akzin called the development of a work-
able constitution the major problem confronting the lawmakers of
Israel at the present time.
. *
HE SAID that the main question to be answered before the
construction of a constitutional framework for the republic could

Valerio Dies
After, Illness
Noted artist and teacher Prof.
Alessandro Mastro-Valerio of the
architecture college died at his
home yesterday.
The 65-year-old professor had'
been ill for the past five months.
A national leader in the field of
mezzo tinting, Prof. Valerio de-
veloped the copper plate process
similar to half-tone photoengrav-
ing into an art particularly rich
in black and white gradations..
THE PROFESSOR of drawing
and painting also distinguished
himself working in oil, watercolor,
etching and wood-engraving.
In 1951, Prof. Valeria was
elected an associate of the Na-
tional Academy of Design. His
prints were chosen for publica-
tion in London in Best Prints of
the Year 1936-37. Prof. Valerie
held a one-man exhibit in the
Smithsonian Institute in 1936.
His work is represented in per-
manent collections of the Library
of Congress, Smithsonian Insti-
tute, New York Public Library,' Los
Angeles Museum and Newark Pub-
lic Library:
"In the quarter of a century he
worked with us, Prof. Valerio built
himself solidly into the life of the
college," Prof. Jean Paul Slusser,
director of the Museum of Art, said
A native of Foggia, Italy, Prof.
Valerio joined the University staff
in September, 1924 as an instruc-
tor. In 1931 he became assistant
professor and in 1938 an associate
Prof. Valerio, also a renowned
portrait painter, married Nola El-
len Manchester of Ypsilanti in
1924. He is survived by his widow
and two daughters.
Funeral services will be held at
2:30 p.m. tomorrow in St. An-{
drew's Epsicopal, Church.

be completed is whether a written
document is necessary or not.
Prof. Akzin stressed the facts
that a written constitution pro-
vided a higher degree of authority
than ordinary legislation, protect-
ed the individual against unfair
legislation and "provided one short
document naming the main princi-
ples of government."
* * *
THE EXISTENCE of the single
document he said "makes it easy
to rally the people for ideological
He questioned whether it was
of greater importance to anchor
the framework of governmentk
"the general political, social and
cultural rights which character-
ize the state, "into a special per-
manent document or.to "leave it
free to adjust the law of the land
to experience."
Pointing out that in Israel the
different economic, social and re-
ligious backgrounds of the people
tended to make them a completely
diverse group, Prof. Akzin ex-
pressed some doubt that any such
rigid national ideology would be
able to protect every group satis-
** *
HE USED the American Articles
of Confederation as an example of
a hastily written constitution that
proved unsatisfactory, and brought
the problem into the present by in-
dicating the upheaval in the Near
Eastern countries surrounding Is-
"In these countries the consti-
tution often seems to be the last
stable part of government," he
said. "Every time a new man steps
into power he abolishes the exist-
ing document and enacts a new
one of his own.
"Constitutions have become fa-
shionable," however, Israel does
not want one of these fashionable
but short-lived constitutions, he
Instead of stating what the in-
dividual can do, it is assumed that
he has a right to "do anything not
actually forbidden by law," he
The republic, a uni-cameral par-
limentary set-up lacks the Amer-
ican governmental tradition of ju-
dicial review. This is unnecssary,
Prof. Akzin explained, since the
country has no constitution by
which to judge law.

Foreign Aid
Request Cut
By Solons
WASHINGTON - (R) - Appar-
ently unswayed by a White House
breakfast, members of a House
appropriations subcommittee were
reported yesterday to have slashed
$1,100,000,000 out of President
Eisenhower's foreign aid program.
The cut, if sustained by the full
committee tomorrow, will present
the House next week with a $4,-
057,232,500 appropriation bill in-
stead of the $5,157,232,500 top lim-
it authorized by Congress in a
previous measure.
ceived the President's signature
yesterday, but it merely sets a
ceiling above which the appropria-
tions committees may not go.
The President himself, it was
disclosed, has trimmed his for-
eign aid requests to $5,124,512,-
132, or $32,720,368 less than the
authorized figure. The Budget
Bureau said this was accom-
plished by a re-examination of
uncommitted funds on hand.
Eisenhower, whose original re-
quest was for $5,400,000,000, had
members of the subcommittee in
for breakfast Wednesday.
HOWEVER, members of the
House group said they decided to
knock out 800 million dollars of
military aid and about 300 -mil-
lion in economic and other finan-
cial assistance to non-Soviet na-
The cut was achieved, they said
by eliminating 700 million dollars
of new appropriations and cancel-
ing 400. million in previously ap-
propriated but unspent funds.
It was the third financial set-
back for the Eisenhower adminis-
tration in two days. Wednesday,
with some Democrats fighting on
Eisenhower's side, the House vot-
ed to cut funds for the State De-
partment's Voice of America pro-
gram and for civil defense.
The funds are for the fiscal
year ending next June 30.
Doctor Flown
To 'U'_Hospital
A trying day for a young polio-
stricken Army physician was com-
pleted here yesterday.
The patient, First Lt. William
H. Owens of Detroit, endured a
three-hour flight in a new light-
weight iron lung from Walter Reed
hospital in Washington to the
University Hospital.
Being a physician himself, Lt.
Owens was apprehensive about the
disease as well as the new lung,
especially designed for air trans-
"THE WEATHER was fine," re-
ported Capt. G. B. Schroering,
flight surgeon of the School of
Aviation Medicine at Randolph
Field, Texas. "But it was as rough
a trip as I've handled because of
Lt. Owens' apprehension."
Lt. Owens, son of Dr. Clar-
ence Owens, chief pathologist
at Grace hospital in Detroit,
was transported in a military
air transport service plane and
rushed to the respiratory center
at University Hospital on arri-
val at nearby Willow Run air-
port shortly before noon.

He was transferred into a con-
ventional iron lung, where he will
rest for a "couple of months," be-
fore transferral to a Veterans Ad-
ministration hospital in this area.
The new type lung weighed
about 150 pounds, compared to
%the 1,800 pounds of regular models.

R Chinese

SPACE MAN IS MONKEY - Dr. W. A. Mickle, anatomy professor at Emory College in Atlanta, Ga.'
(Right), examines the body of what was alleged to be a "space man." It all summed up to the fact
that the creature was just an ordinary earth monkey from which-the hair had been removed by the
use of hair remover. Two Atlanta barbers and a butcher, who is looking on, reported the wierd look.
ing creature had been killed by the car in which they had been riding.
Kremlin ShakeupStrikes Ukraine


LONDON -(i')- The Kremlin's
big shakeup already jolting East
Germany, spread to the Soviet
Ukraine yesterday.
Another lieutenant of Lavrenty
P. Beria, the ousted Russian dep-
uty premier and police boss, was
* * *
job of interior minister, with its
control over Ukranian security
forces. He was appointed only last
* * *N.



There were signs, meanwhile,
that the Red Army might be
backing Premier Georgi Malen-
kov in his bid to secure the-
reins of power. The role of the
army since Premier Josef Stal-
in's death has been vague and
open to all sorts of speculation.
Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, So-
viet defense minister, addressed a
recent meeting of the ministry's
Communist Party workers at which
a report on Beria's ouster was
read, it was disclosed yesterday.
* * *

Soviet Press Announces
Two Personnel Changes

BULGANIN was "warmly greet-
ed" a M6scow broadcast reported
without stating what he said.
Other military leaders also ad-
dressed the meeting, .including
Marshals Georgi Zhukov, Leonid
Govorov, Semyon Budenny, and
Adm. Nikolai Kuznetzov.
The course of the purge indi-
cates the Communist Party, with
the aid ofwhat 'ravda now calls
"the Army Communists" is in
the saddle.
More than 80% of the Soviet
Army officers are nominally mem-
bers of the Communist Party, but
many cannot be considered mem-
bers who put party affairs ahead
of their professional jobs.
* * *
A TERSE broadcast by the Kiev
radio announced that the Ukran-
ian Supreme Soviet had replaced
Menshik with Timothy A. Stro-
kach. Strokach had held the post
of Ukranian interior minister from
1946 to last April.
It was the second major shake-
up in 24 hours. The Moskow radio
announced Wednesday the ouster
of Vladimir G. Dekanozov, inter-
ior minister in Beria's home re-
public of Georgia, from the Com-
munist Party. Presumably he was
fired as interior minister as well.
Dekanozov was accused simply
of being a Beria follower. The
same charge presumably applied
to Menshik.

One Surge
Kills 300
Chinese Continue
Great Offensive
SEOUL - (P) - Chinese Reds
hurled a 17,000-man counter-
punch at the vital Kumhwa road
junction of the Korean Central
Front yesterday, but valiant South
Korean soldiers checked it by mid-
The Chinese made their new at-
tempt after falling back in the
bloody Kumsong bulge just to the
east, where American officers said
therewere unconfirmed reports of
Russia~n uniformed officers advis-
ing some Chinese division com-
* * *
THE KUMSONG bulge pull-back
by the Reds was forced by Repub-
lic of Korea troop counter-attacks
and devastating air strikes. Be-
fore they back-tracked, the Red
forward progress had been so pow-
er-packed that in one instance an
American artillery battalion was
overrun with 300 men killed or
The Reds, recklessly spending
manpower, still maintained their
pressure in the greatest Com-
munist offensive In two years.
The Chinese, estimated at near-
ly two divisions, swarmed. dwn
Sniper Ridge and hills to the east
in their new assault toward Kgm.
hwa last night. They rolled .into
the valley that leads to the ruined
and deserted town sitting in the
center of the 155,-mile hattleline.
* * *
MAJ. JOHN Eisenhower, the
President's son and a staff officer
at the front, said the renewed
Chinese attacks "can be taken care
of all right." But he added: "You
can't tell what might happen."
The ROK push in the Kum-
song bulge made steady gains
after a day of heavy support
from Allied warplanes.
The 5th Air Force said Allied
pilots flew 1,250 sorties yesterday
dumping more than' 1,000 tons of
bombs in the bulge area.
* ** *
{ SECURITY regulations would
not allow disclosure of the width
of the ROK effort to regain ground
lost when the Reds steamrollered
south early this week.
The ROKs were whipped into
fighting spirits by a message
from their President, Syngman.
Rhee, and visits by top ROK and
U. S. Army commanders.
Rhee told his fighting country-
men "not to yield even one inch
of ground regardless of its im-
The ROK chief of staff, hard-
boiled Gen. Sun Yup Pak, made
helicopter descents on ROK posi-
tions and tongue-lashed any offi-
cer or soldier he considered slop-
pily dressed or inactive.
"I say stay, fight," Gen. Paik
barked. "We must fight and throw
them back."
Gen. Mark Clark, United Na-
tions commander in the Far East,
flew over from Tokyo. He and
Gen. Maxwell Taylor, 8th Army
commander, visited the Kumsong
sector and talked with Gen. Palk.

FBI Gets Thief
DETROIT-()P)-The FBI said
last night that Harold Loyd Mock,
32 years old, of Pontiac, had been
picked up in New York as he
alighted from a plane and had
admitted the $42,000 one-man
holdup of the Auburn Heights
branch of the Pontiac State Bank
on Tuesday.

MOSCOW - (A') - The Soviet press.
appointment of Vyacheslav Malyshev as
ministry-that of medium machinery.

yesterday announced the
head of a new Cabinet

It was announced two days ago that Malyshev had been re-
lieved as head of the ministry of transport and heavy industry.
* * * 4
HE WAS replaced by Ivan Isidorovich Nosenko.
f Yesterday's announcement recalled the previous disclosure
of the shift in the transport and heavy industry ministry.
Another official announcement told of the appointment of Ana-
toli Lavrentiev as Soviet ambassador to Iran, replacing I. V. Sadchikov.
THESE PERSONNEL shifts seemed of considerable significance,
even though they were in very different fields.

Psychologist Deplores Popular Arts

The funeral-baked meats of
great art seem to lose quite a bit
of their flavor when they become
the cold cuts of popular art, Prof.
Bruno Bettelheim of the educa-
tional psychology department of
the University of Chicago asserted
Speaking at the fifth lecture of
the summer symposium on Popu-
lar Arts in America, Prof. Bettel-

into a consumer's product," he
noted, "the same art object ex-
perienced in a different way."
For the masses it becomes ego-
deflating; while it had enhanced
the ego of the elite for which it
had been created, he said.
In this manner, art which could
have been lived up to becomes
escapist art, the professor ex-

Yet the purpose of education
is to teach a child what emotions
he must control and what he
can let out, to strengthen the
mastery of his ego, Prof. Bettel-
heim explained.
Commenting on censorship, the
professor remarked that when
demonstrations of sex were scored
as tabu in movies, acts -of sadism
and violence were thrown in as an


The Moscow dispatches telling
of Malyshev's ouster from his
other job last Monday had been
held up for hours by censors and
several sections of them never
penetrated through the iron cur-
tain of censorship.
There had been no mention in
those dispatches whether Malyshev
had been dismissed in. disgrace or
would be shunted into some other
job. Nevertheless, the original an-
nouncement, coming so soon after
the downfall of Secret Police Boss
Lavrenty P. Beria, naturally raised
questions among Western diplo-
mats as to whether it was part of a
wider purge. It now appears to
have been no worse than a demo-
Machinery is a new one. Maly-
shev's old job was one of the 10
top-ranking in the Soviet Union.
Observers felt that the fact
that Malyshev heads it indicated
it is of considerable importance
as a ministry.
Earlier yesterday the Kremlin
announced that, while almost all
industrial. ministries had made at
least 100 per cent of the goal for
the first half of 1953. Malyshev's
old ministry had reached only 99.

Democratic Trio Asked
Back bySen._McCarthy
WASHINGTON - (RP) - Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) figuratively lit
the lamp in the window yesterday inviting the return of the three
Democrats who quit the Senate investigations subcommittee in angry
protest over his "one-man rule."
McCarthy dispatched the hatchet-burying appeal in letters to
the Democratic trio, but he told newsmen:
"I don't think they will come back."
*. . * -*
THE DEMOCRATS strongly indicated that McCarthy was right.
Sen. McClellan (D-Ark), who led the walkout last Friday, told
reporters he has not yet read McCarthy's letter, but he declared
with some finality:
"The chapter is written so far as I am concerned, and I am not
going to write a new chapter."
Another of the trio, Sen. Jackson (D-Wash.) said he agreed with
* * * McClellan and was sure that the
third member, Sen. Symington (D-
Mo.) did too. Symington could not
be reached immediately for com-
* * *
LATER, the threat of a Demo-
cratic boycott appeared even clear-
«=>..,. : ' er. This developed when McCarthy,
presiding over a meeting of the




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