1' FOREIGN SERVICE DILEMMA See Page 2 L ri Latest IDeadline in the State :43 a t I FAIRAN LESS HUMID .A ti VOL. LXIII, No. 9S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1953 FOUR PAGES i -.- I Officials Join To Defend K-F Unions Charge of Labor Abuses Denied Gov. G. Mennen Williams, city officials and businessmen yester. day joined union leaders in a bit. ter denunciation of a report thai the Pentagon and Air Force would shun the Detroit area on future defense cont'racts because of "labor union abuses." Williams joined Detroit Mayor Albert E. Cobo and union officiah in expressing belief that Detroit labor could produce as efficiently or more efficiently than labor else- where. THEY REPORTED "shunning of the Detroit area" for future defense contracts reportedly grew out of the Air Force's recent deci- sion to cancel multi-million dollar aircraft production contracts with the Kaiser Motor Corp. An Air Force source was quot- ed by the Detroit News as say- ing the Kaiser contracts for huge C119 cargo planes were cancell- ed becausd' of "an indifferent labor force." Deputy Defense Secretary Roger Kyes, in Washington, said he knew nothing about the report. Kyes told newsmen he knew of no reason to shun the Detroit x area in the placing of defense contracts. * * * ACCORDING TO the report, Air Force investigators, who surveyed conditions in Detroit area plants, reported experienced aircraft workers were being bumped off their jobs by auto workers, who lack experience inl plane handling but who have more seniority in the CIO United Auto Workers. Emil Mazey, secretary-treasur- er of the UAM, blasted the state- ment. "Statements attributed through Air Force officials about the labor in the Detroit area are flat lies," Mazey said. Gov. Williams said he viewed the anti-labor charges with "great skepticism." The governor said he was mak- ing a personal investigation of the charges. He said his action would depend-on what the investigation reveals. OFFICERS of the UAW local at Willow Run, claimed the state- ments were a "plot by. Air Force Se'cretary Harold Talbott to dis- credit Detroit labor unions. * * K-of Workers Verify Attacks Of Air Force Uniori members in Willow Run Village, gave comment yesterday on union organization at the Kai- ser Motors Corp. plant that may indicate Air Force charges have some basis. Referring to Air Force Secre- tary Talbott's recent inspection of the Kaiser plant, one worker said that the Local 142 CIO would merit investigation because there are "too many men getting paid for supervising and they are not kept busy." USING THE title "Mahogany Road" for unnecessarily created foremen positions and men earn- ing wages for "doing nothing," which in turn led to high cost of K-F planes and contract cancella- tions, another employe reported that the plant union is discrim- inating against experienced work- ers in favor of seniority rights. A 'small group controls the union and is getting paid by the national CIO, and therefore does not work in the best interest of local workers, the employe went on to explain. The only thing, to save the KM union, - poorly organized now, is vote the present controlling clique out and get in new men to work for the interest of all, another laborer said. Remarkig on Henry J. Kaiser, head of the Willow Run plant, em- ployes expressed the opinion that he is working for the men's best interest, as much as he can. In reference to the possibility that Rhee Still Firm On Truce Stand South Korean Infantrymen Drive Communists Off Lookout Mountain SEOUL-(A)-President Syngman Rhee and President Eisenhow- er's special emissary conferred for the seventh time yesterday and, afte rthe secret session, a high source said Rhee hadn't budged in hisI opposition to a Korean armistice on present terms. The Emissary, Assistant Secretary of State Walter S. Robertson, met with Rhee an haur and five minutes. * * * * HE SAID ONLY that "Our discussions are continuing. I expect1 to see President Rhee again." -_ -However, a high source who Lazy .bones GLOUCESTER, England - (P) - Kenneth V. Wherrat real- ly did hate-with a purple pas- sion-to get out of bed in the morning. One day in 1950 Kenneth, then 15 years old, decided he simply wasn't going to do it any more. Kenneth didn't get up the next morning, or the next or the one after that, or in fact not until Wednesday when the po- lice came. Police had been summoned by neighbors, who wondered whatever became of Kenneth. They found the boy snug in bed engrossed in a comic book. His mother said there didn't seem to be anything wrong with her son, now 18 years old. Ile just wouldn't get out of bed. Soviets Kill Own ITroopS ouse ays President's Air Force Budget Chiang Men' Repatriated To Formosa SAIGON, Indochina - ') - Thirty thousand Chinese Nation- alist troops, a well-trained and valuable addition to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's army, have been transported in war-like se- crecy to Formosa after being in- terned four years on an Indochi- nese island. A dispatch from Taipeh, For- mosa, gave the number of Nation- alists returned as 20,000 and quot- ed the official Central News Agen- cy as saying U. S. warships con- veyed the troops after they left Indochinese waters. The Nation- alists apparently were playing down the military importance of the movement. * * * THE SOLDIERS were carried to the Nationalist island strong- hold in Chinese merchant ships, and the operation was conducted in secrecy to prevent Communist interference. declined to be named said Rhee remained adamant on his in- sistence on a U.S. pledge to re- sume the war and unify Korea if a political conference does not settle the fate of the country 90 days after an armistice is signed at Panmunjom. The source added that .the aged, intractable executive's demand for a pledge in writing was impossible to fulfill because the U.S. Senate After Rots would have to ratify any such agreement. * * * BERLIN-Russian army firiing Meanwhile, on the East-Central squads have killed 18 Soviet sol- front, bitter see-saw fighting eased diers for refusing to fire on Ger- again as South Korean infantry- man workers in the anti-Commu- men, striking in three prongs. nist uprising last month, it was drove dug-in Communists off reported by a German newspaper. Lookout Mountain.A The 1,600-foot height at the According t eUnite Pes junction of the Pukhan and the West Berlin Telegraf said the Kumsong Rivers, blocks the mass execution took place last Chinese drive southward toward week-end at a Russian army camp vital Hwachon reservoir. outside Mageburg. -Daly-Lon Qui STEPHEN PEARCE TRIES AN EARLY INDEPENDENCE DAY HOT FOOT AAb P n ;F * * A n Aror Plas No i' 4 Fstivites Republic of Korea (ROK) troops' of the 3rd Division stormed back up the hill, under cover of an American and ROK artillery bar- rage. The ROKs attacked under flare-lit skies. ASSOCIATED PRESS Corres- pondent John Randolph reported at midday that the new south Ko- rean positions were holding against counter-attacks by a battalion of Chinese - 500 to 750 men. WESTERN officials were un- -- - able to con firm th e rep o rt, b uttyt Rme s - - - l h- ---nr i e l o they said that Red army deserters Although Ann Arborites will not scoot away before the long arm of had told of widespread unrest and officially take part in any sort of the law can get to the scene of low morale in the occupation Independence Day festivities, po- the crime. army. lice department reports indicate Possession of any type of fire- The Telegraf reported that that the younger generation has works is illegal in the state of the executed soldiers disobeyed already begun to celebrate. Michigan, -but local celebrators orders to shoot Germans charg- Complaints from local citizens find it easy to cross the State ing the Magdeburg Prison to concerning illegal setting off of line into Ohio, nearly 50 miles{ free political prisoners and re- fireworks rose to a slight climax away, where sales of skyrockets 40---1 a_ this week in antiinantin of the ito i The began sailed 22. long-delayed repatriation May 24 and the last ship from Indochina on June The Chinese, part of an army' group commanded by Gen. Pai Chung-hsia, fled into Northern Indochina in 1949 when defeated by the Communists. Thirty-one generals, 1,300 officers and 1,700 women and children were among them. 0 * * FEARFUL of provoking a Chi- nese Communist invasion, the French refused their offer to fight the Communist-led Vietminh in Indochina, disarmed them and removed them to the small island of Phu Quoc, 1 miles off the Cambodian coast of South Indo- china. About 1,000 agreed to work on' plantations or in mines in Indo- china, but the rest preferred in- ternment. The Chinese were gov- erned almost completely by Gen. Ho Chou-pen, their leader. Giradoux Comedy To Continue Run The speech department comedy, "Madwoman of Chaillot" by Jean Giradoux will continue its run through tomorrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Irldividual tickets for the per- formances are still available for $1.20, $.90 and $.60 at the Mendels- sohn boxoffice. A certain number of season tickets are also available. . fused to arrest eGerman workers p o ar r d oom ng, Heavy overcast and mist, ac- who convinced them they were Fourth of July. University students do not seem, companied by a cold drizzle, cov- fighting for better living con- to be joining the ranks of celebra- ered the battle area. ditions. HOWEVER, police don't catch tors. according to the police. During the night American very many offenders, because they Nearby Ypsilanti plans a parade B26 bombers blasted a Red rail At least 62 East Germans have and fireworks demonstration to line in the Kowan area for the been executed by the Communists commemorate the signing of the fourth straight night and pound- since the June 17 uprisings, and Declaration of Independence. ed front line positions. 25.000 have been arrested, accord-IUes ar heat Sponsored by the American Le- U.S. Sabres in a surprise strike ing to Chancellor Konrad Ade- « gion, the 59-unit parade will march -Thursday caught a Chinese ar- nauer of West Germany. .eiiter YLvedown Congress St. in Ypsilanti atI mored regiment of probably 30 to * 11 am. tomorrow. Thirteen floats, 40 tanks massed in a valley on the TWO East Berliners who es- J Contrt antique cars, an ultra-futuramic Western Front and plastered it caped from an internment camp ;« A plastic Kaiser Motors Corp. auto- with bombs. where those rounded up after the mobile, militar-y units, eight dril ONE explosion rocked the al revolt were held told West Ber- The Army has awarded a con- lin authorities 1200 persons were trt to the University Willow Run ley, and a great pall of smoke and in their camp at Friedrichsfelde. esearch Centerstoidevelop meth- dust arose, making it impossible The Russians lifted a ban im- Bhelfast- C eers to assess the damage wrought. Sa- posed June 26 on the entrys of gathering accurate, up-to- bre pilots said they scored a num- Western Allied official vehicles in- dent Harlan Hatcher announced aQiueen. ber of hits on the tanks after to East Berlin. The action fol- terd bombs had ripped away camou- lowed a protest by American, ySt sy. flage nets that covered the valley. British and French commanders Strict secrecy has been imposedBELFAST. Northern Ireland- in West Berlin. concerning such details as -the (.'P)-Queen Elizabeth II was greet- Continued unrest in the Soviet amount of the contract, its begin- ed in Northern Ireland yesterday Grd ets IZone caused the Russians to send ning and termination dates, and with a thunder of cheers, an anti- troops reinforcements to Pots- the type of research to be done. royalist bomb blast and a mystery e Fellowship dam, outside Berlin Wednesday * * power failure that paralyzed Bel- et W night when Walter Ulbright, Com- IN AWARDING the contract, fast just as she arrived in the munist leader spoke there. the . Army made the following city. University graduate Arthur A. His speech was part of the Corn- statement: The bomb ripped up 250 yards Kovitz, '50, has been named one munist campaign to appease the "The full resources of science of the main Dublin-Belfast rail of 10 men awarded fellowships for millions who revolted against the wThe fuleouc of sciproblem of line just north of the Irish re- study at the Guggenheim Jet Pro- er hs-public's border. The Queen was pulsion Center, Princeton Univer- Reds. improvning combat intelligence informa- 50 miles away at the time, but ;ity. ------ -- ting thus inesigethe striking the line was scheduled to carry 60 A native of Detroit, Kovitz will 'U' A 0t ' trains yesterday, many of them study jet propulsion with empha- power of ground troops and bringing excursionists to her coro- s on its peacetime uses. New jfecting a more economical use of nin esior si o is eaetm ues L br ri n weapons and materiel, nation visit. The fellowship will pay $1,700 Ne]a sn m r- yearly in addition to tuition. I Kovitz received his masters de- "PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher h a n f edr av~ flAm hn ~nv~rit~ ~ 1 President Harlan Hatcher has Istated in a conference with Under I/IE I IIia' teams and seven bands will show their wares in the parade. Legionnaires are negotiating now for the use of a huge Ameri- can flag, 80 feet long and 39 feet wide, to top off festivities. An all-aerial display of fire- works, also sponsored by the Le- gion, is scheduled for 10 pm. to- morrow at Waterworks Park in Ypsilanti. Parolee Sent Back to Prison JACKSON -(P) - Frank Cam- maratta, a 52 year old prohibition era hoodlum and Michigan parole violator, was returned to Southern Michigan Prison yesterday to fin- ish out a 15 to 20 year term. Cammarata was returned to Michigan from Warren, O., by Perry Maynard, assistant attor- ney general' * * * HIS RETURN ended a five year extradition battle by State Attor- ney General Fra'nk Millard. "As far as we are concerned, this winds un the case," Millard said, after being informed Cam- marata was inside Southern Michigan Prison. "We've got Camarata back in prison and that is what we have been try- - ing to do for several years." Cammarata was paroled in 1936 to allow his deportation to Italy. Michigan authorities began their long battle to return him to prison in 1946 when the one time hood- lum was arrested for illegal re- entry into the United States. IQ R""1111u1r Slash Democrats Lose to GOP Over Funds All Services Get 34 Billion in Bill WASHINGTON-MP)-The Re- publican-dominated House rolled up a major victory for President Eisenhower yesterday when it ap- proved his five-billion-dollar slash in Air Force funds for the next 12 months. Then it passed a $34,434,000,000 bill to finance all the armed forces. BY A ROLL CALL vote of 230 to 161, the chamber rejected a Democratic-led move to restore $1,175,000,000 of the five billion reduction recommended* by the Eisenhower administration. The vote marked the end of the first phase ik the bitter dis- pute over the administration's call for a reduced Air Force bud- get-a move hotly challenged by top brass of the Air Force. Senate action will come later. Five Republicans sided with 156 Democrats in voting to restore part of the Air Force's funds. Voting against the amendment were 196 Republicans, 33 Democrats and one independent. THAT WAS the crucial test in the battle over air power. Final passage of the over-all defense bill came on a roll call vote of 386 to 0. Earlier, the House approved cuts of more than a billion dollars in funds requested by Eisenhower to run the Army and Navy for the 1954 fiscal year which began July 1. THE CHAMBER upheld the re- ductions as it tentatively approved an over-all budget of $34,,434,140,- 500 for the three branches of the armed services - $12,982,000,000 for the Army, $9,383,383,000 for the Navy, and $11,048,000,000 for the Air Force. In addition, the House approved $1,019,500,000 for; the secretary of defense. The total is six billion dollars less than former President Tru- man requested in his final bud- get recommendations before he left office last Jan. 20 and $1,- 300,000,000 less than Eisenhower set forth as his "minimum" re- quests for national defense With Eisenhower's military pres- tige at stake, the House in effect threw its support behind the ad- ministration's new "interim" goal of a 120-wing Air Force. By the same token, it rejected a conten- tion by Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, retired Air Force chief of staff, that rapid building of 143 wings is essential to the nation's secur- ity. In rapid succession, the House defeated a series of four amend- ments by Rep. Mahen (D-Tex. seeking to restore $1,175,000,000 which Gen. Vandenberg had de- scribed as the minimum. Highway Toll May Hit 290 CHICAGO-(P)-The National Safety Council estimated yester- day that unless motorists are ex- tra careful, 290 highway deaths will occur during the two-day Fourth of July holiday week end. The council estimated 40 million motorists will burn up 27,000 rail- road tank cars of gasoline in driv- ing a total of about four billion miles. Ned H. Dearborn, council pres- ident, warned that speed is the principal factor in serious acci- dents. He urged motorists to "slow down and live." A total of 643 persons met vio- after which he was employed as a research engineer. He has been at Princeton since September of this year on a re- search fellowship.t P-olio Prevention announced the appointment of Howard H. Peckham as director of the William L. Clements Library of Americana effective Sept. 1, 1953. Peckham assumes the post left vacant by the death on Jan. 4, 1951 of Randolph G. Adams who had been director since the library opened in 1923. Serving as head during the time the post was unfilled was Colton Storm, assistant director. A 1931 graduate of the Univer- sity, Peckham leaves his post as director of the Indiana Historical, Bureau to return to the Univer- sity where he acted in various ca- pacities from 1936 to 1941. Chief editorial writer for the Grand Rapids Press for several years, Peckham, who comes from Lowell, Mich., has co-authored and written a number of historical books. Included in these are "Pon-! tiac, A Biography," and "William Henry Harrison." Thurston Takes Secretary of the Army Earl D. Johnson that the project would have full access to the scientific brains of the University's teaching staff and that assistance from other research organizations inI schools and industry would be 1 sought out in an effort to take full advantage of related work being done in their laboratories.' Darling's Wife Named as Red WASHINGTON - ) - Rep.' Scherer (R-Ohio) said yesterday he has uncovered new "document- ary proof" that the wife of ex- Ohio State University Prof. Byron T. Darling was a Communist in 1944. Scherer's subcommittee of the House Un-American ActivitiesI Committee held a hearing last1 month in Columbus into Darling's u activities. - ITOTHEr *crdof fth* t he- r r' (! ML 1 7 G W *I 3 AL U"/tU tA/V By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-A bill authorizing the loan of an aircraft car- rier to France for use in the Indochina War was approved yesterday by the Senate Armed Services Committee. PARIS-France gave the United States a go-ahead signal yester- day to start laying a jet fuel pipeline across France. The two countries reached agreement on the terms which will allow the United States to build a pipeline across France from the port of Donges near St. Nazaire to Metz-a distance of 400 miles. KARACHI, Pakistan -Prime Minister Mohammed Ali said yesterday the grant of one mil- lion tons of wheat from the United States would tide Pakis- tan over its critical mood short- age period this year and pros- pects are better for 1954 sup- plies. * * * UPPER HEYFORD, England -A U.S. Air Force Stratojet atom bomber gliding in for a routine landing suddenly nose- dived and exploded on a rail- road line yesterday, scattering burning wreckage over a mile of tracks, killing all four air- men aboard. * * * DETROIT-President Stanley Feitz of the Michigan Trucking Association yesterday requested members to limit trucks on the high- ways this holiday weekend to those carrying perishables and neces- sities. * * * *