See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXIII, No. 12-S
Hunger Hits
Red Nations
Report Indicate
Numerous Death
VIENNA - (AP) - Widespre
hunger in some areas of Comm
nist East Europe was reported ye:
terday as Czechoslovakia eased t
on the whip to keep sullen worke:
on the job.
Reports reaching diplomat
sources in Vienna said food shor
ages are affecting millions in Hu
gary Romania, Bulgaria, Czech
slovakia, Albania and Polan
Deaths from starvation was r
ported among some of the poor.
* * *
vest was expected to be poor b
cause so many experienced farr
ers have fled to the West.
The food crisis and smolderi
unrest throughout Russia's sate:
lite empire appeared to be the m
Jor reasons for a rash of conci
atory gestures by Communist go
Czechoslovakia was the fifth
satellite to show signs of aban-
doning the big stick for the vel-
vet glove in handling its rest-
less people.
In a sudden policy switch, Radi
Prague announced that the go
ernment has revoked, a decre
making it a criminal offense fc
workers to remain away from the
jobs four times without good rea
, son
THE LAW was issued only
week ago because of widesprea
absenteeism, a form of passive re
sistance, which followed the sup
pression of a workers' uprising a
Pilsen last month. It seemed likel
the law was revoked on Moscow
Of the Kremlin's satellites,
only Poland and Bulgaria have
failed so far to make policy mod-
ifications to meet the wave of
unrest and -rebellion..
Bulgaria on Sunday announce
a decree along the lines of the la
annullac yesterday by Czechoslo
vakia. Imprisonment and heavy
fines were provided for worker
and apprentices who leave the
jobs or training without permis
Grants New
Refugee Quota
ate judiciary subcommittee yes-
terday voted to approve an ad
ministration-sponsored bill to ad
mit an extra 240,000 refugees anc
! other immigrants into the United
States in the next two years.
The full judiciary committee will
meet to act on the subcommittee's
recommendation today.
* * *
CHAIRMAN Watkins (R-Utah)
told newsmen the five subcommit-
tee members present approved the
bill without dissent. Four other
members were absent when the
Vote was taken.
In approving the bill, the
subcommittee slightly revised
the original version to provide
for the admission of 1,000 per-
sons who have fled from Red
The measure would also provide
for admission of 110,500 escapees
and. German expellees from Com-
munist-dominated areas of Europe
who are now living in West Ger-
many or Austria. This is an in-
crease of 500 over the original bill.
The subcommittee left vin-
changed a provision for the en-
try of 15,000 escapees from be-
hind the Iron Curtain who are
residing in North Atlantic Trea-
ty Organization countries, in-
cluding Turkey.
Special quotas for Italians
were cut from 75,000 to 74,000 and
Dutch Nationals from 20,000 to
President Eisenhower asked
Congress on April 22 to provide
for 240,000 special quota immi-
grants, saying it would show the
United States is willing to do its
share in helping to resettle refu-
gees and to ease European popula-
tion pressures.
Rate Goes Up
Berlin Reports
New Uprising
Red German Police Call Members
As Workers Threaten To March
BERLIN - (P) - The East German Communist police summoned
all its members to duty last night through a "number one alert"
broadcast over the police radio network.
Police mobilization came as the city boiled with reports of a
new workers uprising against the Russian rulers of East Germany.
* * **
ALLIED OFFICIALS said they had been informed the Russians
have sent tanks into downtown East Berlin to maintain order and'
have rushed in East German army units from Saxony.
Persons crossing into West Berlin from the Soviet sector said
workers on the Stalin Allee Boulevard housing project, where
the June 17 rebellion ignited, have threatened to march again
today to demand release of all their comrades arrested in reprisal.
Z West Berlin newspaper Telegraf
said yesterday that 46 Communist
German "peoples' police" have
Committee been executed by Russian firing
squads for "disobeying orders and
resisting the Red army" during
the June 17 workers revolt in East
No source was given for the re-
A E vid ence port, which is considerably higher
than any previous estimate of the
number of police executions. Ref-
By The Associated Press
House Un-American Activities
Committee members said yester-
day a number of American clergy-
men were named by witnesses as
evidence of "extreme importance"
was presented concerning Com-
munist infiltration of the clergy.
Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Mich), act-
ing chairman at the New York
hearings, said the individuals were
American clergymen but did not
otherwise identify them, or state
the exact number.
* * *
attack a clergyman if he were
found to be a Communist, Clardy
replied: "I would not, attack him.
I would expose him."
The committee in a prepared
statement said it had received
testimony on how Communists
"planned to and did infiltrate
the ranks of the clergy" in the
United States.
The testimony came from Ben-
jamin Gitlow and Joseph Korn-
feder, the committee said.
Gitlow was described as a char-
ter member of the American Com-
munist party who broke with the
Reds and Kornfeder as once an,
"important Communist party func-J
tionary" who had an "intimate,
acquaintance" with Josef Stalin,
late Soviet Premier.
* ! s
EARLIER IN the day, Sen. Mc-,
Carthy (R-Wis.) blocked a move
by a majority of his Senate inves-
tigations, subcommittee to oust J.
B. Matthews, its executive direc-
A majority of the seven-mem-
her subcommittee wanted to fire
Matthews because he wrote in a
recent article in the American#
Mercury magazine that "the1
largest single group supporting
the Communist apparatus in the
United States is composed of
protestant clergymen."
Subcommittee members said af-
ter, yesterday's meeting that Mc-o
Carthy took the stand that as
chairman of the subcommittee he4
had he right to hire and fire staff
employes without consent of the
other members.t
ugee reports have confirmed, how-
ever, that the Red German police
proved in the uprising that the
Russians could not rely upon them
against their own people.
', * *
THE "VOPOS" - volkspolizei -
often refused to fire on rioters and
sometimes even joined the revels.
Nearly 500 have fled to Berlin in
the last month.
Spurred by serious food short..
ages, the East German govern-
ment held out new promises to
disgruntled farmers yesterday
to lure them into delivering qua-
tas asked from the new grain
Workers gathered on the job
last night and told Communist
union officials they will strike
again if their leaders are not re-
leased. They intend to march on
Red Premier Otto Grotewohl's
headquarters today to publicize
their demands.
This information came to RIAS,
the U.S. High Commission Ger-
man language radio station, which
refrained from broadcasting it.
* * *S
situation is so tense RIAS felt
duty-bound to avoid inflaming
hot-tempered East German work-
RIAS, instead, beamed a
broadcast warning into East
Berlin telling workers they.
should not risk their lives against
insurmountable odds.
Unconfirmed reports from the
East sector said workers have al-
ready clashed with Communist
police on Alexander Platz in the
heart of East Berlin and that So-
viet tanks had restored order
History of Jazz
Will Be Discussed
Jazz authority Wiley Hitchcock
of the music school will discuss,
"A Capsule History of Jazz" at
4:15 p.m. today in Auditorium A,'
Angell Hall.
Third in a series of public lec-
tures on "Popular Arts in Ameri-
ca," the talk will be illustrated1
with records of folk music, early
blues, New Orleans, Chicago, Kan-
sas City, bop and progressive jazz.7
Bad Humors?
DETROIT - (A) - Ice Cream
vendors may not be in a good
humor soon in suburban Royal
City councilmen there may
ring the bell on them.
An ordinance forbidding the
ringing of Rice cream truck or
motor tricycleebells on the
street after 8 p.m. will come up
for a final vote Monday night
Councilmen acted when par-
ents complained the bells awak-
ened their sleeping children,
who would not go back to sleep
until they had some ice cream.
To Feature
Sec. Hobby
Oveta. Culp Hobby, Secretary of
the newly created government de-
partment of Health, Education and
Welfare, will be the featured
speaker at the Sixth Annual Con-
ference on Aging to be held here
today, tomorrow and Friday.
Mrs. Hobby will discuss "The
Health and Welfare of Our Senior
Citizens" at a dinner at 7 p.m. to-
night at the Union.
* * *
ALSO SPEAKING at the confer-
ence dinner will be Prof. Ralph A.
Sawyer, Dean of the Rackham
Graduate School, who will talk on
"A University and Gerentology."
More than 70 people will par-
ticipate in the three day con-
ference, entitled "Earning Op-
portunities for Mature Workers,"
which is under the sponsorship
of the University and several
other state and national agen-
Today's sessions, opening at 9:15
a.m. will center around the topic
"Employment Security and the
Aging Work Force." An introduc-
tion to the problem, scheduled for
9:30 a.m., will be followed by a
discussion of "Work and Maturity
and Employment Trends" by Sey-
mour U. Wolfhein, head of tta
Division of Manpower Employ-
ment of the Department of Labor.
* a *
THREE PANEL discussions are
scheduled for today with a widely
varied group of. participants, in-
cluding officials from several state
governments and the federal gov-
ernment. Doctors, staff members
from a number of Universities,
businessmen and labor officials
will also take part in them.
The first panel at 10:30 a.m. will
discuss "Facts, Obstacles, and
Points of View."
Cintinuing a discussion of the
central problem, the afternoon
session will opn at 1:45 p.m. with
a panel group considering the
topic "Grains for Continuing Em-
ployment." Another panel at 3
p.m. will discuss "The Older Work-,
er Taking Inventory."
An audience interview is plan-
ned after each panel.
Tomorrow has been designat-
ed Senior Citizen's Day, and will
be devoted to smaller work shops1
to be held concurrently all day.
At 8 p.m. tomorrow night Dr."
Martin Gumpert, Editor of Life-t
time Living, will talk on "Making
a Life and Making a Living." 1
The conference will conclude on3
Friday with several speeches on
the other aspects of the problems
of mature workers and an evalua-
tion of the entire confab at a 12:15
p.m. luncheon at the League.
Proposal To MC
Without ROK
UN Forces Hold
In Violent Action
By The Associated Press
The Communists today accepted Gen. Mark W. Ciark's proposal
of June 29 to proceed with final arrangements for signing a Korean
armistice without South Korea participating.
The acceptance was contained in a message to the UN commander
handed allied liaison officers in re-Q
-Daily-Lon Qui
TRIANGLE-Heroine Balduf does some quick thinking in an
effort to keep her two suitors separated.
~ * * a
'Knickerbocker Holiday'
Slated To Open Today
Political satire, 1647 vintage, will take place when the speech
department offers its second work of the summer, "Knickerbocker
Holiday" at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
A musical comedy farce, the work is a joint collaboration of Max-
well Anderson and Kurt Weill. It is directed by Prof. William Hal-
stead of the speech department.
ply to Clark's suggestion for a
truce now.
mand agreed to permit truce teams
to go ahead with the question of
implementing an armistice agree-
The contents of the Commu-
nist 'reply to Clark were dis-
closed to Allied correspondents
by Communist newsmen outside
the truce conference hut.
* *
THE UN Command did not im-
mediately anounce the contents of
the Red letter.
Clark nine days ago suggested
to the Red high command that the
full delegations meet to fix the
date for signing a' truce agreement
worked out in two years of negoti-
The unofficial Red reply said
the senior truce delegates of
each side should set the date for
their teams to come to Panmun-
jom. Apparently no date was
The letter said the UN Com-
mand should take effective steps
to make the South Korean gov-
ernment observe truce terms, the
Red newsmen said.
The Communists said "our side
is not entirely satisfied" with
Clark's letter, in which the UN
Command made it plain that Pres-
ident Syngman Rhee's government
is an independent sovereign state.
dent met again yesterday with
President Eisenhower's special
truce envoy, Walter S. Robertson--
their 10th talk in 13 days. But,
there was no sign that Rhee was
any closer to lining up behind a1
Set Gambling
Laws Asked
DETROIT-(P)-Arguments for1
a uniform state policy on gambling
grew louder here yesterday, but
they still met with the insistence
of Gov. Williams that the matter
is a local problem.
Some law officials balked at the
idea of enforcing laws part of the
time in some of the places.
Prosecutor Wilfred H. Erwin of
Livingston County said that en-
forcing a law in one county while
neighboring counties can ignore it
is a practical impossibility.
The governor turned his back
Monday on requests to call a con-
ference on gambling laws made
last week by the Michigan. Asso-
ciation of Chiefs of Police.
Williams action caused Detroit
police commissioner Donald Leon-
ard to say that the governor had
"missed the point entirely."
"We ask only the use of the gov-
ernor's office so that prosecutors
and law enforcement officers can
meet with him to 'discuss prob-
lems of a uniform law," said Leon-
Communists Accept Clark's
Chicago 3, Detroit 2
Cleveland 6, St. Louis 3
Philadelphia 5, New York 4
Boston 2, Washington 0
Milwaukee 4, Chicago 1
St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 6
Brooklyn 5-9, Pittsburgh 4-5
New York 5-9, Philadelphia 3-1
Twin Thieves
Still inCourt
Plans for an ingenious car theft
ring collapsed over the weekend
for Herbert and Hubert Foubare,
22 year old twins from Jackson,
will be reviewed in the Ann Arbor
Municipal Court at 10 a.m. today.
The twins were arraigned in
court yesterday and a petition for
a warrant for their 15 year old
Comics Cited
As America's
New Folk Art
Comic strips of today represent
America's new folk art, Prof. Alan
Gowans of Rutgers University fine
arts department explained yester-
The naivete of Grandma Moses
is an anachronism because is does
not present the culture of the 20th
century, he indicated in a com-
mentary given in conjunction with
the popular visual arts exhibit in
the Museum of Art.
ACCORDING TO Prof. Gowans,
"The essence of folk art is con-
ceptual art where the creator tries
to represent what he knows is
there and attempts to express his
maximum knowledge of it."
This form is in direct con-
trast to visual or academic art
in which the belief persists that
things should be represented as
the artist sees them at any one
second of time and not affected
by the total mental image of
objects, he pointed out.
Crucial time for old-style folk
art occurred around 1860 when
people abandoned it for more mod-
ern styles, he continued. "When
the old folk art came off the walls
in the middle 19th century, comic
strips replaced them," Prof. Gow-
ans explained.
* * *
A SYSTEM of conventional sym-
bols for conceptual reality in terms
of time, movement and emotions
has developed through comics, he
said. "Comics deal with folk imag-
ery in a folk style," according to
Prof. Gowans.
Using Popeye the sailorman as
an example of modern American
folk art, Prof. Gowans pointed
out that the popular comic char-
acter is more than a passing fad.
"I felt when I read over episodes
about the famed sailor that I
was relivin, the era of the '30's.
terdam in the days of the Dutch,
4the play mocks politics and polit-
ical institutions.
The almost legendary Peter
Stuyvesant, portrayed by Anthony
Georgilas, Grad., stamps around
on one leg and a wooden stump
as he faces the problems of taking
over the governorship of the fore-
most Dutch colony of the day.
Love interest is presented in the
form of the eternal triangle-only
this time with political implica-
tions-between "peg-leg" Peter
Stuyvensant, Carlaine Balduf,
and James Umphrey, Grad.
Tickets for the show which will
run through Saturday are on sale
at the Lydia Mendelssohn box-
office for $1.50, $1.20 and $.90.
Schedule Meet
Air Force Secretary Harold Tal-
bott and UAW officials will meet
tomorrow in Washington to dis-
cuss cancellation of Kaiser Motors
Corp. aircraft contracts.
After charges of high labor costs
the Union was invited to attend.
It has been contended by high gov-
ernment officials that labor costs
and generally poor production
were the main factors in the multi-
million-dollar revocation.
Key Regions
SEOUL-(P)-Reinforced U. S.
7th and South Korean, 2nd Divi-
sion troops were reported holding
grimly in twin hill battles today
while more than 6,000 Chinese
Reds stormed the muddy slopes of
Porkchop Hill and Arrowhead
Ridge for the second day.
The fighting, 40 to 45 miles
north of Seoul, was the most vio-
lent in weeks on the Western
Front. It was the first heavy as-
sault on an American division
since the Reds began picking on
one South Korean division after
another in grinding assaults in
* * *
SOME OFFICER thought the
Red offensive against the Repub-
lic of Korea Army was intended to
punish the ROKs for failing to
sign a truce agreement.
Frontline officers said the cur-
rent attacks were being directed
by two separate Chinese divi-
sions which so far have com-
mitted about a third of their
force. That meant about 6,000
Reds were in the actual attack.
More than two Red battalions
and possibly a full regiment up to
3.000 men beat against U. S. 7th
division troops holding strategic
Porkchop Hill, near Old Baldy on
the Western Front.
* * -
AT LEAST another regiment
was pounding furiously against
the South Koreans holding Arrow-
head Ridge, about five miles north-
east. Arrowhead is near White
Horse Mountain where the Kor-
eans scored a great victory over
the Chinese last fall.
The fighting was of savagery
unusual even in the Korean War.
Starting at 1:45 Monday night,
it raged all day yesterday and
on through the night up and
down the slippery outposts in a
welter of mud, rain and sweat.
GI's used rifles, grenades, gun
butts anid knives to smash back
wave on wave of driving Chinese.
At midnight last night another
violent Red wave was breaking on
Arrowhead but the Porkchop bat-
tle had dropped off slightly.
Nixon To Make
Far Eastern
Good Will Tour
White House announced yesterday
that President Eisenhower has
designated Vice President Nixon
to make a trip to the Far East
this fall as a good will envoy car-
rying "the sincere greetings of the
people of the United States" to the
people of Asia.
Nixon will be accompanied by
Mrs. Nixon and by officials of the
State Department. The group will
probably leave in October.
The anouncement followed a se-
ries of recent demands by Sen;
Knowland (R-Calif.), acting GOP
floor leader in the Senate, and
other Congress members fox put-
ting greater emphasis on UJ.S. re-
lations with the Far East.
Nixon's main task is expected to
center on efforts to counter the
snead of communism in the war
Student Directory Sales
Begin on Campus Today
* F *
Rival to even the best of text
books in popularity, the Summer
Session Student Directory goes on
sale today all over campus.
Containing approximately 6000
listings of students and visiting
faculty members, the directory in-
cludes local addresses and phone
numbers in addition to home ad-
dresses. It also gives the class and
school of those listed.
Roy Pella, '54BAd, co-editor of
the Summer Directory, said a com-
plete listing of residence halls, and
sorority and fraternity houses is
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Senate yesterday voted 43 to 41 to add
15 million dollars to the federal-state hospital construction program
despite strenuous appeals from Republican leaders to reject the
The 15 millions, proposed by Sen. Hill (D-Ala) and supported
by most Democrats, raised to 75 millions the total available for the
Hill-Burton hospital building program.
** * *
BIRMINGHAM, England - Europe's largest atom-splitting
machine has been successfully tested at Birmingham University
it was disclosed yesterday.