DRAFT DEFERMENTS See Page 4, YI r I6 b ~a4j " Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIII, No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1953 PARTLY CLOUDY FOUR PAGES Rumanians, Bulgars Riot AgainstReds Other Satellites Front Line First Aid Also Disorderly The sea of unrest overwhelming Soviet satellites from Berlin to the Balkans swelled yesterday with reparts of trouble in Ru- mania and Bulgaria, the United Press reports said. According to the London Daily Express, Rumanians who fled to Yugoslavia said peasants had stormed the depots of 25 collec- tive farms near Bucharest and seized food. 'New Proposal' Or No Agreement High Korean Says By The Associated Press A high Korean source said yesterday there could be no break in the critical deadlock on American-South Korean conferences con- cerning an armistice unless the U.S. offers "a new proposal." The source, who declined to be named, told AP Correspondent Bill Shinn the U.S. must offer "a new proposal satisfactory to Presi- dent Rhee" and one that contains "concrete assurances" of Korean unification. * * , * RHEE HAS SAID South Korea would never accept the truce ne- gotiated at Panmunjom between the UN Command and the Commu- nists after nearly two years of hard" *' * * bargaining. He insists on a guaran- tee unifying Korea. N~enru UCals The South Korean source said Rhee is holding out for a guar- " antee that the United State. ROK Actions will resume the war if a post-ar-- mistice political conference fails in 90 days to make progress to- The source said Rhee has re- jected a U.S. compromise calling STANLEY QUARTET will play at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. Their program includes the Fourth Quartet of Bela Bartok, Beethoven's quartet in A major, Opus 18, No. 5, and the Quintet in G minor of Mozart with David Ireland, violist, assist- ing. The concert is open to the public without charge. Red Probe To0 Oen ro V Oct. 26 Detroit A return performance of Communist activities investigations cov- ering the fields of education and labor will get under way Oct. 26 in Detroit and probably will continue for a week. The investigation will be conducted by the House Un-American Activities Committee and run by Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Mich.), a com- mittee member. Commenting on Clardy's announcement yesterday that the group will delve into the field of education, President Harlan H. Hatcher World News Roundup, By The Associated Press BERLIN-The Western Allies fired off a new note to the Rus- sians last night demanding they lift at once martial law restrictions which have clamped a partial blockade on this four-power city. FT. WORTH-A civil defense expert said yesterday government officials believe Russia has enough atomic bombs to drop two on about 67 areas in the United States. +* *s# WASHINGTON - The State Department told the Philippine charge d'affairs yesterday the United States will follow a strictly hands off policy in the Philippine election campaign. TOKYO-Peiping Red radio said yesterday Britain and Red China signed an 84 million dollar import-export trade agreement in Peiping Sunday. The broadcast, said Britain will sell China metal and metal pro- ducts, machines, electrical appli- ances, chemical materials, tools, instruments and other products. * *.* SAN FRANCISCO - Active duty orders for college Air Force ROTC graduates have been held up temporarily pending a review of a manpower problem, a Fourth Air Force spokesman at Hamilton AF base said yester- day. NEW YORK-Chairman Velde (R-Ill.) of the House Un-Ameri- can Activities Committee an- nounced yesterday the committee was turning its attention to "sub- version in the field of labor." MOSCOW-The Soviet govern- ment newspaper Izvestia declared yesterday the Communist party has "crushed" all members who tried to sow dissension and sub- vert the unity of the party. A lead editorial also warned that "life will sooner or later rid it- self" of any Soviet leader who neglects Communist theory. Youths Confess To 90 Car Thefts Three 22-year-old boys were questioned by Ann Arbor police yesterday after one of them said that he had gotten the idea for stealing cars while fighting in Korea. Local police said twins Herbert and Hubert Foubare of Jackson and James Palmer of Detroit con- fessed to stealing 90 cars in eight counties. Herbert said he had concocted said he had heard no word from the committee concerning an in- vestigation of the University. President Hatcher explained however that the University would take the same stand on this year's investigations as on the Detroit hearings last spring. In a telegram to the Velde com- mittee last year, President Hatcher assured willingness to cooperate with the group "to the fullest >extent." s * * THE HOUSE Committee, ac- cording to Clardy, "intends to paint a broad picture to show the people of Michigan just how wide and deep and effective the Com- munist Party's work really is." He said the Detroit hearings will be available to radio and television outlets, adding: "there will be no interference with publicity and blackouts such as happened last time when the House speaker banned radio, tel- evision and motion pictures." "I feel the public should know about the Communists and see how the committee operates so' people will know that we are not witch-hunters as we sometimes are made out," he added. Last appearance of the com- mittee in Detroit was in 1952, when hundreds of persons were identified as Communists or Communist sympathizers and 49 year old grandmother, Mrs. Bereniece "Toby" Baldwin, re- vealed the existence of three Red cells in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Baldwin will be one of the principle witnesses in the Octobera hearing. Clardy said investigators al- ready have been in Michigan this year and will be sent back to thef Detroit area soon. "We expect to name people prominent in the Communist movement who have not beenj mentioned before," he added. x THE MANCHESTER Guardian reported trouble flared in a Bul- garian tobacco factory after So- viet-style work methods were in- troduced. Workers' meetings got out of hand and about 5,004 workers stormed through the streets of Plovdiv shouting anti-Commun- ist slogans, the Guardian stated. Reports had reached London that workers' demonstrations forc- ed the Bulgarian government to repeal speed-up orders it had tried to enforce in tobacco factories, according to the Guardian. AGERPRESS, Communist Ru- manian news agency, announced an increase in food rations. Usual- ly such generosity behind the Iron Curtain is viewed as a concession by Red authorities to head off pos- sible rebellion. In East Germany anti-Com- munists have promised "blood for blood" to avenge workers who fell before Russian and Communist guns in the revolt against the Red rulers of the Soviet-occupied zone, under- ground sources reported yester- day. Threats of new uprisings came as thousands of workers were re- ported to be continuing defiance of Red Army tanks and combat troops with strikes and other anti- Communist demonstrations. THE INFORMATION Bureau West, a private intelligence or- ganization based in West Berlin, said that the walls of public build- ings throughout East Germany have been plastered with such signs as "Blood for Blood" and "We Will Rise Again.'' Flash strikes over the week end shut down the vast Carl Zeiss op- tical factory in Jena, as well asa many other plants throughout Red Germany, according to the bureau. Information Head Johnson Resigns WASHINGTON - (P) - Rob- ert . L. Johnson has resigned as head of the embattred U.S. in- formation service, telling President Eisenhower his health is breaking under the strain of the job. The President accepted the res- ignation yesterday and expressed hope that Johnson would be able to carry on until a sweeping reor- ganization of the information service is put into effect early next month. Johnson has been in the middle of the "book burning" controversy which developed after Sen. McCar- thy (R-Wis.) called for a purge of some 30,000 books by Communists and fellow-travelers which he said were on the shelves of the infor- mation libraries abroad. Full-Scale Mobitizing Policy Cited, THEY PAID-Four ROK soldiers who were wounded in recent fighting on the east central front in Korea receive attention from a medic (left) as they sit in a jeep awaiting transportation to an aid station a short distance from the front. WASHINGTON - (P) -- The "And this is Sir Win Eisenhower administration yester- abom ano erio day announced, as its long-await- It urned out to be ed mobilization policy, a program dent, calling to than of industrial development-in be- dnrcisptofth ing, or on blueprints-to support for his support ofith time cale. ~ ~ ar istration's excess profit military operations on full war- sition. Homer says he was Issued by the Office of Defense rassed." Mobilization after clearance by the Cabinet, the program seemed generally to reaffirm the "broad HARDLY WET: ston, how n dollars, the Presi- k Homer, e admin-, ts tax po- "embar- Embarrassed WASHINGTON - (P) - Rep. Homer (R-Calif.) tells this one on himself: He answered the telephone Saturday and heard a voice say -"this is President Eisenhow- er." mobilization base" policy Truman administration. * * * of the IT CALLED for the plugging of any prospective gaps in machin- ery, tools, equipment and power, and for the "systematic mainte- nance" of idle plants and machines which would be needed if an M- Day comes. The goal, as summarized by ODM Director Arthur S. Flem- ming, is: "An industrial position, or plans for it, from which we could move rapidly to maximum- rates of balanced output of war and war-supporting goods." The statement has been expect- ed for weeks. During the delay, in- dustry's interest grew because of the disclosure that Secretary of Defense Wilson preferred a "nar- rower" industrial base for military production than the Truman plans envisaged. UNANSWERED yesterday was the question of how ODM's new policy declaration squares with such curtailments as the Air Force cancellation of contracts for seven huge hydraulic presses, and the anounced elimination of Hen- ry J. Kaiser's Willow Run plant from the C119 Flying Boxcar transport program. The government hopes to rely mainly on the' normal expansion of industry to increase the nation's war potential, ODM said. City Remains Quiet over 4th Ann Arbor police and fire de- partment officials said the holi- day weekend was very "quiet" and reported no serious accidents or fires to mar the city record. Firecracker offenders were at a minimum and injuries were minor in the city. Rain held off until late Sunday afternoon to give Ann Arborites pleasant weather and a peaceful' Fourth of July. County reports however, were not so pleasant. Two traffic fa- talities were added to Washte- naw County's 1953 toll of high- way deaths running the total to 29. The pace this year exceeds one death a week on county roads. The nation's death toll reached 434 over the holiday. Throughout the state, death tolls were high also. Record number of motorists crowded highways ac- cording to State police, with 19 fatilities reported in traffic acci- dents. Nine persons were drowning vic- tims in the hot July weekend; and at a freak accident in Marquette a man was thrown from a carnival thrill ride and died of a broken neck. Soapy Cool To AF Head AsSenator LANSING - (P) - Gov. Wil- hams was non-commitally cool yesterday to recurrent suggestions that Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, re- tired Air Force chief, might be a candidate for U.S. senator from Michigan in 1954. The most recent discussion was by Drew Pearson, nationally syn- dicated political columnist. Pear- son said that former President Truman had agreed to discuss Vadenberg's possible candidacy with Williams. 1' * * U.S. SENATOR Homer Ferguson (R-Mich.) faces reelection next year. Williams, who has been strongly mentioned as a candi- date for the post himself, told a press conference "I am in- clined to think the Democrats will have one or more candidates who will take care of Mr. Fer- guson quite amlly in 1954. Of- course, there are some ungra- cious enough to think Fergu- son will take care of himself be- fore that comes about." The Governor said "I am sure there are many Democrats and Re- publicans who agree with Mr. Tru- man that Hoyt Vandenberg is a very excellent person, one who has served his country well and who has had rather summary shrift from the present administration." "I think," Williams said under further questioning, "that many would welcome Hoyt Vandenberg in the Democratic party, but whether as senator or as secre- tary of state is another question." Noting that Vandenberg had established residence in Colorado Springs, Colo., a reporter asked Williams about the political pros- pects of seeking office in another state within a year of an election. The governor said "electability depends at least in part on the close connection with a constitu- ency. for top-level American-South Ko- rean diplomatic discussions to uni- fy Korea if the political confer- ence fails. HE ADDED that Rhee feels the proposal is meaningless since U.S. Senate approval of such a plan is not definite "and thus not concrete assurance." Earlier there was fresh spec- ulation as to just how far Rhee might carry his truce-blocking views. There were even unconfirmed re- ports that when Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, the UN field commander, met Sunday with U.S. advisers to the South Korean Army they dis- cussed what to do should Rhee pull out his 16 divisions from Tay- lor's command and fight on alone. The talks were top secret. * * * NEGOTIATIONS between Rhee and Walter Robertson, President Eisenhower's special truce envoy, were continuing for the 12th day but no time was set for the next meeting. A general officer at UN Far East Command headquarters in Tokyo said the 78-year-old South Korean President "is so fanatic about unifying Korea before he dies that Rhee is ready to pull down everything that we have built if he doesn't get what he wants." The gen- eral was not identified. The report of the new U. S. compromise offer came from a South Korean source close to the current negotiations. But a U. S. Embassy spokes- man in Seoul denied such an offer had been made. From out along the rain-drench- ed battle line AP Correspondent John Randolph said checks with South Korean fighting men indi- cated most of them would follow orders should Rhee decide on go- ing it alone if a truce was signed which he opposed. *' * * MEANWHILE heavy fighting broke out on rain-soaked Central and Western Korean fronts yes- terday as Chinese Reds swarmed to the attack in ankle-deep mud to end a two-day lull in the war, Both sides threw fresh troops in- to the battle yesterday morning. Word from Pusan said the 14,- 000-ton American freighter Corn- husker Mariner with 45 crew mem- bers aboard went aground outside the Pusan breakwater early yes- terday and was reported in dan- ger of breaking up. AGRA, India - () - Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said yesterday that South Korea's at- titude on an armistice culd sprea the fighting into a world war. Nehru addressed an audience of 15,000 at the opening of a two-day policy conference of a 404-member committee of his governing Con- gress party. s * s THE CONFERENCE followed by one day a demand by the party's Executive Committee for an early meeting of the United Nations General Assembly and a big power conference to take up the Korean question. Conference delegats Monday unanimously approved the Executive Committee's Korean resolution. Simultaneously In London, Britain served notice it also fa- vors recalling the General As- sembly Into session If South Korean President Syngman Rhee rejects terms of a Korean truce. At UN headquarters in Ne York, U.S. spokesman restated their opposition to an early As- sembly session. They said they feel that President Eisenhower's special envoy, Walter Robertson and Rhee should have full oppor. tunity to work out an agreement. * * s NEHRU TOLD his party audi- ence that in the event of a world war, India will keep aloof and try her best to restore peace. However, he added, no country could remain unaffected by a general war. Eleven days before his party Executive Committee took its stand on the Korean question, Nehru himself called for the UN Assembly to reconvene to take up the matter. The Indian Prime Minister said yesterday that Rhee's release of Korean War prisoners had "made the prospects of peace more re- mote. However, Nehru empressed the hope that "in spite of what South Korea has done, peace will eventually come to that devastated country." Bright Peace Hopes Seen By Stevenson ROME - () - Adlai Stevenson, nearing the end of a world tour, expressed conviction last night that there are "brighter prospects of peace than the war." The 1952 Democratic presiden- tial candidate said that as the re- sult of a basicly correct postwar foreign policy of "assistance and persistance . .. it seems to me we are reaping a harvest from pa- tience, firmness and sacrifice," Smiling and cheerful despite months of arduous travel in dis- tant lands, Stevenson, in a news conference took a verbal slap at Scn. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis. and hinted he would have more to say on the subject when he returns to the U. S. Aides said Stevenson is serious- ly considering devoting one of his nation-wide television addresses back home to McCarthy's influ- ence on U. S. diplomacy and her foreign allies. An Italian reporter asked Stev- enson his opinion of the Italian population in his home state of Illinois. Said Stevenson: "They're won- derful-all Demncrats" Youth Unimpressed A fter First Session with Weed :: ,