See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXII, No. 13-S
Kaiser Told
4About Action
'evere Action'
ry J. Kaiser interests were told
Dec. 5 the Air Force would have to
take "severe action'' if conditions
at Kaiser's Willow Run plant, did
not improve.
LThis warning-more than six
months before the Air Force can-
celled 440 million dollars worth of
aircraft contracts held by Kaiser-
was disclosed yesterday in con-
nection with a Senate inquiry.
NO DETAILED explanation was
offered at the time of the cancel-
lation June 24. BtSceayo
union representatives of the 12.-
500 Willow Run workers and mem-
bers of the Michigan congressional
Meanwhile, a 'Dec. 5 letter
which Maj. Gen,. Mark E. Brad-
ley Jr., Air Force director of pro-
curegment and production, wrote
Edgar Kaiser, a company of fi-
cial, was made part of the rec-
ord of an inquiry a Senate arm-
ed services subcommittee con-
ducted into Kaiser's operations'
Bradley referred to "frequent
relommendations and demands"
the Air Force had made for
changes at Willow Run and as-
"Although some improvements
have been made, it is becoming
increasingly evident that your ov-
erall progress to date falls far
short of the minimum essentials
ncessary to guarantee reasonable
I. costs to the Air Force."
* * *
TESTIMONY at the Senate
hearing was that C-119 "Flying
Boxcars" built by Kaiser were cost-
ing the government $1,347,000
each compared with $265,000 for
the same type of aircraft produced
by the Fairchild Engine and. Air-
plane Corp.
Kaiser contendp the price con-
parison is unfair because its huge
Wfillowt Run plant wasi run at low
capacity while Fairhidoperate
at full capacity at its Hagerstown,
Md., plant.
House Group
Okays Ike's
Profits Plan
smashing triumph for the Eisen-
hower administration, the House
Ways and Means Committee yes-
terday approved the President's
plan to extend the excess profits
tax for six monthees popt
scheduled the bill for floor action
atomorrow. They predicted it will
roll easily down the rest of the
legislative trail.
a 16 to 9 vote to report the bill
favorably to the full House after
the measure-fiercely opposed by
Chairman Daniel A. Reed (R-NY)
had been bottled up in the tax-
writing ways and means commit-
tee for weeks.
To cap the victory, the com-
mittee voted down 14 to 11, an
administration -opposeda plan
which would have provided a
cut In personal income taxes on
Oct. 1.
Committee Republicans voted 9
to 6 for the bill. Democrats plump-
>ed for it 7 to 3. Rep. Richard M.
Simpson (R-Pa.) forced the bill to
a committee vote over the oppo-
sition of Reed, who had refused
to put it onthe agenda.
THE APPROVAL bill Is a pro-
posal by Rep. Kean (R-NJ) for a
straight extension of the levy to
Jan. 1. The tax expired June 30 but
can be renewed retroactively Un-
der it, the government takes up to
83 per cent of corporation profits
abov those established by law as
Reds Infiltrating
NEW YORK-(IP)-A congres-
sional hearing yesterday was re-
pored to have turned up evidne
Ike, Top Advisors
Prepare Instructions for Clark
On New Truce Plans, Reports Say
WASHINGTON-(A')-President Eisenhower and his top diplo--
matic and military advisors were reported yesterday to have prepared
instructions for Gen. Mark Clark on a new message to the Communists'
Korean Command concerning negotiations for an armistice in Korea.
The President met at the White House in late afternoon with
Secretary of State Dulles and Under Secretary Walter Bedell Smith,
Defense Secretary Wilson, Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Army chief of
staff, and Sen. Knowland (R-Calif.), the acting Senate floor leader.
* * * *
THE MEETING was called to consider the reply which the Comn-
munist Command made to Gen. Clark, UN Korean commander. The
SReds said they are ready to nego-
Plan Rumor
Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of
the Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare, denounced as
"rumor" yesterday any reports
that she is planning to run for
Governor of Texas against present
Governor Allen Shivers.
Speaking from the home of Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher,
the only woman member of Pres-
ident Eisenhower's cabinet said
yesterday that she had ng inten-
tio of~ resiging her present post
last week that she had aspirations
to become Texas' second woman
* * *
MRS. HOBBY In a speech before
the American Medical Association
last month in New York came out
against the Truman National
Health Plan.
She said yesterday that a group
of consultants is now working on
the problem, but would make no
further commitments.
With her husband William Pet-
tus Hobby, she is co-owner of the
Houston Post, but she said ashe
had no other connection with the
paper. She receives no salary or
other financial contribution from
Concerning the. recently cut
budget of her governmental de-
partment Mrs. Hobby would make
no comment other than noting
that budiget bills have been ap-
proved by both houses of congress
and are now going Into confer-
ence committee.
On OilDispute
TEHRAN, Iran-GJP)-President
Eisenhower has told Premier Mo-
hammed Mossadegh that the Unit-
ed States is disturbed by the free-
dom allowed Communist activity
in Iran and will give him no large-
scale economic aid until he reach-
es an agreement with Britain on
White House informants said
the President, in his administra-
tion's first communication to the
Iranian Premier, wrote a letter
which was believed to have been
delivered within the last week.
The letter was said to have re-
ferred only to economic aid, indi-
cating that the present military
assistance and Point Four techni-
cal assistance programs would
tiate final details of a Korean
armistice and called on the UN
Command among other things to
take effective steps to assure South
Kore's ompliance with armis-
It was reported that Eisen-
hower and his top advisors pre-
pared a reply which would go
forward to Clark for his next
letter to the Reds. A chief pur-
pose presumably will be to set
a date in the immediate future
for a resumption of full truce
delegation meetings.
Top officials of the administra-
as being neither pessimitic or op-
timistic about the critical question
of whether South Korea's Presi-
dent Syngman Rhee will in some
manner go along with or actively
oppose the establishment of a
tEarlier, Eisenhower told his
news conerence that the United
States is pushing ahead step by
step to win a truce in Korea but
no man can foretell now exactly
how the negotiations will come
Eisenhower pledged himself yes-
terday to work for Korean unifi-
cation by peaceful means.
He said he also believes strong-
ly that Germany should be uni-
* * *
IN ADDITION, Eisenhower told
a news conference he thinks the
American people and America's
allies now should be given more
information on atomic weapons.
The President offered no clues
to when unification of either
Korea or Germany might be rea-
He siesteppe wea direct answer
any indication from Walter Rob-
ertson, his-personal representative
in Seoul, that Korean President
Syngman Rhee might go along
with a truce.
THERE IS little more to be said
on that score, Eisenhower remark-
ed, than has appeared in the press.
Exactly how things will come out,
he said, no man can tell. -
As for Germany, the President
said he didn't think efforts to set
up a European Defense Commun--
ity should be thrust aside until
German unification is achieved.
The EDO idea, he said is a peace-
ful approach that .threatens no-
body in the world unless they
launch an attack.
Uniform Garb
uniforms than any man in Brit-
ain, got a chance to wear an-
other one yesterday.
His wife, Queen Elizabeth II,
approved his appointment as
colonel of the Welsh Guards.
The duke is already an Army
field marshal, marshal of the
AireForce and an admiral of the
Department yesterday lifted its
ban on thetuse of nbookesebysCom-
raries provided the works serve
"he ends of democracy."
"Our libraries have acquired
some books by Communists or
Communist sympathizers that have
nothing to do with communism,"
said a statement issued with the
approval of Secretary Dulles.
"MYSTERY stories, for example
are a highly developed form of
American literature. Humor or
humor anthologies are another ex-
"Ms o suhboswr
among the thousands of volumes
acquired from the U. S. Army
overstock at the end of the war
or as 'the result of gifts. To re-
move or destroy these books ar-
bitrarily would be to defeat the
very purposes which brought
these libraries into being.
"Controversial' books are of
course acceptable and indeed es-'
sential, if by 'controversy' we mean
honest differences of opinion hon-
estly expressed. It goes without
saying that we must not confuse
honest controversy with conspir-
The revised policy was announc-.
ed by Dr. Robert L. Johnson, re-
tiring administrator of the State
Department's International Infor-
mation Administration, who said
Dulles gave his approval. Johnson
expressed hope it would help
"clear the air" in the book purge
row and facilitate the task of his
Youths Confess
To CarThefts
Confessions by a set of Jackson,
Michigan twins to the theft of
some 90 cars were received in Anni
Arbor municipal court yesterday.
Hubert and Herbert Foubare
waived examination on the charges
of auto theft, concealing stolen
property and conspiracy to commit
auto theft. They will appear be-
fore a circuit court July 14.
The twins were arrested in Ann
Arbor Saturday when it was dis-
covered that Hubert was driving
a stolen car. After hours of ques-
tioning, it was learned that Her-
bert had conceived an elaborate
car-stealing scheme when sta-
tioned in Korea.
Michigan State Police disclosed
that nine Washtenaw county autos
were included in the Foubare col-
lection of stolen and dismantled
TIME OUT-A local cab driver finds fish more appealing than passengers-and tak
catch a few before returning to work.
Hitchcock Discusses Jazz; )
'Ht wet oid ol
Clad in white bucks, solid blue
suit and a bow tie, Wiley Hitch-
cock of the music school yester-
day gave the straight scoop on
"Jazz: Hot, Sweet, Solid and Cool."
Hitchcock cited four schools of
thought on the subject, purists,
"who recognize only the kind of
music played in New Orleans at
the end of the 19th century," a
second in which nothing "can be
graced with the name of jazz un-
til the '30's," a third school which
mixes popular music with jazz and
the fourth "of which I am a mem-
* * *
THE FOURTH group has a cer-
tai indiscriinatio of views,
such as liking the jazz of the early
period as well as later music, New
Orleans as well as New York jazz,
he noted.
Crystaizing in the last couple
of decades of the 19th century
in .New Orleans, jazz descended
from a variety of sources, Hitch-
cock explained.
Some of Its African heritage
reached America indirectly
through Latin Amerca, Cuba and
WORK sog f the field labor-
er hildrens paong nd sir-
itual cont ributed partially to its
formaton inadtio to influ-
ence of thenSpanish and French
culture in New Orleans.
Early ancestors of jazz were
ragtime, essentially a piano-
dominated music marked by a
syncopated rhythm called rag-
ging, and blues, "a secular coun-
terpart to spirituals," Hitchcock
pointed out.
Words to blues carried a "whip-
lash of sincerity, that showed bit-
terness," he explained. Illustrat-
ing this point with lyrics from one
of the early tunes he described a
woman begging as she sang, "If
you can't give a dollar, give me
a lousy dime. I wanta feed that
hungry man of mine."
* * *
lies in its structure, where the mel-
ody is broken up into four-bar sec-
tions, inviting an answer in the
pause by a singer or instrument.
This style led to innovation, he
rm tis mit'' ack-"I
which the loudest instrument
played in the easiest range was
the cornet, he commented.
From New Orleans, jazz moved
up the Mississippi to Chicago, "a
big, fast town, not called the windy
city for nothing," Hitchcock point-
ed out.
* * *
ARISTOCRATIC clientelle there
wanted fast-moving, energetic mu-
sic, so jazz beats quickened, tunes
were tenser and tighter, solos be-
gan getting longer, he said.
During the depression "sweet"
music replaced "ho" jazz just at
the time Guy Lombardo became
popular, Hitchcock noted.
Jazz hit its solid stage with the
trip-hammer rhythms of Benny
Goodman and Duke Ellington.
"There was nothing much a man
could do except play higher and
louder than the rest, and he did
it," Hitchcock explained.
With the advent of the complex
harmonies of Gershwin and others,
he noted, It was only a short step
to Bop, a change of emphasis in
the rhythm section.
Bop ld te wayrto "col ro-s
deeply satisfying of all," he con-
To Continue Run
calh comey "nickerbocker Holi
day" will continue its run at 8
p.m. tonight in the Lydia Men-
delssohn theater of the League.
Tickets for the show which will
run through Saturday are on sale
at the Mendelssohn box office
Cg-i'i'irg g ULKA7 TI Q
platypus has 1
two, and Bronx
If it is, Pene
the second ins
of a platypus g
In captivity.
The onl ot
1943 at Healsvi
event bnthe
sai a spokesm
Three N
Staff Pi
Dr. Albert C.
rector of the U
announced yeste
ment of Charles
new hospital per
John J. Zuglic]
dermade, Jr., fo
tive staff membe
to the newly-for
sistant directors,
under a new h
tional setup.
who joined the
month filled a
Philip J. Olin. 2
U. S. Army Air
to 1946 and wor
and Ford Motor
Zuglich, 37 ye
from the Univers
received a maste
lic health from Y
develop the first 2
ical care faciliti
Term, between 1
The other a
Vandermade, 34
uated from the 1
falo and recelve
present Vandernm
ployed in the ho
All the appoint
fective July 1.*
48 years old, Pt
ning editorial c
Chicago Sun-Tin
ordered deportec
that he was a me
munist party wh
e ConfabC
Ree Denial
Red Force Hits
Western Front
SEOUr-A)-Gen. Mark Clark,
*1 U. S. special envoy Walter Rob-v
ertson and Ambassadors Eli
for 22 minutes Thursday with
~1J tubbrn Suth Korean President
Syngman Rhee.
"The same as yesterday," Rob-
ertson tosldcorrespondents after
* * *
THAT MEANT no progress In
convincing Rhee that he should
join in U. S. plans for an armis-
icRobertson and Rhee had met
for more than an hour earlier
in the day.
Robertson is President Eisen-
hower's special envoy sent here
aily-Chuck Ritz to seek Rhee's cooperation In the
es time out to u( S.aprogram for an armistice in
SUCH AN armistice may have
to come without the approval of
nuses? South Korea and its vitriolic
r ? President. That prospect was fac-
ed in an exchange of notes be-
- Penelope the tween the U. N. Far East com-
been eating for mander and the top Communist
Zoo officials are commanders in Korea.
n it be true? The UN Command called for
lope will supply the liaison officer meeting at
Lance on record 3 a.m. today and the Reds
iving birth while agreed.
Broad uncertainties, stretching
ti infrom Seoul to Washington to Pe'.
e, time a In ping, clouded the path to armis
he, Austa tice in the three-year 3w7ar.
zoo's histr" MEANWHILE heavy fighting
in. flared anew on the Korean West-
an. ern Front Tuesday when Chinese
infantry, defeated in a 40-hour
Samned battle on Arrowhead Ridge,'surg-
ed back in a new effort to gain
'L1 the height.
Ios i~It Reds were met by veteran
P South Korean 2nd DivisIon
O~itiOtroops* who had hurled the Com-
~sitions munists back at least five times
in a non-stop fight that began
Kerlikowske, di-. Monday night and did not end
aiversity Hospital until noon Tuesday.
At first reports the South Ko-
day the appoint- reans were holding their, own ini
M. Allman as the heavy action.
sonnel director. Other heavy fighting erupted
h and Minor Van- early in the day near the Pan-
rmer administra- munjom nutral zoneon th
'rs were promotedWetr Frn.TeRd hi
med posts of as- Outposts Berlin and East Berlin
positions created and . forced a temporary with-
ospital organiza- drawal by Allied infantry from
the latter position.
*, * By noon, however, the Reds
niverity gadu ere forced out and the fighting
hospital staff last __________
post vacated by
Re served In the Commnists
Frefrom 1943
kdat Argus Co. Lif Beli
Company. It O 1
ars old, graduated
;ity of Illinois and Travel Ban
tale. He helped to
hospital and med- BERLIN - (IP) - Thousands
es a Oa Rigeresentful East Berlin Industrial
es3 and Oak7 Rigworkers staged sitdown strikes to-
ssistant director, The Russians, apparently fear-
years old, grad- ful of another bloody revolt, met
University of Buf- one of the workers' demands by
d his master's de- announcing restoration of intra-
;s -adminitra-tion ciytavel..
Lade has been em- THE WORKERS were demand-
spital business of- ing also that hundreds of their
comrades arrested in the anti-
~ments became ef- Communist rebellion of June 17
be released from jail. The workers
staged the sitdown strikes in So-
~ Bi~rck viet-operated plants and the "peo-
on normal schedules tomorrow
tP) -Jacob Burck, and all persons would be per-
ilitzer Prize win- mitted to cross the border in
artoonist for the either direction without special
aes, yesterday was passes.
d on the grounds The East Germans apparently
mber of the Corn- tried the peaceful sitdown protest
en he last entered rather than risk further bloody
Hobby Stresses Psychological Problems of Age
Medical science has passed the
physical barriers of age, but we
must still pass the psychological
ones, Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary
of Health Euaion and Welfare
^""nual Confeence on Ag
medicie reaibut the non-
growing acute because of lack of
attention, Mrs. Hobby said.
* * ,i:
SHE POINTED out that in :4.::
1870. 80.6 Dercent, of our working
made at Cambridge University
which shows that older workers
can learn new jobs which involve
elements similar to old ones with
comparative ease.
provide the environment for
him to find his way back to
Although a desire to be inde-
pendent ranks high on the list of
reasons why older people continue
to work, an attempt to avoid the
isolation and loneliness which can
follow retirement is also import-