I T CHAMBER MUSIC AND THE STRING QUARTET See Page 2 S1gt IA*6r :43 a t ty 'U) / l c Latest Deadline in the State WAR VOL. LXIII, No. SS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1953 MER, THUNDERSHOWERS FOUR PAGES Ike Doubts Soviet Summons 1Iervention T InenotsnTop Red Leaders InRevolts __ Conviced ruceBy The Associated Press Convinced Truce Virtually all top Soviet military and civilian aids of East Germany and the ambassadors to the Western powers have been Close in Korea summoned to the Kremlin. The rush conference, on the heels of the East-European revolts, WASHINGTON-()-President was disclosed yesterday. Eisenhower said yesterday revolt * * * * sparked by tyranny seems to be CHIEF AIDES of Gen. Vassily Chuikov, who turned over his spreading like wildfire in Iron duties May 28 to Vladimir Semyenov, appeared Monday in response Curtain countries. But he said to the summons from Moscow, Allied officials said. there is no thought of active U. S. Presumably they were in the Kremlin yesterday to explain intervention to liberate these na- what happened and why on June 17-the day two million un- tions. armed East Germans came near - Rebellion in the Soviet satellites, overthrowing their Communist the President told a' news confer- rulers in bloody riots. ence, reinforces the idea that peo- Tuesday, Soviet Ambassadors ple who have known freedom rate Jacob Malik, in London, and it as the highest of human values Jeorgari, inWLnon, and consider life itself worth Georgi Zarubin, in Washington, spening o rgainit.started sudden plane journeys to * * Moscow, and Alexel Pavlov, am- bassador in Paris, said he would YET ISEHOWR. idictedbe going in a day or two. there is little his administration Wen iformans hre said feels it can do now to liberate the tes trian obvotyhereafaid satellite countries aside from state thenst rmi n rinisiers mig pricipes nd deas. e sid th e stern uprising igxhti e F ~ t ments and speeches to show them reie o spre. they still have friendsstanding he est e ma ios we byeTh. East Geran riEs were- bye preceded by clashes of workers NA fotheBgreat isuedon theo with police in Czechoslovakia,and tr sde oy d , th Kor- according to a West Berlin news- ea ritc ude le-paper spread to Western Poland: sower said he has a deep con-e 17. viction a satisfactory solution is 1 su comg, SUMMONS to the ambassadors y x. The situation is confused, he may mean discussions are going said, and differences with Korean on which concern the prospective LESLEY FROST President Syngman Rhee are an meeting in Washington on July4 .m cultural ambassador acute example of difficulties 10 of the British, American and A d among allies dedicated to the same French foreign ministers. principles and ideals. He said that The Western meeting is yx-JB r iteBr is the history of coalitions and we pected to explore the Allied po- shouldn't be too discouraged, al- sition not only in Korea, but-fh e me rn nn though the differences are very also the implications of the rarEytGrna-EsdItorn Ecpaoy oruhrisbnsh- IN A POSSIBLE allusion to Meanwhile, Communist organs V eu Rhee, Eisenhower said it becomes were busy heralding a e wxa d ri if c-'t reasonable solution when, people munization measures. in an emotional state ae likely The Soies were eorted, Author Lesley Frost, daughter of to overstate-their cases. Remember, terday to have begun cutting their poet Robert Frost, will close the he urged, that the enemy is still 125,000 man East German army in Symposium on Writing with a in North Korea. Then he added half-part of the campaign to discussion of "Modern Poetry without'explaining further: that se the rers bgi Looks at the Modern World." tdtcapypnedsasre e- Cothane workerty ivingtw etr o owsepelk. is, the principal enemy. them more butter instead of guns. Miss Frost, who will speak at The President also told his news. * 4:15 p.m. today in Auditorium A, conference: MORE THAN 60,000 Soviet Angell Hall, has had literary ex- _ Somebody got frightened in trained German soldiers will be erience varying from writing to throwing out of State Depart- released by July 15, a West Berlin library work in publishing. went libraries overseas books by newspaper reported. They will be SERVING on the editorial board mystery novelist Dashiel Ham- sent back to industrial jobs to mett, who has declined to spur sagging East German pro- of Doubleday, Doran she was one tell congressional investigatorsd duction. of the few women working in an *whether he has been a Cor- The East German army pro- editorial capacity for the publish- munist. Eisenhower said he did- ed unreliable during the revolt. ing firm at that time. n't see why anyone should get Several soldiers were executed Author of three books, Miss ' frightened-he wouldn't scores jailed and 467 soldiers Frost has taught at Rockford 2. The Republican party is grad- and Peoples Police deserted t College in Illinois where her ually showing it has taken over the West. Soviet troops had to special project, Maddox House, responsibility and getting organ- step in to quell the rioters. became the social and literary !zed to carry and discharge re- Continuance of martial law two center for townspeople alike. sponsibility. Whether or not Re- weeks after the outbreak amounts Miss Frost is married to Joseph publicans in Congress always to a Soviet confession that East W. Ballantine who discussed "Safe- agree with him, he said, isn't as Germany is still a trouble threat, guarding the American stake in important as getting a progressive, Trying to placate the rebels, the East Asia" here yesterday. He is needed program before the people East German government also the former director of the State for their guidance and observance freed 15 Protestant clerCmen, Department's Office of Far East- Thatwasin nswr t a ues promised to overhaul its oppres- emn Affairs. ti hthashin astiafies- sive judicial system, began a dras- , During World War II she work- n hetd h wa "stf tic shakeup in state chain stores ed in an aircraft maintenance with the cooperation and treat- and speeded food deliveries to plant as electrician before she was ent afforded to your legislative overome the shortages which called 'into government service. program to date by the Republican maddened the workers. * * majority in Congress." Beaten-up West German youths TODAY, THE second day of the 3. He isn't going to comment released from Soviet sector jails symposium will be opened by Ken- in detail about House cuts in de- said there still were 2,000 East neth Millar noted writer of detec- fense appropriations below the Berliners imprisoned there for tive fiction who will discuss "Writ- figures he recommended He said participating in the riots. ing Popular Fiction" at 9:30 a.m. those things are still in the ________________ in the Hopwood Room of Angellj hands of Congress and it is a. Hall.; good time to keep still. Baseball Colton Storm of the Library will' 4. He would support a constitu- NATIONAL LEAGUE be on hand at 2 p.m. in the Wil-1 tional amendment, if it would quiet St. Louis 10, Chicago 5 liam Clements Library to assist fears in the country, to make it Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia 4 writers in acquainting themselvesI clear that no treaty can ircum- AMERICAN LEAGUE with the library facilities and toi vent or supersede the Constitu- Washington 5, Philadelphia 3 I I speak on "Michigan Resources for1 tion. But he said he would never the Writer."x agree to anything that interferes with the constitutional and tradi--CONVERSA TION COMPOSITION: tional separation of powers be- tween departments of government. * * * . 1u THAT WAS his reply when ask-Features Concentrated ed to clarify his position on an t " amendment proposed by Sen. * * * * Bricker (R-Ohio) to restrict treaty-making powers. 5. The July 10 meeting of the American, British and French for-t eign secretaries is to discuss suchi problems as the North Atlantict Treaty Organization, world trade, Korea, the Middle East, Indochina.:t._ Eisenhower said things like theset should be discussed often in friend-r ly fashion. Manager Named or Alumi Fund James K. Miller Jr., assistant . director of the University Devel-. r rrr riar 1 i 1 E A '.1 S '. 'x 'i ' r. Foreign Aid Exhibitionists Korean Shc B PasseNEW YORK -()- Attend- ants and guards at the Metro- B ill assespoitan museum want a $500;-. S #!fe r Senatee::::: U . .ea-year pay hike.rs Y otlfto tell the public wha S n e. - they think of their present pay scale ranging up to $3,400, four WASHINGTON-(RP)--The Sen- of them will picket Thursday T o0ee IO ate yesterday passed the Eisen- clad ancient Greek, knight in hower administration's $5,318,000,- armor and soldier of the Con- 000 foreign aid bill after defeating taronea lrmy. three last-minute efforts to cut it nA y sharply.t In passing the big bill for the" fiscal year starting yesterday, the India Leader Senate fixed a 1957 deadline for winding up of all military spend- " ing in the foreign aid program and Set T o l wiVe A 1956 for economic assistance. ' * * * THE $5,318,000,000 measure is an "Authorization" bill, which M authorizes spending up to that figure. The exact amount is to be ete d t Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan,, deermined in an appropriation vc-rsdn fIda NSO ill to be passed later. Some Sen- ice-pi esident of India, UNESCO Amritans"ve s s r reign served notscethpresident foh 1953 and ranked as ators, hut seppropnticed th illuone of the greatest living phioso- to ut thea pproiad billsn prheCrs will hold the second Mott geowtei531,0000 ius.Foundation Lectureship next Feb- A voice vte passed the bill. ruaiys It now goes to conference with The 64 yea old Hindu has had the House which passed a mess- an international career dating ure authorizing $4,998,000,000. back to 1931. Having twice met with Stalin swhen he held the post During the Senate fight, the of India's ambassador to the administration suffered one set- Kremlin, Sir Sarvepalli left Mos- back when the chamber voted, ov- cow in 1952 declaring: "There is er administration objections, to no outstanding problem now di- earmark part of the money for viding the world which could not purchase of American farm sur- be settled by discussion and nego- Tsd ye pluses. tiation."* *. RHEE MEETS ROBERTSON-Walter Rober de c es o f thisorliedtat or- hSINCE 1952, Sir Sarvepallihas secretary of state, chats with South Korean Arcas ad welittl ennfornserveduas vice-president of the Re- Rhee in Rhee's residence in Seoul. Rober atrins" st e anre gnt tpublic of India. He was elected on Rhee after bringing him asecret message fri natnorgn dbl . arned tal t thedCongress Party, unopposed.in hower in connection with the stalled Koreap a rorig a ll wr olae frhiscapacity as India's Veep, he is*--- kackop dissa oam. visiting the U.S. this month on a THE BILL approved by the Sen- good-will tour, visiting universit METHODS TOO EASY: ate was only 156 million dollars campuses as well as the UN head-Ynrerdth k er e$5,474,000,000 requested quarters. He will return to India n icompete hr Trndhr mhyet t as a rock bottom figure. dy Blaina is the aluthor ofrTe r,1 expeted he a pro1iati nsbli-cadt"or nsOr einludn gU eTanhe c m e "e .W l However, the administration Philosophy of Rabindanath t r e Ta U itself had knocked more than ore" and "The Principal two billion off the $7,600,000,- shads.'' 000 originally proposed by for- THE MOTT Foundation i Flint Terming solutions to modern mystery novel mer President Truman for fis- has provided funds to estalish story writer Kenneth Millar said yesterday tha cal year 1954. an annual lectureship on the 'Sig- "philosophical concepts developed" Three defeated amendments to nificance of religion in the pres- Instead, the subject of most mysteries 1 cut the measure were offered by ent day world. The funds were set expressed symbolically and social truth expresse Senators Long (D-La,) and Welker up provided the lecturer gives two he explained at the second lecture in the Pop (R-Idaho). They would have lectures and spends a week on the * * knocked off one and, one-halfbil- campus conferring with faculty MILLAR, a Coleridge scholar and former lion dollars, one billion, and 320 and students. University, pointed out that the one character i million. This last would have made Last year the first Mott Foun-mst ehre The pesen law roviest ation B KLecursgeregven b mne o s tgd involvei ifecisg theamuy,"ere eoft the Senate bill total the same as t in tueset the murderer is sealed in the book eBarbara Ward Jackson, assistant n sdthe Houseeditor of the London Economist, the very end. Instead the central character is Mrs. Jackson spoke on "Are To- "an incomplete hero and a hypo-tWlamE SEVERAL SENATORS said they da' ai rbesRligious:~" ciitical projection for the author," dsmm. Bassicngh,"Problemsasied expected the appropriations com and a rein a Ueaing mittee to slash the allotments Wonrlde ntn e cHmmetTd. W illo when it acts on the actual money _e _nd dBlasting the who-dunnits ofTs for the program. Many said they .d Ellery Queen and Erie Stanley Mi would back such cuts. lessForeinnhnGardner,eMillarsaid sthat "by While the administrationnwonidrer.rtin thegxintity of the r - victoryn Ethateano cutsa were diee i thnues fia pysgeryf sthe -IA' a gory.in thhtudents ere novel, authors were "freed from voted on the floor, it lost out in the responsibility of developing its proposal that authority for character." Willow ViF foreign aid spending be extended Foreign student enrollment for unemployme to 1961. the Summer Session has dropped In this way,the mystery formnfnthr since last year, according to Rob- permits the author to writeofig The present law provides that ert B. Klinger, assistant counselor tragedy "without facing reality," ure use of t12 the mutual security agency's pow- to foreign students, he said. ors Corp. p1: er to contract for new spending Representatives from 65 coun- "But the hard-boiled school of creases to c expires July 1, 1954, and the spend- tries and regions are among the Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Regional Pu ing itself in mid-1955. 402 students compared to 442 last Chandler does not hold evil at William E.I summer, arm's length," Millar emphasized. 'Summer Choir Canada remains the leading * * *Rn ie country with 60 students enrolled. HAMMETT'S Sam Spade could percent will eChina is second with 33 and Ven- have been a tragic figure "per- dnso e Requests Singers ezuela holds third place again haps borders on tragedy if such a mdetr with32 The Far East leads in the thing as deadpan tragedy exists,"uit Notrwa All those interested in singing regions with 125. Other regions henexplained. i th Su erSsinCorare: Latin America, 103; British lage is inc should apply at once to Prof. Alex Commonwealth, 73; Near East, 51; Citing the fact that narra- nucd Zimmerman, conductor of the and Europe and Africa (coi- tive techniques of mystery stor- nucd group. bined), 50: ies have much to offer authors The Choir meets from 7-8:20 Other countries with 10 or more interested in contacting a pop- RELIEF F p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays students are: India, 25; Iraq, 22; ular audience, Millar explained ers was soul in Auditorium D, Angell Hall. Ap- Philippines, 17; Brazil, 16; Colom- that these methods are closely Senators Pt plications for admission can be bia, 17; Japan, 15; Turkey, 11; and ' woven into the finest literary terdayhow4 made at the meetings. Mexico and Thailand, 10 each. works. iwdown Soon; Concessions r Quick OK Ison (left), assistant President Syngman tson conferred with om President Eisen- n armistice. [ys tery realistic s "too easy," detective t he would like to see s psychological truth ed through characters, ular Arts series. teaching fellow at the n every mystery novel nly to be revealed at always the detective, w Village Receive Rent Hike l1agers, victims of mass ent lay-offs and await- developments on fut- he near-by Kaiser Mot- [ant may have rent in- !pe with, according to Lblic Housing Director Burgeon. s of not more than 10 1be levied. upon resi- deral housing units in states, and the 1,900 ne unit in Willow Vil- cluded, Burgeon an- sOR the payless work- tht' in Washington by Ater and Ferguson yes- ever. Meeting with of- L Federal Public Hous- stration and the Hous- ne Administration, the Congressmen reported were "optimistic" that gements could. be made problem. There were ghat the rent increases t-off workers might be -by Willow Village, no trease in the number has signified their in- moving according to ficials. All are "sitting ting further develop- the Kaiser plant lay esult of the Air Force's contracts with the trt to renew contracts - ones so that laborers employed as quickly as ly 9 has been set as Kaiser union represen- igan congressmen and By The Associated Press The United States pushed for a quick showdown with President Syngman Rhee yesterday after of- fering the South Korean leader last minute concessions to win his support of a truce with the Com- munists. President Eisenhower's special envoy, Walter S. Robertson ex- pected to receive some time today a written statement from Rhee re- vising South Korea's truce de- mands. * * * WASHINGTON officials predict- ed a climax in the armistice cri- sis within the next 24 hours. By that time it was expected to be- come clear whether Rhee intends' to abide by armistice terms ac- ceptable to the United Nations or go it alone against the Chinese and North Korean Reds. There were strong indictions that if Rhee should continue his defiant opposition to a truce, it would not deter the U.S. from going ahead withan armistice. A well-informed source express- ed belief that the Reds would ac- cept a truce even without Rhee's assurance the armistice term would be observed. IN TOKYO. Gen. Mark Clark, UN Far East Commander and Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Armychief of staff met four hours yesterday in. an unprecedented conference with all of the Allied top field com- manders summoned from Korea. Meanwhile, on the active East- Central Front a South Korear drive was jarred into reverse yesd terday by 3,000 Chinese Reds who hurled the Koreans from two keys heights in sudden counter-attacks. Up to 2,000 Chinese drove the South Koreans from 1,600-foot Lookout Mountain, which com- mands the network of roads tin the Kumsong River Valley that feed supplies to that sector. LOOKOUT stands on the west flank of the six-mile deep bulg which the Reds hammered into the Pukhan River front ing moe than two weeks of savage 3ght- ing. Virginia Hill stands on the east pank of the bulge. U. S. Sabres, who had knocked down a record-breaking 13 MIGs on Tuesday for a new high total of 74 for June, could find no MIGs on a sweep up to the Man- churian border. The MIGs stayed in their Manchurian nests Republic of Korea ROK troopsf had moved out confidently in the darkness early yesterday on the East-Central Front, seizing both Lookout and Virginia Hill in swirl- ing fighting with bayonets and grenades. Japan Named AsIey Nation In U.S. Policy Requesting a more sympathetic attitude towards Japanese culture and institutions and lower tariff barriers as the keys to a stronger United States Asian policy, Joseph Ballantine, veteran career diplo- mat discussed "Safeguarding the American Stake in East Asia" at Rackham Lecture Hall last night. Pointing out America's histori- cal interest in the Far East, Ba- lantine listed four reasons for continued United States action in this area: 1) Our traditional for- eign trade, 2) The great influence American missionaries and teach- ers have had on Asian social struc- ture, 3) Our moral interest in cre- ating and preserving democratic government in the area, 4) And our greatest interest at the pres- ent time; military security against Russian encroachment evident in Korea and Indo-China. Ballantine, who spent most of his career specializing in Far East- ern affairs, concentrated his talk on Japan, which he said is the key nation in our present Asian policy. Hle briefly recited what he considered were our most glaring mistakes in handling the Japanese problem including unconditional surrender, the Yalta agreements Summer Russian Class By MIL PRYOR Advocates of modern concen- trated methods of language teach- ing need look no further than the University. In advanced, Russian conversa- tion and composition, the Depart- ment of Slavic Languages offers the most concentrated Russian course ever taught here. The course lasts four hours a day, five days a week and the main student criticism is that the course is too short, they want it six hours a day. * * * PROF. TATIANA Kardinalow- ska of Harvard teaches the course be teaching such a whirlwind course. Soft spoken and modest, she was voted the'most popular foreign language teacher at Harvard. She has only been in this coun- try for a few years, coming from Russia by way of England, Italy and Germany. Concentrated Russian is not the only course being offered by the Department of Slavic Languages. Prof. D. Stremooukhoff of the University of 'Lille, one of the foremostEuropean authorities on Russian literature, conducts a series of lectures on Russian phil- -osophical poets and the 19th cen- Author Millar said William Faulkner has helped to give the greatest contribution to mystery writing since Poe. The writer of "Murders in the Rue Morgue" stands as "the sym- bol of the modern isolated artist," Millar pointed out. Poe was the spokesman for the "new freedom of the 19th century, the freedom to know evil as well as good," he said. Extraordinary interest in crim- inals and their activities stems from the fact that authors "feel the need to undergo the sharpest pains of society, so that an artist voluntarily submits himself to in- voluntary anguish of the criminal mind and assumes the responsi- bility to know and realize prob- lems of modern civilization," Mil- lar said. Hilberry Elected miis of the ing Adminis ing and Hom Michigan C that they w some arrang to ease the indications t for the laid postponed. In near-i sizeable in of tenants b tentions of housing off tight, awai ments" in1 off's as a re cancelled company. In an eff or make new may be re-er possible, Ju the date for: tatives, Mic