11 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY fTIDAY, 3ULY 3, 1953 UU -mm"W Foreign Service Dilemma PERHAPS THE most important point brought out by the lecture of Joseph Ballantine on American foreign policy was the fact that the United States has consis- tently lacked a well trained, professional for- eign service capable of dealing in a mature way with our newly acquired foreign com- mitments. Ballantine didn't mention it, but he im- plied that at the bottom of many of our problems lies a basic inability of our State Department to grasp the world implications of our policy decisions. This fault stems not from any lack of intelligent personnel, but from a lack of trained individuals who have devoted their lives to studying foreign na- tions from a foreign viewpoint. The history of American foreign affairs is filled with examples of naive diplomacy. The Spanish-American war was literally forced on the United States by a group of dollar-mad businessmen and the sensa- tionalism of "yellow journalists." The First World War was entered into under the false delusion of "Making the world safe for democracy." And unconditional sur- render was the slogan that carried the United States to a crushing victory over the Axis powers. In each instance instead of rational con- templation of our objectives, the American government followed a policy of adherence to certain abstract principles which bore no relation to the realities of world politics. This condition might have prevailed with no harm done if the United States had re- mained in "Splendid isolation," but with our emergence as the prime leader in Western affairs the continuation of such a policy could well lead to a great tragedy. However, the Eisenhower administration seems bent in following this same path of mistakes. Career ministers have been #is- placed from important foreign posts to make way for political appointments. Highly placed experts in the State Depart- ment have been forced to relinquish a life's work to make way for a clean sweep. Even civil service has not been spared the tinge of political machinations. What is needed now is the development of a career foreign service untouched by the vagaries of changing administrations, se- cure in their work, and able to respond to world conditions from a position of know- ledge rather than the gropings of the past. -Dick Wolfe 'U' Pay Hike THE NEWLY suggested pay raise for the University staff is an encouraging move. There has long been a need for such a pay, hike and the allocation of $1,238,000 set aside by sthe budget committed could hardly be used more beneficially. Cliches about the teacher molding the youth of 'the country and being the basis for its democratic nature are time worn but nevertheless pertinent. Regardless of the accusations of the McCarthyites, the col- lege teacher remains as one of the most in- corruptable influences in American society. This is all the more surprising when one compares his standard of living to that of many other professional men whose train- ing, though of similar length, commands more respect from the community both ma- terially and socially. Another less idealistic but practical justification for teachers' receiving higher pay is that a number of valuable men are leaving the field of education for greener pastures. That more have not left is a credit to the teaching profession. The question arises, however, of how long the college teacher can remain oblivious to these pressures of contemporary society, es- pecially since these pressures will be brought closer to home with the arrival of the in- vestigating committees. In America where money has become the all important barometer of one's respecta- bility and often the best security against badgering investigating committees, it is essential that the college teacher receive a sufficient amount to enable him to continue his indispensible work. Although the budget pay raise is not by any means sufficient enough to stave off the dangers encircling the teaching profession, it may offer encouragement to its down- trodden members. -Elsie Kuffier FFCURRtiENT 1MOV/li Yuteppetin9 the 7'ew By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst PRESIDENT EISENHOWER and Secretary Dulles, in discussing the objectives of the tri-power foreign ministers conference at Washington next week, have both played down the isue of Four Power talks with Rus- sia. The secretary cited the need of imfriediate approaches to an allied policy on German reunification as a major reason for holding such a conference, since the long French Cabinet crisis and the subsequent illness of Winston Churchill had interfered with the planned top-level meeting in Bermuda. The President followed up with mention of Korea, the Middle East, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's needs, Indochina and world trade as matters to be discussed. If there is any thought among American leaders, however, that the Four Power con-a ference issue can be pushed into the back- ground because of Churchill's ilness, they are in for disapointment. Lord Salisbury, who will represent the Bri- tish Foreign Office because Foreign Minister Anthony Eden also is ill, is just as strongly in favor of an early Four Power conference as is the Prime Minister. British interest in general focuses directly on the issue. Wednesday's British press stresses the point. The Manchester Guardian called at- tention to Secretary Dulles' statement of Tuesday that the Russian empire is over- extended. It continued: "The British are apt to think pessimisti- cally that the world is always in a pretty bad way, and that the wisest course is to see what may be done here and there . . . Am- ericans, on the other hand, fear anything which looks like compromise with iniquity. Hence their unwillingness to negotiate with Mr. Malenkov if there is any possibility that he and the Russian system may fall by their own evil weight. "As long as the Russians are an organ- ized military power, if they profess an in- terest in accomodation, surely the sensible thing is to find out what they have in mind. If they want to negotiate when we are in a position of strength and they of relative weakness, surely that is all the better from our point of view. A considerable over-simplification of both the British and American attitudes, to be sure. But the reasoning with regard to the relative positions of East and West at this time is widely subscribed to. No matter what the American attitude, the decision is not go- ing to wait very long. Independence Or Dependence UNLESS THIS forthcoming holiday is dif- ferent from all that have preceded it, thousands of Americans will become depen- dents on Independence Day, They will be the maimed, the widowed, the orphaned. For the rest of their lives some of the maimed will have to depend on others for their physical care and comfort-some of 'the widowed and orphaned will have to depend on relatives or the state for their fi- nancial support. And the dependency of the maimed, the widowed, the orphaned will be the result of Independence Day accident. In addition, several hundred Americans will pay for their celebration with their lives. All this because of accidents that need not happen. Holidays have become horror days in the United States. In recent years many holi- days have brought such a high accident toll that they assume the proportions of a national catastrophe. And this carnage need not occur. Accidents are not acts of God. They are acts of humans who foolishly bet their lives for dubious rewards. The driver who speeds to get to his des- tination-what difference does it make whe- ther he arrives 10 or 20 minutes later? The youth who attempts to swim across the lake-what is gained by trying to show off in front of a crowd? The father who cannot deny his chil- dren the "pleasure" of fireworks-what pleasure will the child derive from sight- less eyes? Motor vehicle accidents lead the list of Fourth of July hazards. One out of two per- sons now living in this country has been or will be injured in a motor vehicle acci- dent before he dies, unless our present' acci- dent rate is greatly reduced. And many of these accidents occur on holidays, when traf- fic is especially heavy. Second high on the Fourth of July acci- dent list is drowning. Falls, fireworks and firearms, sunstroke and heat exhaustion, food poisoning and miscellaneous accidents also exact their toll. Independence Day tolls are not inevitable. They can be prevented. Police departments and other officials all over the country will be alert to prevent as many accidents as pos- sible. But as always the size of the toll de- pends chiefly on the good sense of every Am- erican. Take it easy on the Fourth. Don't let Tndennvde~npna.,v make vnn ATr,,, 0 ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND "You Got Any More Firecrackers?" 67\) W ITH DREW PEARSON I WASHINGTON-Reasons why the little group of embattled Repub- licans backtracked on the excess-profits fight were three fold: 1) Uncle Dan Reed, the thorn in Ike's side, had warned he would botle up all other tax and social-security legislation inside his Ways and Means Committee; 2) Some corporations were planning a court battle over the constitutionality of a tax bill which bypassed the Ways and Means Committee; 3) The Democrats refused to give GOP lead- ers the votes . . . "We're not pulling your chestnuts out of the fire," Sam Rayburn told Republican Leader Charley Halleck . . . The man who helped call off the steam-roller tax tactics was Ike's close friend, Sen. Frank Carlson, both Kansas boys . . . The Administration called up all reinforcements to help in the tax battle. Even Assistant Secre- tary of State Thurston Morton, ex-congressman from Louisville, Ky., was summoned to the White House and ordered to buttonhole ex- colleagues . . . When he protested that his job was foreign. relations, not taxes, he was bluntly told: "We're using everyone in this fight!" ... The fight might have been won months ago if the White House had called in Chairman Reed at the very start instead of bypassing him as it did last Januaryand consulting Senator Millikin of Colorado instead. INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Xe ttepj TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communica- tions from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the wri- ter and in good taste. Letters ex- ceeding 300 words in length, defama- tory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construe- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in 1 TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceeding publication (be- fore 11 a.m. on saturday). FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1953 VOL. LX1I, No. 9S Notices Saturday, July 4, is an official holiday. Classes will be held as usual on Friday. July 3. Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is open from 10 a.m. until sepn, rtoday. Season tickets for the Department of Speech summer play series are still available at $6.00-$4.75-$3.25. Tickets for the individual plays are also on sale now at $1.20-90c-60c for the plays Iand $1 .50-$i1.20-90c for the musical comedy and opera. The Department of Speechasummer play series Includes The Madwoman of Chaillot, Knicker- bocker Holiday, The Country Girl, Pyg- malion and The Tales of Hoffman. The General Library and all the Di- visional Libraries will be closed, Satur- day, July 4, a University holiday. Next week, July 8, 9, 10 and 11, the Department of Speech will present Max- well Anderson and Kurt Weill's delight- fully satirical musical comedy, Knick- erbocker Holiday. This popular musical uses New Amsterdam in 1847 as th~e setting for making funof present day political activities. "September Song" is one of the popular tunes from Knick- erbocker Holiday. Miss Esther Schloz, of the Detroit Publio Schools and guest instructor in the Women's Physical Education Department, is creating and directing the choreography. Paul Miller, Grad. Music, is conducting the orchec! tra and chorus. The entire production is under the direction of William P. Halstead of the Department of Speech. All performances are in the Lydia Men- 'delssohn Theatre at 8:00 pm. The student sponsored social events listed below are approved for the com- ing weekend. Social chairmen are re- quested to file requests for approval for social activities in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on the Monday prior to the event. At the State . 0 0 GLORY BRIGADE, with Victor Mature TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX is one Hol- lywood studio that has not cut a lot of corners since the recent panic started. The consequence of this little bit of courage is a movie which for a change is not badly writ- ten, crudely produced, and an insult to any- one over the age of twelve. Granted that It has lacked much com- petition, "Glory Brigade" is far and away the best movie about the Korean war, and is probably the best war movie Hollywood has turned out in four years. There is nothing profound about it; it follows the standard formula of battle adventure cli- maxing in last minute rescue-but its vig- orous sense of authenticity and avoidance of all the offensive cliches of the genre tend to give it a logic and merit above its apparent intentions. It is competent in every department during a season when isolated adequacies have been infrequent enoug$. What Director Robert Webb and Writer Franklin Coen have been wise enough to no- tice is that the action in Korea was under- taken as a United Nations combined resist- ence to aggression. Without abundant ser- mons or homilectic exhortations, this fact, hitherto unnoticed in Hollywood, is sym- bolized in a joint patrol action by a pla- toon of American Army Engineers and a Greek company. The plot moves the hero, a Greek-American officer, through several stages of attitudes toward his allies, none of which quite falls into the "now-I-have- seen-the-light" cliche common to misunder- stood foreigner movies. Mature, the officer, manages to express at least some of the widespread skepticism of the value of allies who are outnumbered, 10-1, by United States forces in Korea. This issue is, of course, particularly pregnant toaay when inter-al- lied relationships in Korea have become so strained that unilateral decisions are be- %oming daily affairs. The profounder aspects of these ten- sions, of course, are not touched in the film. Its psychology, however, constant- tly penetrates deeper than the standard liberal-tolerance potboiler, both from the Greek and the American points of view. This is a substantial credit to an action picture. Significantly enough, the film has been made without women, and indeed, without any references to women, something almost unheard of in a film about soldiers. No film- maker has ever implied before that the busi- ness of warfare was that distracting. In the leading role, Victor Mature ably A rchitecture Auditorinim DESTRY RIDES AGAIN, with James Stewart and Marlene Dietrich DESTRY DOESN'T RIDE very much but he triumphs over evil quite handily in this somewhat over-cliched Western. The movie opens with a dark display of shooting, brawling, and cheating, but ends with sunshine, laughter and order. In be- tween Jimmy Stewart as deputy-sheriff Des- try tries to use reason and parable, "without guns," to end the town's exaggerated law- lessness. But when his old friend, the sheriff, is treacherously killed, we don't know exact- ly why, Destry straps on his guns, con- quering violence with violence, aided by an army of club-brandishing women whom the badmen just cannot shoot. "Frenchy" Dietrich, dance hall singer at the "Last Chance Saloon" complicates the plot by progressing from love of money to love'of Stewart. She is rewarded with a bul- let intended for Destry but dies regenerated, symbolically wiping off her greasepaint. Before the cliches have become too ob- vious; Marlene stirs a base emotion with her singing and fighting. Her brawl with the slightly less wild Mrs. Callihan, played by Una Merkel, is tops for female fisticuffs. Miss Dietrich, especially in the earlier parts of the film, easily outshines her fel- low performers. This time she has no need of leg appeal. Her vibrancy and facial ex- pressiveness are quite sufficient. Brian Donlevy, the very bad dance hall owner, wears a stupid grin throughout. Stewart'sI quiet self-affacement remains adequate until the first death scene. Here his at- tempt to express anger and bereavement, by puffing out his lips and cheeks, col- lapses. Mischa Auer and Charles Winninger, Destry's friends, produce some- first-rate laughs. The film was not "capitally directed." We get a monotonous run of front view close- ups at Winninger's climactic death scene. There is a superabundance of closeups on Stewart. The fregent use of medium and close-ups rather than distance shots in the crowd scenes confused the empathic rela- tionship. Two many close-ups obscured the mass effect of the crowd. -Sanford Cain WHERE there is no free agency, there can be no morality. Where there is no temp- tation, there can be little claim to virtue. Where the routine is rigorously prescribed by law, the law, and not the man, must have For the first time, Ike is using federal patronage to keep balky senators in line. Maryland's Sen. John Marshall Butler was called to the White House and told that jobs he wanted filled in Maryland might depend on his vote to admit 240,000 refugees into the U.S.A. .. . U.S. marshals, district attorneys and judges in their states are important to senators . . . The same tactic was use$ with Senator Watkins of Utah when he hesitated about introducing the 240,000 increased immigration act. He was promised the appointment of Tom Lyon, Bureau of Mines Director . . . Vice-President Nixon has turned out to be a newsman's bonanza for what's going on inside the' White House . . . One reason for the private White House dinner for Cardinal Spellman, Herbert Hoover and General MacArthur was the fear Mac- Arthur might sound off in support of his old friend, Syngman Rhee. MacArthur was close to Rhee, used to butter him up more than U.S. offciials have of late . . . Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire gets invited to dine at the White House almost as much as the man who may run against him, assistant president Sherman Adams, ex-Gover- nor of New Hampshire. IKE'S SPECIAL ENVOY It's an amazing paradox that the man who is Eisenhower's per- sonal representative to President Syngman Rhee, Walter Robertson, happens to be the same man who was Gen. George Marshall's envoy to the Chinese Communists when Marshall was trying to patch up a Communist-Nationalist coalition in China. The other two diplomats who then believed it was possible to form a coalition between the Communists and Chiang Kai-Shek have virtually been hounded out of government. John Carter Vincent, state department adviser to Marshall, was so castigated by Senator McCarthy that John Foster Dulles eventually fired him -not for being disloyal but for being wrong on China. And Marshall himself so incurred McCarthy's wrath that the Wisconsinite delivered a 60,000-word diatribe calling him a traitor, and then published his bitter denunciation in book form. What he said, of course, was delivered from the safety of the Senate floor where he could not be sued for libel. Meanwhile the third member of the Marshall-Vincent triumvirate, Walter Robertson, now assistant secretary of state, is in Korea. A Virginia broker, he went to China as economic counselor of the Ameri- can embassy, was close to Ambassador Marshall, acted as his most trusted assistant in dickering with the Communists and the National- ists. He was sent to Peiping as,' - - - head of a truce team consisting of one Chinese Communist, one Chi- tit nese Nationalist and one Ameri-, can. Robertson was the American, 901-0 Robertson used to say that it was easier to get along with the Communists than the National- ists. In the end, he got discour- aged about a nagreement, and so reported to Marshall, One year later, 'in 1947, Robert- son was picked by John Carter - Vincent to go to Korea as a civil- ian administrator to put Korea in- order. The state department at - that time planned to spend half a SixtyThird Year billion dollars to protect Korea from Red invasion and show the Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the Russians we weren t going to authority of the Board in Control of abandon it. student Publications' But simultaneously President Truman launched his doctrine of Editorial Staff aid to Greece and Turkey and Harland Britz.........Managing Editor overruled Vincent. He said he Dick Lewis.............Sports Editor Becky Conrad......... Night Editor couldn't afford to bolster Korea at Gayle Greene..........Night Editor the same time we were sending Pat Roelofs.............. Night Editor money to Turkey and Greece. Fran Sheldon..,...........Night Editor This also is a paradox of fate. For, if the recommendation of Business Staff Vincent, the man MdCarthy ac- f Bob Miller. ..........Business Manager cused of being - Dick Aistrom.....Circulation Manager i pro-ommunist, Dick Nyberg. ........Finance Manager had been carried out, Korea might Jessica Tanner....Advertising Associate July 4, 1953- Chinese Students Club picnic. Michigan Christian Fellowship picnic. Personnel Interviews A representative from The Canada Life Assurance Co. will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Tues., July 7, to in- terview men for Life Insurance Sales positions, Although a degree is not re- quired for these positions, at least 2 years of college work in Bus. Ad. or Education is preferred. Personnel Requests The Post Cereals Division of the Gen- eral Foods Corp. in Battle Creek, Mich., has two openings for men, either June or August graduates, in their Research Department as Assistant Technologist and Junior Technologist hApplicants should have a B.B. in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. The Travelers Insurance Co. of Detroit Michigan, is looking for candidates for their Management Training Program. Men graduates in Bus. Ad. or LSA may apply. For appointments, applications, and additional Information about these and other openings, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures For the Symposium on X-Ray Diffrac- tion Professor P. P. Ewald of the Brook- lyn Polytechnic Institute, will use as his topic today at 9 a.m. in 1400 Chem- istry Building "The Fourier Transfor- mation and X-Ray Diffraction of Crys- tals" Professor William N. Lipscomb of the University of Minnesota, will speak at 10 o'clock on "Experimental Studies of Crystal Structure: Nature of Bond- ing and Valence in Metals and Inter- metallic Compounds" in 1400 ChemIs- try Building. The lecture topic for the Symposium on Astrophysics today is "Galaxies: Their Composition and Structure" by Dr. Walter Baade of Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories. He will speak in Room 1400 Chemistry Building at 2 p.m. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Elizabeth Virginia Davidian, Education; theis: "The Comparability of the Ratings of Teacher Graduates at a Selected Teach- ers' College by Training Supervisors and School Employers," Monday, July 6, East Council Room, Rackham Build- ing, at 2 p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch. Make-Up Eaminations in History- Saturday, July 11 9-12 a.m., 2407 Mason Hall. See your instructor for permis- sion and then sign list in History Office. M.A. Language Examination-Friday, July 10, 4-5 p.m., 3615 Haven Hall. Sign list in History Office. Can bring a dic- tionary. Concerts Special Choral Demonstrations (First Series) by. Maynard Klein, conductor of the University of Michigan Choirs, Mon- day, July 6, 11 a.m., and 3 p.m., and Tuesday, July 7, 11 a.m., in Auditorium &, Angell Hall. Individual conferences may be arranged with Professor Klein by signing for appointments. A list Of available hours will be posted on the door of Room 708 Burton Tower, where conferences will be held. Open to all interested. A second series of choral demonstra- tions with Marlowe Smith, Eastman School of Music, will be held July 10 and 11th. Exhibitions Museum of Art. Museum collections. General Library. Best sellers of the twentieth century. Kelse' Museum of Archaeology. 0111- man Collection of Antiquities of Pales- tine. Museums Building, rotunda exhibit. Modern Mexican village ceramics. Michigan Historical Collections. Mich- igan, year-round vacation land. Clements Library. The good, the bad, the pol5uar. Law Library. Elizabeth 15 and her empire. Architecture Building. Lithographs by students of the College of Architecture and Design. Events Today *Play, presented by the Department of Speech. The Madwoman of Challit, by Jean Giraudoux, 8 p.m., Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. SL Cinema Guild-Marlene Dietrich, James Stewart in "Destry Rides Again," Cartoon: "Cagey Canary." 7 and 9 p.m., Architecture Auditorium. A Fresh Air Camp Clinic,,Dr. John T, Pitkin, Director, Huron Valley Child Guidance Clinic will be the psyhia- trist. Students with a professional in- terest are welcome to attend. Main Lodge, University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp, Patterson Lake, 8 o'clock. All local young liberals ,are cordially invited to an informal discussion of the current political scene, to be sponsored by the Unitarian Student Group. Time: 8 p.m. today. Place: the Unitarian Church (1917 Washtenaw). For trans- portation from the campus area, meet at South entrance of League at 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Coming Events S.R.A. Intercultural Outing. Satur- day and Sunday, July 4 and 5. Leave Lane Hall at 2 p.m. for Saline Valley Farms Cooperative. Return Sunday aft- ernoon. Call reservations to Lane Hall, 3-1511 ext. 2851. All students and fa- culty welcome. Russian Circle. First summer meeting, Monday, July 8 at 8 p.m., International Center. Program: election of officers, games, refreshments. Free Square Dancing Lessons at the League Ballroom, Monday, July 6, from 7 to 9 p.m. Graduate Outing Club meets Sunday, July 5, at 2 p.m. at the rear of the Rackham Building. Cars provided to take members and friends to nearoy lake for swimming, outdoor sports and picnic supper. Newcomers welcome. 1, " 9 r SL Appeal , , , 4 To the Editor: I DURING THE regular school year, the elected members of Student Legislature handle the most interesting and stimulating SL programs. But during summer school, non-elected members of the Summer Legislature are wel- come to work on any programs which interest them. Summer Legislature gives ev- ery student an opportunity to learn about the campus, to handle the most important of projects. Those students who accept the opportunity of working with Sum- mer Legislature can gain much experience and knowledge which will assure them of obtaining high stature in the regular SL even though they are not elected mem- bers. Your activity on Summer Leg- islature is as elastic as you de- sire. SL activity will center on those problems and projects af- fecting the entire campus, which interest you. The work will consist largely of contact- ing faculty and administrators in order to discuss some aspects of the educational community with which SL is concerned. With the aid of elected mem- bers as advisors, Summer Legis- lature will plan much of the committee work for the coming school year. Those who have always won- dered why SL hasn't accomplished a certain goal will be able to try it themselves, to place it in a committee as a permanent part of future SL programs. Those who wish to feel a more active part of the University community, and who wish to gain knowledge of the campus for fu- ture use; come to the Student Legislature Building at 512 South State Street on any weekday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. SL members will be present to discuss the part you can take in SL activities. Everyone is welcome, in addi- tion, to drop in and express your personal opinions of SL; now, at a time when your individual opin- ions and suggestions can best be heard. --Leah Marks, '55L YOU ARE NOT permitted to kill 1i h r. k. : R