WILLOW RUN RESEARCH STUDY See Page 4 Lill 4 itr 1 :4a I4 "i' " :Y4 * Latest Deadline in the State THUNDERSHOWERS VOL. LXIII, No. 17-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1953 FOURIIPAGES FOUR PAGES West German Mayor Distributes Food East Berliners Defy Red Police; Storm Markets for Free Produce BERLIN - (A') -- A go-getter Western mayor cut red tape and fed thousands of hungry East Germans yesterday in a heart-warming demonstration of practical food relief on Berlin's Iron Curtain border. Communist propagandists let out a- roar of rage at the act. The Soviet Zone news agency ADN denounced it as "an American propaganda trick." WHILE THE UNITED STATES and 'the Bonn Republic were still discussing ways and means of gett High Reds ,To Confer This Month LONDON - (R) - Russia's Su- preme Soviet Parliament, whic last met four months ago to con. firm Georgi M. Malenkov as Pre. mier, is to meet again July 28 the Moscow radio announced last night. The call was issued by Marsha Klementi Voroshilov, chairman o: the Supreme Soviet's Presidium and Nikolai Pegov, secretary o: the Presidium, without disclosing the topics that will be considered THE LIKELIHOOD, however, i that the session will be concerne primarily with two things: 1. The Malenkov regime's firs budget. 2. Rubber-stamping of the re- moval of Lavrenty P. Beria as in- prnal affairs minister and his xeplacement by Sergei Kruglov The Supreme Soviet, the elect- ed legislative body of the Soviet Union, has only nominal power. Its job Is to approve whatever actions are passed on to it by the Communist party and the Council f Ministers (Cabinet). The legislators constitutionally should meet twice a year, but for some time they have been meet- ink only once a year-around bud- get time. The Russian budget usually Is presented in the spring The presentation was postponed this year, presumably because 01 Joseph Stalin's death and the gov- ernmental changes which followed * * * THE CALL for the July 28 meet- ing came as Kremlin propagan- dists stepped up the hate campaig against Beria; former No. 2 man of the Malenkov - Beria - Molotov triumvirate, who is now under ar- rest on a charge of plotting against the Communist party and serving t' the cause of Western imperialism The Moscow radio reported Communist chieftains in the So- viet Republic of Georgia, Beria's birthplace, have exposed serious perversions in local rule and blamed them on "the cunning machinations of the bourgeois-na- tionalist Beria." Senate Group Votes To Pass Excess Profits WASHINGTON-(A')-In sharp contrast to its House counterpart, the Senate Finance Committee ap- proved quickly and without change a House-passed bill to continue the excess profits tax for the re- mainder of this year yesterday. The House Ways and Means Committee had delayed action for months on the extension requested ' by President Eisenhower. It sent the measure along to the House for passage last week only after the administration had threaten- ed to by-pass - the tax-writing group. The Senate committee act- ed after a 21/-hour closed-door session. Chairman Millikin (R-Colo.) said the committee approved the bill "by a comfortable vote," and he predicted the Senate would send the measure direct to the White House without change, possibly later this week. Committee approval of the bill without change gave strength to the administration's drive to get ing 15 million dollars worth of free American food to the stricken So- viet Zone, Willy Kressmann went into action yesterday morning. As Mayor of the American sec- tor borough of Kreuzberg, he opened a relief market at 9 a.m. in Oranienplatz, facing the police- guarded frontier of Soviet East Berlin. By collecting private donations and drawing on borough charitable funds, he stocked the market with milk and fruits for sale to East Germans at less than a fifth their normal price. Five thousand East Germans swarmed past the Communist po- lice posts to gather up 1,820 quarts of milk, 2,200 pounds of cherries and 11,200 oranges before the mar- ket closed at 7 p.m. Kressmann announced it would reopen today with potatoes fea- tured. The East Germans' depreciated currency was accepted at par with the West mark at Oranienplatz. In regular exchange the rate is 5.8 to 1. So the food was far cheap- er than East Germans had ever been able to buy it at home in eight years of Communist rule. The trek of hungry East Ger- mans made a mockery of Com- munist claims that state chain stores were again bulging with supplies. ADN tried to parry the psychological blow by charging that most of the visitors to Oran- ienplatz were "jobless West Ber- liners." Regent Press Ban Still Open To Discussion Opening the doors of Regents' meeting to the press is still an open matter as far as the Re- gents are concerned, a University spokesman said yesterday. Arthur L. Brandon, director of University Relations commented on the formation of a "freedom of information" committee of Michigan newsmen yesterday in Lansing whose goal is on-the-spot coverage of Regent meetings. * * * THE REGENTS have met twice with a former MPA committee but no final decision was reached, ac- cording to Brandon. "On several occasions the Re- gents have expressed willing- ness to continue discussions" but have not been approached by the press representatives, he said. Contacted in Detroit last night, Brewster Cambell, executive city editor of the Detroit Free Press and chairman of the MPA group expressed the committee's deter- mination for open Regent's ses- sions. Promotions A nnounced By Hatcher Promotions for 121 facutly mem- bers at the University were an- nounced yesterday by President Harlan Hatcher. The promotions become effec- tive with the 1953-54 year, be- ginning immediately for those whose appointments are for a 12- month period in each year and with the opening of the Fall Se- mester for those whose appoint- ments cover only the fall and spring semesters. * * THERE WERE 30 promotions to full professorships, 49 to the rank of associate professor and 46 to the rank of assistant professor. Four members of the faculty, Phillip Sanford Jones, Paul Al- fred Hunsicker, Harold Richard Blackwell and Dr. Fred M. Dav- enport, received promotions in two units of the University, bringing the total promotions to 125. In addition to the promo- tions, President Hatcher an- nounced the appointment of two College of Engineering fac- ulty members to serve as chair- men of their departments for five-year terms. Stephen Stan- ley Attwood will head the De- partment of Electrical Engi- neering, and Russell Alger Dodge the Department of En- gineering Drawing. The present chairmen of these departments, Alfred H. Lovell and Henry W. Miller, are beginning their re- tirement furloughs. Dr. James W. Rae Jr., who hays been acting chairman of the Med- ical School's Department of Phy- sical Medicine and Rehabilitation, has been named chairman. Dr. Rae also was promoted to an associate professor. The following were promoted to the rank of professor: Literary College: Clyde Hamil- ton Coombs (Psychology), Frank Olin Copley (Latin), Claude Wil- lard Hibbard (Geology), Joseph Ernest Kallenbach (Political Sci- ence), Lionel H. Laing (Political Science), Herbert Penzl (German), Earl David Rainville (Mathemat- ics), Alfred Henry Stockard (Zool- ogy), Wolfgang Friedrich Stolper (Economics), Josselyn Van Tyne (Zoology), Carlton Frank Wells (English), Benjamin Webb Whee- ler (History), Joseph Koshimi Yamagiwa (Japanese). College of Engineering: Henry Carter Adams II (Naval Architec- ture and Marine Engineering), Richard Aloysius Flinn (Metallur- gical Engineering and Production Engineering), Gunnar Hok (Elec- trical Engineering), Lawrence Lee Rauch (Aeronautical Engineering), Julius David Schetzer (Aeronaut- ical Engineering). Medical School: Dr. A. James French (Pathology), Dr. John Floyd Holt (Radiology). School of Dentistry: Dr. Doro- thy Gerald Hard (Dental Hygiene). School of Education: Laurie Es- telle Campbell (Physical Education for Women), Claude Andrew Eg- gertsen (Education). Law School: Charles Wycliffe Joiner, Marcus Leo Plant, John Wesley Reed, Allan Frederick Smith, Lafayette Hart Wright. School of Music: Louise E. Cuy- ler. College of Pharmacy: Albert Mc- Lean Mattocks. * * * Promoted to the rank of as- sociate professor were: Literary College: H. Richard Blackwell (Psychology), Gerald Saul Blum (Psychology), Marc Denkinger (French), Ronald' See PROMOTIONS, Page 4 Frosty Cold DETROIT - (') - Michi- gan's first native-born Wolver- ine is dead-apparently because his constitution couldn't take the environment of the Wol- verine State. Frank G. McInnis, director of the Detroit zoo, sadly an- nounced the death of Frosty, the three and a half month-old wolverine who made his debut to the public only two weeks ago. Frosty, born March 23 to a wolverine that had been cap- tured in Alaska, died of a bowel infection, McInnis said. He ex- plained it is an ailment that frequently hits zoo-born ani- mals when they are weaned, ap- parently because of elements lacking in the unaccustomed food. Just why Michigan was nam- ed the Wolverine State no one seems quite certain, but Mc- Innis said Frosty was the first young wolverine ever born with- in its limits. Big Three Maps Long Range Plans WASHINGTON - () - The Big Three foreign ministers proposed yesterday a meeting "in the early autumn" with Russia's Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov. Ending their five-day confer- ence, they issued a final commun- ilue saying the meeting with Rus- sia should consider "directly the first steps which should lead to a satisfactory solution of the Ger- man problem" and conclusion of an overdue Austrian peace settle- ment. IN AN EARLIER statement on Far Eastern affairs, they joined in warning Red China that their gov- ernments would fight once more if Communist forces "should renew their aggression in Korea after an armistice." The United States, British and French leaders also declared they would support existing common policies indefinitely toward Com- munist China even after a Kor- ean cease fire. An American spokesman said this means continued opposition to admission of Communist China into the UN and tight controls on strategic shipments to the Com- munist mainland until these moves are changed through consultation. THE THREE-power statement, outlining their Far East decisions, also warned the Chinese Commu- nist government against launch- ing any new aggression "in any other part of Asia" after a Korea cease-fire. The communique also pledged strong support to the United Na- tions truce efforts in Korea and promised to work for reunifica- tion of this divided country by peaceful means afterward. Speaking for their governments, the foreign ministers promised to maintain "the common policies" of the three powers toward Com- munist China, "pending further consultation." AN AMERICAN spokesman ex- plained that this means: 1. Existing restrictions against shipment of strategic materials to the Compmunists will continue. Sec- retary Dulles has said such bans should continue, to safeguard anti- Communist forces in Indochina after a Korean armistice. 2. Communist China is not to be admitted to membership in the United Nations. Chinese Offensive Rages; Truce Prospects Clouded Ike Special Aide Hopeful Of Armistice Reds Still Ask Prisoner Return PANMUNJOM -(PA)- The Reds clouded truce prospects today with protests, demands and heavy fight- ing but President Eisenhower's homewardbound special envoy re- iterated confidence that the South Korean roadblock to an armistice agreement has been cleared. Sent to Korea to get President Syngman Rhee back in line, the special envoy, Walter S. Robert- son, said before departing Tokyo: "Nothing agreed upon with Rhee is inconsistent with an immediate implementation of the truce and the long-announced -objectives of the United Nations, the United States and the Republic of Korea for an independent, unified Korea and a just and lasting peace in the Far East." IN WASHINGTON, President Eisenhower was described after a White House session- with con- gressional leaders as optimistic over chances for a cease-fire. Red and UN truce teams were to meet again today. The only concrete word to come out of yesterday's 39-min- ute session was that the Reds lodged another protest. They charged that an Allied shell landed Sunday in the Panmun- jom neutral zone. At Monday's session, the Reds also lodged a protest, charging that Allied planes had bombed and strafed a prisoner of war camp north of Pyongyang. THE UN COMMAND has not commented on either charge. The Red radio at Pyongyang broadcast renewed demands that the UN Command recapture "im- mediately" the more than 27,000 anti-Red North Korean prisoners released last month on orders of South Korea's President Syngman Rhee. The broadcast heard in Tokyo last night brushed aside the contention of Gen. Mark Clark, UN Far East commander, that the Red demand was impossible to meet because the prisoners had melted away into the civil- ian population. THE DELEGATE, Maj. Gen. Choi Duk Shin, has stayed away from the truce table since May 25 when Rhee first began to solidify his opposition to any armistice that would leave Korea divided.' Although the talks remained secret, there were surface indi- cations that the Red delegates were pressing for more assur- ances that Rhee can be kept in line. Red correspondents out- side the conference hut said the negotiations were "getting no- where." There has been no public an- nouncement of the specific agree- ment with Rhee that Robertson is carrying back to Washington. ADLAI AFTER BRUSH WITH SOVIETS-Adlai Stevenson shakes hands with refugee youngsters at a camp in Spennserstrasse, in British sector of Berlin. A few days before he was held at gun- point by an East Berlin policeman and told not to move under threat of being shot. Pictures which Stevenson and his party had taken were confiscated and all were permitted to return to the West Berlin sector. I _ NoMcCarthy Showdowvn Seen by Local Experts By FRAN SHELDON Senator McCarthy is not at present strong enough to openly, oppose President Eisenhower, campus political scientists said yes- terday. Agreeing that the current Central Intelligence Agency-William Bundy controversy is excellent material for a White House-McCarthy showdown it is the opinion of these experts that such a showdown will not be forthcoming. ** * * PROF. PHILIP B. TAYLOR of the political science department said that at the present time McCarthy was not strong enough to at- tempt an open disagreement. He' pointed out that before he could follow such a policy it would be necessary to first "maneuver Ike into a position" that would be fa vorable to attack. "Until now," Prof. Taylor said, "Ike has been giving ground, and if this is the issue on which he will stand firm, it must be given time to develop." Citing as proof that McCarthy is "not yet prepared to stand firm against Ike" the fact that ,he yielded to the White House on the Matthews issue, Prof. Taylor dub- bed this move a "tactical" one. CLAIMING that the Democratic senators have of late "come out more openly in opposition" to the committee, he pointed out that they were merely performing theirI ,duty as the opposition party. "It would not be in their in- terests to oppose McCarthy against Eisenhower for any oth- er reason," he said. By their opposition in this is- sue, the Democrats "can gain only partisan advantage, and realizing this they will use this power with some restraint," he pointed out. *I *~ * PROF. FRANK GRACE also of the political science department, agrees with Prof. Taylor that Mc- Carthy is not at present "capable of attacking the President, and be- cause- he has political sense if no other kind he would not do so un- less he were entirely sure of him- self." Pointing to the CIA investi gation as one in which the sen- ator "has no real case" Prof. Grace said that "there is no group in the government which is more thoroughly screened." For this reason he feels that the Bundy case might "smack of spite" both toward the President and to- ward Dean Acheson, Bundy's fa- ther-in-law. Pointing out that the Protestant clergy case earlier'this week was the first time that the southern senators had been openly anti- McCarthy, Prof. Grace said that the White House apparently had been awaiting something really solid before taking a stand. The Central Intelligence Agen- cy investigations may provide this solid base, he concluded. * * * Data on Bundy Given to CIA By McCarthy Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) said yesterday he will give the Central Intelligence Agency "de- rogatory" information on CIA of- ficial William P. Bundy. According to the United Press, McCarthy and CIA Chief Allen W. Dulles agreed to work out a for- mula for a Congressional investi- gation of CIA employes without giving away super-secret CIA data. McCarthy said his subcommittee will turn over to the CIA "all in- formation" it has on Bundy, son- in-law of former Secretary of State Dean Acheson. His state- ment said: "Mr..Dulles pointed out that it wa h istanrN.r,,nr,+et ra ofCn- Rain, ROKs Check Reds' East Front 100,000 Troops Engage in Battle SEOUL-(P)-Rain, ROKs and roaring big guns checked the rag- ing Chinese offensive on the Ko- rean east-central front -early to- day after it had smashed miles in- side allied territory. It was apparent at U. S. Eighth Army headquarters that the Com- munist drive on the 20-milesector had stalled-at least for the mo- ment. * * * TWO INCHES of steady rain last night, a sturdy defense by four Republic of Korea (ROK) divisions and a curtain of Allied artillery fire had up to that time prevented a breakthrough in the Reds' biggest attack since May, 1951. AP Correspondent Forrest Ed- wards reported from the front that the Chinese apparently did not press their attack during the night. The U. S. Fifth Air Force said 38 B26 twin-engined bombers blasted the Communist attack- ers during the night with' 190,- 000 pounds of explosives. More allied war planes took off for the battle zone this morning but the heavy rains sharply .cur-. tailed air support of frontline troops. The Chinese had poured fresh troops from eight divisions--more than 80,000 men-into the big drive Monday and yesterday. * * * FOUR HARD-HIT South Ko- rean divisions and attached Amer- ican artillery and advisory units reeled back for miles under the Red hammer blows. More than 100,000 Chinese and South Korean soldiers were locked for a second day in the biggest Korean battle in two years. Bad weather hindered Allied air support at a time when it was needed most urgently. The outcome of the feverish fighting was still not clear. Red spearheads knifed at least four miles into the flanks of Allied lines along the Kumsong Bulge. * * * ONE U. S. battalion, assigned to long-range harrassing fire, sud- denly found itself firing directly at Chinese storming down a slope just in front of it. Destroying its weapons, the battalion was forced to flee to the hills but later was re-equip- ped and firing again late yese terday. The entire northward bulge of the Allied line between Kumhwa and the winding Pukhan River was endangered by the Communist penetrations on the flanks, front reports said. Soldiers of the Republic of Ko- rea's Capital 6th, 8th and 3rd Di- visions fought valiently to stem the Red tide. All were battle test- ed, but even the best could not stand against the Red "huran sea" attacks. Frontline officers estimated the Chinese had eight full divisions in the fight, with more than four of them committed the first day and others steadily funnelling in re- inforcements. Estimates of Red troops actually in the battle rang- ed between 60,000 and 70,000 men. Name New Cief Of Council Board Earl H. Cress, president of the Ann Arbor Trust Co., was named chairman of the University Devel- opment Council Board of Directors yesterday. "WHEREVER there is a lack of information, we will go into the fight," he said. Brewster expresses dissatisfac- tion with the opening of the Michigan State Agriculture Board to the Press and the re- sulting closed executive sessions as "only a short step in the right direction." He stressed the fact he was a new appointee to the group and had not yet consulted with his committee but felt certain he spoke for himself as well as the majority of the board. ONE BOARD member contacted, however, expressed dissent with the group in practice, though not in theory. . Opening the Regents' meeting fn the mrP.r wmid nsnleave RADIO, TV, STAGE: ti Three Versions of 'Night Club' To Be Given Tonight By BECKY CONRAD The curtain will theoretically rise three times today in Lydia' Mendelssohn Theatre when the English and speech departments combine talents in radio, stage and television versions of Kather- ine Brush's short story "Night Club." Part of the current summer symposium on "Popular Arts in America," the program will begin' at 8 p.m. with a reading of the original story by Prof. Claribel Baird nf the sneech department. demonstrate changes necessary for a television showing. AUDIENCE participation in a general discussion of the program will conclude the evening's events. There will be no admission charge for the program, but two tickets are available for each patron at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office, open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. Students taking part in the radio show include Lila Beck, Grad., Zelda Benowitz, Grad., m ~* w,