PAGE TWO T HE ATICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1951 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ h __________________________________________________ Farm Surpluses For Foreign Aid T he Film IT IS BEGINNING to look as if a long awaited federal step, that of making government owned farm surpluses easily available to foreign countries in need of food, may finally be taken. President Eisenhower last week asked Congress for the blanket authority to grant, lend or sell government owned farm prod- ucts to nations "urgently needing relief." Ever since the end of World War II gov- ernment-owned food supplies acquired through farm support programs have been allowed literally to rot in federal store houses. Yet in 1951 it took Congress four months from the time of President Truman's first request to pass a bill for famine relief in India. By the end of the congressional tussel the gift which Truman had asked for had become a loan, and for a time there had been some doubt as to whether the needed supplies would be granted at all. However, Congressional opinion seems to be moving away from the isolationist at- titude that would deny needed relief. Last month a similar request by Eisenhow- er for wheat for famine stricken Pakistan went through Congress in comparatively short order. It was given as a gift to Pakis- tan with the stipulation that the money ob- tained from people who could afford to pay would go for dam and irrigation projects in that country. The authority which the President is now requesting seems to be another step in a log- ical progression. It would avoid the neces- sity of requiring an already overburdened Congress to pass special legislation if an- other obvious need should arise and it would also mean that food shipment could begin as soon as the President decided that relief measures were needed. The usual argument that food grants to needy countries helps to thwart Commu- nism in those areas grows stronger when action can be taken faster and probably more often. It would seem plausable for congressional representatives to support a move which has the potentially triple advantage of reducing farm surpluses, lightening the congression- al schedule, and advancing American cold war aims, in addition to the fact that it is a form of foreign aid that we can easily af- ford. -Phyllis Lipsky PERFORMER'S VIEWPOINT: Bela Bartok's Fourth Quartet (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles on chamber music.) By OLIVER EDEL Professor of Chamber Music and Violoncello; Cellist of the Stanley Quartet THE PREPARATION for performance of Bela Bartok's Fourth String Quartet by the Stanley Quartet is in a certain sense sim- ilar to that accorded any serious work by a professional quartet. It is true that each concertizing group develops for itself a somewhat unique pattern of procedure. Dif- ferences are however superficial rather than fundamental. The 'directed' quartet of the 19th and early 20th centuries, composed of a great man and his three lesser assistants, is largely a thing of the past. Present day thinking and the more equal and rigorous demands made on each of the four instru- mentalists of the quartet, have decreed a procedure based on a democratic association of its members. The Stanley Quartet, no exception to this rule, exercises a strict de- iocracy in its affairs, equality of initiative and voting power being vested in each of its members. A framework for initiative established, the approach to the interpretation of a work will then reflect the composite personality of the particular group concerned. In the case of the quartets of Bela Bartok, however, certain problems common to all perform-. ance groups are proposed, that require so- lution as prerequisites to a usual prepara- tion procedure, to a mature interpretative consideration. These problems spring on the one hand from the preoccupation of profes- sional quartets with the literature of the 19th century, which of course provides the bulk of their repertories, and on the other hand, from Bartok's profound originality and incisive rejection of outworn conventions. Referring directly to the 4th quartet, the preliminary problems are three, and have to do with Bartok's concepts of rhythm, har- mony, and instrumental technique. Considering the rhythmic problem first, we find, at first glance a comforting adher- ence to established convention. There are few tempo changes within movements. Complete metric consistency, too, is outwardly ap- parent; the first movement being in 4/4, the third in 4/4, the fourth in 3/4, and the last in 2/4. Only in the second movement do we observe a most venerable kind of excur- sion, an occasional alternation of 2/4 with a basic 6/8. Great moderation too, at least for our time, is present in the arthmetical division of each measure, in the co-incidence of beats. Simple quarter, eighth and six- teenth notes are the rule. But here ends abruptly, at least for the greater part of the work, any further similarity to the rhythmic habits of the nineteenth century. For immediately it is apparent that traditional organization of pulse within the measure, such as the heavy first beat and light second beat, or the heavy first beat and light second and third beats of 3/4 time, are rarely pres- ent..Rather is the measure used primarily to plot out in orderly fashion for all four instruments the simple passage of time. Actually, Bartok may invoke the heavy pulse of a rhythm on any beat or sub- division of beat within the measure, and his meters may be varied and in any suc- cession he wishes. 4/4 may be followed by 7/8, and that in turn by 2/4, 5/8, or 11/8. One might say that this presents enough of a rhythmic problem. But Bartok does not stop there. He extends his free rhyth- mic concept to include a non-coincidence of meter between two, three, or all four instruments. Resultant difficulties for the performer are heightened by the great speed with which these complexities often develop, Such a texture of rhythms as Bartok here creates, often revealed under con- ditions of extreme technical demand, re-j of study and familiarization. These rhythms must be lived with, played and heard again and again, before one may be sufficiently at home in them to pro- ceed to the work's more subtle and polished preparation to the more usual work-pat- tern of the particular organization con- cerned. Bartok's harmonic concepts and .the so- norities he creates present a second problem. Here again we find an originality, ruthlessly alien in its product to our 19th century in- doctrinations. His concept of sound, often harsh and strident to our more gently con- ditioned musical hearing, must also be lived with and heard at length, before subtle dis- tinctions and compulsions may be noted and evaluated. The third problem posed by Bartok in his fourth quartet is one of instrumental tech- nique, and ariss from his refusing, like Beethoven, to limit himself in his writing to. contemporary concepts of instrumental techniques. Once more, he is as unaffected by tradition as he is in his rhythms and har- monies, and in this case, demands a com- panion orginality on the part of the perform- er. New technical ways and means must be found to fulfill his musical intentions. New hand positions, new techniques of pizzicato and position change must be found and per- fceted. Once again time is necessary to savor the problem and to find the best possible so- lution. Preliminary problems of rhythm, har- mony, and technique having been met, the musical re-creation of the 4th quar- tet proceeds much as would that of any other great work of like medium. The design of each movement is clear, the materials apparent. A linear first move- ment in sonata allegro form is succeeded by a second movement scherzo, amazing- ly swift and irridescent of texture. The third movement, the slow one of the quar- tet, treats the cello most generously, and provides for the other instruments as well extended solos of expressive and improvi- sational nature. The fourth movement, employing only the pizzicato use of the four instruments, beguiles one pleasantly and somewhat whimsically, and sets the stage most subtly for a finale, almost demoniacal in its wild rhythms and out- bursts of melody. A final problem to the performer, once again the result of Bartok's originality and an opposing 19th century indoctrination,is the audience frame of mind. Although Bar- tok's audience has increased greatly in the last ten years, there are still many, preferring the sonorities of Bach, Beethoven or other earier composers, who cannot accept him. A failure to accept Bartok in his own terms, a perhaps unconscious insistence on evaluations rooted in old, familiar sounds may well be the same failure and insistence that have in the past relegated the most treasured quartets of Beethoven to decades of oblivion, and that caused a near riot when our old friend The Sacre de Prin- temps was first performed; the same failure and insistence that have withheld from our enjoyment unreasonably long so many oth- er great and needed musical treasures. The Stanley Quartet has observed that members of the lay-audience who find Bar- tok objectionable and abstruse, come most quickly to a real communicative contact with his music and the performer through simply sitting back, relaxing, and expecting nothing remotely similar to anything they have every heard before; to be, in short, very dry, thirsty, unprejudiced musical sponges. Surely such toleration may be easily jus- tified. So much of our great art has dictated to us all the exercise of patience and good will before yielding its new beauties to our inevitably indoctrinated minds. We in the Stanley Quartet have no doubt but that the On Fine Arts A LOCAL MOVIE-HOUSE, as part of i program of short subjects, recently ex- hibited two examples of Hollywood's ges- ture towards the arts. The first was en- titled "Birth of Venus," and it attempted to give a glimpse of Italian painting depicting iconography of ancient Greece. The second was a bit in the newsreel showing art stu- dents in Florence. In both cases a gimmick or "angle" was used, in the first intelligently, and in the second greatly to the damage of its sub- ject. The first film showed briefly two paintings, Raphael's "School of Athens" and Botticelli's "Birth of Venus." To introduce these paintings the film pointed out the excitement of the Renais- sance at re-discovering Greek civilization. It did this by discreet commentary, discuss- ing generally the references to Greek cul- ture in the Raphael, and showing represen- tative sculptures done from Greek models. In addition to a description of the my- thological references in the Botticelli, the film used natural shots of Italy to illus- trate the flora which Bottecilli used as a model besides the elassical figure. The result of such documentation, in both works, was to provide a better under- standing of the paintings represented, and this, along with excellent camera work on the paintings, gave an under- standing and sensitive analysis. It can be added however that some bad- ly-timed film cutting did hamper the film. The shots of the earnest professor surveying the scene and of the natural Italian land- scape were too long, giving a slightly ludi- crous tinge and a faint air of travelogue. But on the whole it was the best of such efforts since Flaherty's "Titan," with the added virtue of being in color. The newsreel bit was insulting and dem- onstrated the horrible fascination our so- ciety has with clouding a sincere act with insipid humour, something supposed to make it newsworthy. A group of art stu- dents were shown entering a Florentine square in horse drawn carriages. After alighting from the vehicles the students proceeded to go about their work. The final shot showed a female student lovingly hold- ing up a sculpture of grapes with the news- reel commentator gleefully exclaiming: "It looks realistic enough to eat." Of course the art itself that- these stu- dents were doing, or the problems that particularly affronted them, would not be considered newsworthy, of enough "hu- man interest." The edibility of fabricated grapes, a quality no sculptor would ever consider as a criterion for his art, or a horse and buggy, of no remote pertinence to the actual subject at hand, would ev- identlyprovide a "human interest." It is this type of "angle" that generates nine tenths of the public hostility towards art in this country. The same sort of theory underlies it as that of the artist always sporting a peacock feather. For the engi- neer or statesman, his trade is enough of a gimmick, but the artist it seems some other way must be found of publicizing him. Such publicity however emphasizes art as 'being ridiculous, odd, even inhuman, there- by lending support to the falsehood that the artist is not part of society, and that his art is not a product of it. It is time that the invalidity of this theo- ry be learned. The artist does not need cute phrases to apologize for his art. He does not wear a peacock feather. His trade is news- worthy. An apparently harmless newsreel bit can do much to hinder the meanings of art and the intent of the artist by playing up faul- ty premises. Intelligent reports like "Birth of Venus" are of vast importance in giving art its proper perspective. Nowhere can this be done more beneficially than in the mass- producing media such as radio, television, newspapers, or as in this case, the film. --Donald Harris Freeing Japanese Prisoners THE GOVERNMENT of the Philippines has taken a sweeping action in respect to its Japanese war-crimes prisoners. Those who were under sentence of death have had the sentences commuted to life imprison- ment. Those with lesser sentences are set at liberty and will be returned to Japan. This is a further step in the effort to resore normal relationships between the two Far Eastern countries, and as such is commendable. When one considers the de- gree of the Filipinos' grievancedagainst Ja- pan this act must be regarded as one of unusual generosity. The Filipinos are ob- viously trying to forgive, even if they can- not forget. There is a further motive. The Philip- pines are trying to establish a better climate of feeling in which the question of Japanese reparations can be discussed. Both sides to that discussion have come a long way. --The New York Times New Books At The Library Cowles, Virginia -- Winston Churchill. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1953. Henderson, Daniel - The Hidden Coasts. New York, William Sloane Associates, 1953. Kertzer, Rabbi Morris N. - What Is a - a Fu . \' loco DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON -- A significant backstage battle over McCrthyism will be waged this morning when the McCarthy committee meets behind closed doors to discuss its executive director, J. B. Mathews, and his satement that "the largest single group supporting the Com- munist apparatus in the United States today is composed of Prot- estant clergymen." I Matthews, formerly employed by the Hearst newspapers, has re- cently replaced fair-minded "Frip" Flanagan, who for many years directed the Senate Government Operations Committee of which Mc- Carthy is now chairman. But when the committee meets today it will face a solid phalanx of three Democrats-Jackson of Washington, Mc- Clellan of Arkansas and Symington of Missouri-who will demand that Matthews be fired. The three Democrats can be out-voted by the four Republi- cans, but the interesting question will be whether all the Republi- cans will line up together. For three of the four Republicans are Protestants: Mundt of South Dakota and Potter of Michi- gan are Methodists; Dirksen of Illinois is a Presbyterian. Mc- Carthy, the chairman, is Catholic. During the closed-door debate, the three Protestant Republicans will have to decide whether to go along with their chairman or with the Protestant churches which have been attacked by committee director Matthews. VANDENBERG VS. FERGUSON Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, retiring Chief of Staff of tbe Air Force, took a rear elevator up to room 676 of the Mayflower Hotel the other day and dropped in for a quiet chat with his old boss Harry Truman. Though one is a Republican and the other a Democrat, the two talked, believe it or not, about politics-specifically about the pos- sibility of Vandenberg's running for the Senate from Mithigan against GOP Sen.. Homer Ferguson. Truman was eager to have him run., "I've been a Republican all my life," said General Vandenberg, "but when I see what this administration has done to the Air Force, it almost makes me a Democrat" Truman, who fought for a big military budget, didn't have to express agreement. He has said both privately and publicly that Ei- senhower cuts in the Air Force are one of the worst tragedies affecting the security of the nation. On the political front, he told Vandenberg that he would undertake to sound out the Governor of Michigan, up- and-coming young "Soapy" Williams, a Democrat, to see whether he would stay out of the Michigan race if Vandenberg ran. Upon further talks will depend whether, first, Vandenberg runs in the primarly as a Republican against Senator l3omer Ferguson, also a Republican, and whether he runs as a Democrat in the final election. The ultimate decision will partly depend on Governor Wil- liams. Popular in Michigan, he would be a hard man to beat. BRITISH ADVICE ON RHEE Field Marshall Alexander of the British army has urged General Mark Clark to take the unusual step of arresting President Syng- man Rhee if he continueo obstruct a truce in Korea. Lord Alexander, who was General Clark's superior during the Italian campaign, says Britain wouldn't have put up with Rhee's defiance for ten minutes if he were in charge of negotiations. American military men considered the idea of replacing Rhee with the Chief of Staff of the Korean Army, but President Eisenhower overrulled them. SENATE SARCASM WEALTHY. Retired Charles Daw of Daytona Beach, Fla., was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee the other day against the appointment of James L. Guilmartin to be U.S. Attorney for Southern Florida. "What is your occupation and profession? demanded Senator Herman Welker, Idaho Republican. "I do nothing, sir," replied Daw. "That is a wonderful occupation," remarked Welker. "If you need a good' partner," broke in Chairman "Wild Bill" Langer of North Dakota, "you could have one in Senator Welker." PATRIOTIC CONGRESSMAN GOP Congressman Robert Kean of New Jersey, who is leading the fight inside the House Ways and Means Committee to extend the excess profits tax, stands to lose $20,000-if he wins his fight. For Kean will have to pay an extra $20,000 on the excess profits of his bank, the Livingston National Bank of Livipgston, N.J. That's $5,000 more than his total congressional salary- Yet the Congressman has unselfishly urged that the tax be con- tinued and is one of the few Republicans inside the Ways and Means Committee voting against Uncle Dan Reed. MURDER IN THE PENTAGON It begins to look as if "Murder in the Pentagon" was not just the title of a detective story or a TV drama. Finding the decomposed body of John S. Johnson, a mail clerk, in the truck rack of his car now casts serious suspicion on the manner in. which Lee E. Harden, a trusted guard, was found dead at the bottom of a locked "security" elevator shaft two months ago. His body was not mangled by the elevator, but appeared beaten up. However, his hand was clutching the key to the elevator as if he had unlocked the elevator doors himself, and he was declared a sui- cide. On the other hand, the guards did not carry revolvers that day,1 presumably because of an inspection; and it was significant that Har- den had earlier participated in a raid on some government lockers where he uncovered evidence implicating one Pentagon employee in the numbers racket. It is also believed that Johnson's murder re- sulted from numbers racket revenge. SI I The Daily Official Bulletinvis an Iofficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceeding publication (be- fore 11 a.m. on Saturday). TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1953 VOL. LXIII, No. 98 Notices Seniors: College of L. S. & A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Pub- lic Health: Tentative lists of seniors for August graduation have been posted on the Registrar's bulletin board in the first floor corridor, Administration Building. If your name is mitpled or the degree expected incorrect, please notify the Recorder at Registrar's win- dow number 1, 1513 Administration Building. Schools of Education, Music, Natural Resources and Public Health. Students, who received marks of I, X, or "no re- ports' at the end of their last semes- ter or summer session of attendance, will receive a grade of "E" in the course or courses unless this work is made up by July 22. Students, wishing an exten- sion of time beyond this date in order to make up this work, should file a pe- tition, addressed to the appropriate of- ficial in their school, with Room 1513 Administration Building, where it will be transmitted. "Earning Opportunities for Mature Workers," the University of Micigan Sixth Annual Conference on Aging, will be held July 8-10, Rackham Building. Students and faculty may register for the conference without fee. Lectures Forrthe Speech and the Preacher Conference today at 9:30 a.m., there will be workout sessions. At 11:00 o'clock a.m., Professor G. E. Densmore, Chair- man of the Department of Speech, will speak on "The After-Dinner Speech," in the Rackham Amphitheater. In the afternoon at 1:30 there will be group instruction and at 3:15 p.m. the Rev- erend W. P. Lemon will speak on "Preaching to this Age," in the Rack- ham Amphitheater. For the College Professors' Workshop today Professor Tremaine McDowell, Chairman of the Program in American Studies at the University of Minnesota, will use as his topic at 2:00 p.m.rin Room 141 Business Administration, "New Developments in Teaching the Humanites." For his subject at 2:00 o'clock this afternoon on the Symposium on As- trophysics, Professor George Gamow of George Washington University will use "The Origin of the Solar System" and at o'clock, Professor Girard P. Kuiper of the University of Chicago will speak on "The Origin of the Solar System, and at Xetteio.4 TO THEEDITOR The Daily welcomes communica- tions from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the wri- ter and in good taste. Letters ex- ceeding 300 words in length, defama- tory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited orI withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. The Man Mau.. .. To the Editor: "MORE Kikuyu suspects are rounded up and killed." This is the familiar news cast of the chronic problem of Mau Mau in Kenya. Violence is the usual meth- od by which the British solve their Colonial problems. Before passing judgment on Ki- kuyu tribe for employing drastic means of expelling the Kenya "white settlers," just pause and thinkdof the following argument. In order to restrict the Union of South Africa from encroaching on East African territories, the Brit- ish created a Central African Fed- eration against the wish of the Negro Africans. These native Af- ricans know that the real objective of the British is to plant another Union of South Africa in East Africa. The wish of the native Af- ricans is unimportant to the Brit- ish Imperialists as illustrated by these hostile actions. If the Brit- ish are sincere with Africans would they attempt to deprive them of the only property they have? Land is the soul of the Afri- cans. But is this not being usurped by the British protected whites in South Africa and Kenya. Is this not a good reason for the emerg- ence of Mau Mau? The spirit of Mau Mau has spread all over Africa. It maysbe active, as in Kenya or silent, as in Nigeria. The people of Africa wish to be allowed full privileges to own their property. They want freedom to live; and they want self determination. They want the West to withdraw her blood- stained imperialist claws, and practise what she preaches. In the United States emphasis is laid on Communist enslavement of the World; but little attention is paid to the constant riots in Af- rica, riots which demonstrate the brutality of the "Free Nations." Europe is 'preying on the weak Af- ricans. Financially and morally United States is aiding Europe to enslave them. How long will this continue? This is the time for the West to change attitude. The longer this ) 7:30 p.m. Dr. Walter Baace of Mt. Wi- son and Palomar Obgervatories will speake on "The Groningen Conference on Galactic Structure." The talks will be in 1400 Chemistry Building. At 4:00 p.m. today Dr. Harlan H. Bloomer, Professor of Speech and Di- rector of the Speech Clinic, will ad- dress the Graduate Symposium on Speech Correction, in the West Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. Professor Bruce G. Johnston of the Department of Structural Engineering will speak at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in 311 West Engineering Building on "AndEvaluation of Plastic Analysis Ap- piled to Structural Design." Alan W. Gowans, Visiting Assistant Professor in Fine Arts, from Rutgers University, will lecture on "America's New Folk Art" at 4:15 p.m. to- day in Auditorium D, Angell Hall. The talk will be illustrated, and is to be a commentary on the summer ex- hibition, "Popular .Visual Arts" now being shown at the Museum. Professor George W. Beadle, of the California Institute of Technology, will use as the topic of his talk this after- noon at 4:15 o'clock in 1300 Chemistry Building on the Radiation Biology Symposium "The Use of Radiatioi in Studies of Gene Acation." In the Linguistic Forum Professor Paul L. Garvin of Georgetown Univer- sity, will speak on "An Empirical Anal- ysis of Linguistic Meaning" this eve- ning at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Am- phitheater. Dr. Martin Gumpert, Editor of "Life- time Living," will lecture on "Mak- ing a Life and Making a Living" at 800 p.m, on Thursday, July 8, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The public is invit- ed. Academic Notices Seminar in Mathematical Statistics meets today at 1:00 o'clock in 3201 An- gell Hall. Professor P. S. Dwyr will speak on "A Generalization of the Gauss-Markoff Theorem." Beginning Golf Instruction - Women Students. The Department of Physical Education for Women is offering an- other Golf class on Monday and Wednes- day at 3:30 starting Wednesday, July 8. Register now in Office 15, Barbour Gym- nasium. Instruction is free and equip- ment is available. Make-Up Examinations in History- Saturday, July 11, 9-12 a.m., 2407 Mason Hall. See your instructor for perms- sion and then sign list in History Office. M.A. Language Examination-Friday, July 10, 4-5 p.m., 3615 Haven Hall. Sign list in History Office. Can bring a dic- tionary. Concerts Faculty concert, auspices of the School of Music. The Stanley Quartet. 8:30 p.m., today, Rackham Lecture Hall. Student Recital: Richard Harper, or- ganist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 830 Wednesday evening, July 8, In Hill Auditorium. His program will Inelude works by Buxtehude, Bach, Vivaldi, Langlais, Alain and Durufle, and will be open to the public. Mr. Harper is a pupil of Robert Noehren. Special choral Demonstrations (Sec- ond Series) by Marlowe Smith, Ean man School of Music, and Director of Hig School Choirs, Rochester Public Schools, Friday, July 10, 10:00 a.m., and 3:00 p.m., and Saturday, July 11, 10:00 a.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Tech- nics of Choir Directors: Reaching Chi- al Literature. Individual conferences with Mr. Smith may be arranged by signing for appointments. A listing of available hours will be posted on the door of Room 708 Burton Tower, where appointments will be held. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30 -August 7); California Water Color So- ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun- days. The public is invited. General Library. Best sellers of the twentieth century. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill- man Collection of Antiques of Palestine. Museums Building, rotunda, exhibit. Steps in the preparation of ethnolo- gical dioramas. Michigan Historical Collections. Mi- chigan, year-round vacation land. Clements Library. The good; the bad, the popular. Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em- pire. Architecture Building. Michigan'Chil- dren's Art Exhibition. (Continued on page 4) 1.- A ,. SixtyThird Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harland Britz.........Managing Editor Dick Lewis ..............Sports Editor Becky Conrad...........Night Editor Gayle Greene............. Night Editor Pat Roelofs.............Night Editor Fran Sheldon...........Night Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Dick Alstrom..... Circulation Manager Dick Nyberg...........Finance Manager Jessica Tanner... Advertising Associate Bob Kovacs......Advertising Associate Telephone 23-24-1 14